====================================================================== ________ _________ ____ _|__ __ __|_______ _________ __\ _____ \\\\ \_ _/ //___// _____//______\ _____ \\ // \\\\ /. \\\\__ \/ __// \\ \\____. /// \\\\ /. \\ \\___\¯ /___///___\ /___\ \\_________//\\___\¯ /___// ¯ \/ ¯ ¯ \/. |¯ ¯|z!o ¯ ¯ \/ ¯ A M I G A | 030531 | U P D A T E |________| "SO THE WORLD MAY KNOW" ====================================================================== AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A O S 4 . 0 O N T O U R A T A U G S B U R G A M I W E S T N E W S U P D A T E A M I G A W I N S P O P U L A R I T Y C O N T E S T R I A A A P O L O G I Z E S T O A M I G A W E B S I T E O S 4 S U P P O R T S E 3 B ' S A L G O R & R O M U L U S H O L L Y W O O D 1 . 4 A N N O U N C E M E N T M E T A V I E W C O N V E R T E R N O W F R E E W A R E A N O T H E R W I N U A E R E L E A S E ! - # 7 Editor's Thoughts and Introduction: Another month with a short supply of news. This month, though, some of the shortage is artificial. For example, we know there were Amiga goings on at the Webb.it show in Italy (hey, I really like that name!) However, the following is just about all the information we were able to find about this. The item comes from the wizards over at Czech Amiga News: "9.5.2003 Webb.it: showing Amiga One and Amiga OS 4 beta (68k) Virtual Works, Soft 3 and Bitplane magazine are demoing Amiga One and Amiga OS 4 beta (68k) at the Webb.it show in Padua (Italy) An Amiga One XE G3 800Mhz with Debian Linux PPC and an Amiga 4000 with Os 4.0 beta are present and running at the booth of Virtual Works, Soft 3 and Bitplane. Also an ipaq with Amiga Anywhere is present and the last issue of Bitplane magazine is available. Attenders seems very interested about the Amiga One and the OS 4. Tomorrow Elena Novaretti will show her own Pegasos running MorphOS. We will release more info about the show progress (it will last until sunday) tomorrow. Nicola Morocutti via ANN ExiE http://amiga.czex.com" A good press release would have been appreciated, but at least there's good work being accomplished by Amiga supporters. Another example is the "OS 4 On Tour" effort. It just sort of came up out of nowhere. We have a story on one of the sessions for you below, but no real information on the overall program. The Amiga community almost seems to have no appreciation of the need to get "the word" out. If it's ever to be more than just a side show in the circus of computing, that attitude has to change. Ah, well. As long as WinUAE continues to exist, we'll have something to put in the newsletter. We had a story on release 6 last month, and this time around on release 7. Good for the WinUAE crew! We hope you enjoy this issue. Brad Webb, Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail to the E-ditor: 30 April, 2003 Brad: Regarding Nelson's question about Amiga Forever and Final Writer {see last issue. Brad} ; it's been a long time since I was doing things like that myself, but let me suggest an approach as a work-around. This whole business of transferring to disks a PC can read seems to be tricky, especially for something like Final Writer, which came spread out on a LOT of disks. For some programs I believe it was possible to establish a serial connection and bring programs over that way -- at least with the Amiga there were a finite number of files to locate and bring over, not like Windows programs that always seem to have more necessary files than you can find. This approach obviously requires that you still have a living, breathing Amiga to work with, a serial cable and null modem... If you get everything over to where the emulator can reach, it should work. Greg ====== 2 May, 2003 Hi Brad, First off, thank you ever so much for AmigaUpdate, I appreciate it. I noted Nelson's question to you regarding installing applications (Final Writer) onto the UAE-Amiga part of a PC. Well, I am using WinUAE on my W2K PC. It works perfectly, and I had no difficulty at all. I connected the null modem cable to the Amiga and the PC, clicked on the Amiga Explorer icon, and waited about 12 hours for everything on my Amiga hard drive to transfer to the PC. Then a few changes to the startup sequence and I was in business. Probably the only problem I (and many others) have is printing things written in Final Writer. There just aren't Amiga drivers out there for many newer printers. I found one that "sort of" works, but painfully slow. My answer has been to save the Final Writer document out as RTF file on the RAM: drive, and then transfer to the PC desktop. At this point I pick it up in WordPerfect, after which printing is a breeze. It was difficult for me to determine just what his problem was. Is he running it on a Windows PC or a Linux PC? Just what has he done to try and install Final Writer? Has he consulted the Cloanto wewbsite -- as they have lots of information and answers to questions? There are also lots of answers right on the CD from Cloanto. Finally, there is a UAE website (a discussion group) devoted entirely to the people that use UAE -- they seem to be very helpful, especially to newcomers. Never a day goes by without several questions being asked and answered. URL is: http://amiga.nvg.org/uae/index.html I guess that maybe one the simplest ways to solve this may be to send Nelson my email address or perhaps even this email. He could contact me and I could then discover just what his setup is and what he had done and what has happened. Maybe his problem is beyond me (eg no Amiga) in which case he is no worse off than now. Best regards, Don ~~~~~~ Thanks to both Greg and Don for their assistance. If Nelson still has problems, drop me a line and I will send addresses around as appropriate. Our policy at "Amiga Update" is to avoid publishing last names and addresses of readers in most cases. Brad =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A M I G A O S 4 . 0 O N T O U R A T A U G S B U R G The Amiga Club des Augsburger Computer Forum e.V. and KDH Datentechnik are proud to invite you on June 14th, 2003 into the computer club, the Augsburger Computer Forum. We will present some novelties for your Classic Amiga and we will be able to give you a preview of Amiga OS4.0. Amiga OS4.0 The presentation of the AmigaOne and a preview of Amiga OS4.0 will be given by Juergen Schober / Point Design from Austria (come, see and be surprised !! ). Amiga One The Amiga Club Augsburg will present the newest member of our Amiga family, the Amiga One. The Amiga One Systems are currently delivered with Debian Linux PPC installed. The presentaton machines have a G4 PPC processor with 800MHz. (We might have a surprise for you ;) Algor (world premiere) E3B will present its brandnew Zorro USB Controller Algor, as well as an update possibility to Highway by the name of Romulus You will be able to talk face to face with Michael Boehmer, he is the hardware developer of the USB boards Algor, Highway, Subway and of the ethernet board Norway. If you need some advise, this is the right place and guy to ask ;). The scope of delivery of all USB boards from E3B contains a full version of Poseidon.Poseidon is developed by Chris Hodges in teamwork with E3B. The newest version of Poseidon will be presented together with Algor and Michael will be pleased to answer all your questions. If you want to test your USB devices together with an E3B USB controller, you are welcome to do so. At the show we will give you the possibility to purchase the E3B USB boards . C-One (world premiere) The C-One is a multiple faster than the C64 and has standard interfaces (PS/2-Mouseport, PS/2-Keyboard, Parallel-Port) to communicate with the outside world. PCI slots allow the use of todays PCI-cards, but also the periphery of the C64 is supported, as well as the clockport expansions modules of the Amiga 1200 will work in the C-One. But the C-One is more: It is reconfigurable and thereby the first of its kind. The used techniques allows changing the hardware by means of simply exchanging a file. Jens Schoenfeld will give an explicit, free of charge seminar on the C-One and will explain all the C-One functions. Jens will also answer all questions related to the other products from individual Computers. The products of individual computers can be bought at the show. Organizer: Amiga Club Augsburg KDH Datentechnik Location: Augsburger Computer Forum e.V. 86026 Augsburg Bahnhofstraße 12 1/2 about 2 minutes from the main railway station Parking: Parkinglots + parking garages are available very close to the show Seminars: 11am OS4.0 (Juergen Schober) 01pm OS4.0 (Juergen Schober) 04pm C-One (Jens Schoenfeld) Dates: Juni 14th, 2003 Opening hours: 10am to 7pm Contacts: Amiga Club Augsburg email: info@AmigaClubAugsburg.de KDH Datentechnik email: info@kdh-datentechnik.com tel : 49 (0) 7451 555111 Admittance : To recover the expenses for rooms, electricity etc., we have to charge a two EUR 2.00 admission fee OS4.0 Tour dates : 07.06.2003 Slovenia 14.06.2003 Germany 21.06.2003 Switzerland 28.06.2003 Austria 28.06.2003 Sweden 05.07.2003 Italy 05.07.2003 France http://www.oase.at/amigaos4ontour.html http://www.kdh-shop24.de/on_tour_info_e.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I W E S T N E W S U P D A T E 18 May 2003 AMIWEST 2003, RELEASE #4 Here is the fourth information release for AmiWest 2003. This is a text-only message. The HTML version, complete with images from AmiWest 2002, is posted on our webpage at www.sacc.org/amiwest. We encourage you to visit our site to see the complete release. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOLIDAY INN NORTHEAST MAINTAINS PRICES! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That's right! For the second year running, Holiday Inn Northeast, host to the AmiWest shows, has maintained their prices. The same beautiful facilities are available to us at the same low prices. We have the entire conference center reserved! So we are operating at the same prices paid in the year 2001! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AMIWEST 2003 MAINTAINS PRICES! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That's right! For the second year running, the AmiWest Committee is maintaining the same prices we charged in 2001! There have been no price increases! We are passing the savings on to you! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NOW IS THE TIME TO SIGN UP!! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// So, exhibitors and attenders, go directly to our web page at www.sacc.org/amiwest, click on the Exhibitors and/or the Tickets link in the upper left corner, and fill in the form. Send it in NOW! That way, you won't be disappointed when the show fills up. Rooms are now available at those same prices,too! Follow the link to HOTEL INFORMATION at www.sacc.org/amiwest to reserve your rooms now! Don't be disappointed! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ AMIWEST 2003 SETS RECORD FOR ADVANCE TICKET SALES!! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WE HAVE ALREADY SOLD MORE SHOW TICKETS IN ADVANCE THAN WERE SOLD IN ADVANCE IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS! Just because people you know haven't signed up yet need not determine YOUR course of action. YOU CAN GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EXHIBITOR DISCOUNTS NOW IN EFFECT! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% That's right! Exhibitor space for AmiWest 2003 is still available at discount prices! If you sign up NOW, you will receive a significant discount on your space! Come and promote your organization, web site, products, or club! And clubs get an even better deal! Just go to www.sacc.org/amiwest for the latest information and click on the links in the upper left hand corner of the page. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So remember, AmiWest 2003 is rolling! The facility is reserved July 26 and 27, 2003 at the Holiday Inn Northeast in Sacramento California! New exhibitors are signing up regularly! Keep watching for these releases and tell everyone that you know - the Amiga and the Amiga community is alive and well! See you at AmiWest 2003! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amiga Forever, Sacramento Amiga Computer Club AmiWest 2003 Committee HOTEL CONTACT Holiday Inn, Sacramento Northeast 5321 Date Avenue Sacramento California 95841-2597 Phone 1-916-338-5800 or 1-800-388-9284 - Toll Free (Hotel directly) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A W I N S P O P U L A R I T Y C O N T E S T 5 May, 2003 {Below is a quote from an article appearing on the MicroMart web site. URL is provided. Brad} "It's The Amiga! In a competition that has proved that many older formats are still very much live and kicking, the Amiga has emerged victorious to claim the crown as Micro Mart readers' favourite home computer. Ever. It's won a competition that started way back in November, as week by week arguments were put forward for sixteen of the most popular home computer formats. Since then, you've been voting as two formats at a time went against each other, with several upsets along the way. Who'd have thought, for instance, that the Atari ST would head out in the first round, beaten by the AMSTRAD CPC which then overtook the Commodore 64/128 in the next round - by one vote! The BBC Micro surprised us with the amount of support it received too. ... The win for the Amiga comes at a resurgent time for the format, with the AmigaOne finally set to launch shortly, and interest continuing to rise. After what even the most ardent Amiga fan would concede has been a bumpy decade, it seems that the corner may have been turned. But whatever the future for the format, one thing very much is for sure - for Micro Mart readers, it's a machine they're clearly fans of, and it's now officially their favourite home computer of all time." http://www.micromart.co.uk/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- R I A A A P O L O G I Z E S T O A M I G A W E B S I T E {Below is a quote from a CNET News.com article concerning mistakes made by a temporary worker for the RIAA in sending out legal notices of copyright infringement. Brad} 13 May, 2003 "... In a second incident, Speakeasy, a national broadband provider, said Tuesday that the RIAA had apologized for sending it a cease-and-desist letter alleging illegal activity on a subscriber's FTP site devoted to the Commodore Amiga computer. The RIAA's form letter sent to Speakeasy last Thursday alleged the Amigascne.org site illegally "offers approximately 0 sound files for download. Many of these files contain recordings owned by our member companies, including songs by such artists as Creed." The errors represent a black eye for the RIAA's latest efforts against piracy, which rely on automated crawlers to scour the Internet in an attempt to find material that is being distributed in a way that violates federal copyright law. The RIAA refuses to disclose what techniques its crawlers use, but the group appears to employ companies such as MediaForce and MediaDefender. Its copyright enforcers are not required to listen to an allegedly infringing MP3 file in its entirety, the RIAA has acknowledged. ..." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- O S 4 S U P P O R T S E 3 B ' S A L G O R & R O M U L U S 31 May,2003 AmigaOS 4.0 to support E3B's ALGOR and ROMulus flashroms (Garching, 31.05.2003) E3B and Hyperion Entertainment are pleased to announce that both companies are cooperating to ensure that E3B's ALGOR and ROMulus flashroms are properly supported by the upcoming AmigaOS 4.0 developed by Hyperion. The ALGOR is a Zorro II based USB controller which supports both USB 1.1 and 2.0 (no highspeed mode) and which comes with 512Kb of onboard flashrom memory. Existing HIGHWAY USB controllers can be upgraded with the ROMulus flashrom module. Users of AmigaOS 4.x will be able to locate a compressed Kickstart 4.0 image in flashrom memory and thus cut down significantly on booting times. This also opens up other possibilities such as using a USB mouse to control the AmigaOS bootmenu or booting from USB mass storage devices like memory sticks or flashcard readers. "We have been cooperating very well with E3B in the past and this cooperation has already yielded tangible results in the form of USB support for the HIGHWAY USB controller", says Ben Hermans, managing partner of Hyperion Entertainment. "We're happy that we can expand on this relationship as many prospective OS 4.x customers have expressed their desire to be able to locate a Kickstart 4.0 image in flashrom memory." "Our collaboration with Hyperion in the field of USB technology is established for quite some time now and proved to be successful", says Michael Böhmer, CEO of E3B. "For our customers' sake we could achieve things like integration of a HIGHWAY / SUBWAY hardware driver into the new Amiga operating system. We are proud that our ALGOR / ROMulus customers will even gain functionality with availability of AmigaOS 4.x." About E3B E3B (http://www.e3b.de) is a privately held German company, founded in 2001. The company entered the Amiga market with ground breaking new controller cards, which made new technologies like USB available on the Amiga Classic for the first time. As a pioneering company new developments and outstanding hardware designs can be found in all E3B products which are manufactured in Germany to the highest quality standards. E3B moreover offers a wide variety of hardware design services as well as almost any complex custom logic design on FPGAs, CPLDs and microcontrollers. About Hyperion Entertainment VOF Hyperion Entertainment (www.hyperion-entertainment.com) is a privately held Belgian-German company, founded in March of 1999. The company specialises in 3D graphics and the conversion of top-quality entertainment software from Windows to niche-platforms including Amiga, Linux (x86,PPC) and MacOS (OS 9/X). Hyperion Entertainment has undertaken contract-work in the field of 3D graphics for companies such as Monolith (www.lith.com) and has developed a mature, fast, small foot-print technology to bring 3D graphics to low power digital devices such as PDA's and STB's. Hyperion is currently working on AmigaOS 4.0, a vastly enhanced PPC native incarnation of the groundbreaking multimedia OS introduced by Commodore in 1985. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- H O L L Y W O O D 1 . 4 A N N O U N C E M E N T 19-May-03 Hollywood 1.5 official announcement Airsoft Softwair will soon release the major update Hollywood 1.5 which features so many great new things that are totally unique on the Amiga and which will make Hollywood once more the absolute number one in Amiga multimedia. The beta testers are already totally excited about the power of Hollywood 1.5. Here is a quick overview of what is new in Hollywood 1.5: Support for multiple graphics layers Layer transparency and layer light correction Over 50 new impressing transition effects (totalling in over 100 now!) Support for object rotation, mirroring, inverting, color replacing Support for Intellifonts All audio output is retargetable through AHI including full channel mixing and 16-bit stereo audio Full control over master volume Possibility to limit maximum number of frames per second Windows can have a dynamic transparency Joystick support! Powerful object animation functions Off-screen rendering New GUI Over 80 other useful new functions! Hollywood 1.5 will be released soon. The Malibu plugin which enables Hollywood to show also Scala scripts will be released shortly after Hollywood 1.5. There is also work going on to make a plugin for Hollywood that displays Power Point presentations (code name: Pasadena). http://www.softwarefailure.de/en/news.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- M E T A V I E W C O N V E R T E R N O W F R E E W A R E 3.5.2003 MetaView "MetaView (v2.9), probably the best vector gfx converter crated by Henk Jonas, is now freeware. You can get it here (incl. sources in E for MetaView and the supporting AMFF-Libraries.), readme. Supports graphic formats: AMF, CGM, CLP, DR2D, DS DR, DXF, GEM, WMF, WPG, XFIG, CMX, EPS, AI. Short: the best vector(AMF,CGM,CLP,DR2D,DSDR,DXF,GEM,WMF,WPG,XFIG,CMX,EPS,AI) gfx converter Type: gfx/conv Uploader: jonash@cs.tu-berlin.de (Henk Jonas) Author: jonash@cs.tu-berlin.de (Henk Jonas) Version: 2.9 Kurz: der beste Vektorgrafik Konverter Replaces: gfx/conv/metaview.lha gfx/conv/MetaView_Upd.lha gfx/conv/MetaView.lha MetaView 2.9 (25/Jun/2000) * buttons should not change their colors anymore * button for Index creation * Index from comand line interface: INDEX/M ALL/S example: "MetaView INDEX Bilder:#? ALL" creates an index from every single picture in "Bilder:" scans all sub-directories * correct aspect in Index * spanish guide updated (thanx to Dámaso Domínguez) ToDo list (if I have the time): * EMF im- and export * AegisDraw import * DSDR export (with bitmaps) * TIFF export REQUIREMENT: - any Amiga - OS 3.x - 1 MB RAM or better (more than 0.5 MB free ChipMem) - for Kick 3.x, the 'tabs.gadget' (included) - for Kick 3.1, maybe the new 'SetPatch' (included) INSTALLATION: - doubleclick the install-icon. WHAT IS IT? Programm to view and convert * WMF files (also embedded in Windows(tm) CLP files) * AMF files * DXF files * DR2D files * XFIG files (version 3.0 or 3.1) * WPG files (version 1.0 and 2.0) * GEM files (work in progress, need more examples) * CGM files * DSDR files * HPGL files (work in progress) * CMX files * EPS/AI files (with the aid of ghostscript and PsToEdit) to * ILBM * AMF * CGM * GEM * DR2D * HPGL * EPS * AI * WMF * JMF * XFIG * BMP If you open CMX files, you can found in the most cases a preview in t: SHAREWARE: This MetaView are shareware. If you use this programm regulary you must pay 30,- DM (20 $) to me. After this you get the newest version from MetaView and the keyfile. Without the keyfile you can`t save your pictures about ARexx. Additional you can order a CD with MetaView, Ghostscript and PsToEdit for 40,- DM (25 $). For bank account and my address, please look at the end of .doc or .guide. The executable are freely distributable, only the keyfile "keyfile.metaview" are not freely distributable without permission from me. To get the newer versions from MetaView, bugfixes etc. please look at "Aminet:gfx/conv/" or you send me a empty disk and a franked and filled return envelop. BUGS: - Not all WMF-codes are supported, but the most WMF-files should work. - If you find a bug on startup and own Kick 3.1, please install the new SetPatch 43.6 and try again. - If you find any other bug please feel free to send me a mail with the following dates: -- your configuration -- in which cases the bug appears -- if there only appears on some gfx files, then please send me also the gfx files I TAKE NO WARRANTLY FOR ANY DAMAGES ON YOUR SYSTEM! NEW - Slideshow ARexx Script (thanx to Don Cox) - HPGL Import - arrows in FIG, DR2D, DSDR - czech guide (thanx to Vit Sindlar) - enhanced CLI arguments - progressbar for loading, saving, refresh, cleanup - enhanced CGM Import (parse colortable, rectangle, ellipse) (thanx to LPS Morgan for so much examples) - change to default screentitlefont (thanx to Mirko Lukas) FIXED - strip-driver: -- wrong coord. origin fixed -- bitmap-struct peeking replaced - textsize in DR2D Output fixed - text- and linecoord. in WMF Import fixed - better landscape printing (thanx to Christian Beck) - Bug in strip-driver removed, their produce GURUS with big polygons (thanx to Don Cox) - Bug in DR2D Import removed, their produce GURUs with some DR2D files - Bug in CGM Import to handle fillmode, linepat, edgepat correctly ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A N O T H E R W I N U A E R E L E A S E ! - # 7 30 May, 2003 WinUAE 0.8.22 Release 7 (30.05.2003) ========================================== Bugs fixed: - printer didn't work if serial port emulation was enabled - palette wasn't updated properly when entering and exiting the GUI in fullscreen 8-bit Picasso96 mode - button or key mapped to mouse horizontal or vertical axis - random crash when horizontal centering was enabled - bsdsocket emulation, ping, traceroute, AmTelnet SSH connection freeze - config save crash and non working keyboard - ShapeShifter-support improved, all Kickstart 2.x/3.x versions supported - lores-mode support for "sprites outside display window"-feature - and more.. New features: - emulation compatibility improvements Elfmania, Rainbow Island (broke accidentally in R6), Mission Elevator (properly fixed this time...), SWIV, Old Timer, Inferior, Sub Rally, Sargon History, TBL demos, Sound of Silents, Cardamom, Cardamon etc.. - analog joystick (paddle) ports emulated - improved hard/ZIP disk RDB detection - Action Replay 2/3 state file support - sound "power led" filter emulation - freely selectable sound sample rate (8000 - 48000) - "direct" serial port support, fixes PC to PC Lotus 2 serial link problems. (two player only, 3 or 4 players require lower serial latency that is not possible under Windows) - zipped CAPS-image support - updated AHI driver included http://www.winuae.net =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Amiga Update on the net: All back issues available at: http://www.globaldialog.com/~amigaupdate/index.html Stop by and check out our archive! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2003 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified. ====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ A M I G A /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ A M I G A U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ U P D A T E / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ amigaupdate@globaldialog.com ======================================================================