                 \/__ _
  -     -  ------/\/                               -   -  ---·----    -
                /   it is spanish california, the date 1783  |
               /_____________________________________________l_   _

                            w  e  l  c  o  m  e  

                                  t  o 

                ________    _______\\___  _____________\\___                  
               _\    __/____\    _     /__\___      /      /            
             //_____/      /_____\____/____/_______/_______\\            
     __//_______ __________________ _______\\____ ___ _________________ 
    _\         /_       /\  _     /_\     _     /    \      /    _    /_
   \\_\_______/_\______/____\       /_____\____/______\____/____________\\

                      c  a  p  i  s  t  r  a  n  o  

       You know not the time of day, nor letter with which it is written
       you know only the harsh and brutal world of the Spanish crown and
       the Catholic missions.  From the hideous surroundings of disease,
       starvation and slavery rises a hero of elagent origins, who vows
       to fight for liberty ... for freedom.


                    his name was ....

                          Don Diego De la Vega

                                 .... Zorro

                 \/__ _
  -     -  ------/\/                               -   -  ---·----    -
                /    an ascii collection from the house of   |
               /_____________________________________________l_   _


     _____     _                                     _     _____
     \            k             a          r            m       \      a
             _             _                     _              _
        _____//___   _______\\_____________ ______\ _____________\\___
       _\    \  _/___\    _     /\  _     /_\     / _  //      _     /_
     //______/      /_____\____/____\       /_____\/     \_____\_______\\
            /_______\\               \______\\    /_______\pk^
                    a  r  t     s  y  n  d  i  c  a  t  e
            \_____        _                              _        _____\


                 \/__ _
  -     -  ------/\/                               -   -  ---·----    -
                /                authored by                 |
               /_____________________________________________l_   _

_||_\__    / __________                
 |: /_____/__\        /   ________     
_|:___\      _\      /____\      /   ________
 |:    \_____/      /    _/     /__ _\  _   /        ________
 |:         /------/_____\        /    /___/-\ ______\_     /   _______
 |:                       \------/_____ /     \       _    /____\     /
 |:                                    /-------\      \___/     /    /___
 |:                                             \------\  ______\       /
 |:                                                             /\-----/
 |:                                                            /      /
 |:  The European ascii antics of Karma Inc. are back with    /-------\____
 |:  some two-bit-random gabber-loving hardcore-fucking art ________\_    /
 |:  which is sure to blow the so called art world competi- \        _   /
 |:  tion back to Kansas.  So, sit back relax and enjoy the  \       \__/
 |:  show ...                                                 \-------\
 |:                 phreak klass                              \    _/____ 
 |$                                                          ___\___      \_
 |$$:::::::::              karma ascii artist               \\_____/       /
 `---------.:                                                  ___/-------/
           |:                        feb two-thousand          \    _/____
           |::::::                                           ___\___      \_
           `----.:                                          \\_____/       /

     ______      _\\ __         _____
  _<<_    /_  \    / _//_ ______\_   \_
 _\  /      \_/    \/    \_      _    /_
\\___\       /_____/      /      /_____//
     /_______\\   /_______\\______\pk^
|                                       |
|        k a r m a  !  a s c i i        |
|     " c a p i s t r a n o "  b y      |
|         p h r e a k  k l a s s        | 


                "Let them eat the lie and swallow it with their
                 bread.  Whether the two were lovers or no,
                 they'll have accounted to God for it by now.
                 I have my own fish to fry."

                 Miguel de Cervantes "Don Quixote de la Mancha"

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: talo                            _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

                  ___\           /____  ______\  _________       
               ___\  /__________\\_   \_      /__\   _    \_      
              \\_    \    \_      _    /     /       /     _//   
               /____/      /      /___/______\\___________/       

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: karma                           _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

          ____/\\         _____    _______/\\    __\\ __          _____
    ____<<_    /_ ________\_   \_ _\  _    /_ \     / _//_ _______\_   \_
   _\     /      \_        _    /     /      \/     \/    \_       _    /_
 //_______\       /        /___/ ____/       /______/      /       /_____//
          /____  /\_________\pk^    /_________//   /_______\\_______\

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: karma                           _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

             _             _                     _              _
        _____//___   _______\\_____________ ______\ _____________\\___
       _\    \  _/___\    _     /\  _     /_\     / _  //      _     /_
     //______/      /_____\____/____\       /_____\/     \_____\_______\\
            /_______\\               \______\\    /_______\pk^

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: aerosol                         _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

                         ___________ ___________
 ____\\__________________\   _     /__    _     \_                        
_\    _    /    _     /______\       /___________//_                 ______
\\____/___/____/_____/_\pk^   \______\\         __//________________/      \              
·_____________________________________________ _\        /    _     \       \_
|                                          _·_\\_\______//___________\_______//           
|         a e r o s o l   a s c i i         |________________________________·_  
|                                                                            | 

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: skid row                        _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

                 __//_______ ____/___  ____//__  \___________
                _\         /    /  //___       /  \_        /_
               \\_\_______/_____\______//_____/ ___/________\\
                   ___________ ___________ _______ _________  
                  _\   _     /__   _      \_      /       //_ 
                _//____\       /___________//____/\______/   

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: greets                          _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

    ________       ___________   __________ __________ _________ __//_______
   _\    __/_______\   _     /__/   _     /    _     /_        /_\         /
 //_____/_       / ____\       /___/_____/_\__/_____/_\_______/\\_\_______/
         /_______\\pk^  \______\\  -· greets ·-

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: aerosol                         _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

                        _________\_   \_           
      ::::: :::::    :::\a        _    /__________:::..  :::::    :::::
   : :::::: :::::::: ::::\        /___/   _      /::: :: :::::::: :::::
      ::::: ::::: :: :::: \________\ __  /______/____ :: ::::: :: :::::
   :::::::: :::::    :::: :__\  _     /___//       e/ :: ::::: :: :::::
   :: ::::::::::::::::::::\r    /       \ /________/:    ::::: :: :::::
   :: ::::: ::::: .. :::: :\___/        /__\ _    o\_::::::::::::::::::
   :: ::::: ::::: :: :::: ____/________/     /      /::: ::::: :: :::::
   :: ::::: ::::: :: :::: \s   _//__________       /:::: ::::: :: :::::         
   :: ::::: ::::: :: :::: :\           \_  /______/ :::: ::::: :: :::::
   :: ::::: ::::: :: ::::___\_          /__\ _    o\_::: ::::: :: :::::    
   :: ::::: ::::: :: :::\\___\_________/     /      /::: ::::: :: :::::
   :: ::::: ::::: :: :::: \l        _______        /:::: ::::: :: :::::
   :::::::: :::::::: :::: :\        \     /_______/::::: :::::::: :::::
      ::::: :::::    ::::   \        \             ::::: :::::    :::::


         "Valour lies just halfway between rashness and cowardice"

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: scene net                       _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

        ______\       _____\     ________\   ________\   ________\
        \    //____ _\   __/__ __\  _    /  _\  _     \__\  _    /
       __\        \_    \     \_   /____/____   /      /   /____/____
     _//__\        / ___/      / ___//      /__/      / ____//      /
           \______/    /______/     /______/  /_______\\pk^ /_______\\
                    ________\   ________\    ___\
                   _\  _     \__\  _    / ___\  /______  
                 _\\   /      /   /____/__\_    \      \_
                  /___/      / ____//      /____/       /_
                     /_______\\    /_______\\  /_________//_

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: main menu                       _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

      __\\             _____     __\    ______
    \    / _//_  ______\_   \___(__/ ___\_    \_ 
    /    \/    \_       _    \     /     /     /
   /_____/      /       /___/_____\_____/     /
        /_______\\ ______\pk^          /______\\
                        __\\      ___________        _______ _______       
                      \    / _//_ \   _     /   _____\_     \_     /_______
                      /    \/    \_  /_____/____      /      /    /     _/
                     /____ /      / ___//      / ____/      /____/_    /
                          /_______\\   /______/     /_______\\  /______\\

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: hpa                             _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

              ________       _____________         _____   
            \\       /_____ _\   _       /_________\_   \_ 
             /     _/      \_   /_______\           _    /
            /_____\         /______\pk^  \          /____\\
                  /_________\             \__________\pk^

                  hPA aRCHIVES -- hACK pHREAK aNARCHY

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: trsi                            _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

                 ___\      ________\_ _______  _        ___\
              ___\  /______\  _    /_ \    _//____ ____(___/ 
             \\_    \    \_   /      \_\          \_       /___ 
              /____/      /__/       /__\          /________\\/_  
                  /_______\\/________\\  \_________\\pk^

                     -·( tristar and red sector inc )·-

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: rave                            _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

            ______\           _____  _____\     _________\
           _\  _  /___ _______\_   \_     /____    _     /
         _/    \      \_       _    /    /     \  /_____/____
       \\ _____/       /       /___/____/_    / ___//       /
              /________\\______\       /______\\pk^/________\\

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: members                         _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

         ___\/________ ___         _          _          ___ __ ___·__ _
          \\/\/                                                    |
   __\\    / ________\     __\\        ____\   ________\   ______\ |____\
 \    / _//__   _    /   \    / _//_ _/   _/__    _    /  _\  _  /_|\  //____
 /    \/    \_ /____/____/    \/    \_    _   \_ /____/____   /    \_\       \_
/_____/      / __//     /_____/      /__  /    / __//     /__/      /_\       /
     /_______\\  /______\\pk^/_______\\/______/    /______\ /_______\\ \_____//
     //                                                            |
     /_____________________________________________________________l__ __ _

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: street life                     _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

 _ ___ _______·___________________________________________________·____ _
            __|                                                   |
           \\_.            s  t  r  e  e  t  l  i  f  e           |
              |                                                   |
______\       |___\        ________\ __________\   __________\    l__\
\   _//____ __l\  /_____  _\  _    /_    _     /      _      / ___\  /______
_\         \_     \     \_    /      \  /_____/____  /______/__\_    \      \_
__\         /____/       /___/       /___//       /___//        /___/        /
pk^\________\\| /________\\ /________\\  /________\\  /_________\\|/_________\\
              |                                                   |
              l______________     _______________.                |___
                             \   /               |                ._//
                              \//                |      /\\       |
                                                 l_____/  _\______l
 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: main menu                       _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

         _______       ______    ___      _________
  ______ \ _// /_______\_    \__\\__)____\\_       \_
 \   \\_\//     /       _     /      /     /        /
/_______\/___  /________\__  /____  /_____/______  /
             \//           \//pk^ \//            \//
                           _______   ___________   _________         ______ 
                   _______ \ _// /__\\         /__\\_       \_______/      \
                  \    \\_\//     /     _     /_    /        /     /      /
                 /________\/___  /______/____/_ \__/______  /__________  /
                               \//             \//        \//          \//

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title:aerosol                          _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

      ______    _________   _________  _______    _______     _______ ________
______\_    \__\\       /__\\_      /_\\ _    \__\\    _//___\\ _    \_      /
\      _     /    _    /_    /     /     /     /____       /    /     /     /

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: welcome                         _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

      ______  _______________  _____        _______          _____   _________
  ____\    /_\\       /     /_/   _/_______\\ _    \______  /_// /__\\       /
\\    /\   \     _   /_    /_     \      /    /     /  \\_\//     /     _   /_
/__________ \____/__/__\____\\ _______  /________  /______\/___  /______/__/__\
           \//                        \//        \//pk^        \//


 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: download                        _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

             ___________  ________ _______           ________
        ____\\ _       /_\\ _     \_     /__________\\_      \_ 
        \      /      /     /      /    /\      /     /       /
        /_____/____  /__________  /_____/\___  /_____/_____  /
                   \//          \//          \//pk^        \//
         _____/\\  _______/\\        ____/\\     ___________/\\
        \\     /__\\    _   \________\_    \____\\ _         /
         /    /         /    /        _     /      /        /
        /    /______________/_________\____/______/______  /
       /______\\                                         \//

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: upload                          _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

                             _______    ____________
                    ________/      /___\\_         /
                    \      /      /     /_________/
                    /__________  /_____  /pk^
                               \//     \//
           _____/\\  _______/\\        ____/\\     ___________/\\
          \\     /__\\    _   \________\_    \____\\ _         /
           /    /         /    /        _     /      /        /
          /    /______________/_________\____/______/________/

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: asl                             _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

                       _____    ______       _______   
                 ______\_   \___\   _//_____\\     /
                 \      _    \               /    /
                  \     \_____/_____        /    /_
                 //______\pk^     //_______/______\\

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: logon                           _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

      ________   _________    ______          _________     __________   
     \\      /__\\    _   \__/   __/_________\\ _      \___\\ _       \_ 
      /     /         /    /     \_       /     /       /     /        /
     /     /____________  /_______/____  /___________  /_____/______  /
    /_______\\pk^       \//            \//           \//            \//

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: logoff                          _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

   ________   _________    ______          _________     ________   _______
  \\      /__\\    _   \__/   __/_________\\ _      \___\\  ____/__ \\____/
   /     /         /    /     \_       /     /       /      \  /      \ 
  /     /____________  /_______/____  /___________  /______/  /______/
 /_______\\pk^       \//            \//           \//                

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: greets                          _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

   ______          ____________ _____________ ___________ _______    _
__/   __/_________\\  _       /             /           /       /___//________
\     \_       /      \      /_     _      /    _      \       \             /
/______/____  /_______/_______ \____/_____/_\___/_____/_\____  //_________  /
            \//pk^            \//                            \//          \//

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: cash M                          _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

       \   (____________________                                 ____ 
        \                       \             ___________________)  //
      ___\___             _______\_    _     /        _____________/_____. 
   _ /    __/_____________\_      /___//____/___ _____\                  |_
   \\     \       /        _     \             /     /_                  //
   /_______\___  /_________\____/_/__________ /_______/__________________|
            \  \//pk^       \\_             \//                /
             \                 \             _//              /
            //   c a s h m o n e\y m i l l i/o n a i r e s   /

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: ram                             _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

               /\_________ _______\/\____/\________\\______
              /   _      /_        \    /           /     /
             /____\________\_______/___/________\  /_____/

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: asl                             _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

                       _         _        _____
                  _____\\____ __//_______/     \
                 _\    _    /_\         /       \_
                 \\____/___\\________  /\_______//

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: members                         _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

   __\\      _________     __\\        _____   _________   _______   _____
 \    / _//__   _    /   \    / _//_      _/__    _    /  _\  _  /_  \  //___
 /    \/    \_ /____/____/    \/    \_    _   \_ /____/____   /    \__\      \_
/_____/      / __//     /_____/      /__  /    / __//     /__/      /__\      /

 _    ___   ___   .     _  _    ___  ___  .___    ___ c a p i s t r a n o 
(____(___\_/___)_(______) (____(    (___\_|   )__(___)___________________·__ _
          /                              _________    __________ _______\\____
 title: mimic                           _\     __/___/\  _     /_\     _     /
                                      //______/    _/____\       /_____\____/
                                             /_____\\     \______\\      |

           _                           _                            _
     _____\\            __/___    ____\\            __/___   ______\\
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  /        \/     \_ /        /        \/     \_ /        /        \      \_
 /_________/        /________/_________/        /________/________ /       /

                   valour and the persuit of revolution
                   knows no end my son, heed this story
                   and never forget the name ...

     ____--------        ______                         ---------____ 
  \\_              _____/     /    _____  _______                    _//
    l::::::::::::::\   /     /____\)   /_\ _    /___:::::::::::::::::l
    |:::::::::::::::\__\         _    /____\       /:::::::::::::::::|
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    |:::::::::::::::::::::\\   \/    //    _    /___:::::::::::::::::|
    l                    //____/     \ ____________\\a               l
  //~____--------            m/_______\                 ---------____~\\

                            "Veni, Vidi, Vici"

   always remember .... "God made the ocean, but the Dutch made Holland"

                        tot ziens ... phreak klass

                         .... the 

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           //----- - \ oO /   \\ (C)opyright Phreak Klass `00  
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