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   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||(A Very Ocassional Newsletter)
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AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH

            M O R E   I N F O   O N   N E W   M O D E L

       D E V E L O P E R S   M E E T I N G   A T   C E B I T

            I N F O   O N   A M I G A   W O R LD    U K 

Snooping last night on the home page for Amiga Technolgies, I discovered
some subtle differences in a press release which we'd run in a 
recent issue. The differences dealt with the new Amiga model codenamed
Walker, which we dealt with in the last issue. It seems AT had a pleasant
surprise in store for us. I thought we'd re-run the modified press release 
for you, which is why you're getting another issue so soon. There's much 
to be said for doing this newsletter in a paperless form - electrons cost 
much less than paper.

As long as we're putting out another issue so soon, we might as well 
include other interesting items just discovered.

Our second story is a recent posting of the notice for a developers'
conference which was held as part of the CeBIT fair in Hannover. We'd 
like to have some information on who was there - and how many were there.
We'll see what we can find out.

Finally, since we're going over some familiar ground this issue, we end
with an announcement about the upcoming World of Amiga show in the UK.
This is also a re-write and elaboration of an anouncement published 
earlier. We'll try to have more information about the show once it's 
actually held.

             M O D I F I E D   P R E S S   R E L E A S E

AMIGA Technologies GmbH with ESCOM at the CeBIT 96

Amiga Surfer, new AMIGA Prototype, Information about the PowerPC Project

For the first time in over two years, AMIGA computers will be presented 
again officially by the manufacturer at the largest computer fair in the 
world: The CeBIT. From 14th to 20th of March, AMIGA Technologies GmbH will 
be represented on the ESCOM booth in hall 11 with new products. AMIGA 
computers will also be seen on the Microvitec and Motorola booths.

The AMIGA-Surfer, a complete Internet computer with software, modem, 
connection and free hours is now available at a price of 1199 DM. The 
Surfer can be connected to a TV set or to a standard VGA monitor. The 
solution is based on the AMIGA 1200 with a 260 MB harddrive, 2 MB of RAM 
and a 14,400 bps modem. Thanks to its resource-saving features, the highly
optimized AMIGA-OS makes cost-effective solutions like the Surfer possible.
Also the excellent multitasking abilities of its OS makes the AMIGA the 
ideal multimedia and Internet machine.

A prototype of the new AMIGA will be shown for the first time worldwide at 
the CeBIT fair in Hannover, Germany. AMIGA Technologies GmbH will hereby 
expand the AMIGA product line for the advanced home user and the semi-
professional market. Modularity, futuristic design and expansion capability
are the main edges of the new product.

{New Information in following Paragraph - CDROM sentence. Brad}
The motherboard features two SIMM sockets, on which the memory can be 
increasedup to 128 MB. This AMIGA comes standard with a quad-speed CD-ROM 
drive. The main processor used will be the 680EC30 / 40 MHz. This 
combination allows a product at a tight price with a good computing power.
With the available flexible expansion bus, turbo cards with processors like
the 68060 or the PowerPC will be easily installable.

This expansion bus can also be used with graphics cards, multi-serial 
cards, MPEG cards etc. The modular concept makes the addition of further 
slots possible, so that the user can define how many expansion slots he 
will have in his machine. This way, the basic machine can be turned into a
tower. This design concept will be the base of the coming AMIGA Generation.

The new AMIGA will be shipped with a revisited version 3.2 of the AMIGA-OS.
New features and many enhancements will give the system more power and 

The PowerPC project is also moving forward. Thanks to the close cooperation
with Motorola and Phase 5, the porting of the AMIGA-OS will be achieved 
within the announced schedule. The first Power AMIGA will be available 
early in 1997, as planned. Until then, it is also foreseeable that Phase 5
will release the first PowerPC cards for existing AMIGAs. The development 
of the OS is led by former top AMIGA engineers.

Info: Gilles Bourdin / Public Relations
AMIGA Technologies - Berliner Ring 89 - D-64625 Bensheim
Tel +49 6252 709 195 - Fax +49 6252 709 520
email <gbo@amiga.de>


 A M I G A   D E V E L O P E R S '   M E E T I N G   A T   C E B I T

I suppose it's not surprising that CeBIT, the premier German computer
show, would become an important part of the new Amiga Technolgies approach
to doing business. At the show just now ending, AT called a developers'
conference. We thought you might like to see the announcemet. Brad

AMIGA Technologies Invites Developers to Meet on CeBIT 96

Amiga Technologies Developer meeting

Bensheim, 06/03/96

Amiga Technologies will hold two developer meetings during the CeBIT fair 
in Hannover, on the 18th and 19th of March 1996 at 14:00.

These meetings will take place on the Motorola booth in "Halle 14 Stand
D22", big conference room.

Both meetings will be of identical contents, the reason why it has been 
decided to hold two meetings is that there is a maximum capacity of 30 
people per session in the conference room on the Motorola booth.

Please understand that since we have limited capacity, not all applicants 
will be able to come.

Please also consider that this is a developer only meeting, reserved for
hardware engineers and software programmers. No press or dealers will be
allowed in the conference room.

The first applicants to register for the meeting will have the best chances
to get a seat.

To register, please send in your application at peterk@amiga.de or by fax 
at +49 6251 802 179, attn: Dr. Peter Kittel, before March 10th. You will 
then be notified wether or not you can participate and if yes, for which 
day you are scheduled.

Best regards, Gilles Bourdin.

Info: Gilles Bourdin / Public Relations
AMIGA Technologies - Berliner Ring 89 - D-64625 Bensheim
Tel +49 6252 709 195 - Fax +49 6252 709 520
email <gbo@amiga.de>


 A M I G A   S E T   T O   R E T U R N   T O   C E N T R E   S T A G E

 W I T H   M A J O R   N E W   N A T I O N A L   S H O W C A S E  ( U K )

The Amiga is set to return to centre stage on the UK computer scene with a
major new showcase event to be held in APRIL.

Sponsored by Amiga Technologies GmbH, the German based subsidiary of Escom,
the show is being developed to effectively relaunch the Amiga following the 
rescue of the machine from the ruins of Commodore.

World of Amiga '96 has been designed as a major public platform to 
rehabilitate the Amiga in the eyes of the existing user base - as well as a
potential new generation of Amigans - and to provide the Amiga business 
sector with a significant source of revenue.

All the top Amiga companies are expected to attend the event - to be held
on Saturday and Sunday, April 13 / 14 at the Novatel, Hammersmith.

Supported by all the major Amiga titles, the show line up will include:

   - Amiga Technologies GmbH which will use the event to unveil
     all the latest development for the Amiga. (Though yet to be
     confirmed, it is expected that the new Amiga 1200+ will have
     its first public showing in the uk at the event.)

   - Key software developers, many of whom have been holding Amiga
     packages on the backburner in the light of recent problems,
     but are now rushing to complete them in time to use the event
     as a launch pad.

   - Add on developers whose interest in the Amiga has been
     stimulated once again.

   - Amiga distributors.

   - Amiga dealers from throughout the UK.


   - A Games Arcade

   - High End Applications

   - Retailers

   - Technical Advice Centre ( Being Manned by ICPUG )

World of Amiga organisers PBA Events has retained the services of one of 
the most experienced show promotion agencies in this sector, Cape Cowley
Associates, to ensure a well attended event. CCA has previously been
responsible for the launch of ECTS, Computer Shopper and the Future
Entertainment Show.

"All the components are in place for an AMIGA event, like of which we 
have not seen since the hey day of the machine," says Peter Brameld of PBA

"We have a new and well financed manufacturer behind both the machine and 
the event, all the Amiga mags have promised active support, all third 
parties are eager to make money - and there is still a substantial user 
base out there."

"Just how substantial can be seen by the fact on leading games house 
recently sold 50,000 units of an Amiga version of one of its blockbuster 
titles. Now if that doesn't prove there is still life in this sector, I 
don't know what does."

"World of Amiga '96 will provide the catalyst for the rebirth of the Amiga.
So let the good times roll again......"
    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  Brad Webb - available at:
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  bandr@globaldialog.com
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  Portal -- XJumpdisk