Vector Linux 5

Information Center


System Administration with VASM


1. Introduction
2. User features vs Root features
3. Use in X-Windows (GUI) 
4. Use in Text Mode
5. Switching to Text Mode 
6. Detailed descriptions
    6.1. AUTOSETUP
    6.2. USER
           6.2.1. ADD
           6.2.2. DEL
           6.2.3. PASSWD
           6.2.4. PASSROOT
    6.3. XWINDOW
           6.3.1. XCONF
           6.3.2. XDMSET
           6.3.3. XWMSET
           6.3.4. BOOTSET
    6.4. SERVICE
           6.4.1. BOOTSET
           6.4.2. INITSET
           6.4.3. HWSET
           6.4.4. SRVSET
           6.4.5. CUPSWEB
           6.4.6. SAMBAWEB
    6.5. NETWORK
           6.5.1. NETCONF
           6.5.2. NAME
           6.5.3. INET
           6.5.4. WIRELESS
           6.5.5. MODEM
           6.5.6. FIREWALL
    6.6. HARDWARE
           6.6.1. HWCONF
           6.6.2. HWSET
           6.6.3. ALSACONF
           6.6.4. CDSET
           6.6.5. MOUSESET
           6.6.6. KEYMAPSET
           6.6.7. DATESET
           6.6.8. ZONESET
           6.7.1. FDISK
           6.7.2. FORMAT
           6.7.3. MOUNT
           6.7.4. LILO
           6.7.5. BACKUPSYS
7. Credits

1. Introduction

"VASM" is short for "Vector Administrative and Services Menu" and is Vector Linux's main configuration tool. This document discusses VASM as implemented in VectorLinux v 5.0. VASM has been available in all versions of VectorLinux since 2.0, but has been upgraded with each release with new choices and the addition of a GUI menu (since SOHO v3.2 and above).

VASM is the same in both CLI (text) and GUI mode, the script automatically identifies the mode you are currently in and uses the appropriate interface.


VASM running in Graphical Mode.


Some special notes:
1.For some functions VASM needs you to be logged in as root, the administration account on your VectorLinux system.
2.Some functions accessible through the VASM require the system to be running in Text Mode and not GUI Mode (Graphical User Interface). Such functions are clearly marked and cannot function in GUI mode. (See chapter 5).


VASM running in Text Mode.



2. User features vs. Root features

You can use VASM as a normal User or as privileged root user. The difference is that running it as a normal user gives you access to only those funcitons that affect that particular user, where as in root mode you can access the full range of options that affect the entire system and/or all of the users.

If you launch VASM as a normal user, you may access the root mode by selecting the "SUPER" entry in the menu.
You will be required to enter the root´s password to be granted permission, this is, of course, a security measure.

Note: The tools available to normal users are a subset of those available to the System Administrator (root), this document explains the complete functionality of VASM.


3. Use in X-Windows (GUI)

If you have started your window manager of choice, double-click on the VASM icon or from the main menu select "System", then select "Vector Administrative and Services Menu" and you will be given the appropriate menu.

Depending on your VL version, you may have an icon on your desktop labeled "Vector Administrative and Services Menu", click it and you will presented with VASM´s interface.

If you are running the system as a regular user you will see an entry named "SUPER" to access to the root level, select it and you will be prompted to enter the root´s password.

Please, be aware that some functions in VASM require the system to be running in Text Mode and not GUI Mode (Graphical User Interface). (See chapter 5).


4. Use in Text Mode

To launch it, type in console mode "vasm" without quotes and hit enter. This will start an ncurses based menu. Use the cursor [up] [down] keys to navigate the menu. Press the [enter] key to make a selection.If you wish to exit use the [left] [right] arrows to select CANCEL.

If you are running the system as a regular user you will see an entry named "SUPER" to access to the root level, select it and you will be prompted to enter the root´s password.


5. Switching to Text Mode

For some of the administrative tasks available in VASM, like configuring the X Server, hardware autodetection, etc., it is safer, or even strictly required, that the system is running in text mode.  When this situation appears, VASM will let you know and you won´t be able to perform such tasks from your window manager.

If you are running in GUI mode, log out of it, then:

  • If you are taken to the text mode console, you can call vasm from there.
    (This is the case when your system is configured to boot automatically into Text Mode (also known as TUI Mode).
  • If you are presented with a GUI login, this means that the system is configured to autostart in GUI mode (runlevel 4/5).
    In this case you need to switch into TUI mode (runlevel 2/3).
    Please press Ctrl + Alt + F1, login as root, and type "init 2", the system will shutdown the X server.
    You may then launch vasm and configure the system.
    Once you have finished, switch back to GUI mode again by typing "init 4".


6. Detailed descriptions

This section explains, one by one, each of the many configuration utilities available in VASM to the system administrator, root.



Autosetup goes through the same autodetection and autoconfiguration process that was performed at installation time, going through this again means resetting your system to a sort of fresh install status, but It also means that many configurations you could have done to the system might be re-set to some default value.

If you need to reconfigure something on your system it is advisable to use the specific VASM entry for that task.


6.2. USER

With this section of VASM you can manage users. You have to be logged in as administrator of the system, login as 'root' via console or SUPER option in VASM.

Command line: /sbin/vuser


User administration menu in Graphical Mode.

6.2.1. ADD

Purpose: Add a new user to the system.

Command line: /sbin/vuseradd

First you will be asked to enter a login for this new user.
Just enter the name you want (lower case) and press the 'enter' key or click on the 'Ok' button.

The next dialog will ask you to enter the real name of the person corresponding with the login name you entered in the previous dialog.
Enter the name and press 'enter' or click on the 'Next' button.
If you want to change the login name at this stage you can click on the 'Previous' button.

The following dialog will ask you to enter an id for this user. Choose a unique id for the user you want to add or just accept the default by pressing enter for the next dialog.

You will get a list of groups the user can be a member of. Select the groups the new user must have access to. Deselect the groups to limit the access rights.

In a fresh VL5.0 install the following groups are available:
- cdrom: user can access CD/CDW/DVD
- floppy: user can access floppy disks
- lp: user can access printers
- audio: user can access audio devices
- video: user can access video devices
- games: user can play restricted games
- adm: administartors
- sys: systemadministrators
- wheel: elite users

Click on 'Ok' if you're finished setting the groups.

Now you will get a view of the login name, real name, user id etc.
You will be asked if you want to create this user on your system. Press 'enter' to accept the input you gave.

The last step is to enter a password for the new user.
Enter a password for the new user (it is more secure to choose a combination of characters, numbers and special characters, e.g. c@vi@47 ). Press 'enter' or click on 'Ok' to accept the password.

In the dialog that follows, you will be asked to re-enter the password you gave. Press 'enter' or click on 'Ok' after you entered the password again.

The last dialog confirms the creation of this new user on the system.
After clicking on 'Ok' you will return to the USER ADMINISTRATION menu.


6.2.2. DEL

Purpose: delete a user from the system.

Command line: /sbin/vuserdel

After you choose this option you will get the list of the users on the system.
Select the user you want to delete (double click on the user or select with the arrows up/down and press 'enter').
A dialog pops up that shows the information of the user you selected and asks if you want to delete the user. Press 'enter' or click on 'Yes' to confirm.
You will return to the list of users that can be deleted. Click on 'Cancel' to return to the USER ADMINISTARTION menu.


6.2.3. PASSWD

Purpose: change the password of an user.

Command line: /sbin/vpasswd

With this option you can change the password of a user. Select the user from the list (double click on the user or select with the arrows up/down and press 'enter'). Enter the new password for this user and press 'enter' or click on the 'Ok' button. In the dialog that follows, re-enter the password you gave in the previous dialog and press 'enter' or click on 'Ok'. If the password matches you will see a confirmation of the change.

You will return to the USER ADMINISTRATION menu.


6.2.4.  PASSROOT

Purpose: Change the password of 'root', the administrator account of your Vector Linux system.

Enter a new password for 'root' in the first dialog and re-enter the password in the second dialog. See 6.2.3 PASSWD.



This section deals with the configuration of the X window system, you will need to be running the system in console mode.


6.3.1. XCONF

Purpose: Configure the system´s X server according to your video card, monitor and mouse type.

Command line: /sbin/vxconf

Walk Through: When you enter the Xconf section you can choose between three options

  • Auto
    This will detect and configure your video card and monitor, ask a few questions about your desired resolution and mosue characteristics, and will create a NEW configuration file, so any manual adjustments you may had done to that file will be overwritten.
  • Current
    This will perform the detection, ask you some details about your preferred resolution, colour depth, and mouse configuration, but it will commit those to the configuratoin without deleting the file and thus, keeping some additional configuration line you might have done.
    For instance, as it does not ask for your keyboard layout, there won't be any changes about that, but since it asks you to choose between the detected available screen resolutions, those will be written to the file, overlapping any previous configured value.
  • Basic
    This option will mostly behave in the same way but configuring the system to use the VESA driver, which can me taken as a 'safe mode' video driver (although a very good one, capable of over 800x600 and 16 bits), most useful for cards that do not have native linux drivers or which refuse to be properly detected. This option should, at least, allow you to get a decent graphical environment up and running.


6.3.2. XDMSET

Purpose: allows you to choose the X Display Manager, that is, the utility in which you log in when the system boots automatically to GUI mode.

Command line: /sbin/vxdmset

Walk Through: Select the one you prefer, and press "Ok". You will be asked if you want to test it at that moment, something that requires the X server to be restarted, so you will have to close any running application.

If you choose not to test it, you will be taken back to the previous menu.


6.3.3. XWMSET

Purpose: Sets up which Window Manager is launched from console when you type "startx" and your system is configured to boot in text mode.

Command Line: /sbin/vxwmset

Walk Through: When you choose this option, you will be give a list of available window managers to start when you use startx. Make a selection or cancel.


6.3.4. BOOTSET

Purpose: configure you system to boot directly into GUI Mode or Text mode (these are technically known as "runlevels")

Command Line: /sbin/vbootset

Walk Through: When you select this option, you will be given the choice between "text mode desktop" , "text mode server" "GUI mode desktop" and "GUI mode server". The difference between desktop and sever choices is in the services they start, i.e. the ssh, apache, and the like. Independently of this menu, you can further configure which services are started or not selecting "Service" then "Srvset" in VASM´s main menu.

Warning: Ensure X-windows works before setting the system to start in graphics mode (try "startx" before defaulting to graphics mode).



Allows you to configure services started at boot time.

Command Line: /sbin/vsrvmenu


6.4.1. BOOTSET

Purpose: configure you system to boot directly into GUI Mode or Text mode (these are technically known as "runlevels")

Command Line: /sbin/vbootset

Note: This option is also present in the XWINDOW Menu.

Walk Through: When you select this option, you will be given the choice between "text mode desktop" , "text mode server" "GUI mode desktop" and "GUI mode server". The difference between desktop and sever choices is in the services they start, i.e. the ssh, apache, and the like. Independently of this menu, you can further configure which services are started or not selecting "Service" then "Srvset" in VASM´s main menu.

Warning: Ensure X-windows works before setting the system to start in graphics mode (try "startx" before defaulting to graphics mode).


6.4.2. INITSET

Purpose: Allows you to choose the services initialization method to use when you switch runlevels with the "init <run_level>" command.

Command line: /sbin/vinitset

Walk Through: the initialization system starts or stops services when you switch run levels using the "init <run_level>" command. The standard initialization system is called SysV-Init.

When switching run levels, it kills all services of the previous level then starts all services of the new level. Vector Linux offers a faster init system: It does not kill the services only to start them again in the next run level. So here you can choose what method you prefer.

6.4.3. HWSET

Purpose: This menu allows you to enable or disable the initialization of hardware components of your system.

Command line: /sbin/vhwset

Walk Through: When selecting this entry, a list will appear, showing the hardware you can initialize at boot time, this means that if you plan to use a Parallel port printer you need to set "parallel" to be initialized at boot time, but if you don´t plan to, you can disable it and free some system resources.

Available options:

  • PNP
    ISA Plug and Play. This should be enabled for a modern PC
  • Hotplug
    USB/PCI hotplug devices (pendrive, digital camera, etc)
    For PCMCIA cards, common on laptops (network, modem, etc.)
  • APM
    Advanced Power Management, useful for Laptops.
  • Serial
    Serial port and modem
  • Parallel
    Parallel port and printer"
  • Wireless
    Networking using radio or infrared"
  • ALSA
    Advanced Linux Sound System"
  • udev
    Dynamic /dev naming for hotplug on kernel 2.6
  • tmpfs
    On memory /tmp. Recomended if RAM>=196MB + SWAP>=256MB


Selecting system components to be initialised at boot time.

6.4.4. SRVSET

Purpose: Here you can configure what services, such as ssh server, http server, etc., are started in different runlevels

Command line: /sbin/vsrvset

Walk Through: Once you enter, you are presented with a list of the runlevels, select the one you wish to configure and press Enter. Then you will see the available services and which ones are set to be started when the system enters that specific runlevel; toggle the ones you want to enable or disable and press "Ok".

You can modify services for other runlevels or exit the menu.


Selecting services to start at runlevel 5.


6.4.5. CUPSWEB

Purpose: Allows you to add and configure local and networked printers. It requires the CUPS service to be present in the system.

Command line: /sbin/vcupsweb

Walk Through: This option launches the web browser and attempts to connect to the local port for CUPS. There, you will have the choice to add, remove, and configure local and networked printers, print jobs, etc. If you use this option from console mode, the launched browser will be lynx; while lynx is very capable for the task, you might find more comfortable to use this option in GUI mode, where Firefox will be used.

CUPS needs to be previously installed on the system, if you need to install it, please refer to the VectorLinux CUPS Configuration guide, where you will find more detailed instructions.



Purpose: Allows you to configure file a printer sharing through the network with other systems.

Command line: /sbin/vsambaweb

Walk Through: This option launches a web browser and connects to "SWAT", an application running in you system that provides a relatively easy way to configure file and print sharing. If SWAT is not running you will asked whether you want to start it or not, you need to accept in order to access the web-based configuration interface.

You can use this in text mode, but the text browser will probably make the task harder than it needs to be, so you are encouraged to do this in GUI mode, where a more capable browser will be started.

Note: Dillo, a very light graphical web browser doesn´t support some required features, so you can´t access SWAT with it.



Setup network configuration.

Command Line: /sbin/vnetmenu


6.5.1. NETCONF

Purpose: Walks you through setting up a basic network connection. This program is only needed if you are connected to a LAN or a cable modem network

Command Line: /sbin/vnetconf

Walk Through:

When you select this option the program will prompt for information required to set up the network connection.

1.   Input computer name and domain name in the form of "computername.domainname"

2.   IP address. You have three choices: Static, DHCP and Loopback.

       If you wish to set a static address choose this option.

       You will then be prompted for the IP address for the machine and then the netmask of the network.

·       Next you will be prompted for the IP address of the gateway to the internet.

·       Finally, you will be asked for the IP address of the name server.

       If you have a DHCP server (perhaps a router) select this option from the list.

       If you have no lan card choose loopback.


6.5.2. NAME

Purpose: Set hostname and DNS server

Command Line: /sbin/vnameset

Walk Through:

When you select this option the program will prompt for information required to set up the network connection.

1.   Input computer name and domain name in the form of "computername.domainname"

2.   Input IP address of the the domain name server.


6.5.3. INET

Purpose: Setup one or more network interfaces that will be automatically started at system initialization. Each inet script may have a different network device and TCP/IP setting.

Command Line: /sbin/vinet

Walk Through: When you select this option you will be provided a menu of options.

  • Add : This option is used to set up a network interface.

    1.   When started the user will be given a list of configuration files that can be used for your connection. Once this has been chosen you are prompted for the settings for the connection.

    2.   Now choose the network interface that you want to configure. Generally, you should chose a primary device (like eth0) from the list below. Use the alternate device (like eth0:1) for multiple IP configuration, mostly usefull for a server or a laptop. Do not use the same device for more then one connection.

    3.   Next you will be asked how the device get its IP address. Your choices are DHCP, Static or Probe.

           DHCP is the automatic method. Use it if you are connected to a dynamic network like cable modem, DSL or your administrator tells you to do so.

           Select STATIC if you surely have an IP address for this machine.

           PROBE is a STATIC method with network testing, useful for a laptop.

    4.   If you choose DHCP, the setup is complete. If you choose one of the others you must assign the address. If you are connected to an official network (campus, office, etc), you must get the IP address from the administrator. However, if you are on your own network, you may assign an arbitrary IP address from the standard internal IP range: - -

    4.   Next you will be asked for the network mask. They are of the form This will be provided by your system's administrator. If you are on your own network the above should be sufficient.

    5.   Finally you will need to supply the IP address of the gateway. A gateway is the computer that forwards network traffic to the bigger network (most likely the internet). You need the IP address of the gateway. If you choose Probe the system will use this to verify to which network you are attached. Leave it empty if this inet does not have a gateway.

  • Delete : Use this option to delete an unused inet configuration.
  • Set : This option is used to set up a network interface. When started the user will be given a list of configuration files that can be changed. Once this has been choosen you are prompted for the settings for the connection. Follow steps 2 to 6 in the add option.
  • Start : This option is used to start manually start a connection.
  • Stop : This option is used to start manually stop a connection.



Purpose: Manage configuration files - change interface, add, delete and change connections. These configuration files are stored in /etc/wireless/.

The second group of option start, stop and status of connection. This is done via /etc/rc.d/rc.modules.

Use Network:INET option to set up the ethernet interface.

Command Line: /sbin/vinetset

Walk Through: When you select this option you will be provided a menu of options.


This option is used to change interface settings.

You can identify which network interface is wireless. If you use ndiswrapper the interface is wlan0..

If you use wpa_supplicant you will need to identify which driver to use. (known to work for ndiswrapper with Broadcom driver (bcmwl5)

  •  ADD

Use this option to add and define a new connection.

When you select this option you will be asked for the ESSID of the connection. Connections are identified by their ESSIDs (Extended Service Set Identification). All of the wireless devices on a WLAN must employ the same ESSID in order to communicate with each other. This will be the identifier for the associated configuration file (/etc/wireless/<ESSID Name>.essid.conf)

Next you will be asked for a short description for the connection.

Next you be asked to choose the type of encryption. They include plaintext (no encryption), WEP and WPA (personal). If you choose WEP or WPA you will be asked for the encryption key to use. If you choose WPA supplicant a second configuration file is created (/etc/wireless/<ESSID Name>.wpa.conf). You can modify this file if you have specific requirements. Detailed documentation is available at .

Next you will be given a list of parameters that you may wish to set (including the description and encryption) specific to your own requirements.

  • DEL

Choose the connection definition that you wish to delete. Select the connection that you wish to delete. A backup copy is created ((/etc/wireless/<ESSID Name>.essid.bkp and /etc/wireless/<ESSID Name>.wpa.bkp).


Use this option to change the parameter for the connection. Select the connection that you wish to change. A backup copy is created ((/etc/wireless/<ESSID Name>.essid.bkp and /etc/wireless/<ESSID Name>.wpa.bkp).


Select this option to connect an available ESSID. You will be given a list of visible ESSIDs. If none are visible the list will include the defined connections in case they do not broadcast their ESSID.

  • STOP

Use this option to stop the wireless connection.


Select this option to get a detailed status of the wireless connection.


Assumes that the wireless interface has been installed and working.
Configuration data is stored in /etc/wireless. This directory is only available to root since it may contain passwords.
In order to automate starttup use HARDWARE:HWSET or by making /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless executable.


6.5.5. MODEM

Purpose: Utility for configuring a dial-up connection to an ISP. You need to know a number of things about your ISP (phone number, authentication method, etc.) and your modem (device, baud rate, init string, etc.)

Command Line: /sbin/vmodemset

Walk Through: If you select this menu item, you will be given a list of serial ports. Select the port where your modem is attached. The ports included are those used by a Linmodem, but this script does not install or setup these modems. If you know what COM device it was under Windows, you can select the listed equivalent. Otherwise, you can try the autodetect or you might have to do some experimenting. The best course is to start at ttyS0 and work your way down the list.

Next you will be asked for the user name and password for you ISP's connection for PPP dialers such as X-ISP. You can skip this if you are using GkDial or KPPP, which you will have to configure.



Purpose: Sets up basic network protection and internet sharing.

Command Line: /sbin/vfirewall

Walk Through: This option calls a submenu of options to setup a basci firewall/gateway. The options are:

  • New
    This option creates a script /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall and makes it executable so it will start every time the system is started.

  • Open
    Allows the user to open some common ports on the system for others to access. The user can also modify the rc.firewall script.
  • Gateway
    This script sets up a simple gateway, using ip masquerading (NAT), with a firewall using iptables. The user is asked to identify the interface that is connected to the local area network for sharing. This interface will need to be set up using the INET option of the NETWORK submenu
  • Start
    Starts the firewall.
  • Stop
    Stops the firewall.
  • Enable
    Enables the firewall to be start each time the system starts.
  • Disable
    Disables the automatic starting of the firewall.

Important notes: This firewall script is able to handle simple filtering (open/close the host port) and simple masquerading (become an internet gateway).

However, this script is relatively basic, so it is recomended that you use more advanced firewall tools (like guarddog/guidedog, included in SOHO) to create more advanced rules.
For this "advanced" rules to take effect, you should use VASM to set the firewall active but not to configure it, since you will do that through guarddog/guidedog.



Setup Keyboard, mouse, CD-Rom, Sound, etc.

Command Line: /sbin/vhwmenu


6.6.1. HWCONF

Purpose: Autodetect hardware devices on your system.

Command line: /sbin/vhwconf

Note: The autodetection routine will stat as soon as you select this option, be sure you want re-detect your hardware before selecting this.

Walk Through: Must be run from console mode. If used under X you will receive the message telling you so.

When you select this option the system will immediately start to probe the system's components; you will see windows showing detected devices as they are found and configured. Since this is an AUTO-Probe you don't have the means to configure the detected devices and the system will do that for you. This mostly deals with the detection of the hardware itself and not so much with the fine-tuning, for example, it will detect and activate you ethernet cards, but if you want to enter you network configuration you have to resort to the "Network Menu".



6.6.2. HWSET

Purpose: This menu allows you to enable or disable the initialization of hardware components of your system.

Command line: /sbin/vhwset

Walk Through: When selecting this entry, a list will appear, showing the hardware you can initialize at boot time, this means that if you plan to use a Parallel port printer you need to set "parallel" to be initialized at boot time, but if you don´t plan to, you can disable it and free some system resources.

Available options:

  • PNP
    ISA Plug and Play. This should be enabled for a modern PC
  • Hotplug
    USB/PCI hotplug devices (pendrive, digital camera, etc)
    For PCMCIA cards, common on laptops (network, modem, etc.)
  • APM
    Advanced Power Management, useful for Laptops.
  • Serial
    Serial port and modem
  • Parallel
    Parallel port and printer"
  • Wireless
    Networking using radio or infrared"
  • ALSA
    Advanced Linux Sound System"
  • udev
    Dynamic /dev naming for hotplug on kernel 2.6
  • tmpfs
    On memory /tmp. Recomended if RAM>=196MB + SWAP>=256MB



Purpose: Setup ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)

Command line: /sbin/valsaconf

Walk Through: Must be run from console mode. If used under X you will receive the message telling you so.

When you run ALSACONF, a dialog appears asking you to close any open application related to sound; when you press "OK" the system will try to autodetect any present sound device and you will see a progress bar indicating the status of the detection.

You will then be presented with the detected cards and asked to select the one to use or if you want to probe the system for older, non-PnP, ISA cards.

If ALSA detected any onboard or PCI sound device and you choose that one, when you press "OK" the driver will be loaded and the device configured for activation at boot time. Press "Ok"

 to accept the confirmation dialog and you will be taken back to the "Hardware Menu".

If you choose to probe the system for legacy sound cards you will receive a warning stating that the system may become unstable; press "Yes" to proceed.

A dialog appears with a list of the available modules (drivers) to probe, while the list may seem a bit short, it actually cover a much wider range of sound cards which work with the same drivers.

Uncheck any particular module you don't want to be probed and press "Ok". You will be asked if the system should probe for possible IRQ and DMA combinations, since doing so takes more time, you could skip it for now to see if the card is detected, and if it is not, then re-run alsaconf enabling this option instead. You will finally see the results of the probing and a request to choose the card to be used by the system.


6.6.4. CDSET

Purpose: Allows you to configure the location of your CD Rom and CD Writer drives.

Command line: /sbin/vcdset

Walk Through:  When a CD-Rom is detected, you will be prompted to accept the creation of a  symbolic link (/mnt/cdrom) pointing to it.

When a CD-Writer is detected, either after, before or instead of a reader unit, you will be asked if you want to allow access to it by ordinary users, if you select "Yes", they will be able to use programs like XCDRoast, otherwise, only root will have access to it.

Using CDSET results in some changes to the LILO bootloader, so you will need to reboot the system for the changes to take effect.



Purpose: Configure your pointing devices type and protocol

Command line: /sbin/vmouseset

Walk Trough: When you select this entry you are presented with a list of possible pointing devices, from standard mice to graphic tablets, plus an autodetection option.

After selecting yuor device type, you are asked some more details like how many buttons does it have and, for serial devices, what port it is attached to. After entering this information you are taken back to the Hardware Menu.

The mouse configuration takes effect after you start or re-restart the X Server, thus, to avoid finding yourself with a non-working mouse if you select an incorrect configuration, it is highly recommended that you switch to text mode to use this feature (see chapter 5).



Purpose: Change the map layout used by your keyboard.

Command line: /sbin/vkmapset

Walk Through: Select the one that matches it and press "OK" test the selection by typing characters such as @ & #, erase them, and type 1 (by itself) to accept the layout. Type 2 (by itself), or "Cancel", to go back to the maps selection and choose a different one.


6.6.7. DATESET

Purpose: Set date and time of the system.

Command line: /sbin/vdateset

Walk Through: The use of this option is rather self-explanatory, select the date by clicking it, select a different month or year using the arrows next to them, and then press "Ok"; do the same for the time, and then press "Next" to commit the changes to the system.


6.6.8. ZONESET

Purpose: Changes settings to reflect if clock is set to local or universal time zone.

Command Line: /sbin/vzoneset

Walk Through: When you choose this option you will be asked if the clock in your machine is set to local or UTC time. Choose no if local and yes if UTC. Most likely it is set to local time. You will then be given a list of timezones, select the best match and press "Next" to activate the change.



Perform disk partitioning and formatting, setup drives and partitions to be mounted, LiLo bootloader and system configuration backups

Command Line: /sbin/vfsmenu

6.7.1. FDISK

Purpose: This option launches cfdisk, a text mode application capable to edit the partitions in your hard disk.

Command line: /sbin/vfdisk

The use of this program is beyond the scope of this guide, but we advise you to use it with care, and to remember that you must select the "Write" option for any changes to be commited to the partition map before you exit the application.


6.7.2 FORMAT

Purpose: Formats partitions, clearing all the data in them.

Command line: /sbin/vformat

Walk Trough: By launching this option, you are presented with a list of the partitions on your system that can be formatted. Only unmounted partitions can be formatted, so make sure the one you intend to format meets this condition or it will not be presented in the list.

To format a partition select it from the list and press OK, then follow the instructions.

Notes: Be careful when you select the partition to format, once it is done, all of the information contained in it will be erased.


6.7.3. MOUNT

Purpose: Setup additional partitions to be mounted at boot time.

Command line: /sbin/vmount

Walk Through: This tool is an easy method to configure additional local disks or partitions to be mounted in your system. Select the option and you can ADD or REMOVE mount points.

- Adding mount points

If you select "Add" you will be presented with a list of the local filesystems which are available and which are not already present in the fstab file (the file where mount points configuration is stored).

Select the one you want to configure and you will be asked where you want it to be mounted. Then you will see the default options it will be mounted with, if you know what you are doing, you can modify these options, otherwise accept the defaults and press "Ok".

The filesystem will not be automatically mounted, you will have to mount it manually by either command line, Kwikdisk, or utilities such as gkrellm.

If you mount it by command line, and assuming you created a mount point in /mnt/win, you could use this command (as root):

mount /mnt/win

You could also use:

mount -a

this will mount all of the mount points available in the configuration file, fstab.

Note: Keep in mind that the default settings make the filesystem mountable ONLY by the root user and not by ordinary users. If you want to make it mountable by users you could append "users," to the default options that are presented during the process.

- Deleting mount points

When you delete a mount point, all you do is to tell the system not to access some particular filesystem (disk, partition, etc,), you are not deleting any contents of that filesystem.

So, if you choose to Delete a mount point, you will see a list of the devices configured to be mountable (not necessarily auto-mounted), simply select those you want to remove and press "Ok", their entries will be removed from the configuration files and nothing will be modified in the filesystem itself.

Notes: It is highly recommended that you unmount the filesystem BEFORE you delete it's mount point, If you do not unmount the filesystem before, it will not be unmounted automatically, you will have to do it either by command line, Kwikdisk, gkrellm or by rebooting the system.


6.7.4. LILO

Purpose: This option helps you build the configuration file so that you can install LILO for your system. The Linux Loader, or LILO, is the most popular booter in use on Linux systems. It is quite configurable and can easily be used to boot other operating systems.

Command Line: /sbin/vliloconfig

Walk Through: When selecting this option, you will be given the choice to use simple or expert mode.

If this is your first time setting up LILO, you should pick the "simple" option. If you are familiar with LILO and Linux, the "expert" may provide you additional levels of control, which could lead to faster configuration.

  • Simple Setup :
    If kernel frame buffer support is compiled into your kernel, liloconfig will ask which video resolution you would like to use. This is the resolution that is also used by the XFree86 frame buffer server. If you do not want the console to run in a special video mode, selecting normal will keep the standard 80x25 text mode in use.

The next part of the LILO configuration is selecting where you want it installed. This is probably the most important step. The list below explains the installation places:

- Root
This option installs LILO to the beginning of your Linux root partition. This is the safest option if you have other operating systems on your computer. It ensures that any other bootloaders are not overwritten. The disadvantage is that LILO will only load from here if your Linux drive is the first drive on your system.

- Floppy
This method is even safer than the previous one. It creates a boot floppy that you can use to boot your Linux system. This keeps the bootloader off the hard disk entirely, so you only boot this floppy when you want to use VectorLinux.

You will want to use this method if VectorLinux is the only operating system on your computer, or if you will be using LILO to choose between multiple operating systems on your computer.

Warning: This option will overwrite any other bootloader you have in the MBR.

After selecting the installation location, liloconfig will write the configuration file and install LILO.

  • Expert:
    If you select the "expert" mode you will receive a special menu. This menu allows you to tweak the /etc/lilo.conf file, add other operating systems to your boot menu, and set LILO to pass special kernel parameters at boot time.



Purpose: Allows you to backup important system files.

Command line: /sbin/vbackupsys

Walk Through: This utility allows you to keep multiple backups (up to 9). It is also designed to backup system configuration files, which most of the time are small text files.

There are three available options:

- Cron: schedule regular backups

Selecting this option means that the cron daemon will be configured to start at boot time and perform the backup on daily basis.

- Backup: perform a one time backup

You can choose to perform an update of an existing backup, where only the files that where changed are added to the compressed archive, something known as a xxx backup, or to perform a full backup where all of the designated files are stored in a new, additional compressed archive.

After you select and accept the backup method, the process will begin and, when done, you will be presented with a report of the results.

- Restore: restore files from backup archives

After selecting this option you will be presented with a list of the available backup archives, select the one you wish to restore based on it's date.

Once you selected the archive, a dialog window will appear, where you can individually select which files to restore.

Warning: when you restore a file, it will overwrite the one currently in use, if you want to keep both files you will have to manually copy the current file to a safe place and only then restore the old one from the archive.


7. Credits

Copyright 2004 Vector Linux
Released under [GNU Free Document License |]
Contributed By: Cintyram, Johnvan, Webmouse, Kocil, UKBill.