.Hajume - 80x50 _ _________________________ _ ._\\/ \//_. | _ ________. _ ____. | | ._\\\ _ |_\\\ |___. | | | / | _ | : : | / | / | . |___________|____/ | /_______| _______ _ ______ _ _ ____ ______ _ _ ______. ._\ ___///_._/ __ ///_._\\\ /____._/ __ ///_.___\\\_ | | \______ | \__/ | / | \__/ | / | | / | | / | | / | |___________|___________|___________|___________|___ / | . . tGø/_______| l__ __| /_____________________________\ or _ ______ _ _______ ______ _ _ ___.__ ._\\\ ___/__\\\__ \ _/ __ ///_\\\ | \_. | \__ _/ _/_ \__/ \__ | | | \_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | m i n i m a l i n s p i r a t i o n | | | | | | r e q u i r e d | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______________| |_____________________| |_____|tGø or _ ____________________________________________________ ___ _ ........... . . ...................................... . . ............. :::::: :::::: : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ________ ._____ ___ ________ ._____ ___ :::::: _ _____\ _/___| _|_____ _\_/_./ ____/_| _|_____ _\_/_. :::::: \_ / \_ \ / / / \_ \ | :::::: _ _________________/|_____| /_____\__________\_____| /_____| :::::: ...... ...... . .........|____/ |____/_____ :::::: :::::: :::::: :::::::::::: ____| /_______::: :::::: :::::: _ ___. ::::: __ ___ ________ / _ / _ \:: :::::: :::::: __ | ::::: \//__//_______/ / / / / /:: :::::: :::::: _\/_ | ::::: /_________/\________/::: `:::::.:::::' \/\/ | :::::. ...................................... . :::::: | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....... wk!(rmrs) |_________________________________________________ ___ _ of ____________________ _____________ ___ ____________ | __ | | |_____ |________| | | __ | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | | |_| \ |_| |_| |_| | | ________| |_________ \_________________________________| |__| 7do\ / \/ presents ______ ____________________________ __________ | /____|______ __ __ |______ | ___ | | | _ \ | | / | | | ____ _\\ | |_| |/ \| |/ |_| | //_ \ | |\ | | | / _\ |_____ ___________| \______|_|_________________| /_ | /_____\ _ _. | | ~| |_ | | |_ _| | | ______ _________~___`______________ __________ | | | /____|______ __ __ |______ | | |...... | | | _ \ | | / | | | .......| : | |_| |/ \| |/ |_| | : : | |\ | | | : : |_____ ___________| \______|_|_________________| : : 7do /_____\ : :______________________________________________________: ## Introduction/General Babbling ## Karma is Karma, what does it mean? What it means to me is that things that happen in life are unavoidable, they happen to keep the balance that you set for yourself. This means you should handle bad things and good things with equal grace, not allowing you to be defeated by yourself, not allowing you to be better than you are. ## Release notes ## Alot of the ascii's in this colly are months old and I am just now getting around to releasing in a colly. That means you can see some really shitty things. If you are looking for me on irc, I'm always in #remorse with some variation of ohseven, shichi-do, grey, or mike as my nick. Peace out, long live the p. -Grey/Ohseven/Shichi-do 3/12/98 ## Greets - No particular order ## Messiah, Hiro, Tinyz, Wise-kid, Palmore, Necromancer, MrKite, Hitek, Zerohour Compuman, Phantasm, Erupt, Midnight Sorrow, Omicron, Whodini, Ravaged Wanderer Tango, Sargon, The Upright Man, Martz, PhaserX, Kyo, Spook, Cypherhex, Tr5tarr Sl33p, Dark Enitity, Stoned Militia, Sudiphed, Windrider, Polyester, Quad-p Kts, Remorse. ## Logos ## %sick emag oh7do_____________________ ____ ___ __\ ____________ ___/| |/ / || \___ |_____| \ || |/ \ || | \ |_________/|___________________|______\ %karma _____ _____________________________________________ ________________________ || |/ ______ ___ __ _ ______ | || \ | | / \| |/ \ | | place something nifty || \| |/ | / \| | in this extra space |_____| ____________|\________|/_____________ | ________________________ oh7|______\7do \_| %hellnet ________ _______________ | |______________| |________________________________ | __ ___ | __ __ __ __ | |___ | |/ | / | | | | | | / |/ | __| |_______/ |/____| |_| |_| |/ /____| | ohseven/________________________________________/_____________________| __________________________________________________________________________ / %eyp Eat Your Parsley , Eat Your Parsley ________________ / \ ________________| __________________/ \____________________ _ _ _ ____ _ |_|____________ ____/_ _____________________|_| ___ _ _ __ /\ /\ /\ /\ | ___ | / | | _ |/| | / / / / / / / / /| | / | / |_| |/ | | | | | |||/ / \/ \/ \/ \| |/______|_/___ ______ _____/| | |___ _ _/ ________________|_____________| / |___| _|_______|_____| |_ _ _ _.. . . __________________| oh7/ \7do /_________________\ What: For Who: %tyrone ___________ ____________________________________________ _| | | ___ __ __ _ | |__ |_| | / | | | / |/ |__ | __ __ |/ |_| |/ /__| | oh7|______| |_____| |______|\____________________/____________|7do %phantasm _________________ ______________________ ______________________________ | _ |___|_____ __ |_____ ______| __ _ | | |/ __ \ | | / \ | |___ \| |/ | | ____ | / \| |/ \| |_| | / | |______| |____|/ __________/ ______________ _____|/ | _ /_____| /______|ohseven |_________| _ /______| _ .-" "-,_________________________________________________,-" "-. _ "-.__.' '.__.-" %synapse _____ ______________________________ _____ _______ ___| ____|_______ | __ _ _ |___| ____|__| ___ |__ | |____ |_| | / |_| |_| |____ | / | | | |_| ____ ____ |/ _ ___ |_| |/__| | _ |____________| |_| |____/_______| |______| |_______________________| //_ ______________________________________________________________ ohseven "-._." //_______ %thc . / \ ____________ __________ / \ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _| |__________|_____\______________________ |_ _______________ \ / ___________/____ | | | / \ / | / / | | | / \ / |/ / oh7|____________|__________|/________\___________________/7do _ _____________ / \ _____________ _ ///_..-" //_________________\\ "-.._\\\ %goomba ______________________________________________ ___________ | __ __ ___ __ _ |______|_______ | __| | | | | | | \| |/ _ | | | ____ | |_| |_| |_| | / | | |_| | / | ____ _______________________|/ |_| ________ | / __ | |____| |ohseven _________ / ___________| _ \_.' / / |_____________| .-" "-. /_______| __________.' "-._ .-' /______________________/ .' .-" /__/ /_________.-" %souldoubt _______ sOULdOUBt _____ __| _____|______________ _____| | | |_________ _ | | | ___ | | | | | | | | | | ,......| |_| |_| |_| |_| |......, `.., |___ __________________ _____ |_ ,..' ` ______| |__________ _____| |_____| |_' ,'| _ _ | | _ _`, ,' | | | | | | | | | | `, ,.. | |_| |_| |_| |_| | .., ' .: |__________________________________________________| :. ` `...............................................................' .. pLUSOh - sUDiPHED .. .:.........................................................:. ............................................................. ohseven %ilove.irc _________________ _______ \_________ |___________ __________ \______\ __________________ _______ | ____ \ | _ /_ _______| ___ ___/_ | | | |\ \ | \ | //_/ | | | / | _ | | | |_\ \__| \| | | |/ | _ / |_______| |________________________________| |_____________|\____________| \ /__ __\ oh/ ilOVE.iRC version x.xx by phantasm \7do %infinity ______________________________________________________ _____________ _______ (________ __ _________ __ ________| | | | _______| | / |_________| | / |______|_ |_| | | |/ __ |/ ____ ____| | / |__| / | | | |___________/ __________________/ __________________| |_____| ___ /______|ohseven /______| ___ ___\ /___ __ ___ ______ _____ ___ ___ ___\ /___ \ /// /_,-" /_ _,-" /_\ "-,_ _\ "-,_\ \\\ / "-,__,-" "-,__,-" %krylon stash ______ _______________________ __________ _______________ | |/ ___ | | | | _ __ |.. | | / |_| | | | | | / | : | |/ ____ ____ |_| |_| |/ | : |______ |\ |____| |____| _ | : ,. : ___| _____ `" |________ _____|_| | : .' '.' | _____ | | _____ __ | :....... `. | |____| |_| |____| | / |ohseven.' . |____________________________________________________|/ | . . __ ____:_:_______ __ /______| . `-.. _.-,__.-' "-._,-' : : '-,_.-" '-.__,-._ ..-` `-._." :.: "._.-` %shroom _______ _____ _____________________________________/\ __| _____|_| |___| __ _ _ _ _ \ | |_______ __ | / | | | | \| |/ / | |____| | / |/ |_| |_| | / / |________________|/ ___|\ ____________________|/ / /_____|7do \___| /_____/ %hwa ________ _______________________ | |______________ |______________ | | ______ | _______________| | | | / | | ______ | | | / | ___ | \ | | | | / | | | | \ | | | | / | | | | \ | | |________| / |_| |_| \ |________| `. ___ / \ ohseven ___ .` "-._.-" ,' /_____________________________________\ ,` "-._.-" `-._________________________________________________.-' %thepirateklan ______________ ___________ _| |____| ___ |ohseven |_ _ | / | | |/ |/___|\ ___________| / \_________ | _ ____ ___ ____ ___ | | |/ |___| | / \ | | / | | _____ |/ \| |/___|\ |____ |_ | / _____\ | |/ ____ __ / | __ \ | | / / | |_| \| |/ / |____| ________________________/ / |______\ /____/ t h E P i R A t E k l A N %bias . ________ __________ _____________________ ______ . . | |_________\________/_|______________ |____| _____|________ . : | _ |__________| | | |________ | : : | | | |______| | | | : : | |_| |____| | : : |________________________________________________________________________| : "-.__ _.-. ohseven .-._ __.-" /__.-" \__.------------------------------------------.__/ "-.__\ %skills _____________ ________________________ ________ ______ ___| ____/ |/ ________ | | | ____| ____/________ | |_______ |_______| | | | | |_______ / | | / | | | | | / / | | / | | | | | / / | |_/ | |_| |_| |_/ / |_________________| _________________________________________/oh7do |________\ %degeneration65 ________________________________________________________________________ _____| | ___ | ___ | ___ | __ /__ | _ /__ | |__|| _ | __ / | ___ | | / |_ \ | | | / |_ | / /| / |_ |/__/\ | | __|_| | | | | / / | \ | | |/___| | \| | |/___| ||/ / |/___| || | \| | | | |_| | |/ / | \|__|________|__ |________||__/|________|| |_____|___|___|_____|_|__/ |_____\7 d o h 7|__ /| | ___ _ __ __ _ /____| d E G E N E R A T i O N 6 5 |____ "\/ |_ "| /|__| _ /____________________________________________________________||/\ | ||/ |____) %nevarre _______________ ___ ___ ________________________nevarre@legendsneverdie.org | __ __ | | / |_____ __ __ __ | _. | | / |/__| |/ |_| |/ |/ |/__|o7| legends never die |___|/______________________________|\____|\____________| + request to send %request to send ...__________________ ______________ ____________ ______ _______... : | __ ___ | _ | | ___ |_| ____| |_: : | | / | / | | | | | | / | |_____ __| : | |/ |/__| |_| |_| |/__| |__| | : . : |____|\____________________ \___________________________________| : . ` `.: ___________________ \ /____ ________ ____________ ____ :.' ' `.... _| _ | ___\ ____| ___ | ___ |____| | ....' `|_ | | | | |_____ | / | | / _ |' ._ | |_| | | |__| |/__| | / |_| | _. ,` : |___________________| |________________________|/_______________| : `. `., : ohseven : ,.' `-._________________________________________________________________.-` : : : extend down to add text / info here : : : `-------------------------------------------------------------------' %legendsneverdie ______________________________________ _________________\\ //_____________________ \ \ / / _____ _________\ ___________________ ____________ ___ ______ | | | __ \ __ __ | __ |_____| |___| _____|_ | | | | / |\ \ | | / | | / _ |______ | | |_| |/____| \ \| |/____| |/ |_| |_| | |_______ \ __ ___ | ________| ____| __ \|_|__ | | / __ | __ |___ _____\\ | | / \ | / | | / | / | | / _| //_____ \____ | |/ \|/____| |/ |/ ___| |/ \ ____/ //_ |_____|___________\ ________|\ \ _\\ /__ _____|\ ________ __ |ohseven \____\_\ | | _ \ |______| | / |__ | | ________| |_| \ |/____| |_________ | __|___ \ |_________\_______________________| / __|___ _)) | //__\ \ /__\\ | ((_ | `-------------------------\-----------------------------------' | |_______________________________\ /_____________________________________| .________________________________\/______________________________________. | | | | | Text Here and whatever.. | |_ _| //_ _\\ "-.____________________________________________________________.-" lEGENDS nEVER DiE %rmrs ________________________________________________________________ | __ __ _ __ | _______|______ | | / \| |/ | / |_________ | | |/ | / |/ | | | |_______|\ ____________|_/ _______|\ ________ |_| | .' \ / /________| \ / |______________|. `._ ____\/ __ \/ __ ____ _.' `-.___\ /__.---` '--.._ rEMORSEViEW (1981) _..--' `---.__\ /___.-' /,-* cOMMANDLiST *-. \ / `"""""""""""""""""' \ %cybercrime ______ . ________|__ | .__________ _______________________ . | | ______l |___ | |_____| ___ | __ | | | | |___| |_| .__. | / | | /____| | | | ___ ____ |__| |/____| | | | | ____|___| |____| |_____ | | | ______l ___ ._____. _ _ __ |__ | | | |___| | / |_____| \| |/ | / | | | | | |/ | / |/____| | | |..|________ _____|\ ________________|/ _______ |..| | : |______| \__/ ohseven /______| |____|: | *---------------------------------------------------------------------* %ifinite darkness ______ __________________________________________________| |_________ |_________ ____________ _ /________ ___ | __________| |____________| |/ /_______|_ | / |_ | __ | / |/___| | |__ |__| __ | _ __ |_ _____| |____ ___ |/ _ / ___ |_| ____|__| ____|__ | ___ \ | | / |/ / | / | |_______ |_______ | | \ | \| |/ | / |/___| |_| |_| | | \|________________|\_______| ____|___________________________________| |_____\ __ _____________ |____|ohseven _____________ _______ _ ///_..-" //_________________\\ "-.._\\\ | | | | iNFiNiTE dARKNESS ## Final Comments ## Eww, some of those ascii's were plain ugly, but, oh well. Farewell Quad-P, you have treated me well. .Yame - line 501 SAUCE00o7's latest colly Ohseven/Shichi-do Quad-P Productions 19980314½c������������������������������������