Root Directory
path: /

    Welcome to the Walnut Creek Slackware Linux 3.2.0 CDROM!

README.TXT         The Walnut Creek Slackware Linux CDROM Readme file.

README32.TXT       The Slackware Readme file.  A list of features in
                   Slackware, and some basic installation instructions.

CD_INST.TXT        A document explaining how to install Slackware from the
                   official Walnut Creek Slackware CDROM.  READ THIS FILE
                   FIRST!  It will tell you the system requirements needed to
                   run Slackware, as well as how to make the boot and root
                   disks required for installation.

 ================= BOOT AND ROOT DISKS: =======================================

                   You'll need to make one boot and one root disk before you
                   can install Linux on your machine.  You can make these
                   disks directly from the VIEW program by moving into the
                   directories below.

bootdsks.12/       The 1.2 megabyte (5.25") bootdisks for installation.
bootdsks.144/      The 1.44 megabyte (3.5") bootdisks for installation.
rootdsks/          The rootdisks for installation.

kernels/           This directory contains Linux kernels.

 ================= AUXILIARY DOCUMENTATION/FILES/UTILITIES ====================

BOOTING.TXT        This file contains information about how to fix a system
                   that won't boot.

INSTALL.TXT        Matt Welsh's Linux Installation HOWTO.
                   This is a document explaining how to install Linux.  It's
                   geared more toward obtaining and installing Slackware from
                   the Internet FTP site, but still contains useful information
                   for the Linux beginner.

LOWMEM.TXT         What to do if you run into problems due to low memory.

FAQ.TXT            Solutions to frequently encountered problems.

contents/          A list of the files in each installable software package.

contrib/           This directory contains extra packages for Slackware, such
                   as the Andrew User Interface System, Samba (a file/print
                   server for Windows95 and Windows NT), a Fortran-77 to C
                   translator, and more.

docs/              This directory contains the full set of Linux HOWTOs,
                   documents that cover most common Linux maintenance tasks.
                   In addition, you'll find documentation for the MS-DOS
                   VIEW.EXE program, plus our catalog in several languages.

filename.txt       A list of all file names on the disc.

install/           This directory contains RAWRITE, GZIP, and FIPS.  These
                   are tools that you might find handy if you're running
                   MS-DOS.  GZIP is a Unix-compatible compession/decompression
                   utility.  RAWRITE allows you to dump a disk image file onto
                   a floppy disk.  FIPS lets you shrink the size of an existing
                   MS-DOS partition to make room for a Linux partition.

The 1.2 megabyte (5.25") bootdisks for installation.
path: /bootdsks.12/

 To install Linux, you'll need a bootdisk and a rootdisk.  The bootdisk
 has to contain drivers that support your hardware, so you'll have to select
 the most appropriate disk for your system.  NOTE: it's best to use the
 disk with the least drivers possible to save memory.

README.TXT      This file contains information about the drivers in the
                various bootdisks, and instructions for using a bootdisk to
                start a system that isn't booting properly.

WHICH.ONE       A chart to help you select which bootdisk to use.

ide-bat/        If your system does not have a SCSI controller, you'll want
                to use one of the IDE Slackware bootdisks.  To create one of
                these, select this option to switch into the ide-bat directory
                and choose a disk from the list.

scsi-bat/       If your system has a SCSI controller, you'll need to use one
                of the SCSI Slackware bootdisks.  To create one of these, use
                this option to switch into the scsi-bat directory and then
                choose a disk from the list.

  NOTE: The RAWRITE utility used to create the boot and root floppies does not
        work under Windows95, so if you're running Windows95 you should restart
        your machine in MS-DOS mode before attempting to make the disks.

If your system does not have a SCSI controller, you'll want
path: /bootdsks.12/ide-bat/

  Slackware IDE bootdisks

  This directory contains a collection of batch files used to create Slackware
  bootdisks.  To create a disk, just put a formatted floppy disk in your drive
  and choose one of the options listed below to make the disk.  Read all of the
  choices carefully to pick the disk that best matches the hardware in your
  machine.  NOTE:  Using the VIEW program to create the Slackware bootdisks
  will not work under Windows95.  If you're running Windows95, you'll need to
  restart your machine in MS-DOS mode before you can create a bootdisk.

  NOTE:  All of these disks contain support for IDE hard drives and CDROM
         drives.  If you have additional equipment, look for the disk that
         supports it.

  Name        Additional driver support
  ----        -------------------------

aztech.bat    CD-ROM drives:  Aztech CDA268-01A, Orchid CD-3110,
              Okano/Wearnes CDD110, Conrad TXC, CyCDROM CR520, CR540.

bare.bat      (none, just IDE support)

bareapm.bat   Like the BARE disk, but with APM (Advanced Power
              Management) support.

barepnp.bat   Like the BARE disk, but with experimental Plug'n'Play
              BIOS extensions.

cdu31a.bat    Sony CDU31/33a CD-ROM.

cdu535.bat    Sony CDU531/535 CD-ROM.

cm206.bat     Philips/LMS cm206 CD-ROM with cm260 adapter card.

goldstar.bat  Goldstar R420 CD-ROM (sometimes sold in a 'Reveal
              Multimedia Kit').

mcd.bat       NON-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM support.

mcdx.bat      Improved NON-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM support.

net.bat       Ethernet support. (Used for installing over the network)

optics.bat    Optics Storage 8000 AT CD-ROM (the 'DOLPHIN' drive).

sanyo.bat     Sanyo CDR-H94A CD-ROM support.

sbpcd.bat     Matsushita, Kotobuki, Panasonic, CreativeLabs
              (Sound Blaster), Longshine and Teac NON-IDE CD-ROM support.

xt.bat        MFM hard drive support.

If your system has a SCSI controller, you'll need to use one
path: /bootdsks.12/scsi-bat/

  Slackware SCSI bootdisks

  This directory contains a collection of batch files used to create Slackware
  bootdisks.  To create a disk, just put a formatted floppy disk in your drive
  and choose one of the options listed below to make the disk.  Read all of the
  choices carefully to pick the disk that best matches the hardware in your
  machine.  NOTE:  Using the VIEW program to create the Slackware bootdisks
  will not work under Windows95.  If you're running Windows95, you'll need to
  restart your machine in MS-DOS mode before you can create a bootdisk.

  NOTE:  In addition to some sort of SCSI support, all of these disks contain
         support for IDE hard drives and CDROM drives.  So, if you're running
         a mixed IDE/SCSI system, the kernels on these disks will be able to
         handle the situation just fine.  Look for the disk below containing
         support for your SCSI controller card.  If you have a CDROM drive with
         a non-IDE, non-SCSI controller (such as a Sony CDU31a) then use the
         disk that supports your CDROM drive.

  Name        Additional driver support
  ----        -------------------------

7000fast.bat  Western Digital 7000FASST SCSI support.

advansys.bat  AdvanSys SCSI support.

aha152x.bat   Adaptec 152x SCSI support.

aha1542.bat   Adaptec 1542 SCSI support.

aha1740.bat   Adaptec 1740 SCSI support.

aha2x4x.bat   Adaptec AIC7xxx SCSI support.
              (For these cards: AHA-274x, AHA-2842, AHA-2940,
              AHA-2940W, AHA-2940U, AHA-2940UW, AHA-2944D, AHA-2944WD,
              AHA-3940, AHA-3940W, AHA-3985, AHA-3985W)

am53c974.bat  AMD AM53/79C974 SCSI support.

aztech.bat    All supported SCSI controllers, plus CD-ROM support for
              Aztech CDA268-01A, Orchid CD-3110, Okano/Wearnes CDD110,
              Conrad TXC, CyCDROM CR520, CR540.

buslogic.bat  Buslogic MultiMaster and FlashPoint SCSI support.

cdu31a.bat    All supported SCSI controllers, plus CD-ROM support for
              Sony CDU31/33a.

cdu535.bat    All supported SCSI controllers, plus CD-ROM support for
              Sony CDU531/535.

cm206.bat     All supported SCSI controllers, plus Philips/LMS cm206
              CD-ROM with cm260 adapter card.

dtc3280.bat   DTC (Data Technology Corp) 3180/3280 SCSI support.

eata_dma.bat  DPT EATA-DMA SCSI support.  (Boards such as PM2011,
              PM2021, PM2041, PM3021, PM2012B, PM2022, PM2122, PM2322,
              PM2042, PM3122, PM3222, PM3332, PM2024, PM2124, PM2044,
              PM2144, PM3224, PM3334.)

eata_isa.bat  DPT EATA-ISA/EISA SCSI support.  (Boards such as
              PM2011B/9X, PM2021A/9X, PM2012A, PM2012B, PM2022A/9X,
              PM2122A/9X, PM2322A/9X)

eata_pio.bat  DPT EATA-PIO SCSI support.  (PM2001 and PM2012A)

fdomain.bat   Future Domain TMC-16x0 SCSI support.

goldstar.bat  All supported SCSI controllers, plus Goldstar R420
              CD-ROM (sometimes sold in a 'Reveal Multimedia Kit').

in2000.bat    Always IN2000 SCSI support.

iomega.bat    IOMEGA PPA3 parallel port SCSI support.  (also supports
              the parallel port version of the ZIP drive)

mcd.bat       All supported SCSI controllers, plus standard non-IDE
              Mitsumi CD-ROM support.

mcdx.bat      All supported SCSI controllers, plus enhanced non-IDE
              Mitsumi CD-ROM support.

n53c406a.bat  NCR 53c406a SCSI support.

n_5380.bat    NCR 5380 and 53c400 SCSI support.

n_53c7xx.bat  NCR 53c7xx, 53c8xx SCSI support.  (Most NCR PCI
              SCSI controllers use this driver)

optics.bat    All supported SCSI controllers, plus support for the
              Optics Storage 8000 AT CD-ROM (the 'DOLPHIN' drive).

pas16.bat     Pro Audio Spectrum/Studio 16 SCSI support.

qlog_fas.bat  ISA/VLB/PCMCIA Qlogic FastSCSI! support.  (also
              supports the Control Concepts SCSI cards based on the
              Qlogic FASXXX chip)

qlog_isp.bat  Supports all Qlogic PCI SCSI controllers, except the
              PCI-basic, which is supported by the AMD SCSI driver.

sanyo.bat     All supported SCSI controllers, plus Sanyo CDR-H94A
              CD-ROM support.

sbpcd.bat     All supported SCSI controllers, plus Matsushita,
              Kotobuki, Panasonic, CreativeLabs (Sound Blaster),
              Longshine and Teac NON-IDE CD-ROM support.

scsi.bat      A generic SCSI bootdisk, with support for most SCSI
              controllers that work under Linux.  (NOTE: This disk
              wastes a lot of memory, since it contains nearly *all*
              of the SCSI drivers.  If you know which SCSI controller
              your system has, it's *far* better to use the disk
              designed especially for it.  But, if you don't know,
              then this generic disk might just work for you.)

scsinet.bat   All supported SCSI controllers, plus full ethernet

scsipnp.bat   All supported SCSI controllers, plus experimental
              Plug'n'Play BIOS extensions.

seagate.bat   Seagate ST01/ST02, Future Domain TMC-885/950 SCSI

trantor.bat   Trantor T128/T128F/T228 SCSI support.

ultrastr.bat  UltraStor 14F, 24F, and 34F SCSI support.

ustor14f.bat  UltraStor 14F and 34F SCSI support.

The 1.44 megabyte (3.5") bootdisks for installation.
path: /bootdsks.144/

 To install Linux, you'll need a bootdisk and a rootdisk.  The bootdisk
 has to contain drivers that support your hardware, so you'll have to select
 the most appropriate disk for your system.  NOTE: it's best to use the
 disk with the least drivers possible to save memory.

README.TXT      This file contains information about the drivers in the
                various bootdisks, and instructions for using a bootdisk to
                start a system that isn't booting properly.

WHICH.ONE       A chart to help you select which bootdisk to use.

ide-bat/        If your system does not have a SCSI controller, you'll want
                to use one of the IDE Slackware bootdisks.  To create one of
                these, select this option to switch into the ide-bat directory
                and choose a disk from the list.

scsi-bat/       If your system has a SCSI controller, you'll need to use one
                of the SCSI Slackware bootdisks.  To create one of these, use
                this option to switch into the scsi-bat directory and then
                choose a disk from the list.

  NOTE: The RAWRITE utility used to create the boot and root floppies does not
        work under Windows95, so if you're running Windows95 you should restart
        your machine in MS-DOS mode before attempting to make the disks.

If your system does not have a SCSI controller, you'll want
path: /bootdsks.144/ide-bat/

  Slackware IDE bootdisks

  This directory contains a collection of batch files used to create Slackware
  bootdisks.  To create a disk, just put a formatted floppy disk in your drive
  and choose one of the options listed below to make the disk.  Read all of the
  choices carefully to pick the disk that best matches the hardware in your
  machine.  NOTE:  Using the VIEW program to create the Slackware bootdisks
  will not work under Windows95.  If you're running Windows95, you'll need to
  restart your machine in MS-DOS mode before you can create a bootdisk.

  NOTE:  All of these disks contain support for IDE hard drives and CDROM
         drives.  If you have additional equipment, look for the disk that
         supports it.

  Name        Additional driver support
  ----        -------------------------

aztech.bat    CD-ROM drives:  Aztech CDA268-01A, Orchid CD-3110,
              Okano/Wearnes CDD110, Conrad TXC, CyCDROM CR520, CR540.

bare.bat      (none, just IDE support)

bareapm.bat   Like the BARE disk, but with APM (Advanced Power
              Management) support.

barepnp.bat   Like the BARE disk, but with experimental Plug'n'Play
              BIOS extensions.

cdu31a.bat    Sony CDU31/33a CD-ROM.

cdu535.bat    Sony CDU531/535 CD-ROM.

cm206.bat     Philips/LMS cm206 CD-ROM with cm260 adapter card.

goldstar.bat  Goldstar R420 CD-ROM (sometimes sold in a 'Reveal
              Multimedia Kit').

mcd.bat       NON-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM support.

mcdx.bat      Improved NON-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM support.

net.bat       Ethernet support. (Used for installing over the network)

optics.bat    Optics Storage 8000 AT CD-ROM (the 'DOLPHIN' drive).

sanyo.bat     Sanyo CDR-H94A CD-ROM support.

sbpcd.bat     Matsushita, Kotobuki, Panasonic, CreativeLabs
              (Sound Blaster), Longshine and Teac NON-IDE CD-ROM support.

xt.bat        MFM hard drive support.

If your system has a SCSI controller, you'll need to use one
path: /bootdsks.144/scsi-bat/

  Slackware SCSI bootdisks

  This directory contains a collection of batch files used to create Slackware
  bootdisks.  To create a disk, just put a formatted floppy disk in your drive
  and choose one of the options listed below to make the disk.  Read all of the
  choices carefully to pick the disk that best matches the hardware in your
  machine.  NOTE:  Using the VIEW program to create the Slackware bootdisks
  will not work under Windows95.  If you're running Windows95, you'll need to
  restart your machine in MS-DOS mode before you can create a bootdisk.

  NOTE:  In addition to some sort of SCSI support, all of these disks contain
         support for IDE hard drives and CDROM drives.  So, if you're running
         a mixed IDE/SCSI system, the kernels on these disks will be able to
         handle the situation just fine.  Look for the disk below containing
         support for your SCSI controller card.  If you have a CDROM drive with
         a non-IDE, non-SCSI controller (such as a Sony CDU31a) then use the
         disk that supports your CDROM drive.

  Name        Additional driver support
  ----        -------------------------

7000fast.bat  Western Digital 7000FASST SCSI support.

advansys.bat  AdvanSys SCSI support.

aha152x.bat   Adaptec 152x SCSI support.

aha1542.bat   Adaptec 1542 SCSI support.

aha1740.bat   Adaptec 1740 SCSI support.

aha2x4x.bat   Adaptec AIC7xxx SCSI support.
              (For these cards: AHA-274x, AHA-2842, AHA-2940,
              AHA-2940W, AHA-2940U, AHA-2940UW, AHA-2944D, AHA-2944WD,
              AHA-3940, AHA-3940W, AHA-3985, AHA-3985W)

am53c974.bat  AMD AM53/79C974 SCSI support.

aztech.bat    All supported SCSI controllers, plus CD-ROM support for
              Aztech CDA268-01A, Orchid CD-3110, Okano/Wearnes CDD110,
              Conrad TXC, CyCDROM CR520, CR540.

buslogic.bat  Buslogic MultiMaster and FlashPoint SCSI support.

cdu31a.bat    All supported SCSI controllers, plus CD-ROM support for
              Sony CDU31/33a.

cdu535.bat    All supported SCSI controllers, plus CD-ROM support for
              Sony CDU531/535.

cm206.bat     All supported SCSI controllers, plus Philips/LMS cm206
              CD-ROM with cm260 adapter card.

dtc3280.bat   DTC (Data Technology Corp) 3180/3280 SCSI support.

eata_dma.bat  DPT EATA-DMA SCSI support.  (Boards such as PM2011,
              PM2021, PM2041, PM3021, PM2012B, PM2022, PM2122, PM2322,
              PM2042, PM3122, PM3222, PM3332, PM2024, PM2124, PM2044,
              PM2144, PM3224, PM3334.)

eata_isa.bat  DPT EATA-ISA/EISA SCSI support.  (Boards such as
              PM2011B/9X, PM2021A/9X, PM2012A, PM2012B, PM2022A/9X,
              PM2122A/9X, PM2322A/9X)

eata_pio.bat  DPT EATA-PIO SCSI support.  (PM2001 and PM2012A)

fdomain.bat   Future Domain TMC-16x0 SCSI support.

goldstar.bat  All supported SCSI controllers, plus Goldstar R420
              CD-ROM (sometimes sold in a 'Reveal Multimedia Kit').

in2000.bat    Always IN2000 SCSI support.

iomega.bat    IOMEGA PPA3 parallel port SCSI support.  (also supports
              the parallel port version of the ZIP drive)

mcd.bat       All supported SCSI controllers, plus standard non-IDE
              Mitsumi CD-ROM support.

mcdx.bat      All supported SCSI controllers, plus enhanced non-IDE
              Mitsumi CD-ROM support.

n53c406a.bat  NCR 53c406a SCSI support.

n_5380.bat    NCR 5380 and 53c400 SCSI support.

n_53c7xx.bat  NCR 53c7xx, 53c8xx SCSI support.  (Most NCR PCI
              SCSI controllers use this driver)

optics.bat    All supported SCSI controllers, plus support for the
              Optics Storage 8000 AT CD-ROM (the 'DOLPHIN' drive).

pas16.bat     Pro Audio Spectrum/Studio 16 SCSI support.

qlog_fas.bat  ISA/VLB/PCMCIA Qlogic FastSCSI! support.  (also
              supports the Control Concepts SCSI cards based on the
              Qlogic FASXXX chip)

qlog_isp.bat  Supports all Qlogic PCI SCSI controllers, except the
              PCI-basic, which is supported by the AMD SCSI driver.

sanyo.bat     All supported SCSI controllers, plus Sanyo CDR-H94A
              CD-ROM support.

sbpcd.bat     All supported SCSI controllers, plus Matsushita,
              Kotobuki, Panasonic, CreativeLabs (Sound Blaster),
              Longshine and Teac NON-IDE CD-ROM support.

scsi.bat      A generic SCSI bootdisk, with support for most SCSI
              controllers that work under Linux.  (NOTE: This disk
              wastes a lot of memory, since it contains nearly *all*
              of the SCSI drivers.  If you know which SCSI controller
              your system has, it's *far* better to use the disk
              designed especially for it.  But, if you don't know,
              then this generic disk might just work for you.)

scsinet.bat   All supported SCSI controllers, plus full ethernet

scsipnp.bat   All supported SCSI controllers, plus experimental
              Plug'n'Play BIOS extensions.

seagate.bat   Seagate ST01/ST02, Future Domain TMC-885/950 SCSI

trantor.bat   Trantor T128/T128F/T228 SCSI support.

ultrastr.bat  UltraStor 14F, 24F, and 34F SCSI support.

ustor14f.bat  UltraStor 14F and 34F SCSI support.