CrunchBang 7.10.01 i386 ======================= Please go to for the release announcement. Files list ---------- * crunchbang-7.10.01.i386.README.txt This file * crunchbang-7.10.01.i386.iso Disk image * crunchbang-7.10.01.i386.iso.MD5SUM.txt MD5 sum * crunchbang-7.10.01.i386.iso.manifest.txt Package manifest * crunchbang-7.10.01.i386.lsm Linux software map Verify your download -------------------- Before burning a CD, it is highly recommended that you verify the md5 sum (hash) of the .iso file. This ensures that the file was not damaged during the download process and is 100% intact. Disclaimer ---------- CrunchBang Linux could possibly make your computer go crunch bang! Therefore CrunchBang Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. --- Philip Newborough (aka corenominal) <>