====================================================================== ________ _________ ____ _|__ __ __|_______ _________ __\ _____ \\\\ \_ _/ //___// _____//______\ _____ \\ // \\\\ /. \\\\__ \/ __// \\ \\____. /// \\\\ /. \\ \\___\¯ /___///___\ /___\ \\_________//\\___\¯ /___// ¯ \/ ¯ ¯ \/. |¯ ¯|z!o ¯ ¯ \/ ¯ A M I G A |#010218 | U P D A T E |________| "SO THE WORLD MAY KNOW" ====================================================================== AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F E B R U A R Y E X E C U T I V E U P D A T E D E V E L O P E R S - P D A T O R U N A M I G A D E L A T E S T O N A L T W O A A M I G A S E R V E R R I N G P R O J E C T A M I G A T E F O R A M I N E T F R E E G O O D I E S A T C I N E M A W A R E F R O G G E R 1 . 6 4 B 3 A V A I L A B L E Y A M S C R I P T T O S T R I P A D S S O F T C I N E M A F U L L R E L E A S E P A Y B A C K O N S A L E O N N E T H T M L R E A D V 1 . 0 0 A V A I L A B L E T R O G L A D I T E A N N O U N C E M E N T S X 1 1 P R O G R A M X A M I A T 0 3 0 E L B O X V O O D O O G R A P H I C S Editor's Thoughts and Introduction: Maybe it's the thought of spring finally coming - about 2 to 4 weeks away in these parts - that's affected my mind, but I'm feeling rather optimistic about the Amiga's future. I think the stories below will explain why better than I can. Amiga Inc. has survived a year or so, and while they're not as far along as I'd like (I'd like dominance of the computer industry ...), they're actually doing pretty well by new startup company standards. This is especially true given all the bad press the high tech industry has been getting lately. Then again, maybe it's just the thought that anything can happen if Commodore can be revived in the US. See http://www.commodore2000.com if you're curious. Our understanding (which may be wrong) is this is a US company which bought the rights to the Commodore name from Tulip in Denmark. There's even a rumor that Jack Tramiel, the original founder of Commodore, is involved in the revival. We haven't checked that out. Whatever the case, we're reasonably sure there will be no joining of the new Amiga and new Commodore down the road ... though there's no reason why one of the Commodore PCs couldn't be configured to run the Amiga DE ... hmmmmm. LINK TO SUPPORT ST. LOUIS SHOW Besides answering questions for our readers (see E-mail to the E-ditor) , Bob Scharp is the force behind the Gateway Amiga shows in Saint Louis, USA - one of the premier shows of the Amiga year. As the February Executive Update below indicates, there may be some very interesting news available there from Amiga Inc. If you have an Amiga web page, you can help support the show, and keep it growing. Clicking on the following link will download an archive containing a jpeg and sample html code which you can add to your page. These will establish a link to the show's web site, and allow Amigans to easily get information on the show. You can see them in action on the "Amiga Update" links page. Use this URL to download the archive: http://www.globaldialog.com/~amigaupdate/stl.lha Please consider adding this link to your web page, as a contribution to the Amiga Community. Those of you involved with other key Amiga shows, please let us know if you'd like "Amiga Update" to help you distribute similar archives of links for your shows. We're here to support the Community. Brad Webb, Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail to the E-ditor: 31 Jan 2001 Hi, just a note to say that as discouraged I am regarding the state of the Amiga market and (lack of) devleopment, I still look forward to receiving your Amiga Update news reports. I will continue anxiously await them, and also to use my (accelerated) A1200 for as long as I can get spare parts (or spare A1200s!) Best wishes, and please keep on with your efforts on behalf of the Amiga! Rich ~~~~~~ Rich, Sometimes hard to not be discouraged. We do have some interesting news in this issue that looks to the future in a positive way. I suspect there may be more after the St. Louis Amiga show in April. We'll keep you up to date, regardless. Thanks for the kind words, Brad ====== 30 Jan 2001 Hello AUsubscribers@yahoogroups.com On 29-Jan-01, you wrote: >Over on Amiga.org, there's a lot of talk the last day or two about a >new "Coldfire" processor model from Motorola. Pegged at 100% 68060 >compatible and running at 300Mhz, it's generating a lot of excitement >from Classic Amiga users. As nearly as we can tell, this isn't all >that new news, seeming to go back originally to an article that >appeared in "EE Times" on October 17 last. >Whatever the case, does it really matter? We don't think so. The >future of the Amiga is the new DE. The old 68K market is almost dead. Aren't you overlooking something here. The new DE is supposed to be portable to almost any OS. Amiga Inc. dismissed porting it to the classic Amiga because current processors lack the horsepower to host it. I think a 300Mhz Coldfire would do the trick though. Wouldn't a 68xxx compatable processor running classic Amiga and hosting the new DE be a more elegant transition solution that having 2 processors ie 68xxx and PPC? Amiga Inc. may want to rethink porting to 68xxx if someone produces Coldfire accelerators. Regards, Jeff ~~~~~~ Jeff, You're right as far as you go. However, I don't think it's very likely we'll see the DE ported to older Amigas. For Coldfire to be of much help to us, we'd need the port and a Coldfire board of some kind. It could happen, and we'd be happy if it did. We just don't think it likely. Brad ====== 2 Feb 2001 Brad, Just to say thanks for continuing to send the Amiga Newsletter along. Lee ~~~~~~ Lee, You are entirely welcome, and we're pleased to have you with us. Brad ====== 01 Feb 2001 Hello Brad, Was interested to see the query from one of your readers regarding SBase (SuperBase). I too am an SBase4Pro user, and received the following reply from Russ Norby re. SBase, which may be of help to your readers: > Hello Ernest, > > > The upgrade to SBase4 Pro 1.36 is $50 US the new manuals are also > available for $50 for the set. I am finding that version 1.30n, which is currently I what I have now, is not compatible with the OS 3.5's printer.device. The Form Designer is also not compatible with the printer.device. SBase4 itself will still let you open the program, open files and work with files, but locks up when you attempt to print. But the Form designer locks up immediately when launched. (Could be that something on my system is causing this, but I don't think so). The form designer locks up because it attempts to open the printer.device on startup. As a work-around I was successful with either of the following: 1)rename the printer.device, then launch the form designer. That way form designer complains that it can't open the printer, but still opens and lets you edit and save forms. Of course, you can't print with OS3.5 drivers... OR, 2)put the OS3.1 compatible printer.device and printer drivers back in service. I have decided to settle for this option. So, I'm wondering -- if I make the system upgrade to Workbench 3.9, will SBase4 run happily with that? For whatever help it may be to your SBase-user readers, I am attaching a couple of ".ini" files I modified for the HPDeskjet_842C printer I recently acquired. I experimented until I got the result you see in these files. The nice part about the HP_Deskjet842 is that it lets you print in landscape page orientation with character-based printer input from the Amiga. These .ini files may not work for 1.36 (or any other version without modification) -- for example, I had to configure the initialization string so that CR=CR, LF=LF and FF=FF. That's because SBase4 version 1.30 generates CR+LF for end of lines, instead of LF only for end-of-line as the Amiga system printer.device expects. Ernest ~~~~~~ Ernest, Thank you for a very informative letter. I regret having to edit it to make it fit. I also regret that we can't put your .ini files in the the newsletter for a variety of reasons. I would _strongly_ encourage you to put them up on Aminet where everyone can benefit from them. I also suspect that whatever works for you under 3.5 will continue to work under 3.9, though I can't be 100% sure. I'm pretty sure you would continue to have the same issues with printer drivers. Please see also the next letter. Brad ====== 28 Jan 2001 Brad, Here are some comments on your story. > We'd love to run such information, and will if we get any stories or >press releases that cover these products. SuperBase - most recently >SBase 4 Pro or Personal - is still the database manager I use when I >want to get real work done. The best information I have is this... SuperBase is now SBase 4 Pro. It is alive and kicking at Mr. Hardware. Call or ask him, or better yet, come to the Amiga2001 show and see it in person. (Check out our web site at: http://www.amiga-stl.com) Russ Norby (the new Mr. Hardware) has released updates to SBase 4 Pro, and is actively working on it. In regards to Joe (the original Mr. Hardware), he is deceased. His wife Pam did programming on SBase 4 Pro until turning it over to Russ. Mr. Hardware (Russ), is the seller of SuperBase on the Amiga. The original developers went to the ibm. Pam had been doing some of the programing and has now gone to other committments. So Russ Norby is your man. He is Mr. Hardware now. You can reach Russ at 1-631-821-2364. You you can also check his web site at http://www.li.net/~hardware Mr Hardware Computersf is located at 38 Pearl Rd. RockyPoint NY 11778. Bob Scharp ~~~~~~ Bob, Thanks very much for the information. It's pretty obvious to me that SuperBase, in any incarnation, is still one of the most formidible and popular programs on the Amiga. We hope Mr. Hardware can keep it around for a long time, and make the jump to Amiga DE at some point. I'm looking forward to seeing you in St. Louis - wouldn't miss the super shows you run there for anything! Brad ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F E B R U A R Y E X E C U T I V E U P D A T E Bill McEwen - February 06, 2001 Executive Update - St. Louis and Beyond Greetings to the Amiga Family: In Melbourne this last year, I was able to surprise many of you with several announcements that were unexpected, and we delivered on each of those. Now we have a new show coming up in St. Louis. In a few weeks we will all learn... Where is the AmigaOne? Will Cringley finally eat his words about a new Amiga? What about AmigaDE on PDA's, Set Top Boxes, Internet Appliances, or even desktops? Will Tom and Nicole stay together or is it over? Is there life for the AmigaOS after 3.9? Contrary to the rumors and what many people are saying about our demise, or that we are going to have the same fate of the others before us, we have a big surprise for all of them. I look forward to visiting with all of you in St. Louis, and I look forward to taking over the Hotel, and the surrounding area with the Amiga Spirit, and Community. I hope to see many of you there. There is still time, and in 6 weeks, it will all be known. Bill McEwen, and the rest of the Amiga Team ---------------------------------------------------------------------- D E V E L O P E R S - P D A T O R U N A M I G A D E 1 Feb 2001 (Amiga Inc.) There is tremendous potential for distribution of your applications, games and other content for one of the world's largest manufacturers of PDA hardware. The projection is for more than 7 million units to be sold by the end of 2001 and there are already several million units on the market at this time. There will be specific requirements as far as style, type of applications, distribution rights and certification of content. Matt will have more details on this in the near future. If you are interested in developing PDA applications and games for a specific manufacturer who will use Amiga Inc. for content delivery, please contact Matt Fontenot, Amiga's Product Manager, as soon as possible. This is a serious project for those with an interest in providing content and we will open a new mailing list for it. This project is for both open source and commercial content providers, so no matter what your choice of development is, you are cordially invited to apply. To get further details, though, you must have a signed NDA on file with Amiga. You can get an NDA form from http://www.amigadev.net under the legal menu, right hand menu bar. Just fill it out and fax it to Gary Peake's attention at 425-396-5671. Then send an e-mail to projects@amiga.com that says "I am interested." You can also contact Gary at gary@amiga.com or Matt at matt@amiga.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- L A T E S T O N A L T W O A 6 February, 2001 Eyetech Group are co-sponsoring the alt.WoA show organised by HAUG (Huddersfield Amiga User Group), to be held on the outskirts of Huddersfield on Saturday 24th February. The show will be situated in The Old Cornmill, which is less than one minutes drive from Junction 25 of the M62 motorway. Tickets will be £1.50 on the door, or just £1.00 when obtained in advance from Eyetech. New products which will be demonstrated (and available to buy) at the show from Eyetech include the MP3 MAS-Player, EZCam PCMCIA solid state media adapter and EZMouse PS/2 adapter (and scroll mice). All of our most popular software & hardware will be available too, such as STFax 4.5, OS 3.9, EZTower-Z4s, Cybervision 64/3Ds, BVision graphics cards and Blizzard SCSI kits. If you are attending, and there are any specific products you wish Eyetech to bring, please email us and let us know. Eyetech's games division, Eye-Play, will also be present with all the releases from their Platinum range, including new titles such as Simon the Sorcerer 2, Earth 2140 and Nightlong. A presentation will be given on the AmigaOne board by Eyetech's Managing Director - Alan Redhouse, and Fleecy Moss from Amiga Inc. This will cover all technical aspects of the new board, and a time for questions will be available at the end. All seminars will be held in a separate room from the show, and will commence at 5pm. For more information, visit the alt.WoA website. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A S E R V E R R I N G P R O J E C T 14 February, 2001 Hello, One news from a new Italian Project: Amiga Server Ring Hello everyone. The project name is Amiga Server Ring. The idea is to group all the Amigas used as servers on the net under a common flag. With the Amiga Server Ring (ASR) we want to create a net among Amiga servers, in order to offer services to Amigans worldwide, advertise the Amiga as server/workstation and help the AmigaOS sys administrators and all the users that need it. There are no requirements to satisfy to join our team, anyone who wants to help us can do it, either providing a little bit of their bandwidth, or "only" their experience. Since the project has just started, webmasters, graficians, DTP designers, translators, experienced SysOPs, betatesters, willing Amigans are welcome. Talking about the practical aspect and about the implied benefits, ASR could accomplish to many tasks, think about a Quake server for Amiga users only, or to a mail account @ASR.org (it's only an example, we have no domains at the moment), or think about your site hosted on an ASR server without the obligation to show annoying ads banners (apart from the ASR banner of course :-), or fast web and ftp site mirrors, or a shoutcast radio with Amiga news and good music, a enthralling MUD for adventurous, a stable and secure irc server, a powerful AmigaDOS shell via telnet for ircbots, etc. Keep in mind that all these things depend on you! If you want to contact us: encelo@amiworld.it, specifying "Amiga Server Ring" in the subject, please. There is a special channel on IRCnet: #AmigaServer Regards, Marco Lovera ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A T E F O R A M I N E T 13 February 2001 Short: THE Aminet download manager V1.1 Author: Pietro Ghizzoni (ghizzo@agonet.it) Uploader: Pietro Ghizzoni (ghizzo@agonet.it) Type: comm/net Replace: comm/net/AmyGate.lha Introduction ------------ AmyGate is the first internet client with full support for all the services offered by Aminet. You usually need many programs to have full access to Aminet: for instance a web browser to surf easily through the various directories and files, a ftp-client to upload your files, an email-client to rate a program or un/subscribe the mailing list... and so on. AmyGate can do all these things in the most confortable and easy way for the user, with integrated support of HTTP, FTP and SMTP protocols. AmyGate supports: - Aminet Mailing List - Recent Uploads - Last seven days uploads list - Upload(not yet full workring) and Download (...with resume transfer) - Search of a file - Aminet CHARTS - Rating programs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F R E E G O O D I E S A T C I N E M A W A R E February 12 , 2001 King of Chicago and Lords of the Rising Sun Disk Images available for Download! Of course you remember these Cinemaware classics! As thanks for your continued and unwavering support, Cinemaware is offering these classic titles as free downloads! Relive your memories as Mob Boss in King of Chicago, or take up your katana and rule feudal Japan in Lords of the Rising Sun. They're only going to be available for a limited time, so run to the Vault quickly to download King of Chicago and Lords of the Rising Sun Don't forget to stop by the Forums and tell us which other classic titles you'd like to see made available. http://www.cinemaware.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F R O G G E R 1 . 6 4 B 3 A V A I L A B L E February 17, 2001 · Frogger is the ultimate fast MPEG video player, with MPEG-2 layer support for AMIGAs with fast 68k CPUs (68040/60) or PowerPC equipped Systems. The MPEG1/2 decoder is based on mpeg2decode created by MPEG Software Simulation Group. · Frogger was originally relased by Miloslaw Smyk, recently (well, more then one year ago ;), the development has been taken over by Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz. · To use Frogger you will need an Amiga with 68k CPU (68030, 68040, 68060), a PPC equiped Amiga with at least 4MB of RAM, or any other computer with Linux (PPC or x86) installed. http://frogger.rules.pl/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Y A M S C R I P T T O S T R I P A D S 2 Feb 2001 I see since Yahoo have taken over eGroups they have decided to re-introduce ads into distributed e-mails - it was only a matter of time... I just thought I'd like to let you know I have updated my YAM script to now work with yahoogroups. The update can be found at: http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/comm/mail/YahooGpScan1_1.lha Short: Strips YahooGroup adverts. V1.1 Uploader: Steve Bowman (Steve & Ulli Bowman <stevebow@hotkey.net.au>) Author: ©2000 Steve Bowman (Steve & Ulli Bowman Version: 1.1 (30-Jan-2001) Type: comm/mail Replaces: comm/mail/eGroupsScan1_0.lha Requires: YAM 2+, AWNPipe: & ClassAct if you have OS3.1 or earlier. About 80% of my incoming mail comes via YahooGroups. When they took over eGroups, the advertising disappeared - for a short time. Now it has returned. This script is only an update to the V1.0 eGroups script to take into account the changes YahooGroups have made since the takeover. The only change for existing users is to change you YAM ARexx setting to the name of the script, now YahooGroupsScanner.rexx. This started out as a very basic script, but I just kept adding and adding to it. :^) I have done extensive testing, and although it works fine on my setup it may not on yours. Please report any problems. FEATURES: · Reaction (ClassAct) GUI with progress bar and info on number of messages scanned and adverts stripped. · Will locate the Incoming Folder regardless of its actual name or postion in the folder list or language (I hope...) YAM is running in. · Will only scan mails flagged as New in the Incoming Folder - because if you're anything like me you will usually have ~50 Read mails in your incoming folder waiting to be manually archived. :^) · If no new mails are downloaded from the server, no scanning at all takes place. If there are new mails downloaded, only these new mails are scanned. · Intelligent scanning - if any new messages are not YahooGroup messages, they will be skipped. · After updating Incoming Folder index, returns you to your previous folder/state before script exits. For example, if you have selected a number of messages to be deleted in a folder and the script starts after a download, you will be restored to that folder with the messages reselected when the script terminates. Some people have queried my method of handling the Incoming folder externally of Yam instead of going through Yam's ARexx port. I tried and tested both methods and found that for most (but not all) cases, analyzing the Incoming folder was quite a lot slower than doing it directly via AmigaDOS commands. INSTALLATION: To install, simply copy this script to YAM:Rexx. Now open YAM's Config panel and go to the ARexx section. Hilite the "After getting new mail" item and load "Rexx/YahooGroupsScanner.rexx" into the Script gadget. Double check the Pop-up selector is on ARexx and not AmigaDOS. Leave "Open console window unchecked, but (IMPORTANT) make sure "Wait for termination" is checked ON. Click on Save, and that's it. Important - The AWNPipe: device must be installed! Download the latest AWNPipe: from http://web.ukonline.co.uk/awnpipe If you do not have OS3.5, you will need ClassAct. AFAIK the final ClassAct archive prior to OS3.5 can be found at http://members.home.com/taston/classact but this is quite old compared to the more recent replacement found in OS3.5, Reaction. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S O F T C I N E M A F U L L R E L E A S E Short: Ultimate Movie Player (PPC) V0.11 Author: Jacek Cybularczyk (noe@webnet.pl) Uploader: Sebastian Jedruszkiewicz <elf@frogger.rules.pl> Type: gfx/show Requires: PowerPC, AHI, AGA or CGFX SoftCinema is Movie/Animation player for PowerPC based Amigas. For more information please refer to SoftCinema_English.guide. Features: -------- - supports QuickTime Movie (QT/MOV) and Video for Windows (AVI) file formats - supports a lot of video and audio codecs (Intel Indeo up to 5.0 is supported!) - fast video and audio playback News: -------- v0.11 full release - a-LAW audio codec bugfixes. - a-LAW support in QT movies. - Completly new AsyncIO. much faster, and also fixes problems with running two or more SC at the same time. - Optimized CCITT H.263 decoder (up to 30%). - Optimized OpenDivX decoder (up to 25%). Status: ------ SHAREWARE. Please read SoftCinema_English.guide for more info about registering. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- P A Y B A C K O N S A L E O N N E T 15 February 2001 You can now buy Payback from Apex Design's on-line shop using your credit/debit card or by cheque/check. We have also added a FAQ for the demo and full versions of Payback. Please read it if you've had any problems getting the game or demo running. True or high colour display recommended "Payback is a really impressive piece of work..It has a good sense of humour, a lot of clever features, and some smart level design..it has been quite a while since I've seen a new Amiga originated title with this much promise." Andrew Korn, editor of Amigactive If you'd always wondered what it would be like to be a master criminal, then Payback is the game for you. It's entirely non-linear - to complete a level you simply have to obtain a certain number of points - how you get those points is entirely up to you; you can do what the local kingpin tells you, uncover secret missions or just go on a mad killing spree. There are lots of hidden surprises to discover, so you'll have to play the game through several times to find all the extras. As you'll have probably guessed, the game is inspired by Grand Theft Auto, but every effort is being put in to make sure that Payback beats GTA in every way. The game engine supports perspective correct texture mapping, environment mapping (reflections), bump mapping, realistic shadows, alpha-channelling (lens flares, explosions and shockwaves), 12 channel 3D sound and realistic physics. The game will also be translated into several languages. This is a game that all Amigans can be proud of. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- H T M L R E A D V 1 . 0 0 A V A I L A B L E 15 February, 2001 HTMLread V1.00 is released and can be downloaded! What is HTMLread? HTMLread is an extension for YAM. YAM is a wonderfull Mailer but it is not able to handel EMails that are written from Netscape, Eudora or Outlook in HTMLcode. HTMLread detect, convert and send this EMails to youre favourit HTMLviewer. Which HTMLviewer are supported? All! HTMLread has a inbuild list of favourit HTMLviewers, but if you want you can make youre own easily. In the list are follow HTMLviewers: SimpleHTML, MultiView (with HTMLdatatype), OpenUrl, HTMLview, Voyager, AWebSE (comes with OS3.5/3.9), AWeb and IBrowse. HTMLread can start this HTMLviewers and if supported handle them with ARexx. Which type of HTMLmails support HTMLread? o HTMLmails with text only o HTMLmails with inbuild pictures o HTMLmails with pictures in Web with protection against EMail watching! (V1.0) o HTMLattachmends o and all mixed! What need I to run HTMLread? You need an Amiga, YAM 2.x, HTMLviewer and a runnig Rexxmast. The other things are included. How to (un)install HTMLread? With the (un)installer. And some easy changes in YAM-Konfig. Any payment? No, HTMLread is PublicDomain Version V.1 - V.4 and Version V.45 and above it is FreeWare. http://www.htmlread.50g.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- T R O G L A D I T E A N N O U N C E M E N T S 6 Feb 2001 If you haven't seen it already on the news sites, then let me just tell you that Trogladite Software has launched it's beta site. It's very similar to the old one, but now has many new additions, including the facility for us to start developing for new platforms. I'd also like to stress that this does NOT mean we are leaving the Amiga. Far from it. A lot of work has gone into the Amiga section, and a lot of work has gone in to make sure it stays part of Trogladite Software for as long as we can get people to work it. For this reason, we are always on the lookout for new developers with new ideas, so if any one of you has the skills and would like to contribute them (and be helped along by our extensive team of artists, musicians and testers) then don't hesitate to contact neil@trogsoft.org. Finally, check out the Puiblic Beta website at http://www.trogsoft.org, and please let us know what you think. Oh, you'll also notice, if you go to the new Trogsoft Notification Centre (http://www.trogsoft.org/notify) that we have archives of messages sent to you using this system, for future reference and perusal by our visitors. Hope you enjoy this and all the other new features we are adding to the site daily. We are working on many different products at the moment. I can't go into details, some for legal reasons, and others simply because we don't want to release details just yet. Suffice to say, we have programs coming out for file and directory management, advanced text file operations, personal reminders and much more. Keep checking http://www.trogsoft.org/amiga/previews for the most up to date information. Thanks for your support, Neil Bullock Trogladite Software ---------------------------------------------------------------------- X 1 1 P R O G R A M X A M I A T 0 3 0 15 February, 2001 Purpose Xami is an X11 server for Amiga that can take advantage of hardware capabilities of the graphic system for acceleration. It may be launched from Workbench or CLI, uses the current keyboard mapping and does not need any extra libraries such as ixemul. Owners of graphic cards that have Picture in Picture capabilities with Picasso96 will benefit to use the server in a PIP window. So, if you have around you a machine with X11 capabilities such as a Linux or a BSD box, this is THE software to have ! For more informations and release information on Xami, you may get the documentation. Release v030 o xami030.lha, the X server o xfontmisc.lha, base misc fonts and cursors o xfonts075.lha, 75 DPI PCF fonts o xfonts100.lha, 100 DPI PCF fonts o xfontspeedo.lha, Speedo fonts o xfonttype1.lha, Type1 fonts http://dspach.free.fr/amiga/xami/index.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E L B O X V O O D O O G R A P H I C S Krakow, 13 February 2001 www.elbox.com COMPLETE VOODOO GRAPHICS for Mediator ELBOX Computer Development Department is proud to announce today's release of the new driver for graphic cards working with the MEDIATOR PCI busboard: === Voodoo.card ver. 1.0 driver === As with all the production coming from ELBOX, this is the best-quality product to make your life easier and more efficient. You have not seen such graphics performance ever before... Major effort of ELBOX programmers contributed to making this driver provide you with all you may ever need. Also, the new Voodoo.card ver. 1.0 driver is fully compatible with the P96 graphic system. The Voodoo.card driver supports the following chipsets: * Voodoo Banshee 8 MB * Voodoo3 2000/3000 16 MB * Voodoo4 4500 32 MB * Voodoo5 5500 64 MB The Voodoo.card driver is a continuation of the Voodoo3.card driver. It includes all the features of that release. The following functions have been added in the Voodoo.card driver, which were not supported in previous versions: * Hardware clipping, * Vblank interrupts, * PIP, * Overlay, * Scaling, * DPMS support, * Big-endian 16 bit modes, * Pixel clock extended up to 230 MHz (141 MHz for Voodoo Banshee). The driver supports all the functions available in the P96 graphic system for cards based around Voodoo Banshee and Voodoo3 chipsets. Support for Voodoo4 and Voodoo5 cards is limited to 24-bit graphic modes. Little-endian modes are the main modes for all the PCI type cards designed for PC computers. For full compatibility with future drivers releases (TV tuners, Sound cards, 100 Mbps NIC cards, ISDN cards, etc.) we recommend using little-endian modes. Big-endian mode support was added for full compatibility with games prepared only for big-endian modes. DON'T WAIT, GO FOR IT! Mariusz Wloczysiak ELBOX COMPUTER, Press Department PS. You may want to check the unofficial e-group on MEDIATOR: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Amiga-Mediator For subscribe mailto:Amiga-Mediator-subscribe@yahoogroups.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Update on the net: All back issues available at: http://www.globaldialog.com/~amigaupdate/index.html Stop by and check out our archive! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2001 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified. ====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ A M I G A /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ A M I G A U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ U P D A T E / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ amigaupdate@globaldialog.com ======================================================================