-=========================================================================- _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || Amiga Update -News and Rumors /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ ||(A Very Ocassional Newsletter) / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ || BACK FOR THE FUTURE || -=========================================================================- AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 951204 Subjects: M O R E A B O U T W O R L D O F A M I G A , T O R O N T O F I R S T S H I P M E N T O F A 4 0 0 0 S I N A M E R I C A A M I G A S P E C S H E E T S A V A I L A B L E N O R T H A M E R I C A N D E A L E R L I S T Some interesting news today, most of it follow-ups and expansions of stories we've already touched on briefly. There's also one CORRECTION I need to make: earlier I had stated that MUI 3.X is not readily available. Actually, MUI (Magic User Interface) 3.1 demo version is very much available on the Internet. You should also be able to find it on most commercial services at this point. You'll need it to use the I-Browse demo version (Amiga web browser) and it will make the AMosaic web browser work better. Speaking of web browsing, most of the items here are readily availble on Amiga web sites. I'm running them because there are so few people who actually do Amiga web browsing. Let me know if this is a good thing, or if you'd prefer me to stick to items that are more difficult to locate. Brad ---------- World of Amiga Toronto 1995 Never has the future of the Amiga looked so bright! The World of Amiga show celebrates the revival of the Amiga computer with exciting exhibits and seminars from Amiga hardware and software developers, distributors and retailers. In April 1995 Escom AG surprised the Amiga market by purchasing the assets of Commodore Business Machines out from under several long time bidders. Since then a new company, Amiga Technologies GmbH was formed by Escom to handle production and development of the Amiga. The Amiga computer combines a lean and powerful operating system with excellent graphics hardware. Amiga graphics were made famous through their continued use on TV shows such as Babylon 5, Seaquest, and Star Trek Voyageur. The Amiga computer is able to do more with less resources than Macintosh or PC compatible computers, making it a very attractive production platform! Meet Amiga Technologies, see their new Amiga 4000T, and see new hardware and software for the Amiga from nearly 30 other exhibitors such as Phase 5, Soft-Logik, VillageTonic, DKB, Asimware Innovations, Lazarus Engineering, Oregon Research, and I.A.M.. Petro Tyschtschenko, the General Manager of Amiga Technologies GmbH will be giving a keynote address to exhibitors, press, and user-group representatives one hour before the show opens on Friday, December 8th. The show hours are: Friday, December 8th 4pm - 10pm Saturday, December 9th 10am - 6pm Sunday, December 10th 10am - 6pm Admission at the door is $8.00 per day or $20.00 for a three day pass. Planned seminar schedule*: Amiga on the Internet Fri. 5:00 pm - 5:40 pm Scala Multimedia Production Fri. 7:00 pm - 7:40 pm Amiga-PC Connectivity with LinkIt Fri. 8:00 pm - 8:40 pm CD-ROMs and your Amiga Sat. 11:00 am - 11:40 am Practical Modelling in Lightwave 3D Sat. 12:00 pm - 12:40 pm PC and Macintosh Emulation Sat. 1:00 pm - 1:40 pm Professional 3D Graphics with Cinema 4D Sat. 2:00 pm - 2:40 pm Structured Drawing with DesignWorks v2.0 Sat. 3:00 pm - 3:40 pm Non Linear Video Editing Sat. 4:00 pm - 4:40 pm Creating CD-ROMs on the Amiga Sun. 11:00 am - 11:40 am 3d Digitizing with the Vertisketch Sun. 12:00 pm - 12:40 pm How to Make Money with Multimedia Applications Sun. 1:00 pm - 2:40 pm AMIGA: Back for the future! * seminar schedule subject to change without notice +------------------------------------------+ | Steven Vetzal svetzal@wonder.ca | | WCi Information Technology Division Head | | Leading Edge Computing, Amiga Innovation | +------------------------------------------+ ---------- A 4 0 0 0 s N O W S H I P P I N G - A N D A W A R N I N G ! P L E A S E N O T E ! From: Paul Bielski <ir001167@interramp.com> Subject: The Amiga A4000T Ships ! Date sent: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 14:07:05 -0500 Tuesday, November 28 At approximately noon today, the first shipment of A4000T systems arrived at our warehouse. We are turning these systems around immediately. Some dealers have requested that part of their first orders be sent overnight. All will be on their way to dealers tomorrow. Not all dealers who are authorized have ordered systems. Please note well - We have received several reports of consumers buying systems - and paying for them - from unauthorized dealers. There are no systems going to unauthorized dealers. BE CAREFUL {SEE below for a list of authorized dealers. Brad} ---------- A M I G A S P E C S H E E T S A V A I A L A B L E From: Paul Bielski <ir001167@interramp.com> To: "'Steve Rifkin'" <steve@batc.allied.com> Subject: RE: Amiga Specifications Date sent: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 15:42:15 -0500 Steve, There are complete spec sheets for the A4000T, A1200 and the M1438S monitor. All (potential) dealers received a set as part of their dealer application kits. We will be shipping quantity lots of these sheets to all authorized dealers who have purchased systems. If we have sufficient quantities remaining, we will be sending spec sheets to all authorized dealers. You should be able to get these from these dealers. Simply because of the sheet volume involved, we cannot provide these sheets and other materials to individuals and non-authorized dealers. The Amigas come with a four (4) month Amiga Technology warranty, and and eight (8) months SMG extended warranty. The net for the customer is one (1) year of coverage at no cost (except getting the unit to their selling dealer or an authorized repair center.) We will pay the return freight to the consumer. Since we've never had to repair any yet under the new program, I cannot say from experience what the turnaround will be. We have set very specific targets of five (5) days total. As of today, 11-29, there is one (1) authorized dealer in Maryland: Kipp Visual Systems in Baltimore. (410) 732-5870 and Gaithersburg (301) 670-7906. One (1) other dealership in Maryland has requested an application but has not returned it. The new Amigas have indeed shipped. The first orders arrived and are on their way to dealers. Paul Bielski / SMG ---------- North American Authorized Dealer List December 1, 1995. Dealer Name City State/Prov Phone New Computer Shop of Calgary, Ltd. Calgary AB CAN 403-243-4356 Desktop Computing Red Deer AB CAN 403-342-4444 Software Supermart Edmonton AB CAN 403-425-0691 VFX Video, Inc. Richmond BC CAN 604-244-3000 J.L. Fotovideo Camera Ctrs. Winnipeg MB CAN 204-475-8730 Corey's Computing Winnipeg MB CAN 204-654-3194 Young Monkey Studio Fredericton NB CAN 506-459-7088 Atlantis Kobetek, Inc. Halifax NS CAN 402-422-6556 * Comspec Communications Toronto ON CAN 416-785-3553 Randomize Computers Tottenham ON CAN 905-939-8391 The Computer & You Etobicoke ON CAN 416-231-0205 Legendary Design Technologies Brantford ON CAN 919-753-6120 Wonder Computers, Inc. Ottawa ON CAN 613-226-0000 Valley Soft Pembroke ON CAN 613-732-7700 Cancom Audio Visual Inc. Markham ON CAN 905-470-0466 J.L. Fotovideo Camera Ctrs. Hamilton ON CAN 905-575-3000 Altair Electronics, Ltd. Kingston ON CAN 613-384-3876 Media Direct Orillia ON CAN 705-327-7583 National Amiga Canada Oakville ON CAN 905-845-1949 Electronics 2000 Thunder Bay ON CAN 807-577-1759 Atlas Computers & Consulting Sudbury ON CAN 705-522-1923 APIX Systems North York ON CAN 416-750-9909 Forest Diskasaurus Forest ON CAN 519-786-2454 OBY's Amigo Computing Shop Sudbury ON CAN 705-524-5826 Informatique Richard Lamond Lac Des 16 Iles QU CAN 514-227-3799 Centre Maxi-Mini Amos QU CAN 819-732-6464 Wentek Scottsdale AZ USA 602-483-7200 SoftWood, Inc. Phoenix AZ USA 800-247-8314 TS Computers North Hollywood CA USA 818-760-4445 The Lively Computer La Mesa CA USA 619-589-9455 Visionsoft Carmel CA USA 408-626-2633 Wave Systems San Diego CA USA 619-495-9238 Alex Electronics Paradise CA USA 916-872-0896 The Computer Room Aurora CO USA 303-696-8973 Infotronics Woodbury CT USA 203-263-5350 Derrick Electronics Hamden CT USA 203-248-7227 Softown, Inc. Danbury CT USA 203-797-8080 Videology Newtown CT USA 203-270-9000 * DeVine Computer Sales Newark DE USA 302-738-9046 Computer Video Associates Pinellas Park FL USA 813-576-5242 Harddrivers Co. Merrit Island FL USA 407-453-5805 Centennial Video Systems Miami FL USA 305-633-2200 * ACS Computer & Video Norcross GA USA 404-263-9190 Showcase Video Atlanta GA USA 404-325-7676 Maxximum Video Creations Boise ID USA 208-322-3091 Blackrock Computers Plus Pocatello ID USA 208-323-0012 Select Solutions Champaign IL USA 800-322-1261 MicroTech Solutions Aurora IL USA 708-851-3033 Ring Video Systems Riverside IL USA 708-442-0009 Desktop Video Systems Lenexa KS USA 913-782-8888 Smith Audio Visual, Inc. Topeka KS USA 913-235-3481 Kipp Visual Systems Baltimore MD USA 301-670-7906 Amiga Crossing Cumberland ME USA 207-829-3959 Spectrum Computer Product Prudenville MI USA 517-366-8569 Slipped Disk Madison Heights MI USA 810-546-3475 A/V Solutions St. Paul MN USA 612-698-1175 Alpha Video Edina MN USA 800-388-0008 VIP Systems, Inc. Chapel Hill NC USA 919-968-9477 Magic Page Products Winston-Salem NC USA 910-785-3695 Amicom Computer Technology Omaha NE USA 402-556-6160 Sir Render A/V Mays Landing NJ USA 609-625-0472 Electro-Tech Las Vegas NV USA 702-435-3201 Amigo Business Computers East Northport NY USA 516-757-7334 Mr. Hardware Central Islip NY USA 516-234-8110 Seismic Business Systems Poughkeepsie NY USA 914-462-4518 Tri-State Camera, Inc. New York NY USA 212-633-2290 The Microworks Buffalo NY USA 716-873-1856 Paxtron Corporation Spring Valley NY USA 914-578-6522 CTL Electronics New York NY USA 212-233-0754 Copperhead Technologies Schenectady NY USA 518-346-3894 T.J.'s Unlimited Rochester NY USA 716-225-5810 Compuquick Media Center Columbus OH USA 614-235-1180 AVM Solutions, Inc. Miamisburg OH USA 513-859-5657 Computer Users Springfield OR USA 541-726-8500 Clackamas Computers Clackamas OR USA 503-650-0379 Magic Box, Inc. Corvallis OR USA 541-752-5654 Mega Bytes Pittsburgh PA USA 412-653-9050 British Magazine Dist., Inc. Hermitage PA USA 412-962-1218 J&C Repair Rockton PA USA 814-583-5838 CDR Systems Pittsburgh PA USA 412-351-1700 Kasara Microsystems Hilton Head SC USA 803-842-5058 Via Video Interaction Knoxville TN USA 423-687-4328 Computer Ease Corpus Christi TX USA 512-882-2275 Metropolitan Computer Products Dallas TX USA 214-702-9119 * Microsearch Houston TX USA 713-988-2818 * Amiga Northwest Studio Bothell WA USA 206-488-5664 Safe Harbor Waukesha WI USA 800-544-6599 Taylor Pro Audio / Video Wauwatosa WI USA 414-778-0944 Any of these dealers can process your Amiga order. If your local dealer does not appear on the list, encourage them to sign up. Dealers can contact us via phone at (410) 715-6850, via Fax at (410) 992-9979 or (410) 715-6850, via Internet email at pbielski@interramp.com, or via CompuServe mail at 72060,3271. -=========================================================================- _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || Brad Webb - available at: /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || webb@malamute.med.ge.com /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || bandr@globaldialog.com / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ || Portal -- XJumpdisk -=========================================================================-