Petition to SCO for PDP-11 UNIX Source Licenses

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The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
Dear Sirs/Madams,

We, the undersigned, are a group of people who are interested in obtaining legal access to the source code and binaries of the versions of UNIX that ran on the PDP-11 range of computers from Digital Equipment Corporation. We would like legal access to these versions of UNIX to be available because:

The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. owns the copyright to these very old versions of UNIX. We understand and appreciate that SCO wishes to protect their intellectual property within, and ownership of, these versions of UNIX. Therefore, we wish to petition SCO to make available source code and binary licenses of these versions of UNIX so that:

We would be happy to purchase and be legally bound by a source code and binary license for PDP-11 UNIXes that meets SCO's requirements, as long as:

Note that the latter is already permitted, given SCO's binary license agreement for 5th, 6th and 7th Edition UNIX. We would also be happy with the following conditions imposed in the source code and binary license for PDP-11 UNIXes:

On a recent survey of people interested in such a license, over 120 people responded. Most of the respondents would agree to a license with the conditions and limitations outlined above, if the cost of such a license was less than US$200.

We urge you to consider

and make personal-use non-disclosure source code and binaries licenses for PDP-11 UNIXes available at a price which we can afford as individuals.

The UNIX community has played an extremely important role in the development and success of the UNIX operating system. The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc., as owners of the UNIX operating system source, would be repaying the UNIX community in some measure by providing source licenses for these old versions of UNIX. Although you would not profit greatly from the licenses, you would earn the respect and appreciation from many people who helped make UNIX what it is today.

Thank you for your time. Your response to our petition will be appreciated, and can be sent via Internet e-mail to Warren Toomey wkt

Sincerely yours, the undersigned.

John S. Dysondyson @freebsd.org1.317.547.5181
Keith Huffkshuff @fast.nethome phone 610 740-9456
Norman Wilsonnorman
Lieven WillemsLieven.Willems
Christopher Vancecjsv
Robert J. Kelleypasha
Paul McJonesmcjones
Ken Harrenstienklh
Ozan S. Yigitoz
Jennine Townsendjennine
Josef Groschjgrosch
Allen Kossowaek
John Wilsonwilson
James E. Carpenterjimc
Charles Tuttchasjt
Jason Timmonsdevnull
Nick Andrewnick
Raoul Golanraoul
David BlackmanDavid.Blackman
Warren Toomeywkt
Tim Shoppashoppa
Neil Johnsonneil
Ken Wellschkcwellsch
Andreas Kudlikkudlik
Per Anderssonpa
Dieter Dworkin Mullerdworkin
Alexei N. Romanovalexei
Sami Lainelane
Harri Jauriharrij
Jarkko Teppos99137
Michael PattonMAP
Carl Friendcarl.friend
Seth J. Morabitosethm
John Lawsonjpl15
Kristen McIntyrekristen
Quentin Fennessyqpf
James Risnerrisner
James Willingjimw
Paul Pierceprp
Michael Sandersmsanders
Roger Ivieivie
Pedro Fernando Giffuni Salazarpgiffuni Nacional de Colombia
Murray Jensenmjj @mlb.dmt.csiro.auCSIRO Div Man Tech
Steven M. Schultzsms @moe.2bsd.comsms
David Tilbrookdt
Chris Bairdcjb
Peter Maydellpm215
Dr Chris McDonaldchris Univ. of Western Australia
Sami Lainelane @netti.fiPhone +358 40 5225 811
Phil Parryenzpp
Joerg B. Micheelmicheel @fokus.gmd.dejoergm
Andrew S. Tanenbaumast
Carl Phillipscphillips
David Conranlucifer
Dom Mitchellhdm @demon.netLondon
Tim Bradshawtfb
Phillip Musumeciphillip Comp Sys Eng
Peter Turnbullpnt103 Computer Science, University of York, UK
Brian Harringtonbrian @jhu.eduJohns Hopkins Univ.
Peter da Silvapeter
Alan W Blackawb, University of Edinburgh
Reinhard Kodymrkodym
Douglas W. Jonesjones @cs.uiowa.eduUniversity of Iowa
Pat Barronpat
Matthew Altonmatta
Robert Brownbrown
Nate Williamsnate
Richard TobinR.Tobin
Jonathan M. Breslerjmb @freebsd.orgfinger jmb
Greg Leheygrog @lemis.com
Stephen Clawsonsclawson @cs.utah.eduphone:+1-801-581-5591
Alexander Komlikapkom
John Herbertjbh
Olaf Erberb
Joseph S. Myersjsm28
Matthias Brüstlem
William S. Pechterwpechter
Carolyn E. Carrockpechter
Daniel Seagravesdseagrav @tek-star.netWe are a SCO customer / reseller
John Ruschmeyerjruschme
Sandro Sigalassigala @globalnet.itNorth Italy
Wolfgang Denkwd
Eivind Eklundperhaps 64 85 52 18
Chris Drakecjd
Colin R. Riddelcrr Australia
Robert Brockwayrobert Brisbane, Australia
Christopher Biggschris @stallion.oz.auStallion Technologies, Brisbane, Australia
David Jerichodavidj, University of Queensland
Peter Millermillerp
Michael Engelengel
Peter Quodlingquodling
Andrae Muysandrae, Brisbane Australia
Paul Westpdub
BouHaidar Mariombouhaid
John WolffJ.Wolff
Curt Sampsoncjs 604 257 9400
Alexander V. Tischenkoflash @hway.ruTel: +7-095-978-47-37. NIC: AT55-RIPE
Robert John Mannersrjm
Andrew Tannenbaumtrb
Nathan Ahlstromnrahlstr
Kyle Mesterymestery @winternet.com1.612.391.1096
Vadim Kurlandvadim
Ade Lovettade
Johnny Billquistbqt
John Derbyshireacmenet
Henry Spencerhenry @zoo.toronto.edu416-690-6561
Tom Stepletonssteplet @artsci.wustl.eduSt. Louis, MO USA
Neil Groundwaternpg
Kevin Wrightkevin.wright @vitrex.comkwright
John Holdenjohnh
Brian Murraybrian
David C. Jennerdjenner @halcyon.com1-206-527-2018
Mic Mehmetmic
Tom Mandertom
Bruce A. Lanekyrrin @wizards.netKent, WA
Victor Langeveldvic
Nadav Eironnadav
Damiano G. Preatoniprea
david leo presottopresotto
Kevin Bourkkevin.bourk
Andrew Humeandrew
Winfried Bergmanni455
Dick van den Burgburg
Matthias Pfallerleo
Chris Ulrichinsom
Franc Grootjensparky @cs.kun.nlUniversity of Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Juergen Fluklouis
Herbert Wengatzhwe
Jay R. JaegerJay.Jaeger @msn.fullfeed.comMadison, WI
Peter Collinsonpc
Greg Roseggr @qualcomm.com6 kingston Av, Mortlake NSW 2137 Australia
Brian Redmanber
peter honeymanhoney
Wilko Bultewilko @freebsd.orgArnhem, The Netherlands
Rene de Vriesrene @tcja.nlTCJA
Kevin McQuigginmcquiggi
Jari Kirmajkirma
Max Burnetmax.burnet @sno.mts.dec.comMuseum Max, Sydney Australia
Mick Farmermick @ukuug.orgChair of UKUUG
Megan Gentrymbg @world.std.comUnix Support Engineering Group - Digital Equipment Corp.
Jim McKiejmk
Scott Narvesonsjn
Tuomas Toivonentoivotuo @fishpool.comFishpool Creations Ltd
Margo Seltzermargo
andrew tristanandrew.tristan
Chris PhillipsChris @Cs.Yorku.Ca
John R. Masheymash
Deborah Scherrerdeborah
Michael Paddonmwp
Chris Bootlandb9104283 Student
Lindsay F. MarshallLindsay.Marshall
Jon CrowcroftUCL CS
Andy Newmanandy phone +61 2 9805 2914
Paul E Coadpcoad
Barry Sheinbzs @world.comThe World, Software Tool & Die
Francisco J. Ballesterosnemo
Antonio Fernandezanto
Stefan Rajecrajec
James YoungmanJYoungman
Peter H. Saluspeter 4 Longfellow Pl.; Boston, MA 02114
David ScheidtDavid
Ozalp Babaogluozalp
Matthew Peter Saylermpsayler
Stephen Cranejsc
Allison Parentallisonp
Florian Overkampsim
Keith Bosticbostic
Kaz Kylhekukaz
Thomas Dzubindzubint
Paul Keusemannpkeusem
Andrew K Bressenbressen
John H Maxwellmaxwell
Mirian Crzig Lennoxmirian @cosmic.com146 Plymouth Dr., Apt. D, Norwood MA 02062, USA... +1 617 769 1540
David W. Parterdparter
Chuck McKenziecharlesm
Perry Lovillplovill
Kurt McDougallkurt
Bill Whitsonbill @booster.u.washington.eduPO Box 966 / Bothell, WA 98041-0966
Daniel Kosackkosack
Frank Peseckisfrank
bob smithrmsmith @csc.comshsrms
Brett Crapserdanjo
jerry s weissjweiss @nwu.edu847 593 6300x405
Raul Millerrdm @test.legislate.com9436 Fairview Ave, Laurel MD, 20723-1712 USA .. 301/369-2473
Billy Youdelmanbilly @MIX.COM
Ben Goldingbgg 3 9251-3695
Henk Gooijengooi
Sam Ismaildastar
Enrico Badellabadella @centauro.polito.itTorino, Italy
Hans B Pufalhans1 @filan00.grenoble.hp.comAlso : hans_pufal
Richard Schauerrws
Michael Erikssoneramer
Mike Baylissmike
Bill Gunshannonbill @cs.uofs.eduUniversity of Scranton, Scranton PA.
Stephen B Kinzlerkinzler @cs.indiana.eduIndiana University/University of Michigan
Alain D D Williamsaddw
Edmund P. Morganemorgan
Duane T. Mundtm
Matthew Crosbycrosby
Nathan Andersonnwa @cs.wisc.eduUW Madison UPL
Tom RutledgeGulfie
Bruce Orcuttborcutt
Berry Kerchevalberry
Jonathan Stockleymgb79
Joel Garryjoel_garry @rossinc.comjoel_garry
Eric Edwardseekg @ix.netcom.comalso: mag
Max F Langmflang @bellsouth.netOrlando, FL
Marko Schützmarko
Martin Reillymartin
Frank McConnellfmc
John Hoodcgull
ronald g. minnichrminnich
Rich Kulawiecrsk
Helio Marqueshmarx
Yeechang Leeylee
Christian Klaus Gottschallchris
Tobias Lundbergtobias
Michael Kenneymikek
R.D. Davisrdd
Daniel C. McCrackindmccrackin
Jay Nietlingjay
Chris Siebenmanncks
Thorsten Lockerttholo
George Bronnikovgoga
George Zipperlengeorgez
Sang-Thong CHANGsang-thong.chang
Rick Kellyrmk @rmkhome.comphone: 1-508-8798-2179
Scott MerrileesSm
Konstantin Y Firsofffirsoff @sapr.tstu.ruCAD Dept.,TSTU,Tambov
George Coulourisgeorge
Blair Leducae770
Geert RolfTehuis Voor Bejaarde Computers
Glen Turnerglen.turner 8 8303 3936
Peter Chubbpeterc @sw.oz.auSoftway Pty Ltd
Deeran Peethamparamdeeranp
Roger Pepperog Dept, University of York, UK
Dave Gallowaydrg
Andrew Elmoreaelmore
Andreas Sons3sons @informatik.uni-hamburg.dein5y248
David O'Brienobrien
Daniel E. Singerdes
James E. Pacejepace
David McArthurmcarthur
Josh Gilliamjosh
Vei-Ming Chongrchongvm
caolan mcnamaraCaolan.McNamara
James Lothianjlothian
Padraig Finnertypadraig.finnerty
Georg BreinGeorg.Brein
Craig Bevinscraigb
Dave Masondmason
John Otis Comeaujcomeau
Robert Pelkeyrpelkey
Jeff Mickeyjmic
Tom Dufftd
Konstantin Mamonovlolo
Stacy C. Morangsmorang
Anthony L. Farinolaanthony.farinola @MCIONE.com540-989-4345
Göran Åhlingnnc
Nicholas Ironmongernicholas
Stefan Bieschewskibieschewski
William Donzelliwilliam
EJ Goldejgold @aol.comPDP-11 UNIX archival spec IV, P11Uco
Eric Nelsonenelson
Donald G. Cruickshankdon
Mark W Kuefelkuefel @sky.net816-257-5048
Bob Withersbwit
Scott Wareware
Hannes BeinertHannes
Alicher Alikhodjaevcher @park.ruGarant-Park Ltd.
Red Wolfredwolf
Gordon RowellGordon.Rowell Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia
Naohiro Shichijoshichi, The University of Tokyo
Joe Redcloudadmin
Lynne Deanne Smithl-smith
Michael F. Hogsettmcgrude
Eryk Versheneryk
Ross Hamiltonrah
Richard Cinircini
Paul Evanspaule
Boris K. Vasilyevbvasiliev
Arno Griffioenarno @usn.nlOffice phone: +31 70 3630462
Sami Lainelane @iki.ficellular phone, +358 40 5273 076
Ferran Bassols i Dorrferran
Hans Zuidamhans
Tom Parkertomp
Frank Wortnerfrank @panix.com1-914-448-1740
Lynn Markleylmarkley
Barry A. Dobynsbarry @dobyns.comDobyns Consulting, Los Gatos CA
Kevin D. Ogdenkev
John Foustjfoust @threedee.comTerak Museum
Juanjo Marinjuanjo96
Jay Tsjayts
Geoffrey Hamiltonhamilto1
Key Teck Sinktsin
Christopher Petropetro
Brian Cochranebrideb
Erin Corlisserin
Joshua Eckrothecktech
Wu Qinbowuqb
Mario Jelicamario.jelica
Jason Aubrey Wellsjaw016 @engr.latech.eduPO Box 6666TS, Ruston LA, 71272
Christos Ricudisricudis
Paul Guertinpg
Soren S. Jorvangsoren 86164188
John Maierjohnam
Dmitry Khrustalevdima
Jerome A. Marellamopar
Hauke Fathhauke @Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE
Philip R. Wilsonprw
Philip R. Wilsonprw
Stacy Minkinstacy10
Alexander L. Belikoffabel
Michael Shalayeffmickey, mickey, mickey
Anthony Cliftonclifton @raccoon.com
Douglas A. Gwyngwyn @arl.milUS Army Research Lab/
Xiaohua Xiaxia
Bob Lashbob
Maarten Bootmboot
Morten Larsenm-larsen
Shai Spharimshai
George B. Smithgbs
Alex Alex Chupahinachupahi
Juha Niskanenjni
Andrew Lynchlyncha
Anton Vysotskiyvysotskiyant
David DiGiacomodd
Barton C. Masseybart
Lars Perssonlintilla2
David Schulerschuld
James Bostockjsb
Olaf Seibertrhialto
Joel Menezesj_menezes
Don Cruickshankdon
Chris Engebretsonengebret
john spurlingjspurling
Mike Neaglemneag