-=========================================================================- _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || Amiga Update -News and Rumors /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ ||(A Very Occasional Newsletter) / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ || BACK FOR THE FUTURE || -=========================================================================- AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technolgies, GmbH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 960503 S M G - O F F T H E D E E P E N D ? A M I G A S H O W I N B E L G I U M C R O N U S A N N O U N C E S W E B S I T E A M I G A S H A R E W E B S I T E L A Y O F F S R U M O R E D A T A M I G A T E C H A quick note on past issues - you can find all Amiga Updates so far published at www.globaldialog.com/AdventureCentral/brad.html. Jeffrey Hoffman at Safe Harbor computers has recently created a very nice html version on their home page. It's at www.sharbor.com. Their entire web presence is one of the best thought out and implemented I've seen. Worth a look, even if you don't actually own an Amiga. (They support PCs, too.) About this issue: We've recently picked up a lot of rumors on the Internet about substantial layoffs at Amiga Technolgies. The rumors are consistent in mentioning up to 3/4 of the staff. This is worisome, but on the other hand such cutbacks are actually normal when a company is sold. Apparently the "brain trust" pretty much remains intact. We'll continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed. We've also included some sample posts at the end of the newsletter so yuu can get a flavor of the discussion. You'll want to be sitting down when you read our first story this time. We spotted this last Friday but didn't run it right away for two reasons. First, even though we have no set schedule so we can publish when there's something to say, we ran a lot of issues in April with all the activity in the Amiga community. Second, we wanted to wait a few days to see if there were any replies or responses to this article from other members of the Amiga community. There were none. That may make sense to you once you've read it. We'll have some comments afterwards. For now, we'll just say no, this is not a joke. Brad. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- S M G A N N O U N C E M E N T Friday, April 26, 1996 All Amiga Dealers, Suppliers and Consumers the Service Management Group, inc. SMG Exits the Amiga Market The Service Management Group is ceasing all sales, administrative and support activities for Amiga Technologies products in North America. This action is effective immediately. The SMG regrets taking these actions, but the worsening situation with Amiga Technologies, an unscrupulous distribution system, and the wholesale de-emphasis of support, leaves us no choice. Despite the SMG's best efforts to provide fairly priced and well supported Amiga systems, Amiga Technologies and the North American Amiga market has deteriorated irretrievably. Conscience mandates that we no longer participate. The SMG will continue to support dealers who purchased systems from the SMG throughout the warranty period. This support is contingent on our ability to obtain replacement parts from Amiga Technologies. Although Amiga Technologies is contractually obligated to support these systems, they have shown little regard for their commitments. The Service Management Group has directly provided or administered all Amiga support for Commodore Business Machines and Amiga Technologies since 1990. More than 14,000 Amiga owners have relied on SMG support programs. The SMG designed and managed Gold Service Program was recognized by Fortune in 1991. The Extended Warranty Program and Third Party Product coverage gave Amiga owners world class support. Commodore executives routinely enjoyed the accolades of the trade press and customer praise for these service programs. The SMG did not seek the Amiga Technologies business. After six arduous years of working intimately with Commodore and a very painful and costly CBM bankruptcy, the SMG had had enough. Despite the past trials, we believed in the Amiga, the many good dealers and consumers. We were flattered when Amiga Technologies described us as "the only honest player" in the market. We were seduced when they said that, without our support, the Amiga could not return. After six years of supporting the Amiga, we bid you farewell. Being of character and conscience we refuse to participate in a business that holds its dealers and consumers in such low regard. When management philosophy espouses the tenets of P.T. Barnum, it is time to leave. We depart with some words from John C. Dvorak, in the May 14, 1996 issue of PC Magazine: "The whole lame situation reminds me of what happened to the Amiga. " [they] were mostly jerks." In the beginning our hopes for a reborn Amiga soared, but the dream of the Phoenix was lost almost immediately. Amiga Technologies was bewildered by even the most basic business decision. Despite futile attempts to help, error begat error at an alarming rate. Soon overwhelmed, the goal was no longer to help the Amiga rise from the ashes, but to cloak management with the illusion of competency. Personal survival became the only objective. Faced with a worsening financial situation, Amiga Technologies was emasculated by years end. The Phoenix fell to the ground, unable to rise. As the new year began, we found ourselves awash in a sea of by unethical practices, betrayal, duplicity and uncountable lies. Mortally wounded by an inability to pay its debts, Amiga Technologies lost total control. Sensing its imminent demise, dark forces gathered to seize the opportunity and hasten the end. Confused, lost and senseless, the Phoenix wandered aimlessly, stumbling often. Its sense of purpose long gone, it now sought only the light of one more dawn. We obtained the counsel of every manner of wizard and warrior, priest and prophet. The Phoenix could still live, if only it raised its head to the heavens and picked a star to guide it. The Phoenix heard the words, but could not understand. It grew weaker by the day. On March 2nd, the nearly lifeless Phoenix was carried to New York. It spoke eloquently of its coming victorious ascent to the heavens. Amid the fire and flame, it spread its wings. We pleaded with it to raise its head and see beyond the dawn. It was too late, it could not. The Phoenix plunged headlong into the sea, and died. We held its now lifeless body and wept. The dream gone. It was finished. The dark forces leaped with joy. Their moment had come. At that very instant, Gollum slithered from the stench and ooze, and stole the last ring. Now invincible, their plan was complete. Cloaked in invisibility, Gollum held the lifeless form of the Phoenix on the throne and summoned the faithful. It spoke of the glories yet to be, demanding tribute and obedience. The faithful bowed low and paid homage. How can this be, we asked? Can they not see the dream is gone? The Phoenix is dead. No, came the reply. They are blinded by their desire. The Phoenix gave their lives meaning and purpose. In their minds the Phoenix will always live. As we walked away, we knew it was a sad day indeed. "And one day I looked around and all of the other dealers were gone. Gone out of business, or gone insane. It was time to leave." . . . an ex-Amiga Dealer Hey guys. Its time to leave. For the past six years, first with Commodore, most recently with Amiga Technologies, we have tried to do the right thing. Amid the noise and confusion, we have attempted to operate with honesty and professionalism. We attempted to create a business environment where people who cared about Commodore and Amiga products could be treated fairly and honestly. Guess what? Thats not what you guys want. With a minimal number of exceptions (you know who you are) the Amiga universe is a finely tuned blend of dysfunction and psychosis. Manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and users; the only saving grace is that the players are apparently equally delusional. It would be easy, at this point, to write many pages detailing all of the errors and omissions that have plagued these products for the past five years. I doubt that would accomplish much. You buy old technology at extraordinarily high prices. You have no development plans, no growth path, and no guarantee of availability on the current production models. The product is fraught with limitations, quality and engineering problems. The key selling advantage of the price performance edge that existed four years ago is gone....forever. We promised to do our best to support this market. We have done that, and more. Alone, we fought to establish a businesslike atmosphere, to provide stability, to lower prices. We were wrong. Clearly, we misjudged the intent and temperament of the other players in the Amiga market. They do not want honesty and clarity. They want to shut the doors, fire up the cigars, and dance the dance of the quick and dirty deal. They do not want to honor and support their customers. They want to grab peoples wallets and scurry back down the alley. Their vision of the future comes not from a mountain top, but from under a rock. Harsh, you say? Perhaps. Chalk it up to cumulative frustration. We also promised one other thing. We would support the products and the customers with honesty. We have clenched our teeth and stood mute as we did our best to help rebuild this product. We have gone beyond the bounds of loyalty attempting to support Amiga Technologies. Our mistake. They spoke of partnership when they meant indentured servitude. They spoke of sharing responsibility when they meant assuming total risk. They spoke of long term investment when they meant immediate profit. They lifted their eyes and voices to heaven while they reached down and pulled the devil up to the table. So here we are. Bruised and abused. Sadder, but wiser. Gone, and soon forgotten. About that honesty. We havent got time to recite the litany of sorrow and circumstance. Let our parting words be the clarion. Run. The lava is pouring down the mountainside, the locusts are eating the crops. Chernobyl is in flames, and the inmates have control of the asylum. So, run. The dream is over, the jackals have snatched the baby from the crib. You can only save yourselves. Please do so. And dont stop running. Despite the sirens song and the narcotic fragrance of the lotus. If you pause, you are lost. If they catch you, you will die. We wish you the best. Like the Old actor in The Fantastiks, we say farewell, we say "Remember us, in lights." {Congratulations to you if you made it through the entire article. We have just a few things to say. First, you may have noticed that there was no mention made of the fact that SMG was fired by Amiga Technologies a while ago, and did not qualify as a dealer after that. Refer to "Amiga Update" issue 960415 for the text of two faxes to SMG dealing with that matter. SMG was not removed without reason, whether they or anyone agrees with the reasons. Second, whatever you may think of the prose above, it was certainly not written by a businessman. And folks, the Amiga market is above all else a business place, despite the emotion many attach to the computer. If that message isn't a hoax (a possibility, I suppose) then I now have a much deeper sympathy for the Amiga dealers and developers that had to deal with SMG on a business footing. Third, the announcements coming from both Amiga Technologies and VIScorp are clearly written by businessmen. If anyone is going to keep the Amiga market viable, it's businessmen, not the writers of embarassing emotional tracts. Things may fail, VIScorp may find that a computer doesn't fit into their business plans once they get down the road, but the decisions will be rational, business decisions. Those are also the only kind of decisions that can save our market, assuming they go in that direction. Finally, back in "Amiga Update" 960227 we told you of an argument we discovered on the Usenet portion of the Internet between a well respected journalist and leader in the Amiga community and a(n alleged) representative of SMG over the lack of marketing in the US. SMG's (or the representative's) position was that there was no point in advertising Amigas (or at least A1200s) in the US because they couldn't sell them. That attitude was hardly serving the needs of the Amiga community. I can guarantee you from personal knowledge that a large number of current Amigans have gone to a lot of trouble to track down and purchase an A1200. Even with advertising none would be sold to anyone other than current Amiga owners? I think that's ridiculous and probably had a lot to do with their firing. Don't let the above article depress you. Brad} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- B E L G I U M T O H O S T A M I G A S H O W Amiga Show 1996 in Brussels Amiga Technologies GmbH will have a booth at the "Amiga show 1996" in Brussels, Belgium, on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of May, 1996. Address of the show: Centre Culturel Wauterbos 1640 Rhode-Saint-Genese Belgium Information at: Digital Precision 330, Chaussee de jette 1081 Bruxelles Belgium Tel 02/426 05 04 Fax 02/420 38 75 {Short but encouraging. We still haven't found a report on the recent London World of Amiga show that we can run. If anyone knows of such a report, please inform us. I'm afraid our budget for this publication does not allow for globe-trotting reporters. We'd have to at least double our price per issue. ;-) Brad.} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C R O N U S W E B S I T E A N N O U N C E D CRONUS (formerly Amiga Library Services) and Fred Fish have been a visible presence in the Amiga communtiy for years. Starting out as the creators of the "Fish Disks", we have expanded to become a well known publisher/distributor of many CD-ROMs for the Amiga. We are now pleased to announce that our web site is up and running at http://www.ninemoons.com . Please visit us. We welcome any comments and suggestions you may have. Thank you, April Thrash Marketing Director ----------------------------------------------------------- Cronus -- 1840 E Warner Road #105-265 -- Tempe, AZ 85284 -- USA Voice: (800) 804-0833 or (602) 491-0442 FAX (602) 491-0048 Email: info@ninemoons.com Web Site: http://www.ninemoons.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A S H A R E P A G E A N N O U N C E D The Amiga Idea Share Page is now up and running. The url is http://members.aol.com/ennals/ideas.html This is a center where people can share ideas about programs. If you good have ideas, but don't have the time or expertise to implement them then you can share them with people who can program and want to write something. + Coming soon (once enough posts are received) Work in progress: Programmers: tell the world about your current project and let people send them suggestions. Users: read about the projects and tell the programmers what they think they should do. For further information contact Robert Ennals, operator on ennals@aol.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- S A M P L E P O S T S A B O U T R U M O R E D A T L A Y O F F S On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, ED JAKOBER wrote: > Kenneth Jennings -- Kenneth@daffy.aatech.com wrote: > > >I spoke to a developer in Germany this morning. He > >told me that firings at AT continue. So far, over > >3/4 of the people are gone. This leaves about a > >dozen people at AT. > > > Can you tell us which developer you spoke to....? > > If this is true..... this is bad news! > > <SNIP> > > Later, > Ed > Jakobere@uwstout.edu Yes, this is bad news! I hope its not... It seems like we might be getting jacked around with... :( See ya, Will... -- In article <Pine.A32.3.91.960425145103.38281A-100000@umabnet.ab.umd.edu>, Karl Bellve wrote: :On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Chris Turner wrote: : :> On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Kenneth Jennings wrote: :> :> > Someone also called them "layoffs" suggesting that [snip] :> :> There is this thing called.....damn what was it....oh yeah money. :>Something which AT (or rather Escom) don't have very much of. They :>already laid of AT UK cos they couldn't afford to pay them. Sounds like :> VISCorp's buyout might be just in time to refill AT's coffers. I'd imagine :> AT had to lay a few people off to keep themselves afloat until they sort out :> the deal. : :Wow! For once I agree with Chris! Escom figured since they are selling AT :then it will save all the money it can by laying off all the workers and :try to get as much money as possible, no no money is leaving EScoms :pockets and Viscorp will start to take over the payroll soon. VISCorp :was said to have nothing to do with these layoffs. While this is bad news for the affected employees, it is a normal business practice to conserve cash flow. And, while VIScorp is not playing the bad guy, it does allow them to pick and choose what staff they want. In the long run, the only bad news for us (ye loyal and fanatic order of Amiga users) would be learning that someone really important to the rebirth and continuance of "our machine" got fed up and took employment with someone else. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that there have been "sub rosa" assurances made. Bottom line - someone yelled fire, and someone else threw a bucket of water, no damage done. ----------------------------------------------------------- this signature being renovated ... excuse the mess --- On Sun, 28 Apr 1996, howard daniel joseph wrote: > Karl Bellve (kbellve@UMABNET.AB.UMD.EDU) wrote: > > : Wow! For once I agree with Chris! Escom figured since they are selling AT > : then it will save all the money it can by laying off all the workers and > : try to get as much money as possible, no no money is leaving EScoms > : pockets and Viscorp will start to take over the payroll soon. VISCorp > : was said to have nothing to do with these layoffs. > > Karl! Do you know this to be true? (You get this from Olli?) This is true. You Amiga Report has it too. Karl Bellve LLLL L L LLLLL LLLL LLLL University of Maryland at Baltimore L L LL LL L L L L L Dept. Of Physiology LLLLLL L L L L L L LLLLLL email:kbellve@umabnet.ab.umd.edu L L L L L L L LLL L L www: http://wade1.ab.umd.edu/users/ L L L L L L L L L Author of MUIEmpire L L L L LLLLL LLLL L L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1996 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified. -=========================================================================- _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || webb@malamute.med.ge.com /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || bandr@globaldialog.com / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ || Portal -- XJumpdisk -=========================================================================-