   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter)
           BACK FOR THE FUTURE           ||
 AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga International, GmbH

 A M I G A   I N F O R M E R   D I S T R I B U T I O N   C H A N G E S 

              M I A M I   A N D   M U L T I C A S T I N G 

               C N E T   P R O F E S S I O N A L   B B S 

                M O R E   O N   I N D E X   C L O N E S 

           I M A G I N E   6 . 0   S P E C I A L   O F F E R

           S E E   T H E   P R E S S   C O N F E R E N C E ! 

        L E G A C Y   F E A T U R E S   V I G I L   S C E N E S 

     A M I G A   U S E R   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   -   G O N E 

                  A M I G A   E L M   F O R   M A I L

           D I R E C T O R Y   O P U S   5   M A G E L L A N

               I C S   P R O D U C T   A N N O U N C E D 

                     Y A M   2 . 0   D E T A I L S

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

Publications and e-mail programs dominate this issue, but we have
fascinating stories on other topics for you also. We begin with a
notice from "The Amiga Informer", which many of you subscribe to. For
those who don't; as it says in the article, all subscribers to "Amiga
Informer" also receive copies of AU. And yes, I do write for the
"Informer" and am quite proud to do so. However, since these are two
separate publications and not all AU's subscribers are also "Informer"
subscribers, we continue to report on it as we would any other

PIM Publications, publishers of the venerable "Amazing Computing"
magazine, have a video offer for you which we think you'll find very
tempting. We certainly did. Details are below.

"Legacy", the new Amiga magazine on video, is planning on including
scenes from the almost legendary "Death Bed Vigil" video in upcoming
issues. Again, details are below.

And while the new publications are growing and innovating, not all the
old survive. We carry the "death notice" of "Amiga User
International". One of several good European Amiga magazines, it will
be missed.

There's product news as well. We have stories about two e-mail
programs for the Amiga. ELM is a port of the very popular and capable
Unix mailer. YAM (Yet Another Mailer) is a native Amiga product, and
the one that currently sends "Amiga Update" to you.

We've recently received more information about the very interesting
Amiga clones being developed by Index in Britain. We introduced you to
them two issues ago.
We have a very interesting article from Holger Kruse, author of MIAMI.
If you're an Amiga programmer looking for a project, please read what
Holger has to say. If you're an Amigan who browses the Net, you'll
find it tantalizing.
Speaking of the Net, it and especially the World Wide Web portion of
the Internet, has largely destroyed the many dial-in bulletin boards
that used to flourish everywhere. Yet, there's still a place for them
in the computer world ("Amiga Update" World Headquarters is still home
to a BBS called "Adventure Central". It's located near the World
Headquarters' living room.) We're pleased to see excelent BBS software
continues to be available for the Amiga, as shown in the story about

Are you an Amiga modeler? Then you'll be very interested in the
special offer from Impulse for "Imagine 6.0". Don't skip our story.

Directory Opus from GPSoftware is a product much in use by Amigans.
The story below details their newest version, which was first
available at the recent World of Amiga in London. The story dates from
just before that show.

Finally, we have a product story that we're just not sure how to take.
We found a fascinating product description on the home page of
Intrinsic Computer Systems in England. What they describe sounds too
good to be true. Maybe it is, but maybe they can deliver - we sure
hope so. We'll keep an eye on this situation and let you know how
things develop.
We wish you pleasure with this issue.

Brad Webb,

 A M I G A   I N F O R M E R   D I S T R I B U T I O N   C H A N G E S 

25 May 1997 


By now many in the Amiga community may have seen at least one issue of
The Amiga Informer. If you have, you know that The Informer is a
publication dedicated to promoting the continued use and application
of the Amiga computer. If you haven't seen one, now is the time to
take a look.

We have been in publication for nearly 16 months and have continued to
grow. Some of you might recall that the first Informer contained only
8 pages. In contrast, the soon-to-be released issue 8 will contain 32
pages. We have continued to grow in spite of a questionable future by
providing readers with a useful resource free of fluff and full of
fact. We take pride in our publication and the service and
responsiveness we give to our subscribers. We are also proud of the
fact that we are the only North American commercial Amiga publication
that is produced entirely using Amiga computers.

In the past, The Informer was distributed primarily through select
Amiga dealers that included a complimentarily issue with each Amiga
order. This served to introduce The Informer to the community at
large, letting them know we were available and that we were committed
to the future. While this method of distribution served us well, it is
time for a change. Since our subscriber base has continually grown,
and we have gained retail sales partners among Amiga dealers, we will
be limiting the number of issues we distribute as complimentary
copies. While we will continue to distribute some complimentary issues
through some dealers, you will find they will no longer be as easy to
obtain. Complimentary issues will continue to dwindle in supply.

If you like The Informer and want to get every issue in a timely
manner, the only certain way to be assured of getting an issue is to
subscribe or to purchase an issue from a retailer. In fact, a
subscription is a wise way to go. It assures that you get the latest
issue delivered to your door while granting you certain special
benefits. These benefits include:

> Delivery by email of Brad Webb's Amiga Update electronic newsletter.
This newsletter quickly brings you the latest news and announcements
with the expedience of email.

> Free classified ad space in our Marketplace section to advertise
your used Amiga products.

> 10% discount on any product ordered from Liage International.

> Automatic entry in our bimonthly prize drawings of great Amiga

A one year subscription of 6 issues to The Informer is (all in US
dollars): $14 for USA subscribers, $16 for Canadian subscribers, or
$21 for subscribers in all other countries. If you are interested,
there are several ways for you to subscribe. You can:

> Call us at 914-566-4665 and subscribe with your Visa or Mastercard.

> Call or Fax us at 914-566-4665 and request that we Fax you one of
our subscription forms. You can send or Fax you subscription back to

> Email us at eldritch@mhv.net and request that we email you a
subscription form. You can email, Fax or send it back to us.

> Visit our web site at www.amigainformer.com and fill out the on-line
subscription form and we will send you a bill along with your first

> Send a check or Money Order made out to ELDRITCH ENTERPRISES to: The
Informer, PO Box 21, Newburgh NY 12551-0021

We at The Informer believe the Amiga will soon enter a new era. After
many years of mismanagement and failed opportunities, the Amiga is
finally in the hands of a company that looks as thought they will make
some good decisions. Our aim is to grow with this new wave of Amiga
computing and continue to provide our readers with the most useful,
informative and detail orientated publication around. Our hope is that
you will ride that wave with us.

Thanks for your support,

Fletcher Haug Editor eldritch@mhv.net www.amigainformer.com ..

*No purchase necessary. Prize drawings open to anyone. If not
subscribing, send one postcard for each drawing with your name,
address, phone number, email address and the date to: The Amiga
Informer, PO Box 21, Newburgh NY 12551-0021. Postcard must be titled
"Free Informer Prize Drawing" and be dated at least 2 weeks before
each drawing. Drawings are held bimonthly.

           M I A M I   A N D   M U L T I C A S T I N G 

30 May 1997 

This is not exactly an announcement, but rather a reminder :-).

Miami supports full IP multicasting since version 2.1, in a way that
is source-level compatible to Unix, allowing relatively easy ports of
Unix multicasting software to AmigaOS/Miami.

Multicasting is the transport mechanism used by real-time applications
(audio/video conferencing etc.) on the Internet, and by the "MBone"
multicasting backbone embedded into the Internet.

With an MBone tunnel connection at your provider, a multicasting-
capable protocol stack like Miami and some conferencing software based
on multicasting, you can participate in the MBone, e.g. watch Space
Shuttle launches live, watch conference meetings, run your only live
audio/video conferences etc.

Up until earlier this year the MBone has been "experimental" and was
not considered a real Internet service. This has changed recently
though. There is a very strong movement on the Internet towards
delivering MBone to end users *right now*, and several Internet
providers (most of them small regional providers) have officially
added "MBone access" to their list of services recently. The MBone is
gradually becoming an "official Internet service", just like www and
email. Ask your provider for more information on this.

What the Amiga needs at this point are good, clean ports of the
available multicasting application software, and maybe a few
Amiga-native multicasting applications. I don't have the time to do
this myself, but there are probably many programmers on this list, and
some of them might be looking for an interesting project. The MBone is
likely to become the next "hot issue" after email and www, so we
should try to get a quick start on this, and all the Amiga needs is
application software.

If you are looking for a way to generate some income from your Amiga:
Good video/audio conferencing tools could become real money makers --
probably more interesting than yet another email/news program or web
browser, where you first have to invest many months of work to just
get to the point that the competition has already reached. Besides you
can implement straight from the specs and from Unix examples -- no
need to add workarounds for broken M*cr*s*ft implementations for a

If you are interested in porting or writing multicasting applications
please check the following links for more information on the MBone:

- http://www.mbone.com/techinfo/

- http://www.cs.unc.edu/~wangx/MBONE/mbonetoolarchive.html

- http://www.ipmulticast.com/

- http://www.data.com/tutorials/ip_multicast.html

- http://www5.zdnet.com/anchordesk/story/story_951.html


Holger Kruse   kruse@nordicglobal.com
 Mailinglist 'miami-announce-ml' Admin: <kruse@nordicglobal.com> 
    Send listserv-requests to <amiga-lists@nordicglobal.com>     

            C N E T   P R O F E S S I O N A L   B B S 

CNet Amiga Professional Version 4 Begins Shipping Friday, May 30, 1997


During the last year, since CNet Amiga BBS changed ownership to
ZenMetal Software, CNet has undergone a multitude of changes. All
sysop GUIs have been re-designed for a more professional look and
feel. CNet now has some native Internet applications such as Telnet,
NNTP news retrieval/posting and an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.
FTP and SMTP mail import/export are also planned as well as many other
"core" BBS features.

Those interested in ordering CNet Amiga should access the Official
CNet Amiga Homepage at http://tggh.net/~rakey. These pages contain
screen-shots of CNet Amiga Professional, history, changes, other CNet
links, developer e-mail addresses and full ordering information. Both
framed and non-framed versions of the page are available at this site.

             M O R E   O N   I N D E X   C L O N E S 
"Amiga Update" has just received some interesting information about
the Index Information Ltd. Amiga clones reported in the 970509 issue.
New work includes adding MPEG capability to the motherboard of the
Access model, as an option to be available in three to four months.
This should help the Access in its designated roll as a platform for
kiosks, advertising and similar public displays. Access is strictly
intended as a delivery platform for corporations wishing to display to
the public, and not as a personal computer. At least, that's the plan
for now.

We learned that the Access was not displayed at the recent World of
Amiga in England because licensing negotiations with Amiga
International are still ongoing. Index expects them to be completed in
a couple of weeks. At that time Access will be launched formally. Some
units will be available at launch time for what the company describes
as "key projects".

While no Index products were publicly visible at WOA, the show was a
convenient setting for face to face discussions with Amiga
International and Gateway 2000, and a chance for officials from those
companies to view both the Access and InsideOut products.

        I M A G I N E   6 . 0   S P E C I A L   O F F E R

Impulse Announces Special Offer for Imagine 6.0

May 23rd 1997

Dear Amiga User,

We are very excited about what is going on with Imagine for the Amiga.
Impulse is working hard every day adding new features and functions to
Imagine that will knock your socks off. We would like to tell the
entire Amiga community about the new things that are going on in
Imagine and about our special offer that you will want to take
advantage of.

First here is a partial list of new things that are being done to
Imagine for the Amiga!

   o NEW GUI... Up to date with present O/S
   o Inverse Kinematics
   o New Preferences Editor
   o Optimized for the 040 and 060
   o Power PC Support
   o New Special Effects: Jiggle and Jitter
   o New Textures
   o Linear Fog Fall off
   o New Staging functions to make character animation very easy
   o Animation Deform Tool
   o Free Form 2D Spline Editor with PS font support
   o New and Improved Lens Flares options
   o Volumetric Light sources
   o ASL File Requester support
   o Jpeg file support
   o New Complete Electronic Manual with Interactive index
   o Free Technical World Wide Web Support

As you can see we are working very hard to Imgine for the Amiga the
best 3D package on any platform.

Now for the offer:

Many of you over the years have taken part in our constant update
program. The CUP as we call it is, in simple terms, a way for Impulse
to give you updates of the software with all the new features and
functions as they are completed rather than waiting 12 to 18 months
for a new version release. Impulse anticipates compleation of all of
the above new features and others not listed will take us atleast 12
months. You can direct the flow and development of the software by
using the Amiga CUP program. The cost is a low $100.00 usd. As a
member of the CUP you will get no less than 4 upgrades over the next
12 months. You will receive a special user name and password with a
secure location on the web to download the newest code. (disks will be
sent to those without net access. However those with net access may
get more than 4 updates per year.)

So why should you join the Amiga CUP? First and most important is the
fact that you will save atleast 50% on the release of the final 6.0
update and possibly more as the projected price for the upgrade is
over $200.00. Secondly, the Amiga community is now unfortunately
smaller and we need to know that you are still out there keeping the
Amiga alive and kicking.

It is simple to subscribe to the Amiga CUP:

By mail:
send check, money order, or credit card info to

     Impulse Inc.
     8416 Xerxes Ave N
     Brooklyn Park MN. 55444

By phone:
US and Canada 1-800-328-0184
All other locations 1-612-425-0557

By Fax:
World Wide 1-612-425-0701

By E-Mail: sales@coolfun.com

Thank you for your continued support.

Larry Halvorson
V.P. Sales
Impulse Inc.

        S E E   T H E   P R E S S   C O N F E R E N C E ! 


Gateway 2000 and Amiga International Press Conference- The London
press conference (May 16, 1997) with Jim Taylor, Senior Vice President
of Global Marketing for Gateway 2000, and Petro Tyschtschenko of Amiga
International is now available on video. Discover what was really said
in their speeches and in the question and answer session.

Jim Taylor outlined Gateway 2000's philosophies, Petro Tyschtschenko
outlined the present and future position of Amiga International, and
both men fielded questions from the floor. Nowhere has this conference
been completely reported (of course AC's July issue will cover the
high points) as thoroughly as this unbiased taped event. Be a Fly on
The Wall and see for yourself the direction and promises that have
been made to the Amiga community.

Also, discover what PIOS has to say. What are their plans, what is
their foundation, and how are they going to work in this new
environment. Take advantage of this special opportunity to discover
PIOS current products and future plans. The PIOS Press conference and
question and answer session has also been included on this video at no
extra charge.

Gateway 2000 & Amiga International

Press Conference: $19.95 US plus $5.00 S&H (US only-ask about foreign

London Developers' Conference on Video! - The London Developers'
Conference (May 17, 1997) is available on tape. Get a real feel for
what was said about and to Gateway 2000. Listen as Amiga developers
from all around the world discuss possibilities for the Amiga market.

London Developers' meeting:

$19.95 US plus $5.00 S&H (US only-ask about foreign S&H)

Get Both Tapes for just $34.95 US plus $5.00 S&H (US only-ask about
foreign S&H)

These are a product of Fly on the Wall Video. These are not
professional edited productions. This is raw, uncut footage for a you
are there feel!

For VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express: Call toll-free in
the US and Canada.


or FAX our secure FAX location at 508 675 6002.

Foreign callers can contact AC at 1-508 678 4200.

Or send check, money order, or credit card information to:

PiM Publications Inc., P.O. Box 9490, Fall River, MA 02720

1997 PiM Publications Inc.

      L E G A C Y   F E A T U R E S   V I G I L   S C E N E S 

Legacy To Feature Deathbed Vigil Documentary in 1997 Issues
25 May, 1997

Looking for a new, fresh way to stay in touch with the latest for your
Amiga? Want a poignant glimpse into the rise and fall of Commodore at
the same time?

Now you can have it all delivered to you on video!

Subscribe to Legacy: The Groundbreaking Amiga Magazine on Video!

Now is the best time to subscribe to Legacy--the new magazine
dedicated to bringing you and your Amiga the latest info. The hottest
products, the coolest tricks, and the future--all on video! Not only
are we planning to bring you everything from graphics tutorials you
can use to a complete overview of the tools you should be watching for
on the Internet, but in 1997 Legacy will include scenes from Dave
Haynie's legendary Deathbed Vigil documentary, back in publication by
IAM. Included will be footage never before seen, and not available on
the regular commercial release!

Also slated is a graphical tutorial from the man behind the latest
ImageFX demonstration video, a roundup of new emulators, reviews of
the latest Amiga products and games, and a look at Amiga fashion

Legacy will be published 5 times a year (3 in 1997) and contain over
60 minutes of coverage in each issue. Starting in June, Legacy will be
distributed through direct subscriptions as well as Amiga dealerships.
We are currently in negotiations with European companies to ensure
sales overseas as well.

Be a part of the Legacy: Legacy is interested in contributions from
Amiga users! While we will do most of the segments in-house, we're
particularly interested in showing off Amiga still or animated
artwork, and incorporating Amiga-scored music in Legacy.

Subscriptions are being taken now!

8 issues (1997 and 1998): Just $11.45 per issue!
3 issues (1997 only) : Just $12.95 per issue!
Sample issue (Issue #1) : $14.95

Shipping and handling per tape is $2.05 within the US.
Illinois residents add 8.25% sales tax.

To subscribe, send a check or money order payable to "Legacy Maker"

Legacy Maker
PO Box 60711
Chicago, IL 60626

To subscribe by credit card, fill out the details of your card (type,
account number, expiration date) on a form with your subscription
information and mail to the above address.

To subscribe by phone, call 773-465-5158.

Subscription prices (includes domestic S&H):

Eight issues: $112.00
Three issues: $45.00
Sample (#1): $17.00

For more information, contact Jason Compton at jcompton@xnet.com.

Legacy's web page is located at

    A M I G A   U S E R   I N T E R N A T I O N A L   -   G O N E 

25 May, 1997

AUI, which was closed on the instruction of Managing Editor and
Publisher Antony Jacobson, has been finally laid to rest. The
full-time staff were each given one of the office Amigas while the
remaining equipment was sold off. This means that the magazine will
not be returning. Subscribers will be refunded in due course.

The AUI office is now closed, so postal and telephone contact has
ceased. The email address remains active if you wish to contact the ex
Deputy Editor.

              A M I G A   E L M   F O R   M A I L

24 May 1997 


     Amiga Elm


     10 (10.12)


     Andreas M. Kirchwitz
     E-Mail: elm-fan@zikzak.in-berlin.de


AmigaElm is an "Electronic Mail Reader" which allows you to read and
write mail. Normally you'd need a properly installed UUCP or IP
package (eg, AmigaUUCP, Feulner-UUCP, Dillon-UUCP, wUUCP or AmiTCP
plus INetUtils) to receive and send mail, but AmigaElm is highly
configurable so that you can take a mail-folder from a UNIX box,
answer the messages and bring the answers back to the UNIX box.

AmigaElm is easy to install and to use. The user interface is very
intuitive and similar to the well-known UNIX "elm". Beginners can
control all basic functions with menus and some nice GadTools
requesters. Advanced users can use aliases, prioritized message
various filename-offers when saving messages and lots of options to
configure AmigaElm to fit your needs. In a system with multiple users,
AmigaElm allows separate configuration files for each user.

AmigaElm can be invoked in a special "terminal mode" (all input/output
from/to console). This is useful for running AmigaElm in the current
shell window or over a serial line (eg, with AUX-Handler).

AmigaElm offers basic internal MIME (multimedia mail) functionality
(eg, sending 8-bit-text and binaries over 7-bit-lines) and supports
"MetaMail" (a full-featured package for handling all kinds of MIME
messages -- also available on Aminet, see section "AVAILABILITY") and
"ReqTools" library 2.x (reqtools.library is included).

AmigaElm has built-in support for cryptographic applications (eg,
Encryption and decryption of messages is user-configurable.


Changes since version 8 and 9 (summary):

- Now RFC1522/Quoted-Printable decoding not only for sender's
realname, but also for subject and receipient's realname.
- New in .elm/elmrc: "PrintCmd" finally implemented. You can define
your own printing command. (was broken in version 9)
- Fixed bug with very long lines (introduced in Elm version 7).
Don't worry about this... Elm always prints a warning message,
if it feels that something is wrong with the line length, the
folder length or a message offset.
- Config variables "AnswerReturnReceipt" and "AnswerReturnView" are
now ignored when folder is specified with option "-f". See manual
for other "limitations" when option "-f" is used.
- In compact header display (built-in pager) only the first line of
long header lines will be displayed. Use "show header" function
to display complete header lines.
- Now displays one more line per page on index screen.
- Significantly enhanced terminal mode: now displays title bar and
shortens it (compact format) if it becomes too long. Makes Elm
look more like Unix "elm".

(see file "History.Txt" for complete list of changes)


     AmigaOS 2.0 (or higher)

And for normal usage: a properly installed UUCP or IP package.
But can be configured to run without a UUCP or IP package for
processing ready-made mail-folders (eg, from your work or


FTP/Internet: Aminet and mirrors

ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/aminet/comm/mail/AmigaElm-v10.lha (217590)

UUCP/E-Mail : mail-server@cs.tu-berlin.de

Send mail to the address above and put the
line "send /pub/aminet/comm/mail/AmigaElm-v10.lha"
in the body.


Shareware, Copyright by Andreas M. Kirchwitz
Source code only available to registered users.

        D I R E C T O R Y   O P U S   5   M A G E L L A N

Press Release: Immediate May 11th 1997

GPSoftware demonstrates its continuing support for the Amiga by
announcing the release of the NEW version of Opus the World of Amiga
show in London May 17/18.

The new product will be demonstrated on the GPSoftware/Wizard
Developments stand at the show and will be available for purchase as a
full product or an upgrade for existing Opus 5.5 users.

-- From its first release in early '95, many Amiga users have seen the
raw power provided by Opus 5 with its unique concept integrating
Workbench Replacement Mode (tm), file management and custom functions
in the one package. These concepts were further refined in the Opus
5.5 release in May '96. During this time of great uncertainty for the
Amiga platform as a whole, we have been buoyed by the support of Opus
users, many of whom have given us continual encouragement as well as
much valuable feedback and suggestions on future directions for Opus

Through your support Opus 5 has now become firmly established as the
premier workbench replacement and file management program for the


With this new version we have attempted to return your loyalty with
ongoing support for the Amiga platform and a continuation of our
development plan for Opus 5. We have also tried to add as many of your
user suggestions as possible which are consistent with the metaphor of

We hope you will enjoy the advanced features in this new version which
we call the Directory Opus 5 Magellan version.

Summary of Enhancements:

The Magellan version is not just a simple upgrade but the product of
12 months of intensive development of many components of the Opus 5
system and enthusiastic testing by our beta testers. This version
gives you many new features with superior useability especially in
Workbench Replacement Mode(tm) with greater control over icons,
actions on and with icons, plus many new features such as Start Menus,
extra popup sticky menus and new background images to name but a few.

After extensive testing we have also improved the compatibility with
Workbench and other Amiga programs with in-built support for the
NewIcons system, better Cybergraphics support, faster icon layout,
dragging and display routines and so on. A rewritten OpusFTP module
complements these changes and not only gives you up to five times
faster access to the Internet but now has a full GUI for the Address
Book and operational parameters.

New features include:-

   o Enhanced Lister functionality including:-
      o Command functions can now act on icon mode listers;
      o New popup menus;
      o Optional Space Gauge showing free space on drives
      o Inline Editing for Name mode listers
   o Enhanced Opus FTP including:-
      o New GUI Address book
      o New GUI for configuration system
      o Up to 5 times faster access with less memory usage
      o Individual directory cache exclusive to each FTP Lister
      o Optional idle timer
      o Auto index download for AmiNet index files.
   o A new integrated system of Start Menus.
   o New Desktop Folder mechanism:- Drag and drop items to the 
     desktop with
     the support of optional popup menus
   o New Icon Positioning system:- Configure areas where icons 
     will appear
     and their priority.
   o Global control of icon labels and icon borders.
   o Direct byte-for-byte copy of icons.
   o Icon label splitting for long labels.
   o New Icon Command function for special "command" files.
   o New Icon Information requester with extensive popup options.
   o Faster icon dragging routines.
   o Use traditional Workbench icon positions for icons or 
     exclusive Opus
   o New Popup menus with shadow look.
   o New Environment GUIs for greater control over Opus 
   o Cybergraphics support for dragging icons and general 
     display speed with
     full 24 bit backdrops.
   o Integrated NewIcons support not just for icons but for 
     all system images
     including graphic button banks.
   o Improved compatibility with MUI, DataTypes, MCP and a 
     number of other
   o New environment variables to allow you to customise Opus 
     functionality even more.
   o Rewritten Text Viewer for faster access and better scrolling 
     on Cybergraphics screens.
   o New Filetypes including ability to match on disks.
   o New Scripts system of disk inserted/disk notification gives 
   o over new disks or newly mounted remote file systems.
   o New Command Functions plus enhanced Argument Variables.
   o Buttons/Images: Full NewIcon image support plus more support 
     for image
     and animation file formats including DPaintV/PPaint AnimBrushes.
   o Groups: Can now contain icon-less items plus you may now add 
     commands to groups.
   o New ARexx commands.
   o More than 40 new callback hooks for easier user programming 
     of Opus


The Directory Opus 5 Magallan upgrade version will be on demonstration
and available for purchase direct from us on the Wizard/GPSoftware
stand at the World of Amiga show at the Novotel in London May 17/18.

Come and see it demonstrated by Leo Davidson and Dr Greg Perry


Direct from GPSoftware, the Magellan upgrade will be priced at our
usual upgrade fee of Australian $65.00 plus $A10 package and air mail

From Wizard Developments at WoA the price will be approximately GBP
30.00. Prices from other distributors such as Micro R&D, Wonder and
Schatztruhe will be equivalent.

We apologise! Our priority has been to get this new Magellan version
ready and available for the WoA show so as to show off new Amiga
developments. So I just have not had time to notify existing users.
All registered users will be notified by mail with a special upgrade
offer sometime around the start of June. (When we get back from

NOTE: Because of show schedules and resulting time and travel delays,
stocks of the Directory Opus 5 Magellan version will most likely not
be available for sale from main distributors apart from Wizard until
approximately end of May or early June.

Check out Opus Magellan's New Features from our web site:-



Dr Greg Perry GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060
Ph/fax +61 7 33661402 Internet Email: zzgperry@mailbox.uq.oz.au WWW :

          I C S   P R O D U C T   A N N O U N C E D 

Intrinsic Computer Systems

ICS - The Amiga Expansion Specialists

Scorpio Supercharger for Amiga Accelerators

With the increasing need for speed in the world of computing ICS are
developing Scorpio Supercharger for 68030 & 68060 accelerators, this
device enables existing accelerators to triple and quadruple their
speeds. A typical example is the Blizzard 030 IV 50Mhz, using the
Scorpio Supercharger its clock speed can be increased to 150Mhz and
the Blizzard 060 50Mhz increased to 200Mhz!!

Price ŁT.B.A. (approx Ł130 - Ł150)

                  Y A M   2 . 0   D E T A I L S

20 May 1997 

Note from Marcel Beck, author of YAM (Yet Another Mailer)

I still haven't got a release date for YAM 2.0, but I just want to
tell you that I have updated the YAM 2.0 screenshots on the YAM
homepage. About 85% of the new features have been implemented so far.
At the moment, there are 17000 lines of C-source; the size of the
executable is 310 KB...

*Some brand new features*
- Spell checker support (e.g. AlpaSpell). The internal
  editor has now got a type'n'spell feature.
- Filters and search function can now use a file containing
  many patterns instead of one single pattern. So you can
  finally use your large "killfiles" ;-)
- YAM now supports Reply prefixes with numbers, i.e.
  Re: -> Re[2]: -> Re[3]:  etc.
- Layout of folder list, message list and address book is
  configurable. You can set field and size in each column.

Marcel Beck_______
\\ E-mail address: mbeck@access.ch
\\ World Wide Web: http://www.access.ch/private-users/mbeck/
\\ PGP key available on request
Amiga Update on the net:  some issues available at:
    http://www.sharbor.com/amiga/news/ (in html format)
    http://www.amigacom.com (in ASCII text)
    Australian Mirror Site: http://www.comcen.com.au/~paulm/index.html
 All back issues available (in ASCII text) at:
Copyright 1997 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
   _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   || bandr@globaldialog.com
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