__  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

                           Sun Oct 22 16:49:33 1995

       ___      _____       ______
  ____/   \____|     \_____/  ___/____
___///  _  \___|  |\  \___/  /____///
    /  /_\  \  |  |_\  \ /  /______
:::/______\  \ |  |____/ \________/:::
      _ _|____ _____  __________ _________________ _____ _____ _____
         |   |_|   |  |   _____| |   ___   | |   | |   | |   | |   |
         |    _    |  |   ___|__ |   ___   | |   | |   | |   |_|   |
         |   | |   |  |   |    | |   | |   | |   |_|   | |___   ___|
        _|___| |___|__|________|_|___| |___| _\_______/_   _|___|_
         |                                                      |
         _____ _____ __________ ___________ ___________ _____       ____
         |   \_/   | |   _____|_|___   ___| |   ___   | |   |       |  |
         |         | |    __|__ |  |   |    |   ___   | |   |_____  |  |
         |   \_/   | |   |    |    |   |    |   | |   | |   |    |  |__|
        _|___| |___|_|________|_  _|___|_   |___| |___| |________|_ |__|
         |                             |                         |
      _____ _____ ___________ ___________ _____ _____ __________ ________|_
      |   \_/   | |   ___   |_|___   ___| |   |_|   | |   _____| |   ____|
      |         | |   | |   | |  |   |    |   ___   | |   ___|__ |   |
      |   \_/   | |   |_|   |    |   |    |   | |   | |   |    | |   |
     _|___| |___|_|_________|_  _|___|_   |___| |___| |________| |___|
 ___________ _____  ____ __________ _____ ____ _________|__________ __________
 |   ______| |   | |   | |   _____| |   |/   / |   _____| |   ____| |        |
 |   _____|  |   | |   | |   |      |   _   /  |   ___|__ |   |     |___ |___|
 |   |       |   |_|   | |   |_____ |   |\   \ |   |    | |   |     |   |    |
_|___|      _|_________|_|________| |___| \___\|________| |___|    _|________|_
 |           |                                                         -ApC- |
                       I T ' S   P A R T Y   T I M E  !
                           ______   ::__________________
        _______________   /    \  .::/   _    / /   ___/
    _____________/__//   // _   \  :/    _\  / //  /
                        //   \   \ /   /____/ //  /    .
                   ::__/   ___\   \   / ___  /   /_____::.   __________________
                 ::/___________\___\_/ ______\_________\:   _//__/_______
                  :::     A    PERFECT    CRAZINESS    :
               ¦------,                              ¦--- -- - --- a -,
             ,--------¦                                               |
     _ _:________  |      ________  _________   _ __ ________ :__________   |
      __\___    / ________\___   /__\  ___  / _______   ____/_\___   ___/_  |
       |  _/___/_/ ___  /|  _/  /___  _\___/_/ ___  /   \     _/ |   |      |
       |    |      \___/_|  \      /     \__   \___/_    \    .  |   |      |
      _|_  _|_ _ ___     /___\   _/___   __/_ __   _ /________¦__|_  :__    |
       :    :     l_ ___/|    \  /        /   l_ ___/            |   ¦      |
       ¦                 :     \/                                :          '
_______  ________  :       _________   ______ :______      _________ _________
  ____/__\___   / _________\_____  /___\____ \|    _/ _____\_  ____/_\  _____/_
  \    __/ _/  /___\_____ \   ____/|_    |  \ \    |_/ ___  /____ _ /_ ___    /
   \    |  \      /    _/  \  \/    /  _ |___\ \   |   \___/_  \/ \     \/   /
______ _:___\  _ /_ ___\ __ \  _  _|_    : mD!\____|_ __     /_______ ______/
     |    \  /  .    \          :     |            l_ ___/
     :     \/   |     \__       ¦     :
                    ¦------------------»>  -ApC-
     _|______   _____   _____   _____   _____   ______   ______   _____|_
      |   _  | |  ___| |  ___| |  ___| |  ___| |      | |_    _| |  ___|
      |   ___| |  |    |   __| |__   | |   __|=|  ||  |===|  |===|__   |======
======|  |=====|  |====|  |  |=|  |  |=|  |  | |  ||  |   |  |   |  |  |
      |  |-ApC-|__|    |_____| |_____| |_____| |__||__|   |__|   |  |  |
      |__|-                                                     _|_____|
         |                                                       |

                ___________  __________  ____________  ___________
               /  __ __   / /      _  / /  ___      / / _        /
              /  /     __/ /    /  / / /___  /  ___/ / /   /____/
             /  / /    \  /       / /     / /  /    /____      / -ApC-
            /    /\     \/    /    /     /    /    /    /     /|_ _
           /____/  \____/____/    /     /    /    /__________/_|_|
           ______________   /    / __  /    / ________   | |_|_|_
                           /____/     /____/               | |_
               H I S  F O U R T H  A S C I I  P A C K  !     |

                ______________________     ____________________
_______________/______/        //     \   /   _____//    /    /
              /     //   /    //   /   \ /   _____/_\        \
             /     //   /    //   /    //   /    //    /    /__________________

    1. lOGIC SYSTEM #1                 -          12. aLTAR OF SACRIFICE
    2. rAGE 1995                       -          13. cRAZY ACiD
    3. lOGIC SYSTEM #2                 -          14. iNSANE MADMAN
    4. rUINS OF WISDOM                 -          15. dOCTOR ACID
    5. sILVERADO                       -          16. sECTORCHARGER
    6. pRIVATE CALL                    -          17. eLIWAZE
    7. dIGITAL DRUGSTORE               -          18. jAN
    8. lOGIC SYSTEM #3                 -          19. zACK 
    9. cHRONICLE                       -          20. uPLOADERS
   10. tHE PRAYING SUNSHINE            -          21. sOD
   11. dOWN TOWN                       -          22. sOLID
                                       -          23. rAGE

LET'S START........

::LOGIC SYSTEM:::::::  MMmmm nice one, but not good enough !
        ú Passed through an ELITE bbs in the Netherlands..... ú              °°
                                                   ßßßßßßßßßßßÛß             °°
   ° °°°°°°°°   ±ÛÛÛ    ±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ² ±ÛÛÛ ±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ   Üß              °°±
   ° °°°°°°°°  ±ÛÛÛ    ±ÛÛÛÞÛÛÛÛ ±ÛÛÛ      ±ÛÛÛ ±ÛÛÛ                      °°°²±
              ±ÛÛÛ    ±ÛÛÛÞÛÛÛÛ ±ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ±ÛÛÛ ±ÛÛÛ                     °°°°²±±
         Üß  ±ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²±ÛÛÛ²±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ -ApC-            °°°²±
       ÜÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ                ÛÛÛÛ
         ±ÛÛßßßßßß ±ÛÛÛÞÛÛÛÛ ±ÛÛßßßßßß ±ÛÛÛÛÛÛ  ±ÛÛÛßßßßß ±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ   Üß
±²°°°          þ SYSOP: sECTORCHARGEr þ             þ FOUR 28K8 NODES R.D. þ
±±²°°°°    þ CO SYSOPS: BAMBAM, SAL-1, BLUE SKY þ      þ TWO GIGS SPACE þ
°°                      ú TRSI CONSOLE DISTRIBUTION SITE ú
::RAGE 1995::::::::::  Maybe the guys in Rage could use this for their nfo !
 °°°°°°²±    °°°°²±    °°°°°°²±   °°°°°°²±      °²± °°°°°°²± °°°°°°²± °°°°°°²±
       °°±       °°±  °°°                     °°°°° °°°  °°° °°°  °°°     -ApC-
  °°°  °°°  °°°  °°°  °°° °°°°   °°°°°°         °°° °°°  °°° °°°  °°° °°°
  °°°°°°°   °°°°°°°°  °°°   °°°  °°°            °°° °°°°°°°° °°°°°°°° °°°°°°±±
  °°°  °°±  °°°  °°±  °°°°  °°±  °°°°  °°±      °°±      °°±      °°±      °°±
  °°°   °°±      °±±   °°°°°°±    °°°°°±±       °°±      °±±      °±± °°°°°°°°
                 °                              °
                               P R E S E N T S :
::LOGIC SYSTEM:::::::  This one's for Sector, where the fuck is the beer ?
                 _________  ________  ________  ____  ________
               ______    / /       / /       / /   / /   ___
                    /   / /   /   / /   /   / /   / /   /
               ____/   /_/   /   /_/   /   /_/   /_/   /____
           _______/_____________/__\__    /_____/______________
     ____________ ___________  ___   /   /  ___  _____________ _____________
       ___________  ________  ________  _______  ________  _______________
    _____/  _____/ /   /   / /  _____/ /   ___/ /   ____/ /         /__
        /___    / /   /   / /___    / /   /    /   ____/ /   / /   /
   ____/   /   /_/___    /_/   /   /_/   /____/   /   /_/   /_/   /___
______/_______/_________/_/_______/_____/____________/_____/ /___/_______
::RUINS OF WISDOM::::  Made this one for Taz Devil ! See ya around dude.
                              ___   ______ _____ _
         __ ___________  ____/   \  \    / ____      ________|__
             /        / /   /    / / \__/ /    \    /   _____/
            /   \____/ /   /    / /    / /      \  /___    /
           /     \    /        / /    / /    /   \/   /   /
         |/       \   \_______/ /____/ /____/     \ _____/___ _
       __/_________\   ________  ________  /_______\   -ApC-
         |            /       / /  _____/
                     /   /   / /   _/
            _ _____ /_______/_/____\ _____ _
           _____         ______  _________          _ ____ _______  _____|__
          /    /  _____  \    / /   _____/ _____     __________   \/    /|
         /    /__/    / / \__/ /___    /  /     \   /       / /        /
        /    /  /    / /    / /   /   /__/   /   \ /   /   / /   / /  /
      __\_____/\____/ /    / /_______/___________//_______/ /___/_/__/
        |   _____ __ /____/__ _____ _
::SILVERADO::::::::::  Hi Blue Sky.... hope you like this one....
     ________   __________  _______________  ___________    _____    _________
    /    _   \ /____/    / /   /   /   ___/ /      /    \  /     \  /         \
   /     /   //    /    / /   /   /   __/__/   /__/  /   \/   /   \/   __     /
  __\   /___//    /    /_/   /   /    /   /    / /       /   /    /   / /    /
 /   \     \/    /\     /\      /\   /   /    / /   /   /   /    /   /_/    /
/   _/     /____/  \___/  \____/  \_____/\___/  \__/   /\_______/          /
\_________/  _ __ _____  ________________________ /___/ _______ \_________/
::PRIVATE CALL:::::::  Hehe and another one !
      .                                                                .
      :      ______                                                    :
      |     /   _  \          ____                                     |
      |    /   _/  / ______  /___/ ___  ___  _____    _________ _______|
       ___/   ____/_/   __/_/   /_/  /_/  /_/  __ \__/__    __//  ____/____ _
   _ ____/   /_____/   /___/   /_/  /_/  /_/   _   \___/   /__/   __/____
        /   /  .::/___/   /___/  \______/ /___//   /  /___/ :/   _/   /
     \\ \  /     :::::______        -ApC-  .:::\__/       .::\_______/ //
         \/        : /      \  _____      ____:::.  ____    :::.
      |    |     ___/   /___/_/  __ \____/   /_:___/   /_____ _   |    |
      |    | _ ____/   /   /_/   _   \__/   /_____/   /____       |    |
      |    :      /   /   / /___//   / /   /___  /   /___         :    |
      |    .   \\ \______/   .:::\__/. \______/  \______/ //      .    |
      :                         :::                                    :
      .                          :                                     .
::DIGITAL DRUGSTORE::  This one's for Germanator ! Cool chats dude !
             ___    ___  ___           ___                  ___
            /  ____/  / /__/ _________/__/ ______________  /  /
              /  _   / /  / /  ______/  / /_   ___/  -  / /  /
             /  /   /:/  /:/  /_  /:/  /:::/  /::/  /  /:/  /___
             \_____/ /  /  \_____/ /  /   /  /   \_/  / /______/ -ApC-
   ___    ___  _____ \_/  _______  \_/ __ \_/ ___ /__/  ________ _
  /  ____/  / _____________  _______________  ______________  ______________
    /  _   / /  ____/  /  / /  ______/  ___/ /_   ___/     / /  ____/  ____/
   /  /   /:/  /:::/  /  /:/  /_  /:/__   /:::/  /::/  /  /:/  /:::/  ____/
   \_____/ /  /    \____/  \_____/ /  /  /   /  /   \____/ /  /   /______/
_ ________ \_/  _______ __________ \____/ __ \_/ _________ \_/ _______ __ _
::LOGIC SYSTEM:::::::  Probably number 1000 for Sectorcharger !
       ____      ________  ________  ____  ________
      /   /_____/       /_/  _____/ /   / /  _____/- --- -                 /
/ ////   /   __/   /   /_/  /    / /   / /  /____ --- --              /\  /
    /_______/ /_______/ /___    / /   / /_______/ -- - -             /  \/
 /_______________________  /___/ /___/ ______________  ___ _    /\  /
 -ApC-       /\  /\__________   ___________   _______________/\/  \/
        /\  /  \/ __________________  _________________________  _________
       /  \/     /   ______/   /   / /   ____/__    ___    ___/ /        /-  -
      /       __/___    /_/___    /_/___    /  /   /  /   ___/_/  /  /  ///// /
     /       /_________/_________/_________/  /   /  /___________/__/  /- -- -
          /________________________________  /___/  _____________  /__/ _____ _
::CHRONICLE::::::::::  This was a request for Guardian, hope you like it !
                   /                   \  /
- ------- - -  \ /                      \/\    ___ _ __             \ /
 _ _______ _____\_ _______  ________ ___/____ /  \ _______ ____     _\______ _
  /      //   /  //   ___/ /   __  //       //\__//      //   /    /    ___/
 /   /--//      //   /  \ /   //  //   /   //   //   /--//   /___ /    ___/
/______//___/__//___/\   /_______//___/   //___//______//_______//_______/
             /\/      \   \          /   /\          -ApC-          /
            /  \       \___\     __ /___/  \/                  -- - \ ------ -
            \                               \                      /  \
::PRAYING SUNSHINE:::  For Insane madman and Fireflood. I could'nt resist it!
            ___________   __   _______________
           |___  ___   | |  | |  ___|______\\
              |  |  |  |_|  | |   __|
              :  |  :   _   | :  |  |
              :  |  :  | |  | :  |  |       __
              |__|  |__| |__| |_____|      // \
           ______   _____   _____   __ __  \__/  _____   _____
           |   _ | |   __| |  _  | |  |  | |  | |     | |     |
           |   __| |  |    |     | |  |  | |  | |  |  | |   __|
           :  |    :  |    :  |  | :__   | :  | :  |  | |  |  |
     ______:  |____:  |    :  |__|    :  | :  | :__|  | |  |  |
   ___//___|__|____|__|  _ |__| -ApC- |__| |__|  _ |__| |_____|
           ___  ________| |_____________________|  // \  __ ___
            _____   _____   _____   _____   _____  \__/  _____   _____________
           |   __| |  |  | |     | |   __| |  |  | |  | |     | |  ___|____\\
           |__   | |  |  | |  |  | |__   | |  |  | |  | |  |  | |   __|
           :  |  | :  |  | :  |  | :  |  | :     | :  | :  |  | :  |  |
     ______:  |  | :     | :__|  | :  |  | :  |  | :  | :__|  | :  |  |
   ___//___|_____| |_____|  _ |__| |_____| |__|__| |__|  _ |__| |_____|
           ___  ___________| |__________________________| |_________ __
::DOWN TOWN::::::::::  This one's for BAMBAM for nuking all my shit :)
                    .                                    _________
          ___   . __|__________________________________________  /
         /__/_      /    \____/  __  \__/  /_/  /_/  \__/  /__/ /
          /__/_  / /  /\  \  /  / /  / /  /_/  / /    \/  /    /
          _/__/ / /  /_/  / /  /_/  / /  / /  / /  /\    /
         /__/_ /  \______/  \______/  \______/  \_/  \__/
          /__//_________      _      -ApC-      _     __________
                   __________________________________________  /___
                  /__   ____/  __  \__/  /_/  /_/  \__/  /__/ //__/_
                    /  /   /  / /  / /  /_/  / /    \/  /    /  /__/_
                 / /  /   /  /_/  / /  / /  / /  /\    /    /   _/__/
                /  \_/    \______/  \______/  \_/  \__/__ .   _/__/
               /_____________                         |      /__/
::ALTAR OF SACRIFICE:  A weird one for ZACK ! Leave me mail dude !
           _ __ ___________________________________________ _
              .::/ - \:/|  |::::/__ __/::/ - \::::/  __/::.
                /__|  \_|  |____/_/ \/__/__|  \__/  /
            .::/__/|___\|___   /:/___\:/__/|___\/__/::::.
                  |/___//__/\_/ /___/     |/__//__/
               - -- ------ \// --------------- - ---- -
                     ___ _______________________ ___
                         .::/  _  \:::/  __/::.
                           /_______\ /  __/
                   - --- --------- /__/ -------- - -
    _ ___________________________________________________________________ _
    .::/   ___/:/ - \::/ /  __/::/  __/:/__/:/  __/:/__// /  __/:/   __|::.
      /\__   / /__|  \| |  |_/_ /  /   /  / /  __/ /  /| |  |_/_/|   __/_
  .:::\/\___/:/__/|___\/ \____/|__/:::|__/:|__/_/:|__/::/ \____/| \_____/:::.
       \/__/     |/___/ \____//__/   /__/ /__/   /__/    \____/  \/____/ -ApC-
    - ---- -------------------- -------------- --------------------- ----- -
::CRAZY ACID:::::::::  The best music group in the scene :) hehe
                       _______________   / .  \
                      /__//_______--/   /      \
          /         ______   ______ ___/___/\   \  ________:
          \  _     /     |  /   __| |   _   |\   \ |   |   |:
           \/ \   |   |__| |   |    |       |/ . / |   |   |:
              /   |   |  | |   |    |   |   /   /  |____   |::
              \  /\\_____| |___|__  |___| / .  /  _|______/::
               \/ _________  /  . \     |  \   \_/ . /  ::::
                 :|   _   | /      \  __|___|\____  /\   ::
                ::|       |/   /\___\/   \ |      \/  \/\ :
                 :|   |   / . / ____ |\_/| |  |\   \     \
                  |___|   \   \/   / |   | |  |_\   |    /_
                    ::|   |\    . /  |___|  \_______|      \
                     :|___| \____/ _ ___ __________        /
                      :::  -ApC-
::INSANE MADMAN::::::  I HAD to do it :) Hehe make me another ApC ascii !!
           ________________ ____________________ _________ _________
          /____________   //  ______________   //_____   //    ____/
     ____/     //     /  //______   //    //  //     /  //    ____/____
    ____/     //_____/  //      /  //     /  //_____/  //____/   /____//
       /_____/      /__//_________//_____/__/      /__//________/
            ___________________ ____      ___________________ _________
           /        _______   //    \    /        _______   //_____   /
      ____/   / /  //    //  //  /   \  /   / /  //    //  //     /  /____
    //___/   / /  //     /  //  /     \/   / /  //     /  //_____/  /____
        /___/_/__//_____/__//________//___/_/__//_____/__/-ApC- /__/
             _ ________________________________________________ _
::DOCTOR ACID::::::::  Made by the man himself.. nice one for your 1st ascii !
                          ___________________________________  )
                ::::::__//  _______________   ________       )/
              :: ::: ___/  /_____  _____  /  /_____  /  /   /
               :::  //    ///    )//    )/  ///    )/  /   /
              :::  /  /  //  /  //  /  //  //  /  //     _/ ::
               .  /  /  //  /  //  /__//  //  /  //  /\  \ ::::
               : /  /  //  /  //  /  //  //  /  //  //\\  \  :::::
               |(_____/(_____/(_____//  /(_____//  //  \\  \\ :::
           ... . ...    ______   ::  \_/       /  / D.A. \  \\ :
               |       /______  _____  __  ___/  /_  _____\_/____
               :      /// _   )//    )// )//    / \)/     )/     )
               .      /  //  //  /  //  //  /  /   /  /  //  ___/
                     /  _   //  /__//  //  /  /   /__   //___  /
              ::::  /  //  //  /  //  //  /  /   /     //     /
             ::::  (__//  /(_____/(__/(_____//  (_____/(_____/
              ::::    /  /_      :::      __/ :::::::::
             ::::::  /  //        :       :::::::::::
               :::   \_/                     :::::
                ::::::                         ::
::SECTORCHARGER::::::  Just for fun....
     _______ _______________ _______________ _______________
    /  ____//  ____//      //      //      //   ___/_____
   /___   //  ____//  /___//_    _//  /   //   /
  /   /  //  /   //  /   /  /   / /  /   //   /
  \_____/ \_____/ \_____/   \__/  \_____/ \__/
-ApC-           _______ ____ ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
               /      //   /   //  _   //   ___//  ____//  ____//   ___/
              /  /___//       //      //   /   /  /_  //  ____//   /
        _____/  /   //   /   //   /  //   /   /      //  /   //   /
     ________\_____/ \__/___/ \__/__/ \__/    \_____/ \_____/ \__/

::ELIWAZE::::::::::::  Started more like a joke... but who cares ?

           :     ___ _________________ ___   _  ____  ___________  :  __
          :::_______ ___    ___ _________ ______ _______    ______:::  /
         .;:/  ____//  /\  /__//  /  /  //  _  //      /\  /  ____/:. /
        .::// ____/// /_/ // /// /  /  ///    //__//  /_/ // ____/:  /
         :// /   /// /  /// ///       ///    /:\_//  /  /// /   /.
       / /______//_____//__/:\___/___//__/  /:: /______//______/ / /
      /  \______\\_____\\__\::\__\___\\_/  /:.  \______\\______\/
     /____________  ____ _.:::    -ApC-/__/:: __ __________ ____
                           .:          \_:::
::JAN::::::::::::::::  Okay JAN !
                       _|_ .                       .
                        |       ________  ___ _  _ :
                        .      /__/\_______  _____::::.
                              /  /\/  __  /\/     /\:.
                        . ___/  / /  //  / /  /  / /
                        ::\    / /__//__/ /__/  / /
                      .::::\__/  /\__\__\/\ /  / /
                         :: \__\/:    |    /__/ /  |
                         .       .    :    \__\/ --O--
                            -ApC-     .       |    |

::ZACK:::::::::::::::  Howdy mate !! Hope you like it....

                   ________   _________ ______________  _____
                  /  ___   \ /  ____   \   _____/    | /   /
           ______/   \ /   /|        / /   \____|    |/   /_______
              _ _\____\   /__\   |  / /    /    /        \_ _
              ______/ /  /   /___|   /\   /  / /|    |  \ \______
                   / /  /_\  \:/____/::\    / /:|___/:\  \ \
::TOP UPLOADERS::::::  Originally for Sectorcharger....now for ZACK ! ;)
         ________ _                                __________ __
        /  /__ _       ______ _   -- TOP --  ---- /  /____ _
_ _ __ /  /___ ______ /  /    ______ _______ ____/  /______ ______ _________ __
 ___  /  //  //  _  //  /    / __  //  _   // __/  //  ___//  ___//  ___/  ___
:::  /  //  //  __ //  /___ / /_/ //  _   // /_/  //  ___//  /   __\  \   :::
__ _/______//  /   /______//_____//__//  //______//_____//__/   /_____/___ __ _
-ApC-  _ __/__/   --------- ---  _ __/__/  ----------------- ------
::SOD::::::::::::::::  I don't like this one, but i love NYHC !
     ________ ______  ______ ____  ________
    /       //_   __\/ __  //  __\/   /   / ________   _ _______  _____
   /___\   /  /  /  / /_/ //  /  /  / /  / ___   __________  _____
  /   / \_/  /  /  /_____//__/  /__/_/__/
 /   /\   \  \_/       ______  ____  ______ ______ ______ ______ ____  ________
/_________/  /  \     /_   __\/  __\/ __  // __  //  _  //  ___//  __\/       /
   /\       /   /      /  /  /  /  / /_/ // /_/ //  ___//  __/ /  /  /___\   /
  /  \     /    \     /  /  /__/  /_____//_____//  /   /  /  //__/  /   / \_/
/          \     \    \_/                       \_/    \____/      /   /\   \
\         /       \             ______  ______           /        /_________/
    __________  _ /\    ___    / __  / /  ___/  ____ /\ /\  _____    /\   _____
 __________ ___  /  _ _____   / /_/ / /  __/  ___   /  \  __ ___    /  \  __
            ____             /_____/ /__/          /              \/    \
 -ApC-     /    \     ______ _______ ______  ___  ___             /     /
          /___   \   /  ___//  --  //_   __\/  / /  /            /       \
____ ___ /   /\   \ /  __/ /  //  /  /  /  /  /_/  / ______ __   \  __
  ____  /   /_/   //  /  //__//__/  /  /  /  __   / _____  _    / _        \
       /_________/ \____/           \_/  /__/ /  /
::SOLID::::::::::::::  This one's for my own group: SOLID !!

                  _________  ________   __       __   ______
           _ ____/   __   /_/   __   \_/  \_____/  \_/      \_______ _
          _ _____\   \/  /_/   / /   //   /____/   //   /\   \____ _
            :::/ /\  /__/:/   /:/   //   /::::/   //   /:/   /:::   -ApC-
       _ _____/  \_\     \   /_/   //   /___ /   //   /_/   /________ _
     _ ______/___________/________//_______//   //_________/_______ _
                                            \  /

::RAGE 95::::::::::::  This time an ascii for the guyz in Rage....

           __|_____/\____________________/\         /\______ /\______
             /   ___/ _   /  _____/   ____/________/ __    //   ____/
            /   //       /  /_   /   __/_______   /___    //___    / -ApC-
    _______/   //   /   /    /  /   /   /:       /   /   //   /   /__________
 _________/___//___/   /_______/_______/:::   _|/_______//_______/_______
         .:::     /___/::.    :::   .:::::     |      .::::    .::
           :      ::::::       :      :::               ::       :
                    :::                :

     /__/______ ______ ______ ______ ________ ______ ______ ___ ______ ______
    /  //     //  ___//     //  ___//       //  -  //_   _//  //     //     /
   /  //  /  //  ___//  /  //  /   /  / /  //  /  /  /  / /  //  /  //  /  /
  /__//__/__//__/   /_____//__/   /__/_/__//__/__/  /__/ /__//_____//__/__/
 .                    _ ____/\/\ INFORMATION /\/\____ _                      .

Yep it's the end of my fourth ascii collection.
Now some information and shit !                               \||||/
                                                             { -00- }
This pack would'nt be possible if i didn't had:               \\__//
                                                          ____| __ |____
Thedraw (Still cool !)                                    |==\.\__/./==|
Pablo (Still the beta version)                            |===\..../===|
Edit (SUX!)                                               |====\../====|
Wordperfect 5.1 (Better then 6.0)                         |=====\/=====|
Lots of booze like Amstel and Heineken beer, coca cola, and water.
Lots of food like white chocolate, chips, crisps, and FRIKANDELLEN !
Lots of smokes like drum shag !!
Lots of music like:
Judas Priest, ZZTOP, Iron Maiden, Oasis, Pet shop boys, Nirvana, ACDC,
Megadeth, Pantera, Biohazard, Sepultura, Neil young, Motorhead, Venom,
Wargasm, SOD, MOD, Tom petty, Fight and Type-o-Negative.
How come most ascii artists are graffiti artists and also they either love
hardrock or (hardcore) HOUSE ??? Weird !!! HEAVY METAL MOTHERFUCKERSSS !!!

And moral support from my little three rats !!!!  This is an ode to them !

Oh yeah b.t.w. the a perfect craziness ascii in the beginning was made by
Insane Madman.....and the Doctor Acid ascii was made by Doctor Acid.....

_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
 |                                                                           |
 .                                                                           .
                ________ _______  ________ ________ _______ _______|__ _
               /_______//___   / /_______//_______//___   //    ___/
              /   /_  \ /  /  / /   ____//   ____//   /__//___    /:
          _ __\    /  //      \/   /   //   /   //    /  /   /   /
   .          |\_____//__/\    /______//_______//    /  /_______/          .
   |          :   *--------\  /------------------\  /--------* -ApC-       |
_ _|____________________/\  \/  G  R  E  E  T  S  \/  /\___________________|_ _
 Greetings to the following dudes who deserve it....
 Doctor Acid........Stupid modules are cool... GIRLS SUCK ! hehe c u l8rs !
 Sectorcharger......Skipping college rules... where's the beer ? i'll see you.
 Insane Madman......Jesus FUCK !!! Man what a goddamned COOL ascii pack !!!
                    Shit i look nothing now !! hehe Thanx for the Crazy acid
                    file_id's i'll use them.... l8rs...
 Fire flood.........Keep pumping ! Why can't i login at 2400 bps ? Everytime
                    i want to login you're busy !!!
 Blue Sky...........I still love your XXX rated conf. !!!
 Taz Devil..........Cool chats... Keep up the good stuff.
 Hurrican...........I made you another ascii! But it's not as good as the 1st 1
 Tone...............Stop smoking and finish some mods, okay ?
 Sal-one............Hi nice little boy of me ! hehe lets do it NOW ! :)
 Axeblade...........Whassup man ? I'm waiting for your next pack !
 Germanator.........Thanx for those nice piccy's !!! hehe I'll support your
                    XXX conf. for you.
 Eliwaze............See ya.
 Margrioaze.........I love your handle.
 Teb................My English friend ! Hope you've had a nice time in the UK.
 Guardian...........Hope you like the ascii.
 Quida'go...........You'll hear from me ! (hope i spelled your name ok !)
 Jester.............I just can't get you voice...
 ZACK...............Cool bbs you've got mate ! Now a pc conf... hehe 
                    Fuck what a cool pack you made too m8.

And greetings to all dudes that make cool ascii's like Nike, Thurlog, 
Satan's fire (You're damn good !) but whom i don't know ! (YET !)
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
   |                                                                       |
   |                                                                       |
   .                                                                       .
        _ ____/\  GROUP GREETINGS TO THE FOLLOWING GROUPS:  /\____ _
                - Spastic............Huhuhuhu this is cool !!!?? :)
                - Crazy Acid.........More !
                - The evil fx crew...I love you dudes.
                - Smozze fx..........You guys are pretty weird too.
                - Taf................Cool !
                - Rage...............Keep up the good stuff !
                - Stoopid............Mmmmmmm !

                                \/       \/
                                /  0   0  \
                   _ _ _        \.   o   ./        _ _ _
_ ______ _________| | | |________\: --- :/________| | | |____________ _______ _
                  . . . .                         . . . .
Ok you lot, i know you all can't wait to contact me now for any reason (ascii
request, or for fun) then this is how to contact me:
Your best change is to leave mail to ApC at Logic System in Holland.
Otherwise you could try, Silverado, and Ruins of Wisdom in Holland.
Or just give a quick call to Thunderdome bbs at +3150188054 and leave mail to
ApC !

Come on you motherfuckers i need more requests and Crazy Acid is also looking
for more module makers/ programmers /boards, basicly everything !!!
Shut up and just contact me ok !!! 

That's it for now, see you all some other time, stay cool and keep making those
beautifull shining babes called ASCII's !
-ApC- / Crazy Acid ^ SOLiD

                                         /   _____   ___   /  __   /
                                     :::/    \:::/    _/  /  /:/  /:::
                                   ::::/  |   \:/   _____/  /:/__/::
                                      /        \   /   /   /  ___
                                     /____|\    \_/    \   \_/  /
                                            \    \      \      /
                                             \____\      \____/
                               /\/\  IF IT AIN'T DUTCH IT AIN'T MUCH !  /\/\

                             Sun Oct 22 16:49:34 1995

                                 __  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·dISCIPLES oF aGEEMA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN    \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
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 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·