    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||(A Very Ocassional Newsletter)
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            BACK FOR THE FUTURE            ||
AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH

          M O R E   O N   T H E   W A L K E R   -     E V E N   
                 A   P I C T U R E   ( S O R T   O F )

                      N E W   E S C O M   C E O

                A M I G A   C O N V E N T I O N   ' 9 6 

 We keep trying to bring you up to date information on the newest Amiga,
currently called "Project Walker" until an official designation is chosen.
Maybe they'll improve on the Walker name by using something with much 
more pizzaz, like, oh - A1300. We hope not! Anyway, additional information
keeps coming out, so we keep talking about it.
 It seems Escom continues to respond to the computer industry crunch in 
Europe. The new head of Escom comes ultimately from European Commodore,
(with a detour to IBM) which was a successful venture - not at all like the
US headquarters operation.
 Finally, if you can get to Canada later this year, you can have the fun
that can only be found at an Amiga computer show. We wish we could make
it (maybe next year).

 The following is the new official Project Walker page taken from the
Amiga Technologies WWW site. This is the definitive word on the new
computer at least for now. Brad
New AMIGA Prototype: Project 'Walker'

Why 'Walker'?

Hm. Tough one. Elder brother to the 'Surfer'? Small step for AMIGA,
large step for AMIGAkind? The name is not fixed yet, we plan to do a
competition to name the machine together with leading AMIGA magazines.

 Why such a design for the 'Walker'?

Its a "like-it-or-not"-design which hopefully many people will proudly put
on top of their desktops instead of hiding it away, for the strong
dislikers the motherboard may be sold separately.  Anyway, the design is
not boring !

What does the 'Walker' sport internally ?

 CPU MC68(EC?)030, clocked at 40 Megahertz in asynchronous design
 FPU socket
 realtime clock onboard
 2 SIMM sockets for RAM expansion upto 96 MB
 1 (or maybe 2) MB Chip RAM and 4 MB Fast RAM planned for shipping
 new powerful expansion slot allowing CPU / Zorro / PCI / Video slots
 flexibility and modularity as major design goals
 standard "LPX" PC board size and drillings
 external keyboard, jacks for this and for mouse/joystick at the front
 SuperIO chip included featuring (in addition to the old interfaces):

 enhanced parallel port (EPP), bidirectional, 24-bit support for
 printer.device possible due to speedier operation
 faster serial port with FIFO buffer
 MIDI (not specified yet for Out, In or Through)
 EIDE interface for hard- and CD-ROM-drives
 floppy interface for PC HD floppies

 What is the trick with the 'Walker' case?

In the base version, it consists of a bottom and a top part. The bottom
part takes the mainboard and diverse connectors. The top part contains
the drives, mainly the CD-ROM. In between, you can put a middle part.
A daughterboard plugs into the expansion connector of the mainboard
and carries standard CPU and/or Zorro and/or Video and/or PCI slots
or whatever else will be created. Many different types of daughterboards
can be envisioned, for example only with PCI slots or with one CPU slot
and two combined Zorro/Video slots. Depending on the daughterboard,
the middle part can be of varying heights, all the way up to a full tower.

When is the 'Walker' scheduled to arrive on the market?

We're planning to ship at the end of summer, hopefully around or shortly
after the 'CeBIT Home' trade fair.

What will the 'Walker' cost?

Due to the somewhat 'speculative' ;-) PC market for components, the price
of the 'Walker' cannot be fixed yet, because it largely depends on PC mass
market components like CD-ROMs, floppy drives, SIMMs etc., whose prices are
subject to change due to tidal, financial, social, rural or whatsoever

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 ASCII representation of the Walker. The case is charcoal grey, with a 
 modern sculptured look and four little legs near the corners - hence the
 "Walker" name we guess. In the top bay in front is the quad speed CD 
 drive, and just below that, the floppy drive. To the right on the lower 
 edge as you look at the computer are the mouse and keyboard ports. There 
 are some cooling slots on the lower left front.
  The image should be roughly square. Your font may stretch it top to
  Well, this will never win a photo contest but it's the best we can do
 in an ASCII publication. We thought we'd run it for those who haven't
 seen any photos of the new machine. Best viewed from a distance. Brad
 (C) AmigaUpdate 1996 - mention us if you reproduce this image? - thanks!

 E S C O M   H A S   N E W   C H I E F   E X E C U T I V E   O F F I C E R

Helmut Jost new CEO of ESCOM AG, Manfred Schmitt to quit Board

Bochum/Heppenheim, 27 March 1996.
 The Supervisory Board of ESCOM AG has appointed Helmut Jost (43) as
Member of the Board of ESCOM AG with effect from 1 April, 1996. He will
replace Manfred Schmitt as the company's CEO. Mr. Schmitt's desire to leave
the Board of ESCOM AG has been accepted by the Supervisory Board. He is to
quit his post on 31 March, 1996. Mr. Schmitt will continue to serve the
company as a consultant.

 Helmut Jost has been in the European PC business for many years. After
moving up the ranks at Commodore (where he was ultimately the Managing
Director of Commodore GmbH and Vice President International), Helmut Jost
accepted a post on the board of ESCOM AG in 1993, where he was responsible
for the Sales and Marketing functions and for the management of
subsidiaries. Since November 1995, he has been head of IBM's German PC

 In Helmut Jost, ESCOM has succeeded in winning back a man with an
outstanding knowledge of the company and its markets.

 Info: Dr. Bernd Wirsing / Public Relations
ESCOM AG - Tiergartenstr. 9 - D-64646 Heppenheim - Germany
Tel +49 6252 709 193 - Fax +49 6252 709 417


              A M I G A   C O N V E N T I O N  ' 9 6

         The Official Info Pack on the Amiga Convention '96

     In August, in Montreal, the fourth annual Amiga Convention
will take place!  This convention will gather the Amiga community
together from all across the world to show its support for the
Amiga!  We hope to make this show an event in the long fight to
make the Amiga a well known computer in North America again.

WHY:  We are putting on the Amiga Convention '96 (AC 96) to
      support our favorite computer, the Amiga!  We feel that
      for too long, the Amiga has been ignored, and now that
      the Amiga is owned by people who actually will support
      it well, we want to help them out in any way we can.
      We also want to get a lot of people together to have a
      really cool time!

WHERE: The Howard Johnson Hotel in Montreal, large enough to hold
       over 1,000 people, not including the surrounding rooms.

ADDRESS:  Howard Johnson
          475 Sherbrooke West Street
          Montreal (Quebec)
          H3A 2L9

WHEN   :  3 & 4 of August 1996

TIME   : 10:00 - 20:00 (8:00 PM) Saturday
          9:00 - 18:00 (6:00 PM) Sunday

ENTRANCE COST: 7 Canadian dollars


Gfx (3d)

1st place : $300
2nd place : $200
3rd place : $100

Music (mod 4 chan.)

1st place : $300
2nd place : $200
3rd place : $100

Demo (2 megs max.)

1st place : $500
2nd place : $300
3rd place : $100

COST FOR RENTING TABLES : $150 - 1 day,  $250 - 2 days, for
                          one table of 6' by 3' and chairs.
                          These tables are aimed towards
                          dealers and developers.

FREE TABLES:  We will also have free tables at AC'96, for
              anyone who wishes to BRING THEIR AMIGA, whether
              to show off something cool, or just to help
              someone else who might need one at the time.
              However, at the free tables you get less space
              than the pay tables, it is first-come first-
              serve, and you cannot sell products at the
              tables!  That is strictly for the rented tables.

ACCESABILITY:  The show is easily accesable by bus and subway,
               as well as having lots of parking space in the
               vicinity for cars.

WHY DEALERS SHOULD COME:  At AC'96, we offer tables at an
                          incredibly rate, a price which
                          includes electrical outlets and
                          electricity. You also get the
                          chance to show and sell your
                          wares to a crowd of Amiga owners,
                          all of whom have money to spend
                          and are influenced by how big a
                          prescence you have at the show.

WHY PEOPLE SHOULD COME:   AC'96 will have stands from many
                          major dealers and developers. It will
                          also have a lot of friendly Amiga
                          owners there, plus a booming sound
                          system and TV setup that will show
                          crazy demos and products. It will be
                          a wild good time for all!
                          BRING YOUR AMIGA AND HAVE A BALL

* Just 5 minutess walking distance from the Metro Station

* We will have Audio/visual equipment setup for presentations of
  demos, programs, hardware, new products, etc.

* The Howard Johnson has a Restaurant, a Bar, and more.

* For special room rates please contact us or the hotel.


     If you want to buy a table, get more information on the
show, or just talk to the organizers, e-mail either
<moogy@generation.net> or <stargate@phoque.info.uqam.ca>, or
call (514)-649-9756 (in Canada) and ask for Frederic
or (514)-933-8095 (in Canada) and ask for Jeremie.
regarding the Amiga Convention '96.  You can also mail the
organizers at:

     Frederic Tessier
     922 Deschamps
     Sainte-Julie (Quebec)
     J3E 1N9

    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  Brad Webb - available at:
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  bandr@globaldialog.com
 /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  Portal -- XJumpdisk