WMF2EPS: A Windows Metafile Converter for Windows 95/98/ME, 
                                          Windows NT4.0, 2000, XP

Version 1.32, 24-Aug-2002

Author: Wolfgang Schulter
        EMail:    wmf2eps@gmx.de
        Homepage: http://www.wmf2eps.de.vu
                  (registration, infos, downloads, FAQ)

WMF2EPS 1.32 is shareware. 

NEW features of WMF2EPS 1.32

- WMF2EPS now recognizes the /o (-o) command line option
  for setting the EPS output path.
- WMF2EPS now remembers the last file extension (WMF or EMF) used in OpenDialog.

Bugfixes in version 1.32

- WMF2EPS failed producing TIF previews under Win9x under certain conditions.

If you like to report any problems with WMF2EPS please send me an eMail:

Subject: WMF2EPS 1.3 ...


Since WMF2EPS 0.3 was released in 1996, many users reported bugs or asked me to improve 
either the user interface, such as batch mode running from commandline, or similar.
WMF2EPS 0.3 was a real quick and dirty program without too much documentation, since it
was intended basically for personal use or for a few expert users.

The main reasons for those I've decided to release further versions of WMF2EPS are:

- Windows still lacks of EPS file support. 
- A lot of programs don't support EPS files properly. 
- Many people seem to use the program.

Please make sure you have the complete WMF2EPS 1.3x files 
(the ZIP archive WMF2EPS1.3.ZIP as found under http://www.wmf2eps.de.vu).

I recommend to have GhostView installed for viewing the EPS files installed together with 
WMF2EPS. GhostView can be obtained from http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost.

If you have Windows 95,98 or ME, I also recommend getting Adobes enhanced PS driver for Win 9x.
For example, Version 4.26 can be obtaind from 


or the universal (for all current Windows versions) PS Printer driver archive 


For Windows 2000/XP the standard PS driver works pretty well, so an update should not be necessary.

1. Unpack WMF2EPS from the ZIP archive to any directory, where you have write permission.
   Important: Make sure you unpack the PSPrint\ and Test\ sub directories as well
2. Install the PS driver (see the Help File for details).
3. Start WMF2EPS and test your installation (see the Help File for details).