   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter)
           BACK FOR THE FUTURE           ||
    AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Gateway 2000, Inc.

          A M I G A   I N T E R N A T I O N L   H I R I N G

    A M I G A   I N C .   T O   B E   A T   N E W T E K   E X P O
 U P D A T E   O N   M I D W E S T   A M I G A   E X P O S I T I O N

      A M I G A   P R O M O   P R O D U C T S   L I C E N S E D
          T U R T L E   L I G H T N I N G   W E B   S I T E
            W O R L D   F O U N D R Y   A N N O U N C E D

           A M I G A   I N F O R M E R   A D D I T I O N S

            A A A   A W A R D S   C O - O R D I N A T O R 

                   N E W S   F R O M   V U L C A N
               C D - R O M   S U R P R I S E   P A C K
      T H E   H I S T O R Y   O F   T H E   A M I G A  Part Two

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 This issue's lead story provides some insights into Gateway 2000's
quiet buildup of the new Amiga International. We have some excerpts of
the job descriptions for three new positions they're seeking to fill.
We found these most interesting and believe you will also.
 There's plenty of other news in this issue as well, from an update on
the MAE show which will feature Amiga International's first
Developers' Conference, to several press releases from Britain's
Vulcan. We've lumped those releases together into one story for you.
 We also have Part Two of the excellent history of the Amiga by Philip
S. Moore. We expect to conclude this outstanding history in our next
 Editorial Follows:
 We need to say a few words about the passing of an old favorite. The
"Amiga Alley" website maintained by Colin Thompson has been taken down
due to a dispute with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. One
page on Colin's site was titled the "Almost Daily Fishwrap" and
featured Amiga news. Here's a copy of the letter Colin received:

"Dear Mr. Thompson:

 I am writing on behalf of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
It has come to our attention that you are operating a news, events and
information website under the name "FISHWRAP." M.I.T. owns the U.S.
federally registered trademark "FISHWRAP" for software and internet
news services. Your use of the mark to label your website is an
infringement of M.I.T.'s rights in its trademark.
 Accordingly, M.I.T. requires that you immediately cease and desist
using "FISHWRAP" in any manner whatsoever, including, without
limitation, anywhere on or in your website and in the address of your
website. If no action has been taken by October 3, 1997, M.I.T. will
protect its rights to the full extent of the law.

M.I.T. appreciates your cooperation in this important matter.


Karin K. Rivard

Karin K. Rivard, Counsel
MIT Technology Licensing Office, Room NE25-230
Five Cambridge Center, Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone:  (617) 253-6966; Fax: (617) 258-6790
Email:  rivard@mit.edu"

 The offending page was duly removed, but that wasn't the end of it. A
second letter followed, complaining that the file fishwrap.html, which
contained the letter, was left on the site! At that point, the entire
Amiga Alley site was shut down.
 "Amiga Update" is appalled at the apparent pettiness of MIT in this
matter and we are not at all sure a trademark battle for the term
"Fishwrap' would have been victorious. Regardless, the battle is over
and we suppose the MIT legal staff is glorying in its victory. We see
it a bit differently. From here, it looks like they've made a normally
august institution look petty and mean. Making threats about a
filename? It's hard to comprehend. They've certainly done nothing good
for the Amiga community. I doubt the community will forget that.
Editorial ends.
 Despite the negative story we've just told you, you'll find mostly
positive news in this issue. We hope you enjoy it.
 Brad Webb,

         A M I G A   I N T E R N A T I O N L   H I R I N G 

 "Amiga Update" has learned of a series of high level job openings for
which Gateway 2000 is seeking qualified candidates. Apparently
management recruiting firms are already at work to identify
individuals for these positions within Amiga Incorporated.
 Below we present some excerpts from the job descriptions we've seen.
Please note that only fully qualified individuals should contact
anyone about these positions, and all such contacts should really go
through the recruitment agencies Amiga Incorporated is using.

                       Position Description
                                Amiga, Inc.

TITLE: Vice President of Sales and Marketing


 This position is the head of Amiga's Sales and Marketing Organization
and is responsible for the OEM partnership. ISV partners and marketing
and PR of the Amiga brand and followers. Responsible for creating long
term strategies involving the sales and marketing of AMIGA. Set sales
goals and monitor progress.


 A Master's degree in business or related field and at least ten years
of sales management experience required OR an equivalent combination
of education and/or experience. The person should have a proven
history of success in OEM sales, softaware marketing and sales and
mnarketing brands.

                        Position Description
                                Amiga, Inc.

TITLE: Vice President of Technology and Development


 This position will be the head of Amiga's Technology and Development
organization and is responsible for the overall technology roadmap.
Responsible for managing and directing the engineering activities
which include planning, strategies, specification definitions,
development, quality assurance and support of Amiga's technology.


 A Master's degree or PhD in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science
or related field AND 12 years of experience in electronics and
computer design is required; OR an equivalent combination of education
and/or experience. Experience with managing teams is required. Proven
history of successful individual effort and management of strategic
planning, product marketing and technology development.


Proven success in managing high tech development organization.
Experience in state of the art technology and marketing trends.
Must have a positive and aggressive outlook and vision.
Experience in consumer electronics and PC design.
Knowledge of Amiga and PC technology preferred.
Requires experience with managing high level technical people.
Requires proven experience with managing on site and virtual 
 software engineers.
Good Programming capability.
Capable of leading teams to manage major problem debugging efforts
Strong analytical and technical problem solving skills.
Experience in Matrix management.
Ability to lead and coach a team of employees.
Good oral and written communication skills.
Excellent team leadership skills.
Ability to manage multiple technical teams
Lives the gateway 2000 values.


                        Position Description
                                Amiga, Inc.

TITLE: Director, Amiga Operating System


 This position is the head of operating system development
organization and activities. This position is responsible for all
operating system releases. The position is responsible for management,
structure and quality of the operating system and its extensions. This
position will be responsible for the planning, defining, development,
quality assurance and support of Amiga's OS.


 A Master's degree in Computer Science, AND 10 years of experience in
electronics and computer software design is required; OR an equivalent
combination of education and/or experience. Proven history of
successful individual effort and the management of operating systems
and other software solutions.


Requires proven experience with managing on site and 
 virtual software engineers.
Requires experience with managing high level technical people.
Excellent knowledge of state of the art development tools.
Excellent knowledge of Amiga operating system.*
Excellent knowledge of internet software.
Excellent knowledge of multimedia software interface.
Excellent knowledge of graphics and 3D software.
Profficient with leading software languages: C, C++, HTML, JAVA, 68000
Capable of leading major problem debugging efforts.
Strong analytical and technical problem solving and leadership skills.
Ability to lead and coach a team of employees.
Good oral and written communication skills.
Excellent team leadership skills.
Ability to work independently and as a member of a team.
Experience in matrix management.
Lives the Gateway 2000 values.

    A M I G A   I N C .   T O   B E   A T   N E W T E K   E X P O 

16 Sep 1997 

 One of Amiga, Incorporated's first official public appearances will
be at NewTek Expo 1997 from October 19-22 at the Universal City Hilton
and Towers. They will be exhibiting on the 21st and 22nd. There may
even be an announcement or two.

  U P D A T E   O N   M I D W E S T   A M I G A   E X P O S I T I O N

16 Sep 1997 

 The Amiga Central Ohio Network (AmiCON) is hosting the 1997 Midwest
Amiga Exposition at the Concourse hotel in Columbus, Ohio on Nov. 1st
and 2nd.
 I've already posted the details previously, and if anyone needs them
again, please visit www.amicon.org/mae.html or e-mail
dpearce@infinet.com and I'll be glad to send them to you.
 Right now I want to update you on the companies who have signed up or
are in the process of signing up to exhibit at the show.

Amiga Inc. 
Aurora Works 
Compuquick Media Center 
FWD Computing 
* Index Information Ltd. 
Intangible Assets Manufacturing (IAM) 
Macrohard Amiga Systems 
* Neather Realm Software 
Nova Design 
Nova Sector Engineering, Inc. 
Only Amiga! BBS 

 The asteriks mean that the commitment is tentative, and will inform
us shortly of their schedules.
 DKB and Asimware are also strongly considering booth rental, and will
inform us shortly.
 Amiga user groups who have also committed are:

A.M.I.G. (Amiga Mutual Interest Group) 
A.R.C.U.G Of Indianapolis, IN 
Amiga Society of Kalamazoo (ASK) 
Cleveland Area Amiga Users Group 
AmiTech AMiga USers Group 
Downriver Commodore Group 
Gateway Computer Club, Inc. 
Gold City User Group 
Pittsburg Commodore User Group 
Topeka Commodore Computer Users Group

 Companies and user groups are signing up every day, and soon our
space will be taken. If your group or company is interested in space
rental, please e-mail me right away, or use our signup form on the WWW
 Petro Tyschtschenko will also be attending our show and speaking at
the various planned events.
 A couple of things we're sponsoring this year at the show include:
 An Amiga Developers Conference. The ONLY Amiga DevCON in the U.S.
this year. If you're a developer, make tracks to be there. Details
that may have been sketchy, or non-existant since the Gateway buyout,
will be elaborated on. It's scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 1st (the
first day of the show). Kermit Woodall, of Nova Design, will be the
moderator. The conference is tenatively scheduled for 4:00pm to
6:00pm. All Amiga developers are encouraged to attend, as this will be
an excellent opportunity to address many of the issues that face
current Amiga development.

 After the conference, a 7:00pm dinner with Petro Tyschtschenko, as
the guest speaker, will be available, at $30.00 per plate (this price
is not final, we're working on getting it lowered!) for all who wish
to attend. Menu selection of the dinner choice is still pending,
however, it will consist of an entree, side dish, salad, dessert, and
beverage. An informal social gathering at the hotel bar will follow.
Space is limited so contact me quickly.
 A grand prize drawing will take place on Sunday, Nov. 2nd, the last
day of the show at approx. 2:00pm. We currently are in negotiations to
have an Amiga for a grand prize giveaway. The prize will be an Amiga
1200, with configuration yet to be determined. Some vendors may have
discounted software packages just for the event, and like last year,
we will have hourly giveaways of Amiga and non-Amiga related computer
items such as mouse pads, T-shirts, CD-Roms, and valuable Amiga
 There will also be hourly/bi-hourly drawings.
 Seminars and training sessions. Nova Design is slated to give a
seminar on Aladdin4D, and possibly ImageFX (time permitting). Gamasoft
will be training users on the development of internet/intranet
solutions using the Amiga. And last, but not least, NewTek will
present sessions on the Toaster/Flyer and Lightwave. We also have a
few smaller sessions planned to fill in the gaps.
 If you're interested in tickets, hotel accomodations, etc., please
e-mail me at dpearce@infinet.com or use the on-line form

 Thanks to all those who have signed up, and just to let you know, we
will have materials out to all of you shortly.
 We look forward to seeing you there.
Dave Pearce
|dpearce@infinet.com -  AmiCON -  The Amiga Central Ohio Network|
|For more information on AmiCON and the Midwest Amiga Exposition|
|visit http://www.amicon.org                                    |

       A M I G A   P R O M O   P R O D U C T S   L I C E N S E D 

Amiga International, Inc.: Randomize Licensee

September 19th, 1997
 Randomize licensed to distribute AMIGA promotional products 

 Randomize Computer Distribution, Ontario, Canada, is licensed by
AMIGA International, Inc. to distribute AMIGA promotional products
such as T-Shirts, lighters etc.

Randomize Computer Distribution
R.R. #2
Tottenham, Ontario
L0G 1W0
Sales - Toll Free: 1-888-Randomize (726-3664)
Sales/Technical:   905-939-8371
Fax:               905-939-8745
        T U R T L E   L I G H T N I N G   W E B   S I T E 
New Commercial Site Debuts, Turtle Lightning Amiga Software


 Turtle Lightning Amiga Software, home of the largest legacy Amiga
software inventory in the world, now have a fantastic web-site! Its
URL is [http://www.ole.net/~chaos/tlas/] www.ole.net/~chaos/tlas.
 Looking for that one-of-a-kind Amiga ware? Having a hard time finding
that favorite out-of-print game? Well look no further! Turtle
Lightning carries a gigantic stock of great legacy software, new in
the box, as well as new titles, too.
 The TLAS web site includes a high-contrast, 16-color version, aimed
at low-color displays, and a 256-color version, geared for AGA and
video card users.
 Also included are complete online order forms, complete shipping
information, and complete descriptions of hundreds of Amiga software

Be sure to visit the new Turtle Lightning site today!


Ted Wallingford (twalling@mich.com)
Duane A. Leinninger II (chaos@ole.net)
Pantheon Systems Co.
Creators of the Turtle Lightning Web Site

           W O R L D   F O U N D R Y   A N N O U N C E D                                                   

14th September 1997

The developers of Explorer2260 and Maim & Mangle have joined forces

 We would like to announce the formation of a new software house
called The World Foundry. This company has been formed from Digital
Anarchy Software, Deimos Design and Intuition Software with the
intention of pooling knowledge and resources to develop Explorer2260,
Maim & amp Mangle and a number of future titles.

 Its primary aim is to develop high quality, high specification games
for the Amiga market which will take full advantage of expanded Amigas
and PPC equipped machines.Our games will be developed for playability,
visual impact, size and scope rather than being constrained by
backwards support for old OS and hardware revisions. Specifically all
the planned games require at least AGA and OS3.0 in addition to Hard
Drives, CD Drives, expanded memory and accelerator boards.Currently
under consideration is PPC only / priority development.

The World Foundry consists of 3 founder members

 * Chris Page, Digital Anarchy Software
Programmer, 2D/3D artist and modeler, designer of Explorer2260

 * George Hornmoen, Deimos Design
Programmer, designer of Maim and Mangle.

 * Ed Collins, Intuition Software Programmer, 
 2D/3D artist and modeler, assistant designer and coordinator for

 Full details of our organisation and projects can be found at

 * The World Foundry,

And details of our individual organisations can be found at

 * Digital Anarchy Software,
 * Deimos Design,
 * Intuition Software,

Contact Addresses
Main Office

EMail: dasoft@zetnet.co.uk
Mail:The World Foundry
7 St. Mary's Rd.
SK13 8DN
Phone: +44 (0)1457 863864

     Additional URLs and contact addresses are available on the main

          A M I G A   I N F O R M E R   A D D I T I O N S

20 Sep 1997 
Attention all Amiga users!

 The Amiga Informer is proud to announce some fantastic new additions
to its full featured web site. Now, the Informer hosts several great
new content areas:
- Outspoken Amigans

 This is a moderated forum, wherein The Informer selects editorials
written by notable Amiga users to be posted for the Amiga community to
read and ponder. Expect a new editorial every month or so.

- Developers' Forum

 This special area is a discussion of important decisions about the
future of the Amiga, from the people that know it best: the
Developers. One crucial question is posed to a pool of popular Amiga
developers, and selected responses are posted on the Amiga Informer
web site. Expect frequent updates in this area.


 The Games Evaluations section of the Amiga Informer 'Zine now has its
own dedicated area on the web site. This issue, Nemac IV: The
Director's Cut, Burnout and more! (www.amigainformer.com/games.html)
 Here's another important announcement. Pantheon Systems has converted
the Amiga Informer web site to frames, so you'll need Aweb II 3.x,
Voyager NG 2.x, Ibrowse 1.1x, or Netscape 2.x to properly view the
site. In the next several months, The Informer will be hosting a
non-frames version (www.amigainformer.com/fronpage.shtml) of the site
in order to allow everybody ample time to upgrade their web browsers.
 You'll also want to vote for the Informer as a Starting Point Hot
Site by clicking on the Hot Site icon on the frontpage of the
Informer's site. (amigainformer.com/frontpage.shtml)

 In addition to the already immense Informer search engine
(www.amigainformer.com/search.html) and online archives
(www.amigainformer.com/archive.html), we've also added an SSL-enabled
secure credit card subscription form, so now there's no hassle or
worry when subscribing to The Informer on-line. Access this secure
form from the Amiga Informer frontpage using your HTTPS-equipped
browser. (Check with the manufacturer of your browser to see if it can
handle secure HTTPS protocol.)
 Of course, you can always subscribe by credit card by calling
888-88-AMIGA, too.
 As if all that wasn't enough, The Informer continues to be the best
source for insider news and information. The Amiga Informer magazine
is now 48 pages, and the web site has almost as many pages, too. Check
it out at www.amigainformer.com


Ted Wallingford
Production Director, Pantheon Systems Co. (www.mich.com/~twalling)
Quality Net Commerce


                  Fletcher Haug, Editor
                 The Amiga Informer Zine

eldritch@mhv.net = http://www.amigainformer.com = 914-566-4665
Eldritch Enterprises, PO Box 21, Newburgh NY 12551-0021
Shipping Address: 20 Mt. View Ave. Newburgh NY 12550

           A A A   A W A R D S   C O - O R D I N A T O R 
AAA Awards Co-ordinator Appointed

Umeå, Sweden - Friday, September 19, 1997.

 A AAA Awards Co-ordinator has been appointed, to co-ordinate and make
more efficient the work around the AAA Awards. The new co-ordinator is
Tobias Ander, tobias.ander@amiga-cg.se.


 The new co-ordinator will focus on maintaining contacts with AAA
Awards Partners, AAA Awards Associates, and others (see the AAA Awards
Homepage on what Partner and Associate is). He is also responsible for
appointment of the "AAA Award International" and "AAA Award Sverige"
(Swedish award) juries. He will co-ordinate the work efforts as to
achieve a focused and purposeful organisation, that will strive
towards one single goal; "Uniting the AMIGA Community". One of the
first tasks for the new co-ordinator will be to form a AAA Awards
Committee, which will take over much of the AAA Awards work from the
board of founding AMIGA association Amiga Computer Group. Please wait
for future releases.

About Tobias

 Tobias Ander, the new AAA Awards Co-ordinator, is 22 years old, and
lives in Umeå, Sweden. He works for one of Sweden's largest computer
consulting firms. In his spare time, he runs "The MagicBox BBS"
http://www.arosnet.pp.se/magicbox/), one of Sweden's largest AMIGA
BBSs. Tobias himself says about the appoinment: "I have supported the
AAA Awards since they were established, and I feel it's a very good
initiative to unite the AMIGA Community in such a way. Getting the
chance to work with the AAA Awards is something I really look forward
to, and I will do my best to please each and every one."

Feel free to contact Tobias on just about anything!

The Future

Much is at hand with the AAA Awards. A lot will happen within the next few
months. The best way to keep up-to-date is by accessing the AAA Awards Homepage,
[http://www.amiga-cg.se/aaaa/] http://www.amiga-cg.se/aaaa/, which will undergo
major changes. Stay tuned, the future of the AAA Awards and the AMIGA Community
has only begun.

Associates STILL Wanted

 Due to lack of applications AAA Awards Associates are still wanted!
Are YOU in an AMIGA user group? Then take the chance to hand out your
own national AAA Award! Check the AAA Awards Homepage for more
information right now! Last application date has been changed to
November 17th (only this year) - please ignore other dates mentioned.

Take a stand - apply for AAA Awards Association right away!


 The AAA Awards is copyright © 1997 Amiga Computer Group. The AAA
Awards logo is copyright © 1997 Amiga Computer Group and Björn
Hagström. The national and international AAA Awards are copyright ©
1997 Amiga Computer Group.

More Information

AAA Awards Homepage - 

                   N E W S   F R O M   V U L C A N 
The Strangers AGA CDRom is now officially released

 Our first Amiga CD Rom release is now available, this
multi-beat-em-up will have instant appeal for all those who love to
fight in a sitting down position.

Minimum Specs
AGA Amiga, Hard Drive, 020 CPU, 2Mb Chip, 4x CD Rom

Game Specs
8 Level Action for up to 2 Human Players
Deathmatch Arena for up to 6 Human Players
Gangwars Arena for up to 6 Human Players
Practice Holographic Mode
High Quality Raytraced Level Graphics
Digitally Mastered Screams and Speech
Full Speech Intro's and Endings with Awesome Animations
32 Different Fighters Each With Their Own Intelligence Level
Mulitple Move Animations For Each Character
Deadly Weapons (Hammers, Axes, Baseball Bats, Hockey Sticks, Chains)
Incredibly Disgusting Bloody Fatalities (with additional parent lock)
Loads of Fighting Moves, Specially Armed Bosses
Full Speech On-Line CD Manual

In addition, Strangers supports the following languages:
English, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish,
Danish and Slovak.

Price - 24.99 (UK Pounds)(Overseas Customers add 2.00 p&p)


 Vulcan Software Limited The biggest Amiga Publisher & Developer In
The World has grown just a little bit more!
 We are proud to announce the opening of our North American Branch

         -----------> Vulcan Software (America) <-------------

 Vulcan Software (America) offers the same excellent Mail Order
Services and Technical support as Vulcan Software (UK) but
specifically for our American and Canadian Amiga users.
 All product information, price list in dollars with ordering
information is available from the official Vulcan web site.


 Vulcan Software (America) will also assume the role as main
distributor of Vulcan products to dealers in the American and Canadian

 Vulcan's answer to a `Virtua Cop` clone for the Amiga is now entering
full steam in development.
 This full screen animated 3D Scenic Shoot em up with fully raytraced
characters will need AGA, 2Mb Chip, 8Mb Fast, 4 x Speed CDRom and
reflexes to match.
 Screenshots from the first level are now available on our website.
 Not sure of release date at present but probably early next year.


 THE FINAL ODYSSEY - This masterpiece of a game is due for release in
October, best described as an Action/Adventure/Puzzler, the Final
Odyssey combines detailed and entertaining graphics and gameplay to
perfection. You play the part of Theseus on his quest to free six
rather lovely maidens from the evil clutches of the Minotaur. The
Final Odyssey is so vast that we have been unable to reach the end
(somewhat disturbing as we`re supposed to be testing it) but then
rather unsurprising as some of the levels reconstruct themselves
everytime you play...... Further details will be available in our
October News Mailing.

 UROPA 2 - This title covers just about every gaming genre you can
think of. Adventure, puzzle, action, shoot-em-up....something for
everyone really and is also set for an October release. You play the
part of a droid who must singlehandedly prevent the takeover of Uropa
by an Alien race, you must do this by completing a vast array of
missions which will test your combined cerebral, reflex and flying
skills. Luckily you have company in the form of your admiral who
advises you of your missions and objectives with eons of digitally
mastered speech (and a rather sexy computer).Uropa 2 is truly
entertaining on all levels and one paragraph cannot do it justice
therefore we will be providing you with more information in our next
News Mailing.
 Last but by no means least is GENETIC SPECIES..............Ahh You`ll
be totally knocked out by our achievments with this one, the lighting
effects and speed of this game alone could be raved about till the
cows come home, not to mention the awesome graphics, sound effects,

 Don`t forget all of Vulcans future releases will be available only on

             C D - R O M   S U R P R I S E   P A C K 

25 Sep 1997 
The 'Amiga CD-ROM surprise pack!' is available 

Price:  DM 49.00/US$ 28  plus postage 

Ordering information:

 The most convenient method of placing an order is to use our
electronic order form located at http://www.schatztruhe.de/order.html.
You can also send an E-Mail to stefano@schatztruhe.de including your
address and the products you wish to order. Please do not forget to
include your credit cards details.

Product description:

 This CD-ROM surprise package contains 10 different CDs from our broad
range of Amiga products. Take a look at it and be surprised how much
quality you can obtain at such a low price. In this package you find a
vast variety of software:
 Entertainment, knowledge, cliparts, utilities, games, demos, music,
animation, ... . Some commercial applications are included aswell.
 Place your order through our web-server NOW and you'll receive
another CD free of charge which makes a total of 11 CDs at a price of
DM 49,00. There's no better way of enhancing your library of Amiga

Stefan Ossowski

Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH
Veronikastr. 33 - 45131 Essen - Germany
Phone: ++49-201-788778  Fax ++49-201-798447
EMail: stefano@schatztruhe.de  WWW: http://www.schatztruhe.de/
Visit our Web site and join our mailing-list. 


     T H E   H I S T O R Y   O F   T H E   A M I G A  Part two

 The following "Amiga Update" Special Feature is presented by
permission of the author. It was originally published in "Computer
Bits magazine".
  Uncontrolled Execution: The strange saga of the Amiga (continued)

Uncontrolled Execution

 The strange saga of the Amiga ... by Philip S. Moore

... continued from last issue ...

 For Amiga Corp. and Commodore, each was the answer to the other's
prayers. Amiga Corp. was established in 1982 by Midwest venture
capitalists hoping to cash in on the videogame boom. The company they
created, Hi-Toro, was too late to take advantage of the boom before it
went bust.
 Instead, the company's engineers -- including Dale Luck, R.J. Mical,
Bob "Kodiak" Burns and Carl Sassenrath, and led by the former top
graphics chip designer for Atari, Jay Minor -- turned their attentions
to developing the next generation of computing.
 Renaming the company "Amica," Latin for "friend," they took a look at
everything the personal computer was capable of doing, and set out to
build their machine to accomplish them. Meanwhile, they were informed
that another company had their new name, so they changed it to the
Spanish version, "Amiga."
 After two years, Amiga's staff had accomplished what they set out to
do, but the next step -- manufacturing and selling the machines --
would require more money and they were broke. The venture capitalists
faced the need for further investment and a longer wait for a return,
if any.
 Instead, to the dismay of Amiga's engineers who worried about
Commodore's reputation for discount products, they sold out and
Commodore welcomed the nearly complete Amiga and its staff with open
 On July 23, 1985 -- less than a year after the August 1984 purchase
-- the Amiga 1000 was introduced at Lincoln Center to reviews
labelling the machine "incredible" and "amazing." It out-Macintoshed
Apple's Macintosh and made the IBM PC XT look like a dinosaur. The
future for Commodore and the Amiga looked secure. Then the company
fumbled for the first, but not last time.
 It took three months for Amigas to begin arriving in the stores,
losing a precious share of momentum after the introduction. Next,
Commodore began posting quarterly losses and reacted by reducing
advertising and sales budgets, crippling 1985 Christmas season sales.
 These blunders were followed by an off-again, on-again relationship
with the major computer resellers and mass marketers, such as Sears,
denying the computer either the consumer market served by the
retailers or business markets, served by the computer stores.
 Smith saw little chance of turning things around and resigned in
1986, to be replaced by Thomas Rattigan, a former PepsiCo executive.
Rattigan was fired a year later, escorted from Commodore's
Philadelphia headquarters by security guards. He retaliated with a $9
million breach of contract suit. Next, former ITT executive Max Toy
tried his hand as Commodore president and resigned less than two years
 New models were introduced, such as the Amiga 2000, Amiga 500, Amiga
2500 and 3000. They all received good reviews but were dogged by
Commodore's dismal reputation. As a result, sales were disappointing
and Commodore's share of the personal computer market slipped from 26
percent to a meager 6 percent. Only European sales remained strong,
but that wasn't enough to keep Commodore's stock price from slipping
from $61 to $8 a share.
 Gould, 70 years old in 1989 and living in the Bahamas to escape
Canadian and US taxes, reached out again for somebody to turn around
Commodore's declining fortunes. He selected former Dillon Read
investment banker Mehdi Ali, naming him president. Ali didn't care
about the Amiga or computers. He cared about keeping Gould happy and
that meant creating profits, no matter what.
 Starting in 1989, Ali began a five-year odyssey of cannibalizing
Commodore, cutting budgets and staff and Amiga's already insufficient
advertising and marketing operations in an attempt to keep the profits
rolling in. Amiga's users and developers were fanatical in their
support for the computer system, but they knew Ali was stealing the
future to pay for the present.
 The future arrived on April 29, 1994, when Commodore International
Limited, the parent company, could no longer create profits through
cutbacks and filed for liquidation in the Bahamas Supreme Court.
Within hours, the company's employees were let go and the doors
 Tyschtschenko later described his experiences as "the most terrible
times in my life." He personally pleads with the receiver to allow
Amiga Technologies GmbH to continue to operate. His efforts are aided
by a purchase offer on the table from the Chicago company, VIScorp,
which was negotiating to license Amiga's proprietary technology before
Escom failed, then switched its efforts to buying the whole subsidary.
 Offering $40 million for Amiga Technologies, VIScorp plans to produce
"set-top boxes" to offer computing and World Wide Web browsing over
the television. Adding Amiga's distribution network makes the
operation a valuable asset.
 The receiver keeps Amiga alive until the deal can be completed and
for a few weeks, VIScorp acts as if it already owns the company. The
only thing remaining is final payment, and that is scheduled for Aug.
20, 1996. However, on Aug. 20, VIScorp executives ask for an extension
until Sept. 20. On that date they ask for another, then another, now
complaining that the price is too high.
 By Dec. 2, 1996, VIScorp officially withdraws its offer, but not
before Amiga Technologies' Co-President Domeyer and most of the key
staff walk out and form their own company, PIOS, proclaiming that "the
only chance to keep Amiga alive is a new start."
 Another Amiga loyalist, peripheral maker Phase 5 of Germany, agrees
and announces their own plans to produce an Amiga-compatible computer
called "A/box".
 Now only Tyschschenko and two staff members -- Axel Kraemer and
Andreas Steep -- remain at Amiga Technologies. The three answer
phones, open mail, run to the bank and do whatever it takes to keep
the doors open.
 "Thank God I could convince the trustee to not smash Amiga for the
present," Tyschschenko comments. "With our sales, we can keep
ourselves easily alive."
 They do better than that. Sales in Europe are rising and a deal with
the Norristown, Pennsylvania company Quikpak has brought the Amiga
back to the US with sales of the A4000T and an upgraded version called
 If the receivers can settle the ultimate ownership issue, Amiga
Technologies is ready to rebound. The situation awaits an angel and
Quikpak steps in with an offer.
 The trustee, leery after the VIScorp fiasco, welcomes the offer and
sets a deadline for final settlement but does not count the company as
sold. It turns out to be a good move.
... continued next time ...
 About the Author
 Philip S. Moore is a Camas, WA-based public relations consultant and
computer hobbiest. E-mail to philip758@delphi.com.

 This article was originally published in the September 1997 issue of
Computer Bits magazine, and is copyright (C) 1997 by Bitwise
Productions, Inc., Forest Grove, OR, (503) 359-9107. All rights
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    Australian Mirror Site: http://www.comcen.com.au/~paulm/index.html
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Copyright 1997 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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