   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter)
           BACK FOR THE FUTURE           ||
       AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Gateway, Inc.

      K I C K O F F   T H E   F U T U R E   W I T H   A M I G A

     A M I G A   I N C .   W E B   S I T E   N O W   A C T I V E
   P R E S S   C O N F E R E N C E   A T   W O A   -   R E P O R T
           A M I G A   N E W S   F E E D   L A U N C H E D 

                  A A A   A W A R D S   A T   W O A 

    A M I G A   A N D   O P E R A   -   P E R F E C T   M A T C H 

           A M I G A G A T H E R I N G   I N   G R E E C E 

     I A   9 8   T R A I N I N G   S E S S I O N S   E X P A N D 

             W I L D F I R E   6 8 X X X   A N D   P P C 

                 C A T A L Y Z E R   V O L U M E   2

                        P A N   C A N V A S

           A I R   M A I L   P R O ,   W O R L D   N E W S 

         A C T I V E   T E C H N O L O G I E S   A T   W O A
                      F O O T B A L L   3 6 5 

                    E U C A L Y P T U S   1 . 0 

                      E Z   H O M E   . 8 8 B 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 Today should rank as the second most important day in Amiga history -
after the original launch in 1985. Instead of Andy Warhol and Debbie
Harry, we now have the German band "Annex". And instead of Commodore,
we have Gateway Inc., finally telling us something about the future.
We have several stories below for those who couldn't get to London or
who haven't been prowling the Amiga sites on the net all day.
 The excitement in the Amiga newsgroups has been amazing as this day
approached. Was it worth the wait? 
 As it turns out, the hardware picture is still unclear. It looks like
an interim Intel-compatible-with-emulator model is in the future, then
a second generation of Amiga hardware which is still not fully
defined. Interesting, but a bit confusing. The best news is there are
plans, there is a future, and the operating system strategy is a bit
clearer than the hardware - but there are questions remaining there,
too. What exactly is the "third party kernel" mentioned in the press
conference? It'll take time to sort all this out, and it's going to
get wild while it happens.
 Also debuting today is the new web site for Amiga Incorporated. Check
out the story, then the site if you're an Amiga web surfer. It's quite
well done.
 We round out the issue with many other news items, about upcoming
shows and interesting products.
 Finally, please make note of our new e-mail address. We are now at
amigaupdate@globaldialog.com. In fact, why not e-mail us with your
thoughts about the rebirth/relaunch of the Amiga? We'd like to hear
from as many of you as possible.
 Hang on everyone, it's going to get real interesting now ...
 Brad Webb,

     K I C K O F F   T H E   F U T U R E  W I T H   A M I G A


 Strategic direction and future plans include new software technology,
system availability and Web site.
 London, UK, May 15, 1998 - Amiga Inc., a pioneer in multimedia
development, today announced plans to provide a new software
architecture that will offer enhanced levels of performance and
useability for the Amiga community. Amiga will develop and license
software technology that offers leading multimedia solutions for the
emerging digital convergence market.
 "Amiga has the opportunity to move ahead of the industry in setting
standards to follow," said Jeff Schindler, general manager of Amiga,
Inc. "By working closely with Amiga developers and user groups, we
will all have the opportunity to share in this exciting, emerging
 To build upon Amiga's legacy as a multimedia leader, the company
announced Amiga OS 4.0 which is slated to launch in November of '98.
Amiga OS 4.0 will have a new user interface and support Amiga legacy
software with an integrated emulator. Hardware developers are already
working on solutions for software and hardware backward compatibility
with the new Amiga architecture.
 Amiga, Inc. also announced plans to unveil a personal computer that
is an industry standard architecture solution. The new system will
provide a bridge to the next generation of Amiga technology. The
system is scheduled for availability in November with a suggested
retail price of USD$999. These systems will be available through Amiga
 Also available soon, Amiga Inc. will host www.amiga.com, the official
web site for developer news, information, and relations. Amiga
International's site, www.amiga.de, will continue to be the location
for Amiga distributors and legacy product sales and licensing.


    A M I G A   I N C .   W E B   S I T E   N O W   A C T I V E 

 May 15, 1998 - www.amigainc.com Opens During London World of Amiga
 The much-anticipated Amiga, Inc. web-site launched on May 15, 1998,
coinciding with the World of Amiga show which is held annually in
London. The site, which has been in development for several months, is
intended as the source of official information regarding research and
development of Amiga technology.

 The Amiga Inc. web site is constructed using a combination of Amiga
software and hardware solutions, including two Amiga 4000 computer
systems, an Amiga 2000 computer system, and Amiga OS 3.1. A number of
third-party graphics applications and text-manipulation utilities are
employed to deliver a true Amiga look and feel.
 Offline testing and development of the site is done on an Amiga-based
web server. From start to finish, every aspect of the site occurs
under the auspices of Amiga technology solutions.
 The site is standards-based, which means it does not require any
proprietary plug-in systems for browsing. Any browser which supports
HTML 3.2 can be used to browse the site.
 The site is maintained by Pantheon Systems Company, a Detroit-based
Internet Solutions Provider which leverages Amiga technology in many
of its multimedia projects.

   P R E S S   C O N F E R E N C E   A T   W O A   -   R E P O R T 

16 May 1998

{The following item was posted to Amiga newsgroups today by Fabrice
Colin, who attended the Amiga press conference in London. We thank Mr.
Colin for making his observations available to Amigans on the net. We
have done minimal editing to prepare it for use in AU.

The date on this item is "in the future" from that of the newsletter,
as it is posted from another time zone. We're quick at "Amiga Update"
but not THAT quick. Brad}

Hi there ,

 Here I am , back from the press conference given by AInc at Novotel
in Hammersmith . I won't give too many details as I would like to go
to bed :-) but rather give an overview of AInc annoucement . Well I'm
quite excited ...
 The Amiga as it is known now (OS 3.1, AA and 68k) is declared legacy,
or "Amiga Classic" in AInc terms .
 An efficient development platform is required to incorporate all the
new technologies we have missed during these years . It should bring
the Amiga technologies to a wider audience as well as give a base for
Amiga OS 4.0 which will support memory protection , SMP ... on one
hand and PCI, AGP, DVD ... on the other hand .
 The sad thing is that this "Amiga Bridge" will be x86 based . No
mention about PPC , at least nothing really clear even when
W.Dietrich, who seemed to get nervous, asked if AInc intended to kill
the hardware manufacturers . Nevertheless , this bridge is destined to
be transitional only . As AInc will stay a software development firm
only, other designs will be welcomed . As far as I have understood, it
should not be a big problem since "Amiga Classic" will be supported
through the Siamese system. The thing is : will AInc back up those who
want to do a PPC port ? It seems so !
 AOS 4.0 , due for Nov 98 (yes) will be developed on top of a 3rd
party kernel . We don't know anything yet, apart from the fact that
AInc is currently in dicussion with several other firms such as Be ...
 AOS 5.0 (end of 99) , aimed at the "Digital Convergence" platform
(still to be defined/unveiled) will be aimed at customers, although
AOS 4.0 would also be usable for an end user. 3.5 is cancelled so the
average user will wait 18 months for a revision of the OS. "Classic"
and "Bridge" compatibilities will be assured via emulation.
 Jim Collas, Senior Vice President of Gateway,  and a bloke from
Alive Mediasoft, promised to clarify the situation regarding the PPC
tomorrow . That's it . More to come tomorrow I hope ....

           A M I G A   N E W S   F E E D   L A U N C H E D 


 The Amiga Community Liaison Group (ACLG) made up of members of Team
Amiga, the Jay Miner Society, the User Group Network, and the Industry
Council Open Amiga proudly announces the formation of the Amiga News
 Our goal is to provide the operation of a low noise level, timely
system that can feed news to not only the Amiga and non-Amiga press,
but to individual users and user groups as well.


 News post summaries, including source, email and/or URL's are sent to
a single email address. Spam and rumors are removed by a moderator,
the posts are authenitcated, and then pushed thru the news feed. There
is NO censorship applied.

1. Send email to majordomo@ninemoons.com
2. Type subscribe tamiga in the body of the email.

 The ANF is a FREE service provided to the Amiga community with a
single click user interface for the posting of Amiga News! We do ask
that you visit the ANF webpage and place the ANF button in a prominent
place on your website so that all Amiga users everywhere may take
advantage of the service.


 The follwing sponsors are making the Amiga News Feed avalable to you.
Please support them in their efforts.

For more information contact:
Amiga News Feed (http://web.wt.net/~gpeake/news.html)
Amiga Community Liaison Group (http://www.jms.org/aclg)
Team AMIGA Worldwide (http://web.wt.net/~gpeake/)
Industry Council Open Amiga (http://www.amiganet.org/icoa)
Jay Miner Society (http://www.jms.org)
User Group Network (http://www.amiganet.org/ugn)
Posted By:
Gary Peake

                  A A A   A W A R D S   A T   W O A 

AAA Awards Winner to be Announced
Contact: Mattias Wadenstein, Information Manager information@aaa-awards.org>

Umeå, Sweden. Thursday May 7, 1998.

 The AAA Award International 1997 Winner will be announced and awarded
at the upcoming World of Amiga show in London! Don't miss out on this
solemn occasion!

The Ceremony

 The presentation ceremony takes place at 11:00 a.m., Saturday May 16
on the main stage. Meet the nominees and see who's been voted the
winner by the Amiga Community! The fabulous new AAA Award trophy will
be unveiled at the show by Petro Tyschtschenko, MD of AMIGA
International, Inc. and handed over to the winner! The nominees are...

Urban Mueller (Aminet)
Holger Kruse (Miami)
phase 5 (Cyberstorm, PowerUP)

Press conference

 A press conference will be held some time after the presentation, and
will feature: The AAA Award International 1997 Winner Martin Sahlén,
AAA Awards Director Mattias Wadenstein, AAA Awards Information Manager
+ other nominees, AAA Awards Partners, etc. Everyone is welcome to
participate! (exact time announced at WoA)

AAA Awards Booth

 Meet AAA Awards Committee in the AMIGA International booth, where you
can suggest candidates for next year, ask questions and just talk to
us in general!
 The AAA Awards 1997 presented in proud association with AMIGA
International, Inc. and Cloanto.

    A M I G A   A N D   O P E R A   -   P E R F E C T   M A T C H 


Opera Software announces development of Amiga version
13 May 1998
 Following the tremendous reponse to its Project Magic initiative,
Opera Software AS today announced the development of an Amiga version
of its popular browser. The development will be carried out by
Reading, UK, based company Ramjam Consultants Ltd, under the
leadership of Tim Corringham.
 "We are delighted to be involved in porting Opera to the Amiga. Opera
has an Amiga 'feel' to it even under Windows 95, so I'm confident it
will make a high-quality Amiga application, and will offer a degree of
commonality with Windows 95 that few applications achieve", says
 "Being a long-time Amiga user myself, it provides me with great
pleasure to announce the official development of Opera for the Amiga
platform", adds Business Director for Opera Software, Jon von
Tetzchner. "It was one of our goals to make Opera available to as many
Internet users as possible, and being able to offer an Amiga version
not only adds credibility to Opera as an efficient and user-friendly
application, but also constitutes a boost to the Amiga platform."
 "This step is just the logical result of Project Magic, which since
its inception has seen several thousands of users pledging their
support for Opera for platforms other than MS Windows. The Amiga
community has come out in full force, and we are proud to be able to
soon offer a product that is as advanced, efficient and frugal as the
Operating System it runs on", explains Helmar Rudolph, initiator and
manager of Project Magic for Opera Software.
 Both companies aim at a release date of December 98, just in time for
the Christmas shopping season, providing a source of fun and
satisfaction for many loyal and die-hard Amiga followers.

 Opera for the Amiga is expected to support the same level on
functionality as its Windows counterpart, thus putting it at the
forefront of browsers on the Amiga platform.
 The price for this version is not yet established, but it is planned
to keep it in line with the Windows version.  

         A M I G A G A T H E R I N G   I N   G R E E C E 

Amigathering 3 - Amiga User Meeting to be Held in Greece

 Amigathering is the most successful Amiga user meeting in Greece.
Amigathering 3 will take place in Athens on the 16th and 17th of May.
 Software and hardware issues shall be discussed and mid to high end
Amigas will be available for use. Topics of discussion and
demonstration are 3D graphics, communications and the Internet, sound
applications, hardware hacks and the new PPC accelerators, office
automation, multimedia, emulation and programming.
 On Sunday 17th there will be a joint debate between members of the
Amiga User Society and the Amiga Fan Club as well as other Amiga users
present at the event.
 Further details can be found in Greek and English on the Official
Amigathering web page at:


     I A   9 8   T R A I N I N G   S E S S I O N S   E X P A N D 

International Amiga '98 Announces Training Session Expansion
May 14, 1998, TORONTO

International Amiga '98, is pleased to announce:

By popular demand...

IA98 Training Sessions expand and now include Thursday May 28th!

 New Superb Training Classes on Thursday include:
 "How to Program the Amiga" (6hrs!), with Eric Lavitsky
 "ASAP C++ Wrappers for Amiga's OO API", with Laurie Perrin
 "Amiga E, an Overview", and, "Amiga E, Advanced Topics" with Wouter
van Ootermerssen
 "Basic TCP/IP Programming", and Advanced TCP/IP Programming" with
Holger Kruse (Miami)
 "Aardappel, Design of a new, simple language" with Wouter van
 Wow, and this is only the beginning. Check out the Events & Sessions
page for Friday & Saturday Sessions, and to register for these amazing
 IA98 Training Sessions are E X P A N D I N G - keep looking for
 All incredible trainers! Expect the best!
 A few tickets are still available for Medieval Times...
 "Just a quick note that I went to a Medieval Times Tournament last
night and it was GREAT! I know that those going from your Amiga show
will have a lot of fun."
 --Joe Tracy, NewTekniques
Register for Medieval times on the web! (Click on the Graphic)

           W I L D F I R E   6 8 X X X   A N D   P P C 

 Nova Design, Inc., producers of the award winning ImageFX package and
the highly received Aladdin 4D package, are proud to announce that
they have arranged to be the exclusive distributors of the Wildfire
and Wildfire PPC 3D effects package for North America.
 Wildfire is an exciting new animation sequencing, 3D effects,
transitions, and animation package by Andreas Maschke and released in
Germany by Oberland Computer. It can be compared to SGI Flint or Flame
systems and it is capable of creating amazing 3D effects by mapping
video sequences into Wildfire's intuitive storyboard animation
sequencing system.
 Highlights of Wildfire
 Wildfire is a professional animation sequencer that allows you to
create and process animations in several formats, to generate
time-dependant 3D special-effects and design large projects containing
several animations and frame-synchronized sound-effects. Wildfire's
animation sequencing allows you to combine animations on a timeline
and output them in a common format.
 The 3D effects included in Wildfire include height-field deforms,
cubes that automatically unfold and fold again, Lightwave object
support, 3D magnet effects, 3D transitional morphing, unlimited
mathematical deformations, twists, sphere mapping, twirling, water
transitions, perspective transforms and more!

Full CyberGraphX Support
Font Sensitive GUI
Special PowerPC Edition
Storyboard Animation Interface
Timecodes Editor
Envelope Controls for Effects
Filmstrip Interfaces
Real-time Feedback
Transition Maker
Preview for almost any Operation
Animation with Sound
Post Processing Effects
Color correction Tools
24-bit Animation Player

 Wildfire is an open development platform, like Nova Design, Inc.'s
own products, with complete plug-in development information and a full
Arexx interface (with over 400 commands) is included.
 Ordering Wildfire
 Wildfire for standard Amiga 68k series machines with a 68020 or
better is available for $149.95 and Wildfire for the PowerPC is only
$199.95. Both are available at your local Amiga dealer or mail order
 Wildfire comes on CDROM and requires an Amiga 68k series or PowerPC

                C A T A L Y Z E R   V O L U M E   2

Legacy Maker Announces Volume 2 of Catalyzer for ImageFX

April 30, 1998

 Following the success of the debut volume of the Catalyzer for
ImageFX tutorial series, Legacy Maker, Inc. of Chicago, IL is pleased
to announce Volume 2 of Catalyzer for ImageFX, its latest videotape
product for Amiga computers.
 ImageFX is the engine.
 Your Amiga's tank is full of gas.
 This video is the Catalyzer.
 Learn about the power and secrets of ImageFX from one of its most
reknowned experts. Bohus Blahut, whose ImageFX knowledge is so
extensive Nova Design entrusted him with the creation of their latest
ImageFX demo tape, guides you through various compositing projects on
this one hour videotape.
 Catalyzer 2: Compositing explores ImageFX through project-based
tutorials, beginning with an introduction to getting great results
using simple brush cut-and-paste operations. The tape progresses to
more advanced topics to help you generate stunning effects: complex
merges, alpha channel effects, bluescreening and even rotoscoping to
allow you to pull a subject out of any background! By the time the
credits roll, you'll be ready to go to work.
 Catalyzer 2: Compositing covers techniques for ImageFX 2 and 3.0,
including a special look at 3.0's advanced CineMatte engine.
 Kermit Woodall, VP of Nova Design, says Catalyzer is "An amazing
tutorial video for ImageFX! It taught me things I didn't know about
our own software!"
 Catalyzer 2 For ImageFX includes a support floppy disk with all the
material you'll need to follow along with the videotape, including
example images, ARexx scripts, even the same font.
 Catalyzer 2 is shipping now! To order direct from Legacy Maker, call
773-465-5158. Visa and Mastercard accepted. E-mail inquiries are
welcome to jcompton@xnet.com. Visit the Catalyzer website at
 Or, mail check or money order (include $5.95 shipping in the US) to:

Legacy Maker Inc.
PO Box 60711
Chicago, IL 60660

Catalyzer 2's Suggested Retail Price is $39.95.

 Legacy Maker is proud to refer customers to these supporting Amiga

Wonder Computers (http://www.wonder.ca)
Safe Harbor (http://www.sharbor.com)
CompuQuick (http://www.infinet.com:80/~comquick/)
National Amiga (http://www.nationalamiga.com)
The Lively Computer 

 Legacy Maker would like to thank Safe Harbor and Safe Harbor
customers for making Catalyzer Vol. 1 a Safe Harbor Top Ten product!

                       P A N   C A N V A S

Legacy Maker Announces Pan Canvas: Motion Control for ImageFX
April 30, 1998

 Legacy Maker, Inc. of Chicago, IL is proud to announce the commercial
release of PanCanvas, the Motion Control plugin for ImageFX 2.6 and
 PanCanvas, by Ola Olsson, is a powerful tool to turn ImageFX into a
professional-quality motion control station. Put simply, motion
control involves "panning" across a still image to create the illusion
of animation. This technique is used liberally in documentaries and
news profiles, to bring photographs and documents to life on the
 Just draw a frame over where you want your animation to start, and
where you want your animation to end, and PanCanvas will smoothly crop
your original image into an animated sequence. It's even easy for your
virtual camera to zoom, follow curves and ease in and out of stops.
 PanCanvas outputs a sequence of frames (IFF or JPEG) which can be
used to generate Flyer clips, Amiga ANIMs, MPEGs, and more. It's easy
to incorporate PanCanvas into your video editing suite.
 PanCanvas includes PanPost, a post-processing engine to enhance your
 PanCanvas is shipping now! To order direct from Legacy Maker, call
773-465-5158. Visa and Mastercard accepted. E-mail inquiries are
welcome to jcompton@xnet.com. Visit the PanCanvas website at
http://www.xnet.com/~jcompton/pancanvas.html. Or, mail check or money
order to:

Legacy Maker Inc.
PO Box 60711
Chicago, IL 60660

 Pancanvas's Suggested Retail Price is $35.95, plus $3.95 shipping in
the US.
 Legacy Maker is proud to refer customers to these supporting Amiga

Wonder Computers (http://www.wonder.ca)
Safe Harbor (http://www.sharbor.com)
CompuQuick (http://www.infinet.com:80/~comquick/)
National Amiga (http://www.nationalamiga.com)
The Lively Computer 

         A I R   M A I L   P R O ,   W O R L D   N E W S 

03 May, 1998

Air Mail Pro 3.0

 Toysoft Development Inc. is please to announce the long awaited
update for Air Mail Pro. Air Mail Pro v3.0 is an advanced
multi-threaded email client for Workbench 2.1 and higher.

 New features in v3.0 includes: Super Mail Box a separate module for
handling mail sending and retrieving, AmiNet file support,
Cut/Copy/Paste in all string gadgets, new text editor allowing you to
double click on an URL or FTP address and your web browser will take
you there, Air Mail Pro v3.0 supports SPAM FREE email, signatures has
been enhanced, cache for all system folders for fast mailbox access,
preferences has been reorganized for easier access, support for
duplicate messages and many more features. Please visit Toysoft
Development Inc. website http://www.toysoft-dev.com for more

World News v1.0

 Toysoft Development Inc. is also please to announce the release of
World News v1.0. World News is multi-threaded news reader for
Workbench 3.1. Features in World News includes: includes entire usenet
News Groups, user defined groups, user defined folders, complete
address book, user defined filters and SPAM free filter, unlimited
tags and signature.
 World News also includes World News Spooler for background batch
downloading of articles for offline reading. With Helper files you can
view pictures, play animation or sounds. World News has a built-in
mailer for sending email and forwarding articles. Flexible preferences
allow you to customize World News. You can also file articles into Air
Mail Pro's Inbox and use Air Mail Pro to reply to articles. Double
clicking on an URL or FTP address will tell your web browser to goto
that address. URL and FTP are highlighted. World News is very
configurable, button or icon interface, very easy to configure,
powerful features and many more features. Please visit Toysoft
Development Inc. website http://www.toysoft-dev.com for more
 Air Mail Pro v3.0 is $40.00 US plus $5.00US shipping handling
 World News v1.0 is $35.00 US plus $5.00US shipping handling charges.
 Air Mail Pro v3.0 and World News v1.0 bundled is $65.00US plus
$10.00US shipping handling charges for both programs.
International shipping and handling is $7.00US.

       A C T I V E   T E C H N O L O G I E S   A T   W O A 

Active Technologies Announces New Software To Be Unveiled At WOA

 Active Technologies, the UK internet and comms software developer,
are to unveil three new programs on the Amiga Inc. stand at the
forthcoming World of Amiga show in May.
 NetConnect v2
 NetConnect v2 is a collection of 11 commercial internet titles
designed as a package for beginners wanted to connect to the Internet
for the first time, or users wanting a complete suite of commercial
internet software. See www.active.net.co.uk/products/netconnect/ for
further information.
 Brand new version of this premier TCP/IP stack for the Amiga.
Debuting on the NetConnect v2 compilation, it will also be sold
stand-a-lone, to be released within May. More information to follow.
 The Amiga's answer to WinZIP©. This excellent MUI based archive
management tool will be previewed at the show. To be released within
May/early June.
 STFax Professional, the PACE 56K modem and other Vapor software will
also be displayed on the Amiga stand at the show. Feel free to ask any
questions, surf the web and examine the software on display.

For further information contact:
Active Technologies
Oval House
113 Victoria Road
DL1 5JH. England.
Tel: +44 (0)1325 460116
Fax: +44 (0)1325 460117
 Or visit our web page: http://www.active-net.co.uk/

                     F O O T B A L L   3 6 5 

{US readers - we call this type of football soccer. Brad}

AmigaSoc Announces Amiga Client Available for Football 365

 Football 365 is coming home... to the Amiga!
 Leading Internet technology company, IMM Studios in partnership with
Direct Network Publishing have recently developed a unique and
innovative publishing system which forms the heart of a new daily free
Internet football magazine named "Football 365". As well as providing
the most up-to-date news available in the footy world, it can even be
personalised to your own team preferences through the "Homeground"
section. It's big. So big in fact that they have leading football
journalists such as "Under the Moon" host Danny Kelly on the team.
F365 is available on the web, but is also designed to be delivered via
 IMM has developed software to automatically unwrap the E-Mail and
view it in a web browser for PCs, but now AmigaSoc UK have once again
demonstrated their "actions not words" policy with the release of the
official Amiga viewer for Football 365. Although we have developed the
Amiga version without payment from Football 365, in return we ask that
you support the developers of Amiga web browsers by buying/registering
your favourite browser to ensure that development of that product
 So check out the Football 365 web site today at
http://www.football365.co.uk, or even sign up right now at this
address: http://www.football365.co.uk/register .imm. If you're already
subscribed to Football 365 and have specified your computer to be
something other than an Amiga, then we strongly encourage you to
update your records by entering the registration page and changing
your machine type to "Amiga". This way we can prove that there's a
substantial market, and we have been given a target of approximately
1000 people. It is our aim to make the Amiga at least the second most
popular platform represented on Football 365. Go on, what have you got
to lose? It's free after all!
 Apart from organising all the seminars and the IRC links (which Amiga
Inc. have kindly agreed to sponsor), AmigaSoc will be bringing
leaflets and various other literature about Football 365 to the World
of Amiga show this weekend, so if you don't get the chance to visit
the website before then, pick up something from there while you watch
the football!

                    E U C A L Y P T U S   1 . 0 

14 May 1998 





     Isengard Developments


     Paul Schifferer


 Eucalyptus is a new e-mail program for the Amiga. Features include:

     - Unlimited message folders
     - Full-featured address book
     - Multiple message read windows
     - Multiple signature files
     - PGP signature/encryption/key-transfer
     - Spell-checking (via external interface)
     - Extensive filtering system
     - Scheduled message delivery
     - Integrated SMTP/POP3 clients (and possible IMAP support), plus
       the ability to use external delivery/retrieval agents.
     - Configurable external viewers for different media types
     - Full multi-threaded operations


     Amiga OS 2.04 or better
     ClassAct gadget classes, version 2.0 or higher (included)
     Internet connection


     http://linux.tc3net.com/gandalf/download/Eucalyptus.lha (744766)
     Or request the most recent version from <isengard@geocities.com>.




     This product is freeware, copyright 1997,8 Isengard Developments.

Paul Schifferer         // gandalf@inet.att.co.kr
Isengard Developments \X/    gandalf@amiganet.org

                         E Z   H O M E   . 8 8 B 

14 May 1998 

   EZHome - Easy home automation for Amiga.




   8 April 1998


    Jim Hines <hines_j@iolinc.net>


 EZHome is a control daemon for the X10 ActiveHome CM11A Home
Automation Controller This device is also available from IBM and is
known as the Home Director. It is also available through most Radio
Shack stores in the U.S.A. (PN 61-2417).

   EZHome is still in beta, but seems to be stable at this point.


 o Amiga computer w/020+ and OS 2.04+ (may run on 68000 Amigas but
 o CM11A ActiveHome Home Automation Controller (IBM Home Director)
 o Any X10 module(s) (Lamp, Appliance, AC Outlet, Light Switch or
 Motion Sensor modules)


   A demo is currently available from EZSoft.


   EZHome consists of two programs.

   1. EZHome           Background Daemon with arexx interface.
   2. EZHomePrefs      Preferences program.


   EZHome is shareware!

   The shareware fee is:

   * 15 USD


 The unregistered version allows only five Actions to be set up.
 Although not yet complete, the built-in Timer may not be included
 in the future unregistered versions. External timers (crons) may
 still be used.


 No distribution of beta versions are allowed. It is only
 available from my homepage. Distribution may change upon final
 release version(s).

Jim Hines

|          Amiga A2000/030 50mhz 18mb RAM 2mb Chip          |
|   Author: EZCron, EZCID & EZHome CM11A Daemon/Controller  |
|              http://www.iolinc.net/~hines_j               |
|                    hines_j@iolinc.net                     |
Amiga Update on the net: some issues available at:
    http://www.sharbor.com/amiga/news/ (in html format)
    Australian Mirror Site: http://www.comcen.com.au/~paulm/index.html
 All back issues available (in ASCII text) at:
Copyright 1998 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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