Packages changed:
  MozillaFirefox (62.0.2 -> 62.0.3)
  bluedevil5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  breeze (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  breeze-gtk (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  breeze4-style (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  cpupower (4.15 -> 4.19)
  discover (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  drkonqi5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  inxi (3.0.20 -> 3.0.26)
  kactivitymanagerd (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kcm_sddm (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kde-cli-tools5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kde-gtk-config5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kde-user-manager (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kernel-source (4.18.11 -> 4.18.12)
  kgamma5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  khotkeys5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kinfocenter5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kmenuedit5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kscreen5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kscreenlocker (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  ksshaskpass5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  ksysguard5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kwayland-integration (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  kwin5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  lftp (4.8.3 -> 4.8.4)
  libinput (1.12.0 -> 1.12.1)
  libkdecoration2 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  libkscreen2 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  libksysguard5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  mercurial (4.7.1 -> 4.7.2)
  milou5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  multipath-tools (0.7.7+75+suse.6287aef -> 0.7.7+136+suse.d814d8e)
  okteta (0.25.3 -> 0.25.4)
  oxygen5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  plasma-browser-integration (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  plasma-nm5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  plasma5-addons (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  plasma5-desktop (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  plasma5-integration (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  plasma5-pa (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  plasma5-workspace (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  powerdevil5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  systemsettings5 (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
  vm-install (0.10.03 -> 0.10.04)
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)

=== Details ===

==== MozillaFirefox ====
Version update (62.0.2 -> 62.0.3)
Subpackages: MozillaFirefox-translations-common

- Mozilla Firefox 62.0.3:
  MFSA 2018-24
  * CVE-2018-12386 (bsc#1110506, bmo#1493900)
    Type confusion in JavaScript allowed remote code execution
  * CVE-2018-12387 (bsc#1110507, bmo#1493903)
    Array.prototype.push stack pointer vulnerability may enable
    exploits in the sandboxed content process

==== bluedevil5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: bluedevil5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Edit gitignore
  * Remove FileItemActionPlugin in favor of Purpose plugin
  * Add license files
  * [Device Monitor] Create KFilePlacesModel on demand
  * Remove unused entry X-KDE-DBus-ModuleName from the kded plugin metadata
  * Use more contextual strings for some button labels

==== breeze ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-style-lang breeze5-wallpapers

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Allow to disable installation of wallpapers with breeze
  * Fix finding QtQuick (kde#398663)
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Disable the title bar separator by default
  * [kstyle] Fix deprecation warnings
  * Properly use kpackage_install_package
  * Set complete vectors instead of creting them at runtime
  * Invert shade button by same logic as keep-above button
  * [kstyle] Create shadow tiles on demand
  * Rename libbreezecommon to libbreezecommon5 and don't install .so links
  * Only include QtQuick support in Breeze KStyle if QtQuick is available
  * Optimised 5.14 wallpaper filesizes and corrected banding issues.
  * Plasma 5.14 "Cluster" Wallpaper
  * [kdecoration] Delete unused includes
  * [libbreezecommon] Fix build when qreal is float
  * [kdecoration] Make shadows lighter
  * [kstyle] Refine shadows
  * [kdecoration] Refine shadows
  * [libbreezecommon] Add box shadow helper
  * Fixed detection of horizontal progressbar by re-introducing check on QStyleOptionProgressBar::orientation. Using option->state only even for Qt5 breaks ktorrent.
  * [kstyle] Don't suppress deprecation warnings
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionViewItemV4 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameV2 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionTabV3 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionFrameV3 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionFrameV2 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * Turn off the extended resize handle/black triangle when there are no borders

==== breeze-gtk ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Add .arcconfig

==== breeze4-style ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Allow to disable installation of wallpapers with breeze
  * Fix finding QtQuick (kde#398663)
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Disable the title bar separator by default
  * [kstyle] Fix deprecation warnings
  * Properly use kpackage_install_package
  * Set complete vectors instead of creting them at runtime
  * Invert shade button by same logic as keep-above button
  * [kstyle] Create shadow tiles on demand
  * Rename libbreezecommon to libbreezecommon5 and don't install .so links
  * Only include QtQuick support in Breeze KStyle if QtQuick is available
  * Optimised 5.14 wallpaper filesizes and corrected banding issues.
  * Plasma 5.14 "Cluster" Wallpaper
  * [kdecoration] Delete unused includes
  * [libbreezecommon] Fix build when qreal is float
  * [kdecoration] Make shadows lighter
  * [kstyle] Refine shadows
  * [kdecoration] Refine shadows
  * [libbreezecommon] Add box shadow helper
  * Fixed detection of horizontal progressbar by re-introducing check on QStyleOptionProgressBar::orientation. Using option->state only even for Qt5 breaks ktorrent.
  * [kstyle] Don't suppress deprecation warnings
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionViewItemV4 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameV2 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionTabV3 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionFrameV3 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionFrameV2 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * [kstyle] Drop QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2 in Qt 5 style plugin
  * Turn off the extended resize handle/black triangle when there are no borders

==== cpupower ====
Version update (4.15 -> 4.19)
Subpackages: libcpupower0

- Updating to latest 4.19(-rc6) kernel sources
  Turbostat is increased to version 18.07.27 by this
  Patches which got deleted because they are now mainline:
  D    turbostat_decode_MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE_only_on_Intel.patch
  D    turbostat_fix_man_perm.patch
  D    x86_perf_fix_man_permissions.patch

==== discover ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: discover-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Build without fwupd on Leap 42
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here
- Enable fwupd backend
- Use %license

==== drkonqi5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Mingw compile fix (kde#396821)
  * Fix signal/slot
  * Use KPasswordLineEdit
  * Fix enable/disable widget
  * Fix warning
  * Add Exec= key

==== grub2 ====
Subpackages: grub2-i386-pc grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin grub2-x86_64-efi grub2-x86_64-xen

- Support NVDIMM device names (bsc#1110073)
  * grub2-getroot-support-nvdimm.patch
- Translate caret back to space as the initrd stanza could use space to
  delimit multiple files loaded (bsc#1101942)
  * grub2-util-30_os-prober-multiple-initrd.patch

==== inxi ====
Version update (3.0.20 -> 3.0.26)

- Update to version 3.0.26:
  * See /usr/share/doc/packages/inxi/inxi.changelog

==== kactivitymanagerd ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kactivitymanagerd-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Enabled the global shortcuts plugin by default
  * Remove unused KAMD_DATA_DIR variables
  * Use (non-deprecated) KDEInstallDirs variables
  * Use KDE_INSTALL_FULL_BINDIR instead of hardcoding bin/ subdir
  * Remove unneeded include_directories
  * No need to set CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR, done by KDECMakeSettings
  * Add some QT_ definitions to enforce current strict state
  * Use override
  * Use nullptr
  * Fix typo in assert messages
  * Use more explicit
  * No need to set CMAKE_AUTOMOC ourselves, done by KDECMakeSettings
  * Use ecm_setup_qtplugin_macro_names for KAMD_EXPORT_PLUGIN
  * No need to add explicitly ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR, part of ECM_MODULE_PATH
  * Use KF5_MIN_VERSION also for ECM, now that it's part of KF
  * Remove unneeded cmake macro includes
  * Require KDE Frameworks 5.42 and Qt 5.9
  * Bump min cmake version to 3.0

==== kcm_sddm ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kcm_sddm-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Workaround QTBUG-47066 to fix crash on startup
- Remove patch, now upstream:
  * 0001-Workaround-QTBUG-47066-to-fix-crash-on-startup.patch
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Sync MAX_UID with upstream
  * Remove deprecated class
  * Check version
  * Remove unused include moc
  * Use nullptr. Use const'ref
  * Make compile with strict compile flags (I found a missing i18n too)
- Refresh patches remove-wayland-suffix.patch
- Replace set-default-session-to-plasma5-for-autologin.patch with
- Add patch to fix crash on startup:
  * 0001-Workaround-QTBUG-47066-to-fix-crash-on-startup.patch

==== kde-cli-tools5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kde-cli-tools5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * [KEditFileType] Show application icon in preference list
  * Make build with strict compile flags
- Refresh kdesu-add-some-i18n-love.patch

==== kde-gtk-config5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kde-gtk-config5-gtk2 kde-gtk-config5-gtk3 kde-gtk-config5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90a:
  * Sort icon and cursor themes case-insensitively (kde#368600)
  * Fix spelling errors
- Update to 5.13.90a
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Git branch at time of 5.13.90 tarball creation was missing previous
  fixes, the tarball got remade
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Make sure there are less unnecessary changed() emissions (kde#388126)
  * Use new connect syntax

==== kde-user-manager ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kde-user-manager-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Fix minor EBN issues
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Use override. Use nullptr
  * Fix compile with strict compile flags
  * Update version
  * Warning--

==== kernel-source ====
Version update (4.18.11 -> 4.18.12)
Subpackages: kernel-default kernel-default-devel kernel-devel kernel-docs kernel-macros kernel-syms

- Linux 4.18.12 (bnc#1012628).
- crypto: skcipher - Fix -Wstringop-truncation warnings
- iio: adc: ina2xx: avoid kthread_stop() with stale task_struct
- tsl2550: fix lux1_input error in low light (bnc#1012628).
- misc: ibmvmc: Use GFP_ATOMIC under spin lock (bnc#1012628).
- vmci: type promotion bug in qp_host_get_user_memory()
- siox: don't create a thread without starting it (bnc#1012628).
- net: hns3: Fix for mailbox message truncated problem
- net: hns3: Fix for mac pause not disable in pfc mode
- net: hns3: Fix warning bug when doing lp selftest (bnc#1012628).
- net: hns3: Fix get_vector ops in hclgevf_main module
- x86/numa_emulation: Fix emulated-to-physical node mapping
- staging: rts5208: fix missing error check on call to
  rtsx_write_register (bnc#1012628).
- power: supply: axp288_charger: Fix initial
  constant_charge_current value (bnc#1012628).
- misc: sram: enable clock before registering regions
- serial: sh-sci: Stop RX FIFO timer during port shutdown
- uwb: hwa-rc: fix memory leak at probe (bnc#1012628).
- power: vexpress: fix corruption in notifier registration
- iommu/amd: make sure TLB to be flushed before IOVA freed
- Bluetooth: Add a new Realtek 8723DE ID 0bda:b009 (bnc#1012628).
- USB: serial: kobil_sct: fix modem-status error handling
- 6lowpan: iphc: reset mac_header after decompress to fix panic
- iommu/msm: Don't call iommu_device_{,un}link from atomic context
- s390/mm: correct allocate_pgste proc_handler callback
- power: remove possible deadlock when unregistering power_supply
- drm/amd/display/dc/dce: Fix multiple potential integer overflows
- drm/amd/display: fix use of uninitialized memory (bnc#1012628).
- md-cluster: clear another node's suspend_area after the copy
  is finished (bnc#1012628).
- cxgb4: Fix the condition to check if the card is T5
- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix a couple off by one bugs (bnc#1012628).
- RDMA/i40w: Hold read semaphore while looking after VMA
- RDMA/bnxt_re: Fix a bunch of off by one bugs in qplib_fp.c
- IB/core: type promotion bug in rdma_rw_init_one_mr()
- media: exynos4-is: Prevent NULL pointer dereference in
  __isp_video_try_fmt() (bnc#1012628).
- IB/mlx4: Test port number before querying type (bnc#1012628).
- powerpc/kdump: Handle crashkernel memory reservation failure
- media: fsl-viu: fix error handling in viu_of_probe()
- vhost_net: Avoid tx vring kicks during busyloop (bnc#1012628).
- media: staging/imx: fill vb2_v4l2_buffer field entry
- IB/mlx5: Fix GRE flow specification (bnc#1012628).
- include/rdma/opa_addr.h: Fix an endianness issue (bnc#1012628).
- x86/tsc: Add missing header to tsc_msr.c (bnc#1012628).
- ARM: hwmod: RTC: Don't assume lock/unlock will be called with
  irq enabled (bnc#1012628).
- x86/entry/64: Add two more instruction suffixes (bnc#1012628).
- ARM: dts: ls1021a: Add missing cooling device properties for
  CPUs (bnc#1012628).
- scsi: target/iscsi: Make iscsit_ta_authentication() respect
  the output buffer size (bnc#1012628).
- thermal: i.MX: Allow thermal probe to fail gracefully in case
  of bad calibration (bnc#1012628).
- scsi: klist: Make it safe to use klists in atomic context
- scsi: ibmvscsi: Improve strings handling (bnc#1012628).
- scsi: target: Avoid that EXTENDED COPY commands trigger lock
  inversion (bnc#1012628).
- usb: wusbcore: security: cast sizeof to int for comparison
- ath10k: sdio: use same endpoint id for all packets in a bundle
- ath10k: sdio: set skb len for all rx packets (bnc#1012628).
- powerpc/powernv/ioda2: Reduce upper limit for DMA window size
- platform/x86: asus-wireless: Fix uninitialized symbol usage
- ACPI / button: increment wakeup count only when notified
- s390/sysinfo: add missing #ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS (bnc#1012628).
- s390/dasd: correct numa_node in dasd_alloc_queue (bnc#1012628).
- s390/scm_blk: correct numa_node in scm_blk_dev_setup
- s390/extmem: fix gcc 8 stringop-overflow warning (bnc#1012628).
- mtd: rawnand: atmel: add module param to avoid using dma
- iio: accel: adxl345: convert address field usage in
  iio_chan_spec (bnc#1012628).
- posix-timers: Make forward callback return s64 (bnc#1012628).
- posix-timers: Sanitize overrun handling (bnc#1012628).
- ALSA: snd-aoa: add of_node_put() in error path (bnc#1012628).
- selftests: forwarding: Tweak tc filters for mirror-to-gretap
  tests (bnc#1012628).
- ath10k: use locked skb_dequeue for rx completions (bnc#1012628).
- media: s3c-camif: ignore -ENOIOCTLCMD from v4l2_subdev_call
  for s_power (bnc#1012628).
- media: soc_camera: ov772x: correct setting of banding filter
- media: omap3isp: zero-initialize the isp cam_xclk{a,b} initial
  data (bnc#1012628).
- media: ov772x: add checks for register read errors
- staging: android: ashmem: Fix mmap size validation
- media: ov772x: allow i2c controllers without
- staging: mt7621-eth: Fix memory leak in mtk_add_mac() error path
- drivers/tty: add error handling for pcmcia_loop_config
- arm64: dts: renesas: salvator-common: Fix adv7482 decimal unit
  addresses (bnc#1012628).
- serial: pxa: Fix an error handling path in 'serial_pxa_probe()'
- staging: mt7621-dts: Fix remaining pcie warnings (bnc#1012628).
- media: tm6000: add error handling for dvb_register_adapter
- ASoC: qdsp6: qdafe: fix some off by one bugs (bnc#1012628).
- ALSA: hda: Add AZX_DCAPS_PM_RUNTIME for AMD Raven Ridge
- net: phy: xgmiitorgmii: Check read_status results (bnc#1012628).
- ath10k: protect ath10k_htt_rx_ring_free with rx_ring.lock
- drm/sun4i: Enable DW HDMI PHY clock (bnc#1012628).
- net: phy: xgmiitorgmii: Check phy_driver ready before accessing
- drm/sun4i: Fix releasing node when enumerating enpoints
- ath10k: transmit queued frames after processing rx packets
- mt76x2: fix mrr idx/count estimation in
  mt76x2_mac_fill_tx_status() (bnc#1012628).
- rndis_wlan: potential buffer overflow in
  rndis_wlan_auth_indication() (bnc#1012628).
- brcmsmac: fix wrap around in conversion from constant to s16
- bitfield: fix *_encode_bits() (bnc#1012628).
- wlcore: Add missing PM call for
  wlcore_cmd_wait_for_event_or_timeout() (bnc#1012628).
- drm/omap: gem: Fix mm_list locking (bnc#1012628).
- ARM: mvebu: declare asm symbols as character arrays in pmsu.c
- RDMA/uverbs: Don't overwrite NULL pointer with ZERO_SIZE_PTR
- Documentation/process: fix reST table border error
- perf/hw_breakpoint: Split attribute parse and commit
- arm: dts: mediatek: Add missing cooling device properties for
  CPUs (bnc#1012628).
- HID: hid-ntrig: add error handling for sysfs_create_group
- HID: i2c-hid: Use devm to allocate i2c_hid struct (bnc#1012628).
- MIPS: boot: fix build rule of vmlinux.its.S (bnc#1012628).
- arm64: dts: renesas: Fix VSPD registers range (bnc#1012628).
- drm/v3d: Take a lock across GPU scheduler job creation and
  queuing (bnc#1012628).
- perf/x86/intel/lbr: Fix incomplete LBR call stack (bnc#1012628).
- scsi: bnx2i: add error handling for ioremap_nocache
- iomap: complete partial direct I/O writes synchronously
- scsi: hisi_sas: Fix the conflict between dev gone and host reset
- spi: orion: fix CS GPIO handling again (bnc#1012628).
- scsi: megaraid_sas: Update controller info during resume
- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix Acer Iconia 8 over-current
  detect threshold (bnc#1012628).
- ASoC: rt1305: Use ULL suffixes for 64-bit constants
- ASoC: rsnd: SSI parent cares SWSP bit (bnc#1012628).
- EDAC, i7core: Fix memleaks and use-after-free on probe and
  remove (bnc#1012628).
- ASoC: dapm: Fix potential DAI widget pointer deref when linking
  DAIs (bnc#1012628).
- module: exclude SHN_UNDEF symbols from kallsyms api
- gpio: Fix wrong rounding in gpio-menz127 (bnc#1012628).
- nfsd: fix corrupted reply to badly ordered compound
- EDAC: Fix memleak in module init error path (bnc#1012628).
- EDAC, altera: Fix an error handling path in
  altr_s10_sdram_probe() (bnc#1012628).
- staging: pi433: fix race condition in pi433_ioctl (bnc#1012628).
- ath10k: fix incorrect size of dma_free_coherent in
  ath10k_ce_alloc_src_ring_64 (bnc#1012628).
- ath10k: snoc: use correct bus-specific pointer in RX retry
- fs/lock: skip lock owner pid translation in case we are in
  init_pid_ns (bnc#1012628).
- ath10k: fix memory leak of tpc_stats (bnc#1012628).
- Input: xen-kbdfront - fix multi-touch XenStore node's locations
- iio: 104-quad-8: Fix off-by-one error in register selection
- drm/vc4: Add missing formats to vc4_format_mod_supported()
- ARM: dts: dra7: fix DCAN node addresses (bnc#1012628).
- drm/vc4: plane: Expand the lower bits by repeating the higher
  bits (bnc#1012628).
- perf tests: Fix indexing when invoking subtests (bnc#1012628).
- gpio: tegra: Fix tegra_gpio_irq_set_type() (bnc#1012628).
- floppy: Do not copy a kernel pointer to user memory in FDGETPRM
  ioctl (bnc#1012628).
- block: fix deadline elevator drain for zoned block devices
- x86/mm: Expand static page table for fixmap space (bnc#1012628).
- tty: serial: lpuart: avoid leaking struct tty_struct
- serial: imx: restore handshaking irq for imx1 (bnc#1012628).
- serial: mvebu-uart: Fix reporting of effective CSIZE to
  userspace (bnc#1012628).
- serial: cpm_uart: return immediately from console poll
- intel_th: Fix device removal logic (bnc#1012628).
- intel_th: Fix resource handling for ACPI glue layer
- spi: tegra20-slink: explicitly enable/disable clock
- spi: sh-msiof: Fix invalid SPI use during system suspend
- spi: sh-msiof: Fix handling of write value for SISTR register
- spi: rspi: Fix invalid SPI use during system suspend
- spi: rspi: Fix interrupted DMA transfers (bnc#1012628).
- regulator: fix crash caused by null driver data (bnc#1012628).
- regulator: Fix 'do-nothing' value for regulators without
  suspend state (bnc#1012628).
- USB: fix error handling in usb_driver_claim_interface()
- USB: handle NULL config in usb_find_alt_setting() (bnc#1012628).
- usb: roles: Take care of driver module reference counting
- usb: core: safely deal with the dynamic quirk lists
- usb: musb: dsps: do not disable CPPI41 irq in driver teardown
- USB: usbdevfs: sanitize flags more (bnc#1012628).
- USB: usbdevfs: restore warning for nonsensical flags
- Revert "usb: cdc-wdm: Fix a sleep-in-atomic-context bug in
  service_outstanding_interrupt()" (bnc#1012628).
- USB: remove LPM management from usb_driver_claim_interface()
- uaccess: Fix is_source param for check_copy_size() in
  copy_to_iter_mcsafe() (bnc#1012628).
- ext2, dax: set ext2_dax_aops for dax files (bnc#1012628).
- filesystem-dax: Fix use of zero page (bnc#1012628).
- Input: elantech - enable middle button of touchpad on ThinkPad
  P72 (bnc#1012628).
- IB/srp: Avoid that sg_reset -d ${srp_device} triggers an
  infinite loop (bnc#1012628).
- IB/hfi1: Fix SL array bounds check (bnc#1012628).
- IB/hfi1: Invalid user input can result in crash (bnc#1012628).
- IB/hfi1: Fix context recovery when PBC has an UnsupportedVL
- IB/hfi1: Fix destroy_qp hang after a link down (bnc#1012628).
- ACPI / hotplug / PCI: Don't scan for non-hotplug bridges if
  slot is not bridge (bnc#1012628).
- RDMA/uverbs: Atomically flush and mark closed the comp event
  queue (bnc#1012628).
- arm64: KVM: Tighten guest core register access from userspace
- ARM: OMAP2+: Fix null hwmod for ti-sysc debug (bnc#1012628).
- ARM: OMAP2+: Fix module address for modules using mpu_rt_idx
- bus: ti-sysc: Fix module register ioremap for larger offsets
- qed: Wait for ready indication before rereading the shmem
- qed: Wait for MCP halt and resume commands to take place
- qed: Prevent a possible deadlock during driver load and unload
- qed: Avoid sending mailbox commands when MFW is not responsive
- thermal: of-thermal: disable passive polling when thermal zone
  is disabled (bnc#1012628).
- isofs: reject hardware sector size > 2048 bytes (bnc#1012628).
- mmc: atmel-mci: fix bad logic of sg_copy_{from,to}_buffer
  conversion (bnc#1012628).
- mmc: android-goldfish: fix bad logic of sg_copy_{from,to}_buffer
  conversion (bnc#1012628).
- bus: ti-sysc: Fix no_console_suspend handling (bnc#1012628).
- ARM: dts: omap4-droid4: fix vibrations on Droid 4 (bnc#1012628).
- bpf, sockmap: fix sock_hash_alloc and reject zero-sized keys
- bpf, sockmap: fix sock hash count in alloc_sock_hash_elem
- tls: possible hang when do_tcp_sendpages hits sndbuf is full
  case (bnc#1012628).
- bpf: sockmap: write_space events need to be passed to TCP
  handler (bnc#1012628).
- drm/amdgpu: fix VM clearing for the root PD (bnc#1012628).
- drm/amdgpu: fix preamble handling (bnc#1012628).
- amdgpu: fix multi-process hang issue (bnc#1012628).
- net/ncsi: Fixup .dumpit message flags and ID check in Netlink
  handler (bnc#1012628).
- tcp_bbr: add bbr_check_probe_rtt_done() helper (bnc#1012628).
- tcp_bbr: in restart from idle, see if we should exit PROBE_RTT
- net: hns: fix length and page_offset overflow when
  CONFIG_ARM64_64K_PAGES (bnc#1012628).
- net: hns: fix skb->truesize underestimation (bnc#1012628).
- net: hns3: fix page_offset overflow when CONFIG_ARM64_64K_PAGES
- ice: Fix multiple static analyser warnings (bnc#1012628).
- ice: Report stats for allocated queues via ethtool stats
- ice: Clean control queues only when they are initialized
- ice: Fix bugs in control queue processing (bnc#1012628).
- ice: Use order_base_2 to calculate higher power of 2
- ice: Set VLAN flags correctly (bnc#1012628).
- tools: bpftool: return from do_event_pipe() on bad arguments
- ice: Fix a few null pointer dereference issues (bnc#1012628).
- ice: Fix potential return of uninitialized value (bnc#1012628).
- e1000: check on netif_running() before calling e1000_up()
- e1000: ensure to free old tx/rx rings in set_ringparam()
- ixgbe: fix driver behaviour after issuing VFLR (bnc#1012628).
- i40e: Fix for Tx timeouts when interface is brought up if DCB
  is enabled (bnc#1012628).
- i40e: fix condition of WARN_ONCE for stat strings (bnc#1012628).
- crypto: chtls - fix null dereference chtls_free_uld()
- crypto: cavium/nitrox - fix for command corruption in queue
  full case with backlog submissions (bnc#1012628).
- hwmon: (ina2xx) fix sysfs shunt resistor read access
- hwmon: (adt7475) Make adt7475_read_word() return errors
- Revert "ARM: dts: imx7d: Invert legacy PCI irq mapping"
- drm/amdgpu: Enable/disable gfx PG feature in rlc safe mode
- drm/amdgpu: Update power state at the end of smu hw_init
- ata: ftide010: Add a quirk for SQ201 (bnc#1012628).
- nvme-fcloop: Fix dropped LS's to removed target port
- ARM: dts: omap4-droid4: Fix emmc errors seen on some devices
- drm/amdgpu: Need to set moved to true when evict bo
- arm/arm64: smccc-1.1: Make return values unsigned long
- arm/arm64: smccc-1.1: Handle function result as parameters
- i2c: i801: Allow ACPI AML access I/O ports not reserved for
  SMBus (bnc#1012628).
- clk: x86: Set default parent to 48Mhz (bnc#1012628).
- x86/pti: Fix section mismatch warning/error (bnc#1012628).
- KVM: PPC: Book3S HV: Fix guest r11 corruption with POWER9 TM
  workarounds (bnc#1012628).
- powerpc: fix csum_ipv6_magic() on little endian platforms
- powerpc/pkeys: Fix reading of ibm, processor-storage-keys
  property (bnc#1012628).
- powerpc/pseries: Fix unitialized timer reset on migration
- arm64: KVM: Sanitize PSTATE.M when being set from userspace
- media: v4l: event: Prevent freeing event subscriptions while
  accessed (bnc#1012628).
- commit a880bd8

==== kgamma5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kgamma5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Fix compile with strict compile flags

==== khotkeys5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: khotkeys5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Remove unused entry X-KDE-DBus-ModuleName from the kded plugin metadata
  * Make Apply/Discard settings prompt consistent with rest of settings

==== kinfocenter5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kinfocenter5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Use QtQuick.Controls 2.0 Label in energy and fileindexmonitor KCM
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Add "Copy Info" button to the About System KCM (kde#366266)
  * Fix minor EBN issues
  * Move "update" button from the left side to the right side in NIC module
  * Add QStringLiteral when necessary
  * increase version as for other apps
  * Warning--
  * Use QStringLiteral where it's possible
  * Implement sorting of the device tree items (kde#380355)
  * Do not duplicate work of KAboutData::setupCommandLine()
  * Fix wrong full form of acronym SMB in kinfocenter docbook
  * Improve single-instance application behavior

==== kmenuedit5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kmenuedit5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * cmake: look for DocTools & Init frameworks
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Update screenshots
  * doc: Delete info about removed checkbox "Place in system tray"
  * Do not duplicate work of KAboutData::setupCommandLine()

==== kscreen5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kscreen5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * [Output Config] Fix transformation matrix for rotation icon
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here

==== kscreenlocker ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Ship a copy of the xdm PAM file to not depend on a display manager
  being installed (boo#1108329)
- Drop fix-wayland-version-requirement.diff, not needed anymore
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Fix the plasma-workspace build.
  * Export install location for DBUS interfaces via CMake
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Install our org.kde.screensaver interface definition
  * Prevent paste in screen locker (kde#388049)
  * Load QtQuickSettings for software rendering
  * Force software rendering when greeter crashed
  * Fix build, remove some implicit QString casts
  * Make it compile with strict compile flags
  * Add explicit

==== ksshaskpass5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: ksshaskpass5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Add qt/kf5 version

==== ksysguard5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: ksysguard5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Add AppStream metadata

==== kwayland-integration ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Add category file
  * Autogenerate loggin category
  * USe override/nullptr
  * Make sure that it builds with strict compile flags
  * Align with the rest of Plasma

==== kwin5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kwin5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * [effects/zoom] Set wrap mode for cursor texture (kde#338254)
  * fixuifiles
  * Fix untranslatable strings in debug_console.ui shortcutdialog.ui (kde#398703)
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here

==== lftp ====
Version update (4.8.3 -> 4.8.4)

- Update to version 4.8.4
  * Fixed a security vulnerability with "file:" file names.
    CVE-2018-10916 bsc#1103367
  * Fixed mirror --flat.
  * http: extract links from <source> tags.
  * Fixed upload of zero-length files over ftps.
  * Fixed assert on "mput -d".
  * Fixed a core dump.
  * Avoid multiple backup files of DHT cache.
  * Translations updated (uk, zh_CN).
- Remove upstream patch:
  * fix-zero-byte-file-upload-via-ssl.patch

==== libinput ====
Version update (1.12.0 -> 1.12.1)
Subpackages: libinput-udev libinput10

- Update to new upstream release 1.12.1
  * A few entries there had to be corrected/added, including the
    one for the MS Nano Transceiver, the Dell XPSL322X touchpad
    and some of the Elan Touchpad quirks. A new quirk was added
    for the Kensington Orbit trackball which is confused about
    it's non-existing middle button and for the Asus UX302LA
    touchpad which thinks pressure isn't necessary once two
    fingers are down.
  * Apple touchpads randomly triggered an assert (under very
    specific, but easy enough to trigger conditions), which is
    fixed now.
- Remove 0001-quirks-fix-the-trackpoint-multiplier-for-the-Dell-E7.patch
- 0001-quirks-fix-the-trackpoint-multiplier-for-the-Dell-E7.patch
  * refix the trackpoint multiplier for the Dell E7470 (boo#1013647,
    fdo#106323, gitlab issue#148)

==== libkdecoration2 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2-5-lang libkdecorations2private6

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Check against QRect whether pointer is inside DecorationButton

==== libkscreen2 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Screen7 libkscreen2-plugin

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here

==== libksysguard5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: libksysguard5-helper libksysguard5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Use lambda instead of QSignalMapper
  * Add new "Tools" button above System Monitor's process list
  * Remove unneeded QT definitions

==== mercurial ====
Version update (4.7.1 -> 4.7.2)
Subpackages: mercurial-lang

- Mercurial 4.7.2
  This is a regularly-scheduled bugfix release containing following fixes:
  * security
    + Fix a potential out-of-bounds read in manifest parsing C code.
  * core
    + various minor correctness fixes in revsets for commonancestors() and
  * unsorted
    + chgserver: do not send system() back to client if stdio
    redirected (issue5992)
    + procutil: compare fd number to see if stdio protection
    is needed (issue5992)

==== milou5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: milou5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Fix minor EBN issues
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.

==== multipath-tools ====
Version update (0.7.7+75+suse.6287aef -> 0.7.7+136+suse.d814d8e)
Subpackages: kpartx

- Update to version 0.7.7+136+suse.19bb285:
  Not-yet-merged bug fixes from upstream, and SUSE bug fixes:
  * multipathd: try SCSI persistent reservations for SCSI only
  * libmultipath: allow sysfs_pathinfo to return SKIPPED (bsc#1098458)
  * libmultipath: Fixup updating paths (bsc#1110418)
  * multipathd: fix memory leak on error in configure (bsc#1110418)
  * multipathd: remove useless check and fix format
  * multipathd: minor fixes (bsc#1110418)
  * multipathd: function return value tweaks (bsc#1110418)
  * multipath: fix max array size in print_cmd_valid (bsc#1110418)
  * libmutipath: don't use malformed uevents (bsc#1110418)
  * libmultipath: fix null dereference int alloc_path_group (bsc#1110418)
  * libmultipath: fix memory issue in path_latency prio (bsc#1110418)
  * libmultipath: remove unused code
  * libmultipath: _install_keyword cleanup
  * libmultipath: fix length issues in get_vpd_sgio (bsc#1110418)
  * libmultipath: fix set_int error path
  * multipathd: decrease log level of uevent messages (bsc#1110586)
  * multipathd: fix version check for DM_DEV_ARM_POLL ioctl (bsc#1110587)
  * libmultipath: pathinfo: skip hidden devices (bsc#1110586)
  * libmultipath: nvme: shorter topology output
  * libmultipath: nvme: fix path detection for kernel 4.16 (bsc#1091112)
  * libmultipath: fix gcc 8.1 "truncated output" warnings (bsc#1099007)
  * (lib)mpathpersist: use O_RDONLY file descriptors (bsc#1093220)
  * libmpathpersist: fix byte swapping for big endian systems (bsc#1099036)
  * multipath-tools/tests: add tests for get_unaligned_beXX (bsc#1099036)
  * libmultipath: add (get|put)_unaligned_be64 (bsc#1099036)
  * libmpathpersist: fix stack overflow in mpath_format_readfullstatus()
  * libmpathpersist: fix typo in mpath_format_readfullstatus (bsc#1099007)
  * libmpathpersist: remove duplicate test in readfullstatus (bsc#1099007)
- Update to upstream 1a8625abd:
  * kpartx: remove duplicated gpt validation check
  * kpartx: fix bad dm_devn return
  * kpartx: Fix memory leak of uuid found by coverity
  * kpartx: minor fixes to make coverity happy
  * mpathpersist: add missing --param-rk usage info
  * multipath tests: add blacklist tests
  * multipath tests: change to work with old make versions
  * libmultipath: remove _filter_* blacklist functions
  * libmultipath: add "protocol" blacklist option.
  * multipathd: add new protocol path wildcard
  * libmutipath: remove unused IDE bus type
  * mpathpersist: add --param-alltgpt option
  * multipath: fix setting conf->version
  * libmultipath: fix detect alua corner case
  * libmultipath: remove last of rbd code
  * multipath-tools: check for C compiler option -Werror=discarded-qualifiers
  * multipath-tools: fix compilation with gcc < 4.9 on dash shell
  * kpartx: compare image filenames with backing files
  * multipath-tools: fix products names in hwtable
  * libmultipath: more debug output in alua prioritizer (bsc#1080965)
  * libmultipath: alua: retry RTPG for NOT_READY and UNIT_ATTENTION
  * libmultipath: alua_rtpg: use condlog for error messages (bsc#1080965)

==== okteta ====
Version update (0.25.3 -> 0.25.4)
Subpackages: okteta-lang

- Update to 0.25.4
  * Fix blurry cursor pixmaps in HiDPI
  * Fix broken shadow cursor in HIDPI
  * Translations improved (ru, sk)

==== os-prober ====

- UEFI Grub does not insert Arch Linux entry correctly (boo#1101942)
  * os-prober-multiple-initrd.patch

==== oxygen5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Correcting symlinks between col- and row-resize and split_v and _h cursors

==== plasma-browser-integration ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: plasma-browser-integration-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Sort keys in json encoder
  * [MPris Plugin] Support Seek()
  * Add (kde#398595)
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here

==== plasma-nm5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: plasma-nm5-lang plasma-nm5-openconnect plasma-nm5-openvpn plasma-nm5-pptp plasma-nm5-vpnc

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Fix ampersand and other characters in tooltip (kde#398225)
- Add 0001-Revert-Require-NM-1.4.0-and-newer.patch to make it build
  on Leap 42.3 which only has NetworkManager 1.0
- Add 0001-Revert-Use-NetworkManager-DeviceStatistics-instead-o.patch
  for Leap 42.3 to make speed graph work again with NM < 1.4.0
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Make sure we change icon on NM connectivity change (boo#1108019)
  * Use QOverload to select overloaded functions
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Use NetworkManager::DeviceStatistics instead of Plasma data engine
  * Require NM 1.4.0 and newer
  * Unbreak SSH agent support for SSH VPN tunnels.
  * Parse protocol in port option
  * Port away from KLocale and KDELibs4Support
  * Update connection details only when necessary
  * Use more nullptr
  * Port from KStandardDirs to QStandardPaths
  * Use non-deprecated KDEInstallDirs variables
  * Use KF5_MIN_VERSION also for KF5ModemManagerQt
  * Find KF5NetworkManagerQt together with other KF5 modules
  * Fix label buddy in fortisslvpn auth widget
  * Cleanup used Qt & KF libraries a bit
  * Remove unneeded include
  * Use KF5Wallet include for KWallet, not the kdelibs4support one
  * Remove duplicated include
  * Use explicit
  * Use nullptr
  * Use override consistently
  * Remove unused entry X-KDE-DBus-ModuleName from the kded plugin metadata
  * Remove usage of dead QT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION
  * Remove Qt module includes
  * Remove unneeded cmake macro includes
  * Use KF5_MIN_VERSION also for ECM, now that it's part of KF
  * Require KDE Frameworks 5.42 and Qt 5.9
  * Bump min cmake version to 3.0, move cmake_minimum_required to begin

==== plasma5-addons ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: plasma5-addons-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * [weather applet] Fix unwanted ruling of implicit icon sizes on displayed size (kde#398960)
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * [Spellchecker Runner] Add button to open Spell Check KCM (kde#398244)
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Show the state as well on the full representation (kde#397365)
  * [Timer applet] Reset opacity on timer start and reset (kde#396497)
  * Changed variable type to int to display squares instead of rectangles
  * Changed refresh time from 30 to 60 seconds
  * Cleaned code for binary clock applet and added comments
  * New icons for Keyboard Indicator Closes T9050
  * Show info if we have this info :)
  * Centre align SystemLoadViewer headers

==== plasma5-desktop ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: plasma5-desktop-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Fix initial focus (kde#399185)
  * [Folder View] Don't spawn multiple stat jobs for the same folder
  * Fix drop between shared views
  * Add lock icon to desktop context menu
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here

==== plasma5-integration ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: plasma5-integration-plugin plasma5-integration-plugin-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Simplify cmake code: link to Qt5::GuiPrivate.
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Revert "Search in default path before calling find_package"
  * Revert "Using Qt5Core rather than Qt5Widget for the version check"
  * Revert "Search in default path before calling pkg-config"
  * Search in default path before calling pkg-config
  * Using Qt5Core rather than Qt5Widget for the version check
  * Search in default path before calling find_package
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Don't depend on the exact version of Breeze
  * Fix QFileDialog not remembering the last visited directory.
  * KDE platform plugin: don't force default stylename on user-specified fonts

==== plasma5-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE

- Update to 5.14.0
- Update to 5.13.90

==== plasma5-pa ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: plasma5-pa-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Use unpretty channel name in speakertest
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Show "muted" icon for dummy output
  * Add .kdev4 to gitignore
  * Add QT_NO_KEYWORDS definition
  * [KCM] Add speaker placement test
  * Fix last merge - missing changes in src/CMakeLists.txt
  * Use non-deprecated KDEInstallDirs variables
  * Use more explicit
  * Use consistently nullptr
  * Use consistently override (or final where Q_DECL_FINAL was used)
  * No need to add ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR, part of ECM_MODULE_PATH
  * Use more common QDebug include, not QtDebug
  * Remove Qt module prefix from include
  * Remove Qt module include
  * Use KF5_MIN_VERSION also for ECM, now that it's part of KF
  * Require KDE Frameworks 5.42 and Qt 5.9
  * Bump min cmake version to 3.0, move cmake_minimum_required to begin
  * Fix wrong availability of profiles and ports.

==== plasma5-workspace ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: gmenudbusmenuproxy plasma5-session plasma5-session-wayland plasma5-workspace-lang plasma5-workspace-libs xembedsniproxy

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Fallback to in-process prompt if logout prompt fails
  * [Slideshow] increase default interval from 10 seconds to 15 minutes
  * [Media Controller] Emit moved() signal when seeking with keyboard shortcuts
  * [Hotplug Engine] Update actions at runtime and listen for added/removed
  * Move correct indices in the manual sort map when getting a move() call for group children
  * [Notifications] Store "Open..." action in history (kde#398732)
  * Set gtk-modules to auto-load appmenu-gtk-module
  * Revert "Set gtk-modules to auto-load appmenu-gtk-module"
  * Revert "Update version number for 5.14.80"
  * Klipper: Do not insert secret data into history
- Add xset, xsetroot and xrdb Requires
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here

==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: polkit-kde-agent-5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.13.90
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Align lock icon with bold message text; reduce overall size of dialog

==== powerdevil5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: powerdevil5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Revert "Remove XRandrBrightness" (kde#399018)
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Remove XRandrBrightness
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * Remove wrong & unused X-KDE-DBus-ModuleName entry from daemon app metadata
  * Display brightness OSD even when min and max is reached (kde#387284)

==== purple-carbons ====

- Add purple-carbons-fix-omemo-crash.patch: Fix a crash when an
  OMEMO message is carboned.

==== systemsettings5 ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: systemsettings5-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Use correct settings icon for Configure action BUG: 397888 FIXED-IN: 5.12.7 (kde#397888)
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * forget all kcms that don't exist anymore (kde#394553)
  * quit gracefully on sidebar QML errors (kde#394902)
  * Do not duplicate work of KAboutData::setupCommandLine()

==== vm-install ====
Version update (0.10.03 -> 0.10.04)

- bsc#1111021 - yast2 virtualization: Failed to start virt-install
  Fixed string encoding issue.
- Version 0.10.04

==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde ====
Version update (5.13.5 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-kde-lang

- Update to 5.14.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.90:
  * Use correct stream size
  * Fix build condition for screencast portal
  * We don't need to link against libspa
- Add tarball signature and keyring containing keys of release managers
  Jonathan Riddell and Bhushan Shah
- Update to 5.13.90
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.13.5:
  * Fix build condition for screencast portal
  * QT_MIN_VERSIONS is Qt 5.11 for Plasma 5.14. Agreed at kickoff meeting.  Set everywhere for clearity and consistency.
  * We don't need to link against libspa
  * Add support for PickColor method from Screenshot portal
  * Merge branch 'Plasma/5.13'
  * Use prefix ++operator for loop index increment
  * Pass substiture args to i18n strings inside the i18n call
  * Include own header first
  * Use explicit
  * NULL -> nullptr (this is C++, not C in the end)
  * Use {} initializer instead of 0 for QFlags-based args
  * Remove Qt module includes
  * Properly find and link against Qt5::Concurrent
  * Remove unneeded cmake macro includes
  * Use KF5_MIN_VERSION also for ECM, now that it's part of KF
  * Require KDE Frameworks 5.42 and Qt 5.9
  * Bump min cmake version to 3.0, move cmake_minimum_required to begin
  * Remove usage of dead QT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION
  * Use override, remove not necessary virtual keyword