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   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||(A Very Ocassional Newsletter)
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AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH

        N E W   P R O D U C T S   ( G A M E S )   A N N O U N C E D 

Picked off the net the other day and presented for those who like to have 
some fun now and again. Keep in mind that to the "Brits", who put this list
together, football often means soccer.

Forthcoming Amiga Releases late '95 / early '96

ABC - Acid
Alien Breed 3D - Ocean
Andre Agassi Tennis - Acid
Arcane Pinball Game - Arcane: 1996
Arnie - Kellion: 1996
Baldies - Gametek: Oct
Big Red Adventure - Core: DEAD
Blitz Bomber - Leading Edge: ????
Bubble & Squeak 2 - Audiogenic
Championship Manager 2 - Domark: Oct
Chaos Engine 2 - Renegade: Christmas
Chess Through The Ages - Kompart: A long way off
Citadel - Black Legend
Coala - Empire: Oct
Double Agents - Flair
Dungeon Master 2 - Interplay: ???
Empire Soccer A1200 - Empire: Christmas
Exile AGA - Audiogenic
Fair Play - Greenwood
Fears CD32 - Manyk
Final Over - Team 17: Sept
First Encounters - Gametek: ????
Football Glory Indoor Edition - Kompart: Christmas/January
Gloom II - Black Magic
Imran Khan Cricket - Audiogenic: Sept
Leading Lap - Kellion: Sept
Legends - Krisalis: Sept
Limbo of The Lost - Rasputin: ???
Lost Eden CD32 - Virgin: ????
Megarace (in der Schwebe) - Mindscape
NBA Jam Tournament Edition - Acclaim
Odessey - Audiogenic: Sept
Paws of fury CD32 - Gametek
Phoenix (Reunion 2) - Grandslam: 1996
PID - Terramarque: ???
Pinball Mania - 21st Century: 1996
Player Manager 2 - Anco
Pole Position - Ascon/Daze: Oct
Pole Position: Formel 1 Teamchef - Ascon
Primal Rage - Warner Interactive
Rage - Alternative: Christmas
Raiden (still unclear) - U.S.Gold
Rugby Boss - Alternative: Christmas
Santa Wars - Alternative: Christmas
Seventh Sword of Mendor - Grandslam: Oct
Simon The Sorcerer 2 - Sentisoft: Oct
Speris Legacy - Team 17: Sept/Oct
Star Crusader - Gametek: Sept
Sub Station - Unique: ????
Super Loopz - Audiogenics
Switchworld - Kompart: Sept
TBE - The Hidden: ????
Team - Impact: Nov
Thomas The Tank Engine Pinball - Alternative: Sept
Timekeepers - Vulcan Software
Tiny Troops - Mindscape: Sept
Total Football - Domark
Total Football - Domark: Oct
Tracksuit Manager 2 - Alternative: ????
Traitor - Alternative: Christmas
Wheelspin - Kompart: Oct
World Cup Golf - U.S.Gold
Worms - Team 17: God knows!!!
Z - Warner Interactive
Zeewolf 2 - Binary Asyluj: Oct

(Source: Amiga Joker (ECTS London) / Amiga Power)

     S O M E   T H O U G H T S   F R O M   T H E   E D I T O R 

 One of the things I do with my spare time is write an Amiga column for the
Watertown Area Computer Users' Group newsletter. Readers of this electronic
newsletter usually get any news first, but this month I had a few thoughts 
in that other newsletter which I thought I'd pass along (since that list
of games isn't all that long). Here they are:

 It's time for some positive thinking in the Amiga community. To
that end, I'd like to start this column with a quotation, pulled
from the Net just a few days ago. The quotation is from Petro Ty-
schtschenko, Senior Vice President Escom and General Manager of
production on September 21, while speaking at the SMAU computer
fair in Milano, Italy.
 "We are a young structure but there is already a date that will
be written in the Amiga history : On Monday, the 11th of Septem-
ber, the first Amiga built by Amiga Technologies came out of the
production line. Delivery of the first machines will follow next
week. To celebrate this event, we will hold a press conference on
the 10th of October in Bordeaux at our Solectron plant."
 Yes, folks, they're building them again. By the time you read
this, they should be shipping them again as well. These first
units will be A1200s bound for Europe, but it's a beginning.
 Mr. Tyschtschenko had a few other interesting things to say to
Amigans, so let's hear from him again.
 "we plan to enhance current models. We are thinking of faster
processors and chip integration for the beginning. We are going
to integrate the 68060 chip for the A4000T this year. For the en-
try-level model, we are looking at an external CD ROM addition
and more RAM onboard the bare units.
 "We are also planning to use the CD 32 concept for developments
of set-top-box systems. The set-top-boxes will open new markets
for Amiga products. Set-top-Boxes could be produced in variants
for cable-TV, satellite-TV and for telephone line communication
and also be used for home-shopping and home-banking. I'm con-
vinced that this market is tremendous and will push the Amiga
technology into millions of households. Software publishers
should be interested in writing software for such a widely spread
 I must admit I'm not all that certain what the set-top box mar-
ket is all about right now, but I like the tone of what I'm hear-
 Not all the activities in the Amiga market are confined to Eu-
rope. Softwood, the six person company that does for the Amiga's
applications software what it takes Microsoft to do less well for
the PC, has a few neat items up its sleeve. They have just
shipped Release Four of "Final Writer" and announced their pro-
fessional spreadsheet product, "Final Calc". I'm using Release
Four of "Final Writer" at this moment and plan to demonstrate it
at an upcoming meeting. By coincidence I've also been using
Microsoft's "Word 6" at work a great deal lately. While all pro-
grams have their strengths and weaknesses, I'm more comfortable
using "FinalWriter", which frankly surprised me. Incidentally,
there is a lot in common between the two word processors. It's
not advertised much, but the spelling checker and the grammar
checker in both programs are bought from other companies, not
written in house. In fact, they're exactly the same in both pro-
grams. If you feed the same text to "FinalWriter" and "Word 6",
you will have exactly the same results from these two features,
because both use exactly the same software engines.
 One area where "FinalWriter" is more to my liking is in its use
of the new "click tab technology", even though that was first
pioneered in PC programs. It's used in "FinalWriter" to access
pages and sections, something I can't use it for in "Word 6".
 For the game players in the audience, recent net postings indi-
cate quite a few new programs planned for the upcoming months. 
{See article above.} Most are still from the British houses, not 
surprising at this point.
 If you've been having trouble keeping up with Amiga news since
the demise of "AmigaWorld" there's something you can do about
that also. IDG, who published "AmigaWorld", didn't leave us en-
tirely in the lurch. They have launched an American version of
their popular British magazine "Amiga Computing". Available by
subscription only as nearly as I can tell, here's the information
on how to subscribe direct from their WWW home page:

"To apply for a subscription to Amiga Computing simply write to
the following address quoting which subscription you require,
your name, address and payment in US funds. Please quote ref:
9732 when ordering your subscription.

AMC Subs Dept, 460 Hillside Avenue, Hillside, New Jersey, 07205

    USA Standard 6 issues - $14
    USA Standard 12 issues - $28
    USA Gold 6 issues - $27
    USA Gold 12 issues - $54"

 Gold subscriptions have two coverdisks. Regular have only one.
All the magazines have product prices quoted in money that makes
sense on this side of the pond.
 Want AGA in a big box Amiga but don't have the cash to pick up a
new A4000T right now? (Besides it being impossible to get one for
some time to come, that is.) Well, another new software package
recently released may end your dilemma. This is an upgrade for
the Retina graphics board that for the first time can do excel-
lent AGA. It's not perfect, but after installing it I can now run
AMosaic in 256 color mode on my Workbench screen, making browsing
the World Wide Web as nice on my A3000 as on an A1200 or A4000.
The emulation is even good enough to allow me to play "MegaBall
AGA" in its AGA mode for the first time! If you have an older
Amiga and have been envious of the AGA users, this board and
software are a real chance to catch up.
 Hey! It's a lot of fun to write an upbeat column again!
    _    __      _    _<>    __      _     ||  Brad Webb - available at:
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  bandr@globaldialog.com
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  Portal -- XJumpdisk