·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
         [· rUNNiNG oN 8 niCE nODES · 2*iSDN/2*aNALOGUE/4*tELNET ·]
      [· nON-24h tELNET wiTH sTATiC iP: theyard.ddns.org - pORT: 23 ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
     [· aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · dKB wHQ · wX wHQ · sRZ wHQ ·]
     [· lP! gHQ · pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · 1oo% diST ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]

------(addyline)--------(and the begin of this colly)-------------------------

  __.._____ ____. ____ ____    ____
  \_||_   //   /|/   //   /____)_  \_..__
   vol/   /    _.    /    _.   ____/_||_/
. __./    \    \|    \    \|   \    \ .__ .
:  //____/ \____\___/ \____\_________\:\  :
:   ¡                                 ¡   :
:   |    lapponia.      by jaw        |   :
:  _¡_      released 10.6            _¡_  :
: _\|/_______________________________\:/_ :

                      +------(kkz nfo.
                      .  killkrazed.
                      :  killkrazed@usa.net
                      .  www.neutech.fi/~tribe/kkz
                      .  #killkrazed in irc.
                      :  membername      doeswhat?
                      .  Dwarf           ascii
                      .  Jaw             ascii
                      :  Hbit?           ascii
                      :  Tribe           homepages
                      :  releases        4 incl. this. damn.

                     -   S    O   -

                           -   K    E    E    P  -

                                 -   G    O    i    N    G   -


         ____              __________.         :
     .___\   |_________ ___\         |_        +---(jaw^kkz)------+
    _|    `__|__      /___. `    . o |__________.                 l
     |       :  |    '    |      |___|\         |_
     |       '  |     :   |      |   '      . O |                 A
     |__________\_____:___|______\   |      |___|
                                  `  |      |                     p
                                            _`      |_            P
                                           |        |
                        ______             |    O   |             O
      ______________   ((____))       ____.|_________\
    _|             /___ ______._______\   |'          `           n
     |            ï    |      |   .   |  _|
     |             :   |      |   |   `  |:                       i
                              `-                                  A
      ________<<>> ________    |    |__
    _|       /___._\      _]_._|    |     ___                     A
     |      ï.   |__`        | ï  __|___.(__))
     |       :   |           |      '. _|____. ___                S
     |_______:___|___________|_________\     |(__))
                                       |`   _|____.               c
                                       |____\     |_
                                            |`   _|____.          i
                                            |____\     |_          
                                                ._`    |          i
                                                |_   __|___.
                                                 |         |      C
          ______     _____.      _____.   _\     |ï               O
     ____|     /_ ___\  __|   ___\  __|  |  `    |
    _\   |   .ï  |    `.  |__|    `.  |__|   oO  |_               l
     |`.         |           |        ï  |________\
     |___________|___________\___________\                        l

       _____.                        ______
     _\     |   ______    _______  ((_____))
     ._`.   |_._\    _]_ _\     _]_.______.                       d
     |      ï |  `.     |__`.      |      |________.
     |  Oo    |       __|          |      |        |_             e
      )_______|________\ __________|_____\\    O/  |
              '         `          '      `.__.' __|       ____   S
                                              )___\_______|    |
                                                  |`.     |   _|  i
                                   _____          |    |  `   |_
                                  \     |   ______|____|______|   G
                                 ._`.   |_._\    _]_
                                _|      ' |  `.     |_            n
      ______                     |  Oo    |       __|
     \      |       .______       )_______|________\              E
     _`.    |__ ____|     /_.                       `
   _|          \    |   .ï  ¾_                                    d
    |_     ooO |`.          |
                        _____.                    _____           b
                        \    |_ __________   _____\   /_____
                     .___`.    |\        /___\    |` '|    /__.   Y
                    _|   `U    |_`.    .'.   |`.  |   :  .'   |_
                     |           |       :   |        .       |    
                     |___________|_______:___|________________|   j
                     `           '                                 
      _______  _______.                                           A
     _\      |_\      |                                           
    |  `     |  `  ___|                                           W
  <-|   oO  _|    __i '->
             `.    `.                                             o
      ______ ____.(___)) ___.  ___.                               F
    ._\     |    |_____ _\  | _\  |    ______.____.
   _|  `.    ____|     |  __|__ __|__._\     |    |                
    |     .  \__      _|       |     |  `.    ____|               k
    |_____|     |_____\ _______|_____|     .  \__.                i
          |_____|      `.            |_____|     |
                :                    '     |_____|_______.        l
                .   " special k "               _\       |
                :                              |  `. oO _|        l
                .                              |        \_. 
        ______. :                       _______|_____|    |       k
       _\     | . ______    ._______   |      /___.  |____|
       ._`.   |_._\    /__ _|___    |_ |    .ï    |  ï            R
       |      ' |    .ï   |     `.   /_|      .   |
       |  oO    |       __|        .ï__|______:___|               A
        )_______|_________|____________(      :
                ;                             .                   Z

             ___                                                  . heh  :
     _______(__)) _______. _______    _________ ------------------>><<<<-'
    _\      |___ _\      |_\     _]_ _\        |
   |  `. ___|   |  `  p _|__`.      |  `.  \___|
   |    __| '  _|       \_.         |       `.   ------------------+
   |____\ _____\_____|    |_________|________|                     |
         `      `.   |____| jaw                                    |
   | hm. i cant find out anything to say but this is my third      |
   | colly in killkrazed.. and in my whole life!! great!           |
   | for some reason i wasn't suprised when i was reading          |
   | tac-9904.txt and i noticed that my colly was there too ..     |
   | and the end for that u can read by your self from the tacfile.|
   | in this time of year i dont usually have time to do anything  |
   | with computer but i'm doing this colly bit by bit.. by the    |
   | way my second colly was some kind a little.. and it was turned|
   | upside down.. i was and i am trying to do something special   |
   | and different.. horrible explaining.. !! better to stop this. |
   |                    _____                         _____
   |   - jaw       _____\   /____    ______  ________.\    |  _______
   |     kkz       \    |` '|   /__._\     |_\       |_`.  |__\     _]__
   +---------------|`.  |   : .ï   |   oO  |  `. p __|     ' |_`.       |
                   |        .     _|      _|       \_  oO    |          |
                   |______________\_______\_____|    |_______|__________|
                   :                            |____|
>>< << ------------'
           ___;          _____
  ________|   | _____ ___\   /___
  \       |  _|_\     \  |` ï|  /_
 -|`. |     |    `.O _|`.    : ï  |------------------+
  |___|_____|________\____________|                  :
   ____                                              :
  _\   | ________ ___._____  ____.  ______           :
  | `__|_\_.     |   |     |_\  _|__\    _]_         :
 -|        |  o _|        _|  `.  _|_`.     |--------+
  |________|____\___|__|__\ _______|________|
                 `.        `.               .:
     ... . .<> thE <-<<<<<------------------'
     :     _____   
     .    ((____))      .___. _____    ____     ____ ____
     :    ______ _______|   |_\    |_._\  _|__ _\   |   /_
     .   |      |   .   | __|  `.    |  `.    |  `  |  ï  |
     :   |     _|   |     |   Oo     |      __|_.   _   ._|
     +__ |_____\____|_____|__________|________|/____|____\ __+  >>
                `.                                         ;
               greetz                                      :
                      tofu                                 :. ... .. . ...
           mushroom                                                    :
                            bgirl - fileid                             .
                 ilmapallo                                             :
      logoff                    the nicest part of hell                :_
                         purg                                            :
          phobia(respect)                                                .
                             red demon (respect)                         :..
        sekavuuden huippu.                                    ___________,-'
        the top of confusion.                     -----------'

                      - so shall we begin?
                      - okey.


                        _____|            o1|
                       | \_  |   greetz     |
                   <---|   `----'           |--->
                       |   l A p p O n i A  |

       _________  _______  ____    ____    _________  _______
      _\        |_\      |_\  _|_._\  _|_ _\        |_\      |
      )     O/  |  `.  __|  `.   |  `.   |  `.  \___|_ `. ___|__
       `.__.' __|   .  \_.     __|     __|       `.            _|
           )___\____|    |_______|_______|_________|___________\
                    |____|jaw                                   `.

                        _____|            o2|
                       | \_  |   tofu       |
                   <---|   `----'           |--->
                       |   l A p p O n i A  |

             .__________________________________ _____..
             : _________  _______  _______. ____\      /  
             :_\        |_\      |_\      |_\   |`.   |   
             |  `.  \___|  `.OO  |  `. ___|  `. |     |   
             |       `.         _|    __|       '    _|   
             |_________|________\ ____\  ____________\:   
             :                   `.    `.jaw          `.  
             :       mushroom                         :
             .           boss!                        .

                        _____|            o3|
                       | \_  |   bgirl      |
                   <---|   `----'   fileid  |--->
                       |   l A p p O n i A  |
               ____.    _____. ____. _____.  ____
             ._\  _|__._\    |_\   |_\  . |_)  _/__.
             |  `.  . |  `.  |  ` _|  `. _|_  .ï   |
             |________|___  _|____\___|     |______|  
                          )__\jaw  `. |_____|         
               ________________________________ _ _    
             .ï       does it again..........
              \_________________________________ _  


                        _____| the nicest o4|
                       | \_  |  part of hell|
                   <---|   `----'           |--->
                       |   l A p p O n i A  |
     _________.____\     | ________
    _\        |     `.   |_\      _]_.                          .
   |  `   \___|     .    |  `.       | -------------------------|
   |       `.       :   _|          _| -------------------------+
   |_________|)_____|___\____________|                          :
                 ____ ((_)  ___   ______    _______    _________.
    :    ._______\   |____ _\  | _\    _|_ _\     _]_ _\        |
    .    |   .    `__|    |  `_|__ `.     |_ `.      |  `   \___|
    :   _|   |      |    _|       \     __|          |       `..:
    :   \____|______|____\_________|_____\___________|_________||
    :    `.               `.                                    :
    :        _________ _______      _______. _________.         :
    .     ._\     .   |      /___ _\    .  |_\        |         .
    :     |  `.   |___|    .ï    |  `.   __|  `.  \___|         |
    :    _|     __|          :   |       \_        `..          |
    .    \______\____________:___|_____|   |_________|          :
    + -------------------------------<>|___|jaw^kkz             :
    .   %t%h%E%%N%i%C%E%S%t%%P%A%R%t%   :      _______. ________.
    :                  %O%f%%h%E%l%l%   :   ._\\      |_\       |
    :                                   .   |  ``.    |  `.  ___|
    .                                   :   |        _|     __| :
    | -------------------------------<>-'   |________\ _____\   ;
    |  ______.       _____.       ____.     ____......ï.     `. .
    .._\     |_____._\   _|__.___\    | ___\    |               :
    :|  `.   |     |  `.     |    `.__|__.  `.__|__.            .
    +|            _|       __|        :  |      ;  | -----------'
     |_______|____\__________|___________\ ________\ -----------'

                        _____|            o5|
                       | \_  |   mushroom   |
                   <---|   `----'           |--->
                       |   l A p p O n i A  |
               ____.     ._____. ________    ______.
        _____ |    | ____|     |_\      _]_._\     |_____.   _____
      ._\    \|    |_\   |     |_ `.       |  `.   |     |  \\___ )))
      |  `.   `.   |  `. |     |           |            _|
      |_____\___/  |___________\___________|_______|____\
              |____|            `.              .____.   `.
              ________  _______. _______. _____ |    | 
             _\    .  |_\      |_\      |_\    \|    |
            |  `.   __|  `.    |  `.    |  `.   `.   |
            |     . \__  oO   _|  Oo   _|_____\___/  |
            |_____|    |______\________\     jaw|____|
                  |____|                `.

                        _____|            o6|
                       | \_  |   ilmapallo  |
                   <---|   `----'           |--->
                       |   l A p p O n i A  |
    (___))              ___
    _____  ____    ___ |   |_____   ______.______    ____    ____    _____
   _\    |_\  _|_ _\  \|   |    /___\  .  |     /__._\  _|_ _\  _|_ _\    |
  |  `. _|  `.   |     |   |  .ï   | `.|__|   .ï   |  `.   |  `.   |  O  _|
  |_____\________\___\___/ |____:__|___|  |_____:__|_______\_______\_____\

                        _____|            o7|
                       | \_  |   purg       |
                   <---|   `----'           |--->
                       |   l A p p O n i A  |
                 ________  ___)    | _______._________.
                _\       |_\  |    |_\      |      .  |
               |  `.  ___|  `.|   _|  `.  __|`.__   __|
               |_____( ___________\____|  \_.    )___\

                        _____|            o8|
                       | \_  |   red demon  |
                   <---|   `----' (respect) |--->
                       |   l A p p O n i A  |

       _______  ____     ______   
      _\    . |_\  _|__ _\     |  
    -|  `.   _|  `.    |  `.   |--------------------------------------------
     |     . \__      _| oO   _|____   
     |_____|    |______|______\     | ____   
    -------|____|-----------|  `.   |_\  _|__-------____.-------------------
                            |      _|  `.    |____ |    | ______         ___.
                            |______\        _|\   \|    |_\     | ______i   |
    --------------------------------|________|___\___/  |  `OO  |_\     |   |
                                                   |____|    . _|  `.   |  _|
                                                        |______\    |______\ 

                        _____|            o9|
                       | \_  |   logoff     |
                   <---|   `----'           |--->
                       |   l A p p O n i A  |

          ______.   ________ _________.  ________  ________. ________.
      .___\     |___\       |         |__\       |_\       |_\       |  
   +--|    `. __|__  `.Oo   |   O.    |   `.Oo   |  `.  ___|  `.  ___|--+
   |  |            |_      _\   Oo    |         _|     __|       __|    |
   |  |____\         \_____\ `.__    _|_________\______\ ________\      |
   |        `---------`          )___\jaw        `.     `.        `.    |
   |                                  `.                                |
   |                                                                    |
   |                                .___________________________________|

                        _____|            1o|
                       | \_  |   phobia     |
                   <---|   `----'(respect)  |--->
                       |   l A p p O n i A  |
           ________. ____.      _______. ___.     ____   _____
         ._\\      |_\\  |____._\\     |_\\ |___._\\  |_|   //___.    
     +---|  `. Oo  |  `. |    |  `.oO  |  `.    |  `` |    .ï    |---+
     :   |      ___|     .   _|   Oo' _|  oO    |    _|      :   |   :


       _____  ________
      _\    |_\      _]_                                          i
     |  `.  |_ `.       |
     |     _:           |    ____                                 S
     |_____\____________|   (___))
      _________  ____        _____  ________
     _\        |_\   |_____ _\    |_\      _]_.                   T
    |  `.    __|  `. |     |      |_ `.       |
    |        \|      .    _|     _;           |                   H
      _________  ____        ____.                                i
     _\        |_\   |_____ _\  _|__
    |  `.    __|  `. |     |  `.  __|                             S
    |        \|           _|        |
    |_________|______|____\ ________|
     ____.           ____  `. ____.   ______.                     T
    _\  _|__ ________\   |____\   |  _) __  |
   |  `.  __|    .    `__|     `__| |__\\|  |                     h
   |        |    |      |   o    |     ._| /  
   |________|____|______|________|     |___|                      E            




               : ._______\   | _______. _______. ____    :
               . |        `__|_\      |_\   .  |_\  _|_. .
             <-: |   :      |   `.   _|  `. ___|  `.  _| :->
               . |___|______|________\_____( __________| .

                      N         o       P        E

 _\       |
|  `. O   |   BUUM. i'm  i'm    unfortunately abnormal. 
|____    _|
     )___\:  Och
          : ________. ____.    ____    ______  ____.     ___    ________
          :_\       |_\  _|__ _\  _]_ _\     |_\  _|__ _|  /__._\      /
          |  `.   __|  `.   _|_ `.   |  `..  |  `.   _|  .'|  |  `. __( 
          |     . \__        |       |   _|__|        |    i  |     \
          |_____|    |_______|_______|____| __________|_______|______`.
                |    |
                |____| ____.  Boheme, Crazy, Daeron, Darkus, Dipswitch 
                     :_\  _|__. Dwarf, Drunkard, Dartagnan, Dezibel, Juke
                     |  `.    | Luminator, Letharic, Mortimer Twang, 
   G R E E T S       |        | Prosthesis, Phobia, Reanimator, Soulfly
   O C H             |________| ____. Volatile, Velarde and everyone in #ascii 
   R E S P E C T !            :_\  _|__ if here is missing somebody.. 
                              |  `.    | dont take it personally.. gotta bad
                              |        |  ________ memory!
                              |________|._\      /
                                        |  `. __(
                                        |     \
                                        |______`. ______
                                                :_\    _]_
                                                |_ `.     |
                                                |         |

               |                  if i'm abnormal.. so what? who cares?
 u dont    <-  |          in a way everyone is abnormal.. no ones perfect.
 have to read  Ò      thats unfortunately the truth. but so what again?
 this          :________

        and the abnormal's 
          ____.   ______     _______    ________
        ._\   | __\    /___ _\     _]_ _\       |
   +----|  `__|__    .ï.   |_ `.      |  `.   __|--------+
   :   _|        |     :   |          |       \          a
   :   \_________)_____;___|__________|________`.        e
   :                                                     i
   ; did u like it? i hope so. well who cares? (me!!)    o
   : everybody .. HAVE A NICE, LONG, AND HOT SUMMER!     u
   æ all tickets to assembly are sold. damn. i should    y
   : be fast when there comes 300 tickets more..         a
   # wanna goto assembly .. and have fun with others..   o
   # last summer it was boring to read what happends in  a
   ! there from mikrobitti's homepages and iltasanomat   b
   : newspaper. phuk. wanna get ticket! ps. theres no    c
   . need to read this all shit what i'm writing.        d
   i                                                     e
   l                                                     f
   `---------------------(WORDS! and ps. here is hot!)---'
                                                 \Very hot!)

               - what was the hour of death?
               - 16:59
               - and the date?
               - Thurday, June, 10
               - thank you. put corpse to the bier
                 and get it to mortuary.
               - i will.

      _________  ____        _____  ________
     _\        |_\   |_____ _\    |_\      _]_.                   T
    |  `.    __|  `. |     |      |_ `.       |
    |        \|      .    _|     _;           |                   H
        ____                                                      i 
       _____  ________                                            S
      _\    |_\      _]_                                           
     |  `.  |_ `.       |
     |     _:           |                                         i
      _________  ____        ____.                                  
     _\        |_\   |_____ _\  _|__
    |  `.    __|  `. |     |  `.  __|                             t
    |        \|           _|        |
    |_________|______|____\ ________|                             h
     ____.           ____  `. ____.    ___                         
    _\  _|__ ________\   |____\   |   _\  |                       E
   |  `.  __|    .    `__|     `__|   |  _|                        
   |        |    |      |   o    |    |__\    
   |________|____|______|________|     ___                        E            


                - end of lapponia.
                - not the end of life. i guess.. but who knows!?


                                                   - jaw^kkz tHE abnormal. -


        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \   ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac . dkb  |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  wx . lp! . soia . pnk . omn . mce . 1oo |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
  consoles.amiga.graffiti   ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |
  ascii.hiphop.mp3.drugs    |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
  classic games.linux/dd    :_  t^/____/   _.  zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
  one of the finest in +49             _ _ ___)         (_)               :
  non-24h static telnet ip    #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
    - theyard.ddns.org -      #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet