File: DTPicView.tgz Author: Edmund Vermeulen <> Release: 2.0 (May 6th, 1997) Compatibility: DR8 Location: contrib/gfx/viewers Description: Datatypes Picture Viewer Notes: Freeware DTPicView is a picture viewer that solely relies on Datatypes.lib for viewing bitmap images. Currently there are datatypes for loading Be, JPEG, GIF, PNG, IFF ILBM, TIFF, BMP, PCX and Photoshop images. A number of datatypes also support saving, namely Be, JPEG, PNG and IFF ILBM. Try loading a few pictures at the same time. Because DTPicView is fully multithreaded and has progressive display, you will see all pictures being decoded simultaneously. This is especially neat with interlaced GIF pictures. Of course, you can also scroll around the window while the image is being loaded. If someone wants the source of the output format selection panel or the progressive bitmap stream class, please contact me. Currently, the source code of DTPicView isn't in a presentable enough state to distribute. I've also included a hacked up version of Datatypes.lib 1.41. It has the database query stuff disabled. This means that it will start up in under half a second instead of the five seconds the original takes on my machine. That's ten times faster! What's new in version 2.0? - Progressive display when loading. - Save a bitmap in any datatypes supported format. - Keyboard scrolling.