

                               .::·            ·::.
                  ____   _____ :: ____     ____  :: .__   _____
              ____\_ /__ \ __/____\ _/__ __\_ /_____| (_ _\ __/____
           ___\    __   Y          /    Y   __     __   Y   _)    /___
                   \|   :               :   \|     \|   :   \
        _ _______\ ecl         ..                ..            /_______ _
                               ::.              .::

                                ÷XxX[ ARCAdE ]XxX÷

._ _____      ______
|//     | ____\_    \_________
./      | \   |/    /   _____/____                  ______    ______
|       |/    /    /   __/___/   /_   ______    ____\_    \___\_    \
|       /_____\____\   /    /   __/___\    /----\   |/    /    /    /
|       |         \________/    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /
|       |                  \________/    /|   /_____\____\---/_____\
|       |                           \__________|
| ______|______        __________  _______          ________   _____________
|/     __     /  ______\_       /  \     /_  \------\      /   \     ______/
|\      \      \ \    _|/_     /  /     __/_____     \__    \ /     __/_____
\_\      \      \     \__/----/  /      /      /      _/     \      /      /
:/ \____________/______/  t!     \____________/ \______\------\ __________/
|       |_  _________
|       _/ /    ____/____   _________             _________
|       | _\____   \/   /_ /   __   /     ______  \   ____/   ______
|       |/    /    /   __/_\_   \    \ ___\_    \/   __/______\_    \
|       /_________/    /    /    \    \    /    /    /    /   |/    /
|      _|         \________/ \________/   /    /\________/    /    /
|       /   ______ _________        /----/_____\        /_________/
|       |___\_    \   __   /  _____
|       /    /____/    \    \ \   /--/\_______  _________
|      /    /    / \    \    \   /  /   /  __/_/   __   /  ______
|      \________/   \________/  /  /   /   \_   \   \    \ \    /----/->
|       |                   \_________/    /    /    \    \    /    /
|       |                             \________/ \________/   /    /
|       |                                                \____    /
|______/:                                                 /_______\

             _:_(                                              )_:_
              |                                                  |
              |   W o  O    o   0 o   ø   0 o   O   b    e   R   |
              |                                                  |
      _\ _______   _________   _________   ____|_      _____ /_  |   ________
   _____\__     \ /   ___   \ /   ___   \ /   _|_____ /    _/____ ___\_      \
  /       /      \    \ /    \    \ /    \    \_     \    _)     \    /      /
 /       /\       \    /      \    /      \    /      \   |       \   \      \_
              |                                                  .
              |                                                  |  Dz/a!
              |   ..is here, you better start  r u n n i n g !   |
             _|_                                                _|_
              : (______________________________________________) :

.___________________ .
|                  /_:_
|                    |
|                    l______________________________________________________.
|                                                                           |
|welcome to a new ascii collection by woober of arcade. i hope you will like|
|this piece of ascii art. all the logos are made out of some requests i have|
|been having for some time now. if you would like to order some ascii's from|
|me just leave me a mail, or ask me on irc. i hope you would have a great   |
|new year, and maybe some other day another collection pops by, see ya all  |
|later..                                                                    |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                          m a i n  a r t i s t                             |
|                          --------------------                             |
|                                                                           |
|                        w o o b e r / a r c a d e                          |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                        g u e s t  a r t i s t s                           |
|                        ------------------------                           |
|                                                                           |
|                              e c l i p s e                                |
|                                t a n g o                                  |
|                              d e z i b e l                                |
|                                  h 2 o                                    |
|                                                                           |
|             19©99 copyrighted by arcade - woober@online.no                |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                          _¦_
|                      .____________________________________________________¦
|                      |
|__                    |
: /____________________|

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.---{ smoked by: woober }-------------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: monster bitch    req by: daytona   }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

   ___  ___  ______  _____   ______  _______  ___ ___  ______
  _\__\/__/__\ __ /__\ _  \__\  __/__\_  __/__\  \__/__\__  /_
 /    \/        /      ¡      \_       \/       __/ /\   /_ _/_
/_____||      _________|______________________________\___|    \ wbr/a!
    ___l______\  __________________________________ _ ___ l_____\ _ __ ____:
.___)_/_________/              ______   ____   _______  ______  ___.___    ¦
!                             _\___ /__(_  _)__\_  __/__\  __/__\  |  /_   ·
·                            /    /_             \/      _/        .    \ 
.           ______          /______________________________________|_____\
|___________)____/_________________ _ __ ____________ __ __ __ _________ _ _

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: commodore 64     req by: thundercat}-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

    ______ ______ ___  ___ ___  ___ ______ ________ ______ ______  ___ ___
  __\  __/_\ __ /_\__\/__/_\__\/__/_\ __ /_\____  /_\ __ /_\__  /__\  \__/
 /   _/       /      \/       \/       /      _/       /     /_ _/_  __/ /\
- -.-------------------------------------------------------------- wbr -.- -
   |          c o m m o d o r e  -  6 4  c o n f e r e n c e            |

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: frozen sun       req by: lover     }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

    ______ ______   ______  ______  ___ ___ _____«----------------------:-
  __\ ___/_\__  /___\ __ /__\__  /__\  \__/_\ _  \_                     :
 /    ._/    /_ _/_    /       _/     __/ /   ¡    \   - frozen  sun -  .  
/_____| _ ____l____\__________________________|_____\                   
«--------.------ _:_ ------:--------------------------------------------:-
         :      _\ /_      :                ______  ___.___  _____      :
  _  _ __:_____\\ . //_____:__             _\  __/__\  |  /__\ _  \_    :
         :    /__   __\    :              /  \_        !       ¡    \   :
         :      /_ _\      :             /_____________________|_____\  :

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: hotline&section8 req by: firestorm }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

_____               h o t l i n e  &  s e c t i o n  8                   _____
     ____.___   ______   _______   _____     ___    ___ __   ___ ___
    _\_  |  /___\ __ /___\_  __/___\   /____(_ _)___\  \ /___\  \__/__
   /     _         /       \/         /\_             . \      __/ /  \

   -   -  -÷«----------------- \----|    /\____l -----------------»÷-  -   -
       ______   ___ ___   ______   _______    ___    ______   ___ __
      _\  __/___\  \__/___\  __/___\_  __/___(_ _)___\ __ /___\  \ /_
     /  \__       __/ /    _/        \/                 /       . \  \ «8»
 _____                                                                   _____
 wbr /(-----------------------------------------------------------------)\ a! 

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: nightline        req by: 4play     }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

   _____    ___   _____  ___.___  _______  ____    ___   _____   ___ ___
  _\ _  \__(_ _)__\  _/__\_ |  /__\_  __/__\  /___(_ _)__\ _  \__\  \__/
 /    ¡            _/       _       \/       /\_            ¡       _/ /\
  sysop - 4play       ¦ · resistance » whq « ·
                      | · section 8 & hotline / x-trek / menace » nhq «
                      : · amiga / console / mp3 / classic / c64
                      |        ______
«-----------_/\  _ ___|_______ )____//____ _______ ______ _  /\_-----------»
          wbr  \(     ·                   \\_____(         )/    a!
                ¯                                             ¯

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: request conf.    req by: madsen    }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

             ·                                                   ·
         - --÷---------------------------------------------------÷ -
             ¦               request conference                  ¦
           - ÷---------------------------------------------------÷-- -
             ¦                                                   !wBr
      ______ : ___ ___   ______   ___.___  ___ ___  _______  _______
    __\__  /___\  \__/___\ __ /___\  |  /__\  \__/__\  ___/__\_  __/__
   /    /_ _/_   __/ /      / _      !       __/ /   \___      \/     \  
             ¦                                                   .
         - --÷---------------------------------------------------÷ -
             ¦                                                   ¦
           - ÷---------------------------------------------------÷-- -
             ·                                                   ·       

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: shadow           req by: shadow    }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

                              |     (______.
                              |            |
                              |            |
                              |            ¯
          ________  ___.___   _______  ________   ______   ____
        __\   ___/__\  |  /___\  _  /__\____  /___\ __ /___\  /___
       /   \___        .       \/.        _/         /       /\   \
                                    |                   ___ _ _
                                    |                 .-'
                                    |      __         |
                                    |   ___)/_  wbr __|
                                    |___\· /\\/)___(

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: sysop            req by: madsen    }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

    :::                         ::
    :::                        .::.............................
    :::   _________    ____ ____  _________   _________   ________
    :: ___\    ___/____\   \   /__\    ___/___\   __  /___\   __ /
    : /    \___         \_____     \___           \          .\_/
    :::                    :::wBr

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: the deep         req by: lempkee   }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

                         _______________ ___________ ______ ______
                     .___\_____(         \           )____//    _/--:
                 wbr |                    ·                         | a!
                     !                                              |
   ______  ____.___  ___ ___         ________  ___ ___  ___ ___  ___:__
  _\_  _/__\_  |  /__\  \__/_      __\____  /__\  \__/__\  \__/__\  _ /    
 /   \/        _     .  _/ / \    /     _/        _/ /     _/ /    .\/
/______________|_____ ________\  /_________________________________| 
                     |                                              ·
                     |                                              ·
                     |        ·  t h e   d e e p   f t p  ·         :
                     :                                              |
                     |___ _______            _____ _________ _______|
                     .   \\_____(------------\____\\_      /        ·

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: darkus           req by: darkus    }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

               _ ____________________.______________   _
.______________/ \_                  ¡             _) /____ _ _____________:
|           ________  _______ ______ | __._____ ___.___  ______            ¦
|         __\____  /__\  _  /_\__  /_|_\ |    /_\  |  /__\  __/_           ·
|        /     _/      \/.      /_ _/_   .  _/_    !      \_    \          .
|       /________________|_______l___.\__|     \_________________\         :
|_______  ____ _                     :   l______\                          |
      _/ /___//______________________|_____________________________________|

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: absolute         req by: cqbs      }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

          _ _______ _____ _____________·____________:________  _
      .____)\_      )___//             |            ·       _)/____ _ __:
  wbr !                                |            .                   ¦ a!
   ___.____  ______  ______  ______  __|__    ___.___  _______   ___ ___·
  _\  _   /__\___ /__\  __/__\ __ /__\   /____\  |  /__\_  __/___\  \__/.
 /  \/.         /_    \_        /       /\_      !       \/        __/ /\
      |                                |                                |
      :                 a  b  s  o     :    l  u  t  e  !               :
      |________/\        ______ _      |           __ _ ______          ·
      :          \  _____)____//_______|________  /    \\____( _________|
                  \/                   ·        \/                      ·

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: acidrip.diz      req by: morph     }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

     ___  ____ __  ___  ___  ___  _______
«»  / . \/ __/(__)_\_ \_\_ \/ ._|(__) , / «»
   /__|__\___\___\_____\____\_| _ __\_|¯
__________                       ___________
wbr/a!   /(----[ aciddrip ]-----)\ presents:

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: amiga terror sounder : req by:d0ggy}-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

               ____        .___   ____        ____        ____
 ____    ._____)  /_ .____.|  /_ .)  /_ ._____)  /_ ._____)  /_      ____
-\___) - |    ___  /_|    ||   /_|    /_|    _____/_|    ___  /_. - (___/-
  __     |_         _|_   \/    _|_    _|_   \__   _|_         _|
 /\_\     /____|____\ /___||____\ /____\ /_________\ /____|____\     
 \/_/  ____        ____        ____        ____        ____        ____
 ._____)  /_ ._____)  /_ ._____)  /_ ._____)  /_ ._____)  /_ ._____)  /_
 |         /_|   ___   /_|    ___  /_|    ___  /_|     .   /_|    ___  /_.
 |____  _____|_   \___/ _|_    _/  __|_    _/  __|_    |    _|_    _/  __|
   /______\   /_________\ /____|____\ /____|____\ /_________\ /____|____\
     ____       ____       .___      _____       ____       ____ wBr/a!____
.____)  /_ .____)  /_ .____|  /_ .___\   /_ .____)_ /_ .____)  /_ .____)  /_
|   _____/_|    .   /_|    |   /_|    \   /_|  _  /  /_|  ___   /_|   ___  /_.
|_____   __|_   |    _|_   ·    _|_  | \   _|_  \/    _|_  \___/ _|_   _/  __|
 /________\ /________\ /________\ /__|_____\ /________\ /________\ /___|____\

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: amiga terror s.diz   : req by:d0ggy}-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

  ___      _______  _______  ______      _
__\_/__  __\  _  /__\_  __/__\  __/_  _ /
\_/·\_/ /   \/.       \/      \_    \ \/   
. --- -/______|______________________\- -- -
|         « aMiGA tERROR sOUNDER »
| modulename [·                         ·]
| composer   [·                         ·]
| style      [·                         ·]

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: fenriz           req by: fenriz    }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

                                          _    _____ _  _       .    ______ 
                                        |                       ·   wb/a!   |
            ______  ___ ___   _____   __|___    ___    ______               |
          __\ ___/__\  \__/___\ _  \__\__  /___(_ _)___\__  /_      -  - ---.- -
         /    ._/     __/ /     ¡       /_ _/_           __/  \   
        /_____| _ ______________|________l____\________________\  -  - -----:-- -
                                        :                                   |
                                        |          .  f e n r i z  .        |
                                        |_      _____ _     .        _     _|
                                         /______\___((______:_______ /_____\
                                                            .       /

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: party            req by: madsen    }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

                         ______ ________\ __________ ______ ______
                     .___\____((         \           )____//     /--:
                 wBr |                    ·                         | a!
           __________! ________   _______    _______   ____ ____    |
         __\     __ /__\  _   /___\__   /____\_  __/___\   \   /_   |
        /       .\_/    \/.         /_  _/_    \/       \_____   \  |
       /________| ________|__________|_____\______________________\ |
                     .                                              ·
                     |                                              ·
                     |               ·  p a r t y  ·                :
                     :                                      _       |
                     |___ ______             _____ ________ /_______|
                     :   \\____((------------\____\\_      /        ·

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: the valley of darkness : letharic  }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

            ___.___  ________  _____    _____    ___ ___ ___ ___
 ·t·h·e·  __\ _|  /__\  _   /__\   /____\   /____\  \__/_\  \_ /_ wbr/a!
.____ _  /    \!      \/.         /\_      /\_     __/ /  \____  \ _ ______.
|       /_______________|_________________________________________\ ·o·f·  ¦
|  ________  ________  ______    __._____ _____   ___ ___ ______  ______   ·
¦ _\____  /__\  _   /__\__  /_ __\ |    /_\ _  \__\  \__/_\  __/__\  __/_  .
·/    _/      \/.        /_ _/_    .  _/_   ¡       __/ /  \_      \_    \ :
/_______________|_________l____\___|     \__|_____________________________\|
 -  - - -- ------------------ -- - l______\ - - -- ------------------------'

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: atari            req by: cqbs      }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

             _________________               _________________ _
.___________)\________________)» a·t·a·r·i «(________________/(____________.
|              ________  _______  ________  ______    ____                 ¦
|             _\  _   /__\_  __/__\  _   /__\__  /_ _(_  _)_               ·
|            /  \/.        \/      \/.        /_ _/_        \              .
|           /_____|__________________|_________l____\________\ wbr/a!      :
`---- -- -  -                                                              ·

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: acorn            req by: cqbs      }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

                                                 _   _____      .    _____
                 ________  ______  ______  __|___   _____                  |
                _\  _   /__\  __/__\ __ /__\__  /_ _\ _  \_ - -- - --- ----.- 
               /  \/.       _/        /      /_ _/_   ¡    \    a·c·o·r·n  .
              /_____|_________________________l____\__|_____\ - - -- - ----:
                                             :                             |
                                             |                      wbr/a! |
                                             |_    ____    _  .    _ ____  |
                                              /____\__(___ /__:_____))__/--'
                                                          /   .

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: cellblock 4      req by: ecstasy   }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

    ______  ___ ___ _____  _____  ______  _____  ______  ______  __._____
  __\  __/__\  \__/_\   /__\   /__\___ /__\   /__\ __ /__\  __/__\ |    /
 /   _/       __/ /    /\_    /\_    /_      /\_    /     _/       .  _/_  
/__________________________________________________________________|     \
          <- -  - ------> c e l l b l o c k 4 <------ -  - - ->    l______\

-\\----------------------------------{ return of the stoned cowboy }------.
.--{ 19©98 woober^/\rcade }-----------------------------------------------'
`-------------------------{ it says: kinetic karma    req by: gfk       }-.
                          -  -- - ----------------------------------------'

         __._____  ____   _____   ___ ___  _______   ____   ______ 
  _     _\ |    /_(_  _)__\ _  \__\  \__/__\_  __/__(_  _)__\  __/_   ____
.-)\---/   .  _/_           ¡       __/ /    \/              _/    \--)__/-.
|     /____|     \__________|_______________________________________\      |
|          l______\ wbr/a!                                                 |
|                          __._____  ________  ______   ___  ___  ________ |
| «( k·i·n·e·t·i·c )»     _\ |    /__\  _   /__\__  /___\__\/__/__\  _   /_!
|   «( k·a·r·m·a )»      /   .  _/_   \/.        /_ _/_    \/      \/.     \
|                       /____|     \____|_________l____\___||________|______\
|_     ______     _       .  l______\     _ _______
 /_____\____(_____/_______:________________))_____/_______ _ __  _    _
                 /        .

                    _ _
                    ) _
               __    (_)     :                                     .
          .____\/_____ ______¦_ _                                ..:...
          | _  \/    (_)     |                                     :   :
          | /               __  __ _ __ _  __ _          .......::::...:..
          |       ______   /\_\ \////      \  ________ _:::::: ::::::  :
       _______ _ _\____ \_ \/_/      ______  _\_ ____`-'`:::::....... .. .
 _ __ _\_ ___/____  _/  _/__ ______ _\____ \_    /  \   ...... :::::: :: :
 \\\`-'   \____  /  \      /_\____ \_  _/   /___/    \__:::::: :::::: :: :
    \_       /   \   \   //    _/   /__\___/  //      \_:::::: :::::: :: :
                  \ __\  /     \___/  /       \ _ ____ /:::::: :::::: :: :
_ __ ______________\ __\/             \ _______\     \/ :::::: :::::: :: :
          .          \/   _ ___________\ __ _           :::::: :::::: :: :
  _ __ _ _|     _|_          .           \///  ·H2o!·   :::::: :::::: :: :
      \\\\/ \    |     +   _ |_ _ __ _                  :::::: :::::: :: :
          | \\             / \////                      :::::: :::::: :: :
          |___ ______________|                          :::::: :::::: :: :
          '  (_) _           `                          :::::: :::::: :: :
                 (                                     _:::::: :::::: :: :
                                                       \/::::: :::::: :: :
                                                        :::::: :::::: :: :
                                                        :::::: :::::: :: :
                                                        :::::: :::::: :: :
                                                        :::::: :::::: :: :
                                                        :::::: :::::: :: :
           greets to these following peoples...         :::::: :::::: :: :
                                                        :::::: :::::: :: :
                                                        :::::: :::::: :: :
                                                        :::::: :::::: :: :
                                                      . :::::: :::::: :: :
                                                    ..:.:::::: :::::: :: '
                                                      :   ::::.:::::'     

                                * 2000ad *

                                 - folar -

                                 * abyss *

                                 - pink -
                                - cyclone -

                           * alien technology *

                                - daeron -

                                * arcade *

                                 - acorn -
                              - progenitor -
                                 - brane -
                                 - zaner -
                                - dezibel -

                                * artwork *

                                - virgill -

                                * broken *

                                  - mg -

                                * contraz *

                                 - isaac -

                               * cromatics *

                                - booster -
                                  - ody -
                            - dental headache -

                              * crosspoint *

                                - malacai -
                               - grafittio -
                                - mr.ned -
                                - chronic -
                               - def base -
                                 - hydra -
                                - frenzy -
                               - la shawn -

                                * damones *

                               - carnifex -

                                * darkage *

                                 - modem -
                              - kaos master -
                                - racoon -
                                 - nork -
                                - ghandy -
                                 - soda -
                               - punisher -
                                - desibel -
                               - kalikone -

                                * delight *

                                 - talon -

                          * digital corruption *

                                - sunbeam -
                              - thundercat -
                               - ramonster -
                                 - mixer -
                               - ironfist -

                                * faction *

                                - zoltrix -
                                  - pcp -
                                 - zigus -

                                 * faith *

                                 - case -
                                 - exon -
                               - shadower -
                               - petrified -

                                * giants *

                                - wiseguy -

                                * haujobb *

                                 - marc -
                                - noodle -
                                - infant -
                               - hardfire -
                              - jessika - :)

                               * hellfire *

                                - cruiser -
                                 - orson -
                                 - amon -
                                - keldon -
                                - chelsea -
                                - m-plant -
                                - wraith -

                        * highlight & resistance *

                                 - 4play -
                                 - haze -
                             - yellow water -
                                - ruiner -
                                - flight -

                                * jormas *

                                 - wrec -

                              * lightforce *

                                - shadow -
                                 - lucas -

                             * looker house *

                                - g.d.m. -

                                  * lsd *

                                 - axen -
                                 - zanok -
                                - etrigan -

                                * massive *

                                 - felix -
                              - fisherking -

                                * mystic *

                                 - zeus -

                                * network *

                                - darkus -

                                * nuance *

                                 - grace -
                                 - raven -

                               * prestige *

                                 - fury -

                                * ram jam *

                                - surfing -

                                * rebels *

                                 - swoop -
                                 - jerry -
                              - speed devil -

                                 * royal *

                               - whirlwind -
                                 - bogi -
                                - arcane -

                                * scoopex *

                               - antibyte -
                                 - frame -
                                - karpow -

                              * spaceballs *

                                 - zack -
                                - shorty -

                                * talent *

                               - don-cato -

                                  * tbf *

                                - splash -

                            * the black lotus *

                                - lizard -
                                 - probe -

                                 * trsi *

                                 - zinko -
                                - icarus -
                                 - shade -

                                * x-trek *

                                 - style -
                                 - tifos -
                                 - saint -
                                  - psb -
                               - nighthawk -
                                - quazar -
                                 - taxi -
                                 - 4play -

                              + independent +

                                - lucifer -
                                 - some1 -
                               - spindizzy -
                                  - pow -
                                 - morph -
                                 - exie -

              ... and the rest which i may have forgotten...

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