The files in this directory are monthly news archive files from our
New Product News electronic newswire service covering the PC and
Macintosh markets (see below for more details). Additional news files 
are also included from various trade shows, where the news volume warrants 
separating the data from the normal monthly news. Besides these hypertext
WinHelp file collectionsfor Windows, copies of the same news articles are 
also available in standard ASCII text file collections in the MSDOS/BAKERNWS 

The WinHelp news files here use a standard filename format of:  WNWSyymm.ZIP   
where 'yymm' represents the year and month the news files were distributed. 
WinHelp news files from trade shows use a similar naming convention and 
generally start with a 'W' character to indicate the WinHelp format.
To use this package, unzip the NEWSyymm.HLP WinHelp file from the .ZIP 
archive. Then simply locate the same .HLP file using the Windows File Manager 
and double click on the filename to activate. This assumes you have the 
.HLP filename associated with the WinHelp facility. If you have troubles, 
check the Windows documentation on how to make this association. Once 
started, use the standard WinHelp facilities to browse through and read 
or print the included news articles, add your own annotations, etc. Use 
the SEARCH feature to find articles listed by company name. Additional 
information is provided by a README.TXT file within the package and by 
several informational screens accessible from the starting page of the 
WinHelp file.

The news articles are grouped into the following product categories:

      Software - Business/Productivity
                 Macintosh Specific

      Hardware - Systems
                 Expansion (boards, etc)
                 Macintosh Specific

      General News
      Publications (books, audio/videos, etc.)

All data is from our electronic newswire service that currently appears 
daily on America Online (keyword=New Products) and Delphi (GO COMPUTING
PRODUCT); plus weekly via affiliated local BBS services. Any local BBS,
corporate networks, or other organizations interested in carrying our 
weekly "New Product News" can contact BBS Press Service at the address 
below for full details and sample data.

Note that there is *NO CHARGE* to any company/author submitting press 
releases or other information for our distribution. If you offer a
product or service to the PC/Macintosh markets (including Shareware
products), let us help tell the world about it!

All company and product information is also cataloged in our PC Vendor 
Database that appears in our area on America Online. The same data is 
distributed monthly on diskette via EMS Professional Software as their 
PC Products Database ($25 + $5 S&H within the USA, see below for address). 
The database lists tens-of-thousands of products, companies and authors; 
including commercial and shareware software products, hardware, peripherials, 
accessories, books, publications, etc. with addresses, phone numbers, 
E-mail addresses, Internet ftp/www/gopher pointers, and more.

Please address all news & database submissions, -or- inquiries concerning 
using our news or database information for other applications, directly 
to our attention:
     20 Ferro Drive
     Sewell, NJ 08080 USA
     Voice: 609-582-9203
     Fax:   609-582-9204
     Internet:    RBakerPC@delphi.com
     AOL/Delphi:  RBakerPC

For more information on our New Product News for local BBS services,

     BBS Press Service Inc
     8125 S.W. 21st St
     Topeka, KS 66615 USA
     Voice: 913-478-3157
     BBS:   913-478-9239  (current news samples are available online!)

For more information on our PC Products Database, contact:

     EMS Professional Software
     4505 Buckhurst Ct.
     Olney, MD 20832-1830 USA
     Voice: 301-924-3594
     Fax:   301-963-2708
     Internet: eengelmann@worldbank.org