Short:    Your WB screenshot published on AmigaPage
Author: (Marco Lovera)
Uploader: (Alessandro Marinuzzi)
Type:     docs/anno
Date:     September 2001



    Would you like to see your screenshots published on AmigaPage ? AmigaPage is
    a great web site dedicated to the Amiga world  and recently has opened a new
    section only  for digital art. It means that if you have  created a piece of
    digital art as raytreced images, photos or screenshots of your workbench you
    could send your  works to (Sandra Lovera) but you  have to
    remember that you are not allowed to send obscene or illegal stuff ! If your
    works are OK, AmigaPage will publish them into its web gallery, so all amiga
    users will be able to see  your works ! Together with your  digital art will
    be  added your  name and your nick name so  all amiga users could send you a
    email for a greeting, for asking you something about your amiga...

    If you wish to see a preview, visit this address:

    It's all and good luck !

       Marco Lovera <> -
