SimpleMail 1.1.1 ---------------- Written by Matt Pauker <> and Jon Watte <> (Read Me by Matt Pauker) 7/8/96 Introduction ============ Once upon a time, the BeBox developer guru Jon Watte asked, over the bedevtalk mailing list, for a simple command-line mailing tool. Seeing this as a good opportunity to sharpen my socket skills, I (Matt Pauker), decided to create it. SimpleMail 1.0 (Which nobody but myself and Jon ever saw) was the result. Jon added some features and made some bugfixes, leading to SimpleMail 1.1, the first released version. Installation ============ 1) Move the 'mail' application into /boot/bin/ 2) Start up a Terminal 3) You need to set up a shell variable containing the hostname of the SMTP server you're going to use. To do this, type: env SMTPSERVER=<your-SMTP-server-here> 4) Unless you've got some way to receive mail on your box, you should also set a return address. To do this, type: env RETURNTO=<your-address-here> Usage ===== To send mail to someone, simply type: mail <address> [<address>, <address>, ...] SimpleMail will then prompt your for a subject, followed by the message text. End your message with a '.' or a ctrl-D, and SimpleMail will immediately send your message. There are some commands available while entering the message text: ~q Aborts the message and quits. ~r <file> Adds text from the specified file Revision History ================ 1.1.1 Two major bugs (Which prevented SimpleMail from working properly) were fixed. Many thanks to Joerg Stegemann <> for finding, reporting, and even giving fixes for them. (Ah, public domain software is a thing of beauty when it works.) 1.1 First released version 1.0 Initial version; never released Notes ===== SimpleMail 1.0 was written in about 4 hours. The code was pretty bad, and I didn't do too much to niceify it, so don't just me on it. :) Fortunately, before release, Jon Watte made some bugfixes and added some additional features, upping SimpleMail to 1.1. As usual, his code is impeccable. :) As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to mail me at <>.