     //              Amiga Update - News and Rumors                //
   \X/               (A Very Occasional Newsletter)              \X/ 


     S O M E   I N T E R E S T I N G   P R E S S   R E L E A S E S 

             F R O M   A M I G A   T E C H N O L O G I E S 


Amiga Technologies is building up its worldwide distribution network.

Bensheim, 18/07/95

After building up its operations in Germany, Amiga Technologies set up its
international distribution network. The Amiga office in Philadelphia, USA,
led by Ed Goff, is in charge of organizing the USA distribution. There will
be a sales meeting in the USA next week where american distributors will
be invited to discuss the market situation and future price policy for
the USA. Petro Tyschtschenko, General Manager at Amiga Technologies GmbH
will conduct that meeting.

Amiga Responsibilities are located in several countries and are supplying
other attached countries as follows:

AMIGA Germany for Germany and Poland, led by Rolf Wiehe
AMIGA Marketing Vertriebs Service
Gunzostrasse 3
D - 61352 Bad Homburg
Phone : +49 6172 45 99 09
Fax : +49 6172 45 95 77

AMIGA United Kingdom for UK, South Africa and India,
led by Jonathan Anders on
N6 Bridge Avenue
Maidenhead Berkshire SL 61 RR
United Kingdom
Phone : +44 1628 7700 25/36/41
Fax : +44 1628 7700 22

AMIGA USA for USA and Canada, led by J. Edward Goff
Attorney of Law - Suite 1705
1528 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
Phone : +1 215 546 3400
Fax : 1 215 546 3460

AMIGA Switzerland for Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Greece, Bulgary, Turkey,
Hungary, Czech Republic / Slovakia, Russia, led by Willy Scheiwiller
ESCOM Handels AG
Z=FCrichstrasse 48
Phone +41 1 710 9240
Fax +41 1 710 9800

AMIGA Belgium for Belgium, Luxemburg,
Led by Dirk de Wageniere
Vermeeschlaan, 29
B - 25040 HOVE
Phone : +32 3 454 3233
Fax : +32 3 454 0973

AMIGA Iberia for Portugal, Spain, and Africa (except south Africa), led by
Joaquim Ramos Costa
Apartado (PO Box) 1735
1017 Lisboa Codex
Phone/Fax +351 1 41 42 732 (operative from June 20th)

Other locations will be set-up for countries not mentioned above,
like France.

Contact :
Gilles Bourdin
Amiga Technologies
Berliner Ring 89
D-64625 Bensheim

Tel +49 6252  709 195
Fax +49 6252 709 417

Gilles Bourdin -- A\//T

Amiga Technologies at the IFA fair in Berlin

Bensheim, 18/07/95

From the 26th of August to the 3rd of September 1995, Amiga Technologies,
together with ESCOM and Virtual Products will be represented on its booth in
hall 26.A at the "Internationale Funkausstellung"  fair in Berlin. This will be
the first time since the liquidation of Commodore that Amigas will officially
be presented to the public on a fair.

The products Amiga 1200 and Amiga 4000T will be displayed in different
configurations and with several applications. Amiga Technologies will be happy
to house  third party developpers and manufacturers on its booth.

Escom will introduce the new line of Commodore Golf PCs and Virtual Products
GmbH will show the i-glasses for the first time in Europe.

Amiga Technologies GmbH and Virtual Products GmbH are both companies of the
ESCOM group.

Contact :
Gilles Bourdin
Amiga Technologies
Berliner Ring 89
D-64625 Bensheim


Amiga developer brainstorming in Heppenheim, Germany.

Bensheim, 18/07/95

On the 7th of July, Amiga Technologies invited all main hardware and software
development companies in Germany to a brainstroming meeting in Heppenheim.
Manfred Schmitt, chairman of the board at ESCOM AG and Petro Tyschtschenko,
General Manager at Amiga Technologies used the opportunity to present the new
Amiga daughtercompany of ESCOM and the plans for the future to the attendance.

The main discussion topics were about the development of the actual product
range in the future. Amiga Technologies wants to build up tight cooperations
with the most successfull development companies worldwide. "There is a high
potential for development from third party and we want this people to be on our
side and to work with us", says Manfred Schmitt.

During the meeting, the Amiga Technologies  staff and the developers could
exchange their views and plans on the future of the Amiga. The use of  Amiga
technology in the set-top-boxes market as well as the migration towards new
generation models were also discussed topics.

In August, Amiga Technologies will also hold a conference for the press, the
developers and the dealers in London.

Contact :
Gilles Bourdin
Amiga Technologies
Berliner Ring 89
D-64625 Bensheim

Tel +49 6252 709 195
Fax +49 6251 709 417

Gilles Bourdin -- A\//T
                                   ||  Brad Webb - available at:
     //  Commodore has fallen      ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
   \X/   and it can't get up       ||  GEnie -- B.Webb
         (but ESCOM can - ?)       ||  Portal -- XJumpdisk