   _    __      _     <>_   __      _    ||
  /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\   ||  A M I G A   U P D A T E 
 /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\  ||     -News and Rumors-
/    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_||   (An Occasional e-mail
  I'LL BELIEVE IT WHEN I TAKE DELIVERY   ||       Newsmagazine)
        AMIGA and the Amiga logo are trademarks of Amiga, Inc.      

        P A X T R O N   B O U G H T   B Y   C E N T S I B L E 

               G A T E W A Y   A N D   A O L   D E A L

               O S   3 . 5   A V A I L A B L E   N O W

            A M I G A   V O L U N T E E R   P R O J E C T 

                    A M I G A   2 K   N E W S 

         R E P O R T   -   I W I N   R E S U R F A C E S 

                    L A T E S T   O N   I W I N 

         O P E N   S O U R C E   G R O U P   A C T I V E 

         O P E N   L E T T E R   T O   T H E   P R E S . 

                      P R O J E C T   I M P 

  U P D A T E   O N   " A M I N O   -   T H E   C O M P A N Y "

  A M I G A   P R O D U C T   P L A C E M E N T   S E R V I C E

                 N E W S   F R O M   G A U H P I L

          O P U S   M A G E L L A N   A T   C O L O G N E 

 N O V A   D E S I G N   D I S T R I B U T O R   F O R   O Z ,   N Z 

                D I G I T A L   A L M A N A C   I I 

       A W E B   3 . 2   T O   3 . 3   U P D A T E   P A T C H 

                E L B O X   P R O D U C T   N E W S 

                        B O X E R   N E W S 

                        Q N X   U P D A T E

                    I M A G E F X   R E B A T E

                   H & P   A N D   I M A G E F X 

          H & P   R E L E A S E   D E V E L O P E R   C D 

            N E W   P I C A S S O   9 6   V E R S I O N

     A   N E W   A M I G A   S T O R E   I S   L A U N C H E D 

                       U N I T Y   B O A R D

           W I P T E O U T   2 0 9 7   O N   M A R K E T 

               M I K R O   M O R T A L   T E N N I S 
Editor's Thoughts and Introduction:

 The big Home Electronics World show has come and gone (November 12 -
14, in Cologne, Germany), and there were interesting items for Amiga
users. Amiga International had their large booth set up, and seemed to
generate a fair amount of interest. We weren't there, but are told
Petro Tyschtschenko was (almost) as upbeat as ever. However,
reflecting reality, there were fewer vendors than last year. The mood
was reportedly less positive, but that seemed to be based mainly on
there being no clear direction to the future, not fears of an imminent
death of the Amiga market.
 The folks at Haage & Partner demonstrated a 400 Mhz G3 Power PC
board, based on the IBM CHRP spec. It also featured PCI and AGP slots.
There are rumors a native PPC based AmigaOS port is being considered
for this board. If so, that's the most realistic possibility for a
future Amiga system we've seen yet. We understand the board was
presented as a development system though, not as a future Amiga.
However, and perhaps very significantly, Petro T. is quoted in an
article about HEW on the amiga.org website as stating "My first
priority now is to convert the OS to the PowerPC." Indications are
that Haage & Partner are willing to do the conversion. Is Amiga
willing to license it, providing the formal approval to call it Amiga?
We don't know, but feel this would be important to keep developers
focused, instead of trying to cover many different future
possibilities and spreading themselves too thinly.
 If CHRP can be abandoned in order to bring down the price of a PPC
board, then the future looks even better for a PPC system. There are
indications that this could become possible, with IBM leading the way
to a less expensive PPC standard. As we hear more about possible Amiga
PPC futures, we'll let you know.
 The Met@Box (AmiJoeG3) G3 Board for the A1200 was also demonstrated
at the Cologne Show. This is a PowerPC based accelerator, which does
not sport a 68K co-processor.
 Also of interest was the Unity Net Ethernet card. We've a story on
that product below.
 Finally, once again there was no BoXeR Computer to be seen, or so
we've been told.
 Over at Deja.com, a poll is being held on the most popular operating
system. Looks like the voting may be in several stages on different
features. Regardless, when we checked in Amiga OS was actually leading
the voting! It was way ahead of MonopolySoft's Windoze, and even ahead
of Linux. Most interesting and yes, it left me with a very smug
 And, despite the current situation in the Amiga market, there's a lot
for you to read in this issue. We hope you enjoy it.
 Brad Webb,
E-mail to the E-ditor:

19 Oct 1999 

Brad , 

 Just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work you do to publish
this newsletter to all of us die hard Amiga Fans, I am truly sorry to
hear what Gateway has done to this fine machine. I just wonder what
the cutoff point for that company was, all that money, time and effort
just to throw it away when they were close to releasing the next OS ,
and all the other interesting B.S info they leaked to the press.
 But as Any Modern Day Technical Guru , I own Amigas , Mac's and PC's
, I use all the Operating Systems, Linux 6x , BeOS ,Amiga OS ,
winblows 95/98/nt/2k whatever, I try not to bash each OS for what it
Cant do, just appreciate all that they can do... But I will never Ever
Buy anything gateway again for what they have done...

 A lot of us have tried to figure out what Gateway was trying to
accomplish and how things ended up as they did. I personally believe
it was a combination of loss of nerve in the face of Microsoft, and
internal Gateway corporate politics. Sad to say but many far reaching
decisions have been made with even less reasoning. The bottom line is
simply - will the company stay profitable?
 As you, I will not buy anything Gateway made at this point. Thanks
for the kind words!

5 Nov 1999 

Hi Brad
    I have appreciated this resource of amiga news, please keep up the
excellent work. But, I have a question about one of the statements you made
a couple of months ago. It was in response to another readers letter and
concerned other attempts to revive the amiga other than the official Amiga
company. You stated that you didn't think that it was appropriate for this
news-letter to cover the other attempts to revive the Amiga such as the
A.R.P. or the work at QNX. Why not? Doesn't this put all your eggs into one
basket? And also is this the only feasible way that the best solution to
reviving the Amiga will be attained?

Thanks - Jim 
 First, my apologies for shortening your letter, but space
considerations made that necessary.
 You ask a very good question. What I had to do to your letter points
to the answer - we just don't have the space to cover all the
permutations out there. We also don't have the staff or the time. I
wish we did. What we will do is cover the Amiga itself, whatever that
might be going forward, until such time as it seems appropriate to
drop the Amiga entirely in favor of something else - if that ever
happens. (If we do get to that point, we'll share the decision with
you, the readers.)
 We will also cover whatever looks to us to be the leading efforts in
the "alternative Amigas" field. And finally, we will also cover to
some extent significant events in all Amiga related areas, where these
events seem to have some real promise for the Amiga community. This is
a pretty complicated mission statement, but we've actually been doing
this for some time and it seems to be working. I have no doubt we
could miss something significant along the way but we'll try to avoid
that. If we do, I'm pretty sure some readers will call our attention
to the event, and we'll then try to get the word to the rest.

19 Oct 1999 

 While in St Louis last March conversing with Petro, it was stated by
him that, "the shipment of containers from Quikpak of the remaining
parts had been received and inspected. It contained less than 2 dozen
usable 4000 motherboards." Now this was casual conversation between 4
of us, but I have no reason to doubt it's truthfullness. Petro did
make it possible for me to launch the CDTV 3.1 upgrade project, and
that was all verbal between him and me in March of 98.

Ben Deemer "thedoctor" not MD.
 Thanks for answering Mike's question from a previous issue.
 It's very disappointing there weren't more resources available for
making A4000s - I suspect Amiga could still sell quite a few. 

19 Oct 1999 

    There used to be a document on the Amiga Inc. web page
concerning Y2K issues with the Amiga.  I haven't been there in quite a
while, so I don't know if it's still there.  If it's not still there,
I'm sure there are plenty who know all the gritty details.  But...
    As far as I can remember, Workbench will have no trouble, but
AmigaDOS itself doesn't handle four digit dates.  You might get
invalid date stamps on files.  Hopefully the guys at H&P have
addressed this in OS 3.5 or working on it for 3.6(?).
 As for the RTC {Real Time Clock, we presume. Brad}, that's another
issue. As I recall, the document stated that the RTC found in the
A2000 is not Y2K compliant. The only possible fix is a software patch
to the OS.

 The Y2k page is still available at amiga.com, and has a link right
off the first page after the home page. Anyone with Y2K questions
should refer to that document for information. We didn't notice
anything in particular about the A2000, but the different versions of
the operating system, the clocks, etc., have different considerations.
 Thanks for your help in answering a reader's question.

        P A X T R O N   B O U G H T   B Y   C E N T S I B L E 

28 Oct 1999 

{Posted to the net by Bill Griffin. Thanks, Bill}

 Centsible Software has just recently bought out Paxtron. Right now,
they are in the midst of moving all the inventory from New Jersey to
Berrien Springs, Michigan. It should take about 2-3 weeks to get it
all sorted, catalogued counted, etc. After that, things should be back
in full swing from the new location.
 In the meantime, if you have any queries or parts needs, you can
Email Scott (the owner of Centsible Software) at support@centsible.com
{Note: since obtaining this information, we have been informed
"Paxtron" has dropped all Amiga support. We have not yet confirmed
this. Brad}

               G A T E W A Y   A N D   A O L   D E A L

 On October 20, CNET News ran a story by Jim Davis and Michael
Kanellos detailing an agreement reached by Gateway and America On
 The deal will bring an $800 investment in Gateway from AOL. AOL
becomes the Internet service for Gateway customers, and the backbone
of Gateway.net.
 The following quote from the story should be of interest to Amigans:
 " Many observers have speculated that hardware companies will have to
hook up with service providers to make money on appliances. Under the
new alliance, Gateway will begin to market devices for the "AOL
Anywhere" strategy.
 'There's clearly a possibility that Amiga will play a part in this
marketplace,'" according to Jeff Weitzen, chief operating officer of

           O S   3 . 5   A V A I L A B L E   N O W

18. October 1999:

     AmigaOS 3.5 is available !!!

 The delivery of AmigaOS 3.5 started punctual. The first packages were
sold at an Amiga show in The Netherlands last weekend. Delivery of all
orders might last about 1-2 weeks. The areas for registrations and
support will be opened in a few days.

            A M I G A   V O L U N T E E R   P R O J E C T 

16 Nov., '99

The long version

 Today is there pretty much Amiga software and there is new software
coming but it takes long time and it might result in lots of bugs. We
started to discus whatever there was a way that we could do something
about that problem and after some long hours we found the answer in
TAVP. Now we are in a early stage and we need your support because
that is what this project feeds on. Right now we are contacting all
kinds of Amiga developers about if and what area they need help. We
need people that are prepared to work for no pay but only for the good
will and you dont have to be an expert in whatever you do. We want
everything, coders, musicians and so on because there is always
someone that needs that. We are also contacting different PC
developers about ports to the Amiga that we can sell so the project
might get some money(no of the founders will get any money)that might
be used to different things.
 We as mentioned before that this project depends your support and we
hope that as many of you skilled persons out there will join us.
 The short version
 What is TAVP(The Amiga Volunteer Project)?
 The TAVP is an non profit project that will support the development
of new software to Amiga. What you have think of before you join is
that you will not be paid because as mentioned before is this an NON
PROFIT organisation.
 Why do we do it?
 We are all long time Amiga users and decided that now was the time
for us to active support the Amiga. At the moment there is pretty much
software but the development takes long time but if this project works
it will maybe speed up the development a bit.
 How will we do it?
 to make this project come true we need you. We need skilled amigians
in any directions and you dont have too be the best coder in the world
you only have to be pretty good. If you are interested go to the join
section and fill out the form and we will contact you or send a mail
to denebis@algonet.se.
 What will we do?
 As mentioned before we will support the Amiga market by helping
different developers with skilled people but that is not the only
thing that we will do. We will also try to convert PC software to the

                    A M I G A   2 K   N E W S 
6 Nov 1999 

Hello Amiga fans,

 Just to let you know two items about Amiga 2K, the latest Gateway
Computer Show hosted in St. Louis by Amigan-St. Louis. {Note to
non-Americans: NOT Gateway the company. Gateway in this case comes
originally from St. Louis as "the gateway to the American West" and
later the Gateway Computer Club of St. Louis. Brad}

 1. The show dates are Saturday April 1 & Sunday April 2, 2000.
 (If you didn't hear, we changed them due to a conflict with NAB.
 That's the National Association of Broadcasters show, also in
 2. Petro Tyschtschenko has agreed to attend our show. Petro said
 he wouldn't miss a show that we put on.
 Please visit our web site at: http://www.amiga-stl.com for more
information as it becomes available.
 If you wish to exhibit, please fill out the exhibitor form. We are
accepting exhibitors now. If you cannot do this, or you have a
question, then please email me at bscharp@icon-stl.net.

Best Regards,
Bob Scharp

Amigan-St. Louis

      R E P O R T   -   I W I N   R E S U R F A C E S 

5 Nov. '99

 Robert Jant, chief of a group of former Iwin employees, has announced
today that he together with other former Iwin employees and with the
help of a large German bank has bought back the rights for the
Internet domains www.iwin-corp.com and www.iwin-corp.ge, furthermore
the rights for the name Iwin Corporation and for the projects of the
C-Series and Server computers.
 "It was a logical decision" said Robert Jant. "Focke Systems didn't
want to continue development of the C-Series and Servers and didn't
want to sell them either.
 "This is the reason why we have decided to try to buy back the rights
on them. We were working very hard for a long time on these projects
and didn't want to see them frozen. We know that it will be a very
hard way to finish the projects and bring them into the stores.
 We won't bring these computers into the stores as it was initially
planned, but we are sure they will be successful." 
 Iwin Corporation will open again on the 15 of November 1999 and will
also ship the first computers on this date to dealers. On the 15 of
November, Iwin Corporation will also again be reachable by phone, fax
and email.
 {Since this press release was issued, Iwin sites are indeed back in
operation. The computers now include something called the G-MCC, I-MCC
 and iPhantom computers all of which reference Amiga compatibility. It
is unclear what the Amiga compatibility actually is - it appears to be
some sort of software emulation, perhaps UAE. Brad}

                    L A T E S T   O N   I W I N 

6 Nov. 1999

 Iwin Corporation has been split into three independent firms.
 1. The Software business was sold to ``Focke Systems'' and will now
be fully integrated into this firm.
 2. The Consulting business was also sold to ``Focke Systems'' and
will be ``Focke Consulting'' in the future.
 3. The Hardware business was first also sold to ``Focke Systems'' but
then bought back by some former Iwin employees. This firm will now be
called ``Iwin Corporation''. This website will be the future site of
this firm. The new firm will start business on the 15th of November
1999 and will sell various graphic workstations based on x86 and PPC
technology as well as server computers.
 For all people asking about the announced ``Amiga compatible''
computers, please use these contact possibilities in the meanwhile:
 Either by FAX in the US: (208)-279-6497. Your question will be
answerred within two work days. Please understand that currently we
cannot answer any questions by email or phone. On the 15th of November
this site will have changed to the new Iwin site and will contain a
toll-free (US and Germany only!) number for your questions regarding
the Amiga compatible workstations and all other hardware products.
 If you need help or sales support for former Iwin software products,
please refer to Focke Systems.

          O P E N   S O U R C E   G R O U P   A C T I V E 

19th October 1999

About Us

 The Campaign to Open Source AmigaOS is a coalition of individuals,
organisations and user groups from the Amiga, Open Source and Linux
communities. The Campaign to Open Source AmigaOS was formed on the 4th
October to bring together these usually unrelated groups for a common
cause: to present our case to Amiga, Inc. for open sourcing the Amiga
operating system.

           O P E N   L E T T E R   T O   T H E   P R E S . 

Open Letter to Amiga, Inc. President Thomas Schmidt

October 18, 1999

Dear Mr. Schmidt:

 First of all, we want to congratulate you on your new position as
president of Amiga. We are sure that you have many exciting plans for
the future of Amiga, Inc. and that we can expect many new innovations
from your company in the months and years ahead. This is indeed an
exciting time for the computer industry, a time of great upheaval and
change, and holds much promise for the success and growth of ambitious
upstart companies like Amiga, Inc.
 We have been following the recent events at Amiga, Inc. with great
interest. We feel, like many, that the recent resignation of Jim
Collas was unfortunate. Many people in the community trusted Collas to
successfully lead the company into the future. Wherever he is now, and
whatever he is doing, we in the community wish him well.
 But this is not a time to be looking back on events of the past. It
is a time to be focusing on what lies directly ahead in the future of
the computing industry. We feel our organisation is unique in the
Amiga community. We have tried to understand both the needs of the
Amiga community, balanced against the needs of Amiga, Inc.
 We do not believe, like some in the community, that the wishes of the
Amiga community and the needs of Amiga, Inc. are mutually exclusive.
 Likewise, we do not believe that success of Amiga, Inc. as a company
is mutually exclusive with satisfying the needs and expectations of
the Amiga community.
 Our group was formed with a simple goal: to find a
mutually-satisfactory solution to current tensions that exist between
many in the community and Amiga, Inc. - a solution that would be
satisfactory, indeed beneficial, to both groups.
 We believe, after several weeks of discussion and exchanging of
ideas, that we have found such a solution. We believe that this
solution is to open-source the Amiga operating system.

 We present our reasons for believing this in our report, "AmigaOS:
The Case for Open Source," a copy of which should have been sent to
you alongside this letter, by Amiga Vice President Mr. Petro
 Our report is the result of several weeks of work and consultation
with many individuals in the Amiga, Open Source and Linux communities,
including famous open-source advocate Eric Raymond, who acted as a
consultant for Netscape on their open-source strategy.
 We believe our report presents a powerful case that open-sourcing the
Amiga operating system would bring many advantages, and future
business opportunities, to Amiga, Inc. and would at the same time
satisfy the needs of the Amiga community for continuity and continuous
improvement of the Amiga operating system.
 We therefore respectfully submit our report, "AmigaOS: The Case for
Open Source," for your review and consideration.
 We, of course, do not expect the report to fully and complete answer
each and every question you may have on the subject of open-source, or
why we believe it is the ideal solution to the current volatile Amiga
situation - but we do, however, believe it is a good start, and we
hope that you will be made curious enough by the contents of the
report, to establish a dialogue with us on the matter, and to consider
working with us in an attempt to find a mutually satisfactory solution
to the current Amiga situation. Your nomination to president of a
young, ambitious, innovative upstart company like Amiga, Inc. could
not have come at a better time. The next several months and years will
be an exciting time to be a player in the ever-changing fast-paced
computing industry.
 Whatever direction Amiga takes, we wish you and Amiga, Inc. every
success in the future.
 We look forward to your response.

Steve Crietzman (president@savetheamiga.org.uk)
President, Campaign to Open Source AmigaOS

                       P R O J E C T   I M P 

23 Oct. 1999

 "News from Project IMP - the Independent Multimedia Platform
 We have now our own webserver: www.project-imp.org, or for german
visitors www.project-imp.de. The website had been completely
redesigned and you will find there lots of new information about the
project. Most important news are our support for the Campaign To Open
Source The AmigaOS (www.savetheamiga.org.uk) and AROS (www.aros.org).
 About Project IMP: Project IMP had been founded just after Jim Collas
left Amiga and the AmigaMCC had been canceled. It is our intention to
keep the Amiga platform alive and give it a future. This goal can only
be reached by making the operating system and the hardware open
source. Without getting the rights at Amiga to do so, we have to write
our own, free OS which will be as much as possible compatible to the
existing AmigaOS as a basing for further developments.
 We will support any group or project that is working in that
direction in order to organize and bundle all developments. If you
have further quistions, just mail to me: postmaster@project-imp.org

Volker Mohr
Initiator of Project IMP

    U P D A T E   O N   " A M I N O   -   T H E   C O M P A N Y "

21 Oct 1999 

{Post to the Team Amiga site from Fleecy Moss. Brad}

 We are legal now -Bill {McEwen} gave me the wa.gov website which I
have now lost where you can find out all about us is splendid
 Everything is ready to go from a partner, technology, and employee
perspective. We are tying up the financial side.
 Unfortunately ppl don't just give you millions because you have a
good idea.

    A M I G A   P R O D U C T   P L A C E M E N T   S E R V I C E

Waldshut-Tiengen, Germany 19. October 1999 :

 GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH, the German-based
international distributor of Amiga products today made an open offer
to those manufacturers of Amiga products looking for increased sales
 GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH distributes Amiga products
(main emphasis - software) to Amiga re-sellers on an international
basis. Our customers are based throughout Europe, and in North America
and Australasia. With 12 years of experience in the Amiga market, and
having built up a ongoing network of clients on a wholesale-only basis
(we do not sell to end-users) over the last five years, GTI Grenville
Trading International GmbH is in a unique position to ensure
availability of Amiga products to Amiga businesses in many countries.
Currently well over 250 Amiga products are listed and distributed by
GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH.
 As the market decline of the Amiga has continued, dealers have found
it increasingly difficult to source and stock Amiga products.
Manufacturers have found it well nigh impossible to supply the
thinly-spread network of Amiga dealers with product.
 GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH now makes the following
offer to manufacturers of Amiga products worldwide.
 We will stock your Amiga products on a turnkey basis ! This basically
means that we are prepared to list and sell Amiga products on your
behalf to our network of Amiga dealers on an international basis.
Under this scheme, we are willing to price products according to
manufacturers preferences, and remit proceeds of sales minus an agreed
commission fee back to manufacturers on a regular basis.
 We offer producers the possibility of reaching a large number of
Amiga dealers with the minimum of paperwork and fuss. We are happy to
list Amiga products and sell on your behalf without ANY minimum
quantity - thus enabling even specialised products to obtain an
international listing and succeed by their own quality. This scheme is
particularly suited to North American manufacturers looking for
increased sales of their products to the European Amiga trade and
thereby to European Amiga users.
 Additionally we are able to offer support to those manufacturers
offering their products directly to end-users through the internet.
Our logistics facility offers a centralised European warehousing for
your products, and delivery to end-users on your behalf throughout
Europe. We are also able to supply invoicing, cash-collection,
marketing, and translation services as and when required. This scheme
is particularly suited to North American manufacturers looking for
increased sales of their products through E-Commerce to end-users
throughout Europe.

 We would like to invite producers of Amiga products looking for
increased product sales to take advantage of one or both of the above
schemes and contact us with a view to expanding their market presence
on an international basis.
 CONTACT INFORMATION : Richard Small, Managing Director, E-Mail :

GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 9
D-79761 Waldshut-Tiengen

Tel : +49 7741 83040
Fax : +49 69 25577025
UK Tel/Fax : +44 207 6813472
US Tel/Fax : +1 212 504 2719

                  N E W S   F R O M   G A U H P I L

30 Oct 99
Göttingen, Germany

Dietmar Knoll

Hi Amiga-Fans!

 Here are some news about recent changes on the GAUHPIL, the
"Geographical Amiga Users Home Page Internet List", which holds
currently more than 850 homepages of Amiga users!
 The GAUHPIL has moved again. Now it is free of any commercial banners
- at the 7th URL!!!
 The redirector-URL is still valid. You should never have problems to
find the GAUHPIL at:
 During the last months, I did some checking and changing. I found the
first ever Amiga user in Antarctica! And now I added the 35th country:
Philippines! Some names are new on the list, some others disappeared.
You find some of the latter on the Lost Links List.
 There is also one totally new page: the New Links List, which shows
recently added/changed names on the GAUHPIL.
 If you didn't visit the GAUHPIL in the recent time, you might be
interested in the References List and the Related Sites page.
 Please note, that my e-mail address has also slightly changed. Please
update your addressbooks now, to the following address:
 Thanks a lot for all your suggestions, comments and hints in all
those years!
 Special thanks to those of you that linked the GAUHPIL on your site.
You are listed on the "Hall of Fame" (see: References & Banners page)

         O P U S   M A G E L L A N   A T   C O L O G N E 

8 Nov. 1999

Opus Magellan 5.82 with OS 3.5 Support to be Shown at Cologne


 GPSoftware is proud to demonstrate its continuing support for the
Amiga with the release of a new version of Directory Opus Magellan
which supports the new palette mapped icon system of OS 3.5.
 The product will be demonstrated on the Schatztruhe stand at the
Cologne show, November 12-14th November 1999 by Dr Greg Perry.
 Opus Magellan is available world-wide from good Amiga dealers and
GPSoftware distributors. Or you may support the developers by
purchasing direct.
 Free Update Patch available.
 OS 3.5 causes some superficial problems with earlier versions of Opus
because of the new palette mapped icon system which is not
transparently compatibility with earlier programs. With the help of
Olaf Barthel, we have now added support for the new V44 icon library
in OS 3.5.
 A free update patch from Opus 5.81 is available from our web site at


 N O V A   D E S I G N   D I S T R I B U T O R   F O R   O Z ,   N Z 

8 Nov. 1999

 Effective immediately, Amiga Innovations has begun handling sales and
distribution of Nova Design, Inc. products in Australia & New Zealand
and areas of Asia Pacific within their distribution network.
 Nova Design are the creators and publishers of ImageFX, the Amiga's
top selling and top rated image editing and special effects package,
and Aladdin 4D, the Amiga's coolest and best entry-level 3D modeling,
rendering and animation package.
 If you've been thinking about buying ImageFX 4.0 with the new
animation features, now is the perfect time to do so! Nova Design,
Inc., in cooperation with Amiga Innovations and all participating
dealers, is offering an Instant $40 Rebate when you buy ImageFX v4.0.
However, this special offer is for a limited time only!
 Amiga Innovations can be found at:

Amiga Innovations
P.O. Box 114
Osborne Park,
Western Australia
Ph./ Fax +61 (08) 9349 0889
Mobile: 0408 929 827

Contact: Dwayne Osborne
Email: dwark@vianet.net.au
Internet: http://surf.to/amigainnovations

Nova Design can be found at:

Nova Design, Inc.
1910 Byrd Avenue, Suite 204
Richmond, VA 23230

Ph.(804) 282-1157
Fax.(804) 282-3768

               D I G I T A L   A L M A N A C   I I 

Digital Almanac II is available!
Suggested Retail Price DM 69.00
US$1.00 = DM 1.82 given current exchange rates.

Ordering information:

 The most convenient method of placing an order is to use our
electronic order form located at http://www.schatztruhe.de/order.html.
You can also send an E-Mail to stefano@schatztruhe.de including your
address and the products you wish to order.

Digital Almanac II

 Digital Almanac is an astronomy program which offers lots of
possibilities. The program is permanantly improved, so that new
versions are at your disposal.

Digital Almanac offers:

 o Star database with ca. 500,000 stars up to 16m.
 o Cross-index for SAO, PPM, HD, YBS und GC catalogs.
 o About 40000 deep-sky objects (Messier, NGC, IC, UGC, Abell, Zwicky
and other misc objects).
 o More than 55000 minor planets and asteroids as well as the comets
Halley, Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp.
 o Highly accurate calculation of Moon and planets with JPL's
integration tables (DE404). Accuracy partly «0.1'' over a period of
some thousand years !!
 o Jovian, Saturnian and Uranian moons.
 o Textures for all planets and moons.
 o Milky way structure.
 o View the sky from any solar system object.
 o Save animations in IFF-ANIM, QuickTime or MPEG format.
 o Loading and saving of configuration files.
 o Highly optimized algorithms for maximum speed, mostly written in
 assembler. Recognizes CPU for maximum speed.
 o Lots of configuration possibilities.
 o Online and menu help with HELP-key and MUI's bubblehelp.
 o Full Drag&Drop support.
 o Creation and export of ephemeris tables.
 o Picture galery creation.
 o User editable database of orbital elements.
 o Implemetation of the Hubble GSC starc catalog.
 o Control program with ARexx scripts.
Supported software:
 o CyberGraphX for true/hicolor screens.
 o Xpk system to store images in IFF-RGFX format.
 o Turboprint V3 or higher.

Minimum system configuration:

 o OS 3.0 + AGA
 o MC68020/68881 (FPU required!)
 o 4 MB free FastRAM
 o Harddrive
 o MUI 3.8 (included)

Recommended system configuration:

 o OS 3.1
 o MC68040 or MC68060
 o 16 MB FastRAM
 o Graphic card with CyberGraphX 3.x/4.x


Stefan Ossowski

      A W E B   3 . 2   T O   3 . 3   U P D A T E   P A T C H 

17 Oct., '99
3.2 to 3.3 Update Patch 

Some of the new features:

   o Menus are fully configurable.
   o Navigation buttons are fully configurable, and can be hidden.
   o Displayed pages can be saved as IFF.
   o Improved JavaScript handling.
   o Option to suppress advertising pop-up windows.
   o Handles more JPEG formats.
   o Passive FTP option for better operation through firewalls.
   o Better cookie compatability.
   o Additional ARexx commands.
   o ... and more.

 This is an incremental upgrade from AWeb-II 3.2 to 3.3, you should
only use this patch over an existing AWeb-II 3.2 install. You will
also need the original AWeb-II 3.x disks during the installation.
 Here's all the other 3.3 updates in one place:

Name Version Size (bytes) Description:

 AutoSearch 3.0 10380 Enhances the AWeb 3.x autosearch function.
 AWebNews 1.98 57697 AWeb News client.
 CacheControl 1.4 37180 (3.3 only) A new GUI with advanced controls
for AWeb's caching.
 DropZone 1.2 35437 (3.3 only) Drag and Drop on WorkBench even if AWeb
is on its own private screen.
 HTTX 2.0 88965 HTML to TEXT converter
 Netsearch 11085 Query multiple search engines.
 Modes 1.2 34310 (3.3 only) Change various AWeb modes from a brand new
GUI window.
 ToolBar 1.3 39408 (3.3 only) Add a floating Tool Bar to control all
your AWeb windows.
 Translate 1.4 37308 Language translation plugin.
 GIF plugin 1.8 16123
 JFIF plugin 1.8 39674
 PNG plugin 1.8 41284


               E L B O X   P R O D U C T   N E W S 

9 Nov., '99

ELBOX FastATA4000 Controller is finally available! Features:

 * High-speed FastATA-3/EIDE Controller for Amiga 3000/4000.
 * Fully autoconfig ZORRO III card.
 * The first Amiga 3000/4000 EIDE controller supporting fast PIO-3 and
PIO-4 modes (for up to 16.6MB/s).
 * Data transfer is several times faster than in any ZORRO II or Fast
ZORRO II EIDE controllers.
 * Compatible with PIO-0 to PIO-4, UDMA-33, UDMA-66 devices.
 * Two 3.5" IDE ports allow to connect 4 EIDE devices (HDD, CD-ROM,
CD-R, CD-RW, ZIP, LS-120, DVD) working at full speed.
 * Autobooting from ZIP and LS-120 drives enabled.
 * Supports HDDs > 4GB (SPLIT to 4 GB, NSD, TD64, DirectSCSI).
 * The set includes very advanced FastATA4000 software for controlling
EIDE devices and the fastest CD file system: AllegroCDFS.
 * More than one ELBOX FastATA 4000 controller can be installed
FastATA'99 & AllegroCDFS

 ELBOX Computer are very pleased to provide you with the latest
version of software for ELBOX FastATA(PowerFlyer/Winner) High Speed
EIDE ontroller for A1200. FastATA'99 v4.7 is 100% OS3.5 compatible.
 In FastATA'99 you will find the automatic update for the newest
version of the fastest Amiga CD file system - AllegroCDFS. AllegroCDFS
is over twice as fast as other Amiga CD filesystems. Automatic updates
will work only if you own a registered AllegroCDFS.

                        B O X E R   N E W S 

October 12th, 1999

AntiGravity.com Announces 4 new BoXeR Models

 Anti Gravity Products announces 4 new BoXeR models. The Base model
will be similar to those sold in Europe with a wide variety of upgrade
options available. The Neila Phase-498 will be available only to those
who preordered them. Visit our new Build-A-BoXeR page under the BoXeR
button at AntiGravity.com for more details.
 Everyone who preordered an Alien BoXeR system will be given the
option to receive a BoXeR configured closely as possible to the
original Neila Phase-498, or switch to one of the current models. More
information will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.
 Access and Blittersoft indicate the the BoXeR is on schedule to ship
at the end of November. Prototypes will be in the hands of the Beta
Testers by the end of October, with the Home Electronics Show in
Cologne, the third week in Novmber, as the likely launch date. Stay

                        Q N X   U P D A T E

 November 1, 1999

 Here's an update on what has been happening since we made the
announcement to release the QNX development system to Amigans:
 How is the Phase 5/QNX alliance proceeding?
 We are currently waiting for boards from Phase 5. Due to the delay we
don't expect to have a Phase 5 solution this year. We will continue to
provide status updates as we know more.
 How will the beta program be handled?
 Historically, we have always had small beta programs because it
allows us to spend more time with each beta developer to better
address their issues and suggestions. We plan to do the same with this
upcoming beta. We will expand the group quickly as we progress.
 The first beta release for the initial smaller group is planned for
early November. This beta will be a full-featured self-hosted
development environment. Over the ensuing months, we will be updating
the betas with more tools, drivers, and applications.
 What will the beta development package include?
 Our first beta is targeted at x86-based computers.
 The beta will contain:
 o QNX Neutrino operating system, including tools and drivers.
 o Photon microGUI windowing system, including a suite of
applications, drivers, and development tools
 o x86-hosted development environment for x86 targets (compiler will
be GCC with GBD for debugging)
 o Online documentation

                    I M A G E F X   R E B A T E

 If you've been thinking about buying ImageFX 4.0 with the new
animation features, now is the perfect time to do so! Nova Design,
Inc., in cooperation with your favorite Amiga dealers, is offering an
Instant $40 Rebate when you buy ImageFX from any participating dealer.
However, this special offer is for a limited time only!
 ImageFX 4.0
 This new release of ImageFX adds built-in features for editing
animations that are easy to use and powerful. They can be used for
editing Amiga ANIMs, video animations, or web animations. Keyboard
controls, visual controls, and VCR-style controls let you access your
animations easily. ImageFX animation features are built on the amazing
ImageFX layering system which can also allow you to build up complex
images from layers of composited imagery that can be individually
altered anytime you need. Of course ImageFX has all the other features
that have made it the Amiga's Top Rated image editing and special
effects package. Paint tools, image file format conversion, batch
processing, and amazing special effects that are in use by
professionals worldwide.
 Upgrading Old ImageFXs
 If you own a version of ImageFX prior to version 2.0 your upgrade
price is only $149.95. ImageFX 2.x owners can upgrade for only $99.95.
ImageFX 3.x owners can upgrade to ImageFX 4 for only $79.95. Shipping
adds $10 in the continental US, $15 everywhere else in the world.
 Remember though, the rebate does not apply to the upgrades - only to
new purchases! You can order via 1-800-IMAGE-69 in the US and Canada
or call (804) 282-1157 elsewhere. Orders can also be faxed to (804)
282-3768 or mailed to our address.
 Offer Details
 To qualify for the Instant $40 Rebate offer you must buy ImageFX from
a participating reseller, in the U.S. or Canada, between September
20th and December 31st at their regular pricing. The rebate will be
applied immediately at the time of purchase - you will not have to
send anything in and you will not receive anything in the mail, and
you'll get a $40 rebate instantly.
 You can buy ImageFX with this instant rebate at Software Hut, Safe
Harbor and many other Amiga resellers.

                 H & P   A N D   I M A G E F X 

Nova Design, Inc. teams up with Haage&Partner

 November 5th: Nova Design, Inc. and Haage&Partner announced today
that they have teamed up for the distribution of ImageFX in Germany.
Nova Design, Inc. and Haage&Partner are the two largest Amiga
developers worldwide and collectively make and distribute most of the
Amigas top imaging applications software.
 This partnership will enable ImageFX to reach new markets and new
users in Europe. ImageFX has been the Amiga's leading image editing
and special effects application for over six years since it's
introduction and is the flagship product of Nova Design, Inc.
 ImageFX will be immediately available for purchase from Haage&Partner
at their booth at the Home Electronics Show in Cologne, Germany this
November. Haage&Partner will also be selling upgrades from previous
versions of ImageFX and will also be carrying PowerStation - the
PowerPC module package for ImageFX.
 Other exciting announcements regarding ImageFX and the German market
will be made at the Cologne show and the news will be released
afterwards on the Internet as well.
 Haage&Partner is the leading manufacturer of Development Systems and
Applications for the Amiga family is also the developer and/or
distributor of several cutting edge applications including: StormC,
WarpUP, AmigaWriter, and many others. Our mission is to provide the
Amiga market with the most effective tools and applications possible.
 Nova Design, Inc. is the developer and producer of the Amiga's
leading graphics applications: ImageFX, PowerStation, and Aladdin 4D.
Our longtime presence in the Amiga developer community have put us in
the forefront of many Amiga developments, and our involvement and
background in the Amiga community itself keep us traveling worldwide
supporting Amiga events and promoting our products.

Nova Design, Inc.
1910 Byrd Avenue, Suite 204
Richmond, VA 23230 USA
Customer Support: (804) 282-6528
Business: (804) 282-5868
Fax: (804) 282-3768
www.novadesign.com Haage&Partner Computer GmbH
Schlossborner Weg 7
61479 Glashuetten, Germany
Phone: +49 (6174) 966 100
Fax: +49 (6174) 966 101

          H & P   R E L E A S E   D E V E L O P E R   C D 

4 Nov., '99

AMIGA Developer CD 2.1

 This CD contains all the material you need to start developing
software for Amiga computers. This includes:
 The new 3.5 Native Developer Kit:
 o Updated and revised `C' and assembly language header files and
linker libraries
 o Updated and revised system documentation and tutorial texts
 o Example code covering the AmigaOS 3.0, 3.1 and 3.5 features
 o The NewIFF v39 package
 o The AmigaGuide adn DataType documentation and example code
 o WarpUP (PowerPC) developer documentation and examples
 Additional developer material:
 o BOOPSI gadget and image classes
 ReActor BOOPSI toolkit and example code
 o The AmigaOS 2.04 example code, as part of the original 2.04 Native
 Developer Kit
 o The RKM 2.04 code examples
 o Tables listing which operating system modules were added, removed
or updated in subsequent AmigaOS releases
 o The complete set of registered IFF forms
 o IFF example and stress test files
 o All IFF packages released by Commodore-Amiga, Inc., covering 1986
 through 1992
 o The camd v37.1 MIDI developer kit
 o The SANA-II standard package and developer kit
 o The Installer v43.3 package
 o The CDTV developer disks
 International support material:
 o Sample text using the full ISO-8859-1 character set
 o Translation guidelines
 Reference material:
 o The collection of Amiga Mail Volume 1 articles, covering Spring
1987 through January/February 1989
 o The complete Amiga Mail Volume 2 articles in AmigaGuide format,
covering January/February 1990 through March/April 1993; also included
are the printable issues in PostScript and PageStream format
 o The Includes & Autodocs in AmigaGuide format.
 o Revised Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manuals in AmigaGuide format
 HTML versions of all AmigaGuide format manuals
 Historiacal developer material:
 o DevCon Disks (1988-1993)
 o The CD32 developer package
 o 1.3, 2.0, 3.1 Native Developer Kits
 Packages contributed by 3rd parties:
 The StormC 68K C/C++ developer package
 o The WBPath and ActionFSSM packages, courtesy of Ralph Babel
 o The Personal Paint, CopyIcon, MailBX and DirDiff packages, courtesy
of Cloanto
 o The INet 225 developer kit, version 2, courtesy of Interworks, Inc.
 o The Picasso96 developer kit, courtesy of Alexander Kneer and Tobias
 o The Miami SDK, version 2.1, courtesy of Nordic Global, Inc.
 o The CyberGraphX V4 developer kit, courtesy of Frank Mariak
 o The MMUlib package, courtesy of Thomas Richter; this package
includes the MuForce tool which is derived from the Enforcer package
developed by Mike Sinz
o The Kiskometer and MakeCD packages,courtesy of Angela Schmidt 
and Patrick Ohly
 o The Enforcer v37.64, courtesy of Mike Sinz
 o The Envoy v3.0 developer kit, courtesy of Heinz Wrobel
 o The Wipeout, Blowup and Sashimi debugging tools and the
"CheckGuide" AmigaGuide file syntax checker written by Olaf Barthel
 The AMIGA Developer CD 2.1 will be officially available beginning
November 15th. It will first be sold at HOME electronics world in
Price: 49 DM (~27 US$)

Haage&Partner Computer GmbH
Schlossborner Weg 7
61479 Glashuetten, Germany
Phone: +49 (6174) 966 100
Fax: +49 (6174) 966 101

             N E W   P I C A S S O   9 6   V E R S I O N

 Version 2.0, November 16th 1999:
* version bump due to large improvements.
* first Draco Altais support.
 o *NEW FEATURE*: added functionality to patch the most common native
 Amiga chipset screen modes to use a Picasso96 board to ease use
 and installation of Picasso96 on systems that don't have a native
 Amiga chipset (like the Macrosystem Draco) or that have no monitor
 attached to the native chip set signal connector or that don't
 have a flicker fixer and no 15 kHz capable monitor. To enable
 this feature add the tool type "FakeNativeModes=Yes" to the
 monitor driver of one of your cards (defaults to "Yes" with the
 Draco Altais and "No" for all other cards) and remove all native
 Amiga monitor drivers (!). Now, when the system uses one of the
 native Amiga screen modes (currently only LowRes, HighRes and
 SuperHighRes and their interlaced counter parts), a 640x480 31kHz
 60Hz screen mode on the graphics card will be used. Note: this
 mode is not configurable and it is not intended to be, because
 you should use real Picasso96 screen mode IDs whenever you can.
 Its only intention is to get the workbench on a VGA compatible
 screen when the current screenmode.prefs contains an invalid mode
 id. May also be useful for some (stupid) programs that default to
 a custom screen with a native Amiga screen mode after
 o *NEW FEATURE*: software sprite routines will use on-board blitter
 when available. Therefore boards which have a blitter reserve
 about 12 KB of their memory for sprite and back buffers. This
 might affect the size of the largest screen that can be opened in
 some systems (mostly with 1MB cards).
 o *NEW FEATURE*: alerts (Alert(), DisplayAlert(),
 TimedDisplayAlert()) now are rendered into the front most screen
 if it is a Picasso96 one. After termination of the alert, the
 display is restored.
 o *NEW FEATURE*: board drivers can now prevent the loading and
 attaching of settings files. Useful for the UAEgfx driver that
 creates its own modes and cannot use standard settings
 definitions at all.
 o *NEW FEATURE*: new environment variable "DisableAmigaBlitter"
 which even forces blits on standard planar Amiga bitmaps to be
 performed by the CPU. Set to 'yes' to enable this feature. If you
 don't use native Amiga screens, this could improve some operations
 on fast processors. On the other hand, Amiga screens will be
 slower. Defaults to 'No'.
 o *NEW FEATURE*: new environment variable "PlanesToFast" which when
 set to 'Yes' will allocate planar bitplanes to fast memory except
 when the caller requested a visible or standard bitmap. Defaults
 to 'No'.
 o *NEW FEATURE* user can now allocate private bitmaps that do not
 need to be locked. Especially useful for programs that need
 temporary fast memory bitmaps for rendering.

     A   N E W   A M I G A   S T O R E   I S   L A U N C H E D 

16 Nov 1999 

 A new Amiga store is open in Phoenix, Arizona. We have Amiga
computers, software, peripherals, and more! New A4000Ts! O/S 3.5, etc.
Visit www.merlancia.com/store.html for details. Also check out
www.merlancia.com for more info.

-Ryan E. A. Czerwinski

                        U N I T Y   B O A R D

16 Nov., '99
                            Unity Overview


 Unity alias Zorro1200 is an Autoconfig(TM) board for Amiga. It makes
it possible to use Melody1200 and other expansions initially done for
A1200's clock port for ZorroII/III Computers.
 A special property is variable bus speed. It's possible to run
expansions nearly as slow as in A1200 but it's even possible to go up
to twice that speed known from old Zorro boards like Melody-Z2 or
 Why it's a must have:
 Unity together with:
 o Unity-Net 10 results in an efficient, small low-priced 10Base-2 or
10Base-T solution for Amiga different to other solutions Full
Duplex-Mode (20Mbps) is supported.
 o Unity-Net 100 probably is the first and only 10/100BaseTx solution
for Amiga. It's unique!
 o Melody1200 gives the final move for Melody 1200. being the market
leader regarding audio precission + bandwidth inside every Amiga. Load
is much lower compared to the traditional clock-port connection at
A1200. This even means there is room for a Multichannel variant
Melody1200. Do you want ous to do such solution? Tell ous!
 o Twister1200 primary results in higher throughput. The mayor topic
is having a real Serial High-End Interface at Zorro-Amiga by not
wasting a Zorro slot (since there is the possibility of having an
on-board interface that option should be taken first loosing no
connector). If there is anybody out there who likes to have three very
fast serial interfaces this is possible now.
 o combinations of these and future boards gives maximum flexibility
by using only one Zorro slot
 o Zorro2 Autoconfig(TM)
 o Up to 3.5 MB/s bus bandwidth to CPU causing low system load, only
 o two connectors for Melody1200, Twister1200 and other boards
 o 16bits connector intended for Networkoption Unity-Net 10 or 100.
Board is prepared (production time) for mounting further devices:

 o Twister1200-style HighSpeed Serial Interface Onboard
 o xxxx Interface Onboard (secret up to the show;-)
 o Amiga mit Zorro Slot
 o oder Amiga 1200 mit Bus-Erweiterung
 o very early prototype was presented at Computer'98, Cologne
 o final design presented at Home Electronics World in Cologne 1999


           W I P T E O U T   2 0 9 7   O N   M A R K E T 

9 Nov 1999 

WipeOut 2097 (PPC) is available! 
Suggested Retail Price DM 99.90
US$1.00 = DM 1.88 given current exchange rates.
Ordering information:

 The most convenient method of placing an order is to use our
electronic order form located at http://www.schatztruhe.de/order.html.
You can also send an E-Mail to stefano@schatztruhe.de including your
address and the products you wish to order. {Available from other
Amiga dealers also. Brad}

WipeOut 2097

The famous 3D anti-gravity racing game!

 You'll need lightning fast reflexes in this high speed race-n-chase
thriller. Your goal is to stay in first place and defend your glider
against the other pilots. Extreme hairpin turns, gut-wrenching drops
and jumps are boosting the gameplay, while you blast your opponents
with incredible weapons.


 o Highly detailed 3D graphics
 o 8 tracks with up to 15 ships racing
 o 3 race modes (timetrial/arcade/challenge)
 o 4 racing classes
 o 5 ship models with different characteristics
 o 8 weapons/extras
 o 9 CD audio tracks +- 16 bit sound fx
 o MPEG animations
 o Configurable control via Keyboard/Mouse/Joypad

/Amiga specific features/

 o Runs in a resizable workbench window
 o Supports triple buffering for maximum speed
 o Increased view distance during a race
 o Fogging effect
 o Mip mapping/trilinear filtering (with suitable hardware)
 o Gamma correction
 o Optional frame rate limitation
 o Brings optimum PPC and 3D gaming to the Amiga for the first time!

/System Requirements/

 o PowerPC 603e or better
 o 3D graphics card such as CyberVision64/3D, CyberVisionPPC or
 o 1Mb hard drive space (minimum)
 o 24Mb Fast RAM (minimum)
 o CD-ROM drive
 o OS 3.0 or better
 o CybergraphX/Picasso 96 software
 o WarpUP V4 software (included)
 o Warp3D V2 software (included) 

              M I K R O   M O R T A L   T E N N I S 

28 Oct., '99
You wanted it here it is.

 Mikro Mortal Tennis aims to become the craziest game ever in the
videogame history!! As you can guess from the title, it is basically
founded on tennis game, but its goal is to eliminate your opponents,
not simply to defeat them!!!
 To this purpose, players might make use of loads of Mortal-Kombat and
Street-Fighter-like special moves, in addition to many others,
directly taken from lots of famous videogames or films. Besides, there
are bombs, Fire'n'forget rockets, heat-seeking missiles at their
complete disposal... The game boasts an amusing animated intro which
will explain the reason of such a strange tournamnet - by the way,
your order is to climb a high mountain, just like the second episode
of the Mortal Kombat saga; moreover, it features several victory and
defeat pictures and an even more crazy final sequence than the intro!!
 Players can choose their characters from a range of twelve different
guys, each distinguished with typical characteristics, which can be
edited in the proper menu. Beyond every human conceiving, the game is
spangled with lots of mad things, like referee-slaughtering, animals
which will appear in the field, VIPs which will perform during the
match, and a mysterious tapir named Fart (main character of the game,
as you can be able to guess from the introduction) which will perform
in a number of funny anims.. At the beginning of the match the players
will enter the field and choose the field in which play with an
incredible money trowing!! Of course, the sporting side of the game is
not to be under-stimated.. You'll always have to win your match!! From
this point of view, the game is classicaly structured: pitch type,
number of sets to win, type of game (single, double or training),as
well as the type of tournament to join; you'll be able to select, in
addition to the above-mentioned MK-style tournament, an UNFRIENDLY
tournament in which up to eight human players are allowed to take
part, or a full season, where player will have to win as much as
possible to travel all over the world, and in order to buy weapons and
points which will help him in his short career. It's possible to save
and subsequently restore your season from disc as well as every change
made in the players editing menu, where you're able to change the
name, the characteristics and the shirt colour of all the

 Well, that's all, there's nothing left but wishing you to enjoy Mikro
Mortal Tennis! Mikro Mortal Tennis supports all Amiga models with at
least 1 Meg of Ram.
 Mikro Mortal Tennis authors are:
 Coding: Davide Mancusi - Marco Pacifico
 Graphics: Marco Pacifico - Sergio Rocco
 Additional graphics: Enrico Zerbo
 Musics & sfx: Alex Ascione
 Storyboard: Valerio Massari - Stefano Gualeni

The game is expeceted to retail around the 15 ukp mark.
Amiga Update on the net:
 All back issues available at:
Stop by and check out our archive! 
Copyright 1999 by Brad Webb.    Freely distributable, if not modified.
                 _    __      _     <>_   __      _      
   A M I G A    /\\    |\    /||    ||   /  `    /\\      A M I G A   
  U P D A T E  /__\\   | \  / ||    ||  || ___  /__\\    U P D A T E 
              /    \\_ |  \/  ||_  _||_  \__// /    \\_  