   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_|| (An Occasional Newsletter)
         KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING         ||
       AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Gateway, Inc.

    G O O D   I N T E N T I O N S   &   F O O T   I N   M O U T H 

   V U L C A N   D R O P S   C L A S S I C   D E V E L O P M E N T  

                . . . B U T   T H E R E ' S   T H I S

                     U G N   A T   C O L O G N E 

                T W O   F R O M   G P S O F T W A R E 

               B A R N S T O R M   I N   A T L A N T A 

       . . .   O R   " R O A D S H O W "   I N   T O R O N T O 

            G E N E T I C   S P E C I E S   I S   G O N E 

                L I N U X   5 . 1   F O R   A M I G A 

               L I N U X   F E A T U R E S   R E B O L 

     A M I G A   B O D Y G U A R D   H A L T E D   F O R   N O W

                     C Y B E R G R A P H X   V 4 

                    A M I G A N S   A N D   C N N 

                H & P   A T   C O M P U T E R   ' 9 8 

             A M I G A   W A T C H   A T   C O L O G N E 

          N E W   V E R S I O N   O F   R A Y   T R A C E R 

Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:
 We have an interesting mix of items this time. Many news items deal
with the upcoming Computer '98 show in Cologne, Germany, which will be
held this weekend. For those of us who can't make it, the news
releases give some idea of the new products and updates that will be
there. This includes a most interesting Amiga brand wrist watch from
Amiga International Inc. I wonder how many people go back far enough
to remember the watches, calculators and such from Commodore, before
they began making computers?
 We begin the issue with a couple of postings from the Amiga
newsgroups, which show how easy it is to give some folks wrong
impressions. Fortunately, Amiga Incorporated's Fleecy Moss took care
of the misunderstandings quickly.
 We also have several stories on Linux, the freely available Unix
variant which has been picked up by Red Hat and is making Microsoft
nervous. Yes, there is a version for Amiga and we have some
information on it below. Interestingly, a news column posted on the
ABC News website a few days ago linked Linux and the Amiga. The column
gave a reasonably accurate description of what's happening with the
Amiga at this point. Interestingly, it didn't identify Gateway Inc. by
name. It only stated "A group in South Dakota, having acquired the
rights to the Amiga, is developing and marketing a new machine under
the Amiga Inc. brand." The column did have good things to say. Among
them was this quote: "Don't look back, Red Hat - something may be
gaining on you."
 Well, maybe not gaining on them yet, but down the road, who knows?
 The question of who'll be completing the journey down that road with
Amiga Inc. is becoming one of grim interest. In this issue we detail
two more losses to the current Amiga community. One is the game
"Genetic Species" and the other is the developer/publisher Vulcan -
sort of. Vulcan isn't entirely gone ... read the details below.
 On a final note, we should take notice of what just happened with the
game "Quake". Recently, a pirated PPC version of this program was
uploaded to Aminet. Rumors indicate the response of ClickBOOM was very
disappointing. Supposedly, they have decided to punish the entire
Amiga community by not completing work on a legitimate version. That's
a valid approach only if they consider us all thieves, or likely to
buy a stolen product rather than the real thing. If the rumors are
true, then I'm insulted. Again, IF the rumors are true it sounds to us
like they were just looking for an excuse to bail out on this project.
We prefer the forthright attitude of Vulcan by far. However, we've
found NO official word that ClickBOOM has taken such a mean spirited
way out, so give them the benefit of the doubt. They've done some very
good things for the Amiga games market, and that shouldn't be
 Despite that sour note, the overall tone of this issue is something
we think you'll enjoy. And if you get to Cologne, check out that

    G O O D   I N T E N T I O N S   &   F O O T   I N   M O U T H 

 {A Recent exchange of e-mail between Amiga's Fleecy Moss and Gary
Peake of Team Amiga shows how easy it is to give the wrong impression
with accurate words. Because the exchange may have caused
misunderstandings to circulate, we have below two notes in the
exchange that should put all to rest (slightly edited only). First a
note from Gary, then one from Fleecy. Brad}

27 Oct 98 

 fleecy@netreach.net scribed to us about Re: Sober Analysis of "The
Plan" (fwd) in EMail
 This is a response from Fleecy Moss, Amiga Inc regarding my post to
comp.sys.amiga.misc ... reposted here with permission from Fleecy.

>For Amiga Inc we don't "need" the existing community. Our market is
>much bigger than just desktops and, in another sense, it won't be us
>that concentrates on the desktop and high end, it will be our
>licencees. Our OS and HW references will scale.
>So technically the Amiga community could die and we would be ok.
>However, this is a limited way of looking at the situation.

>The existing Amiga gives us

>a) a good name and reputation -many ppl remember it very fondly,

>b) a worldwide seed community for the new machines - not many
>companies can work on a product with an almost guaranteed first sale
>of 100,00 units. c) a worldwide evangelical force d) a very talented
>pool of developers e) a philosophy and attitude that is just waiting
>to be promoted and will be so much more effective than the stale
>Apple "think Differently"

>The problem is that many in the existing community are only looking
>at their existing 1980's definition of computing, and of how the
>Amiga fits into that, so because we are not building PPC A5000s with
>PPCOS4, they feel betrayed. It requires a whole new mindset
>-computers are no longer just geek toys - they are the conduits for
>digital information.
>Feel free to repost this

Thanks for watching the newsgroups and correcting us where we need it
From Gary Peake

2 Nov 98 
Hey there 8-)

 I just went over to Aminews on CUCUG and became steaming mad - that
bastard from Amiga, Mr Moss says that desktops don't matter anymore,
and that Amiga doesn't need us anymore....well **** him!!!!
...eeerrrr, oh, that was me........
 To clarify (and to demonstrate once again that sarcasm and innuendo
is hard to do with a colon and some brackets), the letter I wrote to
Gary was in response to a particular letter expressing concern that
AInc is abandoning the current market. If you look, you will see that
"need" is in quotes - the reason, because technically, we don't "need"
desktops to succeed, precisely because we are not concentrating solely
on desktops. This I feel is an important point that the community
needs to understand. I have said many times that we are not just about
bringing an uptodate Amiga desktop back to the existing market. To do
that would probably spell our doom.
 We are about defining a new market, a market in which destops are at
home with intelligent TVs, games consoles, servers and workstations -
where it isn't the size of your hardware that counts but its ability
to do the work you need it to do. Rest assured that there will be
desktop Amigas, workstations and servers - you lot out there are
living proof that a market exists for them. I am in constant contact
with HW companies who are looking at the logistics of producing their
own NG medium and high end Amigas. As for not needing the community,
again the comment made was a technical metaphor - of course we don't
"need" it, in the same way that France doesn't need its world cup
players to play in the world cup in 2002 - they would just be idiots
not to use them. The Amiga community is the heart and soul of the

  V U L C A N   D R O P S   C L A S S I C   D E V E L O P M E N T  

1 Nov 1998 


 Vulcan is finally closing the lid on Amiga (classic) software
development after half a decade of support!
 The decision to leave comes close to Vulcans 5th anniversary.
 Paul Carrington states '..after much deliberation we switched off our
Amiga development systems at the mains, quickly wrapped them in brown
paper and hid them in the Vulcan vault! It's quite sad to see these
babies being turned off but it is something we all knew was inevitable
(and perhaps long overdue).'
 Since 1994 Vulcan has Developed and Published 10 Amiga floppy titles
and 5 Amiga CDRom titles and currently has 2 more Amiga CDRom titles
still in production and nearing release.
 I hope that our departure from Amiga (classic) software development
does not receive the same insulting and slanderous response as
previous departing companies had experienced, but our decision is
based purely on a commercial and financial level due to the current
state of the existing Amiga market.
 To show our loyalty to the platform (which was responsible for our
companies success) we will remain as an active Amiga Publisher as long
as there are external developers out there creating exciting products
and require our services and as long as our Amiga distributor still
has an outlet to sell limited quantities of Amiga titles.
 Vulcan has just released a limited edition Amiga compilation CDRom of
it's MiniSeries titles as a tribute to it's golden days and we can
still expect the Alien adventure 'Wasted Dreams' Amiga CDRom to be
released before Xmas 98 with Explorer2260 Amiga PPC CDRom scheduled
for early 99.

Live Long & Prosper!
Mr Paul Carrington BA
Vulcan Software Limited                   
72 Queens Road
Commercial:  www.vulcan.co.uk
Promotional: www.vul-soft.demon.co.uk
Hants PO2 7NA U.K.

Tel: +44 (0)1705 670269  
Fax: +44 (0)1705 662226

              . . . B U T   T H E R E ' S   T H I S 

Turtle Lightning/Vulcan America Announces Vulcanology CD
** Hello All, It's Time ***
Vulcanology CD:

 One of the GREATEST CD's you'll ever own for your Amiga! Vulcan has
put TEN HITS (full games) onto one cd, they are:

Burn-Out Racing
HillSea Lido
TimeKeepers II
Tiny Troops
Valhalla I
Valhalla II
Valhalla III

Get it all for only $ 37.95 if you pre-order now.
** A collectors Item, Only 500 will be made **
If you want one you gotta pre-order it now !!!
This should be in stock within about 10 days.
Visit our site at:
click on 'Vulcan Software'
Terry f/TLAS~Vulcan America
302 Oxford Street
Midland, TX 79703-5535
tel: 915-694-7588 fax: 915-694-7595

                    U G N   A T   C O L O G N E 


November 2, 1998

User Group Network Live From Computer'98

 The User Group Network (http://ugn.amiga.org) wishes to announce that
representatives will be present at Computer'98
(http://www.computer98.de) in Amiga Inc.'s (http://www.amiga.com)
booth. Handing out information on Amiga User Groups, and resources for
them to use will be UGN representatives Tony Mees, Chirstoph Ochal,
and Christoph Dietz. Along with Amiga Inc. and the UGN will be Team
Amiga (http://web.wt.net/~gpeake) and the Jay Miner Society
 For the latest information, and interviews with Amiga Inc. staff turn
to the UGN's Web Cam and #Computer98 AmigaNet Internet Relay Chat
channel. Computer'98 will feature big developments for the Amiga
including the naming of the OS Kernel Partner for the development
machine, new Amiga hardware and software, and an Amiga Demo
 The UGN Computer'98 Web Cam can be found at:
 For those who need help setting up their IRC client and finding the
#Computer98 channel, please go to
http://ugn.amiga.org/events/irchelp.shtml for more information.
The UGN #Computer'98 IRC Channel will be on AmigaNet at:
whiterose.us.amiganet.org (USA) 
thule.no.amiganet.org (Norway) 
kth.se.amiganet.org (Sweden) 
fastlane.au.amiganet.org (Australia) 
linux.us.amiganet.org (USA) 
stayfree.uk.amiganet.org (UK)

 Computer '98 takes place November 13th - 15th at the exhibition
grounds (Messegelände) in Cologne, Halls 11.2 and probably Hall 12.2.
Hours are from 10:00 AM until 6.00 PM local time.
 The User Group Network is an organization dedicated to the
advancement of the Amiga computing platform and the fostering of Amiga
oriented User Groups worldwide. The UGN will work co-operatively with
the owners, licensees, user groups, and the users to establish and
expand a customer support base for licensed Amiga computer products.
The UGN will endeavor to provide a single, centralized resource for
the promotion and assistance of User Groups and users world-wide. The
UGN Web Page is located at http://ugn.amiga.org.

              T W O   F R O M   G P S O F T W A R E 

GPSoftware to Demo Two New Releases at Cologne

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: DOpus PLUS CD to be demonstrated at Cologne.
 GPSoftware is proud to demonstrate its continuing support for the
Amiga with the release of the DOpus PLUS CD companion for Opus
Magellan II. The DOpus PLUS CD is now in production and will be
demonstrated on the Schatztruhe stand at the Cologne Amiga show,
November 13-15th November 1998 by Dr Greg Perry and Jon Potter. It is
available world-wide from good Amiga dealers and GPSoftware
distributors. Or you may support the developers by purchasing direct.
For further information and a sneak peek at the DOpus PLUS Tutorial
see the GPSoftware website at www.gpsoft.com.au Check out the new
features of Magellan-II on our web site at


The Essential Companion to Opus Magellan II 

 To coincide with the release of Opus Magellan II, GPSoftware has
commissioned a new CD specially for Opus users. It gives you custom
written tutorials to complement Opus Magellan and collects hundreds of
megabytes of images, sounds, icons and scripts and other utilities to
complement your Opus installation. Specially commissioned tutorials in
html and AmigaGuide by some of the leading DOpus experts in the world
covering such diverse topics as :- The definitive Opus tutorial - the
ideal companion for the new Opus Magellan II that gives you the much
more depth than the manual ever could! Superfluous glitz - and how to
make the most of it. Advice on how to make your DOpus look and sound
as good as it can without the strain. Coding - the ins and outs of the
extensive DOpus ARexx port and SDK by the best programmers around.
Includes the indispensable Opus Arexx guide and tutorial and the Opus
C programming guide. Filetypes - We explain how to really get the most
from the internal power of Opus. FAQ - All the questions you ever
wanted answered about Opus - and some you didn't know about! Themes
galore! Special DOpus Themes can be immediately installed on your
Amiga, plus megabytes of freeware and shareware Windows 95 Themes
which you can load into Opus Magellan II and convert to Amiga formats.
Lots and lots of icons for StartMenus, Button banks and Amiga files
and folders etc, plus specially designed sets of Toolbar icons from
DOpus experts. Lots of predefined Filetypes to support almost any
Amiga program or file. Complete collection of all Opus related files
from Aminet and other sources.

Indispensable Opus Arexx utilities and scripts including:-

 Enhanced ArcDir - open archives directly in an Opus Lister. .
BatchFTP script - automate your FTP downloads. . ImageConvert - a
custom script to convert Windows Themes and associated files to Amiga
 DirTree - view directories in Tree style.
 AppLauncher - custom launcher for your favourite programs.
 plus many more essential items to make your Opus the envy of the
neighbourhood! Includes many other utilities to support your Opus
Magellan II installation. Contact your local Amiga dealer or
distributor for availability and pricing information. Or contact us
directly for further information.

PO Box 570, Ashgrove,
Australia 4060
Phone/Fax +61 7 33661402
email: greg@gpsoft.com.au
WWW : http://www.gpsoft.com.au/

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Opus Magellan II to be demonstrated at Cologne. 

 GPSoftware is proud to demonstrate its continuing support for the
Amiga with the release of the Directory Opus Magellan II. Opus
Magellan II is now in production and will be demonstrated on the
Schatztruhe stand at the Cologne Amiga show, November 13-15th November
1998 by Dr Greg Perry and Jon Potter. It is available world-wide from
good Amiga dealers and GPSoftware distributors. Or you may support the
developers by purchasing direct. Check out the new features of
Magellan-II on our web site at http://www.gpsoft.com.au/ Opus Magellan
 The Essential Workbench Replacement and File Management system for
the Amiga!
Summary of Enhancements

 The Magellan-II version not only upgrades many of the earlier
functions but also involves an extensive re-development of many
components of the Opus 5 system to give you enhanced usability,
especially in the Workbench Replacement Mode. Amongst other features,
in this version we have concentrated on providing greater user control
over your custom Environment with a more powerful but easier to use
configuration section, plus many new features such as custom Themes,
custom sounds and scripts, improved User and Start Menus, greater
Lister functionality, and a dramatically enhanced OpusFTP system where
you can now tailor custom setting for individual remote sites and even
leave out the site or remote files on your Opus desktop for instant
 Amongst many other features, the Magellan version gave you:-
 Enhanced Lister functionality including:- command functions which act
on icon mode Listers; new popup menus; optional Space Gauge showing
free space on drives, Inline Editing for Name mode Listers and the
ability to drag and drop files directly into sub-directories.
 A new integrated system of Start Menus.
 A new Desktop Folder mechanism: Drag and drop items to the desktop
with the support of optional popup menus.
 A new Icon Positioning system. Configure areas where icons will
appear and their priority.
 Improved Icon dragging routines plus global control of icon labels
and borders; icon label splitting for long labels; a new Icon Command
function for special "command" files; and the ability to use
traditional Workbench icon positions for icons or exclusive Opus
 New Popup menus with shadow look.
 Integrated NewIcons support not just for icons but for all system
images including graphic button banks plus support for image and
animation file formats including DPaintV/PPaint AnimBrushes.
 The new Magellan-II version refines and extends these features
further. The new features include:-
 Custom Themes - customise your system with your favourite images,
sounds, fonts and colours.
 Improved Lister layouts including proportional fonts, resizable
fields, sort indicator, better in-line editing.
 An amalgamated Options and Environment editor to give you a more
intuitive layout for better management of the display and program
 Background pictures in button banks and start menus.
 Random Background images.

 New Outline and Shadow font options for Workbench display.
 Fully user configurable screen title for display of used and
available memory, OS versions, processes etc.
 New Sound events for Opus and system events - attach a sound to
inserting and removing a disk! USe Random Sounds
 New Opus Path List settings allowing you to easily set the system
paths for commands etc.
 Support for Filesystems with filenames up to 107 characters.
 New graphical layout and better configurability of Button banks and
start menus including an 'auto-close' feature. Buttons now support
"Active Popups" - an extended popup menu feature where each button act
as a start menu.
 Revised internal commands with many now replaceable by user-defined
scripts and functions.
 Enhanced Scripts system with more events and linking to internal
commands and OpusFTP.
 Improved Start Menus. You can now have multilevel menus and start
menus are now always 'sticky'
 Improved filetype identification system with better control of
multitasking for large directories and CDs and new filetype matching
functions to match foreign disk types.
 New and extended icon and Lister popup menus.
 Improved Snapshot ability for Listers, Icon modes and Groups.
 New Icon Information requester with more detailed display plus new
functionality such as ability to change icon type and edit the icon
 Improved support for Drag and Drop functions.
 Better Icon support with faster displays.
 Many new ARexx commands to control Opus.
 This functionality is complemented by a dramatically enhanced OpusFTP
module with many new features including:-
 Completely revised GUI with new FTPAddressbook, FTPOptions and
FTPConnect requesters.
 Individual configuration Options for each site including custom
format and custom tool bars on a site-by-site basis.
 Enhanced Drag and Drop allows you to create shortcuts to your
favourite FTP sites, directories and files by leaving them out on the
Opus Desktop for instant access.
 Full recursive directory copying. Copy whole directories in a single
 More support for normal Opus commands including Getsizes, FindFiles
and the Copy command now supports the UPDATE and NEWER flags. Great
for web site maintenance!
 Protect is fully supported with a new GUI allowing you to set remote
protection bits in either Amiga or Unix fashion.
 Seven new Scripts exclusively for FTP events on a site by site basis.
 Automatic reconnection on failure or lost connection.
 Better site-to-site transfer capability - transfer files between two
remote sites without going via your Amiga.
 Optional transfer and progress displays with more detailed
 Support for firewalls and IP Masking with PASSIVE transfer mode.
 Lister path gadgets accept industry standard URL syntax.
 Inline editing of Name and Protection fields now supported.
 Synchronous command structure so interactive ARexx scripts are now
possible! Write BATCH files to transfer selected files.
 Speed and efficiency improvements with better management of socket
options and improved support for all AmigaTCP stacks.
 Special popup menus for FTP Listers to access custom Options and Add
the current site entry details and custom options directly to the
address book.
 Contact your local Amiga dealer or distributor for availability and
pricing information. Or contact us directly for further information.
 GPSoftware PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Australia 4060 Phone/Fax +61 7
33661402 email: greg@gpsoft.com.au WWW : http://www.gpsoft.com.au/
           B A R N S T O R M   I N   A T L A N T A 

Amiga Atlanta to Host Barnstormer's Toaster & Flyer Seminar


The Amiga Atlanta User Group - October 31, 1998

 The Barnstormer's Toaster & Flyer Seminar Saturday, Nov. 14th &
Sunday, Nov. 15th in Atlanta, Georgia
 Interested in making your TOASTER jobs Hotter than ever? Would you
like to get your FLYER system Soaring to new heights? Curious about
the NEWEST PRODUCTS & TOOLS that work Better and Easier? If your
answer is YES to any of these, then you'll definitely want to sign up
NOW for the:
 The Barnstormer's Seminar is a unique opportunity for Toaster & Flyer
users to learn first hand from some of the most notable Toaster
Mechanics, Flyer Pilots and New Product Developers on the circuit:
 Michael "Aussie" Holten of Ozware will guide you down under to
explore FastFrames, Co-Pilot Audio & Video and Multicam Editor in
depth. PLUS, Ozware will be Premiering their New Products for making
your Toaster/Flyer suite more powerful and efficient than ever!
 Bill Evans & Ray Cronise of Prowave will show how you can push the
Flyer envelope and break the sound barriers using their RenderFX and
ProMix tools. ProWave will also be previewing their new audio software
release and unveiling some ideas for the future.
 Aaron Ruscetta of Image Architects will get you up to date on the
latest options in controlling your VTRs and Camcorders. Image
Architects will also be Premiering the newest additions to their
FastFuel product line, a fresh approach to Flyer digitizing & VTR
remote that gets you out of the cutting room and into your project
twice as fast as you ever could before!
 Ralph Messana, Newtek Regional Sales Representative and one of the
most experienced Toaster/Flyer trainers available will be leading you
through the numerous subtle shortcuts that can really keep you cooking
with your Switcher, CG and Toaster Paint. And when he's not teaching,
he'll be happy to tell you more about the latest Newtek news &
 Paul Lara, Newtek Training Representative and a genuine "Toast
Master" will show you how easy it is to learn the LightWave & Toaster
Paint techniques that will add that extra touch of class to all your
video projects.

 Bohus Blahut of Legacy Maker has also arranged to join us. He'll be
showing how to add the wizard's touch to Flyer projects with rendered
special effects using Lightwave, ImageFX, PanCanvas and products from
Visual Inspiration's like Control Tower & Visual FX .
 Toaster Hardware Guru Jim Davis of DVS Direct will head a session to
answer your hardware and maintenance questions. DVS will additionally
have a sales & demo area set up to assist you with software, hardware,
parts or upgrades and give you a chance to see Newtek's most recent
offerings with Aura and the beta release of the 10x board.
 Imagine the valuable things you can learn with all that talent under
one roof for two full days! But the BTFS won't stop there; a good
seminar should, of course, be Entertaining as well as Educational!
 The Barnstormer's Seminar Special Events
 On Saturday evening we'll be gathering the presenter's together for a
lively and informative Round Table Discussion with an open mike for
audience participation. Following the Round Table, Amiga Atlanta, Inc.
will be hosting a night of socializing and festivity close to the
conference site at one of Atlanta's finer Buckhead establishments. For
those arriving earlier on Nov. 13th, AAi is also coordinating special
tours of the CNN production and broadcast facilities, starting 2pm
Friday afternoon! After the tour, you and your fellow pilots can pull
a few loops through some of Atlanta's "cultural" attractions!

Seminar Schedules
Saturday, November 14 TOASTER Sessions
Saturday, November 14 FLYER Sessions
Sunday, November 15 ADVANCED FLYER sessions

 Contact Aaron Ruscetta at: aaron@noel.pd.org , Tel: (404) 315-9026
Fax: (404) 486-7381

     . . .   O R   " R O A D S H O W "   I N   T O R O N T O 

02 Nov 98 

 We are pleased to announce the Toronto Newtek Roadshow....a party of
 Don Balance and Ralph Messana, from Newtek, will be here to demo the
new programs and answer any questions regarding Newtek and their
 Also...you can sneak a peek at the new "beta board" from Newtek An
audio/video, real-time, non-compresssed capture and playback card for
NT platforms.

Newtek products now include:
Video Toaster, video editing system,
Video Flyer, non-linear video editing system
Calibar, portable signal generator
Lightwave, the most popular 3D animation software in Hollywood.
Inspire 3D, Lightwave's little brother, entry level 3D design and
Aura, Video paint and compositing software.

 There will be three sessions running throughout the day This event
will take place at Videolink/Animation Canada on Tuesday Nov.
 3 / 98 sessions will be at 11 am. 2 pm. and 5 pm. Videolink is
located at 53 Lucy Ave. Toronto, Ont. M1L 1A1 we are 2 blocks from the
subway station at Victoria Park/Danforth Ave.
 There will be special pricing on all Newtek products during this day
only.... check out these products and get a great deal on Lightwave or
Aura Also.... the newest magazines & training videos for 3D artists..
.this is the day!

For more information...call 416-690-1690
or email brich@videolink.ca
Bruce Richardson
Email: brich@videolink.ca

Videolink Inc.
53 Lucy Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M1L 1A1
Web: http://www.videolink.ca

Long Distance
(Canada only): 1-800-567-8481
Local:         1-416-690-1690
Fax:           1-416-690-0136

           G E N E T I C   S P E C I E S   I S   G O N E 

Latest NewsGenetic Species

The Future for Genetic Species

 We were extremely excited about finally releasing Genetic Species but
the sales have been minimal while at the same time, the future of the
Amiga is looking more and more bleak. Because of this, during these
last months our excitement has gradually dissipated. Since the
financial rewards for the game are all but pocket money, and we no
longer feel the 'old' excitement and commitment, we've decided to move
on, and thus we've started looking at new projects which point to the
future, not the past..
 All current development of GS has been halted, and further addons are
not likely to appear. We're sorry about this. But keep the faith;
we'll be looking forward to giving you another mindblowing game
sometime in the future.
 Stay tuned for further information!

             L I N U X   5 . 1   F O R   A M I G A 

From Schatztruhe 

Linux 5.1

 Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by
Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world.
Linux is an independent POSIX implementation and includes true
multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, proper
memory management, TCP/IP networking, and other features consistent
with Unix-type systems. Developed under the GNU General Public
License, the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone.
This CD-ROM contains the unofficial RedHat 5.1 Amiga-Version (binaries
only!) ported by Jes Sorensen. The source code is available upon
request. Technical support is provided free of charge via phone
(English & German spoken). To make sure that Linux is usable on your
Amiga you might wish to consult the System Requirements prior to your
purchase: http://www.schatztruhe.de/files/linux_sysreq.html Every
customer of this product is entitled to obtain future versions of this
CD-ROM at a discounted price.

Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH
Veronikastr. 33 - 45131 Essen - Germany
Phone: ++49-201-788778 Fax ++49-201-798447
mailto:stefano@schatztruhe.de http://www.schatztruhe.de/
Visit our Web site and join our mailing-list.

           L I N U X   F E A T U R E S   R E B O L 

For Immediate Release
REBOL Featured on Release of Red Hat Linux 5.2

 {Note the current Linux support for Amiga seems to be only at 5.1.

 UKIAH, Calif. November 2, 1998 REBOL Technologies (www.rebol.com),
the creator of next-generation, network-based messaging technology,
announced that its free network messaging language, REBOL/Core V1.0,
is featured on today's release of Official Red Hat Linux 5.2.
REBOL/Core is packaged with Red Hat's Linux Applications CD, meaning
Linux users will be able to take immediate advantage of REBOL's
Internet-native, productivity-enhancing capabilities. The latest
update to REBOL/Core is also available free of charge at
www.rebol.com. "The tremendous growth of Red Hat Linux and its
acceptance by the user community underscores the need for robust and
powerful operating system alternatives," noted Carl Sassenrath,
founder and CEO of REBOL Technologies. "REBOL complements Red Hat's
functionality by providing a simple, human-centric, robust messaging
language for developing network scripts and applications on Linux. At
the same time, REBOL ensures complete platform- and OS-independence
for those working in heterogeneous environments."

 Robert Young, president of Red Hat Software, explains, "As computing
systems have continued to diversify, the need for standard,
Internet-centric methods of information exchange has emerged. Our
community welcomes tools and technologies that simplify peer-to-peer
communication. The REBOL language is just such a solution --
platform-independent and free of charge. We are pleased that it is
compatible with Red Hat Linux 5.2." 

About the REBOL Language 

 REBOL is an Internet-native language, directly handling primary
Internet protocols such as e-mail, Web and FTP. No other bundled
network or computer applications are needed, although REBOL's open,
customizable design means they can all be accommodated. In addition to
Linux, REBOL applications run on AmigaOS, FreeBSD, Macintosh, Solaris
2.6, and Windows 95/98/NT. Forthcoming releases will also support
OS/2, HP-UX, AIX, BeOS, DEC Alpha and others. Typical REBOL
applications might include web site building and maintenance,
electronic commerce, file transfer, list management, newsgroup
processing, E-mail filtering and processing, and Web searches.

About LINUX 

 Linux is the collectively developed POSIX-based, multi-user,
multi-tasking operating system used worldwide in commercial, academic,
and development organizations. Linux is used as a high value, fully
functional UNIX® workstation for applications ranging from Internet
Servers to reliable work group computing.

    A M I G A   B O D Y G U A R D   H A L T E D   F O R   N O W

09 Nov 98 

 Back in January 1998 we announced the revolutionary software Amiga
BodyGuard - a comprehensive memory protection system. The release had
been scheduled for May 1998 but we have failed to deliver this piece
of software since then and thus have had to postpone the release
several times.
 In the meantime it has become clear that such product is a much
greater challenge than we did originally anticipate. As it would
contradict our philosophy to sell alpha-versions of Amiga BodyGuard or
to postpone the release for another couple of months we have made the
decision to stop further development at this point.
 Despite this decision, Mr. Martin Berndt the developer of Amiga
BodyGuard has informed us that he intends to continue the development.
It might be that he will be able to present a working commercial
release of Amiga BodyGuard sometime next year.

To receive further information you should contact Mr. Berndt

Mr.                          Phone     ++49-(0)2065-73904
Martin Berndt                Email     berndt@i-dea.de
Friedrich-Alfred-Str. 115    WWW  http://home.i-dea.de/~berndt
47226 Duisburg               ICQ#:     16091148

 We know that our decision to stop the development of Amiga BodyGuard
might not be very popular but we would like to take the opportunity to
assure you that our commitment towards the Amiga will remain
unchanged. During the next days alone well release a large variety of
new products: Directory Opus Magellan II, DOpus Plus, CyberGraphX V4,
SuperView Productivity Suite, Envoy 3, Aminet Set 7, Linux 5.1, ... .
And our release schedule for the next months will be tight aswell.

Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH
Veronikastr. 33 - 45131 Essen - Germany
Phone: ++49-201-788778  Fax ++49-201-798447
Visit our Web site and join our mailing-list.

                  C Y B E R G R A P H X   V 4 

10 Nov 98 

CyberGraphX V4 is available!

Suggested Retail Price DM 49,00
Update from a previous commercial or registered version of
CyberGraphX DM 29,00 (original disk or serial number required)
US$1.00 = DM 1.68 given current exchange rates.

**** CyberGraphX V4

CyberGraphX was designed to define an independent graphics standard
for Amiga graphics boards. The full knowledge of more than 4 years of
graphics board software development is included in this outstanding
driver package.

Features of previous versions:

Universal, hardware independent CyberGraphX-Library
Drivers for many popular graphics boards included
Modular design, possible usage of multiple graphics boards
15/16 and 24bit support for all Intuition screens incl. Workbench
Real Amiga look and feel incl. draggable screens
No chipmem required for screen display
Extensive support of all features by application software from
leading software providers

And now new in v4:

Improved memory management and many bug fixes
Extended CGXMode program with many new features incl. VESA modes
CyberGraphX commodity
Direct interface to v43 picture.datatype
Extensive documentation and FAQ
All neccessary files and drivers on one CD


68020, 68030, 68040 or 68060 CPU
AmigaOS 3.x
CyberGraphX supported graphics board
Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe Gesellschaft für Software mbH
Veronikastr. 33 - 45131 Essen - Germany
Phone: ++49-201-788778  Fax ++49-201-798447
Visit our Web site and join our mailing-list.

                 A M I G A N S   A N D   C N N 

09 Nov 1998 

 On Friday, Nov. 13th, many Amigans in Atlanta to attend the Saturday
and Sunday Barnstormer's Toaster & Flyer Seminar will visit the CNN
Center. A special tour of the studio complex is being planned. There
is also the opportunity to participate in CNN's "TalkBack Live"
audience. And, it would be nice if Amigans from all over the world
joined the TV show experience in an interactive fashion. "TalkBack
Live" aires at 3 p.m. EDT. The show encourages viewer participation
via phone calls, faxing, CompuServe and email. There is no way to
predetermine what subject the show's producers will choose for any
particular day. However, I have been encouraged to submit an idea by
someone affiliated with the show.
 Since the show deals with major news issues, there is no chance it
will do a show focusing on the Amiga computer. That said, what has
been in the mainstream news in a big way so far as technology is
concerned is the battle between Microsoft and the Justice Dept. As you
know, this battle is about possible antitrust violations by Microsoft.
Amiga Atlanta recently had its vice- chairman Aaron Ruscetta represent
the anti-Microsoft crowd in an Internet Radio discussion which was
conducted by Georgia Tech's WREK Radio. Perhaps "TalkBack Live" will
be receptive to such a discussion if they have not already exhausted
the issue.

 Now, I doubt any Amigan will be given the opportunity to express his
or her opinion before the Judiciary Committee. However, for Amigans to
be given the opportunity to express their opinions on this issue via
"TalkBack Live" could prove beneficial in illuminating viewers of the
show to the dangers of a technology monopoly like Microsoft. Remember,
CNN is one of the few television networks that broadcasts its programs
worldwide. It is also a popular choice of the Beltway
Crowd(Washington's elite) and Hollywood.
 I hope Amigans worldwide watch this show and attempt to participate

Lamar Morgan
Amiga Atlanta, Inc.

                H & P   A T   C O M P U T E R   ' 9 8 

09 Nov 1998 

Computer '98 - Don't miss it!

 This year's Computer '98 will again be the biggest and most important
AMIGA show in the world. In past years about 50.000 visiters came to
see the latest in AMIGA technologie and meet the companies and
programmers. This year's highlight are the announcement of AmigaOS
3.5, the announcement of new PowerPC boards and the demonstration of
many new software titles for 68k and PowerPC AMIGAs. This year's show
will again be the greatest and biggest Amiga event of the year. So
don't miss it and join the party...
 Of course Haage&Partner will be at this show, presenting the latest
products. We will have 2 displays at Amiga International's stand and 6
at our own one E34/D35. So we are able to show you a lot of
interesting products like:

 * Our new word processor AmigaWriter 1.2 (new version)
 * The well known paint package ArtEffect 3 (new version)
 * Support for PowerPC and fast 3D graphics: WarpUP and Warp3D
 * The new powerful developer bundle StormC DSK
 * Get into the Net with the finest Internet suite NetConnect 2.1 (new
 * The best fax & voice solution STFax Pro 3.5 (new version)
 * The new video package VideoFX 2 (new product)
 * Now with PowerPC support: X-DVE 3.50 (new version)
 * Font effect generator FontMachine 3.20 (new version)
 * Outstanding rendering and animation package Tornado3D 2 (new

 * SoftLogik's latest Version of PageStream 3.4 (new version) and a
lot more...

Please visit our homepage for more news and information:

If you want to send us comments or suggestions on that list: 

           A M I G A   W A T C H   A T   C O L O G N E 

 {Spotted this on the Amiga Incorporated Web site and thought we'd
better let everyone headed to Cologne know about it. You can see a
picture of the watch on the Amiga International website,
http://www.amiga.de. Think I'll put one of these on my Christmas list.

 An Exclusive High Quality AMIGA Watch will be sold at the Computer
'98 Show!

Special Limited "Langen Edition" - only 55 world wide!

Engraved Signature of Petro Tyschtschenko

Sterling Silver (925)

None Reflective Mineral Glass

Waterproof to 30 meters

Miyota OS 10 Clockwork with Date and Chronograph

High Class Case and Strap made of Leather

Special Computer '98 Price DM 450,-

 The watch will only be available on the AMIGA International, Inc.
booth. Petro Tyschtschenko will personally hand out every watch to the
purchaser himself.
          N E W   V E R S I O N   O F   R A Y   T R A C E R 

31 October 98 

 The official POV-Ray V3.1 ray tracing program release for Amiga will
be available tonight, October31 1998!

 You can find it at the official POV-Ray Amiga support site at
http://www.amigaworld.com/support/povamiga and at
http://www.povray.org and GO POVRAY on Compuserve. (povray.org may not
be updated immediately)

Any questions or problems with it should be directed to the POV-Team
Amiga coordinator, Joel NewKirk at newkirk@snip.net
Amiga Update on the net: some issues available at:
    Australian Mirror Site: http://www.comcen.com.au/~paulm/index.html
 All back issues available (in ASCII text) at:
Copyright 1998 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
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