+----------------------FunnelWeb Registration Form----------------------+
    | 1. Date:                                                              |
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    | 2. Title and name:                                                    |
    |                                                                       |
    | 3. Internet email address:                                            |
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    | 4. Snail mail address:                                                |
    |                                                                       |
    | 5. Work phone number (country,area,number):                           |
    |                                                                       |
    | 6. Which category of FunnelWeb user best describes you?               |
    |       Latent    - Installed FunnelWeb, but don't intend to use it.    |
    |       Beginner  - Haven't used FunnelWeb much yet; have an open mind. |
    |       Casual    - Use FunnelWeb occasionally.                         |
    |       Convert   - Use FunnelWeb to do most programming.               |
    |       Fanatic   - FunnelWeb has become a way of life.                 |
    |                                                                       |
    | 7. What changes or new features would you like to see in FunnelWeb?   |
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    | 8. Do you want to be kept informed of new FunnelWeb developments?     |
    |                                                                       |

Email to `coates@physics.uq.edu.au'.