940505 Amigaworld {This line added when newsletter was archived}
 For your information,

For More Information:

Wendie Marro
Marketing Director

Daniel Sullivan 


                     AmigaWorld--The Leading Amiga Publication--
                   Reinforces Position of Strong Support in Market

Peterborough, NH (May 3, 1994)  AmigaWorld, the independent, monthly consumer
publication for users of Amiga personal computers, has announced today that
recent events at Commodore Business Machines in no way affect AmigaWorld's
commitment to the market.

Responding to news on Friday, April 29, that Commodore was going out of
business, AmigaWorld Editor-in-Chief Daniel Sullivan stated, "Regardless of
any change in the status of Commodore's operations, AmigaWorld will continue
to provide coverage of the Amiga market for its readership.  We believe there
are sound reasons to remain in the Amiga market -- namely, an installed base
of five million Amiga computers worldwide; a dedicated AmigaWorld readership
of loyal, enthusiastic users; and an innovative, proactive group of
third-party developers."

Sullivan added, "We also feel certain that the technology will survive the
liquidation of Commodore through licensing agreements with interested third
parties -- of which there appear to be many. This is an excellent opportunity
for the Amiga community to take charge of its own destiny and set a direction
for further development that Commodore has not been able to provide."

The AmigaWorld staff views this situation as an opportunity to provide an
even greater level of service to its readers and advertisers. With
Commodore's departure from the market, customer service will become an even
greater priority at AmigaWorld.  The staff will continue to support everyone
involved in the market through such means as phone support and on-line
feedback. By providing strong customer service and up-to-date market coverage
for readers, AmigaWorld hopes to be the catalyst for future growth and
development in the Amiga community. 

AmigaWorld Magazine is published by TechMedia Publishing, Inc., an
International Data Group company. IDG is the world's foremost publisher of
computer-related information and the leading global provider of information
services on information technology, with over 194 computer publications in 62