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       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      | 030630 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

         A M I W E S T   2 0 0 3   W I L L   H A V E   O S 4 ! 

      D I S C R E E T F X   A M I G A   T A L E N T   S E A R C H 

          A M I Z I L L A   U P D A T E   A T   A M I W E S T

  E F L A S H   M E M O R Y   F O R   A M I G A   F R O M   E L B O X

         A M I G A   F O R E V E R   5 . 3   A N N O U N C E D 

        P E R F E C T P A I N T   V 2 . 9 3   A V A I L A B L E

            A M I N E T R A D I O   G E N E R A T I O N   2 

       P I X L O A D   4 . 1   R E L E A S E   D E S C R I B E D 

         P H O T O V I E W   0 . 9 4   I S   A V A I L A B L E 

        S E E   N Q C   2 . 5   R 1   -   N O T   Q U I T E   C

      W O R D   M E   U P   -   D O N E ;   A V A I L A B L E   ? 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 Take a look at our first headline! So, is this really it - is the
actual, you can buy it, you can use it, it really works, OS 4 ready
for real Amiga users to obtain and start computing with? It sounds
like it. I guess the definitive answer will have to wait until Amiwest
happens. We do tend to be a bit cautious after all this time. We hope
to have a report for you as soon as people can check things out for
 This might be the biggest Amiga story in years, but other than that
it's been a rather quiet month. Summer can be like that, but we'd much
rather have lots of news to sift through.
 We do have some interesting things to pass your way, enough we hope
to keep you occupied until we get more word from Amiwest. Looks like
this could be a very important show! You just might want to attend if
you can ...

Brad Webb,

        A M I W E S T   2 0 0 3   W I L L   H A V E   O S 4 ! 

24 Jun 2003 

AMIGA OS 4 TO BE AT AMIWEST 2003!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2003!!  In cooperation with the Sacramento Amiga Computer Club and
others to be named, Amiga OS 4 will be at AmiWest.  This was confirmed
earlier today by Ben Hermans, Managing Partner of Hyperion





Yes, OS 4 will be in Sacramento!  Get your tickets NOW at
www.sacc.org/amiwest/index.html#tickets.  Don't be left!!  
See OS 4 in action!

22 Jun 2003 


Yes, it's true!  The unconfirmed reports of Computer Connection
donating an Amiga One to the AmiWest 2003 raffle have been confirmed
by email from Louie Dituri himself:

"AmigaOne G3 to be given away at Amiwest!

Louie Dituri of Computer Connection in Stockton, Ca.  has decided to
donate an AmigaOne G3 motherboard for the Amiwest raffle.  We want to
see a big gathering at the show this year!  Additionally we want to
see a ton of raffle tickets sold to help support Amiwest and make
someone a very happy Amigaone owner!  So start saving your pennies for
the raffle now! . . .

Best Regards,
Louie Dituri
Computer Connection
Voice 209-472-3733
Fax 209-472-3418
Email dituri@comp-connection.com
www.comp-connection.com  for PC Toaster
www.compamiga.com for Amiga"

SO THE REPORTS ARE CONFIRMED!  Actual timing of the raffle of this
premium piece of hardware has yet to be decided by our Raffle Guy, the
inimitable Jack McCann, who is currently travelling and unavailable


Usually I try to refrain from personal comments, but I know that many
of you have questions about the Amiga One boards and their
performance.  Though OS 4 is yet to be finally released.  I have built
an Amiga One G3 board into a functioning computer.  The current
configuration really runs well and is quite stable with UAE giving the
equivalent of a 500 MHz 68020 processor with over 8 megabytes of chip
memory and 64 megabytes of fast memory!  Those familiar with Amiga
numbers know that this is big and fast for the classic Amiga.  Ane
we're sure that OS 4 will perform even better!  You owe it to yourself
to get as many raffle tickets as you can!



Extreme Limousine service, popular at AmiWest 2002, is back for
AmiWest 2003!  Todd Gustafson confirmed earlier today that Extreme
Limousine service from Sacramento International Airport directly to
AmiWest 2003 will again be available for incoming AmiWest travellers.

On June 24, 2003, Todd emailed to us:

"Here's the official word:

Extreme Corporation will be present at AmiWest 2003. We will again 
provide luxury transportation to/from the airport via Extreme

And other surprises from Extreme may occur as well.  We welcome
Extreme Limousine back to AmiWest and look forward to seeing Todd and
his crew.  


so that Extreme transportation can be arranged for you!  Physical
limitations may cause some delay, but the ride is worth it!  Let us
know when you will be arriving at Sacramento International Airport for
your chance to ride in the Extreme Limousine!

So remember,

AmiWest 2003 is rolling!  The facility is reserved July 26 and 27,
2003 at the Holiday Inn Northeast in Sacramento California! New
exhibitors are signing up regularly!  Keep watching for these releases
and tell everyone that you know - the Amiga and the Amiga community is
alive and well!  See you at AmiWest 2003!

Amiga Forever,

Brian Deneen, President
Sacramento Amiga Computer Club
for the AmiWest 2003 Committee


Holiday Inn, Sacramento Northeast
5321 Date Avenue
Sacramento California 95841-2597
Phone 1-916-338-5800 or
1-800-388-9284 - Toll Free (Hotel directly)

     D I S C R E E T F X   A M I G A   T A L E N T   S E A R C H 

 Chicago, IL -- June 7, 2003 - DiscreetFX LLC is expanding and
requires more Talented Amiga Artists on our team. Due to an
accelerated release schedule and product deadlines for 2003 DiscreetFX
is expanding its talent pool of contract Amiga Artists. Are you will
versed @ Amiga 2D Paint & Animation software? Do you make wonderful
artwork on your Amiga that many enjoy? Can you draw 2D animate Aliens,
Dragons, Space Ships, Battle Axes, Medieval Warriors, Footballs and
wondrous creatures and monsters? Then DiscreetFX needs you!

 We are hiring artists and expanding our team so that many of our new
products can be released on time. You will be paid for your work; all
artists get a generous royalty on all the products they work on for
us. Also, artists will get heavy mention on released product, our
website and sales literature. Please contact us today and send sample
work to amigaart@discreetfx.com

Best regards

Bill Panagouleas

        A M I Z I L L A   U P D A T E   A T   A M I W E S T


 DiscreetFX is happy to announce that our founder and initiator of the
AmiZilla Project, Bill Panagouleas will be attending Ami West on July
26-27 2003.

 AmiWest is shaping up to be one of the most important Amiga shows of
2003 and DiscreetFX would not miss it for the world. Bill will also be
giving a seminar updating everyone on the status of AmiZilla and how
the initiative is progressing thus far. Interested in when Netscape
will be making an appearance on an Amiga/Compatible system near you?
Stop at the DiscreetFX booth or attend the AmiZilla seminar @ AmiWest.
DiscreetFX has quite a suite of software/hardware coming out in the
2003-2004 timeframe and will have many Amiga products available for
sale at the show like the brand new version of Spontaneous Combustion
for Amiga Video Toaster Flyer and Amiga OS/MorphOS. Special prices for
all our available products will be given to AmiWest attendees Also
learn about interesting developments like Ami [2]; a hardware software
combination that allows you to use the PC Video Toaster in your
Amiga/Amiga One/Pegasos.
 AmiZilla Booty now @ $4045.45
 Keep in mind that the AmiZilla Project needs you to be successful.
The booty is now over $4000, which is a impressive amount of money for
an Amiga project. If only one programmer was working on the port this
would be a nice reward. However several programmers are working
together. Once the money is split among coders the booty is not big
enough. Please contribute if you can, every dollar helps motivate
programmers to make the AmiZilla Project a success. After the release
of AmiZilla more projects are being developed like Hot CoCo (JVM) and
F Gordon (Flash). The development and launch of these add-ons to
AmiZilla depend on the success of that project. Paypal donations can
be sent in via this weblink.

About AmiZilla

 The goal of the AmiZilla effort is to raise such an obscene/huge
amount of money to give away to the first programmer/team that can
port Mozilla to Amiga/Compatible systems that programmers will be
falling over themselves getting this application coded in record time.

About DiscreetFX

 DiscreetFX has been creating software products for the Amiga, video
editing & computer generated graphics (CGI) industry since 1995. The
Amiga computer defined and created the video editing, computer
graphics market with its birth in 1985. DiscreetFX creates Real-time
transitions and effects seen on over 100 television programs including
Blind Date, 5th Wheel, Shipmates and more! You can also see DiscreetFX
software used on the following networks HBO, Showtime, Discovery
Channel, PBS, Fox and many more!

  E F L A S H   M E M O R Y   F O R   A M I G A   F R O M   E L B O X

 eFlash Memory for Amiga

13 June 2003]

 Elbox Computer, the leading manufacturer of hardware for Amiga
computers, is proud to announce two new products:

 · eFlash 4000 Zorro III card
 · eFlash 1200 PCMCIA card
 eFlash 4000
 eFlash 4000 is an autobooting Zorro III card with 1MB (one Megabyte)
of FlashROM memory with extremely fast 32-bit long words access.
 The on-board FlashROM allows storage of programs, which are run at
the computer's boot-up process. This allows initialisation of PCI
cards installed in Mediator-equipped A3000 and A4000 computers before
the AmigaOS system starts. As a result, computer may be booted from
mass storage devices connected through various PCI controllers e.g.
Spider or Spider II USB 2.0 cards. The users of the new Amiga
operating system--AmigaOS4.x--will have an additional benefit: the
eFlash 4000 card will give them a possibility of definite shortening
of the system's start time by executing the AmigaOS code from the
FlashROM memory.
 FlashROM memory installed in eFlash 4000 cards allows 100,000
erase/programming cycles as a minimum. The card is provided with
hardware protection against unwanted or accidental reprogramming and
with a hardware switch for selecting start of an alternative batch of
programs stored in the eFlash 4000 memory.
 eFlash 1200
 eFlash 1200 is an autobooting PCMCIA card with 1MB (one Megabyte)
extremely fast FlashROM memory.

 The on-board FlashROM allows storage of programs, which are run at
the computer's boot-up process. This allows initialisation of PCI
cards installed in Mediator-equipped A1200 computers before the
AmigaOS system starts. As a result, the computer may be booted from
mass devices connected through various PCI controllers e.g. Spider or
Spider II USB 2.0 cards.
 FlashROM memory installed in eFlash 1200 cards allows 100,000
erase/programming cycles as a minimum. The card is provided with
hardware protection against unwanted or accidental reprogramming and
with a hardware switch for selecting start of an alternative batch of
programs stored in the eFlash 1200 memory.

 Pricing and availability

 The eFlash 4000 Zorro III card will be on sale beginning with 15 July
2003 at the suggested retail price of only EUR 35.95 (VAT excl.)
 The eFlash 1200 PCMCIA card will be on sale beginning with 15 August
2003 at the suggested retail price of only EUR 29.95 (VAT excl.)

 To locate an authorized distributor in your area or to purchase the
product online visit the Elbox Computer website at

         A M I G A   F O R E V E R   5 . 3   A N N O U N C E D 

4 June, 2003

 New! Amiga Forever 5.3

 Amiga Forever 5.3 is now shipping. It is available in a CD-ROM,
CD-ROM Upgrade, Online Edition, Online Upgrade and Cross-Platform
Online Edition.
 Amiga Forever contains state of the art software to satisfy two major
needs of many Amiga users: to use their existing Amiga software and
data on non-Amiga hardware, and to share data between Amiga and other
systems. Additionally, software, tutorial and reference files which
are likely to be of interest to any Amiga enthusiast are included.

 Features include:

 Just-in-time version of emulation software (Bernd Meyer's JIT code),
carefully configured and publicly benchmarked by Cloanto to be 30
times faster than in previous versions of Amiga Forever. The Amiga
runs in a window or in full screen mode, makes full use of thousands
of Windows (or other OS) drivers, can access PC files (even on NTFS
partitions, in the Windows version) and does not require a reboot.
Software Manager, an advanced content delivery system developed by
Cloanto, for easy and privacy-conscious management of all
emulation-related components (updates, downloads, news, etc.) Amiga
Explorer software, which allows you to connect an Amiga to one or more
PCs, and access Amiga files (including virtual ADF and ROM files),
directories and volumes directly from the Windows Desktop. Amiga
Explorer is easier to install and configure than other networking
tools, and includes direct support for serial (null-modem) cable
connections, as well as TCP/IP.
 MenuBox launcher, to boot different Amiga configurations with one
mouse click, either from CD-ROM (no installation or reboot required)
or after installation New and fully licensed Picasso96 software (not a
shareware version), maps Amiga graphics requests directly to fast x86
calls and powerful low-level DirectX functions (Windows version of
emulation) Amiga Narrator and Translator speech synthesis components
(made available for distribution with the Amiga OS for the first time
since 1991) All Amiga ROMs up to version 3.1 (the last ROM that will
ever be available for the "Classic Amiga"!)* CDTV and CD³²  boot ROMs
and extended ROMs (can be used to play CDTV and CD³² games, even
booting directly from CD-ROM, requires free upgrade to emulation
software)* GlowIcons look (as used in Amiga OS "3.5", "3.9" and "XL",
but also compatible with NewIcons and MagicWB) Option to switch entire
environment from "new look" (GlowIcons) to "old look" (Classic) and
vice versa Emulation includes: Amiga custom chips, RTG graphics, up to
512 MB of Zorro III RAM, virtual memory, TCP/IP, MIDI, native x86
code, built-in support for ADF, ADZ, DMS and FDI disk image files
Preinstalled software includes: Personal Paint 7.1c (paint, animation
and image processing software, includes GIF/LZW license), DirDiff
(file synchronization and replication software), AmiToRTF (to convert
texts from Amiga to Windows formats), MailBX (to convert Amiga mail
archives to Microsoft Mail, Outlook Express and Exchange Server),
drag-and-drop LhA, print spooler (easily print all Amiga documents
under Windows, bypassing parallel port emulation), Directory Opus 5.5
(courtesy of GPSoftware), TurboText (exclusive latest version with
stack problem fix), KingCON, ToolManager, ReqTools, etc. Latest
version of WinUAE and WinFellow tested and supported by Cloanto
Disk2FDI software to read Amiga floppy disks on PC (experimental
version, requires two floppy drives) Tutorials and FAQs on data
sharing, emulation, floppy disks, serial links, TCP/IP, UAE, Fellow
and much more. All software tested on Windows XP
 MPEG-1 videos: The Deathbed Vigil (one hour and 58 minutes, i.e. the
full version of this "must have" video) and Jay Miner Speech (49
minutes)* Dozens of other enhancements and add-ons
 * = CD-ROM version only (both standard and upgrade). The Online
Edition includes 1.3 and 3.1 ROMs (sufficient both for classic games
and for the most recent software). CDTV and CD³² ROMs are also
included in the downloadable Amiga Forever Plus Pack. The MPEG videos
are only included on the CD-ROM (both standard and upgrade). The
CD-ROM contains version 5.0, with free online upgrade to version 5.3
using Software Manager (included).

Officially licensed by Amiga International Inc.


      P E R F E C T P A I N T   V 2 . 9 3   A V A I L A B L E

Software : PerfectPaint V2.93 is available

Posted by Alkemyst on 29-Jun-2003 13:33:26 (121 reads)

Paint, Anim and manipulate pictures from 1bit to 24bits.

Update: Although the website states differently, the new version doesn't seem
to be available for download yet.

Fix a bug with the tool: "Copy Stencil to Spare" when you are on the main
picture and not on Spare.
Improve 'Chromatic correction": Blue saturation works well now.
Improve: Fiber, Stone and liquid effects when range of color is used.
New Item in MagicSpray menu: Fill Screen
Full arexx command for MagicSpray tool
Little bug fix with the "optimize palette" tool
Improve Smooth border:
Add Mask Preview
Add "Round corner" Effect
Improve MagicSpray:
Add Follow axes (Brushes will follow mouse path)
Add Priority (Each brushes will have priority)
Improve for UAE/Amithlon/Picasso
Mosaic effect and TVLace effect
Twirl gui, TVLace gui, shadow gui
The way the text go for one buffer to another (A lot of script are now ok)
Edit Mask in 24bit mode (Much easier to edit stencil under picasso)
3 new templates (Photo)
New MagicProject:Keys and Nuts and IceCream (available on PerfectPaint's
Animation effect: CountDown.


          A M I N E T R A D I O   G E N E R A T I O N   2 

29 June, 2003 

 Clearly before the end of the year we are excited to bring you the
longingly awaited Generation 2 of AmiNetRadio (ANRG2). AmiNetRadio
Generation 2 (ANRG2) was about advancing the capabilities of the
product as a whole.
 The AmiNetRadio Generation 2 (ANRG2) shoutcast streaming solution
(SSS) is being designed by people who have a long history. ANR's
design has been evolving over the past months and will form the
foundation for a big assault on the audio market over the next 12-24
years. We have been keeping an eye on the new MacOS iTunes and we are
more than happy that we have a solution which will give it a run for
its money.
 The exciting AmiNetRadio Generation 2 (ANRG2) shoutcast streaming
solution (SSS) is another great example of the #amigazeux community in
action and putting its commitment, energy and talent where its
interest is to improve and extend the product portfolio. We will not
contribute to the cause of OS4 because it is a wasted time effort
(WTE) and also because if the rules of the project are correct, then
we would be supporting potential amateurs.
 In order to conform to the recently popular act of releasing
screenshots we have put 3 new official screenshots of the exciting
AmiNetRadio Generation 2 (ANRG2) online.
 Now have fun with AmiNetRadio Generation 2 (ANRG2) while we are
approaching the sandbox to play there with quite a few "experts".
 One last thing we would like you to know: Expect a big surprise for

your #amigazeux public relations and discrediting administration.


       P I X L O A D   4 . 1   R E L E A S E   D E S C R I B E D 

24 June, 2003

 This little "bar" allows to you load any program, script, device,
folder by one click on icon. Drag & drop is allowed because it
recognizes many filetypes such as (IFF, 8SVx, Lha, TIFF, etc...).
Date, time and alarm are included and also a TCP/IP control though


 - Drag and drop a pictures folder will load a thumbnail program
 - New formats : TIFF et TARGA via datatypes
 - New : formats : LZX, LHA, UNZIP and HTML (local file only)
 - Miamidx Control Panel included
 - New programs loading window
 - New : Clock included with RTC connection, time and date
 - New : Help file (German language too) and options in contextual
menu under TIME button
 - Some bugs corrected
 - Pixload is scalable
 - New : Help text can be displayed under icons on the same baseline
 - Pixload can open folders / volume instead of program
 - Add shortkeys
 - Pixload's icons "organisation" by a Drag & Drop (Amiga)
 - Choice of number of icon's columns
 - Compatible with Morphos 1.3 except all linked to drag and drop


 It is a borderless window with buttons including small pictures. Each
click on button, loads a command line which loads a program. Drag and
drop is also possible anywhere on Pixload. It was made in AREXX, RXMUI
and MUI for graphic part. You can modify everything (colors, aspect,
etc...) from the Pixload contextual menu.

Rxmui 32.4 is required - see at http://web.tiscalinet.it/amiga/rxmui


      P H O T O V I E W   0 . 9 4   I S   A V A I L A B L E 

16 June, 2003

    Alessandro Braccini (AlexDran)


 Last January when I had to see some photos taked with a digital
camera I realized the disadvantages of seleceting all the photos one
by one and scrolling them on the screen. So I decided to write a
little program to solve both of problems and after some adjustments I
have released it for free.


-CPU 68020 or better
-Kickstart 3.0 (v39)

 This program is FREEWARE so you can use it without any limitations.
No warranty is given for loss of data, performance, functionality or


 Copy executable program wherever you want and start it from workbench
or cli. Obviously you have to install also guigfx.library and
render.library you can find on aminet (property of respective


 Photoview can read any type of picture you have its datatype
installed and can show it on a workbench window or on a separate
screen (thanks to guigfx.library resolution and gfx chipset in no more
 PhotoView can sorte pictures in alphabetichal order keeping also a
numerical order; so a file called Picture10.iff will be shown after a
file called Picture8.iff. This is very useful when you have to show
pictures with a particular order or for slideshows.



    DIR:         directory where files are locate (and sub-
                 direcories). If not specified a file-requester will 

    WINDOW:      all the pictures will be shown on a workbench window
                 instead of a screen.
                 A window will be opened also pressing cancel on 
                 initial screen-requester.

    NOORD:       directory files will be kept with no alphabetical 

    LARGER:      when an image is larger than window or screen display
                 and have to be resized no proportional resizing will
                 be made with this option
                 (the image will be shown using the entire display)

    NORECURSIVE: Photoview do not consider sub-directories with this

    WIDTH:       width of window for the images to show (selecting 
                 this option a window
                 will be opened anyway). If window height is not 
                 specified this option
                 will be calculated in proportion with workbench 
                 screen height

    HEIGHT:      height of window (the same considerations done for 
                 WIDTH option)


l: load another files directory instead of selected one
a: add another files directory to the selected one
return/space/LMB show next picture
delete show previous picture
help: show informations on displayed picture
ESC: quit program


      S E E   N Q C   2 . 5   R 1   -   N O T   Q U I T E   C

24 June, 2003

  NQC 2.5 r1 - Amiga port of Dave Baum's Lego Mindstorms compiler and
                     communiaction program

Introduction - What is it?

Not Quite C is a simple language with a C-like syntax that can be used to
Lego's programmable bricks RCX, RCX 2, Cybermaster, Scout and Spybotics.

NQC is not a general purpose language -- there are many restrictions
that stem from limitations of the standard firmware.

NQC is a shell based tool which compiles the Not Quite C source code
and takes care of the communication with the brick via
serial IR tower or USB IR tower.


   o an Amiga with Kickstart 3.0 (V39) or higher
   o MC68020 or higher
   o ca. 1 MB free memory

   o a programmable brick from Lego and a Lego IR Tower (serial or USB)
   o firmware (see links)

   o a free serial port for Lego Serial IR Tower


   o a free USB port and the USB stack Poseidon (by Chris Hodges) for Lego
     USB Tower


NQC is free under Mozilla Public License (MPL).

   o nqc.lha (185 346 Bytes)


   o Official Lego Mindstorms Homepage
   o Dave Baum's NQC Site
   o German translation of NQC Programmer's guide
   o Lego Mindstorms SDK2-Beta - contains RCX2.0 firmware


    W O R D   M E   U P   -   D O N E ;   A V A I L A B L E   ? 

14 June, 2003

 Word Me Up is finished 06/14/2003,13H00

 Boing Attitude :) team and myself are pleased to announce you that
Word Me Up, our first game on AmigaDE, is now finished. We'd like to
thank all these people that support and help us. Many thanks to you!
 However, we can't give any release date as we don't deal with
distribution. Browse regurlarly to our website
(http://boing.attitude.online.fr) to be aware.
 This is the Word Me Up final feature list:
 - An arcade/memory/reflection game.
 - 3 worlds (Sport, Country, Game), 60 levels.
 - 5 characters available with different skills.
 - You can update skills of one character.
 - English, french, spanish and italian manuals.
 - English, french, spanish, italian and deutsch localization.
 - 15 graphical themes, cartoon style.
 - Funny sound effects.
 - Multidirectionnal scrolling.
 - 7 AI levels for baddies.
 Amiga rulez,
 Glames / Boing Attitude :)

Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 2003 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
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