
                         if you'd know what i know!

                                   .           .
                                   :           :
                                   :           :
                                   :   T H E   :
                                   :           :
                                   :           :
                                   :           :
                                   :           :

                                _ ______)      |
                              ___\\            |
                              |   \            |
             ........... .....!.... ______     :____________:
             :         : :        :       \ ___¦_____       !_________
     ________:_____    : :        :        \        /      _/        /
     \       _    /    : :        :______\         /_______\        /_
      \      \___/.....:.:........·      c\_______/         \________/
      /________|              |                |
                              :    _      _____:

                              :                :
                              :                :
                              :                :
                              :  h I M S E L F :
                              :                :
                              :                ;
                              :                :

                              ,                ,
                              :                :
                              :                :
                              ·                ·
                 ____ _|_     ___  .___  .___  . .___   ___.
                 \___  l___\  ___| |   ' |   ' | |   \ l___|
                -----'       `---'             `      -----'
                              .     . .___     .
                              :     | |   \    :
                              :     `          :
                              :                ;
                              :                :

                 ._____.                     \  ______ \
       _______   |     |        __________    \ \     \ \___   __________
  _____\     /___|     |________\ __     /_______\     \_______\ __     /
  \    _____/    |     |_          /    /        _\     \         /    /
   \   \        _|     |/         _____/         \_             ______/
    \   \       \|     /__________\               /________________\ __/
     \___________|     |-pnk!h     \_____________/ __________________\
                 |     |                        __/
                 |     |                       / _______
      ________   |     |         _____        / /      /      ___________
 _____\  ____/___|     |________½½½½½½½________/ _____/_______\    _____/_____
 \     \_____    |     |_      ½½½½ ½½½½         \             \______       /
  \         /    |     |/      ½½½½ ½½½½          \_______           /______/
   \        \____|     /_______½½½½ ½½½½______________\              \ ______/
    \________\   |_____|        ½½½½½½½        _______ \______________\\
                                 ¯¯¯¯¯                \_________________\

                                  A K A

                e v e r   k i l l e d   a   f a s c i s t ?

                                  l___/ \___|

                          _______________  \  ______ \
      ______.   _ _ ______\  __________ /___\ \     \ \___ _ _   .________
     /      |________________\ __     /________\     \___________|       /
    /       |_                  /    /         _\     \         _|      /
 / /________|/ -pnk!h          _____/          \_      \        \|_____/ /
/__________ /__________________\________________/_______\________\ _____/
  p u n k . c a s e 7 8 . r o o s t e r . r e a c t . r a v e . t h r e a z

             do you still rememba? :  one fascist - one bullet!
               der erste schuss ging sauber durch die stirn....

                           ANTIFA heißt angriff

     i m p o r t a n t   i n t r o / i n f o s   c o m i n g   u p ! :

                /_   .______.
    ::_ _________/___|_     l_         ________________
 ._(___)__  ___ /     /      /    _____\__    __      /
 |       /---/ .     /       |___\\_     /___        /
 l______/   /_______/________     \   __/\  /-------/
 .___ _______)                   (_______ ______.
 |   \\                                 //      |
 |      hi y'all - punk! on da mike now !       |
 |      ---------------------------------       |
 | fuck the u$a.yez,okay... well,it took me     |
 | a quite long time to finish thiz colly.      |
 | it'z a quite a good colly i think,with       |
 | some aggressive quotes...datz right i just   |
 | sick of these idiotz you're surrounded some- |
 | times by...fuck 'em...bzzz.....break!...     |
 | lookin' back at my previous collies i see    |
 | only crap - they're like used bongwater...   |
 | break....let me smoke a pot first.........   |
 | okay...i just love you mary jane....         |
 | just judge by yourself if you like thiz piece|
 | of art...and don't tell me?!?                |
 | ah...fuck...just one thing to tell ya...     |
 | the co-operation colly with case78 won't     |
 | be released before '97.........              |
 | fuck you....fuck germoney....                |
 | end....                                      |
 | p.s: threaz joined us lately in finland ...  |
 |      a loud hello goes out to him!           |
 |      high threaz !!! welcome m8e             |
 |                                              |
 | da punka aka punk!                           |
 |                                              |
 |___//______                     _____\\_______|
 `           )___________________(              '

       e n d   o f   i n f o - i n t r o   o r   w h a t s e v e r !

              did i tell you already that i love mary jane ?!
       i'm fuckin' in love with her,you know - she's just so sweeeet

           ____________                      ______________
       ____\ ________ /_________ ._________  \ __________ /_
  _______ ___\___   /____________|        /____\ __     /____½½½½ ½½½½
 /      /       /               _|       /        /    /     ½½½½ ½½½½
/      /       /_________       \|______/      _______/       ½½½½½½½
______/________\-pnk!h/__________\     /_______\_____________½½½½ ½½½½
-------------------------------------------------------------½½½½ ½½½½
.__ ______________________________________________________________ __.
|  \\                                                            //  |
|- ------ no. --  name  ----------- for  ----------------------- -   |

          o1  --  appendix          blaze/sqz^apx
          o2  --  bizarre arts      rave/lsd^bzr^h!
          o3  --  credits           threaz/h!^???
          o4  --  fiction factory   rave/lsd^bzr^h!
          o5  --  haujobb           noodle/hjb
          o6  --  illusion          aweson^ramirez/ils
          o7  --  jamaica           rewdboi
          o8  --  kingston          rewdboi
          o9  --  lsd               zod^rave/lsd
          1o  --  noodle            noodle/hjb
          11  --  phuture303        blaze/sqz^apx
          12  --  rave              rave/lsd^bzr^h!
          13  --  rewdboi           rewdboi
          14  --  scoopex           case78/scx^c!s^h!
          15  --  skynet            zod/lsd^soia^aqs^sos
          16  --  squeezers         blaze/sqz^apx
          17  --  the sect          blaze/sqz^apx
          18  --  threaz            threaz/h!^???
          19  --  twisted realms    devistator/elt^-t!^tsk
          2o  --  wanna ascii       threaz/h!^???
.__ ______________________________________________________________ __.
|  \\                                                            //  |
|   - ---------------------------------------------------------- -   |

                       i hate you mainstream dudez!
                         so don't bore me assholes

                    stay as you are & ignore the idiotz

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     oo1 / o2o        says: appendix
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: blaze/apx^p303
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

 \ _____ \                                  ____________  .__________
__\\    \ \_ ________   ________   ________ \ ________ /__|.___________½½½ ½½½
____\    \___\ __   /___\ __   /___\ __   /___\___   /_____|      /    ½½½ ½½½
    _\          /  /       /  /       /  /       /  /     _|     /      ½½½½½
    \_      ______/    ______/    ______/       /         \|____/_____/½½½ ½½½
     /__________\          \______\             \__________\ _________ ½½½ ½½½
____/-pnk!h      \__________\      \_____________\ __________\

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     oo2 / o2o        says: bizarre arts
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: rave/bzr^lsd
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

______             ___________   _____
_____.|_____   ____\ _______ /__ \    \    ________   ________   _________
     |_______ _______\___  /______\    \___\___   /___\___   /___\ __    /____
     |_     /     /    ___/       _\         _/_____    _/_____     /   /    /
     |/    /     /     \          \_         \          \        ______/    /
__________/_____/_______\          /_________/          /________\         /
 ________                \________/         /__________/       __ \_______/ /
 \ _____ \    ____________                                       \_________/
__\\    \ \___\ ________ /__  _______       ________
____\    \______\___   /_____/  ____/_______\  ____/_______   B I Z A R R E
    _\            _/____        \            \____        /
    \_            \              \______         /_______/          A R T S
     /____________/                  \___________\
____/-pnk!h      /____________________\

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     oo3 / o2o        says: credits
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: threaz/head!
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

 _____________                                                  ____________
 \ _________ /  _______     _________     ._________     ½½½½ __\ ________ /__
___\       /____\___  /_____\ __    /_____|        /_____½½½½_____\   ___/____
    ______/       _/_____      /   /     _|       /    ½½½½½½½½½   \____     /
    \             \          _____/      \|______/      /½½½½          /____/
__________________/          \            \ ___ /______/ ½½½½ ½½½½_____\ ____/
-pnk!h           /_________________________\\             ½½½½½½½  ______\

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     oo4 / o2o        says: fiction factory
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: rave/bzr^lsd
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

                              |                 |
                   ___________| fiction factory |
 _______        ___\ ________ |   _______       |                ________
/ _____/_________ ___\      /____/  ____/________________________\___   /_____
           /    /   _______/        \                /              /        /
    ______/    /    \                \________      /              /        /
       \______/__________________________\_________/               \_______/
________\   _________         .                 . /_________________\
            \ ______ \        |       _________ |      ____________
 _______  ___\\     \ \__ _______     _______ /_|______\ ________ /_ ½½½ ½½½
/ _____/_______\     \____\     /____/  ____/____________\___   /____½½½ ½½½
           /   _\     \  ______/        \                  _/ ______  ½½½½½½
   _______/    \_        \               \_______          \             ½½½
      \         /____________________________\             /_________½½½ ½½½
_______\_______/              |               \___________/ _________ ½½½½½ __
______________________________|          a     _|__________/
                              |  b i z a r r e  |
  sysop: dave / bizarre arts  |          t      | n1: +49(0)40 756 60 223 v34
   co's: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  |          s      | n2: +49(0)40 756 60 224 v34
         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  |                 | n3: +49(0)40 756 60 225 isdn
------------------------------|-     w h q     -|-----------------------------

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     oo5 / xxx        says: haujobb
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: noodle/hjb
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

           \ ______ \
  _____. ___\\     \ \___ ______       ._______             _________.
 /     |______\     \_____\     \      |      /     ____.   \ _____. |
/      |_     _\     \     \     \_____|     ½½½½½½½    |_____\    |________
_______|/     \_      \    |\    /    /|    ½½½½ ½½½½   |_     \   |_      /
       /       /________________/          /½½½½ ½½½½   |/         |/     /
      /_______/-pnk!h   ______ /__________/ ½½½½ ½½½½__________    /     /
                             /_____________  ½½½½½½½  _______ __________/

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     oo6 / o2o       says: illusion
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/   for: aweson/ils
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

                        _________                                ____________
      _______ ______  __\ ______ \___ _________                  \ ________ /
  ____\_     \      \_____\     \_____\   ____/___ _____ ½½½½½½½ __\___   /____
 /      /     \      \     \     \     \____      /     ¾¾¾½ ½½½½     /       /
/      /\      \      \    |\              /_____/      ½½½½ ½½½½    /_______/
______/  \      \      \___________________\    /______/½½½½ ½½½½____\ _______
-pnk!h    \______\ _____\                                ½½½½½½½ ______\

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     oo7 / o2o       says: jamaica
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/   for: rewdboi
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

     .________ ______                    ______                    ______
     |       / \     \_______            \     \                   \     \
_____|      /___\     \      \  _______ __\     \  ______½½½½½½½ ___\     \
    /|     /    _\     \      \/      /   _\     \/     ½½½½ ½½½½   _\     \
          /     \_      \     \/     /    \_      \     ½½½½  /     \_      \
_________/       /_____________\    /      /___________/½½½½ ½½½½    /_______\
        /_______/-pnk!h      /_____/______/              ½½½½½½½____/

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     oo8 / o2o       says: jamaica
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/   for: rewdboi
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

 ______                _______             _______    _____          _______
_\    /____   _________\___  /___ ½½½½½½___\  ___/___/ ___/__________\___  /____
   __/_______/     /      /      ½½½        \_____     \                /      /
   \        /     /      /       ½½½ ½½½½        /      \____          /______/
____\      /_____/       \_______½½½  ½½½________\__________\__________\-pnk!h
     \_______\  /_________\       ½½½½½½½

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     oo9 / o2o       says: lsd
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/   for: zod^rave/lsd
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

       __________  ________\ ____________ /             .__________
       \         \___________\   _______/_______________|         /
        \         \           \____          \         _|        /
         \         \              /___________\        \|_______/ /
          \_________\_____________\            \________\ _______/
           -pnk!h                             \___________\

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o1o / o2o       says: noodle
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/   for: noodle/hjb
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

      ________                          ._______________     _________
  ____\___   /____½½½½½½   ½½½½½½ ______|       \       \____\ __    /________
 /       /       ½½½  ½½½ ½½½  ½½½     _|        \       \      /   /        /
/       /________½½½  ¾¾¾ ½½½  ½½½     \|_________\       \     ___/        /
________\        ½½½  ½½½ ½½½  ½½½______\          \_______\____\          /
-pnk!h            ½½½½½½   ½½½½½½                                \________/

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o11 / o2o       says: phuture 303
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/   for: blaze/p303^apx
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

  _____________. _ __\ ______   ______ /_ ______     _______   __________
__\ __    /    |_______\     \_/ ____/____\     \____\___  /___\ __     /____
     /   /     |_       \     \  \         \     \     _/_____    /    /    /
 _______/______|/       |\     \  \______  |\     \    \        ______/    /
    \          /________________\__________________\___/        \         / /
_____\                                                /__________________/ /
-pnk!h                ½½½½½    .½½½.    ½½½½½   /_________________________/
                     ½½  ½½½  ½½½ ½½½  ½½  ½½½
                        ½½½   ½½½ ½½½     ½½½
                     ½½  ½½½  ½½½ ½½½  ½½  ½½½
                      ½½½½½½  ·½½½½½·   ½½½½½½

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o12 / o2o       says: rave
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/   for: rave/lsd^bzr
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

            _______      \     \ _______                _________
      ______\___  /_______\     \       \ ._______ _____\ __    /______
      \       _/_____     _\     \       \|      /         /   /      /
       \      \           \_      \       \     /       ______/      /
        \_____/            /___________________/________\           /
             /____________/-pnk!h                        \_________/

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o13 / o2o       says: rewdboi
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/   for: rewdboi
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

  ________     _________    \     \         .___________.
__\___   /_____\ __    /     \     \________|           |_______½½½½½½½_______
    _/______      /   /_____ /\     \      _|           |_     ½½½½ ½½½½     /
    \           _____/      /  \     \     \|______     |/     ½½½½ ½½½½    /
____/           \            /\_____________\   /______________½½½½ ½½½½___/
   /________________________/-pnk!h                             ½½½½½½½

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o14 / o2o       says: scoopex
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/   for: case78/scx^c!s
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------| g r o u p  l o g o s |------------------------>>

             ____________                               ____________
   ________  \ ________ /_  ½½½½½½             ________ \ ________ /_______
___\  ____/____\      /____½½½  ½½½  ½½½½½½ ___\ __   /___\ __   /__\     /___
    \____       _____/     ½½½  ½½½ ½½½  ½½½      /  /       /  /    \   /   /
        /_____  \          ½½½  ½½½ ½½½  ½½½   _____/    ______/      \     /
________\ __ /______________½½½½½½  ½½½  ½½½      \______\            /____/ /
-pnk!h     /________________         ½½½½½½________\      \__________/ _____/

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o15 / o2o        says: skynet
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: zod/lsd^sos^soia
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------|     b b s  l o g o s |------------------------>>

                         |                      |
             __________  |          s k y n e t |  _____________   __ _ _ _
   ________  \ ______ /__|  ½½½ ½½½    ________ |__\ _________ /__/ ______
___\  ____/____\    /_______½½½ ½½½____\___   /______\ __    /_____/ ____/____
    \____        __/______   ½½½½½½       /             /   /        \       /
        /_____   \              ½½½      /           ______/          \_____/
________\ __ /____\         ½½½ ½½½      \___________\                    \
-pnk!h     /______ \________ ½½½½½½_______\     .____ \____________________\
_________________________.                      |    \________________________
                         |        l s d         |
  sysop : zod/lsd^sos    |    a q u a r i u s   |    node1: 28.8oo power!
              soia^aqs   |      s o i a !       |    node2: 16.8oo power!
_________________________|        s o s         |    node3: 19.2oo power!
                         |                      |    node4: 19.2oo power!
                         |  g e r m a n    h q  |    node5: power!
                         |______________________|    node6: power!

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o16 / o2o        says: squeezers
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: blaze/apx^p303
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------|     b b s  l o g o s |------------------------>>

   ______           _____    ______  ______  ______  ______  _____  ______
___\  __/___½½½½½½__\    \___\ _  /__\ _  /__\__  /__\ _  /__\__ /__\  __/____
    \___   ½½½ ½½½   \    \    / /     / /     __/     / /    _/____ \___    /
       /___½½½ ½½½   |\      ___/    ___/      \     ___/     \         /___/
_______\   ½½½ ½½½___________\_______\          \____\        /_________\
            ½½½½½½-pnk!h              \__________\    \______/

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o17 / o2o        says: the sect
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: blaze/apx^p303
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------|     b b s  l o g o s |------------------------>>

 _______   ._____.   ___\ _________ /         node1: +48 91 879493
/ _____/___|     |________\ __    //________  node2: +48 91 private
  \              |_          /   /_______  /  node3: +48 91 sooon!?
   \_____________|/        _____/       / /  .__________________.
       \-pnk!h   /         \           / /   |                  |
________\       /_____________________/ /    | t h e   s e c t! |
_____________        __________________/     |   _____________  |
             \_______\ ________    _________ |___\ _________ /__| ______
o p e n :        ______\  ____/____\ __    /_______\       /_____/ ____/______
22.oo-13.oo      \      \____         /   /       ________/        \         /
weekend :         \         /_____  _____/        \                 \_______/
22.oo-1o.oo        \________\    /  \         __________________________\
_______________________________ /_____________\                 .
                              /______________.  appendix  w h q |
sysop : madbart / apx        /               |   anadune  p h q |
 co's :     vip / apx       / node1: 19.2oo  |   venture  p h q |
        xxxxxxxxxxxxx      /  node2: 19.2oo  | venus art  p h q |
--------------------------/__________________| old bulls    h q |
                                             | ozone free   h q |

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o18 / o2o        says: threaz
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: threaz/head!
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------|     b b s  l o g o s |------------------------>>

 _______   ._____         _______     _________     \     \      _______
/ _____/___|     |________\___  /_____\ __    /______\     \_____\___  /______
  \        |     |_         _/_____      /   /       _\     \      ___/      /
   \_______|     |/         \         ______/        \_            \        /
       \   |     /__________/         \               /_____________\      /
________\  |_____|         /_________________________/-pnk!h         \    /
                                                                      \  /

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o19 / o2o        says: twisted realms
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: devistator/-t!
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------|     b b s  l o g o s |------------------------>>

                             |                    |
          __________         |  twisted realms !  |
          \ _______ \        |                    |    _____________
 _______   \\      \ \______ |  _________     ½½½½ ____\ _________ /  .______
/ _____/___  \      \  _________\   ____/_____½½½½_______\  __   /____|     /
  \      ____/\      \/      /   \____      ½½½½½½½½½        /  /    _|    /
   \_______ /  \     /      /        /________½½½½         ____/     \|___/
       \     /\_____/______/_________\        ½½½½ ½½½_____\          \-pnk!h
________\___/   _____________.  ______        ¯½½½½½½¯      \__________\
    ________    \ _________  |_ \     \______________             _______
____\___   /______\ __    /______\     \      \      \  __________\  ___/_____
      _/______       /   /       _\     \      \      \/      /    \____     /
      \            _____/        \_      \      \     \/     /         /    /
______/            \              /_______\      \_____\    /         /____/ /
__ _ /___________________________/         \______\  /_____/__________\ ____/
   /_________________________.___/                ._____________________\
  /                          |                    |
   sysop: devistator/-t!^elt |    e l t e c h     | node1: +44(0)28k8-powa!
    co's: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |  t w i s t e d !   | node2: +44(0)28k8-powa!
          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |      h e a d       | node3: +telnet
-----------------------------|- -              - -|---------------------------
                             |      u k h q       |

___.    _______   ____      .______ _______________ \  /______________________
   |____\ __  /___\   \_____|      .\             /_.\/
   |_      / /    _\   \   _|-pnk!     o2o / o2o        says: wanna ascii
___|/    ___/     \_       \|_______________________/    for: threaz/head!
   /     \         /________\                      /__________________________
--/_______________/---------. c h e a p  s h O t s .--------------------------
----------------------------|     b b s  l o g o s |------------------------>>

       _______        ______                                 ______
       \      \       \     \                   ________     \     \
        \      \_______\     \___½½½½½½½½_______\___   /______\     \
________/\      \      _\     \ ½½½½  ½½½½         /          _\     \
\      /  \            \_       ½½½½  ½½½½        /           \_      \
 \______/\              /_______½½½½  ½½½½________\            /_______\
        __\____________/        ½½½½  ½½½½     /______________/-pnk!h
        \     \     ________      _________
_________\     \____\  ____/______\       /______ _______ ______
\        _\     \    \_____      ________/       /      /      /
 \       \_      \        /      \              /      /      /
  \       /_______\      /_____________________/______/______/
   \_____/         \    /
                    \  /

     i'm sick of all wanking idiots/mainstream-dudez/arrogant assholes

                         hetzjagd auf naz¡s rules!

                 __________           ______.       __.
       __________\____    //__________\     | /\ __/  |________ _  _
      /    _    /____/    /        /   _    |/ ·\     _     /___
      \    /___/__ _/  __/ _______/    /    .   \\    \   _/   /_____
_  _ __\_ /      /_\_   \_  __/ \\_   /     |    \\    \_//____     /
        \\______/   \\___/  \    \\\______/_|     \\____\_    /   _/__ _  _
          \           \ \________\\__ _  /__________\D! /________//
           ·           ·          \                             /
         _)                                                      (_
        |                c h e a p  %  s h o t s                   |
        |                ------------------------>                 |
        |                                                          |
        |  was produced by :       p u n k ! / head!               |
        |                                                          |
        |      guest-stars :       2 f a s t / ex.contra!          |
        |                        c a s e 7 8 / head!               |
        |                        d e s e r t / dezign              |
        |                        e x o c e t / arclite             |
        |                              h 2 o / contra              |
        |                          m o g u e / arclite             |
        |                          r a p i d / contra              |
        |                        r e l i e f / twisted             |
        |_                                                        _|

\    _   _    /_____         _____
 \___/   \___/ ____/ ________\  _/_____ ______        _______       _ ______
    /     \  ____/___\_    /   _      /_\_    \_ _____\_    /  ______      /
   /_______\ \      /_/___/__  /     /   /     /_\  / _/___/___\_    \_ __/___
        /__________/ \      /_/_____/   /     /    /  \      / _/     / \    /
                /__________/     /_____/_____/    /_________/ _      /______/
                          _____           /______/rpd!   /____/_____/
        _ ____________ ___\   /______             ______
                      /      /_\_    \_ ________ _\_    \_ _________________ _
                     /      /   /     /_\_     /   /     /
._ ________________ /______/   /     /   /____/   /     /
|                       /_____/_____/  ____/___________/_____________ _ ___ /_
|    tECHNICAL iNFO !              /______/                                 //

          |  name of colly :  cheap shots (ever killed a fascist ?)      |
          | art¡st / group :  da punka aka punk! / head!                 |
          |      colly no. :  17 total / 12 this year                    |
          |  guest paintaz :  case78/head!     -  punk                   |
          |                   relief/twisted   -  intro                  |
          |                   desert/dezign    -  credits                |
          |                   rapid/contra!    -  technical info         |
          |                   mogue&h2o/al^c!  -  greets                 |
          |                   exocet/arclite   -  respect                |
          |                   2fast/ex.contra! -  where 2 bitch me       |
          |                                    -  head! fid              |

          !   no. of logos :   ooo.o2o logos           |
          !         o.size :   o52.5oo bytes           |
          !   no. of lines :   oo1.6oo lines           |
          | :  29 october 1996          |

          |  music support :  59 times the pain / breach / deftones / korn   |
          |                   mindjive / propaghandi / raised fist / refused |
          |                   slapshot / slime / snapcase / storffcake       |
          |                   thrashcan trasher / the notwist                |
          |  hardware used :  a12oo / 420 mb hd rulez!                       |
          |  software used :  ced v.2                                        |
          |     drugz used :  könig ludwig dunkel / l&m cigarettes           |
          |                   jack herer grass / orange bud                  |

                     __  __ _                    __    ______
              _______\/_//                 ______\/__ |      |_        __ _
           _ _\______\/ /   __________  _ _\_____\/ / |      _/_______//
_______________   _/  _/__ _\    ____/______  _/   /_ |      |_\_ ____/___
\       _      |  \      /_     ___/      _/  \___/  \_     _| ________   \_
 \      \_     |   \    / \  _____________\           /_ ___\  \      /    /
  \______/     | ___\  /   \/H2o!    _ _____________ /       \  \   _/    /
        |______|     \/                            \/ _ _________\ ______/



  some of these people seem to be dead,but they're greeted anyway...

       _______ .......... _\_______¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾. _____.  :::::::::::     |_
___.___\_    /:   ......:   \     / ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾     _|__:·        :      /___
   :   _/   /_:   ...::..____\    \ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾·   _|    /   :::::::     |
   |___\      /   `:    \    |\    \¾¾¾¾    \_________\    ::::::_____|
        \    /:........./__________¾¾¾¾¾¾ ÷e÷         :.        :
         \  /                        \                :::::::::::
 -------- \/ --------------------------------------------------------------
 to these ascii-artistz,for having a innotive style/producing well styled
 pieces of art/having 1oo% their own styles/(still) belonging to the top.....

 case78 - crusader - danzig - desoto - devistator - exocet - gozz - grimlock
 h2o - jedi - karma - misfit - mogue - mortimer twang - ramon - rapid - relief
 stezotehic - stylez - treach - u-man - zod - zorro.........


 (german) bbs^sysop respect:
      straight hate - mogue!  ,  homeless - slime!  ,  skynet - zod!

                         i just believe in myself
                   no one to thrust & no one to believe

   _!_____    _____                                               _____
    |    /__  \   /______  ___   ____    _!____       ___    ___  \   /__
    |   /  /\_/  /  /  _/ /   \_/  _/     |   /__/\   / /_  /   \_/  /  /
    |  /  /  /     /  _/_/  /__/  _/_     |  \  /2F\ /  _/_/  /__/     /
    |_______/__/  /_ /  /__/  /_ /  /  2  |____/____\_ /  /_ /  /__/  /  me
              /___\ \__/        \__/                  \__/  \__/  /___\

    catch me on diz boards:
|        homeless - sysop:      -slime! - +49(o)ask-around      |
|   straight hate - sysop:       mogue! - +49(o)ask-around      |
|          skynet - sysop:         zod! - +49(o)ask-around      |
|       los endos - sysop:  ghandy&exon - +49(o)ask-around      |
|  uphold the law - sysop:  ramses&paso - +49(o)ask-around      |
|     point break - sysop:       voyage - +49(o)ask-around      |
|  punishment inc.- sysop:       siegel - +49(o)ask-around      |
|       paralysis - sysop:       ?????? - +49(o)ask-around      |
|                                                               |
|   or on some more german boards (try punk! or pinki)          |
    contact me via snail-mail:
| find my new addy in some diskmags                             |

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ      ____    ____         _____
    _/  / \__/  _/  _____ _\__  \_
   /       /   _/__/     /   /   /
  /___/   /__ /   //    /__ /   /
.\                                        /.
|          c h e a p  ½  s h o t z!        |
|          ------------------------        |
|           ever killed a fascist?         |
|                                          |
|_       b y :  p u n k !  / h e a d !    _|