   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter)
         KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING         ||
       AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Gateway, Inc.

                    C U   A M I G A   I S   D E A D  

                       I N F O M E D I A   ' 9 8 

          M I A M I   D E L U X E   M A I L I N G   L I S T S 

             J F O R T H   I S   N O W   F R E E W A R E ! 

         C O L O G N E   I I   :   I T ' S   P E R S O N A L ! 

              W E B   C A M   A N D   I R C   A T   M A E 

      # A M I G A U N I   O F F I C I A L   I R C   C H A N N E L

      U L T I M A   T H U L E   -   N O   M O R E   V I R T U A L

                 E - M A I L   F A N T A S Y   G A M E 

 C O M P U Q U I C K   S P E C I A L S   F O R   U S E R   G R O U P S

                  T O R N A D O   3 D   U P G R A D E

                P A X T R O N   S U R V I V A L   K I T 

               P U T T Y   S Q U A D   A F T E R   A L L 

             N E T C O N N E C T   V 2   A V A I L A B L E 

                    A M I N E T   2 6   C D - R O M 

           S T U D I O   P R O F E S S I O N A L   V 2 . 2 0 

         C H E A T   C O D E S   -   G E T   ' E M   H E R E ! 

   T H E   A M I G A   I N F O R M E R   A N N E X   S E C T I O N ! 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 I hate to start an issue with bad news, but the top story of the
moment is today's announcement of the death of the best selling Amiga
magazine still around, the UK's "CU Amiga". The details are below.
 The Amiga market continues to shrink. It will continue to do so until
Amiga Inc. completes its work and new models appear. It can't be
helped, Amiga Inc. shouldn't rush faster than they can reasonably go,
but it sure does hurt.

 Along with the goings in our community, we do have some arrivals.
There are several companies working on new games for the Amiga, some
companies that have left the Amiga market are examining it again, and
others continue to create good software. It's a confusing time, and
one where all most of us can do is hold on and see what develops down
the road. We'll report what happens, as it happens.

 One item we learned through the digging of our intrepid AU
staff, is that the games firm of Raven Software will soon be releasing
the source code to their games "Heretic" and "Hexen". (Raven
Software's only Amiga creation was the very popular "Black Crypt" a
few years ago.) We don't know of anyone currently planning on doing
Amiga ports, but who knows?

 Programmers will be pleased to see our story on JForth, below. This
excellent programming language is now free. The release swamped their
server with downloads. We have the details.

 Once you get past our lead story, we do have a diverse group of items
for your reading pleasure this time, including the return of "The
Amiga Informer Annex" after too long a time away. We also have a special
item for our readers in the UK who might be interested in heading to
the Cologne show. Check it all out below.
 Brad Webb,

                C U   A M I G A   I S   D E A D  


 It is with great regret that I have to inform you that the October
1998 issue of CU Amiga will be the last ever published. CU Amiga
Magazine recently dipped into a state of unprofitability, from which
it looked unlikely to emerge. The decision to close the magazine was
taken by EMAP in light of the magazine's overall financial performance
and the lack of prospects for any immediate or short term recovery.
 It is ironic that CU Amiga should close as the world's best selling
Amiga magazine, but recently its financial returns have started to
outweigh its overheads. While it has been customary for costs to be
cut in order to stave off the closure of magazines, it was decided
that CU Amiga would be laid to rest without suffering the indignities
of having half its pages removed and the remainder printed on toilet
paper in black and white. Neither will it be sold off to another
company to be published on a shoe string and run into the ground.
 The CU Amiga editorial team were obviously very sorry to hear the
news and would like to pass on their sincere thanks to everyone who
has helped make CU Amiga such a success and so much fun to work on
over its many years of existence.

Tony Horgan
Editor, CU Amiga Magazine

                    I N F O M E D I A   ' 9 8 

Waaslandia Amiga Only User Group Announce InfoMedia '98

Dear Amigans,

 We are proud to present InfoMedia '98, one of the largest computer
shows of the Benelux! On October 3rd (Saturday) and 4th (Sunday) 1998
the 2nd edition will have place in "het Bouwcentrum" in Antwerp,
Belgium from 10.00h to 18.00h. It's a general computer fair, but this
year the fair will be expanded with one or more extra halls, just for
alternative systems. It's the intention to fill at least one big hall
with Amiga! The total surface of the whole fair amounts to 6,000
square metres! The access price comes to 250 Bfr. (14 Fl./5 £./13 DM)
or 200 Bfr. (11 Fl./4 £./10 DM) for big groups.
 You may expect companies, shops, organisations, user groups and many
important notables from the Amiga world; some of them will give one or
more seminaries. During those two days live IRC conferences will be
held and we're also planning to set up some web cams. People who would
like to experiment with the Internet can visit our cyberzone and the
ideal place for a break is of course our big bar! ANNEX will perform
their latest dance acts and AMIGA International, Inc. will have a big
booth to offer you all the latest news! The UGN stand will be
available too for all kind of user group information.
 On our web pages you can find many more information about this huge
Amiga event: general info, the temporary list of exhibitors, hotel
info, pictures from last year, a floorplan, travel information (don't
forget to take a look at our roadmap), details about the IRC
conferences, the seminaries, etc. Just surf to
http://titan.glo.be/~waasland/infomedia98 and have a look! Also look
out for our advertisements in many Amiga magazines.
 We are planning special bus trips to this fair from The Netherlands,
France, Germany,... (visit our website for more info), so it may not
be a problem to come over and attend those two magical days...!

Amiga greetings

Tony Mees
Coordinator Amiga Hall

        M I A M I   D E L U X E   M A I L I N G   L I S T S 

12 Aug 1998 

Anticipating the release of the first beta version of Miami Deluxe
a few weeks from now, two new mailing lists have been created
specifically for Miami Deluxe:

miamidx-talk-ml       List for discussions about Miami Deluxe

miamidx-announce-ml   List for announcements regarding Miami
                      Deluxe. This list is moderated ("read-only").

To subscribe to any of these lists send

SUBSCRIBE miamidx-talk-ml


SUBSCRIBE miamidx-announce-ml

in the body of an email to "Majordomo@nordicglobal.com".

Also, a few screenshots of Miami Deluxe ("hardware configuration",
"interface configuration" and "LAN-Connect (IP-Nat/Masquerading and
Firewall)" are available on www.nordicglobal.com now. They may
answer some of the questions users have had about the
functionality of Miami Deluxe.

More information on Miami Deluxe, including a complete feature
list and conceptual description, will be available in a few days.

           J F O R T H   I S   N O W   F R E E W A R E ! 

10th August 1998

JForth released as Freeware - May the Forth be with you...Always !!!

Upgraded to OS3.1

 With great thanks to the primary authors, Mike Haas and Phil Burk who
have magnanimously decided to release this product (formerly priced at
$179) as freeware, the Amiga now has another arrow in it's quiver.
***** NOTE - Print out the excellent manual. Not only does it give
you invaluable information on the many tools provided, but there is
also an excellent 3-stage tutorial 

 Join the JForth mailing list !!! to subscribe send e-mail to
MDaemon@ChaosSolutions.com with subscribe JForth-list as the only line
in the body 

What is it ?

 JForth is a programming language that allows you to interact with
your Amiga. When you are programming in JForth, you are "inside" the
language. You can access any data structure, test any routine, or use
any development tool, right from the keyboard. This direct
communication with the computer can improve your productivity, giving
you additional time to improve the quality of your software products.
 JForth is based on the 1983 standard Forth language. Forth was first
conceived by Charles Moore when he wanted a new language for
controlling telescopes.
 He developed a language based on a dictionary of words. This
dictionary can be extended by writing new words based on the old ones.
Since Mr. Moore's original version, Forth has been translated to
almost every type of computer from the biggest mainframes to the
smallest microcomputers.
 Since a minimal Forth system can be implemented in just a few
kilobytes of memory, it is often used in very small embedded computer
systems for process control and robotics. Forth, however, is equally
appropriate for larger, more advanced, computers like the Amiga. Forth
is a very flexible language and can be adapted to larger computers
without losing the flavor of the original language. JForth is an
implementation of Forth designed specifically for the Amiga.
 JForth uses a 32-bit stack and compiles directly to 68000 machine
code. This makes JForth faster than most Forths. JForth also provides
an extensive set of tools for accessing the special features of the
Amiga. You can call any Amiga Library routine by name and reference
any Amiga structure using constructs similar to 'C'. JForth also has
some special toolboxes that support simple graphics, Intuition menus,
IFF files, and other Amiga features. These toolboxes can be used
directly to simplify your Amiga programming. Source code for all these
toolboxes is provided so you can customize them if needed or study
them as examples of Amiga programming. JForth also provides over a
dozen small sample programs for those, like me, who learn best by
 JForth also allows you to do things that are unique in the Forth
experience, the most dramatic being CLONE. This exceptional utility
allows you to create a totally independent, standalone version of your
program of minimal size.
 Amiga Library Calls - JForth provides a system for easily calling any
Amiga Library routine by name. It will figure out what 68000 registers
the parameters go into and build the appropriate code. Thus you can
simply pass parameters on the stack in the order described in the
Amiga documentation. A number of toolboxes have been written for
supporting specific parts of the Amiga Library including EZMENUS,
Graphics, the Serial Device, ANSI codes, and much more.
 Amiga Structure Support - JForth provides the equivalent to all of
the ".h" include files from 'C'. These ".j" files define all of the
necessary structures and constants for passing information to the
Amiga Library routines. Structures can be dumped interactively with
all members shown by name and value for debugging by using DST.
Upgraded to OS3.1 !
 ARexx Support - ARexx is a language that helps various applications
communicate with each other. A spread sheet program, for example,
could communicate with a data base program. These tools help you write
ARexx compatible programs.
 Assembler - JForth support two 68000 assemblers, one with Reverse
Polish Notation (RPN) and one with Motorola like syntax. The RPN
assembler can be used to create macros but the Motorola assembler is
easier to read. There is also a Disassembler.
 Block Support and SCRED - For those who prefer the old fashioned
BLOCK or SCREEN environment, we provide LIST, LOAD and the standard
line editor. We also provide a WYSIWYG SCREEN editor called SCRED. (We
recommend the use of normal text files with JForth).
 Clone - Clone can be used to generate small, executable images of
your JForth programs. Clone will take a compiled JForth program,
extract out all of the code and data needed to run it, and re-assemble
a smaller version of it. All of the JForth development tools, the name
fields and link fields and any other unused words are left behind. The
final image size is comparable to images created using a 'C' compiler
and linker. Images can be saved with a symbol table for use with WACK
or other debuggers (if needed). The JForth Source Level Debugger can
also be used with Cloned programs. Most programs will Clone without
modification if they follow a few simple rules regarding run time
initialization of variables or arrays containing Forth addresses.
 Debugger - JForth provides a source level debugger that allows you to
single step through your code. At every step you can see what is on
the stack. You can also examine the return stack, dump memory, set
breakpoints, control execution, or even enter Forth commands.
 Floating Point - JForth support both the single precision Fast
Floating Point and the IEEE double precision. These words conform to
the Forth Vendors Group Standard.
 IFF Support - JForth provides general purpose tools for reading and
writing IFF files. It also provides a toolbox specifically for ILBM
graphics files. This allows you to use pictures, brushes, anims and
animbrushes from a paint program, or other source, in your programs.
JForth also provides tools for animation and presentation such as,
blit, wipe, fade in, fade out, etc. Powerful graphics and animation
programs can be created using these tools.
 Local Variables - Local variables can simplify the definition of
complex words by eliminating much of the stack manipulation. Local
variables are fast self fetching variables that allow reentrant
recursive code to be written. Using regular VARIABLEs can make a word
non reentrant.
 Modules - JForth's precompiled modules provide a method for rapidly
accessing code that is used during compilation. This includes the
Assemblers and Disassembler, and the Amiga include files. These
modules are dynamically linked into the dictionary when needed. This
way, they do not take up space in your normal dictionary, yet are
instantly available.
 Multi-Standard - This system allows you to switch easily between
JForth and the major standards - FIG , '79 , and '83. This is handy
for compiling code written using other Forths. An ANSI compatable
module is being worked on.
 ODE - ODE is an Object Oriented Development Environment similar in
concept to SmallTalk. It allows you to define classes of intelligent
data structures, then create as many copies of these data structures
as needed. This technique can simplify programming immensely by making
it easier to write reusable code.
 Profiler - This optimization tool monitors the operation of a program
to find out where it is spending its time. Most programs spend most of
their time in a small portion of the code By identifying this code,
one can focus efforts at optimization where they are most needed.
 Textra - Textra is a powerful, yet easy to use, multi-window text
editor designed for programmers. It uses the mouse to select text and
allows Cut, Copy and Paste, operations between its windows. It also
incorporates ARexx hooks that allows you to use provided macros
(.textra files) for text processing (or write your own). Textra can
communicate with JForth such that you can compile directly from the
editor. If an error is encountered while compiling, Textra will
highlight the error so the you can fix it quickly.
 Tutorials - Beginner, intermediate and advanced guiding you through
the basics of the system.
 Miscellaneous debugger tools - Showhunks for analyzing Amiga binary
files Graphics toolkits Anims and animbrushes
...and so much more !!!


 A copyrighted story from 12 August reported the JForth server site
was deluged with downloads, to the point where it just stopped working
for about 7 hours. A quote from the story by Martin Randall:

 "{Site owner} Phil Burk {stated} 'I'm amazed. I never imagined their
were this many Amiga-heads (programmers) still out there'

 "The final 24-hour tally was server logged as 1,649 hits as people 
continued to try and get on the site.

"Hopefully, the ftp server will alleviate the strain in the days

       C O L O G N E   I I   :   I T ' S   P E R S O N A L ! 

AmigaSoc does Cologne II: This time it's personal

3 August, 1998

 AmigaSoc is organising a trip to Cologne for Computer 98. We'd
therefore like to extend an invitation to all Amigans in the UK to
come along. We're aiming to try and offer a cut-price trip (including
accomodation, where possible, but on a first come, first served
basis). Presently we're only able to deal with user groups (and also
developers/retailers) primarily for convenience... but also to
encourage people to join their local user group.
 Our choice for accomodation is the Hotel Berg (www.hotel-berg.com),
who are offering quite an aggressive discount for groups. If you wish
to stay somewhere else, you'll have to organise that yourself (but by
all means, we're happy to include you in the flights). For other
hotels in Cologne, have a look at www.cologne-hotels.com. Our chosen
airline is British Midland who are also offering some good deals for
groups, although Eurostar is also a possibility.
 In total, people can expect to pay less than 200 pounds for the
flight and the accomodation. The accomodation only includes bed and (a
fairly minimal) breakfast.
 We will require people to pay up front in order to book the flight
and the accomodation. Naturally, AmigaSoc will not make any money from
this. We are purely interested in encouraging as many people from the
UK to come to Cologne this year as possible.
 AmigaSoc visited Cologne for the first time last year, and we firmly
believe that if this show is anything like that, you'll be kicking
yourself if you miss it. Imagine a show like the generic computer
shows that used to be held in Earl's Court in the 80s. Imagine a show
where 70% of those stands have Amiga stuff in there. Plus, we at
AmigaSoc certainly don't want to miss any big announcements.
 We require all payments and bookings to reach us no later than the
20th September 1998.

For further details contact andrew@uk.amigasoc.org.

Andrew Elia

           W E B   C A M   A N D   I R C   A T   M A E 

User Group Network (UGN) to Host Web Cam and IRC Conferences at the
Midwest Amiga Exposition


August 6, 1998

	Wayne Hunt, UGN Administrator (wayne@amiga.org)
	Bill Borsari, UGN Events Coordinator (tekmage@amiga.org)
	Dave Pearce, M.A.E. (dpearce@amicon.org)

 The Amiga User Group Network (UGN) is proud to bring you its world
famous Web Cam and IRC Conferences live from the Midwest Amiga
Exposition on October 2, 3, and 4. If you cannot attend, then this is
the best way to keep in touch with the latest news and developments
from the show floor. Prominent Amiga personalities will be featured
throughout all three days of the exposition.
 The UGN Web Cam will transmit images from the show to
http://www.amiga.org/webcam. You can use any browser that supports
automatic refreshing, or you can use WebTV off Aminet.
 There will be two IRC channels used for the show's events on the
Amiganet IRC Network [http://www.amiganet.org]. #MAE98 will be used
for official conferences, and #Amiga will be open for general Amiga
discussion. Amiganet features Amiga-friendly servers free of channel
takeover attempts. The following servers are part of the Amiganet IRC

- whiterose.us.amiganet.org (USA)
- thule.no.amiganet.org (Norway)
- kth.se.amiganet.org (Sweeden)
- fastlane.au.amiganet.org (Australia)
- linux.us.amiganet.org (USA)
- stayfree.uk.amiganet.org (UK)

 The User Group Network exists to provide a valuable resource for all
Amiga user groups. Not part of an Amiga user group? Let us help you
form your own! For latest information, see the UGN Web Page and the
Midwest Amiga Exposition Web Page http://www.amicon.org/mae.html.

     # A M I G A U N I   O F F I C I A L   I R C   C H A N N E L

1 Aug 1998 

The #amigaUni official IRC channel. 

 Opened on 25th July 1998, the #amigaUni IRC channel can be found on
the ArcNet server network. The channel is open on Saturday and Sunday
nights, from 8pm BST for as long as people keep talking. We're here to
talk about almost anything, from the Amiga to Zool, or anything
inbetween. ArcNet servers are as follows :

· ch1.arcnet.vapor.com
· de1.arcnet.vapor.com
· fr1.arcnet.vapor.com
· nl1.arcnet.vapor.com
· nl2.arcnet.vapor.com
· uk2.arcnet.vapor.com
· uk3.arcnet.vapor.com
· us1.arcnet.vapor.com
· us2.arcnet.vapor.com

 Look out for me (Agima), my brother (Cheez), and the people who aided
in organising the channel, Gus "DrJekyl" Haines, and Bev "Manatee"
Hillier. We look forward to seeing you there soon!

The official amigaUni mailing list

 Need to talk? Got something to say, but nowhere to say it? Do you
want to talk to other Amiga owners? You need to join the aUML. Aided
by my mailing list colleagues Simon "SimD" Dick and Mark "Tecno"
Wilson, the list is a public list for anyone subscribed to it to make
postings and recieve answers. In the last half-month, I counted 100
posts, and the traffic can only increase. To become a part of the
aUML, and join people such as myself, Gary Peake, Alan Crandall, and
CU Amiga PD.Net reviewer Dave Stroud, just follow these oh so simple,
but oh so rewarding instructions :

1. Send an e-mail with a blank subject line to 
   majordomo@amigauniverse.ml.org, with "subscribe auml" in the body. 
   If you are subscribing an address different to the one you're
   currently using, add that address on the end.

2. Send this mail. You will recieve a confirmation mail asking if you
   are sure you want to join. Follow the instructions in this mail and
   you will be added to the aUML.

3. Have fun! Upon joining, you will recieve a post welcoming you, 
   telling you how to UNsubscribe, and detailing the rules. We look 
   forward to your company and postings.  

I hope you will be willing to participate in both ventures, and help
aU become a success.

I'd also like to thank Gary Peake for allowing me to make this post.

Peter Price (peter@amigauni.u-net.com)

     U L T I M A   T H U L E   -   N O   M O R E   V I R T U A L

10 Aug 98 

 Ultima Thule Software would like to inform everyone that the First
Virtual Internet Payment System will end on 17 August. This is due to
First Virtual and not a decision made by Ultima Thule Software. You
will no longer be able to register Thor or WebTV using First Virtual
after Midnight US Pacific Daylight Savings time on 17 August.
 We are currently looking for an alternative solution to allow payment
by credit card. So far no decision has be made on a replacement
service. However, everything we have found so far is more expensive
than First Virtual. As a result, there is a possibility that the
registration fees will have to be increased.
 Now is a good time to register Thor or WebTV, before any possible
price increase. You can get a First Virtual buyers PIN *free of
charge* until 17 August. To apply for one just use your browser and go
to http://www.firstvirtual.com/services/shopper/signup.html or call
First Virtual at 1-800-570-0003.
 Ultima Thule Software would like to thank everyone who has registered
Thor and WebTV for supporting Shareware.

              E - M A I L   F A N T A S Y   G A M E 

 Eternity Announces New Email-Based Fantasy Game
 Ladies and Gentleman, We proudly present our new project. ETERNITY
will introduce a new game for Amiga and PC at the Amiga fair in
Cologne. You will find us in the ACT/ETERNITY boot. This new kind of
strategic-game has both an innovative concept and design. It's named
"Tales of Tamar". Basically it's an Internet-Fantasy-Game using Email
to place your moves for the playing rounds. It`s a game like "Kaiser",
"Fantasy-Battle", or "Hanse" and combines this kind of game with the
 The technology of the game makes it possible to play with a nearly
infinite number of players within the world named "Tamar" controlled
by the ETERNITY-Server. You may fight against the computer as well as
against other players. The game is fully compatible to the PC-Version.
Like other Fantasy-Worlds "Tamar" knows other races like orks and
elves. The player takes controll over his own realm and has to make it
big, strong and wealthy. It`s possible to make a progression on to
emperor. Other races will be played by the computer.
 Further information about our game you will find on our new homepage:
 Please do not hesitate to contact us for further Interviews and
questions. We are always looking for good Graphic-designers and
Musicians as freelancers. If you are interested you may contact us via
IRC-Server irc-germany.net channel #amiga from 9 p.m. Please look for
the Nicks:Arka, Ice, Xin, CeaBear, Banana, Zenti or Wolfen. Kind
regards Martin Wolf The highlights of our game are:

handpainted Graphics
raytraced animation sequences
'locale' support
scalable Hardware-Support
built-in Online Games
built-in Online Chatroom
built-in FTP-Update
built-in Player to Player Mail
very complex battle-technology
trading between players
tournaments between players
battles between players
magic and contest between magicians
'a never ending story' gameplay
The minimal requirements for your System are:
68020 with 4 MB RAM (68040 with 32 MB RAM recommended)
AGA ( gfxcard recommended )
paula 8 BIT (soundcard recommended)

 support of the first wavetable for amiga (see ACT/Marc Albrecht with

support ppc-card (Warp-OS)
CD-ROM recommended

 C O M P U Q U I C K   S P E C I A L S   F O R   U S E R   G R O U P S

 Compuquick Announces Special for Members of Amiga User Groups in the

Columbus, Ohio 8/8/1998.

 Compuquick Media Center is offering Amiga 1200HD computer systems
with a 170MB hard drive, Magic software bundle (including Scala MM
300), NTSC versions, for the special price of $389.00 US.
 This offer is valid through September 30, 1998.
 User group members may order amiga 1200HDs in quantities of one or
 All Amiga lovers who could not take advantage of a similar special
offer in May 1998 can now do so.
 For further information please contact us at 614-235-1180/3601 or at
our website at http://www.infinet.com/~comquick/.

Randhir Jesrani
Compuquick Media Center

                 T O R N A D O   3 D   U P G R A D E

Eyelight Announces Tornado 3D V2.0 Upgrade and It's Free For 1.X Owners

 ROME, ITALY (August 5, 1998) Eyelight is pleased to announce that the
long awaited 2.0 "Professional" update to Tornado3D is ready.
Tornado3D is a state-of-the-art 3D graphics package for the Amiga,
geared towards the professional market. Tornado3D 2.0 adds new hi-end
features, many of them never before available on the Amiga, to the
already powerful arsenal of Tornado3D 1.5 and is a free upgrade for
customers of V1.x.
 Registered users can request V2.0 for free from Tornado3D's web site
at http://www.tornado3d.com
 "There are still many professionals in the Amiga market, but in 3D
graphics up-to-date software and speed are not an option and they find
increasingly difficult to stay competitive with existing tools," said
Massimiliano Marras, Eyelight's CEO. "That's why we focused on
supporting modern hardware such as the PowerPC processors and 3D
accelerated graphics cards. Those Amigas, coupled with AmigaOS's
realtime heart and the many unique features of Tornado3D, are the best
replica of a graphics workstation we can think of -and we have used
many of them."
 Tornado3D 2.0 builds on the firm ground of V1.5 and adds features
like Meshpainting, Dynamic Fractal Triangles, Bones and Muscles, Meta
Organic Modeling, Hairs and Fur and an internal programming language.
And while price for V2.0 went up to $520.00 both competitive upgrade
and educational discounts were introduced to allow everybody to become
part of the ever growing family of Tornado3D users.
 Tornado3D is the pionieer product of Eyelight, a 3D Graphics and
animation firm located in Rome, Italy. Please contact Mrs. Paola
Barbon at +39-06-51965487 or send email to info@tornado3d.com for more

Via del Serafico, 64
00142 Rome
voice: +39-06-51965486/7
fax: +39-06-51965488
e-mail: info@tornado3d.com

              P A X T R O N   S U R V I V A L   K I T 

 Paxtron Corporation Announces Amiga Survival Kit, First Aid For Your
now with the AMIGA SURVIVAL KIT from Paxtron. Each kit for the C64,
A500, A2000, A3000 and A4000 contains the popular easy to install
replacement chips to allow your computer extended life for years and
years. Each kit corrects 90% of all Amiga failures, which include up
to 28 symptoms. Replacement chips are of the "plug-in" type (unless
otherwise noted) and contain full instructions allowing any end user
with a screwdriver to get their computer up and running in most cases.

Kit #1 - Amiga 500
2.05 Operating System ROM
8520 CIA
Paula 8364 (391077-01)
Gary 5719
68000-8MHz CPU
Brand new internal floppy disk drive
Amiga Diagnostician
Final Test diskette
New battery
Original A500 Service Manual
Kit #2 - Amiga 2000
2.05 Operating System ROM
8520 CIA
Paula 8364 (391077-01)
Gary 5719
68000-8MHz CPU
Brand new internal floppy disk drive
Amiga Diagnostician
New Battery
Final Test diskette
Chip puller
Kit #3 - Amiga 3000/3000T
8520 CIA
DMAC-4 (390537-04)
Ramsey-4 (390544-04)
Gary 5719
Amber (390538-03)
390526 ROM
390527 ROM
390528 ROM
390529 ROM
Service Manual A3000/3000T
Chip puller
Kit #4 - Commodore 64
6526 - Complex Interface Adapter
6567 - VIC NTSC (6569 PAL)
906114 PLA
901225 Character ROM
901226 Basic ROM
901227 Kernal ROM
CBM Diagnostician
Chip puller
Kit #5 - Amiga 4000
We're working on it.
Check out our web page "http://www.paxtron.com/" for our prices.
Paxtron Corporation
Web Page: http://www.paxtron.com/
E-mail: paxtron@cyburban.com

              P U T T Y   S Q U A D   A F T E R   A L L 

Alive Mediasoft Announces Putty Squad

Putty Squad is coming to the Amiga!

 Yes that's right - Putty Squad is finally going to be released
courtesy of Alive Mediasoft.
 This little platform game caused quite a stir in the Amiga community
when it was dropped by its creators upon completion of the game.
 Ever since then, Amiga owners have been crying out for someone to
take it on and get it released....well, their waiting is over!
 Putty Squad is 100% complete. It will be released on disk for the
A1200 with a possibility of a CD-ROM version.
 Putty Squad is hard-drive installable and is compatible with 060 and
030 Amigas. Testing is currently underway on 040 and PPC.
 RRP £14.99. Pre-orders are being accepted now at only £12.99 (plus
 The release date of Putty Squad depends on the response we get from
the users. We would be pleased to receive the support of anyone who
wants us to release it. A simple e-mail saying "yes - I would like
Putty Squad" or whatever will be great, this way we can get a feel for
the sort of demand there will be.
 E-mails should be sent to: stevenalive@innotts.co.uk Please include
your email and postal addresses.
 (Special Thanks go out to Andrew Korn for his help with the release
of Putty Squad)

Steven Flowers
Alive Mediasoft Ltd
PO Box 940
NG17 7FA
Tel/Fax: 01623 467 579
Email: StevenAlive@innotts.co.uk

            N E T C O N N E C T   V 2   A V A I L A B L E 

Active Technologies Announces Availability of NetConnect v2

10th August 1998

NetConnect v2 Finally Available!

 NetConnect v2, the easiest and most comprehensive Internet
compilation, was finally released this month and should be available
from your favourite Amiga dealer.
 The Amiga Format gold award-winning Internet compilation is based
around 11 commercial programs, individually worth over £150. These
consist of: AmiTCP-Genesis (brand new TCP/IP stack), Microdot-II,
Voyager, AmIRC, AmFTP, AmTalk, AmTelnet, AmTerm, NetInfo, X-Arc
(Winzip style archive management tool) and the Contact Manager
(centralised address book that stores all your user information, web
site, ftp servers and chat channels).
 You are given all you will need to and get the most from the
Internet. By using the new Genesis Wizard, a user should be able
connect to the Internet in a matter of minutes. Ideal for both an
Internet and/or local area network connection.
 For further information about NetConnect v2, visit
 The RRP is 59.95UKP, available directly from:

Active Technologies
Oval House
113 Victoria Road
County Durham
England, DL1 5JH.
Tel : +44 (0)1325 460116
Fax : +44 (0)1325 460117
e-mail : sales@active-net.co.uk
.or from Haage&Partner and their worldwide distributors:
Schlossborner Weg 7
61479 Glashuetten
Tel : +49 (0)6174 - 96 61 00
Fax : +49 (0)6174 - 96 61 01
e-mail: mail@haage-partner.com

                    A M I N E T   2 6   C D - R O M 

9 Aug 1998 

Aminet 26 CD-ROM is available! 
Suggested Retail Price DM  25.00       Subscription price DM  19.80
US$1 = DM 1.77 given current exchange rates.
Ordering information:

 The most convenient method of placing an order is to use our
electronic order form located at http://www.schatztruhe.de/order.html.
You can also send an E-Mail to stefano@schatztruhe.de including your
address and the products you wish to order.


 Aminet CD 26, dated August 1998, contains 1 gigabyte (uncompressed)
of software in thousands of archives. Since the release of Aminet CD
25 more than 500 MB new software has appeared. The commercial
highlight is the full and unrestricted version of XiPaint 4.0, the
famous 24-but paint program.

Contents of Aminet 26

Directory    Size            Files         Contents 

biz           36 MB          109           Business software
comm          37 MB          147           Communications
demo         115 MB           81           Graphics & sound demo
dev           30 MB          101           Development software
disk          10 MB           29           Disk & HD tools
docs          55 MB           75           Documents
game         129 MB          178           Games
gfx           36 MB           74           Graphics software
hard           3 MB           19           Hardware related
misc          43 MB           60           Miscellaneous
mods         266 MB          347           Music modules
mus           21 MB           65           Music software
pix          104 MB          147           Pictures
text           9 MB           59           Text software
util          28 MB          225           Utilities

Stefan Ossowski

Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH
Veronikastr. 33 - 45131 Essen - Germany
Phone: ++49-201-788778  Fax ++49-201-798447
mailto:stefano@schatztruhe.de http://www.schatztruhe.de/
Visit our Web site and join our mailing-list. 

          S T U D I O   P R O F E S S I O N A L   V 2 . 2 0 

 Use Studio v2 to get the most out of your printer. Studio includes
powerful Amiga Workbench drivers for use with your application.
Additional software allows printing of images directly from disk in
8-Bit or 24-Bit precision. Studio is directly supported by various
printer manufacturers and always includes drivers for their latest
 Studio v2 introduces the first professional Color Management System
(CMS) on the Amiga ensuring that printer colors match your screen
colors or any other type of source. The system can easily be
calibrated using a scanner. Many printer calibration files are already
 The included printing application allows printing of image formats
like IFF ILBM, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, OS 3 Datatypes, and many more. Images
are printed from disk without the need for much memory.
 More than 54 of the latest dither methods are supported. Studio
printer software provides you with many image enhancement functions on
a mouse click: blur, sharpen, automatic contrast anhancement, mirror,
invert, and many more.
 Includes powerful Workbench printer drivers for DeskJets, LaserJets,
all PCL compatible with up to 1200dpi, Canon Bubble Jets, Epson
Stylus/Photo. and most 24-pin printers
 Full control of your printer's features.
 Setup software for the latest LaserJet, Epson, Canon and Panasonic
 Prints with up to 8-bit or 24-bit precision, calculations are made in
up to 96-bit.
 54 of the latest dither methods are supported.
 Offers the first Color Management System (CMS) on the Amiga, ensuring
that the colors printed match the colors on your screen.
 Easy greyscale or color calibration of the software using a scanner.
 External output modules for Canon BJC, Epson, Deskjet, IFF ILBM and
Multitasking and ARexx support.

Plus much, much more...

System requirements:

Amiga with Workbench 2.04, 3.0, 3.1 or higher

Minimum of 1,5 MB memory

CDROM drive

Full version only DM 69,-

Cross-Update from other commercial printerdriver systems only DM 49.-

       C H E A T   C O D E S   -   G E T   ' E M   H E R E ! 

8 Aug 1998 


 We decided to release all cheatcodes for Genetic Species.
 This list shows all areas where a cheatcode can be used.

FrameCount    - Enable FrameCounter.
DangerZone    - Maximum Weapon Ammo.
FoxMulder     - Maximum Weapon KillPower.
Caffeine      - Immortality
FullCircle    - Remove Player Shot Collision.
Goldbeer      - Disable Artificial Intelligence.
Sober         - Enable Artificial Intelligence.
SatanClaus    - Remove All Weapon NoiseFactors
Scorpions     - Disable Puzzle Board.
AlienRace     - Make The Player Invisible To All Enemies.
Chainsaw      - Change The Death Sequence A Bit.
JumpingJack   - Enable Jumping Bunny Function.
HellRaiser    - Reset Weapon Reload Time.
MindFields    - Unlock All Doors.
Sissies       - Able To Carry Everything.
Fuck You      - Surprise!
RushHour      - Exstream Enemy Movement Velocity.
Astronomical  - Enemies Will Never Retreat.
Elite         - Exstream Enemy Shot Rate.
Muppet Show   - Set Shade Factor To $D000
Retribution   - LevelCode For Stage0
Dysfunctional - LevelCode For Stage1
Antimatter    - LevelCode For Stage2
EyeOfTheStorm - LevelCode For Stage3
Ambrosia      - LevelCode For Rocket Launcher
Cncd          - LevelCode For Plasma Gun
Iris          - LevelCode For Flechette
Polka B.      - LevelCode For Assault Rifle
Parallax      - LevelCode For Mini Gun
SpaceBalls    - LevelCode For Flame Thrower
3LE           - LevelCode For Tazer
Stellar       - LevelCode For Ind. Drill
Puzzle        - LevelCode For Stun G. Launcher
Kefrens       - LevelCode For Pistol
Impact        - LevelCode For Sil. Pistol
Silents       - LevelCode For Fire Axe
Scoopex       - LevelCode For Aut. Pistol
Deathrow      - LevelCode For Hugger Acid
Loonies       - LevelCode For Laser Mine
Impulse       - LevelCode For Mantis Beam
Depth         - LevelCode For Laser Rifle
Floppy        - LevelCode For Hand Grenade
Gods          - LevelCode For Poopie
Artwork       - LevelCode For Data Disc
Rage          - LevelCode For Violet Keycard
C-Lous        - LevelCode For Red Keycard
Subacid       - LevelCode For Green Keycard
Balance       - LevelCode For Blue Keycard
Efreet        - LevelCode For Bio Toxin
TBL           - LevelCode For Save Game
VirtualDreams - LevelCode For Orange Keycard

 Some of these codes make funny effects, others will make
 the game easier, however most of them completely spoil
 the gameplay. We suggest the use of "Caffeine" (Immortality)'
 "Dangerzone" (Weapon Ammo) and "Sissies" (Carry Everything)
 for an enjoyable experience.

 Our website  www.marble-eyes.dk  will as usual keep you up to
 date with future events.
                    _    __    _ __    _   ____ _   _  
The AMIGA          /\\    |\  ||  |\  ||  ||    \\ /   
 I N F O R M E R  /__\\   | \ ||  | \ ||  ||--   \\   
                 /    \\__|  \||_ |  \||_ ||___ _/\\_      Section

Tiger's Bane Preview

 Tiger's Bane, from Longbow Digital Arts, is a sideways scrolling
helicopter shoot-em-up that both novice and expert shoot-em-up fans
should enjoy. This is definitely not a copy-cat game. It has unique
controls, interesting missions, appealing screen transitions, and good
sound effects. I especially liked the animated pointer that works with
both joystick and mouse.
 Tiger's Bane is a single player game, but does allow you to select
air support that gives you computer controlled airships to help you in
battle. You may find the controls a bit difficult at first since they
are likely different from other similar games you've played. If you
leave the controls at the default setting you can do almost everything
with the joystick which eliminates the need to memorize keyboard
functions. The options screen allows you set up the controls however
you like with either keyboard, joystick, CD32 joypad, or a varied
 The graphics are not exactly stunning, but bear in mind that it runs
on any Amiga with 1 Mb Chip and 1 Mb Fast RAM. The game allows you to
select from many different choppers, each with its own individual
flight control characteristics. Mission briefings will often recommend
which one to choose. Missions are rarely the same and many aspects of
the game happen randomly, such as weather conditions. The missions
themselves vary according to your performance. It's obvious that much
foresight went into this game and considerable time was spent on its
intelligent programming.
 Tiger's Bane has three difficulty levels: Much Too Easy, Regular
Flavor, and, Extra Vicious. I found Much Too Easy to be plenty tough
for me and highly recommend staying in the training mode for a while
before beginning the actual levels. I also recommend at least reading
the quick start section of the docs before beginning play. There is
plenty of in game online help, and comes with good documentation so
you shouldn't be left with any unanswered questions.
 Installation is as simple as unarchiving the LHA file to wherever you
want it on your hard drive. Tiger's Bane is well worth the
registration fee and should keep you coming back for more, but
download it and judge for yourself. I give it a B+ rating.
 Tiger's Bane is shareware and can be downloaded at
http://www.kanservu.ca/~longbow/. The game is fully playable, but is
crippled in that it only lets you play a few missions. Once the US $10
registration fee is paid, a code is sent to you that unlocks all the
missions. It was tested on an A1200 060 with 18 Mb of RAM. Longbow
Digital Arts, General Delivery, Providence Bay, Ontario, P0P 1T0,
Canada. Email: longbow@sympatico.ca

Rating: B+

By Jerimy Campbell

© 1998 Jerimy Campbell and Eldritch Enterprises
Amiga Update on the net:  some issues available at:
    http://www.sharbor.com/amiga/news/ (in html format)
    Australian Mirror Site: http://www.comcen.com.au/~paulm/index.html
 All back issues available (in ASCII text) at:
Copyright 1998 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
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