Atari Falcon030(tm) brings high-end capabilities to the market for less
 than $1,000.
 Boston (September 23, 1992)  Atari Corporation today announced the first
 available personal integrated media system, the Atari Falcon030
 computer.  From education to entertainment, personal integrated media
 (PIM) has the potential to change consumers' lives as dramatically as
 personal computers changed business offices.  The system will be
 available in November at authorized Atari Dealers across the country.
 A full scale computer based on the powerful 16 Mhz Motorola 68030
 microprocessor, the Atari Falcon030 is specifically designed for
 personal integrated media functions.  It gives even inexperienced users
 the ability to combine and manipulate video, audio, animation,
 telecommunications, text and graphics.  The system is optimized for
 these functions and incorporates technology usually reserved for high-
 end production systems.
 "The Atari Falcon030 is an ideal entry into the new and growing personal
 integrated media market," said Sam Tramiel, Atari's president and CEO.
 "It's a powerful system that gives users access to a whole new world of
 applications.  Yet the system remains easy-to-use and affordable."
 Consumers will be able to use the Atari Falcon030 as a color video
 phone, communicating in sound and pictures with other Atari Falcon030
 users.  The system makes it possible to create home videos complete with
 text and music, record lead vocals on a favorite rock 'n roll classic
 with the originals musicians playing along; narrate and score a family
 photo album, produce a visual family tree, invent and play an adventure
 game set in a childhood home; and much more.
 Atari Falcon030 users have immediate access to advanced PIM capabilities
 thanks to the following features:
 ||| Atari's Graphic Environment Manager (GEM) and built in graphics
 ||| A true color mode that includes more than 65,000 colors, twice the
     capability of the Apple MacIntosh LCII
 ||| The industry's only standard-equipped MIDI input/output ports
 ||| 16-bit stereo sound- input and output- for the highest quality
     reproductions available at sample rates up to 50 kHz
 ||| Built-in composite and RF video outputs for easy connection to video
     cassette recorders
 ||| External video sync for high quality genlocking
 ||| Overlay mode for easy video titling and special effects
 ||| Software for PIM applications such as desktop video productions,
     animations, music and entertainment.
 No other computer provides this level of performance and PIM
 capabilities at a more economical price.
 Applications Highlights
 PIM technology will make thousands of new capabilities possible.  There
 are already hundreds of software applications available for the Atari
 Falcon030, making it easy for users to accomplish a variety of new
 Movie Quality Video
 With the Atari Falcon030, users can explore new avenues in home video,
 from inserting titles and credits to professional quality editing.  They
 can create music videos, cartoons, and school presentations.
 The Atari Falcon030 offers state of the art graphics, true color 16-bit
 mode allowing up to 640x480 resolution and a display of up to 65,536 on-
 screen colors.  It accepts external video synch for high quality
 genlocking, and uses a unique overlay mode for effortless titling and
 special effects.  In addition, users can obtain composite video signals
 directly from the Falcon030.
 High Quality Video
 Atari takes the music-industry standard -MIDI- one step further.  The
 only company to provide MIDI as a standard system component, the Atari
 Falcon030 also incorporates Motorola's 56001 digital signal processor
 (DSP) for the highest quality audio and special effects capabilities,
 allowing users to remove lead vocals and create their own Karoke machine
 or run music educations programs.
 The Atari Falcon030 provides users with features that are usually
 restricted to expensive, high-end machines.  But without any additional
 equipment, Atari Falcon030 users can record on two stereo tracks and add
 graphic equalization and special effects such as surround sound,
 harmonizing, reverberation, and echo.
 Pricing and Availability
 The Atari Falcon030 is a simple to use computer that doesn't require
 add-on boards or other costly optional hardware.  The Atari Falcon030
 already includes exactly what users need.  The machine offers a wealth
 of ports for communicating with existing peripherals, and application
 software for the Atari Falcon030 is readily available.
 Priced at $799 with 1 MB of RAM, the Atari Falcon030 is ideal for users
 who want a powerful, efficient, and cost-effective tool that can take
 advantage of today's technologies.  The system will be available in
 November through authorized Atari dealers.
 Atari Corporation (AMEX:ATC) is a worldwide manufacturer and marketer of
 palmtop through desktop computer systems.  The company sells it's
 systems, peripherals, and software through authorized distributors,
 resellers and integrators.
 Atari is a registered trademark of Atari Corporation.  Atari Falcon030,
 TOS, MultiTOS, NewDesk and BLiTTER, are trademarks of Atari Corporation.
 Motorola is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc.
 Atari Falcon030 Specifications
 Contact:  Sue Baelen or Anne Ellingsen      Ron Smith or Bill Rehbock
           Redgate Communications            Atari Corporation
           (415) 777-3911                    (408) 745-2000
           (415) 777-0896 - Fax              (408) 745-2088 - Fax
 System Architecture
 ||| Motorola 68030 operating at 16Mhz
 ||| On-chip demand-paged memory management
 ||| Seperate on-chip 256-byte instruction and data caches
 ||| Independent address and data buses for increased performance
 ||| Pipelined architecture
 ||| 32-bit data/address bus
 ||| 1, 4 or 14 MB RAM configurations
 ||| 512K internal ROM; 128K external cartridge
 ||| Eight 16-bit digital audio DMA record and playback channels with up
     to 50kHz sampling rate
 ||| Stereo 16-bit digital DMA audio input/output
 ||| SDMA sound/DMA co-processor
 Digital Signal Processor
 ||| Motorola 56001 DSP operating at 32 MHz
 ||| 96 MOPS performance at 32 MHz
 ||| 32K words of 0 wait-state static RAM
 ||| DSP connector allows easy connection of low-cost 19.2K baud fax/data
     modems, voice mail systems, direct-to-disk digital audio recorders,
     JPEG/MPEG image compression, etc.
 ||| 640 x 480 resolution and 256 colors in Super VGA
 ||| True color 16-bit mode allows display of up to 65,536 colors
 ||| Accepts extermal video sync signal to allow high-quality genlocking
 ||| Overlay mode for easy video titling and special effects
 ||| Optional overscan
 ||| 262,144 possible colors
 ||| Hardware-assisted horizontal fine scrolling
 ||| BLiTTER graphics co-processor
 Expansion Bus
 ||| Internal direct processor slot for 386SX PC emualtion, DMA co-
     processors, etc.
 ||| Optional processor socket for other co-processors
 Standard Ports
 ||| SCSI II port with Direct Memory Access (DMA)
 ||| High-speed LocalTalk-compatible LAN port
 ||| Connector for analog RGB color (VGA or ST) or composite video
 ||| RS232C serial port
 ||| Bi-directional parallel port (also suitable for image scanners)
 ||| Cartridge poet (128K capacity)
 ||| MIDI in/out
 ||| Minature stereo plug input/output
 ||| Four 9-pin joystick connectors
 ||| Two 15-pin enhanced digital/analog controller and light pen 
 Data Storage
 ||| 1.44 MB floppy disk drive
 ||| MS-DOS-format compatibility
 ||| Optional internal IDE hard drive
 User Interface
 ||| Standard QWERTY keyboard layout.  Low profile, sculptured ergonomic
 ||| 94/5 keys; 10 function keys.  Seperate numeric and cursor keypads
 ||| Keyboard processor to reduce CPU overhead
 ||| 2-button mouse supplied as standard
 System Software
 ||| Pre-emptive multitasking with adaptive prioritization (MultiTOS)
 ||| Inter-process commuication through MultiTOS messages and pipes
 ||| TOS operating system in ROM
 ||| Hierarchical file system with subdirectories and path names
 ||| Icon-based graphical user interface with self-explanatory command
 ||| Online help
 ||| Multiple window user interface with icons and drop-down menus
 ||| NewDesk desktop and eXtensible Control panel allows customization by