         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
       __\ _____ \\\\  \_  _/  //___//  _____//______\ _____ \\
      // \\\\  /. \\\\__ \/ __//    \\  \\____.  /// \\\\  /. \\
      \\___\¯ /___///___\  /___\     \\_________//\\___\¯ /___//
       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      | 041031 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      
    O S 4   P R E - R E L E A S E   U P D A T E   A N N O U N C E D

            S D K   F O R   O S 4   P R E - R E L E A S E

       O T T A W A   A M I G A   S H O W   C O M I N G   S O O N 

               A M I G A   E A S T   S E T   F O R   M A Y 

    P C M C I A   N E T W O R K I N G   C A R D   A V A I L A B L E 

                 A W E B   B R O W S E R   F O R   O S 4 

   D I R E C T O R Y   O P U S   T O   G U R U   M E D I T A T I O N 

         N E W S R O G   S O U R C E C O D E   R E L E A S E D

     M Y   K L O N D I K E   F O R   S O L I T A I R E   C R O W D 

              G O L D E D   U P D A T E S   F O R   O S 4

  A T A R I   8 0 0   E M U L A T O R ,   A M I G A   O S 4   P O R T 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 First, Happy Halloween to those who celebrate the holiday! The Webb
household was visited by a number of children in creative costumes
today, including a giant Mountain Dew can, complete with straw.
Nothing scary, much creative.
 But we do have something scary on the computer side in the house. For
some time, it's been obvious the old A4000 needed help. It either
needed to be given a shot of extra memory, and some way of doing
broadband, or it needed replacement for many tasks I've done with it
over the years. Since it's past revision technology, the answer was
another computer. An Amiga One is the obvious choice - but they are
very expensive, and worse, the operating system is still not done. So
the A4000 has been joined by a Linux box. Will it replace Amiga
entirely in my day to day computing? I hope not. I have actually used
nothing but Amiga for my personal computing since 1986. Until this
month. And I'm not happy about the need to buy something else.
 But now I have a modern browser, I have Java, I have the memory I
need, I even have a desktop with multiple screens. And there's not a
hint of Micro$oft in the system. The total expense was under $400 US.
Had I bought the Amiga One, it would have been three times that much
money, and I'd be relying on a pre-release operating system.
 The Linux box, for those who follow Linux, is a Sun Java Desktop
system. It's based on a slightly older version of SuSe Linux, for
reliability, in a Sun created distribution. I plugged it in, it
booted. I hooked it to the home network, I was on the Internet.
Simple, effective, no real computer knowledge required. Is it perfect?
No, it could be faster doing many things. It requires a shell session
to set the system time! Hooking it to the Internet through modem is
"iffy" at best, even though a modem is built in - it didn't work for
me and others have had similar problems. But it does work well
overall, and it feels surprising like a capable Amiga substitute.
 For now, the A4000 - on which I am currently typing - remains the
number one system for me. But without a cost effective Amiga One, and
an operating system that is at full commercial release - and well
supported - with a plan for the future - I won't be able to keep it
that way for long. And without those elements for the Amiga community
as a whole, the future is very problematical. All the OS4 ports of
games imaginable won't change that.
 There's progress being made on the OS front, as you'll read below.
That's great! But the work needs to be finished.
 Scary indeed.
 You can rest assured every issue of Amiga Update will be prepared and
distributed on Amiga. My first computer love remains my first computer
love and that will be the case as long as possible.
 But I am enjoying the Linux box, as well as needing it. And I'm not
 Brad Webb,

    O S 4   P R E - R E L E A S E   U P D A T E   A N N O U N C E D

11 October, 2004

 *It is with considerable satisfaction that Hyperion Entertainment can
now announce the immediate availability for download of the first
Amiga OS 4.0 Developer Pre-release update for registered Amiga OS 4.0
 Due to the extent and scope of the improvements incorporated into the
update, it comes in the form of a full ISO image (33 MB) which needs
to be burned on CD-R(W) by the user and is intended to replace the
original Amiga OS 4.0 Developer Pre-release CD for installation and
rescue purposes.
 Please note that the file as well as the resulting CD is for personal
use only and may not be distributed in any form to third parties.
 Registered users may also opt to order a new full CD which also
contains the updated SDK and contribution section (details and terms
to be announced shortly).

Among the new features are:

 * Kernel-Level Altivec support.
 * Much improved compatibilty/speed of 68k emulation (JIT not included
 * Improved 68k FPU emulation
 * Fully PowerPC-native Picasso96/graphics system
 * Fully PowerPC-native MUI
 * USB support for input devices
 * Support for onboard serial and parallel hardware
 * Driver support for the SiI0680 IDE adaptor (including UDMA support)
 * Improved PIO mode VIA driver
 * Improved Internet capabilities and better ethernet support.
 * Printing support
 * Improved audio hardware support, including new drivers.
 * Comprehensive bug fixes, speed improvements, added features and
functionality across all system components.

 * and much more...

            S D K   F O R   O S 4   P R E - R E L E A S E

**Leuven, Belgium - October 20th, 2004*

 Hot on the heels of the Pre-Release update, Hyperion Entertainment is
proud to announce the availability of the updated Software Development
Kit (SDK) for AmigaOS 4.0.


The SDK features include

* The complete GNU C/C++ compiler toolkit, including the source-level
debugger gdb
* System includes and Autodocs
* Extensive developer documentation and example source code
* An extensive set of contributed packages including pre-compiled
libraries like libSDL, STLport and other material.

 The SDK is available for registered AmigaOS 4.0 customers in
Hyperion's download area. It comes in two flavours - the full SDK is a
63 megabyte download, while the "light" version with 41MB contains all
the material from the full SDK but without the contributed packages,
significantly reducing download size.
 As previously announced, the SDK will also be contained on the update
CD that can be ordered from Hyperion (details to be announced

"Note: If you experience problems, re-install the SDK without the
STLport package, or get the updated SDK or the STLport replacement
package from hyperion-entertainment.biz"*

      O T T A W A   A M I G A   S H O W   C O M I N G   S O O N 

25 October, 2004

Ottawa Amiga Show 2004

The show will take place on Saturday, November 20th in Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada at Routhier Centre located at 172 Guiges Street in Ottawa's
market area. Admission is free!!

The show opens to the public at noon and closes at four pm, followed by
a supper at a restaurant close by.

There is a map available as well as a list of near by hotels - see

 If you are planning to make the trek, accommodation is at a premium.
Seems two football teams will be playing for the Grey Cup that


             A M I G A   E A S T   S E T   F O R   M A Y 

* The Amiga East Show*  NYC, NY, USA - Marriott Courtyard, LaGuardia

  *May 28-29, 2005* - Looking forward to seeing you there!.

25 October, 2004

 Mr. Hardware Computers is pleased to announce the Amiga East Show
2005, scheduled to be held on May 28th and 29th, 2005 at the Marriott
Courtyard, LaGuardia, just across from LaGuardia Airport in NYC, NY.
The show will feature the latest new Amiga hardware and software.
There will be many exhibitors and resellers in the Exhibits Hall on
Saturday and Sunday, including major vendors and shareware developers.
Special focus is planned for Amiga OS4, the Internet, Video
Production, the Demo Scene, and more. You willl be able to have
hands-on time in some areas or watch some amazing eye-candy to
entertain yourself. If you are looking for help, there will be special
tables for user groups who are looking for new Amiga members.
 2005 is the 20th Anniversary of Amiga and Mr. Hardware Computers -- a
great time to celebrate our favorite computer. There will be guest
speakers, featuring industry veterans, expert in Amiga, AmigaDE, and
Linux, who will be presenting free seminars and demos of products. You
will hear insider anecdotes from programmers behind OS4 and Classic
 There will be free workshops to learn about platform developments and
getting started in some of the new programs that will be coming out in
the near future. - Exciting Events! -
 Above and beyond all else, there will be time to relax when you
attend the Saturday night banquet and are served in style! For one low
price you can dine while enjoying an exclusive program designed to
appeal to everyone.

 Tickets for the conference are only $20 per day or $25 for both days.
The banquet is only $38. A special discounted hotel rate for Amiga
East is also available.

Mr. Hardware Computers - Amiga Since 1985


   P C M C I A   N E T W O R K I N G   C A R D   A V A I L A B L E 

1 October, 2004

 *The latest PCMCIA networking package has been released from
 This package contains a 10Mbps PCMCIA ethernet network card,
compatible with the Amiga A1200 and A600.*
 There are instructions with screenshots on how to install the network
card with Genesis TCP/IP stack and Miami Deluxe TCP/IP stack.
 The software driver comes on floppy with an installer and a utility
to prevent the A1200's PCMCIA reset bug.
 Also included with the card is the AmigaKit Networking CD which
contains the latest distribution of EasyNet. This is a interface for
the included AmiTCP 3 stack. Amiga Samba, SMBFS and Samba Handler are
also distrubuted on the CD.
 The network card comes complete with a XJack connector equipped with
a RJ45 socket.
Goto http://shop.amigakit.com for more details.

              A W E B   B R O W S E R   F O R   O S 4 

28 October 2004

 Our third beta release of AWeb 3.5 APL Lite is now available.
 Actually it's the same as the second beta, but there is one little
detail: It's AmigaOS4 PPC native. :-) Changelog is available at the
 Along with it is a makefile if you wish to compile it from CVS.



 *We've been asking for help on porting KHTML for over a year now. I
think litterally I've been asking for this about fifty times now, but
no one ever reacts. Why?
 Having worked closely with browser technologies for about five years
now, I can tell you that IBrowse, AWeb and Voyager are incredibly far
behind what other browsers can do. This is 1996-1997 standards.
IBrowse doesn't even support HTML4!


 We are not only missing CSS, but the Document Object Model, proper
unicode handling, XML and Javascript 1.5. These are things that make
up a minimum requirement Windows browser as of today. Opera, Firefox,
Safari, Konqueror and partly IE fullfil these requirements. Working
with modern standards, such as the DOM makes it completely impossible
to support Amiga browsers.
 This can only be solved properly by porting an existing open source
HTML engine, where either KHTML or Gecko stand out. Upgrading an
existing engine would take a huge effort, and that would IMHO be a
huge waste.
 I can of course not rant on people who are not developers (including
myself), but I think it's remarkable that something that appears
fairly trivial on other platforms is apparently nearly impossible to
do with AmigaOS. Something that should not be like that with AmigaOS.
 KHTML is based in KDE's konqueror browser, but has been ported to
Safari and is part of Apple Webcore which is fully documented, open
sourced and has a complete API for everyone to use.

And you know what?

- KHTML exists also for SkyOS, a one man created OS.
- KHTML exists now for GTK+ so it can be used in Gnome.
- There's a Win32 port on the way.

It's actually quite portable.

 The way Apple Webcore is made is largely the same way KHTML should be
ported to AmigaOS. It's highly documented.

We have at aweb.sunsite.dk:

 - Complete plans for how to do this.
 - A huge amount of documentation on Apple Webcore and KHTML
 - CVS access should you require it
 - A complete and working bug database
 - Direct access to the original KHTML authors (David Faure, etc.) We
are allowed to post Amiga specific questions on their 'kfm-devel'
mailing list.
 - A complete GCC platform for doing the port.
 We need one or two dedicated guys who know how to handle GCC and know
a bit about C/C++ to study it and do the port.

 We expect this to take no longer than six months, if done properly.
 After that we can start building kick ass browsers.

Henrik Mikael Kristensen
AWeb Development Team


   D I R E C T O R Y   O P U S   T O   G U R U   M E D I T A T I O N 

    *Gothenburg, Sweden, October 20th, 2004*

 Guru Meditation and GPSoftware are proud to announce that they have
reached agreement on the acquisition of the exclusive, worldwide
rights to Directory Opus Magellan for the Amiga platform from
GPSoftware. This legendary file manager that started on the Amiga will
finally be coming back in a new version in 2005!*
 Dr Greg Perry of GPSoftware said, "We have been searching for a
reliable company to continue the development of Directory Opus
Magellan for the Amiga for some years now. After some false starts, we
are pleased to have licensed the Amiga product to Guru Meditation,
where the ongoing development of the product is now assured. Guru
Meditation and partners have some exciting plans. We look forward to
seeing their new product and extend to them our wholehearted support
for their efforts."
 Andreas Loong of Guru Meditation said, "This is an invigorating new
venture for us. We are very pleased to acquire the rights to this
brilliant program, which for so long has been an essential for any
Amiga user. Directory Opus Magellan is a file manager unlike all
others. It is the essence, the very spirit of how computers should be
used. From the very first release of DOpus in 1995, many Amiga users
have seen the raw power provided by DOpus with its unique concept
integrating Workbench Replacement Mode, File Management and custom
functions in one package. All of these functions have been refined and
polished into perfection and now is the time to bring this masterpiece
back to the Amiga."
 Guru Meditation has entered into a contract with a UK based
specialist software firm which will be providing the porting work and
implementing new features. Work has already begun to bring the sources
up to date for the new AmigaOS 4 operating system.

Guru Meditation & GPSoftware

 Guru Meditation was formed late 2003 and started off very modestly as
a reseller of Amiga equipment and AmigaOne hardware. In mid 2004 the
decision was made to acquire the rights for Directory Opus to bring it
back to the Amiga platform as the start of a new program of expansion
to help kickstart the Amiga market back into life.
 GP Software is an independent Australian company based in the western
suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Established in 1984, GP
Software develops commercial software packages and provides custom
software development services to industry in both Australia and
worldwide. GP Software has successfully developed and marketed
software packages for a variety of platforms including solutions for
Commodore business computers, many products and custom solutions for
the Amiga including Directory Opus, GPFax, EasyLedgers and others,
plus commercial products for Windows. The company now concentrates on
software development and services for Windows, mainly with its
flagship product, Directory Opus 8 for Windows.

        N E W S R O G   S O U R C E C O D E   R E L E A S E D

12 October, 2004

Summary: NewsRog project finally released as GPL

 The original author Steve Koren and the initial NewsRog Open Source
team are proud to announce the availability of the NewsRog 1.8+ source
code released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
 NewsRog is the most powerful newsreader available for the Amiga
platform. Combining a Magic User Interface (MUI) frontend, an OOP
approach and its overwhelming list of features, it provides the best
experience even to the most demanding Usenetters.
 Interested Amiga developers may join the NewsRog Open Source Team and
help to port the current set of sources to platforms like AmigaOS4
and/or MorphOS.
 However, please note that the current sources are not compileable
out-of-the-box and that they require some serious work to be
compilable with the GNU compiler collection (GCC) as this has been the
prefered compiler set for future versions of NewsRog.
 So if you are interested in joining the NewsRog Open-Source team,
please feel free to ask some of the project admins so that we can give
you CVS write access.

20 OCTOBER, 2004

Summary: NewsRog switches to the GNU LGPL license

After some internal discussion, the NewsRog Open Source team has 
decided to switch to the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).


    M Y   K L O N D I K E   F O R   S O L I T A I R E   C R O W D 

10 October, 2004 

 *myKlondike is a Solitaire cardgame. It uses the REKO cardsets or the
RKP cardsets coming from PC . It is graphics card compatible and will
run on its own screen or play in a window on the workbench. A standard
cardset in IFF format is included.

 As system environment at least a workbench version 3.0 is needed.
Memory requirement is about 1 MByte according to card set and
background picture in use.
 The program as well will run under OS4 (in the 68k emulation) without
problems. Especially the free moving of card under OS4 (even without
JIT) is very smooth.

            G O L D E D   U P D A T E S   F O R   O S 4

19 October, 2004

 Servicepack 21 for GoldED and microgolded has been released. This is
a critical update for users of AmigaOS4.

 GoldED is a fully-featured text editor for AmigaOS3 and MorphOS. The
top variant, GoldED Studio AIX, is targeted at software development
and the creation of HTML documents. It includes a C/C++ development
environment for AmigaOS3 and MorphOS. The low-cost variant microgolded
is designed for simple editing tasks.
 * *GoldED Studio is available on CD-ROM, the suggested retail price
 is 69.90EUR.*
 * *microgolded is available online, the suggested retail price is

Complete editing environment

 The GoldED Studio package includes the editor GoldED, the
HTML-editing environment Webworld, the spell checking package Joyce,
Roget's Thesaurus, a C/C++ development environment (IDE) and various
other add-ons.


  A T A R I   8 0 0   E M U L A T O R ,   A M I G A   O S 4   P O R T 

29 October, 2004

This is the Amiga port of the Atari800 Emulator. It requires at
least OS4 (e.g. the prerelease CD).

Extract the archive and copy the resulting Atari800 drawer
anywhere you like. Later, copy the ROM Files into the ROMs
directory. Those ROMs can be extracted from an old XFormer
Archive. See http://atari800.sourceforce.net for details.
From there you find also the information how to obtain the
source code which is released under the GPL.

Version 2.2 (8.10.2004)
 - the workbench window is now an appwindow. Drop in a file to
   boot/run its contents
 - tries to start a given workbench argument
 - added an iconify option (menu entry and title gadget)

Version 2.1 (24.09.2004)
 - major changes within the Amiga front end, including
    o) ported to OS4, requires PPC processor
    o) dropped MUI GUI, GUI is now menu driven
    o) dropped overlay support for now
    o) Atari joystick can be mapped to the keyboard
    o) sound fixes
 - matches 1.3.3 of original sources

Version 1.2 (15.10.2000)
 - compiled the latest source
 - a special 68060 version has been added

Version 1.1 (12.06.2000)
 - console keys and sound should work better now

Version 1.0 (31.05.2000)
 - initial public release

How can you reach me?
My e-mail address is:

  Sebastian Bauer
  Neustädter Str. 50
  07768 Kahla

Visit my homepage at

Here you can find the latest version of the Atari800 emulator for
Amiga but also other things for Amiga, for example SimpleFind3,
SimpleHTML, SimplePac and the Freeciv Port.

Also look at the offical Atari800 Emulator homepage at
        / /
   __  / /   Only Amiga makes it possible...
   \ \/ /

Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 11th year. 
Copyright 2004 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  

         _________ ____      _|__ __ __|_______      _________
       __\ _____ \\\\  \_  _/  //___//  _____//______\ _____ \\
      // \\\\  /. \\\\__ \/ __//    \\  \\____.  /// \\\\  /. \\
      \\___\¯ /___///___\  /___\     \\_________//\\___\¯ /___//
       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      | 041031 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      
    O S 4   P R E - R E L E A S E   U P D A T E   A N N O U N C E D

            S D K   F O R   O S 4   P R E - R E L E A S E

       O T T A W A   A M I G A   S H O W   C O M I N G   S O O N 

               A M I G A   E A S T   S E T   F O R   M A Y 

    P C M C I A   N E T W O R K I N G   C A R D   A V A I L A B L E 

                 A W E B   B R O W S E R   F O R   O S 4 

   D I R E C T O R Y   O P U S   T O   G U R U   M E D I T A T I O N 

         N E W S R O G   S O U R C E C O D E   R E L E A S E D

     M Y   K L O N D I K E   F O R   S O L I T A I R E   C R O W D 

              G O L D E D   U P D A T E S   F O R   O S 4

  A T A R I   8 0 0   E M U L A T O R ,   A M I G A   O S 4   P O R T 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 First, Happy Halloween to those who celebrate the holiday! The Webb
household was visited by a number of children in creative costumes
today, including a giant Mountain Dew can, complete with straw.
Nothing scary, much creative.
 But we do have something scary on the computer side in the house. For
some time, it's been obvious the old A4000 needed help. It either
needed to be given a shot of extra memory, and some way of doing
broadband, or it needed replacement for many tasks I've done with it
over the years. Since it's past revision technology, the answer was
another computer. An Amiga One is the obvious choice - but they are
very expensive, and worse, the operating system is still not done. So
the A4000 has been joined by a Linux box. Will it replace Amiga
entirely in my day to day computing? I hope not. I have actually used
nothing but Amiga for my personal computing since 1986. Until this
month. And I'm not happy about the need to buy something else.
 But now I have a modern browser, I have Java, I have the memory I
need, I even have a desktop with multiple screens. And there's not a
hint of Micro$oft in the system. The total expense was under $400 US.
Had I bought the Amiga One, it would have been three times that much
money, and I'd be relying on a pre-release operating system.
 The Linux box, for those who follow Linux, is a Sun Java Desktop
system. It's based on a slightly older version of SuSe Linux, for
reliability, in a Sun created distribution. I plugged it in, it
booted. I hooked it to the home network, I was on the Internet.
Simple, effective, no real computer knowledge required. Is it perfect?
No, it could be faster doing many things. It requires a shell session
to set the system time! Hooking it to the Internet through modem is
"iffy" at best, even though a modem is built in - it didn't work for
me and others have had similar problems. But it does work well
overall, and it feels surprising like a capable Amiga substitute.
 For now, the A4000 - on which I am currently typing - remains the
number one system for me. But without a cost effective Amiga One, and
an operating system that is at full commercial release - and well
supported - with a plan for the future - I won't be able to keep it
that way for long. And without those elements for the Amiga community
as a whole, the future is very problematical. All the OS4 ports of
games imaginable won't change that.
 There's progress being made on the OS front, as you'll read below.
That's great! But the work needs to be finished.
 Scary indeed.
 You can rest assured every issue of Amiga Update will be prepared and
distributed on Amiga. My first computer love remains my first computer
love and that will be the case as long as possible.
 But I am enjoying the Linux box, as well as needing it. And I'm not
 Brad Webb,

    O S 4   P R E - R E L E A S E   U P D A T E   A N N O U N C E D

11 October, 2004

 *It is with considerable satisfaction that Hyperion Entertainment can
now announce the immediate availability for download of the first
Amiga OS 4.0 Developer Pre-release update for registered Amiga OS 4.0
 Due to the extent and scope of the improvements incorporated into the
update, it comes in the form of a full ISO image (33 MB) which needs
to be burned on CD-R(W) by the user and is intended to replace the
original Amiga OS 4.0 Developer Pre-release CD for installation and
rescue purposes.
 Please note that the file as well as the resulting CD is for personal
use only and may not be distributed in any form to third parties.
 Registered users may also opt to order a new full CD which also
contains the updated SDK and contribution section (details and terms
to be announced shortly).

Among the new features are:

 * Kernel-Level Altivec support.
 * Much improved compatibilty/speed of 68k emulation (JIT not included
 * Improved 68k FPU emulation
 * Fully PowerPC-native Picasso96/graphics system
 * Fully PowerPC-native MUI
 * USB support for input devices
 * Support for onboard serial and parallel hardware
 * Driver support for the SiI0680 IDE adaptor (including UDMA support)
 * Improved PIO mode VIA driver
 * Improved Internet capabilities and better ethernet support.
 * Printing support
 * Improved audio hardware support, including new drivers.
 * Comprehensive bug fixes, speed improvements, added features and
functionality across all system components.

 * and much more...

            S D K   F O R   O S 4   P R E - R E L E A S E

**Leuven, Belgium - October 20th, 2004*

 Hot on the heels of the Pre-Release update, Hyperion Entertainment is
proud to announce the availability of the updated Software Development
Kit (SDK) for AmigaOS 4.0.


The SDK features include

* The complete GNU C/C++ compiler toolkit, including the source-level
debugger gdb
* System includes and Autodocs
* Extensive developer documentation and example source code
* An extensive set of contributed packages including pre-compiled
libraries like libSDL, STLport and other material.

 The SDK is available for registered AmigaOS 4.0 customers in
Hyperion's download area. It comes in two flavours - the full SDK is a
63 megabyte download, while the "light" version with 41MB contains all
the material from the full SDK but without the contributed packages,
significantly reducing download size.
 As previously announced, the SDK will also be contained on the update
CD that can be ordered from Hyperion (details to be announced

"Note: If you experience problems, re-install the SDK without the
STLport package, or get the updated SDK or the STLport replacement
package from hyperion-entertainment.biz"*

      O T T A W A   A M I G A   S H O W   C O M I N G   S O O N 

25 October, 2004

Ottawa Amiga Show 2004

The show will take place on Saturday, November 20th in Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada at Routhier Centre located at 172 Guiges Street in Ottawa's
market area. Admission is free!!

The show opens to the public at noon and closes at four pm, followed by
a supper at a restaurant close by.

There is a map available as well as a list of near by hotels - see

 If you are planning to make the trek, accommodation is at a premium.
Seems two football teams will be playing for the Grey Cup that


             A M I G A   E A S T   S E T   F O R   M A Y 

* The Amiga East Show*  NYC, NY, USA - Marriott Courtyard, LaGuardia

  *May 28-29, 2005* - Looking forward to seeing you there!.

25 October, 2004

 Mr. Hardware Computers is pleased to announce the Amiga East Show
2005, scheduled to be held on May 28th and 29th, 2005 at the Marriott
Courtyard, LaGuardia, just across from LaGuardia Airport in NYC, NY.
The show will feature the latest new Amiga hardware and software.
There will be many exhibitors and resellers in the Exhibits Hall on
Saturday and Sunday, including major vendors and shareware developers.
Special focus is planned for Amiga OS4, the Internet, Video
Production, the Demo Scene, and more. You willl be able to have
hands-on time in some areas or watch some amazing eye-candy to
entertain yourself. If you are looking for help, there will be special
tables for user groups who are looking for new Amiga members.
 2005 is the 20th Anniversary of Amiga and Mr. Hardware Computers -- a
great time to celebrate our favorite computer. There will be guest
speakers, featuring industry veterans, expert in Amiga, AmigaDE, and
Linux, who will be presenting free seminars and demos of products. You
will hear insider anecdotes from programmers behind OS4 and Classic
 There will be free workshops to learn about platform developments and
getting started in some of the new programs that will be coming out in
the near future. - Exciting Events! -
 Above and beyond all else, there will be time to relax when you
attend the Saturday night banquet and are served in style! For one low
price you can dine while enjoying an exclusive program designed to
appeal to everyone.

 Tickets for the conference are only $20 per day or $25 for both days.
The banquet is only $38. A special discounted hotel rate for Amiga
East is also available.

Mr. Hardware Computers - Amiga Since 1985


   P C M C I A   N E T W O R K I N G   C A R D   A V A I L A B L E 

1 October, 2004

 *The latest PCMCIA networking package has been released from
 This package contains a 10Mbps PCMCIA ethernet network card,
compatible with the Amiga A1200 and A600.*
 There are instructions with screenshots on how to install the network
card with Genesis TCP/IP stack and Miami Deluxe TCP/IP stack.
 The software driver comes on floppy with an installer and a utility
to prevent the A1200's PCMCIA reset bug.
 Also included with the card is the AmigaKit Networking CD which
contains the latest distribution of EasyNet. This is a interface for
the included AmiTCP 3 stack. Amiga Samba, SMBFS and Samba Handler are
also distrubuted on the CD.
 The network card comes complete with a XJack connector equipped with
a RJ45 socket.
Goto http://shop.amigakit.com for more details.

              A W E B   B R O W S E R   F O R   O S 4 

28 October 2004

 Our third beta release of AWeb 3.5 APL Lite is now available.
 Actually it's the same as the second beta, but there is one little
detail: It's AmigaOS4 PPC native. :-) Changelog is available at the
 Along with it is a makefile if you wish to compile it from CVS.



 *We've been asking for help on porting KHTML for over a year now. I
think litterally I've been asking for this about fifty times now, but
no one ever reacts. Why?
 Having worked closely with browser technologies for about five years
now, I can tell you that IBrowse, AWeb and Voyager are incredibly far
behind what other browsers can do. This is 1996-1997 standards.
IBrowse doesn't even support HTML4!


 We are not only missing CSS, but the Document Object Model, proper
unicode handling, XML and Javascript 1.5. These are things that make
up a minimum requirement Windows browser as of today. Opera, Firefox,
Safari, Konqueror and partly IE fullfil these requirements. Working
with modern standards, such as the DOM makes it completely impossible
to support Amiga browsers.
 This can only be solved properly by porting an existing open source
HTML engine, where either KHTML or Gecko stand out. Upgrading an
existing engine would take a huge effort, and that would IMHO be a
huge waste.
 I can of course not rant on people who are not developers (including
myself), but I think it's remarkable that something that appears
fairly trivial on other platforms is apparently nearly impossible to
do with AmigaOS. Something that should not be like that with AmigaOS.
 KHTML is based in KDE's konqueror browser, but has been ported to
Safari and is part of Apple Webcore which is fully documented, open
sourced and has a complete API for everyone to use.

And you know what?

- KHTML exists also for SkyOS, a one man created OS.
- KHTML exists now for GTK+ so it can be used in Gnome.
- There's a Win32 port on the way.

It's actually quite portable.

 The way Apple Webcore is made is largely the same way KHTML should be
ported to AmigaOS. It's highly documented.

We have at aweb.sunsite.dk:

 - Complete plans for how to do this.
 - A huge amount of documentation on Apple Webcore and KHTML
 - CVS access should you require it
 - A complete and working bug database
 - Direct access to the original KHTML authors (David Faure, etc.) We
are allowed to post Amiga specific questions on their 'kfm-devel'
mailing list.
 - A complete GCC platform for doing the port.
 We need one or two dedicated guys who know how to handle GCC and know
a bit about C/C++ to study it and do the port.

 We expect this to take no longer than six months, if done properly.
 After that we can start building kick ass browsers.

Henrik Mikael Kristensen
AWeb Development Team


   D I R E C T O R Y   O P U S   T O   G U R U   M E D I T A T I O N 

    *Gothenburg, Sweden, October 20th, 2004*

 Guru Meditation and GPSoftware are proud to announce that they have
reached agreement on the acquisition of the exclusive, worldwide
rights to Directory Opus Magellan for the Amiga platform from
GPSoftware. This legendary file manager that started on the Amiga will
finally be coming back in a new version in 2005!*
 Dr Greg Perry of GPSoftware said, "We have been searching for a
reliable company to continue the development of Directory Opus
Magellan for the Amiga for some years now. After some false starts, we
are pleased to have licensed the Amiga product to Guru Meditation,
where the ongoing development of the product is now assured. Guru
Meditation and partners have some exciting plans. We look forward to
seeing their new product and extend to them our wholehearted support
for their efforts."
 Andreas Loong of Guru Meditation said, "This is an invigorating new
venture for us. We are very pleased to acquire the rights to this
brilliant program, which for so long has been an essential for any
Amiga user. Directory Opus Magellan is a file manager unlike all
others. It is the essence, the very spirit of how computers should be
used. From the very first release of DOpus in 1995, many Amiga users
have seen the raw power provided by DOpus with its unique concept
integrating Workbench Replacement Mode, File Management and custom
functions in one package. All of these functions have been refined and
polished into perfection and now is the time to bring this masterpiece
back to the Amiga."
 Guru Meditation has entered into a contract with a UK based
specialist software firm which will be providing the porting work and
implementing new features. Work has already begun to bring the sources
up to date for the new AmigaOS 4 operating system.

Guru Meditation & GPSoftware

 Guru Meditation was formed late 2003 and started off very modestly as
a reseller of Amiga equipment and AmigaOne hardware. In mid 2004 the
decision was made to acquire the rights for Directory Opus to bring it
back to the Amiga platform as the start of a new program of expansion
to help kickstart the Amiga market back into life.
 GP Software is an independent Australian company based in the western
suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Established in 1984, GP
Software develops commercial software packages and provides custom
software development services to industry in both Australia and
worldwide. GP Software has successfully developed and marketed
software packages for a variety of platforms including solutions for
Commodore business computers, many products and custom solutions for
the Amiga including Directory Opus, GPFax, EasyLedgers and others,
plus commercial products for Windows. The company now concentrates on
software development and services for Windows, mainly with its
flagship product, Directory Opus 8 for Windows.

        N E W S R O G   S O U R C E C O D E   R E L E A S E D

12 October, 2004

Summary: NewsRog project finally released as GPL

 The original author Steve Koren and the initial NewsRog Open Source
team are proud to announce the availability of the NewsRog 1.8+ source
code released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
 NewsRog is the most powerful newsreader available for the Amiga
platform. Combining a Magic User Interface (MUI) frontend, an OOP
approach and its overwhelming list of features, it provides the best
experience even to the most demanding Usenetters.
 Interested Amiga developers may join the NewsRog Open Source Team and
help to port the current set of sources to platforms like AmigaOS4
and/or MorphOS.
 However, please note that the current sources are not compileable
out-of-the-box and that they require some serious work to be
compilable with the GNU compiler collection (GCC) as this has been the
prefered compiler set for future versions of NewsRog.
 So if you are interested in joining the NewsRog Open-Source team,
please feel free to ask some of the project admins so that we can give
you CVS write access.

20 OCTOBER, 2004

Summary: NewsRog switches to the GNU LGPL license

After some internal discussion, the NewsRog Open Source team has 
decided to switch to the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).


    M Y   K L O N D I K E   F O R   S O L I T A I R E   C R O W D 

10 October, 2004 

 *myKlondike is a Solitaire cardgame. It uses the REKO cardsets or the
RKP cardsets coming from PC . It is graphics card compatible and will
run on its own screen or play in a window on the workbench. A standard
cardset in IFF format is included.

 As system environment at least a workbench version 3.0 is needed.
Memory requirement is about 1 MByte according to card set and
background picture in use.
 The program as well will run under OS4 (in the 68k emulation) without
problems. Especially the free moving of card under OS4 (even without
JIT) is very smooth.

            G O L D E D   U P D A T E S   F O R   O S 4

19 October, 2004

 Servicepack 21 for GoldED and microgolded has been released. This is
a critical update for users of AmigaOS4.

 GoldED is a fully-featured text editor for AmigaOS3 and MorphOS. The
top variant, GoldED Studio AIX, is targeted at software development
and the creation of HTML documents. It includes a C/C++ development
environment for AmigaOS3 and MorphOS. The low-cost variant microgolded
is designed for simple editing tasks.
 * *GoldED Studio is available on CD-ROM, the suggested retail price
 is 69.90EUR.*
 * *microgolded is available online, the suggested retail price is

Complete editing environment

 The GoldED Studio package includes the editor GoldED, the
HTML-editing environment Webworld, the spell checking package Joyce,
Roget's Thesaurus, a C/C++ development environment (IDE) and various
other add-ons.


  A T A R I   8 0 0   E M U L A T O R ,   A M I G A   O S 4   P O R T 

29 October, 2004

This is the Amiga port of the Atari800 Emulator. It requires at
least OS4 (e.g. the prerelease CD).

Extract the archive and copy the resulting Atari800 drawer
anywhere you like. Later, copy the ROM Files into the ROMs
directory. Those ROMs can be extracted from an old XFormer
Archive. See http://atari800.sourceforce.net for details.
From there you find also the information how to obtain the
source code which is released under the GPL.

Version 2.2 (8.10.2004)
 - the workbench window is now an appwindow. Drop in a file to
   boot/run its contents
 - tries to start a given workbench argument
 - added an iconify option (menu entry and title gadget)

Version 2.1 (24.09.2004)
 - major changes within the Amiga front end, including
    o) ported to OS4, requires PPC processor
    o) dropped MUI GUI, GUI is now menu driven
    o) dropped overlay support for now
    o) Atari joystick can be mapped to the keyboard
    o) sound fixes
 - matches 1.3.3 of original sources

Version 1.2 (15.10.2000)
 - compiled the latest source
 - a special 68060 version has been added

Version 1.1 (12.06.2000)
 - console keys and sound should work better now

Version 1.0 (31.05.2000)
 - initial public release

How can you reach me?
My e-mail address is:

  Sebastian Bauer
  Neustädter Str. 50
  07768 Kahla

Visit my homepage at

Here you can find the latest version of the Atari800 emulator for
Amiga but also other things for Amiga, for example SimpleFind3,
SimpleHTML, SimplePac and the Freeciv Port.

Also look at the offical Atari800 Emulator homepage at
        / /
   __  / /   Only Amiga makes it possible...
   \ \/ /

Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! Now in our 11th year. 
Copyright 2004 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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