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   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||(A Very Ocassional Newsletter)
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AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH

                    A B O U T   T O D A Y ' S   I S S U E 

 We have an actual press release about the "Amiga Surfer" today. We've provided
some information about this product before but this is a comprehensive report
direct from Bensheim.
 Also included is a report on the stand-alone Amiga Web browser from Vaporware.
(Yes, that's a real software company and they have a good reputation, name
notwithstanding.) The press release is written in a breathless and hype filled
style, but still manages to convey some interesting information. I expected the 
standalone browser and the one in the Surfer to be the same. Interestingly, the 
names are different in these two reports. Whatever the relationship is, it's 
good to have an actual, completed browser becoming available for the Amiga. Both
current browsers that people can get copies of and use are unfinished packages 
(AMosaic and I-Browse).
 Finally, we have an interesting story for you on arrangements to license the
Amiga chip set for TV set top boxes. This market has the potential to 
introduce thousands of people to the Amiga. Brad

                A M I G A   S U R F E R   A V A I L A B L E !

Bensheim 22.01.96 

The "AMIGA Surfer" pack will hit the shelves at the end of January 1996. 

The "AMIGA Surfer" consists of an Amiga A1200HD multimedia system fitted with 
260MB hard drive and two megabytes of RAM, together with a complete suite of 
Internet software and a 14,400bps modem. The package will be priced at 
approximately USD 720 (exclusive of VAT). This complete solution from Amiga 
Technologies is the cheapest available plug & play Internet bundle. 

The Amiga A1200 is video-compatible and can be easily connected to a Television 
set, saving the additional cost of a monitor. 

Other Internet options soon to be available from Amiga Technologies include: the
"Surfkit", a package consisting of the Internet software suite and modem, at an 
approximate price of USD 190 (excluding VAT). A package call "Surfware" is also 
being planned which will provide the Internet software alone. 

All packs will include an option to connect to the IBM Internet Link and get 
100 hours free connection. 

About the Internet Software: 

    MUI3.2: Magic User Interface is an Amiga-OS extension that makes dedicated 
    applications more ergonomic with a friendlier user interface. With MUI, the 
    user can also customise and configure their applications individually. 
    AS 225 R2: A new and completely reworked version of the original AMIGA 
    TCP/IP software is provided. This software handles the connection between 
    the Amiga and the network. 
    Mindwalker: The WWW Browser with MUI-support: A full featured graphical 
    World Wide Web Browser that can handle forms, bookmarks, search functions, 
    hotlinks and many more. 
    AMIRC: The IRC Client with elegant MUI interface, gives access to the 
    "Internet Relay Chat", where one can participate on-line and in real-time 
    to discussion forums. Several thousands of users meet here daily to discuss 
    various topics. Binary files can also be sent among users using AMIRC. 
    AMFTP: The FTP Client also uses the MUI-extension. The graphical interface 
    of AMFTP makes the handling of files and directories from distant servers 
    very effective and comfortable. The program works as a file-manager and 
    gives access to tremendous amounts of Amiga software available on the 
    Voodoo: The included E-mail manager is a fully new development and supports 
    the "Mime-standard" to send, receive and view graphics and other binary 
    files easily. UU-Encoded binary files are also supported. The advanced user 
    interface of Voodoo helps to handle electronic mail quickly and easily. 

The Surfer pack also includes the popular Amiga Magic Bundle's productivity 
software of a wordprocessor, spreadsheet, database, organiser and graphic tools. 


       W E B V O Y A G E R   A N N O U N C E D    B Y   V A P O R W A R E  

You Are Going Places

Vaporware is proud to announce WebVoyager
Your Amiga's Gateway to the World Wide Web

WebVoyager is the premium Amiga Web Browser, taking Amiga Web Surfing to totally 
new heights!

It's fully multithreaded! 
    Open several windows at the same time, visiting different places on the Web 
It's asynchronous! 
    Browse a document while it is still loading. See images appearing 
    incrementally during load. 
It's compatible! 
    WebVoyager supports HTML-1, HTML-2 and the proposed HTML-3 features. It 
    also supports most of the proprietary Netscape and Microsoft HTML 
It's comfortable! 
    It has a great bookmarking system for easy storage and managment of often 
    visited URLs. 
It's configurable! 
    Specify proxies or your favorite external applications for all kind of URL 
    methods. Use any viewer you want for any media type. There's full datatype 
    support, of course. 
It's faaaaast! 
    Recent checks shows that WebVoyager is the fastest browser available for 
    AmigaOS -- during load, layout and display. It provides decent speeds even 
    on low end Amiga platforms. 
It's Amiga! 
    WebVoyager's User Interface shows the best of up-to-date Amiga technology: 
    Drag & Drop objects around. Configure the GUI look to your likes. Use ARexx 
    to remote control it. 

Expect a first demontration version of Voyager to be available in February 1996.

           A M I G A   A N D   V I S C O R P   J O I N   F O R C E S 
                       F O R   S E T   T O P   B O X E S 

VISCORP agreement complete
Bensheim 23/01/96 

Chicago - January 12, 1996 - Visual Information Service Corp. (VISCORP), an 
INTERACTIVE TV developer headquartered in Chicago, Illinois and AMIGA 
Technologies GmbH, headquartered in Bensheim, Germany, have finalized an 
international license agreement to adapt, utilize, license and distribute the 
AMIGA technology within VISCORP's interactive intelligent set-top TV appliance 
- Electronic Device (ED). The license authorizes VISCORP the right to use, 
re-license and distribute the AMIGA operating system and compatible parts of
current versions of the technologies where the AMIGA products are used as, or 
as part of, interactive television devices. 

In 1995, ESCOM AG acquired all Commodore and AMIGA licenses, patents and 
trademarks. Amiga is an acknowledged leader in the computer industry in the 
area of providing high-quality graphics for monitors and television broadcasts 
through their sophisticated chip sets. The combination of the AMIGA 
hardware/software technologies and intuitive operating system makes them a 
viable contender in the development of high-speed delivery for complex graphic 
programming. The AMIGA technology can import and adapt software to the
set-top box with minimal changes. 

By employing the sophisticated AMIGA chip set, VISCORP will have the ability to 
provide a complex set-top appliance with multitasking functions to integrate 
affordably the TV set, phone line, and network service providers. This ability 
has not yet been offered or available through existing systems" said Jerome 
Greenberg, VISCORP's chairman of the board. "By utilizing our unique set top 
appliance and incorporating the AMIGA technology, VISCORP is able to provide a 
complete practical solution for interactive TV-services, and now the ability to 
access the Internet through a standard TV set with pricing that makes sense for 
the average TV viewer". 

The integration of the AMIGA system with the VISCORP set-top appliance will 
allow access to the Internet, on-line services and voice "chat" programs through 
the TV set. As planned, ED will access any on-line services and any address on 
the Internet's superhighway. Access can be though a TV remote, a computer 
keyboard, a touch-sensitive pen or the microphone in the ED. Additional plans 
will enable consumers to play games (e.g., individually, against a networked 
opponent), or enable home shopping, electronic banking, and enable a subscriber 
to gain access to information services through a TV set. 


VISCORP develops and markets a brand of cost effective set-top appliances for 
the home, business, government and educational users of interactive TV devices. 
VISCORP's set-top device integrates the television and telephone line to access 
on-line services, interactive applications and direct Internet service through 
the TV set. Through blending of the existing VISCORP set-top TV appliance and 
the AMIGA technology, VISCORP will be able to provide a gateway for every 
household to enter into the age of interactive services at a cost-effective 
price and user friendly environment. 

Information about Amiga Technologies GmbH is available on the URL 
    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  Brad Webb - available at:
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  bandr@globaldialog.com
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  Portal -- XJumpdisk