====================================================================== ________ _________ ____ _|__ __ __|_______ _________ __\ _____ \\\\ \_ _/ //___// _____//______\ _____ \\ // \\\\ /. \\\\__ \/ __// \\ \\____. /// \\\\ /. \\ \\___\Ż /___///___\ /___\ \\_________//\\___\Ż /___// Ż \/ Ż Ż \/. |Ż Ż|z!o Ż Ż \/ Ż A M I G A |#010324 | U P D A T E |________| "SO THE WORLD MAY KNOW" ====================================================================== AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A R E Q U E S T F R O M A M I G A A M I G A P R O F E S S I O N A L S A S S O C I A T I O N A M I G A L E G E N D S A T S T . L O U I S C H A N G E S T O F R E E A M I G A J O B S J U N O U S U R P S Y O U R C O M P U T E R S C H A T Z T R U H E G M B H T O G T I G M B H N A T I O N A L A M I G A I S A L I V E . . . . . . B U T W O N D E R I S G O N E A S I M W A R E T O I O M E G A P A U L N O L A N O N L I N E S T O R E E L B O X O N M E D I A T O R G R E X I N F O R M A T I O N A U T O P D F F O R A M I G A D I G I B O O S T E R P R O A D D O N C D F O R M A L D I H Y D 2 . 2 I S A N N O U N C E D N E W V E R S I O N P E R F E C T P A I N T Y A C A S - M A T H P R O G R A M A V A I L A B L E Editor's Thoughts and Introduction: We're almost to the Amiga 2001 show in Saint Louis, USA, and all the news that has been hinted at. It's hard to believe it could contain as much earth shattering news as we'd all like, but we do expect some significant announcements there. We hope a number of our readers can join us at the show for whatever news will be revealed. If you do make it to the show, please be sure to say "hi" if you get the chance. We'll be there through the entire show, and hope to have a chance to talk to many of you. In the meantime, there's lots of news in the Amiga community to bring you with this issue. There seem to be changes everywhere, especially in the software arena, and some interesting changes on the marketing side of the community as well. This includes saying good-bye to yet another long-time Amiga supporter. THENDIC "SMARTBOY" THE ONE ... ? There has been a lot of talk on the Net lately about a German manufacturer bringing out a PDA which uses Amiga DE. Looks like that company may be Thendic. Here's part of a Thendic press release that has shown up recently on some sites: "With the launch of SmartBoy Thendic will realise a quantum leap. The b2b version is launched today, a consumer version will be ready for distribution at the end of 2001. This product will be marketed under the label of Amiga DE. Thendic secured the rights for this name recently." Thendic`s other product CashBoy will be marketed aggressively in 2001. The CashBoy so far used in Spain, Netherlands, Austria, Turkey, Brazil and Argentina will be distributed in Asia and USA" If this proves to be true, we'll be among those first in line to purchase one - but only if (brace yourselves for this) it can synchronize data with a (it really hurts to say this) Windows PC. Why on earth would we want that? Because, truth be told, a PDA is of very limited use to most people unless you can use it as an extension of your business desk top computer. If it can't do that, it won't survive long. I suppose there may be a future for one that can link to Linux computers or "Star Office", but it's not as likely at the present time. Look at it this way - if it can sync with Windows machines, it becomes one way to get Windows users to use something Amiga and maybe learn about a better way to do computing. And if it can link to Windows, then it can be made to link to your Amiga DE or Amiga Classic desktop also, just as has been done with Palm Pilots. LINK TO SUPPORT ST. LOUIS SHOW There's still some time to help promote the Amiga 2001 show in Saint Louis if you have a web page and haven't already gotten "into the act". This promises to be a show with very important annoucements for the Amiga community, as we mentioned above . If you have an Amiga web page, you can help support the show, and keep it growing. Clicking on the following link will download an archive containing a jpeg and sample html code which you can add to your page. These will establish a link to the show's web site, and allow Amigans to easily get information on the show. You can see them in action on the "Amiga Update" links page. Use this URL to download the archive: http://www.globaldialog.com/~amigaupdate/stl.lha Please consider adding this link to your web page, as a contribution to the Amiga Community. Those of you involved with other key Amiga shows, please let us know if you'd like "Amiga Update" to help you distribute similar archives of links for your shows. We're here to support the Community. Brad Webb, Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail to the E-ditor: 12 March, 2001 I was wondering if any of your readers might have a copy of the colorgadget.library that came with MathVision? I own a legitimate copy of the program but I deleted the library by mistake & have no backup. I've tried on more than one occasion to contact the owners of the MathVision website (www.olympus.net/personal/7seas/7seas.html), but they never respond to my e-mails. I will happily supply my serial number to anyone, proving that I own the program (if necessary). Thanx in advance, Jim ~~~~~~ If anyone knows where Jim could get a legal copy of colorgatdget.library, please contact us and we'll put him in touch with you. Thanks, Brad ====== 21 Feb 2001 Hi Brad! ADUG is a regional User Group, acting as an umbrella organisation and is open to all members of the Amiga community who reside in Australia or New Zealand (Australasia) - hence the name Amiga Downunder I am Secretary of ADUG, and one of three Australian members of the Amiga Advisory Council (AAC), and I have long admired your site as a no-nonsense provider of Amiga news. Consequently, I would like to direct my ADUG Members to your site for news of, and about, the Amiga via a link on ADUG's News page (if that's alright by you), but I noted your comment recently that as there is a paucity of such news, you may not be publishing your newsletter so often. I hope this will not always be so, as I do believe that Bill and his team are on the right track (both in their push with the Amiga DE and their continued support of the Classic) and I certainly look forward to your coverage of the St Louis Amiga Show at the end of March. The purpose of this email is to ask whether you could put something about ADUG on Amiga Update which will direct people who live in Australia and New Zealand to our site. Something like "For more detailed information about the Amiga and the Amiga community in Australia and New Zealand, check ut Amiga Downunder UG Inc, the regional User Group for those living `downunder." ... ... using "Amiga Downunder UG Inc" as the link to http://www.amigadownunder.org? Check us out. We'd be very grateful :)) Best wishes __ Basil Flinter Secretary <== ADUG - bringing the Australasian Amiga community together ==> - the Amiga User Group for All Australasians - ~~~~~~ Basil, Thanks for writing - it's always a pleasure to hear from you, and others who keep Amiga user groups running around the world for that matter. I thought I'd run part of your letter, as you put your case in the best words possible and your enthusiasm for the group clearly shows. Readers who live in that part of the planet and who haven't checked out ADUG owe it to themselves to do so. Help keep this great group functioning and a strong part of the community. We've added an ADUG link to our "Amiga Update" archive site links page, so those who stop by can find a quick way there. Brad ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A R E Q U E S T F R O M A M I G A 30 Dec 2000 {Didn't see this until just recently. Those in non-English speaking nations, please forward to any local Amiga clubs you can. Thanks! Brad} If you are a member of an Amiga user group, please go to the following link to sign your group up. http://www.amigadev.net/index.php?sid=&subpage=usergroups Also, can some of you please pass this post to non-English speaking Amiga newsgroups, web sites, and publications as well? Sincerely, -- Gary Peake Director - Developer Relations and Support Amiga Inc. http://www.amigadev.net http://www.amiga.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A P R O F E S S I O N A L S A S S O C I A T I O N 26 February, 2001 In just a few days the Amiga 2001 show will begin in St. Louis. It will also herald the formation of the Amiga Professionals Association (APA) - a group formed to serve ALL Amiga professionals; developers, resellers, publishers and more. The first meeting of the APA will be hosted by Kermit Woodall and will be Friday evening. The meeting is open to all current professionals in the Amiga market. Topics discussed will include mutual cooperation, the Amiga market and the Amiga itself! Other topics are welcome as well. There are no admission fees for the meeting of course, and all developers are strongly urged to be sure they attend. You won't want to miss this meeting! Full information on the Amiga 2001 show follows. Kermit Woodall Two day admission (Sat. & Sun.)............... $17 ($20 at door) One day admission (Sat. or Sun.).............. $12 ($15 at door) Banquet-Petro ROAST & Bill McEwen speaks...... $35 (advance only) Class tickets sold at show. Friday is the Developers Conference - Tickets at door. Please mail your check or money order, in U.S. funds, for tickets to Amiga2001 and the banquet Saturday evening to this address: Amigan-St. Louis c/o Amiga2001 P.O. Box 672 Bridgeton, MO 63044 U.S.A. For hotel reservations, call the Sheraton West Port - Chalet Hotel at 191 West Port Plaza Drive, in St. Louis, MO. at: 314-878-1500. You must call between 8 am - 10:30 pm CST Monday thru Friday. Ask for the reservation desk and tell them that you are going to Amiga2001 so that you get your discount. If you call at any other hours or on weekends, you will not be able to get ahold of the hotels reservation desk and the people answering will not know about the Amiga2001 show. So please call between 8 am - 10:30 pm CST, Monday - Friday. The web page http://www.amiga-stl.com is updated, and the prize page is up. More will be added later, so stay tuned. Best Regards, Bob Scharp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A L E G E N D S A T S T . L O U I S 24 Mar 2001 Amigans, Yes, it's true. Not only is Dave Haynie attending the Amiga2001 show, but now we learn that Leo Schwab another Amiga legend is also attending Amiga2001. Leo Schwab and Dave Haynie are both legends in the Amiga community. Let's all make them feel welcome. If you haven't made up you mind about attending Amiga2001, the largest Amiga computer show in the Americas, now is the time to do so. Don't miss this chance to meet some of the finest people in the computer industry... Amigans. Best Regards, Bob Best Regards, Bob Scharp, bscharp@icon-stl.net Amigan-St. Louis P.O. Box 672 Bridgeton, MO 63044 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C H A N G E S T O F R E E A M I G A J O B S Köln/Erkrath, Germany, 02-Mar-2001 - In April 2000 the team of amiga-news.de and AMIGAplus founded "Free Amiga Jobs", the free online employment agency for the Amiga market, filling over fifty jobs in all fields since its birth and making new Amiga projects possible. On March 1st, 2001, we changed the strucure of Free Amiga Jobs. Employers may now feed their jobs into the new, powerful databank directly, while employees may search for an appropriate job offer filling out several search criterias. Furthermore, this online job agency is of course still free of charges for both employers and employees. "Free Amiga Jobs" is located in the World Wide Web at "http://www.amiga-news.de/cgi-bin/jobs-db.pl", but may also be navigated to from the websites "http://www.amigaos.de" or "http://www.amiga-news.de". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- J U N O U S U R P S Y O U R C O M P U T E R Opinion By Brad Webb The huge ISP company Juno has recently changed their Terms of Service to include conditions that should cause most computer users to think several times before signing up with them. Here's an excerpt from the actual terms of their agreement: 2.5. You expressly permit and authorize Juno to (i) download to your computer one or more pieces of software (the "Computational Software") designed to perform computations, which may be unrelated to the operation of the Service, on behalf of Juno (or on behalf of such third parties as may be authorized by Juno, subject to the Privacy Statement), (ii) run the Computational Software on your computer to perform and store the results of such computations, and (iii) upload such results to Juno's central computers during a subsequent connection, whether initiated by you in the course of using the Service or by the Computational Software as further described below ... you agree not to take any action to disable or interfere with the operation of ... any component of the Computational Software. You agree that, as between you and Juno, you shall be responsible for any costs or expenses resulting from the continuous operation of your computer, including without limitation any associated charges for electricity, and that you shall have sole responsibility for any maintenance or technical issues that might result from such continuous operation. You agree that, as between you and Juno, Juno shall have sole rights to the results of any computations performed by the Computational Software, including without limitation any revenues or intellectual property generated directly or indirectly as a result of such computations, without further compensation to you. ...[Y]ou expressly permit and authorize Juno to initiate a telephone connection from your computer to Juno's central computers using a dial-in telephone number you have previously selected for accessing the Service ... you agree that, as between you and Juno, you shall be responsible for any costs and expenses (including without limitation any applicable telephone charges) resulting from the foregoing ... You agree that you will not attempt to reverse engineer any such software, data, or other materials or transfer or disclose any such software, data, or other materials, or the results of any such computations, to any third party. You acknowledge that your compliance with the requirements of this Section 2.5 may be considered by Juno to be an inseparable part of the Service, and that any interference with the operation of the Computational Software (including, but not limited to, any failure to leave your computer turned on at all times) may result in termination or limitation of your use of the Service. All these words boil can be summarized in a few disturbing points. First, you allow Juno to use your computer for whatever it wishes, whenever it wishes to use it. You are not allowed to discover what Juno is doing with your computer. You have to leave your computer powered up and accessible at all times in case Juno wants to use it. You pay to have the results of their use sent to them by e-mail. If anything happens to your computer along the way, that's no concern of theirs and you can do nothing about it. The only good we can find in this at "Amiga Update" is to assume there may be a laugh or two at Juno's expense the first time they try to run anything on an Amiga. We bet they have no idea what one is, and if we're lucky maybe they don't even allow Amigas to connect. Even if they do, we don't think we'd be interested in taking the risk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- S C H A T Z T R U H E G M B H T O G T I G M B H Waldshut-Tiengen/Essen, 26th February 2001 GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH has been active as distributor for Amiga software since 1987 and supplies a worldwide network of dealers. Stefan Ossowski's Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH has been one of the leading publishers of Amiga productivity software for over than 13 years. The two companies have co-operated closely and successfully since 1994 and have contributed to the lasting establishment of the CD-Rom medium within the Amiga software market. With effect from 1st March 2001, both companies have agreed to intensify their co-operation further, with GTI Gmbh taking over the operating business of Schatztruhe GmbH. All publishing activities of Schatzruhe will be re-located to Waldshut-Tiengen and continued in undiminished scale as a business division of GTI GmbH. The change will be handled as simply as possible for customers, suppliers, and other business partners of Schatztruhe GmbH, only contact information being changed to the following as from the 1st March 2001 : Schatztruhe GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH Weihergasse 5 79761 Waldshut-Tiengen Germany Telephon: Telephon: +49-(0)700 - 70 60 50 40 Telefax : +49-(0)201 - 426 00 00 Internet: amiga@schatztruhe.de (General Enquiries & Orders) support@schatztruhe.de (Technical Support) http://www.schatztruhe.de/ Schatztruhe will continue to publish high-quality Amiga software at attractive prices. A number of new products are already in preparation for 2001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N A T I O N A L A M I G A I S A L I V E . . . 28 February, 2001 National Amiga has not gone bankrupt, has not been bought out by a PC chain, and has not been abducted by aliens. There have been rumours floating around for quite some time that National Amiga had bitten the dust as far as Amiga retail was concerned. Simply not true! The website has had intermittent connectivity due to a combination of site upgrades, hardware shuffles, and problems with the broadband internet provider. The latest incarnation of the website should be up shortly at www.nationalamiga.com... at the present time it is sub-beta and still very much under development, but the contact information on the page is still the same. You see "Archtech Computers" on the banner... Arch Computer Technology has been the parent company of National Amiga for many, many years. Similarly, they've been doing multiplatform retail and service for a very long time. That hasn't changed! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . B U T W O N D E R I S G O N E Press Release - February 23, 2001 Magma Communications steps in to provide Internet access and email to clients of Wonder.ca Ottawa, Ontario, February 23, 2001 - Magma Communications Ltd. today announced that it has agreed to provide Internet access and hosting services to the customer base of Wonder.ca - an Internet division of Wonder Computers. Wonder Computers ceased business operations yesterday. {Wonder Computers had been a long-time Amiga supplier. Brad} The arrangement will ensure that Wonder.ca's 750 customers continue to receive Internet services. Magma has agreed to honor Wonder.ca's existing client arrangements. "Magma is a recognized leader in the Ottawa and Canadian Internet communities," said AJ. Byers, Magma's Chief Operating Officer. "Magma felt a responsibility to step in and help make sure that people weren't left without their Internet and email access." "Within an hour of learning Wonder was going to cease operations, Magma had determined that it would act to ensure that Wonder.ca's customers would have continued access to the Internet and email through Magma," stated Mr. Byers. Wonder.ca clients are encouraged to call Magma's customer service group at (613) 228-3565 to re-activate their accounts. Magma's technical staff is working around the clock with various Internet organizations to ensure that there is minimal disruption to Wonder.ca's clients. Magma Communications is Ottawa's leading full-service Internet Company and employs over 140 people. Founded in 1995, Magma is a privately owned firm that specializes in providing reliable, High Speed Internet service throughout Ontario and Quebec. Services include residential and corporate Internet access, custom web solutions, and a full range of website and server hosting services. Visit: www.magma.ca for more details or contact AJ Byers at (613) 228-3565. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A S I M W A R E T O I O M E G A ROY, Utah, March 1, 2001 - Iomega Corporation (NYSE: IOM), a global leader in data management solutions, today announced that it has acquired the software product line of Asimware Innovations Inc., a Canadian developer of CD-RW software technology, as an investment in Iomega's rapidly growing software solutions business. "We're pleased to announce this acquisition, which builds additional core competencies in software needed for the next stage of growth at Iomega," said Bruce Albertson, president and chief executive officer, Iomega Corporation. "This acquisition is expected to make tangible contributions to our software and CD-RW product lines this year." Under the agreement, the Asimware software engineering team will immediately join Iomega's software division. In the fourth quarter of 2001, Iomega expects to introduce full-featured optical drive software which includes a unique "skins" technology that enables users to customize the look and feel of their software. "Iomega's strategy is to build a broad software business that supports our existing hardware platforms and generates new stand-alone retail software products," said Germaine Ward, senior vice president, software and e-business, Iomega Corporation. "The addition of Asimware technology and programming expertise fits perfectly into that strategy. By combining our software competencies, our aim is to create distinct competitive advantages in our already successful CD-RW product line as well as contribute new products to our newly developed portfolio of software products for sale." Iomega expects to offer new software using Asimware technology in future CD-RW software bundles that will be available in the retail channel. Iomega's current CD-RW software bundles include Roxio, Inc.'s Easy CD CreatorTM and DirectCDTM software for WindowsŽ PCs, and ToastTM software for MacintoshŽ computers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- P A U L N O L A N O N L I N E S T O R E San Diego, CA.-March 20, 2001- Paul Nolan Software Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of the Photogenics eStore, http://photogenics.beyond.com, and the official launch of Photogenics 5.0 for the Amiga, and for the first time, Linux and Windows. Photogenics 5.0 is now available for immediate purchase and download via Beyond.com's electronic software delivery technology. "Our top priority is to provide our customers with an outstanding online purchasing experience, which means making it easier for them to find, buy and receive our products," said Paul Nolan, CEO of Paul Nolan Software. "Beyond.com's expertise in e-commerce, merchandising, marketing, and customer service made them the right choice to build and manage our online store." For those unfamiliar with the product, Photogenics is an exciting new graphics package, delivering unprecedented levels of creativity, freedom, and flexibility. For a full list of features, please visit the links below. For existing users of Photogenics 4.x, a free upgrade to the Amiga version of 5.0 is available for download. Customers wishing to cross-grade from the Amiga version of Photogenics to the Linux or Windows version may do so at a discounted price for a limited time by following the links below: Amiga to Windows cross-grade: http://photogenics.beyond.com/AF78328-xgrade/Product/ 0,1057,3-22-SN107521,00. html Amiga to Linux cross-grade http://photogenics.beyond.com/AF78328-xgrade/Product/ 0,1057,3-22-BD70329,00.html Additional Links: Photogenics eStore: http://photogenics.beyond.com Paul Nolan Software Inc.: http://www.PaulNolan.com Beyond.com: http://www.beyond.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E L B O X O N M E D I A T O R 16 March, 2001 After six months of continuous distribution of Mediator PCI it must be admitted that Mediator PCI has appeared to be a real hit on Amiga market. Huge and still increasing number of Mediator users have an opportunity to appreciate how significantly the possibilities of the computer have grown due to introduction of PCI standard cards to Amiga. Our next step, which is about to take place, is to allow Mediator's users to extend the computer with the new excellent turbo card fitted to Mediator PCI busboard - SharkPPC G3/G4. Those who fail to accept this marvellous product with respect that should undoubtedly be given concerning its design, try to underestimate its unquestionable worth by spreading not true rumour about Mediator. In order to make this situation clear we feel obliged to answer to this rumour. Rumour: If your jumper is set on 8MB and you have 'vertical lines' trashing on the screen, you may have a buggy board. No, it is not the true. The fact of appearing 'vertical lines' on the screen is definitely not the result of any fault of Mediator's board. The presence of 'vertical line' is the result of the hardware protection, which was installed in Mediator's busboards. In order to avoid 'vertical lines' it is enough to set the 'memory window' jumper to 4 MB according to Mediator User's Manual. The hardware protection was designed to enable the sell of commercial software for Mediator's busboard secured by the hardware key, which was supposed to be available together with that software. After the negotiations on WOA 2000 we have changed our plans as far as the distribution of the graphic drivers with full hardware acceleration implemented is concerned. As a result of this decision the protection had been removed from the Mediators that are being sold after the 13th December 2000. We do not plan to offer the upgrade of the MACH chip in which the protection is placed, as in the forthcoming days we are going to release the software for the Mediator which enables the reaching of full busboard's performance independently of the 'memory window' jumper's setting. Joanna Mildner ELBOX COMPUTER, Press Department ELBOX COMPUTER http://www.elbox.com Krakow, 16 March 2001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- G R E X I N F O R M A T I O N 18 March, 2001 The G-REX PCI board by DCE offers 5 PCI slots that are PCI 2.1 compatible. This allows supported standard PCI graphic cards to be use. The picture to the left is the mid-stage prototype, the release version will have 5 PCI-2.1 compliant slots available. A quick overview: o Extremely fast PCI-Bridge-Design o Linear memory without bank-switching o Programmable via developer API using the pci library in flash-rom o Multi-monitor support with up to 4 graphics cards o Power connectors for both AT and ATX o DMA support for fast networking- und USB-card support http://www.vgr.com/grex/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A U T O P D F F O R A M I G A {The following item was spotted on the Czech Amiga News site recently. http://www.realdreams.cz/AMIGA/index.html Brad} 23 March, 2001 A statement from Martina Kramer: "Macintosh has a program called Distiller. This program converts postscript files in a certain source directory to PDF files in an output directory. We (Amiga) have Ghostscript to create PDF files. AutoPDF uses Ghostscript to convert postscript files into PDF files. The nice thing about AutoPDF is that it will monitor a given directory untill files (or just one) are copied into it, then it will convert the file to a PDF file placing it (and the original file) into a given destination directory. Just run AutoPDF in the background and it will convert any postscript file placed in the source directory automatically. However, since creating a PDF file with Ghostscript eats up most of your processor time, conversion will only start after 'activating' the AutoPDF window. The program has been uploaded to Aminet, but if you want to try it NOW... Hope it is as helpfull for you as it is for us..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- D I G I B O O S T E R P R O A D D O N C D 3 March, 2001 Today we are releasing the Digi Booster Pro Add On CD-ROM. The CD is a collection of high quality samples, modules and programs for Amiga computers. It was designed for everyone busy with making any kind of music. Digi Booster Pro is the main program for use with this collection. It can edit and play all the samples, modles, mp3's found on this CD. {This short item didn't give information on obtaining the CD. Contact Amiga dealers for more information. Brad} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F O R M A L D I H Y D 2 . 2 I S A N N O U N C E D 10 March, 2001 FormAldiHyd is a driver intended for the Aldi/Medion/Tevion MD 9310 graphic tablet and WacomIV compatible tablets. I bought a MD 9310 in summer 2000, but have been too lazy to write a driver until November 2000. German speaking people are proposed to spell the name of this software as "From-Aldi-Hütt'" ;) This program has been out some time now and has proven to be stable. It works with: - AipTek HyperPen 6000 (maybe other boards aswell, still unconfirmed). - Aldi/Medion MD 9310 and Aldi/Tevion LT 9310. - Wacom IV compatible (PenPartner etc.) (experimental) - Sumagraphics compatible boards (unconfirmed). Starting with V2.2 it finally works with MFC and IOBlix serial ports! This is probably the only tablet driver that correctly works with all known (MUI) applications and at the same time has full pressure support. Some portions of the code have been ported from the xf86HyperPen.c source by Roland Jansen <roland@lut.rwth-aachen.de> and Christian Herzog <daduke@dataway.ch>, who has taken over development of xf86HyperPen.c. The experimental WacomIV support has been ported from the xf86Wacom.c source by Frederic Lepied <Fredric.Lepied@sugix.frmug.org>. Short list of features: - Comes both as CLI-only/WB (no GUI) and MUI version. - Works with Tevion MD 9310 and AipTek HyperPen 6000. Probably works with other boards aswell (SummaGraphics compatible?). - Can be run either in 9600 or 19200 baud mode. - Supports pressure, which can be scaled to your requirements (e.g. with ArtEffect). - Versatile support of the functions keys at top of the tablet. - Can play sounds on button presses to make clicks audible. - Supports a threshold value for the left mouse button. - Middle and right mouse button can be swapped for stylus. - Mouse and Stylus can use different active areas. - Mouse can be used in relative mode. A mode for left handed people is also available. - Automatic detection of stylus and mouse. - Tablet orientation can be changed by swapping x and y coordinates. - Lots of different resolution can be chosen (up to 3048 LPI!). - Fully compatible with MUI applications. - Even works with low level software that reads the input events directly (Cinema4D, MagicMenu, etc.) Usage ~~~~~ There are two different programs for you to choose: FormAldiHyd - tablet driver with MUI interface (interactive) Formalin - CLI only/Workbench version (argument/ToolTypes driven) Pressure support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now this is a sad story. I've done everything the AutoDocs say, but neither TVPaint, XIPaint nor Photogenics 2 seem to support the Intuition NEWTABLET messages and therefore readout the pressure value. ArtEffect however, supports it in various ways (try out 'Tablet: Intuos' or 'Accupoint'). Please send me an email if you use this program. Thanks to those who have done so already. Future ~~~~~~ Here's a list of stuff that is planned for the next releases: - Gamma corrected pressure instead of linear scaling? - Adding some functionality to the middle mouse button. - Try out if old OS 2.x TABLET messages might help for other applications pressure support. - tablet.library emulation for DPaint pressure support? If anyone has docs on this library, please send them it! Contact address ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any mail, comments or donations welcome: Chris Hodges Account: 359 68 63 Kennedystr. 8 BLZ : 700 530 70 D-82178 Puchheim Bank : Sparkasse Fürstenfeldbruck Germany Tel.: +49-89/8005856 WWW: http://www.platon42.de/ Email: hodges@in.tum.de IRC: platon42 on EfNet ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W V E R S I O N P E R F E C T P A I N T What's New ? V2.5 - March 2001 Add AppIcon - Drop one file, Pfpaint will ask you if you want to load the file as a picture, brush or anim. - Drop several files, and PfPaint will create an anim. Improve Undo: - Entirely Rewritten - add a Real Redo - Add Prefs little bug corrected with 'Adjust levels' Last Jpeg.library is used. bug fix with effectbrush and picasso96 Improve Edit mask: 'Pick color' now have tolerance. New Arrex Commands pp_GetCurrentFrame pp_GetCurrentBuffer pp_GetCurrentBrush pp_FindEmptyBuffer pp_FindEmptyBrush pp_SetBuffer pp_ClearCurrentBuffer pp_AnimGui You can have ten buffers, each buffer can have a picture or an anim, with different depth. Improve Scaling anim picture, and scaling anim window Improve animation storage: RAM or HD (you can also select a path for the storage.) http://gothic.fr.free.fr/amiga/new.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Y A C A S - M A T H P R O G R A M A V A I L A B L E 22 March, 2001 Math program like MatLab, v1.0.45 -MorphOS- Author: Fr3dY (fr3dy@retemail.es) Uploader: Fr3dY (fr3dy@retemail.es) Type: misc/math Yacas (Yet Another Computer Algebra System) is a small and highly flexible general-purpose computer algebra language. The syntax uses a infix-operator grammar parser. The distribution contains a small library of mathematical functions, but its real strength is in the language in which you can easily write your own symbolic manipulation algorithms. Fr3dY http://www.morphos.de/meanmachine/files/Fr3dY/yacas-mos1045.readme ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Update on the net: All back issues available at: http://www.globaldialog.com/~amigaupdate/index.html Stop by and check out our archive! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2001 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified. ====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ A M I G A /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ A M I G A U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ U P D A T E / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ amigaupdate@globaldialog.com ======================================================================