K Wizard VCL Component freeware version 1.2 For Delphi 5, 6;


1)Clickable buttons at design time let you switch between different wizard page easily
2)Page include Welcome page and Interior page
3)Each page has its own header(include title and subtitle)
4)User can customize own routemap component by derived TKWizardRouteMap class, by simply dropping it into the wizard, the wizard take care of the rest.
5)Users can disable pages for their purpose at run time. the wizard will skip those disabled pages.
6)OnNextPage, OnPriorPage, OnFirstPage, OnLastPage events let user redirect the page it try to go to.
7)OnEnterPage, fired before the page shows up. OnPage, fired after the page shows up. OnExitPage, fired after the page is hidden.

and much more ...

Any questions, suggestions and comments are welcome.

Yu Wei
Creator of K Wizard