RICHMOND, VA., November 4th, 1994.  Nova Design, Inc. officially 
announced the release of ImageFX 2.0 which will begin shipping towards the 
end of this month.  ImageFX is the complete Amiga image manipulation system 
that combines image processing with amazing special effects technology and 
professional painting tools that can simulate artistic styles.  MicroTimes 
magazine even named ImageFX as one of the Best Products of the year!

        "ImageFX 2.0 is absolutely the best image processing and manipulation
package I've ever seen on the Amiga.", Mark Thompson, award winning Amiga 

        "The most awesome image manipulation system for the Amiga, period!",
Shamms Mortier, writer for Amazing and Amiga Format.

        "Absolutely the most impressive image processing package I've seen 
on any computer!", Denny Atkin, Associate Editor OMNI magazine.

        ImageFX's suggested list price is $349.95 US.  Upgrades from any 
previous version of ImageFX are only $124.95 US to registered owners. For 
upgrade orders you may call (804) 282-1157. 

        Nova Design, Inc., 1910 Byrd Avenue, Suite 214, Richmond, VA  23230
Customer Support/Information (804) 282-6528, Fax (804) 282-3768

        ImageFX, PaintFX, AutoFX and CineMORPH are trademarks of Nova Design, 
Inc.  All other products named are trademarked by their respective companies.

                       ImageFX 2.0 Feature List

New System Features
Image Thumbnails
        Load and save images via interactive visual interface. Preview 
        effects on thumbnails before applying them.

Multiple Buffers
        Work on an unlimited number of image buffers and brushes.

Workbench Preview
        Windowing preview modes that can open on any Workbench screen
        and in full color on the Retina 16/24bit displays.

New Region Controls
        Add, subtract, or invert regions.  Create painting stencils
        and masks.

Text Generator
        Create multiple lines of text with justifications and anti-
        aliasing.  Preview fonts before using them.

Image Compositing 
        New compositing methods including Fast Matte, HSV Matte, Multiply, 
        Divide, Minimum and Maximum.

        New "cookbook" style batch processor with prewritten scripts to 
        perform hundreds of batch operations and animated effects!

ImageFX Browser
        Visual image cataloging system for maintaining libraries of 
        pictures and animations.

        Completely rewritten manual with over 400 pages of tutorials and 
        reference.  Expanded online help system.

Hardware Support
Graphics Boards
        Supports all Amiga modes, Retina Z2/Z3, Picasso II, Piccolo, 
        Firecracker 24, IV-24, DCTV, HAM-E, Harlequin, and any EGS-
        compatible hardware such as the Spectrum, Talon, and Rainbow III.

        Expanded Epson 300/600/800 scanner controls and new support for 
        the VLAB YC framegrabber.

        Direct support for the Primera color printer in full color.

New Painting Features
        Improved soft edge modes and anti-aliasing.

        Realtime painting tools that emulate traditional media such as 
        Airbrushes, Charcoals, Chalk, Oil and Fingerpaints, Felt Tip Markers, 
        Watercolors, and Crayons! 

        New Draw Modes like Smudge, Roughen, Disperse, Sharpen, and others.

        Drawing Styles to allow rub through to other images, alpha channels, 
        mandala creation, realistic brush stroke fading, and much more.

New Image Conversion Formats
        Toaster Framestore 
        DPS PAR loader 
        Applied Magic Jstream

        PICT, including vector and JPEG variations!
        Improved TIFF loader

        PIC format for all resolutions and color depths
        GRASP/GL animation frame loading
        DL animation frame loading

Silicon Graphics
        SGI RGB 

        MPEG animation creation and frame extraction
        Abekas A60 series 
        Sun Raster 
        C64 Koala
        FITS/PDS/Vicar (NASA) image frames

New Special Effects and Image Processing
Realistic lightning bolt generator       Map images onto spheres
Pond ripples and waves                   Swirl images, even into other images
Advanced lens flares generator           Apply paper or canvas textures 
Water/Glass distortion                   Image warps and lens effects
3D perspective rotation                  Expanded 2D rotation
PaintFX automatic painting generator     Star and supernova generator
Crystallization effects                  Circular blurring effects
Standard or circular mosaic effects      Straw-like distortions
Random tiling effects                    Median/Minimum/Maximum filters
Sobel edge-detection                     Ramping edge-detection
Controllable NTSC/PAL Video filters      Histogram Equalization tool

        ImageFX 2.0 works with any model Amiga with at least two megabytes 
of Chip or Fast RAM and a minimum of five megabytes of available hard drive 
space and AmigaDOS 2.04 or higher.