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   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Amiga Update -News and Rumors
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  (An Occasional Newsletter)
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    AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technologies, GmbH
               S A S S E N R A T H   P A R T   T W O 

                    V I S C O R P   R E P O R T 

               S U P R A   M O D E M   U P G R A D E

Editor's introduction:
 This has been a busy November - we've had to issue an unusual number of
Amiga Updates to keep up with developments. And yet, nothing much has
really happened. There's been a lot of talk which we don't think we should
ignore, but very little meaningful action on the core question for us all -
what's really happening with the Amiga?
 There have been a couple of statements made in the last few days which we
think we should bring to you. First, a follow-up message from former
Commodoran and former VISCorp consultant Carl Sassenrath. Mr. Sassenrath
shocked the Amiga community recently with his defection from and flaming
of, VISCorp. He's now posted an interesting note of follow-up thoughts.
We're not really certain how to interpret all this. At bottom, we may be
dealing with nothing more than a philosophy difference between strong
personalities. Time will tell.
 The second item today, a report by VISCorp's Jason Compton, is almost more
interesting for what you can read from between the lines than it is for
what it actually says. First, it is apparent that VISCorp doesn't wish to
get in a "flaming" war or other public argument with Mr. Sassenrath. That's
good professional conduct, something not always seen with Amiga companies.
Second, there's still no resolution to the ownership crisis for Amiga.
Given what was being said about a resolution Real Soon Now by VISCorp
months ago, it's pretty clear something unexpected has come up. Mr.
Compton's article indicates it has to do with messiness left over from the
original Escom buyout of Commodore. Most startling is the hint that VISCorp
has gone from considering itself the soon to be new owner of the Amiga to
now thinking of itself as the front runner in some sort of bidding
scenario. We find this very interesting. Regular readers will recall that
some time ago we presented information that Eagle Computers might be a
rival for the rights to the Amiga. There seems to be a lot happening in the
background. As we find information we can send your way, you may be assured
we will.
 Finally today, a note on upgrading various Supra modems with "flash" ROMs
to the new high speeds now becoming usable. We include this item as Supra
is one of the most popular modem brands in use with Amiga systems. Please
keep in mind that the firmware being discussed is beta; that is, it's not
really ready for production and you use it at your own risk.
 As always, we hope you enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb, Editor

      C A R L   S A S S E N R A T H   H A S   M O R E   T O   S A Y
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 07:56:11 CST6CDT

                   Follow Up Message From Carl Sassenrath

   I have received a large volume of email asking what will now happen to
   the Amiga. Even as one of its designers, I cannot offer you a solid,
   positive answer. There are many paths from here. We are again back at
   the crossroads. To me personally, I think the road must be toward a
   rebirth of those core concepts that made the Amiga what it was, and I
   encourage all of you to hold on, regardless of how desperate the
   situation may seem.

   Please, my friends, remain the "rebels" that you are. It is up to each
   of us to see to it that there always remains a choice, else I fear for
   our future... and the future of all personal computing.


   A lot of people have asked what I will do next. In general, I can say
   that I am NOT pleased with the direction personal computers have taken
   over the last decade. These systems are now hundreds of times faster,
   with hundreds of times more memory. Yet, are we better off? Are we
   more productive? Have they made life easier?

   No. Not in the least. In some areas they've made the situation worse.
   It reminds me of our federal government: requiring ever more money and
   resources, but becoming bigger, slower, and dumber.

   This is not a hardware problem. The software is to blame. We have
   become enslaved by overly complex and twisted software. I'm talking
   here about systems like MS Windows, C++, TCP/IP, HTML, etc. They are
   all junk-the work of designers who really don't understand how our
   minds work or relate to our personal human condition.

   SIMPLE THINGS SHOULD BE SIMPLE TO DO! Yet, complex things should still
   be possible. That is the kind of system I want to use, and that is
   what I am going to build next. After creating the Amiga multitasking
   kernel, I didn't stop thinking about operating systems, I just figured
   that someone else was going to move us forward to the next best thing.
   It has not happened.

   So now it has come time to start afresh. However, this time, I'm going
   to create it for you and for me, not for some company whose CEO just
   wants to get rich. It will be wonderfully elegant, pure, efficient,
   and simple.

   I have already begun. The system will develop in two phases. The first
   is a better means of expression, the second, a better means of
   operation. If you want more info in the months ahead, link
   www.sassenrath.com into your web browser site list and visit often.

   So that is my journey, my future. I expect it to be a rough road at
   times, but this is the path I must take. It is my sincere hope that
   many of you Amigans will join me in the years ahead... with a system
   for the next century.

   Stay in touch and all the best to you in the years ahead.

   Carl Sassenrath

     U P D A T E   F R O M   T H E   V I S C O R P   N E T   S I T E  

 From: jcompton@xnet.com (Jason Compton)
Subject: VIScorp: Nov. 22


 I'm glad to be back home, but I very much enjoyed my trip to Cologne,
Germany and the Computer '96 show.  The two days spent there flew by very
quickly, but I was glad to meet with hundreds of Amiga users, journalists,
and professionals to discuss the Amiga.

The Amiga Acquisition

The topic on everyone's mind, of course.  At present, there is no publicly
consumable news to report.  However, these things are true.

 1.  VIScorp remains dedicated to the acquisition of the Amiga technology
from the bankrupt Escom AG, and our representatives continue discussions
with Escom trustee Dr.  Hembach over this issue.

 2.  VIScorp remains dedicated to the productive application of the Amiga
technology in the event it is successful in the acquisition--namely, the
fulfillment of the interactive technology goals the company was founded on,
and the support and further development of the Amiga technology as a
desktop computer.  The interactive technology goals will explicitly involve
technology partners, and we anticipate forging strong partnerships for the
Amiga desktop computer technology as well.

 VIScorp has dedicated a great deal of corporate energy and effort to the
acquisition.  It is not VIScorp's intention to deprive, abuse, or alienate
the Amiga market.  Rather, VIScorp wants to complete the Amiga acquisition
as soon as possible and be freed to pursue its technology goals.  It is not
in our interests nor our intention to mislead the Amiga market, nor to
misrepresent the current state of affairs.

 Also, it is explicitly not in our interests to in any way damage or
endanger our efforts in the Amiga acquisition.  In order to satisfy all of
these requirements, VIScorp is obliged to abide by certain rules of conduct
which preclude a "blow-by-blow" report of the proceedings of the Amiga
acquisition.  This would be improper and beyond our ability to provide.We
remain committed to the acquisition of the technology and as such are
attempting to act in everyone's best interest.  We cannot make commitments
to property we do not yet own in the form of purchase orders, contracts,
and the like.

 It IS within our purview to conduct preliminary discussions with companies
regarding the ultimate goals for the Amiga technology, and as such
discussions have been conducted worldwide, with such companies as Motorola,
PIOS, Phase5, and Schatztruhe.  However, it would be premature and improper
to make any commitments, nor rule out any other discussions, at this time.

 Acquiring the rights from a bankruptcy to properties obtained, from a
bankruptcy a short while ago, which represent the intellectual property of
a decades-old computer giant, with the two sales conducted under different
codes of law, is not a straightforward affair, as some might
suggest.VIScorp has done its best to learn and understand the full
implications of the purchase of the Amiga technology and is working to
successfully complete the acquisition.

 As a general policy, VIScorp does not engage in online flame wars.  It is
a negative-sum enterprise and not in the best interests of a company and
the individuals in it who are dedicated to a goal and wish to conduct
business towards that goal.

The bottom line

 Yes, VIScorp continues to work with all diligence towards the completion
of the Amiga deal, but don't let anyone fool you into thinking that it
should be an "easier" process.  As has been mentioned before, this sort of
process is not merely closed to VIScorp.  VIScorp believes it is the
front-runner in this acquisition.  If it were any "easier" to purchase the
Amiga, by now we or someone else would have made it so.  The fact that it
is November 22, 1996 and we do not have control of the Amiga assets as of
yet is a consequence of the way business is and must be conducted in an
international sale of technology with major implications.

 Due to my trip, there is some e-mail that has gone unanswered, and I'll be
working to rectify that situation.  While VIScorp has been open from the
start to accepting and considering comments and input from all comers,
please try to keep in mind that you and you alone determine through your
language how you wish it to be received.

 Jason Compton
Communications Manager - Amiga, VIScorp

       S U P R A   H I G H   S P E E D   B E T A   S O F T W A R E 

{Editor's note - we suggest you also read the information on the disclaimer
page which can be reached at the supra site. Further, there are links that
can get you to the 1.1440-12 software mentioned from the beta page. Brad}

Date: Sun, 24 Nov 1996 11:32:12 CST6CDT

For those of you who use a supra modem with the ability to change the flash
rom in your modem:

Models supported:
                                  SupraSonic 336V+
                                  SupraFAXModem 288e
                                  SupraFAXModem 288i
                                  SupraFAXModem 288 German BZT approved
                                  SupraFAXModem 288i PnP
                                  TeleCommander 3500XL
                                  TeleCommander 2500XL

You can upgrade your modem to 33.6kbps if not already done...
first install version 1.1440-12 of the ROM.

If you already have version 1.1440-12 and have problems with your modem:
       - hanging up
       - it never connects at 33.6kbps
       - has trouble negotiating V34..

Install the beta version of the ROM (version 1.440-25), I personally had no
problems at all with it and it solved all problems listed above...(P.S:
you have to install the version 1.440-12 before installing the 1.440-25
says supra...  don't know if it's true, never try it...don't take a chance
and by the way, if you stop an upgrade of the modem in progress, all you
have to do is shut it off/on and it will wait for you to restart
downloading the in 9600bps...)

To get the ROM go to:


Have fun!

                                                François Pominville

Amiga Update on the net: some issues available in html format at:
All back issues available (in ASCII text) at:
Copyright 1996 by Brad Webb.         Freely distributable, if not modified.
    _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate 
   /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    ||  webb@malamute.med.ge.com
  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   ||  bandr@globaldialog.com
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