File: sndutil.tgz
Author: William Adams (
Release: 1.0 (Dec. 18th, 1996)
Compatibility: DR8
Location: pub/Samples/
Notes: This is the source for a couple of sound utilities which 
show how to play sound to the sound output devices.

This directory contains the sndplay program.  It is a little
bit more complicated than its nearest ancestor the 'playsound'
command.  This one will play a string of .snd files contiguously.
These are files typically generated by the NeXT and Sun machines.


Copy the 'sndplay' file into your /bin directory.


This is a command line based utility, from a command
line type:

    sndplay <soundfile>

where <soundfile> is the name of your uLaw based sound

Included in this release are three sound files 'ONE.SND'
and 'TWO.SND' and THREE.SND.  These are sound files 
generated on a NeXT machine as part of a talking clock program.
They are simply demo sounds.


Of particular interest is the code in the audio.cpp file.  It 
shows how to join an audio stream and inject the sounds into 
the already playing stream.  This is a really neat concept and
very powerful for this machine to be able to do it.