940502 Death of C= {This line added when newsletter was archived}
After close of business on Friday, Commodore International Ltd. announced 
voluntary liquidation. There is no more Commodore. What exactly this all 
means is unclear at present. At least one major Amiga distributor (CEI) views
this as a positive development, allowing for the sale of the technology and
at long last a chance to improve things. I'm not so sure.

I have several news items in electronic form which I will be sending to my 
Editor/Publisher at "Jumpdisk" for backgroud, etc., for an upcoming issue.
Since I ran off without the disk containing a copy, I'll e-mail that data to 
this list tomorrow.

Keep in mind C= is NOT a US company and, "Wall Street Journal" not withstanding,
things are unlikely to go as you might expect for a US corporation in similar

Moral: beware of any company with a chief Nixon aide on the Board of Directors.
       (Just kidding - he had little to do with the bad management of C=)


PS - As you might expect, the phone's been ringing off the hook at "Safe 
     Harbor" since they opened on Saturday. You might have trouble getting 
     through if you need to call them. Interestingly, Mary is very optimistic.

PPS - The few remaining C= employees threw a wake Friday night in West Chester.
      It was video-taped by Dave Haynie and we'll see if we can get a copy. 
      They do have a Commodore Death Bed Watch T shirt for sale. If anyone is
      interested, e-mail me for ordering information.