Wed Jun 26 12:26:20 PDT 2002
patches/packages/openssh.tgz:  Upgraded to openssh-3.4p1.
  This version enables privilege separation by default.  The README.privsep file
  says this about it:

     Privilege separation, or privsep, is method in OpenSSH by which operations
     that require root privilege are performed by a separate privileged monitor
     process.  Its purpose is to prevent privilege escalation by containing
     corruption to an unprivileged process.  More information is available at:

  Note that ISS has released an advisory on OpenSSH (OpenSSH Remote Challenge
  Vulnerability).  Slackware is not affected by this issue, as we have never
  included AUTH_BSD, S/KEY, or PAM.  Unless at least one of these options is
  compiled into sshd, it is not vulnerable.  Further note that none of these
  options are turned on in a default build from source code, so if you have
  built sshd yourself you should not be vulnerable unless you've enabled one
  of these options.

  Regardless, the security provided by privsep is unquestionably better.
  This time we (Slackware) were lucky, but next time we might not be.
  Therefore we recommend that all sites running the OpenSSH daemon upgrade to
  this new openssh package.  After upgrading the package, restart the daemon
  like this:

  /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd restart

  We would like to thank Theo and the rest of the OpenSSH team for
  their quick handling of this issue, Niels Provos and Markus Friedl for
  implementing privsep, and Solar Designer for working out issues with
  privsep on 2.2 Linux kernels.
Sat Jun 22 12:17:20 PDT 2002
patches/libsafe.tgz:  Added libsafe-2.0-12.  This increases system security
  by intercepting buffer overflow attacks.  If you are still running
  Slackware 7.1 providing network services (like Apache), install
Thu Apr 25 12:00:50 PDT 2002
patches/packages/sudo.tgz:  Upgraded to sudo-1.6.6.
  This version of sudo fixes a security problem whereby a local user may gain
  root access through corruption of the heap (Off-By-Five).
  This issue was discovered by Global InterSec LLC, and more information may
  be found on their web site:
  The discussion on the site indicates that this problem may only be exploitable
  on systems that use PAM, which Slackware does not use.  However, in the
  absence of proof, it still seems prudent to upgrade sudo immediately.
  (* Security fix *)
Wed Mar 13 11:56:05 PST 2002
patches/packages/cvs.tgz:  Fix dir perms: chmod 755 /usr/share/cvs/contrib/.
patches/packages/rsync.tgz:  Upgraded to rsync-2.5.4 (fixes broken -z option).
Tue Mar 12 00:12:57 PST 2002
patches/packages/cvs.tgz:  Gzipped the tmp diff so that it applies correctly.
  Thanks to George Georgakis for pointing out the mistake.
  (* Security fix *)
Mon Mar 11 18:05:52 PST 2002
patches/packages/cvs.tgz:  Patched to link to the shared zlib on the system
  instead of statically linking to the included zlib source.  Also, use mktemp
  to create files in /tmp files more safely.
  (* Security fix *)
Mon Mar 11 15:09:26 PST 2002
patches/packages/rsync.tgz:  Upgraded to rsync-2.5.3.  This fixes two security

  * Make sure that supplementary groups are removed from a server
    process after changing uid and gid. (Ethan Benson) (Debian bug
    #132272, CVE CAN-2002-0080)

  * Fix zlib double-free bug.  (Owen Taylor, Mark J Cox) (CVE CAN-2002-0059)

(* Security fix *)
Mon Mar 11 13:38:37 PST 2002
patches/packages/zlib.tgz:  Upgraded to zlib-1.1.4.  This fixes a security
  problem which may introduce vulnerabilities into any program that links with
  zlib.  Quoting the advisory on

  "Depending upon how and where the zlib routines are called from the given
   program, the resulting vulnerability may have one or more of the following
   impacts: denial of service, information leakage, or execution of arbitrary

Sites are urged to upgrade the zlib package immediately.

The complete advisory may be found here:

(* Security fix *)
Mon Mar 11 10:57:50 PST 2002
patches/packages/openssh.tgz:  Upgraded to openssh-3.1p1.  When preparing the
  update on Saturday evening, I neglected to copy the new openssh.tgz package
  out of the source directory and into the packages directory.  If you
  downloaded it since then, check to see if you have a /usr/doc/openssh-3.1p1/
  directory -- if not, you'll need to grab the new package and install it.
  Sorry about that...
Sat Mar  9 19:38:19 PST 2002
patches/packages/openssh.tgz:  Upgraded to openssh-3.1p1.

  This fixes a security problem in the openssh package.  All sites running
  OpenSSH should upgrade immediately.

  All versions of OpenSSH between 2.0 and 3.0.2 contain an off-by-one error
  in the channel code.  OpenSSH 3.1 and later are not affected.  This bug can
  be exploited locally by an authenticated user logging into a vulnerable
  OpenSSH server or by a malicious SSH server attacking a vulnerable OpenSSH
  client.  This bug was discovered by Joost Pol <>

(* Security fix *)
Fri Jan 25 14:25:51 PST 2002
patches/packages/rsync.tgz:  Fixed a security hole by upgrading to
  rsync-2.4.8pre1.  This is the relevant information from the rsync NEWS file:


    * Signedness security patch from Sebastian Krahmer
      <> -- in some cases we were not sufficiently
      careful about reading integers from the network.

(* Security fix *)
Tue Jan 15 15:04:14 PST 2002
patches/packages/glibc.tgz, glibcso.tgz:  Patched glibc-2.1.3.
  Fixed a buffer overflow in the glob(3) function.  This bug may be
  exploited through external services that might make use of it, like the
  port of OpenBSD's FTP server (not included in Slackware, but an example
  that's known to be affected).  It's highly recommended that internet-
  connected machines or machines with local users who might try to exploit
  setuid root binaries be upgraded as soon as possible.
  Added glibc-crypt-2.1.
(* Security fix *)
patches/packages/openssh.tgz:  Added openssh-3.0.2p1.
patches/packages/openssl.tgz:  Added openssl-0.9.6c.
patches/packages/ossllibs.tgz:  Added openssl-0.9.6c shared libraries.
Sun Dec  9 13:21:41 PST 2001
See the following security updates in patches/:
packages/wuftpd.tgz:  This package overwrites the wu-ftpd-2.6.1 installed
  by Slackware 7.1 (which has a nasty security hole), with wu-ftpd-2.6.2,
  recently released to fix the problem.  But for how long?
  Don't install this package -- install the one below.
packages/proftpd.tgz:  This is proftpd-1.2.4.  Slackware switched to
  proftpd because of repeated security problems with wu-ftpd.  You can too. :)
(* Security fix *)
Sun Aug 26 16:06:55 PDT 2001
An input validation error in sendmail has been discovered by Cade Cairns of
SecurityFocus.  This problem can be exploited by local users to gain root
access.  It is not exploitable by remote attackers without shell access.

It is recommended that all multiuser sites running sendmail upgrade to these
new packages:

patches/packages/procmail.tgz:  Upgraded to procmail-3.21.  The ChangeLog
   mentions these problems, but it's not known how serious they really are:
               - SECURITY: don't do unsafe things from signal handlers:
                  - ignore TRAP when terminating because of a signal
                  - resolve the host and protocol of COMSAT when it is set
                  - save the absolute path form of $LASTFOLDER for the comsat
                    message when it is set
                  - only use the log buffer if it's safe
patches/packages/sendmail.tgz:  Upgraded to sendmail.8.11.6.  Removed setup for
   MAPS, since it's no longer a free service.
patches/packages/smailcfg.tgz:  Upgraded to sendmail.8.11.6 config files.

Detailed information about this security problem may be found here:
(* Security fix *)
Thu Aug  9 20:56:55 PDT 2001
An advisory from zen-parse on BugTraq today describes a hole in the netkit-0.17
telnetd daemon which is used in Slackware.  All sites running telnet service are
advised to upgrade using one of these updated packages as soon as possible.
patches/packages/tcpip1.tgz:  New version of the tcpip1 package containing a
   fixed /usr/sbin/in.telnetd.
patches/packages/telnetd.tgz:  A patch-package containing just the fixed
   in.telnetd binary (for faster download).
(* Security fix *)
Wed May 16 12:37:32 PDT 2001
See patches/ChangeLog.txt for samba (yes, again) security update.
Mon Apr 23 23:39:59 PDT 2001
See patches/ChangeLog.txt for samba (and other) security updates.
Tue Jun 27 11:04:49 PDT 2000
a15/install.end:  Removed.  This was causing a16/zoneinfo.tgz to not get
    installed.  (The workaround is to install a16/zoneinfo.tgz manually
    with installpkg or pkgtool, and then run timeconfig)
a15/util.tgz:  chmod 1777 /var/lock/.
n6/tcpip1.tgz:  Patched wu-ftpd buffer overflow.  (* security fix *)
Thu Jun 22 00:00:47 PDT 2000

Slackware 7.1-stable is released! :)

kernels/*:  Recompiled kernels using Alan Cox's 2.2.16 errata patch that
            can be found in source/kernel-source/v2.2/2.2.16-ac-errata.diff.gz
            To ensure that future patches (like 2.2.17) apply cleanly, this
            patch will not be pre-applied to the installed kernel source. 
bootdsks.12/*:  Rebuilt from new kernels.
bootdsks.144/*:  Rebuilt from new kernels.
rootdsks/color.gz, umsdos.gz:  Updated help files.
.eltorito/eltorito.img:  Kernel updated, patched help files.
contrib/isdn4k-utils/:  Added source package for ISDN support.
contrib/parted-1.2.2.tgz:  Added GNU parted, a partitioning tool.
Rearranged A and N directories into chunks that (mostly) fit on floppies.
a1/aaa_base.tgz:  Update mail, remove /var/lock/emacs/.
a1/fsmods.tgz:  Rebuilt from patched kernel.
a1/ide.tgz:  Rebuilt from new bare.i kernel.
a1/modules.tgz:  Rebuilt from patched kernel.
a1/pciutils.tgz:  Upgraded to pciutils-2.1.8.
a1/scsi.tgz:  Rebuilt from new scsi.s kernel.
a1/scsimods.tgz:  Rebuilt from patched kernel.
a1/sndmods.tgz:  Rebuilt from patched kernel.
n1/netmods.tgz:  Rebuilt from patched kernel.
n1/uucp.tgz:  Upgraded to uucp-1.06.2.
x1/xfscl.tgz:  Don't overwrite the more complete fonts.dir and fonts.scale if
               the freefont.tgz package has installed them.
Mon Jun 19 02:20:25 PDT 2000

Released Slackware 7.1 beta 1:

.eltorito/eltorito.img:  Touched file so that it will mirror out.
contrib/amp.tgz:  Moved into the ap1/mp3.tgz package.
contrib/kde-1.91/*:  Added KDE 1.91 (2.0 Beta 2).
contrib/sgmltools.tgz:  Added symlinks and manpages for sgml2html, sgml2info,
        sgml2latex, sgml2lyx, sgml2rtf, sgml2txt, and sgmlcheck.  Added some
        DTDs for earlier versions of Docbook.
a1/bin.tgz:  Upgraded to splitvt-1.6.4, made setgid tty (the previous version
   wasn't setuid/gid anything).  Upgraded to hdparm-3.9.
a1/elflibs.tgz:  Added
a1/hdsetup.tgz:  Swap the order of things in xwmconfig.
a1/less.tgz:  Upgraded to less-354.
   Added missing /usr/bin/lessecho.
a1/shadow.tgz:  Added symlinks for /usr/sbin/vigr.
ap1/groff.tgz:  Upgraded to groff-1.16.
ap1/jed.tgz:  Upgraded to jed-B0.99-11.
ap1/mp3.tgz:  Added MP3 player package with amp-0.7.6 and mpg123-0.59r.
ap1/sudo.tgz:  Upgraded to sudo-1.6.3p4.
ap1/zsh.tgz:  Upgraded to zsh-3.0.8.
d1/libtool.tgz:  Upgraded to libtool-1.3.5.
d1/slang.tgz:  Upgraded to slang-1.4.1.
e1/elisp.tgz, emac_nox.tgz, emacinfo.tgz, emacleim.tgz, emacmisc.tgz,
   emacsbin.tgz:  Upgraded to emacs-20.7.
gtk1/gqmpeg.tgz:  Added gqmpeg-0.6.3 and skin collection.
gtk1/xscrsave.tgz:  Recompiled so it can find the new 'yow' from emacs-20.7:
n1/apache.tgz:  Upgraded to apache-1.3.12.
n1/dip.tgz:  Fixed /usr/doc/dip permissions.
n1/ppp.tgz:  Upgraded to ppp-2.3.11.
n1/procmail.tgz:  Fixed directory permissions in /usr/doc/procmail.
n1/tcpip1.tgz:  Upgraded to whois-4.4.14.
n1/tin.tgz:  Upgraded to tin-1.4.3.
xap1/xpdf.tgz:  Upgraded to xpdf-0.90.
Wed Jun 14 13:31:45 PDT 2000
n1/inn.tgz:  Upgraded to inn-STABLE-20000614.  This fixes a security problem
   if the verifycancels option is enabled.  Many other versions of Linux enable
   this feature, but Slackware has never enabled this option by default.  If
   your site does use it for some reason, you'll want this upgrade.  Note that
   even now that it's fixed, it's not recommended to use this option.  One of
   the INN maintainers had this to say about the option:

     I'll repeat:  As one of the maintainers of INN, I strongly recommend that
     people not use verifycancels; it serves no useful purpose, the behavior
     that it enables is disallowed by the latest draft of the Usenet article
     format standard, and it's likely to go away completely in INN 2.4.

     I've not had it turned on on any of my servers for years now.

Tue Jun 13 15:30:59 PDT 2000
gtk1/maketag, maketag.ez:  Added missing gdkpixbf menu entry.
Mon Jun 12 22:49:22 PDT 2000
contrib/sgmltools.tgz:  Added sgmltools-2.0.2.
rootdsks/color.gz:  Add script to automatically make required
         hard drive devices in /dev at boot, and after any
         repartitioning.  No longer ship default /dev/hd*,
         /dev/sd*, and /dev/ed* devices.  As the built in
         kernel loader seems to have some problems in
         2.2.16 (especially with large kernels dumped right
         to a floppy), recommmend using a LILO bootdisk when it
         comes time to make one.  Bump version numbers to 7.1.0.
rootdsks/umsdos.gz:  Same changes as above, upgraded to
         umssync from umsdos_progs-1.12.
rootdsks/text.gz:  Port changes for color.gz to text-based disk.
rootdsks/network.dsk:  Delete some unused modules to fix
         problems decompressing some of the large ones.
         Add error message for write-protected network disk.
a1/bin.tgz:  Removed mkdosfs, added dosfstools-2.4.
a1/etc.tgz:  Fix securetty and shells to not overwrite
   previous versions.  Add some (disabled!) examples of
   /dev/pts/* devices to securetty.
a1/hdsetup.tgz:  Fixes to makebootdisk.
gtk1/sawfish.tgz:  Upgraded to sawfish-0.28.
n1/tcpip1.tgz:  In netconfig, skip network probe if a network
   device is found in /proc/net/dev.  Change many tests for daemons
   being -r or -f in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2 to -x instead.  Add missing
   netrc.5 man page.
Sat Jun 10 21:42:18 PDT 2000
contrib/mutt.tgz:  Added mutt-1.2i.
xap1/gnuplot.tgz:  Upgraded to gnuplot-3.7.1.
Sat Jun 10 10:50:07 PDT 2000
gtk1/gnotepad.tgz:  Upgraded to gnotepad+-1.3.1.
Fri Jun  9 22:50:17 PDT 2000
(* kernel security fix *)
A serious problem exists in the capabilities implementation in
Linux 2.2.15 and earlier.  This bug allows a local attacker to
gain root access from a program such as sendmail that normally
drops root privileges.  Exploits for this problem are making the
rounds, so anyone with concerns about local users making
mischief should upgrade their systems to a 2.2.16 kernel and
2.2.16 kernel modules.
.eltorito/eltorito.img:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.16.
bootdsks.12/*.?:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.16.
bootdsks.144/*.?:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.16.
kernels/:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.16.
modules/:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.16 kernel modules.
contrib/3dfx/xtdfx.tgz:  Moved XF86Config.TDFX file to the right place.
contrib/3dfx/mesagl.tgz:  Rebuilt to match how mesa.tgz is built.
contrib/cmatrix.tgz:  Upgraded to cmatrix 1.1b
contrib/xfstt.tgz:  Upgraded to xfstt 1.1
a1/ibcs2.tgz:  Recompiled for Linux 2.2.16.
a1/ide.tgz:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.16.
a1/fsmods.tgz:  Upgrade to 2.2.16.
a1/modules.tgz:  Upgrade to 2.2.16.
   Added Sound Blaster live modules to rc.modules.
a1/pcmcia.tgz:  Upgraded to pcmcia-cs-3.1.16.
a1/scsi.tgz:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.16.
a1/scsimods.tgz:  Upgrade to 2.2.16.
a1/sndmods.tgz:  Added 2.2.16 sound modules, plus support for
   Sound Blaster Live cards.
d1/linuxinc.tgz:  Upgraded to 2.2.16 include files.
f1/howtos.tgz:  Updated to latest Linux HOWTOs.
f1/mini.tgz:  Updated to latest Linux mini-HOWTOs.
n1/mailx.tgz:  Chmod 755 /usr/bin/Mail
   NOTE:  There's a security alert that says you can subvert
   mailx as delivered in Slackware 7.0 to get group mail.  While
   this is true, group mail hasn't been used for anything in
   Slackware for years, and you can't use group mail to read
   other people's mail, or to do anything a normal user can't
   already do.  Still, it seems prudent to close the hole, but
   I wouldn't worry about it too much either way.
n1/netmods.tgz:  Upgrade to 2.2.16.
n1/procmail.tgz:  Recompiled.
n1/sendmail.tgz:  Upgraded to sendmail-8.10.2.
n1/smailcfg.tgz:  Upgraded to config files for sendmail 8.10.2.
n1/tcpip1.tgz:  Add talk-0.11 as an alternate talk program,
   since it works better with 8bit characters and input methods.
   Add some examples of how to run BIND as a non-root user or
   in a chroot jail in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet2.
n1/tcpip2.tgz:  Added ncftp-3.0.1, while retaining ncftp-2.4.3
   as /usr/bin/ncftp2.  A lot of people have asked for this upgrade,
   but I like ncftp-2 better because you can use UNIX-like tricks
   such as these:
   ncftp>  get sometextfile.gz "| gzip -dc |less"
   These things don't work in ncftp-3.
k1/linuxinc.tgz:  Upgraded to 2.2.16 include files.
k1/lx2216.tgz:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.16 kernel source.
rootdsks/network.dsk:  Upgraded to use 2.2.16 kernel modules.
rootdsks/pcmcia.dsk:  Upgraded to use 2.2.16 kernel modules.
         Upgraded to pcmcia-cs-3.1.16.
Wed Jun  7 20:46:38 PDT 2000
a1/modules.tgz:  Have rc.modules do 'depmod -a' if /etc/modules.conf
   is newer than /lib/modules/2.2.14/modules.dep.
n1/tcpip1.tgz:  Recompile in.identd to look for config file in /etc
   instead of /usr/etc.  Change startup arguments in /etc/inetd.conf
   to not try to write a .pid file (that doesn't work when you run it
   as nobody).  Edit /etc/identd.conf to log incoming requests.
Wed Jun  7 11:24:17 PDT 2000
        Fixed /var/X11R6/lib/xdm/authdir symlink.
        Added /var/state/xdm directory.
Wed Jun  7 02:25:58 PDT 2000
Bugfixes and upgrades for GNOME.  Several packages were recompiled
using the DocBook DTD GNOME specifies for processing the sgml docs,
fixing the help files in several applications.  (Hey Chris, thanks
again for figuring that stuff out for me :)
gtk1/bugbuddy.tgz:  Fixed docs.
gtk1/control.tgz:  Fixed docs.
gtk1/ggv.tgz:  Fixed docs, relocated to /usr/bin.
gtk1/gmc.tgz:  Fixed docs.
gtk1/gnogames.tgz:  Fixed docs.
gtk1/gnoguide.tgz:  Fixed docs.
gtk1/gnomapps.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-applets-1.2.1.
gtk1/gnomcore.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-core-1.2.1.
gtk1/gnomeicu.tgz:  Fixed docs.
gtk1/gnomenet.tgz:  Fixed docs.
gtk1/gnomlibs.tgz:  Fixed docs.
gtk1/gnoutils.tgz:  Fixed docs.
Mon Jun  5 17:32:52 PDT 2000
rootdsks/color.gz, umsdos.gz, text.gz:  Fixed detection of old FAT12/16
         filesystems.  Upgrade version number.
Mon Jun  5 00:58:56 PDT 2000
Added KDE 1.90 (code named Konfucious), a beta preview of KDE's next
generation desktop, including the new KOffice suite.  It all looks really
nice, and I can't wait to see the finished 2.0 release. :)
contrib/kde-1.90/kde-i18n.tgz:  KDE 1.90 Internationalization support.
contrib/kde-1.90/kde-qt-addon.tgz:  Qt add-on needed by KDE.
contrib/kde-1.90/kdebase.tgz:  KDE 1.90 base package.
contrib/kde-1.90/kdegames.tgz:  KDE 1.90 games.
contrib/kde-1.90/kdelibs.tgz:  KDE 1.90 system libraries.
contrib/kde-1.90/kdenetwork.tgz:  KDE 1.90 network apps.
contrib/kde-1.90/kdesupport.tgz:  KDE 1.90 support libraries.
contrib/kde-1.90/kdetoys.tgz:  KDE 1.90 desktop toys.
contrib/kde-1.90/kdeutils.tgz:  KDE 1.90 system utilities.
contrib/kde-1.90/koffice.tgz:  KDE 1.90 office suite (word processor, 
        spreadsheet, chart drawing program, illustrating program, and
        presentation program)
Sun Jun  4 13:14:41 PDT 2000
a1/etc.tgz:  Take care not to overwrite existing mtab, motd, issue
contrib/qt-2.1.1/qt-2.1.1.tgz:  Added Qt-2.1.1.
Sun Jun  4 01:43:30 PDT 2000
gtk1/gnomcore.tgz:  Relinked gnome-hint against libxml-1.8.7.
Sat Jun  3 21:36:07 PDT 2000
Here's a big load of upgrades moving towards a beta release, including the
new GNOME 1.2 desktop environment (which has impressed the hell out of me).
For best results, I'd suggest getting rid of any existing .gnome files or
directories in your $HOME, but as always your mileage may vary.
Enjoy! :)  --  Pat <>
a1/etc.tgz:  Added default locale LC_ALL=POSIX
ap1/mc.tgz:  Upgraded to mc-4.5.50.
gtk1/bugbuddy.tgz:  Added bug-buddy-1.0.
gtk1/control.tgz:  Upgraded to control-center-1.2.0.
gtk1/econf.tgz:  Recompiled against new libraries.
gtk1/ee.tgz:  Added ee-0.3.11.
gtk1/enlight.tgz:  Upgraded to enlightenment-0.16.4.
gtk1/esound.tgz:  Upgraded to esound-0.2.18.
gtk1/eterm.tgz:  Upgraded to Eterm-0.8.10.
gtk1/fnlib.tgz:  Upgraded to fnlib-0.5.
gtk1/freetype.tgz:  Upgraded to freetype-1.3.1.
gtk1/gdkpixbf.tgz:  Added gdk-pixbuf-0.8.0.
gtk1/gftp.tgz:  Upgraded to gftp-2.0.6a.
gtk1/ggv.tgz:  Added ggv-0.95.
gtk1/gladedev.tgz:  Added glade-0.5.9.
gtk1/gmc.tgz:  Upgraded to mc-4.5.50.
gtk1/gmp.tgz:  Added gmp-3.0.1.
gtk1/gnoadmin.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-admin-1.0.3.
gtk1/gnogames.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-games-1.2.0.
gtk1/gnoguide.tgz:  Upgraded to users-guide-1.2.
gtk1/gnomapps.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-applets-1.2.0.
gtk1/gnomcore.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-core-1.2.0, with a few patches:
     Get rid of "User's Guide is not available yet" in help browser
     (because it is), patch for changes in the new libbz2, use the
     netscape logo cube icon for Netscape, not the generic GNOME
     html icon, use a center aligned panel by default (and don't
     start two panels, just the one on the bottom), reduce the default
     terminal font size from 20 to 14, and make terminals login shells
     when started from the panel.
gtk1/gnomedia.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-media-1.2.0.
gtk1/gnomeicu.tgz:  Upgraded to gnomeicu-0.93.
gtk1/gnomepim.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-pim-1.2.0.
gtk1/gnometop.tgz:  Added gtop-1.0.9.
gtk1/gnomlibs.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-libs-1.2.1.
gtk1/gnomobjc.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-objc-1.0.40.
gtk1/gnoprint.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-print-0.20.
gtk1/gnoutils.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-utils-1.2.0.
gtk1/gnpython.tgz:  Upgraded to gnome-python-1.0.53.
gtk1/gnumeric.tgz:  Upgraded to gnumeric-0.54.
gtk1/gtkeng.tgz:  Upgraded to gtk-engines-0.10.
gtk1/guile.tgz:  Upgraded to guile-1.3.4.
gtk1/imlib.tgz:  Upgraded to imlib-
gtk1/libghttp.tgz:  Upgraded to libghttp-1.0.6.
gtk1/libglade.tgz:  Upgraded to libglade-0.13.
gtk1/libgtop.tgz:  Upgraded to libgtop-1.0.9.
gtk1/librep.tgz:  Added librep-0.11.3.
gtk1/libxml.tgz:  Upgraded to libxml-1.8.7.
gtk1/orbit.tgz:  Upgraded to ORBit-0.5.1.
gtk1/repgtk.tgz:  Added rep-gtk-0.10.
gtk1/sawfish.tgz:  Added sawfish-0.27.2.
gtk1/wmaker.tgz:  Upgraded to WindowMaker-0.62.1.
Fri Jun  2 10:28:46 PDT 2000
a1/elflibs.tgz:  Upgrade gpm library to
a1/shadow.tgz:  Recompiled using --disable-desrpc to fix
   login delay when using a new kernel and no portmap.
x1/fvwm2.tgz:  Upgraded to fvwm-2.2.4.  Added --enable-extras.
Mon May 29 12:20:40 PDT 2000
kde1/kdebase.tgz:  Recompiled kscreensavers with new Mesa.
x1/mesa.tgz:  Added and symlinks.
Sun May 28 21:12:45 PDT 2000
d1/python.tgz:  Recompiled against Tcl 8.3, Tk 8.3.  The Python
   Tcl/Tk extensions now work properly with the latest Tcl/Tk.
n1/ftchmail.tgz:  Upgraded to fetchmail-5.4.0.
n1/inn.tgz:  Upgraded to inn-2.2.2.
x1/xbin.tgz:  Recompiled makedepend to fix compiler includes
y1/bsdgames.tgz:  Upgraded to bsd-games-2.11.
Sun May 28 15:31:38 PDT 2000
gtk1/gtkglib.tgz:  Upgraded to glib-1.2.8, gtk+-1.2.8.
gtk1/xscrsave.tgz:  Upgraded to xscreensaver-3.24, recompiled
     against Mesa-3.2.
x1/mesa.tgz:  Upgraded to Mesa-3.2, moved libraries into
x1/xlock.tgz:  Upgraded to xlockmore-4.16.1 and recompiled
   against new Mesa.  (this is required since Mesa now calls
   its libraries libGL* rather than libMesaGL*)
Thu May 25 11:46:35 PDT 2000
a1/floppy.tgz:  Patched fdmount against a buffer overflow that can
   allow users in the 'floppy' group to become root.
   (* security fix *)
Thu May 25 00:46:02 PDT 2000
d1/gcl.tgz:  Upgraded to gcl-2.3.6.
Tue May 23 17:35:52 PDT 2000
ap1/cdutils.tgz:  Upgraded to cdrecord-1.8.1,
    added cdrdao-1.1.3.
gtk1/gtkglib.tgz:  Upgraded to glib-1.2.7 and
Mon May 22 15:30:08 PDT 2000
        Added OpenMotif 2.1.30 (see LICENSE)
Sat May 20 00:55:06 PDT 2000
d1/bison.tgz:  Upgraded to GNU bison-1.28.
Fri May 19 20:00:36 PDT 2000
d1/gdb.tgz:  Upgraded to GNU gdb-5.0.
Fri May 19 14:16:11 PDT 2000
contrib/binutils-  Upgraded to
Thu May 18 15:49:43 PDT 2000
n1/lynx.tgz:  Upgraded to lynx-2.8.3rel1.  (* Several
              security fixes *)
n1/tcpip1.tgz:  Patch in.identd to put pid file in /var/run.
                Add sample /etc/identd.conf.
Thu May 18 00:54:40 PDT 2000
a1/bzip2.tgz:  Move into /lib.
Wed May 17 22:54:28 PDT 2000
a1/bzip2.tgz:  Upgraded to bzip2-1.0.0.
a1/elflibs.tgz:  Added
Tue May 16 20:14:16 PDT 2000
a1/sysvinit.tgz:  Don't run rc.sysvinit from rc.4 and rc.S.
Tue May 16 18:40:06 PDT 2000
xap1/imagick.tgz:  Upgraded to ImageMagick-5.1.1.
xap1/netscape.tgz:  Upgraded to Netscape Communicator 4.73.
Fixed ChangeLog.txt bugs. :)
Sun May 14 19:57:22 PDT 2000
kde1/qt_1_45.tgz:  Recompiled to fix kfm problems (some
     headers were moved around from qt-1.44)
Sat May 13 23:37:48 PDT 2000
tcl1/expect.tgz:  Upgraded to expect-5.31.
tcl1/hfsutils.tgz:  Recompiled against tcl/tk 8.3.1.
tcl1/tcl.tgz:  Upgraded to tcl8.3.1.
tcl1/tclx.tgz:  Upgraded to tclX8.2.0.
tcl1/tix.tgz:  Recompiled against tcl/tk 8.3.1.
tcl1/tk.tgz:  Upgraded to tk8.3.1.
Sat May 13 16:12:25 PDT 2000
kde1/qt_1_45.tgz:  Upgraded to qt-1.45.
Sat May 13 14:57:57 PDT 2000
a1/hdsetup.tgz:  Bumped version numbers to 7.1.0 in
   preparation for a beta release sometime in the not too
   distant future.
a1/isapnp.tgz:  Upgraded to isapnptools-1.21.
a1/lilo.tgz:  Upgraded to lilo-21.4.3.
a1/minicom.tgz:  Upgraded to minicom_1.82.1, lrzsz_0.12.21.
a1/shadow.tgz:  Upgraded to shadow-19990827.
a1/umsprogs.tgz:  Upgraded to umsdos-progs-1.12.
Sat May 13 00:04:46 PDT 2000
n1/samba.tgz: Upgraded to samba-2.0.7.
Fri May 12 21:00:14 PDT 2000
contrib/3dfx/xtdfx.tgz:  Rebuilt for XFree86-4.0.
a1/bin.tgz:  Upgraded to asapm-2.9, at_3.1.8, eject_2.0.2,
   file_3.28, indent-2.2.5, patch-2.5.4, sharutils-4.2.1.
   Merged in a dcron patch from TEMHOTA <> to
   fix signal handling and logging.
a1/bzip2.tgz:  Upgraded to bzip2-0.9.5d.
a1/infozip.tgz:  Upgraded to unzip-5.41 and zip-2.3.
a1/lpr.tgz:  Upgraded to lpr-0.48-1.
a1/man.tgz:  Upgraded to man-1.5h1.
a1/sh_utils.tgz:  Upgraded to GNU sh-utils-2.0.
a1/sysvinit.tgz:  Upgraded to sysvinit-2.78.
a1/txtutils.tgz:  Upgraded to GNU textutils-2.0.
Wed May 10 14:32:23 PDT 2000
Fixed maketag, maketag.ez in slakware/d1/.
Tue May  9 19:56:50 PDT 2000
a1/util.tgz:  Upgraded to util-linux-2.10l with additional tools
   from net-tools-1.55, setserial-2.17, updated-2.11, and
d1/termcap.tgz:  Fixed /usr/include/termcap.h.
n1/tcpip1.tgz:  Upgraded to biff+comsat-0.16, bsd-finger-0.16,
   gnu-pop3d-0.9.8, net-tools-1.55, netkit-base-0.16,
   netkit-bootparamd-0.16, netkit-ftp-0.16, netkit-ntalk-0.16,
   netkit-routed-0.16, netkit-rsh-0.16, netkit-rusers-0.16,
   netkit-rwall-0.16, netkit-rwho-0.16, netkit-telnet-0.16,
   netkit-tftp-0.16, netkit-timed-0.16, netwrite-0.16, and
   pidentd-3.0.10.  /usr/sbin/gnu-pop3d set as the default
   system POP3 server in /etc/inetd.conf.
Tue May  9 12:17:43 PDT 2000
contrib/3dfx/v3-glide.tgz:  Fixed problem with the libglide3x* symlinks.
contrib/3dfx/v3-dri.tgz:  Fixed problem with the libglide3x* symlinks.
contrib/3dfx/desktop.tgz:  Recompiled to fix zero-length binary problem. :)
n1/tcpdump.tgz:  Added missing pcap.3 manpage.
n1/tcpip2.tgz:  Upgraded to autofs-3.1.4, dhcpcd-1.3.18-pl7,
   yp-tools-2.4, ypmake-0.11, ypserv-1.3.11, ytalk-3.1.1.
   Added missing yphelper app.
Fri May  5 15:23:34 PDT 2000
n1/rsync.tgz:  Upgraded to rsync-2.4.3.
Fri May  5 12:27:38 PDT 2000
contrib/3dfx/desktop.tgz, dev3dfx.tgz, donut.tgz, fxt1.tgz,
       mesagl.tgz, sdk2x.tgz, sdk3x.tgz, surf.tgz,
       v2-glide.tgz, v3-dri.tgz, v3-glide.tgz, vg-glide.tgz,
       vr-glide.tgz xtdfx.tgz:  Merged in updated 3Dfx package set.
Thu May  4 15:26:56 PDT 2000
Seems that gcc-2.95.2 isn't too compatible with the new Linux
2.2.15 kernel, so as much as I hate to backtrack, I'm switching
the D series back to egcs-1.1.2.
contrib/binutils-  Moved new binutils package here
        from D series.
contrib/gcc-2.95.2/:  Moved gcc-2.95.2 packages here (from D
ap1/groff.tgz:  This was linked against gcc-2.95.2's C++ library,
    so it had to be recompiled.
d1/binutils.tgz:  Replaced binutils-
d1/egcs*:  Replaced egcs-1.1.2 in D series.
Tue May  2 13:42:44 PDT 2000
ap1/vim.tgz:  The vim build script had a bad CFLAGS that prevented
    the package from building correctly, and the temporary build
    location caused '/tmp' to appear in the manpages.  It's been
    rebuilt and replaced.
xap1/xvim.tgz:  Rebuilt.
Mon May  1 23:32:46 PDT 2000
contrib/XFree86-4.0-i386-2.tgz:  Added font directory
   /usr/X11R6/lib/fonts/CID to make xfs happy.
a1/cxxlibs.tgz:  Added from
a1/lilo.tgz:  Upgraded to lilo-21.4.2.  For machines with a recent BIOS
   using large IDE hard drives, this version of LILO removes the
   restriction that the kernel must be within the first 1024 cylinders.
a1/modutils.tgz:  Upgraded to modutils-2.3.11.
a1/pciutils.tgz:  Upgraded to pciutils-2.1.7.
ap1/groff.tgz:  Upgraded to GNU groff-1.15.
ap1/seejpeg.tgz:  Upgraded to seejpeg-1.10.
ap1/texinfo.tgz:  Upgraded to GNU texinfo-4.0.
ap1/vim.tgz:  Upgraded to vim-5.6.
d1/binutils.tgz:  Upgraded to GNU binutils-
Replaced egcs-1.1.2 in the D series with gcc-2.95.2:
d1/egcs*.tgz:  Moved to /contrib/egcs-1.1.2/ as a backup.
d1/gcc.tgz:  Added GNU gcc-2.95.2.
d1/gcc_g77.tgz:  Added Fortran-77 compiler for gcc-2.95.2.
d1/gcc_java.tgz:  Added Java compiler for gcc-2.95.2.
d1/gcc_objc.tgz:  Added Objective-C compiler for gcc-2.95.2.
d1/gccchill.tgz:  Added Chill compiler for gcc-2.95.2.
d1/gmake.tgz:  Upgraded to GNU make-3.79.
d1/strace.tgz:  Upgraded to strace-4.2.
xap1/xv.tgz:  Recompiled with USE_GETCWD option in xv.h -- this
     fixes the problem with xv not working under libsafe.
xap1/xvim.tgz:  Upgraded to vim-5.6 for X.
Thu Apr 27 16:18:13 PDT 2000
d1/perl.tgz:  Upgraded to perl-5.6.0.  Added DBI-1.13 and
              Data-ShowTable-3.3 modules.
Thu Apr 27 10:44:10 PDT 2000
contrib/gcc-2.95.2.tgz:  Alternate version of gcc upgraded to gcc-2.95.2.
Wed Apr 26 15:18:53 PDT 2000
xap1/netscape.tgz:  Upgraded to Netscape Communicator 4.72.
Tue Apr 25 19:28:13 PDT 2000
contrib/libsafe.tgz:  Added libsafe-1.3, a library that can intercept attempts
        to exploit buffer overflows to execute arbitrary code on the stack.
        This trick is the basis for many (if not most, these days) of the
        exploits used to gain unauthorized system access or execute code
        through network daemons or services containing buffer overflows, or to
        get a root prompt or execute code as root by using a buffer overflow
        present in a setuid root program.  Libsafe effectively prevents this
        sort of mischief by providing safe replacements for potentially
        exploitable C library routines.
        Disclaimer:  Before installing libsafe, read the libsafe.txt file in
        the /contrib directory.  Installing libsafe breaks libc4 and libc5
        binary compatibility.  Don't expect 100% of your programs to work with
        libsafe loaded.  (but you can expect at least 99.9% to work)
Tue Apr 25 17:22:29 PDT 2000
a1/grep.tgz:  Upgraded to GNU grep-2.4.2.  Binaries moved from
   /usr/bin/ to /bin/ so that they will be available for use in
   startup scripts before /usr is mounted.
Mon Apr 24 18:57:49 PDT 2000
e1/emacsbin.tgz, emac_nox.tgz:  Further testing found that the
   emacs patch didn't apply properly, so these two packages had
   to be replaced.  Make sure to get these copies:
  -rw-r--r--   1 root     root      1254851 Apr 24 18:51 emac_nox.tgz
  -rw-r--r--   1 root     root      5345472 Apr 24 18:50 emacsbin.tgz
  MD5 sums:
  e8fd2997bf7df3028e777fe6f3e0acc2  emac_nox.tgz
  330d22e438fa9eb36b007e92b8e231ae  emacsbin.tgz
  My apologies for the inconvenience.  -- Pat
t1/tetex.tgz:  Upgraded to teTeX-1.0.7, teTeX-texmf-1.0.2.
t1/tex_bin.tgz:  Upgraded to teTeX-1.0.7, teTeX-texmf-1.0.2.
t1/tex_doc.tgz:  Upgraded to teTeX-1.0.7, teTeX-texmf-1.0.2.
Mon Apr 24 14:34:21 PDT 2000
a1/gpm.tgz:  Upgraded to gpm-1.19.2.  (Some security problems remained in
   the gpm-root daemon that shipped with gpm-1.19.1 -- this release
   fixes them)
e1/elisp.tgz, emac_nox.tgz, emacinfo.tgz, emacleim.tgz, emacmisc.tgz,
   emacsbin.tgz:  Upgraded to emacs-20.6, using a security patch recently
   posted to BugTraq by RUS-CERT, University of Stuttgart.  The holes
   patched include:

     o   Under certain circumstances, unprivileged local users can
         eavesdrop the communication between Emacs and its subprocesses.

     o   It is impossible to safely create temporary files in a public
         directory from Emacs Lisp.

     o   The history of recently typed keys may expose passwords.

   The entire advisory (as well as the patch) can be read here:
Sat Apr 22 00:37:37 PDT 2000
Added XFree86-4.0 source and binary packages:
contrib/XFree86-4.0/XFree86-4.0-i386-1.tgz:  base XFree86-4.0 binary package.
contrib/XFree86-4.0/XFree86-fonts-4.0-1.tgz:  fonts for XFree86-4.0.
contrib/XFree86-4.0/:XFree86-static-libs-4.0-i386-1.tgz: static/debugging libs.
Tue Apr 18 13:21:46 PDT 2000
a1/modutils.tgz:  Fixed install script bug which would fail to
   move /etc/modules.conf-sample to /etc/modules.conf (and would
   quickly flash a warning).
ap1/sc.tgz:  Upgraded to sc-7.2.
Mon Apr 17 17:14:49 PDT 2000
a1/etc.tgz:  Removed /etc/DIR_COLORS, as this is provided by
   fileutls.tgz.  Patched to not overwrite an existing
   /etc/HOSTNAME file.
ap1/jove.tgz:  Upgraded to jove-4.16, patched 8-bit clean.
n1/elm.tgz:  Upgraded to elm-2.5.3, and configured it to not try
   to attach a domain to local addresses, but to just let sendmail
   take care of that.  This stops elm from using <hostname>.UUCP
   as the domain name.
Thu Apr 13 19:52:42 PDT 2000
a1/gpm.tgz:  Upgraded to gpm-1.19.1.
n1/sendmail.tgz, smailcfg.tgz:  Upgraded to sendmail-8.10.1.
n1/procmail.tgz:  Recompiled along with sendmail.
Tue Apr 11 19:08:15 PDT 2000
a1/aaa_base.tgz:  Added /var/mail -> /var/spool/mail symlink to
   comply with the current LSB mail spec.
a1/etc.tgz:  Install script bug fixed.  (caused "no such file or
   directory" errors when installed with pkgtool)
   Change default system prompt to include the username.
n1/tcpdump.tgz:  Added missing pcap-namedb.h and net/bpf.h header
   files from libpcap-0.4.
Fri Apr  7 22:38:05 PDT 2000
n1/tcpdump.tgz:  Added libpcap-0.4 and tcpdump-3.4.
contrib/ham:  Added the following new or updated ham radio packages
        from Arno Verhoeven:  ax25-tools-0.0.6-cfg.tgz,
        ax25-tools-0.0.6.tgz, linkt-0.6.3pre6.tgz,
        httptunnel-2.90.tgz, opie-2.32.tgz.
Fri Apr  7 20:12:28 PDT 2000
a1/etc.tgz:  Added empty /etc/gshadow, chmod 600 (if not present).
   No longer overwrites existing wtmp and lastlog.
a1/tcsh.tgz:  Upgraded to tcsh-6.09.
ap1/zsh.tgz:  Upgraded to zsh-3.0.7.
Thu Apr  6 16:35:53 PDT 2000
a1/zoneinfo.tgz:  Removed bash-specific "function" keyword from
   timeconfig script.
Tue Apr  4 00:23:55 PDT 2000
a1/e2fsprog.tgz:  Upgraded to e2fsprogs-1.18.
Sat Apr  1 20:21:51 PST 2000
a1/procps.tgz:  Upgraded to procps-2.0.6, procinfo-17.
Tue Mar 28 16:39:21 PST 2000
a1/modutils.tgz:  Upgraded to modutils-2.3.10.  (Using build scripts
   submitted by Jan Rafaj, thanks :)
Tue Mar 21 19:59:03 PST 2000
a1/bash.tgz:  Upgraded to bash-2.04.
a1/glibcso.tgz:  Updated to glibc-2.1.3.  (Note, if you install this
   package, be sure to install the new descrypt.tgz afterwards, or
   your crypt() will only support MD5)
a1/modules.tgz:  In rc.modules, make sure to rebuild modules.dep if
   it doesn't exist, even if no new modules have been added.
   (patch contributed by Bratislav Ilich)
a1/sysvinit.tgz:  Patch rc.S to load the system clock using hwclock.
   Patch rc.6 to save the system clock back to the hardware clock on
   shutdown.  Add support for /etc/hardwareclock specifying whether
   the hardware clock is in localtime or UTC.
a1/zoneinfo.tgz:  Update to timezone database from glibc-2.1.3.
   Add David Cantrell's patches to timeconfig to allow keeping
   the hardware clock in UTC.
d1/glibc.tgz:  Upgraded to glibc-2.1.3.  (Note, if you install this
   package, be sure to install the new descrypt.tgz afterwards, or
   your crypt() will only support MD5)
des1/descrypt.tgz:  Recompiled glibc-crypt-2.1 against glibc-2.1.3.
     Install this AFTER glibc.tgz and/or glibcso.tgz, as it will
     overwrite the MD5 libcrypt installed by these packages.
Sun Mar 19 14:47:37 PST 2000
n1/procmail.tgz:  Upgraded to procmail-3.14. (pi version? :)
n1/sendmail.tgz:  Upgraded to sendmail-8.10.0.  This moves the
   config files such as and aliases from /etc/ to
   /etc/mail/.  Other changes: 
      The vacation utility is now a part of this package.
      An ASCII text copy of the sendmail FAQ
      (from is now included as
n1/smailcfg.tgz:  Upgraded the sendmail config files to version 8.10.0.
Sat Mar 11 12:30:31 PST 2000
d1/gcl.tgz:  Upgraded to gcl-2.3.  Did not strip saved_gcl, which
   was causing the last version of this package to segfault.
Mon Mar  6 22:05:35 PST 2000
modules/net/8390.o, modules/net/pcmcia/*:  Replaced with recompiled versions.
Mon Mar  6 21:26:45 PST 2000
a1/pcmcia.tgz:  Recompiled modules without PnP BIOS resource checking,
   as this seemed to stabilize things on my old 486 laptop.
rootdsks/pcmcia.dsk:  Replaced the modules with the recompiled ones.
Sun Mar  5 01:42:34 PST 2000
a1/modules.tgz:  Only run 'depmod -a' in /etc/rc.d/rc.modules if new
   kernel modules appear.  This speeds up the booting process quite a
   bit, especially on slower machines.
Wed Mar  1 20:36:54 PST 2000
x1/xbin.tgz:  chmod 4711 /usr/X11R6/bin/Xwrapper
Wed Mar  1 14:11:53 PST 2000
a1/ibcs2.tgz:  Rebuilt for Linux 2.2.14.
a1/pcmcia.tgz:  Rebuilt for Linux 2.2.14, upgraded to pcmcia-cs-3.1.11
                and ray_cs-1.70.
a1/scsimods.tgz:  Upgraded modules to Linux 2.2.14.
rootdsks/network.dsk:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.14 kernel modules.
rootdsks/pcmcia.dsk:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.14 kernel modules,
                      pcmcia-cs-3.1.11, and ray_cs-1.70.
Mon Feb 28 23:37:33 PST 2000
a1/fsmods.tgz:  Upgraded modules to Linux 2.2.14.
a1/modules.tgz:  Upgraded modules to Linux 2.2.14.
a1/ide.tgz:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.14.
a1/scsi.tgz:  Upgraded to Linux 2.2.14.
n1/netmods.tgz:  Upgraded modules to Linux 2.2.14.
Sun Feb 27 16:51:06 PST 2000
    Upgraded kernels and modules throughout slackware-current to Linux 2.2.14:
bootdsks.12/: replaced.
bootdsks.144/: replaced.
kernels/*: replaced.
modules/*: replaced.
d1/linuxinc.tgz:  Upgrade kernel source include files to Linux 2.2.14.
k1/linuxinc.tgz:  Upgrade kernel source include files to Linux 2.2.14.
k1/lx2214.tgz:  Upgrade kernel source package to Linux 2.2.14.
    Replaced slackware-current X series:
x1/*.tgz:  Upgraded to XFree86 3.3.6.
           Upgraded to xlockmore-4.15.
           Upgraded to lesstif-0.89.9.
Sat Dec 25 21:18:38 CST 1999
a1/kbd.tgz:  Patched openvt so that the -s and -w switches can be used together.
ap1/sc.tgz:  Upgraded to sc-7.1.  Earlier versions were unable to accept dates
             beyond Y2K.
             (Thanks to Chuck Martin for contributing these fixes)
Sat Dec 18 15:45:09 CST 1999
a1/elflibs.tgz:  Upgrade /lib/ to ncurses-5.0.
a1/hdsetup.tgz:  Use new terminfo entries from ncurses-5.0.
d1/ncurses.tgz:  Upgraded to ncurses-5.0. (19991023)
Sat Nov 27 18:48:45 CST 1999
a1/sh_utils.tgz:  Move /usr/bin/sleep to /bin/sleep, make a symlink in
   /usr/bin to make metamail's audiocompose happy.
a1/sysvinit.tgz:  Carry a 512 byte entropy pool between reboots in 
  /etc/random-seed.  This improves the security of anything using /dev/urandom
  as an entropy source.  Also, try to shut down RAID devices in /etc/rc.d/rc.6
  if we see that an /etc/mdtab exists on the system.
ap1/raidtool.tgz:  Add missing symbolic links:
    ln -s /sbin/mdadd /sbin/mdrun
    ln -s /sbin/mdadd /sbin/mdstop
n1/bind.tgz:  Upgraded to bind-8.2.2-P5.  This fixes a vulnerability in the
   processing of NXT records that can be used in a DoS attack or 
   (theoretically) be exploited to gain access to the server.  It is suggested
   that everyone running bind upgrade to this package as soon as possible.
n1/imapd.tgz:  The Pine that shipped with 7.0 had the known issue of pine.conf
   being looked for in /usr/local/lib, instead of /usr/lib/pine.  This package
   patches that to make it look for pine.conf in /usr/lib/pine, as well as
   upgrading to Pine 4.21, which includes a non-buggy and non-beta (some users
   still reported problems with imap 4.7beta) version of imapd.
n1/tcpip1.tgz:  Removed /usr/bin/write, which seems to have some problems
   handling the new ptys.  The version provided by util.tgz works fine.
   Upgraded to nfs-server-2.2beta47, to fix a security problem with the version
   that shipped with Slackware 7.0 (nfs-server-2.2beta46).  By using a long
   pathname on a directory NFS mounted read-write, it may be possible for an
   attacker to execute arbitrary code on the server.  It is recommended that
   everyone running an NFS server upgrade to this package immediately.
   Fixed a bug in the netconfig.tty script that would cause it to crash about
   halfway through.
   Recompile wu.ftpd using './configure'.  This seems to fix ftpwho.
Wed Nov 24 15:40:41 CST 1999
Merged A and N series into single directories to make -current more
managable.  When we get close to another stable release (probably several
months down the road), then A and N will be split out into floppy-sized
chunks again (wherever possible).
Wed Nov 24 15:33:05 CST 1999
(* Branched new Slackware-current from Slackware 7 *)