940901 No news {This line added when newsletter was archived.}
     //              Amiga Update - News and Rumors                //
   \X/               (A Very Occasional Newsletter)              \X/ 

 There's no news to report today, but ... rumors have for some time been
talking about bids for Commodore being withdrawn if nothing happened by 
today. We'll be monitoring the situation closely to see if anything develops
in the next few days.
 A British magazine has recently run a picture of an IBM compatible running
Workbench. The picture may have been faked, but it accompanied a story on a 
nearly complete Commodore project that was an Amiga on a board. The board was
designed to plug into an IBM clone. Interesting thought, all things considered.

 Received campaign literature over the Internet for the first time ever today -
and it was from an Amigan. Dorothy Dean, Milwaukee County Supervisor, is 
running for Lieutenant Governor on the Democratic ticket. Dorothy has been
operating the Miwaukee PSA BBS (for Public Service Announcement Bulletin Board
Service) for many years. She began it on an Amiga 1000 before even we had one.
 I'm not trying to tell anyone how to vote - I just thought you might find it
interesting. I suspect we have an Amiga forerunner of a new strategy here. And, 
it goes to show how far you can go if you own an Amiga   :-)   If anyone is 
interesting in seeing this example of e-mail campaign literature, let me know.

                                   ||  Brad Webb - available at:
     //  Commodore has fallen      ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
   \X/   and it can't get up       ||  GEnie -- B.Webb
                                   ||  Portal -- Jumpdisk