Dear AmigaRing members. Hello I am Mike Bouma and I am the new AmigaRing Master :o) . The new AmigaRing Home is now located at ! Please update the link in your AmigaRing HTML-fragment. I have examined the statistics and visited some member websites. I see room for ALOT improvements. I have decided that only the RingMaster and later some selected Helpers are allowed to add new members to the ring. This is because I have seen that sites have been added to the ring without the proper code on their pages. We can`t have that because the people already in the Ring won`t benefit from it and it even harms them. With this new policy comes another benefit. This way the Ring will not be locked that often when everything is finished! I will also try to get more popular websites in the Ring. I will personaly inspect all Ring-Member-Sites and remove sites that don`t have the proper code on their page. I am also going to look if the pages are regulary updated or not. If a page generates almost no hits and it`s content has no real value then there is also a good change for deletion from the Ring. If this is the case with your website I will contact you and you can join the Ring again when your website has more popularity. Please note that the Ring code must be easily visible/accesable on your page (preferable your main page). My aim is to change our AmigaRing from a Quantity Ring into a Quality Ring. Please help me making this Webring a succes! Please sent me your comments! Sincerely, Mike Bouma. Amiga Chat - AmigaRing Home -