====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || A M I G A U P D A T E /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || -News and Rumors- / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter) BACK FOR THE FUTURE || ====================================================================== AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technologies, GmbH ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 970128 B R O W S E R N E W S R U M O R - M I C R O S O F T T O B U Y A M I G A ? N E W T E K N I Q U E S I N F O R M A T I O N M O S T P O P U L A R B A N N E R S O N T H E N E T N E W F R A C T I N I T G R E E K A N D S C A N D I N A V I A N N E W S Editor's Thoughts and Introduction: Lots of interesting things this time. There's news of new releases from two of the Amiga's World Wide Web browsers. Both AWeb and Voyager have some new tricks up their sleeves. We have a short posting from AWeb's author and a press release from the folks behind Voyager. We've also hear rumblings of a new version of IBrowse in the works, but don't have anything to pass along yet. We recently spotted a posting about who the bidders might be in the never ending quest to obtain the Amiga. It brought some chuckles to us so we thought we'd share it with you. Note that the poster is quoting someone else here. When "Video Toaster User" magazine died recently, there were a lot of disappointed Amiga video professionals. A quarterly publication was scheduled to take its place, but that's hardly the same thing. Well, we have some information below that should bring a real smile to those who felt left out in the cold - though you'll have to wait to '98 for all the good news to materialize. See the notice from Joe Tracy, below. What is arguably the Amiga's best web site, The Amiga Web Directory, has run a contest for the best banners decorating Amiga sites on the WWW. We have a press release with the results below. From the sites we've visited, we'd have to agree with the choices. Working with fractals has always been one of the more popular graphics activities for computer users, and the Amiga has been blessed with many fine programs of this type. We've got a press release of a new version of Fractinit. You can find it on Aminet or contact the author. Finally, we've news of the Amiga from both Greece and Scandinavia. It's always interesting to us just how international our favorite computer is, as these two items demonstrate. You can visit the Greek site anytime with a browser (though you'll need to install a Greek language font set until the English version is available). To get to the goings on in Sweden, you'll need a plane ticket - unless you're closer than we are. We hope you enjoy this issue. Brad Webb, Editor ---------------------------------------------------------------------- W W W B R O W S E R N E W S F R O M A W E B 22 Jan 1997 06:51:03 -0600 "Marcel Timmermans" <MTIMMERM@telefication.nl> wrote about What's in comming AWeb: > Does somebody know what are the new features of the next release of > AWeb? Most important: - frames - plug-ins - internal FTP - better ARexx command set -- ___ _ Q : | #| yrozijn : \|/ http://www. : [_]_ -<_>- Yvon : | ==| @xs4all.nl : >WWW< xs4all.nl/ : === ) Amiga / \ Rozijn: `---' @noord.bart.nl : /|\ ~yrozijn : O 4000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- M O R E B R O W S E R N E W S - F R O M V O Y A G E R "Today is V Day" Voyager-NG WWW browser prerelease ================================= *** The next generation of Amiga Web browser has arrived *** This is a preliminary release which brings this fantastic new Web browser to the Amiga community and allows Voyager-NG to benefit from the largest testing base possible. With your help Voyager-NG can be rendered faultless on the largest possible range of Amiga set-ups. Due to the above, Voyager is currently updated frequently. To obtain the archive via WWW: http://www.vapor.com/voyager/ via FTP: ftp.vapor.com, /pub/voyager/ via EMail: mail to <fileserv@vapor.com> put "SEND VOYAGER" in the mail body The full archive in LZX is 612 kbytes in size. Updates will appear there regularly. Updates are also announced on the Voyager mailing list. If you are not on it yet, you are encouraged to subscribe. Mail to <voyager-request@vapor.com> and put "ADD" in the body of the mail. Put "HELP" there to obtain a complete description on how to use the mail server. The mailing list is also a good place to discuss enhancement suggestions. Major changes to Voyager since Version 1.0: · Supports Frames as introduced by Netscape 2.x · Uses internal image decoding routines. Visually incremental on-the-fly image decoding, leaving the program operational during decode. No more hassle with datatypes related bugs. Optimized memory usage. The routines are optimized for speed and are very fast. Full support of CyberGFX HiColor/TrueColor screens and compatibles. · Supports HTML tables. Many more HTML commands and Netscapism's are understood (including FONT SIZE and HR WIDTH). Improved general compatibility with broken and nonstandard HTML code. · Supports versatile plugin interface for third-party extensions to the browser. · Shipped with a handy split-screen web search engine plugin. · Supports T/TCP "TCP for Transactions" requests, allowing for much faster establishment of HTTP links to servers. This is currently supported by Miami 1.9.x beta versions only. Specified in RFC 1644, as far as we know, Voyager is the first browser on any platform to support this! · Totally reworked preference setting. The transfer anim is now configurable, too. · New so-called 'local' menus which pop up over links and images offering options such as opening in new window, copying URL to clipboard, downloading to disk or adding URL to bookmarks. Local menus also function for Frames by offering full window viewing, saving Frame and viewing Frame source. · Supports Shift & Click downloading of files even from servers with broken configuration which state that binary data is of type "text/plain". This happens frequently with .lha and .lzx files, because these suffixes are missing in many http server example mime.types files. · Added internal SMTP (E-mail) send capability. Now also supports mailto: links and mailto: Forms. · Improved news handling. · 'LED' transfer status display additionally shows stalled transfers. (Well I thought it was neat) · Many minor enhancements, and of course All The Popular Bugs were fixed, too. _____________________________________________________________ Mailinglist 'miami-talk-ml' Admin: <kruse@nordicglobal.com> Send listserv-requests to <amiga-lists@nordicglobal.com> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- R U M O R ! A N D A W I L D O N E ! ! 22 Jan 1997 22:29:48 GMT According to Ken Green, who posted on compuserve, there are currently 6 bidders for AT. Sony, Microsoft, Quikpak, Viscorp, CEI, and a startup amiga company. Ken also went onto say that a "30 day countdown" has begun for the purchase of the assets. Ken's source of information was someone in the "startup amiga company". Darren {Microsoft? Um, sure. Brad} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W T E K N I Q U E S I N F O R M A T I O N Date: January 24, 1997 To: Amiga Newsgroup From: Joe Tracy, NewTekniques Editor in Chief Concerning: NewTekniques Subscription Information Great news! The subscription information for NewTekniques magazine is here. You'll find the information below. There's more great news too! It has officially been confirmed that beginning in 1998 NewTekniques will be published every other month instead of quarterly! I was very pleased to hear that in my phone conversation with Advanstar this morning. And if that wasn't enough, there's still another bit of good news! A special NewTek limited edition item is going to be sent to every person who subscribes to NewTekniques magazine within the next six months. No, it's not a T-shirt, mug, poster or self-publicity item. It is something usable for you. Details on this item cannot be released until NAB (early April). Everyone who signs up now, however, will automatically receive it. Here's the information to get your subscription: Price: $32 (covers you through 1998) Issues: 9 total (3 in 1997 and 6 in 1998) Cover Price: $6.95 per issue Your Savings: 49% Phone Number: 1-800-346-0085 Payment Methods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express You can also mail a check or money order to NewTekniques Magazine, ATT: Subscription Department, 131 West First Street, Deuluth, MN 55802-2065. NewTekniques is an independent publication of Advanstar that is created in close association with NewTek to give users the best and most reliable information, news, and tutorials on NewTek products. From the Flyer to LightWave 3D, NewTekniques is filled with tutorials, tips, reviews and techniques to take your productions and animations to the next level. NewTekniques will also keep you posted on new NewTek product introductions, as they occur, which will also receive coverage in NewTekniques magazine. The $32 covers all of 1997 (3 issues) and all of 1998 (6 issues). It is a special charter subscription price and a 49% savings over what the newsstand price will be. For more information on NewTekniques magazine e-mail me via jtracy@main.rosenet.net with your questions or sign up to be included on the NewTekniques Information List by asking to be included. The NewTekniques Information List periodically receives special behind-the-scenes information on NewTekniques magazine. Sincerely, Joe Tracy, Editor in Chief NewTekniques former Video Toaster User Editor in Chief ---------------------------------------------------------------------- M O S T P O P U L A R B A N N E R S C O N T E S T January 18 1997 The Amiga Web Network has just announced the most popular Amiga banners for the year ending 1996. The banners were judged by thousands of Amiga users worldwide over the past 4 months. Along with the 3 Most Popular banners, other categories include Best Overall Banner and Unique Design and Theme. Winners include: 1. MOST POPULAR BANNER Shape's Domain (IBrowse Plugins), with a score of 12.20% ProWb (Workbench Enhancement), with a score of 12.02% WorkbenchNG (Workbench Enhancement), with a score of 10.87% 2. BEST OVERALL BANNER Safe Harbor Online (Mailorder and Retail) 3. UNIQUE DESIGN AND THEME Netrunners (Web Host) You can view these winning banners and their home pages by visiting: http://www.amicrawler.com/search2/amicrawler/banners/awards.html David Tiberio - Amiga Web Network {This provides us with an opportunity to once again point out the Amiga Web Directory is the best Amiga WWW site out there when you're looking for links to Amiga locations on the net, information, support or just about anything. If you're a "net surfer" and haven't checked them out, you're missing something special. Find them at http://www.cucug.org/amiga.html Brad} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N E W V E R S I O N O F F R A C T I N I T A V A I L A B L E 17 Jan 97 23:32:08 +0500 Hi! It appears I have uploaded a new version of fractint (coolest fractal program around..) to aminet: Short: Fractint v. 3.2 (19.5) - a fractal exploration tool. Support files. Author: Stone Soup Group/Terje Pedersen does the amiga port. Uploader: terjepe@login.eunet.no Type: gfx/fract This is a port of the msdos/X11 Fractint program (a fractal exploration tool (the best..)). Ported from Fractint 19.5 by Terje Pedersen. These files are just the support files to fractint so you'll also need an executable found in: fractint32_020.lha ( plain 020 version ). fractint32_020fpu.lha ( 020 with fpu version ). fractint32_030.lha ( plain 030 version ). fractint32_040.lha ( 040 version ). I guess I have to upload a 030fpu and 060 version soon, before I drown in requests for them.. A huge collection of fractint data files can be found in fracdata2.lha. Whats new? From the documentation: Version 19.5 is a bug-fix release for version 19.4 based on the developer's version 19.40 patch 11. As always, we added a few new features along with the bug fixes. The list is a mile long so you'll have to look in the documentation for a complete list of changes. I can be reached with email: terjepe@login.eunet.no or by mail: Terje Pedersen Tanumv.89c 1312 Slependen Norway ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A W E B P A G E S I N G R E E C E 8 Jan 1997 01:05:45 +0200 dear Amiga nauts... I am very happy to announce you the web presence of Compulink's first conference:Amiga World!!! Compulink has grown rapid from this time to be Greece's biggest internet provider but the BBS is still here of course and Amiga World is still alive and kicking...So we decided that it was time to make our presence to the WEB.The url of our pages is: www.compulink.gr/sigs/amiga for the moment only in Greek (codefont: ELOT 928) but soon in English too. If you are a Greek user spread the word out to other Greek Amiga users too and please send us an e-mail with your name and e-mail so that we can include you in our Greek Amiga Users List on Internet we are preparing. Our main purpose is to help the Greek Amiga User in any problem might come to.Of course in our pages you can find all the newest stuff and generally everything moves about our beloved machine. Also for any Amiga User accesing the Net from South-Eastern Europe ,Compulink is making full mirroring of the famous Amiga Web Directory.The URL is: www.compulink.gr/mirrors/cucug/amiga.html happy new year and may the new one find us all with a POWER AMIGA ;-)) kind regards Menis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A M I G A S H O W I N S C A N D I N A V I A Stockholm, Sweden 97.01.27 - AmiTech '97 is the name of this year's largest Amiga convention in Scandinavia. The show is designed to be a fresh kick-back and inspiration to the users and dealers of our favorite computer, the Amiga! The show is organised by AUGS (Amiga User Group of Sweden) and SUGA (Swedish User Group of Amiga) with our main sponsor; Distribution 4, the new but already leading Amiga computer and perhiperals distributor of Scandinavia. Working with the group is the two Swedish Amiga magazines, SAM and Amigainfo. Date and hours: Friday 25th of April 1997 10:00-18:00 Saturday 26th of April 1997 10:00-18:00 Sunday 27th of April 1997 10:00-17:00 Admittance: 50 kr (~7 usd) The show will take place in Wasahallarna, at the Royal Djurgarden in central Stockholm. The space for is devided on two floors and produce a total of 1500 square meters (ca 5000 sqfeet). A Website us up and running with current information, seminare schedules, competitions and maps to the show. Please visit: http://www.canit.se/amitech More information on attending companies and persons will be available. Companies and developers interested in exhibiting and/or seminares may contact Distribution 4 at the below address or email. Welcome to the show! /The team working on AmiTech -97. General email and questions to: amitech@sam.canit.se Business, companies and developers: info@tricom.se Distribution 4 Att: Riku Bergkvist Svartbacksgatan 41 753 32 Uppsala Sweden Tel: +46-(0)18-12 40 09 Fax: +46-(0)18-10 06 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Update on the net: some issues available at: http://www.sharbor.com/amiga/news/ (in html format) http://www.amigacom.com (in ASCII text) All back issues available (in ASCII text) at: http://www.globaldialog.com/AdventureCentral/AU.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1996 by Brad Webb. Freely distributable, if not modified. ====================================================================== _ __ _ <>_ __ _ || /\\ |\ /|| || / ` /\\ || Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate /__\\ | \ / || || || ___ /__\\ || bandr@globaldialog.com / \\_ | \/ ||_ _||_ \__// / \\_ || ======================================================================