   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter)
           BACK FOR THE FUTURE           ||
    AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Gateway 2000, Inc.
                  Q U I K P A K   S U R F A C E S !

            O N E   A C   R E P L A C E S   A N O T H E R 

        A M I G A   F O R M A T   S P E C I A L   P R I C E S

      A N O T H E R   A U S T R A L I A N   A M I G A   S H O W

                   O H I O   E X P O   U P D A T E

         Q U E B E C   A M I G A   S H O W   U P C O M I N G

           A I   M E E T S   W I T H   U S   A M I G A N S

            N O N - W I N T E L   N E W S   S E R V I C E 

             A M I G A Z O N E   G E T S   F A C E L I F T

              A M I N E T   2 0   I S   A V A I L A B L E

             T W O   S T O R I E S   F R O M   V U L C A N

      A M I G A   M U S I C   C D   S T I L L   A V A I L A B L E

     T H E   L A T E S T   F R O M   H A A G E   &   P A R T N E R

                    U P D A T E   F R O M   N A T W 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 Despite the number of stories we have for you this time, it's been a
frustrating month to be an Amiga journalist. We've been collecting
news for a few days now, hoping to bring you some updates on what
Gateway is up to. There's a lot going on, but very little that's
available officially.
 We can tell you this much. There now appears to be two separate Amiga
entities within Gateway. First is the familiar "Amiga International",
headed by Petro Tyschtschenko. New is "Amiga, Incorporated". Located
in this county, it's leader is Jeff Schindler, the new head of
Research and Development for Amiga products. "AI" will continue with
marketing and liscensing, while Amiga Inc. will create new products.
We understand everything from new hardware to operating system updates
are being taken over by the new organization. As we have concrete
information to report, we'll do so.
 Those who follow the Amiga market closely will be aware it's been
very hard to contact "QuikPaK", makers of various Amiga models for the
now departed Amiga Technologies. A recent note from QuikPak CEO David
Ziembicki, reproduced below, explains much of what's been happening.
 We also have news of Amiga publications for you - another good one
passes away, but some of the slack is taken up by "Amazing Computing",
for which we are grateful.
 Several upcoming Amiga shows have news for you in this issue. We also
have stories on products, Vulcan software's expansion and "much, much
more" to steal a cliche. Something for everyone this time!
 Brad Webb,

                   Q U I K P A K   S U R F A C E S ! 
To: The Amiga Community
From: David A. Ziembicki
 CEO, QuikPak Corporation

             It has been a while since I wrote to the Amiga Community.
As those reading this already know, we published a letter welcoming
Gateway 2000 and reinforcing our desire to continue to support the
Amiga as we have in the past. To this end we have met  with Gateway
2000, proposed various new products including our advertised A4040L,
A4060L, and A1630. Gateway warned us early on that they are very
meticulous in planning and that they would need time to review our
product proposals and to see how they fit with their plans. By the
time you read this, we will have met with Gateway 2000 to discuss
these and other products.
           Many have asked why we are not shipping the new products
and have pointed out that we have been advertising them for months.
The answer is that in order to utilize the Amiga chip set and OS, we
need to be licensed by the owner of this technology, Gateway 2000. We
are currently in negotiations for such a license and we are hopeful
that these negotiations will be completed shortly and we can move
forward quickly with an exciting line of new Amiga products.
             This transition hasn't been without problems. We are
aware of the difficulty some of you have had in reaching us lately,
and of some delay in obtaining support. We have addressed the majority
of these problems and anticipate that all of you will be satisfied
with the results. We have changed our Web site and domain name. Our
new site is QuikPak.com and we have added some new features to enhance
customer service and make communicating with us easier. Please visit
our site often as this along with our advertising here will be the 
primary means of keeping up to date.
             Finally, my thanks to all of the loyal QuikPak / Amiga
customers. We truly appreciate your support.
 P.S. Please excuse the WIN 95 screen shot on the A4040L, we're just
kidding. {If you check their web site and look closely, you'll see
what he means. Brad}

            O N E   A C   R E P L A C E S   A N O T H E R 

  Amiga Computing and Amazing Computing

North American Amiga Computing Subscribers
To Be Offered Amazing Computing/Amiga Magazine

 August 23, 1997 PiM Publications Inc. announced today they have made
an agreement with IDG Media of the UK to offer Amiga Computing
subscribers Amazing Computing/Amiga Magazine to fulfill their
subscriptions.Don Hicks, Managing Editor for Amazing Computing stated,
"We felt the history of IDG's involvement with the Amiga as well as
our own long-time commitment to the Amiga market made this an honor as
well as our duty to step in and provide all North American Amiga users
a continued professional source to Amiga information."
 Ian Bloomfield, Amiga Computing Publisher, stated, "After 117 issues,
Amiga Computing has sadly closed. However, we are proud to know that
Amazing Computing/Amiga will continue to speak to all Amiga users with
the same journalistic responsibility that has made Amiga Computing
famous. We wish Gateway 2000 and Amiga International Inc. all the
 Don Hicks also stated, "Amiga Computer subscribers will be offered an
assortment of other publications from IDG in a letter being sent with
their October (last) Amiga Computing issue. However, none of the other
publications being offered are Amiga-based. We wanted to offer these
Amiga users an opportunity to stay within the Amiga marketplace."
 Amazing Computing/Amiga to maintain advertising rates for current
 A representative of PiM stated, "Although we are increasing our
current subscription base, we will not increase advertising rates to
current Amazing advertisers at this time. When AmigaWorld closed, PiM
cut Amazing Computing's full page ad rates in half in order to
stabilize the marketplace and maintain an outlet for Amiga users,
dealers, and developers.We believe the current situation is similar
and we want to do all we can to keep Amiga developers actively
producing for the Amiga market."

About Amazing Computing
 Amazing Computing/Amiga was the first monthly magazine (first
issue-February, 1986) for the Amiga making Amazing the longest running
Amiga publication in the world. Amazing Computing is the only monthly
Amiga publication in North America as well as the only full color and
newsstand distributed North American publication.
 Amazing Computing is the premiere Amiga news magazine. Every issue
pushes to discover what is happening in the Amiga market and what is
important to Amiga users. With news stories, tutorials, hints&tips,
show reports, and more, Amazing Computing has covered the Amiga market
from Video to Games, from programming to web site construction in over
135 issues. They do this by not compromising their dedication to get
their readers ALL The Facts First. No wonder AC continues to
consistently beat any other Amiga publication with new product
information, news, and reviews by at least a month.

Amazing Computing is available by subscription:
1 year (12 issues)
$27.00 US
$34.00 Canada & Mexico
$44.00 Foreign (air mail rates available on request)

For VISA, MasterCard, AmericanExpress, or Discover, call:
toll-free in the US and Canada.
Office hours are 9 to 5 Monday-Friday Eastern Daylight Savings Time.

Foreign orders should call 1-508 678 4200 or FAX 508 675 6002.

Mail orders to:
Amazing Computing
C/O PiM Publications Inc.
P.O. Box 9490
Fall River, MA 02720

And don't forget to check Amazing's web site at


 for the latest Amiga news and special offers.

        A M I G A   F O R M A T   S P E C I A L   P R I C E S
Amiga Format Offers Limited-Time Discounts

 For immediate release:

Amiga Format at 33% off!

 Anyone interested in subscribing to Amiga Format - the world's
biggest-selling Amiga magazine - has never had a better incentive to
do so. Until 31st October 1997, Amiga Format is available to new
subscribers at a massive discount of 33 per cent off the normal
newsstand price. This means that if you buy our CD edition - instead
of paying £5.99 per issue you will only be paying £3.91!
                         Floppy         CD
12 issues UK             £35           £47
12 issues Europe         £47           £59
12 issues Rest of world  £61           £73
 For further details email subs@futurenet.co.uk

 Amiga Format is the longest-running UK Amiga magazine and has the
most knowledgeable staff. Amiga Format was also the first magazine to
pioneer putting a regular CD-ROM on the cover and is always at the
forefront of new Amiga development with contacts in more than fourteen

      A N O T H E R   A U S T R A L I A N   A M I G A   S H O W

Amiga Central News Press Release

AAG'97 MK II Amiga Expo

Press Release: 22/08/97

 The Australian Amiga Gazette, Australia's largest Amiga magazine was
the Organiser of the Australian Amiga Gathering'97. AAG'97 was the
offical re-launch of the Amiga in Australia and was held at the Sydney
Showground in June.
 Due to the huge success of the Sydney show, another show has been
planned for Melbourne.
 The Australian Amiga Gathering Mark II will be held on Saturday the
11th of October at The Pit, Pit Lane, Albert Park Grand Prix Circut.

 The AAG'97 MKII will run from 09:00am to 10:00pm

 For more details, check the web site at...


                      or contact the Organisers at...




                     Amiga: Taking Pole Position Again !

 Michael Burak, Editor of the Australian Amiga Gazette and Organiser
of the Sydney Amiga show has signed over all rights and liability of
AAG'97 MKII to a team of dedicated Amigans (Paul Graham, Michael
Gruber, Darren Robertson) to ensure a larger human resource will be
available to manage the Melbourne show.
 Would we also be please if you could add a link on you web site to
our home page. Attached to the email is the banner so you can see what
it looks like.

                  O H I O   E X P O   U P D A T E 

Date:         Sat, 30 Aug 1997 
We've just had a few new developments for the 1997 Midwest Amiga

 1) Petro Tyschtschenko, President of Amiga International, will be
attending our show as a special guest.
 2). An Amiga Developers Conference is schedule for Saturday, Nov. 1st
(the first day of the show). Kermit Woodall, of Nova Design, will be
the moderator. The conference is tenatively scheduled for 4:00pm to
6:00pm. All Amiga developers are encouraged to attend, as this will be
an excellent opportunity to address many of the issues that face
current Amiga development.
 3). After the conference, a 7:00pm dinner with Petro Tyschtschenko,
as the guest speaker, will be available, at $30.00 per plate (this
price is not final, we're working on getting it lowered!) for all who
wish to attend. Menu selection of the dinner choice is still pending,
however, it will consist of an entree, side dish, salad, dessert, and
beverage. An informal social gathering at the hotel bar will follow.
 4). A grand prize drawing will take place on Sunday, Nov. 2nd, the
last day of the show at approx. 2:00pm. We currently are in
negotiations to have an Amiga for a grand prize giveaway. The prize
will be an Amiga 1200, with configuration yet to be determined. Some
vendors may have discounted software packages just for the event, and
like last year, we will have hourly giveaways of Amiga and non-Amiga
related computer items such as mouse pads, T-shirts, CD-Roms, and
valuable Amiga software.
 5). Negotiations are pending for Newtek's attendance and possibly a
Video Toaster training session.
 6). We are negotiating an IRC feed for the show, enabling Amiga
developers from around the globe to attend the conference.

 Thanks to all who have responded, and please keep an eye on
http://www.amicon.org/mae.html for further developments.

Dave Pearce
| dpearce@infinet.com -  AmiCON -  The Amiga Central Ohio Network |
| For more information on AmiCON and the Midwest Amiga Exposition |
| visit http://www.amicon.org                                     |

         Q U E B E C   A M I G A   S H O W   U P C O M I N G 
Club Amiga du Québec Announces Festival Amiga '97

Club Amiga du Québec Inc.
5430, 15e avenue
Montréal, Québec
Canada H1X 2T8

Contact: caq@moebius.qc.ca

 Festival Amiga '97

 The Club Amiga du Québec is inviting all Amiga users of the Montréal
region to its 1997 Amiga Festival, that will be held on Saturday,
August 23rd at the Monkland Community Center.
 The Festival is an opportunity for Amiga enthusiasts to meet and
exchange tricks, tips, and tall tales of their mutual passion, the
Amiga computer.
 More information can be found on the C.A.Q. Web Site at

 Daniel Mayrand
vice-president, [http://www.moebius.qc.ca/CAQ] Club Amiga du Québec
member, 'Team AMIGA'

 The Club Amiga du Québec is an non-profit organization devoted to the
promotion of the Amiga computer.

         A I   M E E T S   W I T H   U S   A M I G A N S 

 Amiga International, Inc.: First meeting in USA with representatives
of the AMIGA community

August 11th, 1997
  First meeting in USA with representatives of the AMIGA community  
August 11th, 1997, Dakota Dunes, USA - First official meeting in
Dakota Dunes/USA under direction of Jeff Schindler, General Manager
AMIGA, Inc. (Technology and Licensing Company) and Petro
Tyschtschenko, Managing Director AMIGA International, Inc.
(International Sales & Marketing) with competent representatives of
the AMIGA community.

 We came together with:

· Dean Brown, Boardmember ICOA*
· Jason Compton, Amiga reporter
· Andy Finkel, Boardmember ICOA*
· Darreck Lisle, Siouxland Metro User Group
· Jesse McMCLusky, Boardmember ICOA*
· Fleecy Moss, Project Manager ICOA*, Member JMS**
· Alain Penders, Boardmember ICOA*
· Joe Torre, AMIGA Atlanta User Group

 to better understand the AMIGA community and its concerns.

 In three days we discussed history and possible strategies for the
future of our AMIGA.
 Petro Tyschtschenko, Managing Director AMIGA International, Inc.

           N O N - W I N T E L   N E W S   S E R V I C E 

(CSAA) Non-Wintel news service from Convergence International
19 Aug 1997

 Convergence International, the user and development group dedicated
to the support of non-Wintel platforms, has created a free news
service summarising the important events occurring in the non-Wintel
 The index page at http://www.convergence.eu.org/news/ gives a run
down of the major news items, with specific sections for:

            * Acorn      * Amiga    * Apple
            * ARM        * CHRP     * Network Computers
            * Phase 5    * Psion    * Convergence itself

 The pages are updated in the evening on which any newsworthy item is
found, and it is possible using our "URL Minder" feature to be
notified by e-mail of news updates.
 Other features such as a forum for discussing non-Wintel issues, a
technical support form, and links to the rest of the site, are
provided. If you prefer a no tables version is also available.

WWW    : http://www.convergence.eu.org/news/
         http://www.convergence.eu.org/news/index_nt.shtml (no tables
E-mail : enquiries@convergence.eu.org

Convergence International - the non-wintel user group
Supporting Acorn, Amiga, Apple, ARM, Be, Psion

            A M I G A Z O N E   G E T S   F A C E L I F T
 10 August 1997

 The venerable AmigaZone's Web site ([http://www.amigazone.com/]
http://www.amigazone.com/), one of the oldest existing
Amiga-supporting web sites has just gotten a total redesign!
 Our pages now load faster, because we've split them up a bit into
more sub-pages, and we now use tables with a convenient bar of buttons
down the left-hand side to take you to its other areas.

 However this new site design incorporates even more info than we had
before. For example, we now feature tables of our current weekly prize
offerings and a listing of recent winners.
 We've even included buttons which will automatically launch your
favorite Telnet client (once you've configured your browser for it) to
let you log right into the Zone's Text-style interface, and another to
take you to its members-only web interface (http://amigazone.com).
 If you haven't visited the AmigaZone site in a while, well c'mon back
and take a look at our fresh new face :-) The AmigaZone is an online
service for Amiga owners, users and lovers.We've been in business
since 1985. We're fully net-connected with Usenet newsgroups, Fidonet
"echoes", Amiga mailing lists, email, local message bases, 40,000
files, CD-ROMs online, a text-style interface anda slick Web
interface, and live, nightly chats with prize contests. We are hosted
by CalWeb Internet Services and $19.95/month gets you total access to
everything, 24 hours a day, including your own CalWeb UNIX shell
account with 10 meg of storage for your own web site! Free two-week
trial accounts are available to check us out.


For more info and details, check out our web site at:


Harv Laser
AmigaZone Founder and Sysop

            A M I N E T   2 0   I S   A V A I L A B L E

	World-Wide Amiga News! - Aminet 20 CD-ROM is available!

Aminet 20 CD-ROM is available!
News Date : 18 August, 1997
News Source: [http://www.schatztruhe.de] www.schatztruhe.de

Suggested Retail Price DM  25.00       Subscription price DM  19.80
                       US$ 13.66                          US$ 10.82
                       GBP  8.68                          GBP  6.88

 Please note: US$ and GBP were computed employing today's exchange
rates. The above quoted prices do not include shipping.
 Ordering information:
 The most convenient method of placing an order is to use our
electronic order form located at
http://www.schatztruhe.de/order.html. You can also send an E-Mail to
stefano@schatztruhe.de including your address and the products you
wish to order. Please do not forget to include your credit cards
 Aminet CD 20, dated August 1997, contains more than 1 gigabyte
uncompressed) of software in thousands of archives. Since the release
of Aminet CD 19 more than 500 MB new software has appeared. The
current edition includes a special registered version of Wildfire, the
amazing animation editor.

Contents of Aminet 20

Directory    Size            Files         Contents

biz           30 MB           95           Business software
comm          43 MB          234           Communications
demo          66 MB           76           Graphics & sound demo
dev           28 MB          101           Development software
disk          12 MB           28           Disk & HD tools
docs          41 MB          100           Documents
game         118 MB          228           Games
gfx           66 MB          112           Graphics software
hard           3 MB           16           Hardware related
misc          27 MB           52           Miscellaneous
mods         246 MB          671           Music modules
mus           25 MB           55           Music software
pix          194 MB          331           Pictures
text          36 MB           56           Text software
util          34 MB          267           Utilities

 Stefan Ossowski

 Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH
Veronikastr. 33 - 45131 Essen - Germany
Phone: ++49-201-788778  Fax ++49-201-798447
EMail: stefano@schatztruhe.de  
WWW: http://www.schatztruhe.de/
Visit our Web site and join our mailing-list.

            T W O   S T O R I E S   F R O M   V U L C A N 
Vulcan Software Announces USA Branch

 Vulcan Software Limited, the biggest Amiga Publisher & Developer In
The World has grown just a little bit more!
 We are proud to announce the opening of our North American Branch:
 Vulcan Software (America)
 Vulcan Software (America) offers the same excellent Mail Order
Services and Technical support as Vulcan Software (UK) but
specifically for our American and Canadian Amiga users.
 All product information, price list in dollars with ordering
information is available from the official Vulcan web site.
 Vulcan Software (America) will also assume the role as main
distributor of Vulcan products to dealers in the American and Canadian


Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 
NEWS: Vulcans latest addition to the MegaSeries

 HARD TARGET ----------- Vulcans answer to a `Virtua Cop` clone for
the Amiga is now entering full steam in development.
 This full screen animated 3D Scenic Shoot em up with fully raytraced
characters will need AGA, 2Mb Chip, 8Mb Fast, 4 x Speed CDRom and
reflexes to match.
 Screenshots from the first level are now available from our website
for publication.
 Not sure of release date at present but probably early next year.

Kind Regards,

Paul Carrington BA (Director)              Vulcan Software Limited

__________________________                 http://www.vulcan.co.uk

 Vulcan Software Ltd (UK) Vulcan House, 72 Queens Road, Buckland,
Portsmouth, Hants PO27NA England Tel: 0-1705-670269 Fax: 0-1705-662226
Email: Paul@vul-soft.demon.co.uk


 Vulcan Software (America) Vulcan House, 1706 Canton Road, Akron, Ohio
44312, U.S.A. Tel: 1-800-426-7687 Fax: 1-330-794-2170 Email:


      A M I G A   M U S I C   C D   S T I L L   A V A I L A B L E

Sat, 16 Aug 1997 

 Future Shock 2 (#SWP1969)(the first %100 Amiga made electronic dance
music CD album) is still available at a good price certainly a must
for your CD collection produced in 1994 by Sidewinder Productions on
A500/A2000 visit
for additional info


Eric 'Sidewinder' Gieseke


    T H E   L A T E S T   F R O M   H A A G E   &   P A R T N E R

Tue, 19 Aug 1997 

The Graphics World Of ArtEffect

 Following the recent successful debut of ArtEffect 2 in June, we are
now pleased to introduce two new special effect packages to extend
its' power. PowerEffects 2 offers a variety of outstanding effects
like LensFlares, Lightning and FishEye. The new PowerUP Effects
package offers a great performance boost for users of PowerUp boards
by Phase5. This is also the first commercial Amiga application that
takes advantage of the incredible speed of these RISC based cards.
 ArtEffect 2.0
 Version 2 of ArtEffect has been completely revised. We have built on
the innovative concepts which were introduced in version 1.0, and have
added many new features, e.g. Layers, ARexx and multiple Undo/Redo.
 ArtEffect Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
 There is a new FAQ section on the homepage of ArtEffect with helpful
answers to often asked questions. You are also able to submit your own
questions here regarding ArtEffect.
 ArtEffect Mailing List

A new ArtEffect mailing list has been setup as an open forum for questions
and discussion. It is also a good place to voice your wishes for future
releases of ArtEffect.

 New PowerEffects for ArtEffect
 Nine (9) sensational new effects are included in PowerEffects 2.
Besides FishEye, Patchwork, FalseColor, Pointize, HalfTone and
Crystalize; the highlights are certainly: Lightning and LensFlares.
 Need for Speed: PowerUP Effects
 Are you looking for some really fast effects? Then stop here to have
a look at the PowerUP Effects. The speed of the PowerUP Effect is
mainly based on the PowerPC native version of the plugin.library that
handles almost all actions of the plug-ins. So not only the filters of
this package will be faster, there is also an increase in speed of
every effect, because they all will now use the new PPC
plugin.library. Besides this, there are special native versions of the
major effects. The PowerUP Effects are 2 to 20 times faster than the
normal ones. The PowerUP Effects are the first application that makes
use of the enormous power of the PowerUP board of Phase 5.
 HAAGE & PARTNER is the leading manufacturer of Development Systems
and Applications for the Amiga family of computers. The Storm series
(StormC, StormWizard, StormPowerASM) for 68K AmigaOS, PowerPC
(PowerUP) and p.OS provide a powerful suite of programming tools. Our
latest project, MERAPI, will bring the power of JAVA to the Amiga.

 HAAGE & PARTNER is also the developer and/or distributor of several
cutting edge applications including: ArtEffect, PowerEffects,
EasyWriter, DrawStudio, Tornado3D and NetConnect. Our mission is to
provide the Amiga market with the most effective tools and
applications possible. It's not enough to just ask: "Where do you want
to go?" At Haage & Partner we are harnessing the power of the Amiga to
actually help get you there!

HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH, PO Box 80, 61191 Rosbach, Germany
Phone: +49 - 6007 - 930050, Fax: +49 - 6007 - 7543
Email: info@haage-partner.com 
Internet: http://www.haage-partner.com

We develop to PowerUp the Amiga!
Markus Nerding
HAAGE & PARTNER Computer GmbH	           A M I G A  DEVELOPMENTS
Mainzer str. 10 A, 61191 Rosbach, Germany  for AmigaOS, PPC, pOS
Fon: +49-6007 -93 00 50  Fax: -75 43	 (StormC, ArtEffect etc)

                  U P D A T E   F R O M   N A T W 

21 Aug 1997 

                      N O    A M I G A   T O   W A S T E
                             U  P  D  A  T  E

         A place where developers and users can come together as one
                         to share ideas and comments.



 Developers can now use a forum where their needs for development
partners can be posted to. This forum is freely accessible to anyone
and will facilitate the creation of perfect development teams.
 Developers have the possibility to drop the reservation of ideas. The
sad truth points out that this is a necessity. Soon they'll have the
ability to give feedback about the development status. A special page
will be added to each idea. This will be freely editable by the
developer that has reserved the idea.
 Developers can now choose to be notified daily or weekly about the
new ideas that were posted to the site. The email contains the full
data of the new ideas, including a link to the ideapage itself (for
those that are running HTML enabled email programs).
 Several promotion graphics have been created for those that stand
 NATW and that want to help to make it get known.


 Anyone who wants to create a Amiga development specific site, can
contact me. I've got a fully function virtual server at their disposal
(thunderstorms.org). For further information, please contact me at
(gbevin@thunderstorms.org). AmiBench
(http://thunderstorms.org/AmiBench) is an example of such a site.

No Amiga To Waste - Webmaster
Geert Bevin (gbevin@thunderstorms.org)
Amiga Update on the net:  some issues available at:
    http://www.sharbor.com/amiga/news/ (in html format)
    http://www.amigacom.com (in ASCII text)
    Australian Mirror Site: http://www.comcen.com.au/~paulm/index.html
 All back issues available (in ASCII text) at:
Copyright 1997 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
   _    __      _     <>_   __      _     ||  
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\    || Brad Webb/AmigaUpdate
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\   || bandr@globaldialog.com
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_ ||  