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       ¯    \/    ¯ ¯    \/.  |¯      ¯|z!o     ¯  ¯    \/    ¯
               A M I G A      | 041231 |      U P D A T E
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      
        N E W   O S 4   P A T C H   F R O M   H Y P E R I O N 

      D I S C R E E T F X   L O O K I N G   F O R   T A L E N T 

        P A G A N   G A M E S   L O O K I N G   T O   H I R E 

          A P C & T C P   +   A M I A T L A S   =   T E A M

  A H T   E U R O P E   -   F I R S T   A M I G A   P R O D U C T S 

     A   D E C E M B E R   T R E A T   F R O M   H Y P E R I O N

       E L B O X ,   D R A G O N S ,   A N D   C O L D F I R E 

   S I M P L E M A I L   C H R I S T M A S   E V E   U P G R A D E 

  C O C K T A I L   S H A K E R   R E L E A S E D ,   U P D A T E D

 T R I M A ' G I C   F O R   Y O U R   G A M I N G   P L E A S U R E 

        A W E B   L I T E   ( B E T A )   I S   U P D A T E D

             L A T E S T   W I N U A E   R E L E A S E D

       B I T   B Y   B I T   N O W   O S 4   D E V E L O P E R 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 Few things conform to the artificial confines of a calendar, but it's
hard not to think in calendar terms as one year ends and another
begins. We've completed yet another 12 month cycle without seeing a
general release of OS4. That's sad, and not good. But we have seen OS4
become accepted and common for Amiga in this last year, despite it's
not quite ready for "prime time" status. That's good. It's also good
that work continues, and updates (see below) continue to be made
 We also end the year with a flurry of interesting news stories to put
in this issue. It all shows that the Amiga community continues to be
alive and well and creative. There's much to hope for in the year
ahead. At "Amiga Update" we're looking forward to a genuinely happy
new year, and hope all our readers experience one as well.
 Maybe we'll even hear something from KMOS this coming year. Or
something other than "Merry Christmas" from Amiga Inc. Or am I hoping
for too much now? Regardless, we wish both those companies, and all
the people who work for either, the best in 2005. Our computing fates
are tied together after all.
 We hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,

        N E W   O S 4   P A T C H   F R O M   H Y P E R I O N 

Leuven, Belgium - 27 December 2004.

 Hyperion Entertainment would like to take this opportunity to thank
our customers for their continued support. A prosperous and successful
2005 to all of you!
 As a belated X-mas present, Hyperion Entertainment and the Amiga OS 4
development team are pleased to announce the immediate availability
for registered users of another update of Amiga OS 4.0.
 The update is available from our download section and contains the

* Kernel 51.20
* dos.library 51.24
* CrossDOS FS 51.19
* Timer device 51.4
* loader-51.6
* Mass Storage Support for USB
* Updated USB stack
* elf library 51.5
* Moovid PPC
* SmartFileSystem 1.234
* newlib.library 2.8
* CDFileSystem 51.4
* rtg.library 41.4252
* graphics.library 51.12
* Grim Reaper 51.4


      D I S C R E E T F X   L O O K I N G   F O R   T A L E N T 

 Chicago, Illinois - December 1st, 2004 -- Visual FX company
DiscreetFX LLC Inc., is now accepting bids on two new Amiga/MorphOS
projects and is seeking talented Amiga/MorphOS Engineers.
 Project #1 US0: This will be a USB to Amiga Floppy drive interface
including software driver/plug-in for WinUAE and if required Amiga OS
& MorphOS. Engineer will design hardware and determine what software
drivers will need to be coded. If possible drive designation will be
user selectable from DF0-DF3: An external Amiga floppy drive will be
 Project # 2 AmiWire & MorphWire: Firewire stack for AmigaOS &
MorphOS. Software developer will need to create a Firewire stack that
works with AmigaOne running Amiga OS 4.0, Pegasos II running MorphOS
and Mediator PCI with a PCI Firewire card on classic Amiga systems.
 DiscreetFX will finance the development of both of these projects to
completion based on the contractors that win the bid for the jobs.
Contractors will be reviewed based on programming/hardware development
skills and an agreed upon price for their work. The winning bidder may
not be the lowest bidder. Previous Amiga/MorphOS experience will also
be strongly examined. Bids from the USA, Europe, Poland, Russia,
Worldwide are accepted and welcome. When projects are complete they
will be sold on the DiscreetFX website with royalty payments going to
contractors for each sale. This is in addition to the agreed upon
payment made to start and complete the projects. DiscreetFX will
retain the rights to AmiWire. MorphWire, & US0: but will share profits
from each sale with contractors. If contractors do a nice job they
will be considered for further work and projects. Interested
developers should contact DiscreetFX @ hr -at- -discreetfx- -dot- com

About DiscreetFX

 DiscreetFX has been creating software products for the Amiga, video
editing, computer generated graphics (CGI) industry since 1995. The
Amiga computer defined and created the video editing, computer
graphics market with its birth in 1985. DiscreetFX creates Real-time
transitions and effects seen on over 100 television programs including
Blind Date, 5th Wheel, Shipmates and more! You can also see DiscreetFX
software used on the following networks HBO, Showtime, Discovery
Channel, PBS, Fox and many more.

       P A G A N   G A M E S   L O O K I N G   T O   H I R E 

15 December, 2004

 Pagan Games are looking for a wide range of people to join our
development community to begin work on a new project and to assist in
the resurrection of some of our older titles we have on our books.
 With the uncertainties of the Amiga market of late and of anything DE
becoming commercially viable, we have kept a low profile to allow the
mobile and PDA markets for other platforms, as well as DE specific, to
 We have recently secured a deal with a new online distribution
service which we believe will offer us a good outlet for our products
and as such we are looking for coders and artists to join our existing
 The project is to begin in January 2005 and is expected to take up to
4 months to complete (estimate). It is a small PDA/Desktop project not
a full blown game project.
 As with our previous commercial projects, this is a royalty based
project, no one gets paid until the product starts to sell, us


 We require coders with experience in C++ and/or Java for DE and/or
Win32 platforms. You will need to show us experience in game
development or extensive usage of 2D graphics libraries and
manipulation, in your chosen language. Ideally we are looking for a
C++ coder, but are flexible on your chosen language.


 We require artist(s) who can create 2D gui interfaces, layouts, logos
etc. Any previous experience of creating anything with a space
shoot-em-up theme would be ideally suited for this position.
 We also require the modelling of 3D objects, again in a space theme
(ships, planets, objects etc) by the same artist or by a dedicated 3D
 All rough designs will be given to you as a foundation to work from;
you own flair of design will also be needed and expected.


 The design of this project is complete and we are aiming to hire the
artist(s) first to begin work immediately on the visuals then to begin
coding work once 50% of the visuals are complete. This means the coder
will be able to develop with "signed off" graphics without the need to
wait for visuals to be developed.
 A good understanding of written English is essential. A good sense of
humour is also required! Meetings are held on-line via IRC, and our
own mailing lists and newsgroups, so a reliable internet connection is
also required.
 We all work remotely, there is no central office (but you probably
guessed that already) so we do not mind what hours you work so long as
you can keep your deadlines and can arrange a meeting with the rest of
team when it's mutually convenient for us all. Meetings are held on a
regular basis depending on your workload and requirements, however, we
will aim to give you enough design to work on your own with little
need from supervision by us.
 If you think you are the person we need to hire, then please send us
an e-mail to info@pagan-games.com with a short resume/CV with example

         A P C & T C P   +   A M I A T L A S   =   T E A M

2 December, 2004

APC&TCP and AmiATLAS Development Team plan to expand collaboration!
 Based on the previously very good collaboration between the AmiATLAS
Development Team and APC & TCP, the collaboration will be expanded in
the near future.
 Upto now, the web hosting was done by APC & TPC. Since about a year
they also provide a forum for all registerered AmiATLAS users and for
people interested in AmiATLAS.
 In the future APC & TPC will provide additional services, like
distributing AmiATLAS and other new products, whose publication is
planned for beginning of the coming year.
 So, for a short period AmiATLAS can be ordered at a special price in
the new online shop of APC & TCP.

[1] http://www.amiatlas.net
[2] http://www.apc-tcp.de


  A H T   E U R O P E   -   F I R S T   A M I G A   P R O D U C T S 

 Birmingham, Dec. 11 2004 - AHT Europe Ltd. are pleased to announce
the immediate availability of their first Amiga products: MIDI
interfaces for the Commodore Amiga as well as the Pegasos and standard

 The MIDI interface Vivaldi supports standard MIDI transfer through
the game port (MPU401), either on-board or on a PCI card. It is
suitable for all operating systems that support standard MIDI transfer
over the game port and has been successfully tested with standard MIDI
software under MorphOS/Pegasos, Linux and Windows (including
Bars'n'Pipes under WinUAE). The Vivaldi MIDI interface provides the
following connectors: 1 x MIDI IN, 1 x MIDI THRU, 3 x MIDI OUT
 The MIDI interface Trivaldi is a tripleplay MIDI interface for
Commodore Amiga computers. It has three asynchronous MIDI OUT ports,
which means that each port can have its own MIDI range of 16 channels.
With Bars'n'Pipes you can therefore address 48 MIDI channels. The
Trivaldi connects to the Amiga serial port.
 Each MIDI interface comes with a manual, a CD-ROM and a 2 year
warranty period. The CD-ROM contains drivers as well as the free
sequencer software Bars'n'Pipes with all add-ons, the utility
Directory Opus 4 and more.
 The advisory retail pricing incl. VAT is 39,95 Euro (Vivaldi) and
49,95 Euro (Trivaldi), respectively. Both interfaces are available
now. Dealer inquiries welcome.

About AHT Europe:

 AHT Europe Ltd. is a british company formed in 2004 and based in
Birmingham, with offices in Germany and the Netherlands. Current
products include a PowerPC set-top box for digital video broadcasting,
personal video-recording and video-on-demand.


      A   D E C E M B E R   T R E A T   F R O M   H Y P E R I O N

Leuven, Belgium - December 6th, 2004

 As a special treat for registered users of Freespace - The Great War
and AmigaOS 4.0, Hyperion Entertainment now offers an AmigaOS 4 binary
update for Freespace - The Great War, in our download section.

Please note:

* You must have registered both Freespace and AmigaOS 4.0.
* This version only contains the software renderer.
* Make sure to read the README file, as it contains important 


        E L B O X ,   D R A G O N S ,   A N D   C O L D F I R E 

17 December,2004

 ELBOX COMPUTER is proud to announce its breath-taking new product for
Amiga 1200 computers - DRAGON ColdFire. DRAGON is a ColdFire-based
accelerator card combined with the PCI/AGP Expansion busboard.
 With its DRAGON ColdFire development, Elbox brings to Amiga computers
top performance of the latest Freescale's ColdFire V4e core
based-processor, the successor of the 68k dynasty. DRAGON-equipped
Amiga computers are ready to run most of the 68k Amiga
programs/applications several times faster when compared against Amiga
1200 with the fastest 68060 accelerators.
 'By combining many attractive features like the high-performance
ColdFire processor, fast DDR memory, AGP graphics, powerful PCI 66MHz
technology and comprehensive software support, DRAGON-equipped Amiga
computers turn into modern, fast and extremely functional power
machines,' said Maciek Binek, president and CEO of Elbox.

 The DRAGON's mainboard and the DRAGON's ColdFire CPU card are
designed on two separate circuit boards. With modular design, the
DRAGON can be easily upgraded and configured to meet the needs of the
most demanding Amiga users.

DRAGON Technical Specification:

 · ColdFire MCF5475 processor (410MIPS) running at 266MHz
 · Two sockets for DDR-266 SDRAM modules, support up to 1GByte of
memory (1GB/s peak)
 · One AGP slot (264MB/s peak access from the main processor)
 · Five 66/33MHz, 32-bit PCI slots, PCI 2.2 compliant (264MB/s peak)
 · 2MBytes of 32-bit Flash memory (containing upgradeable DRAGON
 · Asynchronous design with fast access to Amiga 1200 motherboard
 · Multi-channels DMA support (PCI <-> PCI, PCI <-> DDR, PCI <-> AGP,
PCI <-> A1200)
 · Auto-Recharge Battery-backed Real Time Clock
 · Four high-speed programmable serial (UART/USART/IRDA/modem)
controllers (optional)
 · One Hi-Speed USB 2.0 and two FastEthernet 100Mbps controllers

ColdFire processor:

 The DRAGON ColdFire will initially be available with the fastest
ColdFire MCF5475 processor in clock speed of 266MHz. MCF5475 features
the V4e ColdFire core with MMU, dual precision FPU and EMAC. The
266MHz version of the ColdFire MCF5475 processor provides raw
performance of 410MIPS.

Up to 1GB of DDR SDRAM:

 The DRAGON comes with two DIMM slots for ultrafast DDR-266 SDRAM
memory. This high-speed memory rushes data at up to 1GB/s throughput.
It is over 25 times faster compared against the fastest A1200
accelerators available so far. As memory is scalable up to 1GB, you
can add RAM to meet increasing demands of your applications and

AGP Graphic Slot:

 The DRAGON comes with the 3.3V 66MHz AGP slot which supports up to
264MB/s data throughput. The following AGP graphics cards will be
supported: Radeon 9700, Radeon 9500, Radeon 9200, Radeon 9000, Radeon
7500, Radeon 7000, Voodoo 5, Voodoo 4, Voodoo 3.

PCI Expansion Slots:

 The DRAGON comes with five 66/33MHz, 32-bit PCI slots compliant with
the PCI 2.2 specification. The DRAGON system can be configured with
PCI 66MHz or PCI 33MHz expansion technology. All PCI slots provide DMA
capability. The DRAGON's ColdFire processor has linear access to the
4GB PCI space.

Multi-channel DMA support:

 DRAGON hardware provides Multi-channel DMA support. PCI bus master
cards can provide DMA accesses to all DRAGON resources: the AGP card,
DDR memory, other PCI cards and the Amiga 1200 motherboard space.
DRAGON' PCI-to-DDR Direct Memory Access can reach up to 264MB/s
throughput. This feature allows even the fastest mass storage PCI
controllers to run at their top performance.

2MB of 32-bit Flash memory:

 DRAGON includes 2 MBytes of the 32-bit extremely fast Flash memory.
It includes factory-programmed DRAGON's boot firmware and diagnostic
software. Flash ROM allows remapping of the Amiga Kickstart, as well.

FastEthernet 100Mbps and Hi-Speed USB 2.0 (optional):

 The DRAGON's MCF5475 processor has one built-in Hi-Speed USB 2.0
controller and two FastEthernet 100Mbps controllers. External ports
for these controllers will be available on an optional module.
Hardware-acceleration encryption (DES, 3DES, RC4, AES, MD5, SHA-1,
RNG) is built into the processor. Dual-channel architecture permits
single pass encryption and authentication.

High-Speed serial controllers (optional):

 Up to four programmable serial controllers (PSCs), each with separate
512-byte receive and transmit FIFOs for UART, USART, modem, codec, and
IrDA 1.1 interface, are built in the DRAGON's MCF5475 processor.
External ports for these controllers will be available on an optional

Compatible Tower systems:

 The DRAGON ColdFire busboard is designed to be used in the following
tower systems: Mirage 1200, E/BOX 1200, Power Tower, Winner Tower and
Infinitiv Tower. Besides, an Elbox custom-designed case for the DRAGON
ColdFire system will be announced soon.

Supported AGP and PCI cards:

 · Graphic cards (Radeon 9700, Radeon 9500, Radeon 9200, Radeon 9000,
Radeon 7500, Radeon 7000, Voodoo 5, Voodoo 4, Voodoo 3)
 · Sound cards (Sound Blaster 4.1 Digital, Sound Blaster 128 and cards
based on the ForteMedia FM801 chipset--e.g. Terratec 512i Digital)
 · Serial ATA controllers (SiI 3114 support in development)
 · Spider Hi-Speed USB 2.0 controllers
 · TV tuner cards (based on Bt848/849/878 and FUSION 878/879)
 · Fast Ethernet 100Mbps cards (based on RTL8139 chipset)
 · Ethernet 10Mbps cards (based on RTL8029 chipset)

Pricing and availability:

 The DRAGON ColdFire is planned to be available by the end of January
2005 for a very attractive price, offering superior price/performance
ratio. The suggested retail price is 349 EUR. (VAT excl.)
 Registered owners of Elbox Mediator 1200 PCI busboards will receive a
special incentive upgrade offer in January 2005.
 If you have any questions related to the DRAGON ColdFire busboard,
email them at dragon@elbox.com. Answers to most frequent inquiries
will be published in FAQ section of the Elbox website.
DRAGON - The Dawn of the New Era

   S I M P L E M A I L   C H R I S T M A S   E V E   U P G R A D E 

24 December, 2004

 SimpleMail is a new mailer for the Amiga classic platform but it is
intended to be as portable as possible so there speaks nothing against
a MorphOS or even Windows version.
 In the current state, SimpleMail is an alpha version but it is very
stable however as we try to implement every feature so that it works
and go then on to the next one. However, SimpleMail grows very fast
and with your help it can overgrow YAM soon.
 You will always find the latest versions (which are not necessarily
placed in the AMINET) at the website. There is also a FAQ, please read it
 If you have any questions or bugs then send them to the
user-mailinglist please, whose URL you'll find in the links. Bug
reports should submitted to the Bug Tracking system. But if you have
encouragements so send them to one of the main developers. You can
find our e-mail addresses in contact.

Version 0.24 of SimpleMail released! The changes are:
Mail preview in main window
Outlook Express mail folder import (.dbx files)
New addressbook with separated groups and contacts
More application icon configuration possibilities (bgol)
ARexx Port improvements: GETMAILSTAT, FOLDERINFO (bgol)
Bug fixes and minor other improvements (bgol, henes and me)
First official OS4 release

 The SimpleMail Team wishes you all a merry christmas and a happy new
year! We hope you have fun with the new release!


   C O C K T A I L   S H A K E R   R E L E A S E D ,   U P D A T E D


 Cocktail shaker updated, solved problems with foreign languages, now
the locale files working perfect, added more cocktails to the
database, added image requesters to the "new cocktail" section, fixed
some nasty bugs in the program and maybe all the Amiga OS4 bugs, if
anyone can test and report it to me? Amipuzas wish Merry christmas to
all the Amiga and Morphos users. If you are finding a database for
your usage, Puzas database is availible, using the same program as
cocktail shaker, but with more options, to create your own databases
or why not an whdload games launcher? Backgrounds and buttons fully
skinable...Puzas database only costs 15 euros and don't have any files
or categories restrictions.


 First images of Atlas 2005 in the projects section, limited but
functional, fast scroll in zoom mode response, all the world
countries, world locator, super finder included, is able to find
countries inserting only 2 letters, well and some mo re extra, but
this is in beta state yet, i need web space to upload the program,my
server is full, if anyone can have the first bet in an own server you
will have this program in short.


 Cocktail Shaker released, database of cocktails and mixed drinks,
updatable, nice and fast, actual languages catalan, spanish and
english, you can make your own catalog file translating the external
language files, please send it to me to add
 it in next releases, it's in the tools directory.


 T R I M A ' G I C   F O R   Y O U R   G A M I N G   P L E A S U R E 

19 December, 2004
 TriMa'gic is a single player board game.
 Goal is to remove gems with the same color from the board.

 The input slot has four gems that can be placed into the four outer
play slots.
 A new gem is played by pressing SPACE, the input slot or when the
time reaches zero.
 You can click on the play slots to move the gems onto the playfield.
 The playfield consists of three rings that can be turned clock- or
counterclockwise with left/right mousbutton. The center will turn all
three rings.
 The goal is to place 3 gems of one color in a row to remove them. The
more rows you remove, the faster a new gem is played. To reduce the
gamespeed you can
 fill a complete ring in a single color. The most points and
speedreduction you get for the outer ring.
 Some bonus items will make your life harder when they appear in the
center ;)
 WINDOW - Play in a window on Workbench. If this tooltype is missing a
screenmode requester pops up.
 BESTFIT - Use BESTFIT and DEPTH=24 and Hollywood picks the
 DEPTH - Use BESTFIT and DEPTH=24 and Hollywood picks the
 BORDERLESS - Borders look ugly ;-)
 NOSOUND - If you think the sound sucks ...

ESC - Quit the game 

SPACE - Start game / play next gem 

F2 - Select a new theme (Your current game will be lost !) 

1-5 - Set starting level (level 5 = fastest/most score) 


TriMa'gic supports skins/themes 

Currently two skins are included. 

TriMa - A stylish skin done by Tristan Mangold 
Original - An ugly skin by myself ;) 

More are available at http://my.morphosi.net/ 

Be warned: 

I'm not responsible for any illness this game can cause. 
Use it at your own risk ! Kind of addictive ;-) 


         A W E B   L I T E   ( B E T A )   I S   U P D A T E D

17 December, 2004

 From the official AWeb Open Source Project website: "Updated AWeb APL
Lite 3.5 beta release 4 with many bugfixes is available now for 68k
with changelog, and for OS4 native PPC with changelog."

AWeb APL Lite 3.5 beta  3.5.04 for Amiga OS3.x m68k


 AWeb 3.5 beta may be installed by using the Installer script
provided. As this is a beta archive it is recommended that you back up
any previous installations of AWeb or install in a separate directory.
 NOTE as this a beta release it contains only a minimal installation
with regards to user files (documentation, alternate images, buttons,
animations etc.) If you require these files please download a previous
(3.4APL) distribution.
 Here is an overview of the new features and major bugs fixed in this

CHANGES FROM 3.5.03 to 3.5.04


 The cache validation code has been updated, the user nows has much
more control over how the cached copies of documents and images etc
are validated. The Network Settings cache page now allows the user to
select, different options for dynamicaly created objects (shtml, php,
asp, cgi etc) and static objects (ordinary html, images etc).

The default is:

 Always Validate, No Fast Response for dynamic objects. Validate Once
Per Session, Fast Response for static objects.
 This gives a good compromise between reducing network activity and
ensuring that typical login systems still work.


 The referer in redirected pages is now set correctly.


 AWeb is now "aware" that the standard printer.device can handle
bitmaps >8bits from version 44. So it is now able to print from deep
screens without requiring Turboprint.


 Some bugs in the library code for OS4, that were inadavertantly
produced by merging the MORPHOS port code, have been cleaned up.


 Crashing bugs in the code that allowed form elements to be used
outside of forms have been fixed.

AWeb APL Lite 3.5 beta  3.5.04 for Amiga OS4.0


 AWeb 3.5 beta may be installed by using the Installer script
provided. As this is a beta archive it is recommended that you back up
any previous installations of AWeb or install in a separate directory.
 NOTE as this a beta release it contains only a minimal installation
with regards to user files (documentation, alternate images, buttons,
animations etc.) If you require these files please download a previous
(3.4APL) distribution.
 Here is an overview of the new features and major bugs fixed in this

CHANGES FROM 3.5.03 to 3.5.04


 The cache validation code has been updated, the user nows has much
more control over how the cached copies of documents and images etc
are validated. The Network Settings cache page now allows the user to
select, different options for dynamicaly created objects (shtml, php,
asp, cgi etc) and static objects (ordinary html, images etc).

The default is:

 Always Validate, No Fast Response for dynamic objects. Validate Once
Per Session, Fast Response for static objects.
 This gives a good compromise between reducing network activity and
ensuring that typical login systems still work.


 The referer in redirected pages is now set correctly.


 AWeb is now "aware" that the standard printer.device can handle
bitmaps >8bits from version 44. So it is now able to print from deep
screens without requiring Turboprint.


 Some bugs in the library code for OS4, that were inadavertantly
produced by merging the MORPHOS port code, have been cleaned up.


 Crashing bugs in the code that allowed form elements to be used
outside of forms have been fixed.


              L A T E S T   W I N U A E   R E L E A S E D

22 December, 2004

WinUAE 0.9.92 (22.12.2004) "WinUAE 1.0 public beta #3"

Final beta before 1.0 (?)

Bug fixes:

- Regular HDF TD_GEOMETRY returned incorrect data. (caused some
  larger HDF's fail to mount, 0.9.91 only)
- Filesystem bug fix (0.9.90-91), files with Windows
  System or Hidden -flag set didn't open properly in all cases.
- Stardust starwars-scroller in cycle-exact mode.
- SuperStardust AGA tunnel-section and Superfrog intro bee flashing
  plus other sprite emulation fixes.
- Random disk formatting verify errors when using non-turbo mode
  (was broken couple of releases ago)
- Display corruption/crashes if display width was larger than 1024
  and display depth was 32bit (only native display mode, Picasso96
  was unaffected)
- Windowed mode window close button didn't work if "Use CTRL+F11
  to quit" was enabled
- input-panel autofire yes/no-selection
- AVIOutput video recording bug in interlaced modes

New features:

- Filesystem emulation now uses NTFS named streams to store Amiga
  FS protection flags and comment instead of __UAEFSDB.__-files.
  (non-NTFS drives still use old method)
- Postscript printer emulation using Ghostscript. All Windows
  supported printers work now. Amiga-side only needs standard Amiga
  Postscript printer driver.
- Automatic print job flush after user configurable timeout.
- Improved hardfile creation, filesystem selection (OFS/FFS/SFS) etc..
- Disk swapper key shortcuts.
  END+1-0 (not numeric keypad) = insert image from swapper slot 1-10
  END+SHIFT+1-0 = insert image from swapper slot 11-20
  END+CTRL+1-4 = select drive
- GUI drag'n'drop. (no more ugly up/down arrows)
- screenshots are now named _xxx.bmp
- user configurable emulation speed adjustment from 5 to 100 fps
- rar and 7zip -archive support (using archiveaccess.dll)
- some custom chipset emulation improvements here and there.
- improved drive click sound emulation
- X-Arcade build-in key mappings
- onscreen disk and HD leds flash red while writing
- "Always on top"-windowed mode setting

and more..


        B I T   B Y   B I T   N O W   O S 4   D E V E L O P E R 

20 December, 2004

 BITbyBIT Software Group LLC today officially entered the AmigaOS4
ring as a full time professional development team, dedicated to
producing software for AmigaOS4, with the opening of their web site
and a special preview release of their first offering "The SDK
 Check out their web site for more information, and to download SDK
Browser v0.9. www.bitbybitsoftwaregroup.com
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
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Copyright 2004 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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