   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter)
           BACK FOR THE FUTURE           ||
 AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga Technologies, GmbH

   G V P   R E S C U E   -   A   N E W   A M I G A   C O M P A N Y 

        I M A G I N E   5 . 0   S P E C I A L   P R I C I N G 
                       A M I N E T   C D   1 7 

    A M I G A   M A G A Z I N E   I N D I C I E S   O N   L I N E 

              N E W   W O R M G A M E   V E R S I O N 

    C I T A D E L   B B S   S Y S T E M   A N N O U N C E M E N T 

                   A - W E B   F T P   P L U G I N 

                 G E R M A N   T A X   P R O G R A M 

                    P D F   F I L E   V I E W E R

Editor's Introduction and Thoughts:
 Two issues, so quickly back to back?  Well, there's a lot of Amiga
news right now, so another issue is required.  Actually, one or two of
the items have been in our news queue for a bit, but we also received
some that should be sent out quickly.
 One of these was the announcement of a new Amiga related business.
These always grab our attention, especially in this time of
uncertainty for the Amiga market.  We are certain those of you who own
GVP products will be pleased to hear of Mr.  Wagner and Mr.  Pham's
new enterprise.  We wish them the brightest of futures.
 We also didn't want to sit too long on the price announcement from
Impulse regarding Imagine 5.0.  This price is low enough that anyone
with a desire to do 3D rendering should sit up and take notice.  It's
also caused speculation on the Net that Impulse may be planning on
leaving the Amiga market.  We can't answer that, but we do know that
if enough copies are sold, the chances of that happening are lessened
- so we'll do our part by spreading the word.
 One of the best bargains in Amiga software is the series of CDs from
Aminet.  We have details on the most recent of the bunch.
 Some ambitious folks have decided to place an index of Amiga
magazines on the Web, where anyone with a browser can access it.
Excellent idea!  The project is just getting started.  We have
information from their announcement below.
 We also have several new product announcements this time.  What
sounds like a fascinating Workbench game in Wormgame, a Bulletin Board
System for all those of you who wish to try that form of
telecommunication, and an ftp "plugin" - or add on program - for
browsers, especially A-Web are among them.
 Of interest only to our German readers is a tax program for the
distressing chore of figuring your income taxes.  It's not just us
Yanks who have that on our minds this time of year, it seems.
 Something I've been interested in for a while is a program to view
PDF - MicroSoft's Portable Document Format files - has been created.
This program is a straight up port of a Unix program, and requires
supporting files.  I haven't gotten it installed yet, so can't tell
you how well it works, but we have information below for anyone else
who may have been looking for such a program.
 Please enjoy this issue.
 Brad Webb,

 N E W   B U S I N E S S   S E R V I C E S   G V P   P R O D U C T S 

Rec'd 17 Feb 1997

My partner (Duc Pham) and I are starting a small business
buying/selling/repairing Great Valley Products (GVP) boards.  We have
a full inventory of A2000 / A1200 accelerators (040/33 cards at $450,
030/50s at $350, A1230 at $250), and a few A3000/A4000 units as well.
In addition to those, we have PhonePaks ($150) TBC Plus cards, iV/24
systems ($395, I/O extenders ($95).  If GVP made it, we have it or can
fix it !

We also offer repair on A1200 / A4000 computer systems.  Just some
background:  Mr.  Pham was an engineer at Commodore and later GVP with
over 10 years of Amiga experience.  Most recently, he worked at
QuickPak on the A4000T project.  I have been buying/selling Amiga
products for 3 years, and have designed Video Toaster and audio
editing systems for AV professionals.

Our contact number is (910) 790-3465.

Steve Wagner and Duc Pham
GVP Rescue, Inc.
A subsidiary of RSWC

       I M A G I N E   5 . 0   A T   B A R G A I N   P R I C E

Impulse Announces Special Offer for Amiga Imagine 5.0
News Date : 14 February, 1997


Impulse Inc.  the makers of Imagine have recently released the 5.0
version of Imagine for the Amiga.  In an effort to keep the market
alive we are offering a special one time offer for all Amiga users.
You can order the 5.0 version of this 3D software complete with ARexx
and Cybergraphics support for $ 100.00.  This special offer will make
you a registered user of one of the most powerful 3D programs ever

Impulse is doing our best to keep the Amiga alive but without the
support of the user base out there it becomes more difficult every

Thank You
Larry Halvorson
V.P. Sales
Impulse Inc.

            N E X T   A M I N E T   C D   I S   O U T 

Aminet 17 CD-ROM is available!
Date : 14 February, 1997

Ordering information:
Just send an E-Mail to stefano@tchest.e.eunet.de including your
address and the products you want to order.  Please do not forget to
include your credit cards details.

Product Information:
Aminet CD 17, dated February 1997, contains more than 1 gigabyte
(uncompressed) of software in thousands of archives.  Since the
release of Aminet CD 16 more than 600 MB new software has appeared.
The current edition includes the full version of Cloanto's "Personal
Write" word processor.

Contents of Aminet 17

Directory    Size            Files         Contents

biz           50 MB          105           Business software
comm          54 MB          237           Communications
demo         237 MB          156           Graphics & sound demo
dev           14 MB           72           Development software
disk           7 MB           36           Disk & HD tools
docs          43 MB           82           Documents
game          82 MB          183           Games
gfx           39 MB           85           Graphics software
hard           1 MB           19           Hardware related
misc          16 MB           55           Miscellaneous
mods         151 MB          480           Music modules
mus            7 MB           36           Music software
pix          196 MB          341           Pictures
text          16 MB           68           Text software
util          25 MB          255           Utilities

Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe Gesellschaft fr Software mbH
Veronikastr. 33 - 45131 Essen - Germany
Phone: ++49-201-788778 Fax ++49-201-798447
EMail: stefano@tchest.e.eunet.de WWW: http://www.schatztruhe.de
Visit our Web site and join our mailing-list.

  I N D E X   O F   A M I G A   M A G A Z I N E S   L A U N C H E D 

Date: 05 Feb 97 17:40:00
Amiga Magazine Indexes On-Line

Tired of searching through 100s of magazines looking for that article
or review you need?  We are too!

Over the past years we've been compiling indexes of articles and
reviews from magazines that we read and/or subscribe to.  Now that we
are on the WWW we are bringing these listings to you.

The indexes are categorized and alphabetized to make it easy to find
things quickly.  Since ALL issues are compiled into one list, it's
better than browsing the year-end indexes that some magazine compile.

Currently, we have Amiga World (Premiere - April 1995) on-line
and will be adding more as we get them converted.

It's FREE so come check it out!


From the main page, follow the 'who nose?: reference' link or just
click on our monkey's nose to take you to the reference section.

As we get the time, we'll be adding all kinds of other related
reference materials that we've collected over the years.

ENJOY!  And let us know what you think!

dhomas trenn

      G A M E   R U N S   O N   W O R K B E N C H   S C R E E N

Subject : WormGame V1.10
Date : 17 Feb 1997 23:57:40 GMT
Reply-To: chriscorr@zetnet.co.uk
From: Chris Corr <chriscorr@zetnet.co.uk>




    Chris Corr - chriscorr@zetnet.co.uk



    It has many features not found in other Workbench games, and will
easily while away the boredom while you copy files etc.  These
features include:

- Runs in a window on the workbench screen, in any screen mode.
- Automatic window scaling depending on current screen mode/resolution
- Plays Protracker modules while playing the game.
- Three different speeds.
- Three highscore tables - One for each speed.
- Iconify mode.
- Automatic pausing when you deselect the window.
- Fuel guage score bar.
  And many more......


    The game will run on any Amiga running Workbench 2.x or better. 


    It is freeware, and therefore free to download and give to anyone.


    To download the game, or read the online documentation, go to


    or it is available from any Aminet site. e.g.


# 282 - Index - next - previous - top - more - -
Subject : Citadel 68K 7A01
Date : 17 Feb 1997 23:57:56 GMT
Reply-To: apreston@k2nesoft.com
From: apreston@k2nesoft.com (Tony Preston)

      C I T A D E L   B B S   S Y S T E M   D E S C R I B E D 


  Citadel 68K Freeware BBS Program




  Tony Preston, apreston@k2nesoft.com


    Citadel is a multi-platform BBS program.  There is support for the
IBM, Atari, and Amiga platforms.  This announcement concerns the Amiga
version of Citadel, Citadel 68K.  It is a room based BBS program with
many features not found in even the best commercial bbs programs.  It
is 100% free and sources are available.

    A Room based BBS has rooms instead of message conferences.  The
users carry on conversations in the room.  A room is very much like a
thread in other BBS programs, it has a subject and messages related to
the subject.

    Citadel allows the many options.  The Sysop can configure what
privileges a user has, what characteristics a room has, and even what
text will be used for most messages.  It is flexible and since it is
multi-platform, it is networking compatible with the other Citadel

    If you're planing of starting a BBS, Citadel is the perfect way!
It can be setup with virtually no cost!


    This version has several bug fixes, see the update file in the
archive.There are some new utilities to make it easier to do long
distance networking via internet email using Danny Wong's AirMail


    A Citadel 68K has been configured and ran from a system as small
as a 512K A500 with 2 floppies.  Obviously, this limits what optional
features that are available.  The recommended configuration is 2 MB
memory or more plus 20 MB HD space.  Citadel requires 8192 of stack

The Citadel BBS package has many optional features.  These are
packaged as separate archives.  You many want to get all these

    Cit_Arc_7A01.lha       External archiver support
    Cit_Util_7A01.lha      Utilities for offline maint.
    it_exec_7A01.lha     **Citadel BBS and Configuration program
    cit_src_7A01.lha       Complete Citadel and Utilties Source
    cit_src_7A01.lha     **Documentation
    Cit_XPR_7A01.lha       External up/download protocol support files
    in addition you might want to grab the file:
    devhandl.lha           Door device handler

       ** required files to startup a bbs
    One last requirement...  time...:)


    Available from any Aminet site such as:


    The latest version can always be downloaded from:

     The Amiga Zone BBS  (609) 953-8159

    Special arrangements can be made to send you a set of disks with
    all the Citadel archives.  There will be a small charge for
postage and handling.




  Citadel is released as a copyrighted FREEWARE program.  Source and
executable are available at no charge.  No charge may be made to
distribute Citadel and no system may copyright any part of Citadel.  A
nominal charge for disk duplication may be made so long as only the
duplication costs are charged.  Permission is given to Aminet and Fred
Fish to include Citadel archives in their distributions.  Anyone else
wishing to distribute Citadel or Citadel files in any commercial
distribution or fashion must contact the author for permission.


  Citadel 68K Copyrighted 1997 Custom Services.  All rights reserved.
  Warranty:  30 seconds, 30 feet whichever comes first...:)

  Support for the budding sysop can be found on any of the following
BBS systems.  These systems are those which are actively networking
with other Citadel.  To get help, you should post messages in the
Citadel 68K, CitaNews, or Sysop Only rooms asking your questions or
send email to

     Tony Preston@The Amiga Zone.NJ    (Citadel Domain Mail)
     apreston@k2nesoft.com             (internet email)
     Tony Preston, In mail on The Amiga Zone BBS (609) 953-8159

             F T P   P L U G I N   F O R   B R O W S E R S 

Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 07:25:11 -0600

Okay folks, as you read this AWebFTPD v3.0
the download ONLY arexx plugin for AWeb 2.0/1.6/2.1
should pop up on Aminet and my site.

o Fast reaction, since FTPMount does cache dirs.
o Asyncron download (thanks to Aweb),
  you can continue browsing while it downloads!
o Brings up a requester that ask what you want to save as.
o GUI progress meter (thanks to WBCopy - now in English),
  shows you expected time!
o The URL is saved as a filecomment for later use!
o Works with AWeb 2.0/1.6/2.1
  (or any other AWeb that can use an arexx FTP plugin)
o Has a "normal" filelisting with a layout that look good on Aminet.
o Displays Aminet .readme and other text files correctly.
o Servername shown as title, directory path above filelist.
o And the obligatory PARENT button is here.
o FTPD is the best FTP download script for AWeb ;-)

And folks let me know what you think okay?

Amiga Programmer/Musician/Graphician/Media Technician,
"Msi Software <msi@sn.no>  (User support for our software)"
"Amiga List <msi@sn.no>" (Amiga mailing list, subject: SUBSCRIBE)
Msi Software <http://www.sn.no/~msi> (Amiga)

                G E R M A N   T A X   P R O G R A M 

Steuer Profi 96 is available!

Steuer Profi 96 is available!
News Date : 15 February, 1997

Suggested Retail Price DM 99.00
Update price DM 49,00
Ordering information:
Just send an E-Mail to stefano@schatztruhe.de including your address
and the products you want to order.  Please do not forget to include
your credit cards details.

Product description
Steuer Profi 96 is a program for calculating the German income tax.
Due to different tax systems in each country we cannot recommend the
purchase of this product if you are living outside the Federal
Republic of Germany.


Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH
Veronikastr. 33 - 45131 Essen - Germany
Phone: ++49-201-788778  Fax ++49-201-798447
EMail: stefano@schatztruhe.de  WWW: http://www.schatztruhe.de/

              V I E W E R   F O R   P D F   F I L E S

02 Feb 97 13:30:07 +0500
From: Terje Pedersen <terjepe@login.eunet.no>


I've just uploaded xpdf2c.lha to my homepage:

I don't mind anoyne posting a message saying it actually works on
their amiga..(I'm gambling that it does..):

Short:    xpdf(0.6) - a Portable Document Format viewer (X11 port) 020
Uploader: terjepe@login.eunet.no
Author:  Derek B.  Noonburg(derekn@ece.cmu.edu)/Terje Pedersen (Amiga
Type:  gfx/show

This is an (no changes) port of an X11 program called xpdf version

Xpdf is a viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files.  (These are
also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's
PDF software.) Xpdf runs under UNIX or VMS and the X Window System.

And as it turns out now also on the amiga..

This version support pdf format 1.2 which isn't the latest version of
the format..

I guess it is worth mentioning that the program needs a lot of memory.
You should be able to get away with a 'small' workbench either
directly or through the command line argument -geometry.

Resizing now works properly.  Redrawing of buttons is now correct.
(XPeekIfEvent deleted and reinserted events if they weren't the right
one, which messed up the event sequence).  Command line arguments
works.  (Implemented XrmParseCommand).  Internal allocation of TmpRas
wasn't correct which could cause problems with some .pdf files (ie

Added the neccessary libX11 files.  If you have accidentally
downloaded some of my previous ports (..) you will probably already
have them..  Assign libx11:  to the libx11 directory and do any
chances to amigadefaults if needed (read more about it in


This version uses gzip to uncompress data so you'll need this program
somewhere in your path.  Chances are gzip is available on aminet..
And consequently there is no need to look for the elusive 'uncompress'
Amiga Update on the net:  some issues available at:
    http://www.sharbor.com/amiga/news/ (in html format)
    http://www.amigacom.com (in ASCII text)
    Australian Mirror Site: http://www.comcen.com.au/~paulm/index.html
 All back issues available (in ASCII text) at:
Copyright 1997 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
   _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   || bandr@globaldialog.com
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  