__ ._ __ (__ | ) (_/__ _________________..::::. _ _________ _________ .___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ / | \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ / | \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ / | \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ / l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ / \/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/ · ···· p a l a c e * MOT!ON HQ * * TRADERS DREAN HQ * * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ * * DREAMCHART HQ * * HOODLUM DK HQ * * DATA DIVISION EHQ * * PUZZLES HQ * a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/1x33.6DS/1x28.8DS/1x16.8DS Amiga/Ascii/Consol/PSX tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^LABEL/LSD-DD UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0> Thu Nov 23 18:01:55 1995 ... ______________________________________________________ _\ /_ | ] tha nekksd episode [ _ | | _ ._____ _______. ________\ | | \__|____/____\__ __|______.____\_____ \ | | \_____________/__\__ | _______/____\ | _:_ __ |________|=======|______|_______\ | ______ /________ .___ ______ .___ ______ ______ _ _ | : _ _ __ \ \ /_\______/_ _|_ Y_____/ _|_ Y_____/ _ __\ _________:_|____ / \____\\ /_____ _/ /__. /__. /________ /________\ / _ \____/=====|________/===|________/===|________/ _ _______/ : _ __/ \________ ¦ ________ ______ _ _____ _ _ _ __ : _ _ __¦______ _ \______/_:_____\____ /_\__ / /_\ ______ __ /__|____ /\_____/ _ __ \____ _/ / ________/_____\/__/_______ /_________/________\ /___ _/ / |_______/____|b!d====== = = _ ______/====== = = _ __/===|________/ : _/ : |__ ] bakkk at ur azz 95 [ __| /____________________________________________________\ ] iz prezented by [ _ _ _ : ________ __ _ _ ._____ ________ ______ : _ _ __ \ ____|___ _\______ \\ ________|____/_____\______ \_\___ /______ _|____ / \ /________\ _____/__\______ /__________/ _____/__\___\ /_______\ / \__ _ /______\ _ ________/=|______|/______\======b!d\_____/ _ __/ ] now conquerz da azk¹¹scene az.... [ .:. .::: :::::. ::::::. :::::::::. ::::::::::: ::::·:::::; :::: ::::; :::·::::; ::: :::: ::: ::; :::: :: ::: ......... ::: .....:::::::::::::::. :::.::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:::::::::::·:::::::::::::::::; ..::::::·· ·:::::::::::::· ..::::::::· .:::::::::::· .:::::· :: .:::::::::· .::::· :: .::::::::· .:::::· ::· .::::::·· .:::::· :: .:::::·· .::::· ..:::. :: .::::· .:::::· .::::::::. :: .::::· :::::· .::::::::::::. ::.::::· .::::: .:::::::::::::::.:::::· .::::::.:::::::·· ·:::::::· ::::::::::::::· :::::: .:::::::::::::· .. .:::·::: .::::::::::::·.:::: .:::· ·:: ::::::::::::· ::::: .::·· ::: ::::::::::· ::::::::· ::: .::. .::::::::: :::::::· .:: ::: .::::::. :::::::: :::::· :::: ::: :::::::::. ::::::: ::::· ::::: ::: .::::::::::: ·:::· ::: ::::: ::: .::::::::::::; ·· ::::: ::· :::::::::::::· :::::: ::::::::::::· :::::: .:::::::::::· :::::: .::::::::::· ::::::::::::::::::· ::::::::::::::::· ::::::::::::::· .. ::: :·::::::· .::::: ::: :::::· ::::::. ::: .:::; ::::::: :::.:::· .::. :::::: :::::; :::::. :::::: ::::; ::::::: ::::: :::. .:::; ·::::::: :::::: :::. :::; ·::::::. ::::: ·:::.:::; ·::::::: ::::: ::::::: ·::::::.·:::; ::::::: ·:::::: ··· :::::; ·::::· ::::: ·:::: :: .. :; :::. .: ::::: .::. :: :::::: :::::. :: :::::: ::::::: :: :::::::: ::::::; .:::::. :::::::: :::::: .::. .:::··::::. :::::::: :::::: ::::::. .::: :::: ::::::::: :::::; .::::::; .::· ::::; ::::::::: :::::: ::::::; :::· ::::; ::::::::: :::::; ::::::; :::: ::::; ::::::::: ::::; ::::::; :::::. .::::· ::: ::::: ·::· ::::::; :::::::::::· ::: ·:::: :::::· :::::::::· ::: ·:::: ··· ·::::·· ::: ·::: ::: ·:; ..::::::::.. ::: ..... .::::::::::::::. ::: ..::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::. :::..:::::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::·· .:::::::::; .:::::::::::·····::::::..::::::· .:::::::::· .::::::::::· ·::::::::::: ::::::::::· .:::::::::· ..::::::.::: ::::::::· :::::::::: ..::::::::::::: .::::::· :::::::::: .::::::· ·::::::: ::::·· .:::::::::. ..::::::· :::::: ::· :::::::::::::::::::· :::::: ::::::::::::::::::· ·::::: ::::::::::::::::· ·::::. ::::::::::::::· ::::: :::::::::::·· ::::. ::::::::·· ·:::: ·::·· ·:::. ::::. ::::b!d ·::: ·:; ] ...ma homeez know my fuckin' face...and so should you... [ ............................................ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::·· ·:::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ·::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ·:::::::::::::: :::::::: ·::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::: .:::::::::::: :::::::: .::::::::::::::: :::::.:: .::::::.. :::::::::::::::::: :::::: : ::···:::· ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: .::::: :::::::::::::::::::: ::::::: :::::::· ::::· ::::::::::::: ::::::: ::::: ·::::::::::: :::::::. ::::: .:::::::: :::::::: ·:::: .:::::::: :::::::: :::: ::::::::: :::::::::: ::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::. . :::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::: ·: ::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::: ·::::...·:::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::· ::::::::: ::::::::::::: .:..:..:::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::::::. · · ··:::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::::. ····::::..::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ·.:::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: . .:::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ·:::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: ·:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ·::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::. .:::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::b!d :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ············································ ] of [ _ ______ \________ _________ _ __ _ \___ / _ ___\______/ _ ___\______ \ / _ \____\ /___ _/ / ______/___\ ______/_____/ \______/b!d|________/_______\====|__\__________/ \_ ] azk¹¹ division [ ] hass ma' fünf maak für fluppen....?..?? [ ____________________________________________________ _\ _ /_ | _ _ __._____ ______/ _ | __:___ _ ___ /|____/____ _\___ /________/ _ _:_ __ __\__ / / \ /________________\ / __ / \____\/__/_____\\ /==|________|b!d===\_______/____________/ : _/ \____/ : | | | ..salute folxx....diz iz bastard oph real again... | | ..kikkin your buttz wit sum nice azkkeez... | | diz iz ma third colly...but wit anotha handle..... | | i changed it beecoz i think da olda one [ß$Ð] | | sukked...!!.!... | | | | ..and neva forget....art iz a point of view..and.. | | | | jo, ick weer in jungen jahrn an de waterkant boorn - | | moin! ne steife brise von voan gifft me jümma koole | | oan. ich geh jeedeen avend up'n swutsch un kumm ers | | trüch, wenn all mien geld is futsch. mann in die | | tünn, geh mi ut de sünn, ick bun wat ick bün, kumm | | mi nich anne plünn. doch komm fix mal rum, um di de | | norden antokieken. bi uns dor is jümma wat los | | achter de dieken. set di eerstmal dal, nimm 'n kööm | | un 'n aal un smeckt di dat nich, is ma dat ok | | schietegal. du bist denn woll keen schnimp, wat nich | | heet, dat ick nu schimp, aver pass op du tüffel wi | | nehmt di op de schüffel.... ] renz/fettez brot [ | | | | ..noooo tranzlation...i don't think that aneebodee | | will read diz crap....... | | | | ...ok..i ll stopppp to bore you wid sum lame textz.. | | ..enjoy diz collexxion.......NOT!!!!! | | | | bastard^b!D/real | |__ __| /__________________________________________________\ ] bei aldi iz der seelaxx diese woche echt günstich...herzoch alba rooolt [ .:::. ..::::::::. .::::::::::::. .:::::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::: ] diz collexxion .::::::::::::::···::::; consiztz of... .:::::::::::::· ::: ...no system...no orda [ ..::::::::::::::· :: .:::::::::::::::::::· ::· ] prodigy [ ::::::::::::::::::::: ::· .::::::::::::::::::::; ::; ] phantasm [ .::::::::::::::::::::: ::: ] sunflex [ :::::::::::::::···· :: .:: ] lego [ ::::::::::· ·:. .:: ::::::· :: .:; ] trsi recordz [ ·::::: .:·:: ·::: ::: ·:::: · ::: ::: ] bizarre arts [ :::: ::; ::· :::::: · ·..::; :::. ] desire [ :: ::::: ··: ·:::. ·:· ·:: ::::. ·::::. ] illusion [ :· : .::::::. ·::::. ] defect [ .:::::·:::::::::::. ·:::; .::::::· :·::::::::; .::· ] hoodlum [ .::::::: :::::::::· ::· ] bomb [ ···::::·::.:·:.::::: : .::· .:::: ·::···:::::.: .::· ] rebels [ :::::: ·::::::: ::: ] polka bros. [ ::::· ::::::: ··::.. ] humbugs [ .::· :::::: ··· .::· ·::::: ] rektum [ .:: :::::. ] artwork [ :::· ·::::: ] devine stylers [ .:::· ·:::: ] artcore [ :::: .::::. :::: ::::·: ] epsilon design [ :::: :::: ·: ] infect [ ::::: .:::: .; ] outlaws [ ::::: .::::::: .:::::: .::::::; ] scoopex [ :::::::. .::::::: ] avena [ :::::::::.. ..::::::::; :::· : ·:::::::·.:::::::::::: ] save our souls [ .:· : ·:::::::···:· :::::: ] whale [ .: ·: :::::· : .:::::: ] amiga [ · ·:·. :::. ·:: ::: ] bomb [ :·: ::: :::; ::. ] can [ ·:. ::: ·· : :: ] anotha desire [ ::::·::::.. .:. · ::·: ::: :: ::: ] eyez [ ::.:·. ::. :: ··: ] no carrier bbs [ :::: .::: ·: .: ] prodigy [ : ·::·::: · :: ::. .·::·:: ::; ] traders assault bbs [ :::::· ::: :.::: ] bashguard [ ::: . ::::· ::·: .::·· :·:::. :.·:. ] sum bastard logoz [ .:::·. ·::::· ·:.·::. ] bizarre arts no2 [ .::· ··:· . ·:::... ::::. ] neon [ .:·:::··. : ::.::· .· ·:: ] delight [ .··.: . .:: ::::·.:··· ···::. ] giants [ .··::. ··::·:::: ::::· :: ] flying dragon bbs [ : · .: .:::::·::::···: :·:::: .::·... :·.·· .::::::· .... ·:. ] illusion...[ :· ::·:·· .:::::::... .:·····:::... :: ] anotha no carrier bbs [ : ·. .::::::::::::· ·::::; : : : .:::::: ::::·· ·:: ] rave [ :. : : ::::::: ·:: ·: ] lsd [ : : :: :::::::::: : ] sum smurf logoz [ :. :. :.::::::::.:.. :: ·: .:. :. :::::::::: .. :: ] trsi [ :::.:.::: ::::::::::::. ::::::. ] dragon team [ :::··::·:::·:.: ·::::::::: ::::::::::.. ] sceptic [ ::: ·· :: ::: :·::::::::.. ..:::::::::::::::::.. :::. : ·: ··....:::::·:: :::·:::·: ::::::::·· ·················:::::.:: · ·. ::· ::::::·· ·::.. : :.···b!d ······ ] i think beefore we start to laugh about my azk¹¹z, we all have to get bored by a phunnee commercial.......YEZZZ...!!..!.!!! [ : ::. :::: .::::. :::::: :::::::. .:::::::: :::::::::. :::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: . ::::::::::::. .:· :::::::::::::: .::· .. :::::::::::::; .::: ·::. :::::::::::: .::::· ·:::. :::::::::::: .:::::: ·:::::.. :::::::::::: :::::::: ·:::::::.. :::::::::::: .:::::::::· ::::::::::.. :::::::::::: ..:::::::::: ·::::::::::::. ·::::::::::; :::::::::::: ·:::::::::::::. :::::::::: .::::::::::::: ·:::::::::::::. :::::::::: .::::::::::::· ·::::::::::::::. :::::::::; .::::::::::::: ·:::::::::::::. :::::::: .::::::::::::· ::::::::::::::. :::::::: .::::::::::::· :::::::::::::. ·::::::; .:::::::::::::· ....................:::::::::::::..::::::.::::::::::::::.................... : ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... : : ::: ::: ::: ::: :::.::: :::.::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::.::: :::.::: ::: ::: : : :::.... ::: ::: ::: ... ::: ... ::: ::: :: ::: ::: ::: ... ::: ... ....::: : : ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::· ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ... : : ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: : : ·::.::· ::: ·::.::· ·::.::· ::: ::: ::: ·::.::· ·::.::· ·::.::· : ·............................................................................· .::::::::::; ··:::::::::::::b!d .:::::::::::· ·::::::::::::. .:::::::::::; :::::::::::::. .::::::::::::· ·::::::::::::. ..:::::::::::· ·::::::::::. :::::::::::· ·::::::::. .::::::··· ···::::. ,:::·· ··:. ··· ] eat...ehm..smoke diz..!.!! [ ____________________________________________ _\ /_ | _ _ __ __ _ _| _ __:___ _ ___ /__________ _ ___\ ___:____ __\__ / / \ /_\________/ __ /________ / \____\/__/_____\\ / ___/__________/ _ _______/ : \____/ _ ____|b!d : | \_ | | | | collyname.................tha nekksd episode | | collyversion............................v1.1 | | artizt.....bastard^b!d of real^azk¹¹division | | guezt artizt.......trivial of divine stylers | | original size.....................about 140k | | release date.......18th^19th of novemba 1995 | | release time........20 secondz past midnight | | firzt uploadz.......flying dragon - real whq | | and paradise lost - real ehq | | azk¹¹z done wid................cignusEd v3.5 | | musical supportaz................fettez brot | | der tobi und das bo | | who carez..?.?? | | eigentlich kannich schraiben watt | | ich will...liest ja sowieso | | kein schwain....... | | moral supportaz...............apollo of real | | mum | | meista proppa | | bitchez fucked...................] not4you [ | | wieviel gramm sind 1 pfund...............500 | | ich grüße an diesa stelle alle pc usa....... | | besonderz alle pentium besitza.....viel spaß | | mit eurem multitaskin'.......windoof roooltz | | nu aba ernst..........my nexxd colly will be | | released in da near future.........i hope it | | | |__ __| /__________________________________________\ ] main part......fine^lame^obergaile^suberb^mothalovedthem^...??.? azk¹¹z [ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ prodigy ] requezted by [ god knowz · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _______ ___ _ _ __ : _ _ __ ______ _ ___ _ \ _ _ ____\___ /___ / _ ___/ __ /__|____ /_\__ / /___/___\___ _\/______ / ________/___\ /_________/________\ /_____\/__/_\____ /__ \/ ____/ /____|=======b!d\_____/======= = = _ __/==============|______/=|______| \_ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ whale ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ __ _ ______ /____. \_________ _ _ _________ \ \ / __|_______.___\______ \ / _\_______/ _ _ \____/\ /____\__ | ______/___\ ______/________ _/ / _/\\___/=======|_______|_______\b!d _ __\__________/==|_________/ \_ \_ _/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ giants ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ ] die woc war echt fettttttt...thx to at [ _______ _ _________ _ _ __._____ ______ _ _ \ ___/________/______ ___\______ \_____ /|____/________\ ________ \_\____ /_\__ / / ______/___\ \ /_____________/________ / b!d|_______/_____\/__/_______\ _ _____\\ /==|________| _ _________/ _/ \____/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ neon ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ _ __ ________/ _ _ __ _______ /_\______/ _ __ _ _ ____ / \ \ /_____ _/ / __ / \ / \_____\\ /==b!d|________/____________/______\\ / \____/ _/ \____/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ phantasm ] requezted by [ membaz · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ ] yezz....i am a fan of da kelly phamilee.........NOT..!.!!! [ _ _ ___ _______ __. _________ _____ /___ _________ ____\___ / __|______._\______ \ \ /___/_______\______ \__ _ / ________/__\__ | ______/___\____\\ /___________/______/___\ _______ /____|=======b!d|______|_____\===========\____/|________|_______\_\________ / \_ ______\//\______/ \ \/ \ \____/_______\ _/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ lego ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ ] to play da lazt level in alienbreed3d type...oplkppffnffnffff [ _ __ ________ _______/ : / _ _\______/ _ _\_ ___/________ _ ___ | _____/_________ _/ /_\____ / __ / |__\_________/b!d|________/====|_______/___________/ _/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ trsi ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ ._____ ______ ____ _ _ \__|____/______\___ /_________\ ________ ______ _ \________________\ /_________ /__\__ / / |________|===b!d\______/_ __________/______\/___/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ bizarre arts ] requezted by [ rave · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ ] haut die bullen platt wie stullen....!..!!!.$"0$%/!§$!/()§$"!..! [ _ _ _ : ______ _ ______ __________ ______ ______ \ ____|______\__ / /____\__ / __\_______ \ _\___ /________\___ /_______ \ /_________\____\/__/ ________/__/_ ______/___\____\ /____\ / \__ _ = = ===b!d\______________/______\===========\______/===\__\______/ _ _________ ______ ._____ _____ __ _ \____ _/ / __\______ \ _\___ /_______|____/_______\ _________ |________/ / ______/___\____\ /____________/________ / /_______\===========\______/=|________| _ __ _______/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ desire ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ : _ _ __ ________ ______ __ ______ _ ______ ________ ____|____ / \______/ _ __\ __________\__ / /_\___ /________\______/ _ _ /_________\ /_____ _/ /________ /_____\/__/_____\ /____ _/ / _ __/==b!d|________/ _ _______/=================\______/====|________/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ lsd ] requezted by [ rave · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ _ \_______ __ _ : _ _ __ / _ _\ _____________|____ / ______/______________ /_________\ / _ __\__________/ _ _______/b!d _ __/ _/ ] short break...do you like those manga-filmz....? enjoy diz..... [ ·::... :::·::. ·:. ·::. .... ·:. ·:. ..:::·· ··:::. :. ·:. ·::... ·:. : :. ··:. :.: :. ... ·:. ::: :. ..::···:..::. ·: :; . .::· ··: : :. :·:. .::· :: : : .::· :::: :: ..::· :·: :; ....:::·· .· ·:· ::. ·::.. ..:· .::; ·······:: ::.; .:· ·::. .::· .: ·:. :· .: :. : :: :. :· ::· : : : : .:.: : : :: : :· : : :: : ...: : :· : : .: .:: :· ::.: : .: .: : .:· .:: .: : ·; : : : : ::: .::· :: . : : : :: :· ::: .::· .::· .:· :. : : : : :::: :::· ..:::: .:: : ::· : : :::: ::.::·.::::::.:::: :: : : :: ::::. :·.::···:::::::.:: . .:: : . :::..::::. : .: ·:::::· :. :·: .::·: : ::::::·:::: :.:: ..:::·· :::.·:: ·· : :. ·.:·· :·::·:·:: ··:·. :::::: : :. :·:. · :: ·· ·· : :::: :; :. ·::: · : :::: :· ·: ::: . :::· ::. :.. ::. ::.:: :::::· ·:··: :::::: ·:: :·:: ·· · .; ::::. . ... ·: :::: .:· ·::: · ·· :::: .::::: ::: .. :::: :.:::·:: : :.::::: :::: ..:::: :. :. ::.·:. :. · .::·:·:: ..:· :: .:::· ::. .:::· : :·::::·· :: ::·:· .::::. ..::::·...::::· .::; :·::· .::: ..::::::::··· . :· .:·b!d ::::: :: ·::··· ··::: .·:·.:· .::: : :: :. .·::·:·::·.::. :··:::::. : · : :· . :::::·.:· : ::: : .:· ···::. .·:::·: ·: ..: .·::·· · :· ·::::: ::· ::::::::. .···· : : : .::::· ..:: .:: ::· .::· ·····::: .:: :: . ·: . ·.: : .:::: ::· :: .:: .::::. .::·:: : : : : .:: .: .:: ::· .:: ::· ··:. .:· : : :. :. :. ::: : ::: :: .:: :: .:: .:: : : :·: : :· .:·:· :· .::· .: .:: .:· :::; : : : : ::.:: ··:·· :: :: .:· :: .:· .::: : : : :: :::: .::: :: .:· :· ::· .:· ::::: : : : :· ::: ·: :::::· :· ::· :: .:::::: : :. : :: ::: ::::: :: .:· .: :::· :: : :: : :: :: ::::: :: ::· .:· ::· ::; : : : :: ::. .:::· :: ::· :: .::· ::. .::: : : : :·::·:· :: .:· :: .:: . : .: :::: : ·: : : : .:::.:·.. :: : .:: .:.:· : : : :: :::.· ·····::··: : :· :·.:::··:.·:: :· .:: .:::: :: : ] continue..... [ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ illusion ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ __ _ __ :_______ __ ___ _ _ _ __ \______ _ / / _| /_\ ______ ______ _ _ __ _ / __\__ / /______/___ ______/___ |_____/______ /_\__ / / __ / \ / \____\/__/_\________/_\________/____ _ _____ ___/_____\/__/________/___\\ / \_ _/ b!d\___/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ defect ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ : _ _ __ ________ \__________________ _________ :_____ ____|____ /_\______/ _ _ __\________/\______/ __/ _______/___|____/_______ /_________\ /_____ _/ / ___/_ ____ _/ /_\__ \___________/ _ __/==b!d|________/ _ _____|=======|________/=====\________\ ______| _/ \_ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ hoodlum ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _______. _ : _ _ __ ._______ __ /____ \ __|______. _ __/ _ _____|____ /____| /____\// \ \___\__ | __ / __ /________\ / |_____/ \/ \ b!d|______|___________/___________/ _ __/_____ _ __ _ _____/________\ _/ _/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ bomb ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ _ _ : __ /_____ __ : \ ____|____ _ __ ___\// \ ____|____ \ /_________\ __ / \/ \ /_________\ \__ _ _ ____________/_____/________\_ _ _ \_ _/b!d __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ rebels ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ ______ ________ __ _ _ : \________ . _ ___ _____ _ _ _ \___ /_______\______/ _\ _ ____|____\______/ _ |_ / _\ _________ \____\ ____ _/ / /____________ _/ / _____/____\________ / \______/b!d|________/\___ __ _ |________/ _\____________________/ \_ _/ \_ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ polka bros. ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _________/ _ _ __ _ __ ______ _________ ____\_____ / __ _ / Y_____/ _ ___\______ \ / __________/ __ / ______/_______. / ______/___\ /________| _ __________/___\__________/==|_________/_______\b!d _ _ _ : ______ _______ _ _ \ ____|_____ \___ /_______ _ ___\ ________ \ /_________\____\ / __ /________ / \__ _ = = ====\______/ _ _________/ _ ________/ _/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ humbugs ] requezted by [ plasma · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ ] i'm still searchin' for an ask¹¹^art^onlee^group...contact me..!.!! [ _ _ _ ______. ._______/_ /____ _ _ : ._______/___ _____ _ \ __|_____.____| /__\// \ ____|____ __| /___/________\ _______ \__\__ | |_____/ \/ \ /_________\ |_____/_\____ /_______ / |_____|\______ _\____/________\_ __ \_______ _ b!d|______/_ ________/ \_ _/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ rektum ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ _ ______ \________ .___ ______ ._____/ .________ __ /____ _ \___ /_______\______/_ _|_ Y_____/ _ _|____/_______ __| /____\// \ \____\ /___ _/ /__. /____________/ |______/ \/ \ \______/b!d|________/===|________/=|________|\_________ _ \_____/________\ _/ \_ ] graffitteee roooolz.... [ .......... ..:::::::::::::::::::... .::::::·::::· ····::::. ..:::::. . . ::.. ::: .::::: .:; : ·::. ::: .::::·· ::· .: ·:. .::; :::: ::: :: :; ::; ·::. ::. .:::.. :: .:: :::. ·::.::::::::::::::· :::b!d ·::. .::::::··· ·::::::..::·:: ·::::::· : ·:::::::::. ...:::::::. :::: : :: ::: ::::::::····::::: :::::. :: ::::.::· .::::· ·::::: .:::. .::::::· ...::::·· :::::: .:::::::::::.:::::. .:::::·· ·::::::::· ·:::::::::::::::· ·:::::::.: ·:::.:..::::::: ·::::··· · ···· :::::::.. :· ::.::·· : ::· ·::: .::::. :: ·:: .: ::...::.::::::.::: .:::. · .:· .:::·:::::::::::::: ::.·:. :· ·:·::::::· ·::::::; ··:::: : ::: ::::::: ::::::: ·:.. .: .::..::: ·:·:::::::::. ::::·: .·::::· · ::::·· :::: ·:::: :· :::::::::::: ..::::::·· .. :::::.. ..:::: ::· :. .: :: ::· :.::: ::: .:· ·:. :: .· .:::::. .::· : ·: : :· :::···::: .::: : .::.. :· .:. :::.. ::; ..:::::.:: :::::::. : .: :. :.:: ..::::::::::·: ::·:::: :· :·:·: ::: .:::::::::·· ·:· ·· : :::·:···:. :·:: ...:::::::. : .:· :: . :. ::: :: .::::::::.:.. :. : .: ::.: :.::. .: :: :::· : ·· :· :. · ::: :::· ·: ·:· :: :::··· : · ·:. : ::·::· · :: :· ·::: ::: ..:: .. : : : ::. :.. .::·:: ::: :::: . :::: : .: .: : . :::::::::::::::· ::::::::::::::· : .::: .:·:· ·:: · : :::··· ·········::: :::::: .:::::: .:::::::::::::::: ··:::::: ::: .::::.:: ::: :·:::::.::::::::··:···:::.:::· :::. ::::::· ::::···:::::::::::::: ::::: ·:::::::·· :::; :·:::··::···::· ::: ··· ::: ·: : ::: ::: :.: ::: ::: ·::. ::. :::; ::·. :::. ::: . :. .::: ::; : :. .: : :::. .:: .: ::. · :::. ::; · ::: ·::. ::: : .::: ::: ::; .. ::::: ::. ::: .::. . :::;::: .· :::. :::; ::::··:::; ·::: ··:. :::. :::; .:: . .::: ::: : :::. ::::. :: :::; ::. ..:: ::: :::; ·:. :· :: :::: .::·· :::. :::· ·:. :: ·::. ::: ··· ·· :::. :::· ·:::...:· ·:::. :::. : ::: .:::· . :: ·:: ::: : ... ::: :::· · :. : ::; :::· ::··· ··:::::: .:::· :: .: :: ::: ::·· ::::: .:::··:. : :::·: ... :: :::.:: :::::. .::· ··. :.:. :·::::: :::::: ...·· · ··:::::: .::· ·: :::::: :· ::::; ::::::.: ·· ::::.:: :::::::. :·::::::: .:: :::: :::::·: ::··::::: :::·.:.:.:..:::::::.::. ::::: :::::::. .::·:·.::: :: ::. :::.·:.· .:·::·:::::::::. .:::::: ::::::.::··· : ·:::..: :::. :::· ·· ·: :· :::··:········ ·::: :::·::: :. : · ::· ::: ·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::· ·::::::::::::::::::::::::::· ] like it.?...me too..!! [ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ artwork ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ \________ ______ ._____ _ _ __ ______/ _ ___ _____ __\______ \\___ /______|____/_______ / _ ___\___ /______ Y____/ _ _ / ______/__\__\ /__________/ \ / __ /___\ /__. / /_______\========\_____/=|_______| _ _/\ /________/==b!d\_____/===|_______/ _/\\___/ _/ \_ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ devine stylers ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ ] shout out to ma grandma......r.i.p. [ _ _ _ _ __ : _ _ __/________ __________/ _ __ ___ /________ ____|____ /_\______/ _ _ _\___ /______ _ \ /_\______/ _ _ /_________\ /_____ _/ / / /_\__ / /_____\\ /_____ _/ / _ __/=====|________/__________/_____\/___/=======\____/b!d==|________/ _____ __ ._____ _ \ _ _ _ _ ________ ______ _____ __ _\ ________|____/__\ _\/______ / _\______/ _ _\___ /______\ _______ \_______ ______________ \/ ____/ _____/_______ _/ /___\ /______ / _ _____/=|_______|==|______|=|__\_________/=|________/=====\_____/ _ _____/ _/ \_ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ artcore ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ \_______ ______ ._____ _ _______/ ______ ________ __\______\\___ /_____|____/_____ _____/___ _ __\___ /_____\______/ _ _ / ______/_\__\ /__________/_\__ \ __ /___\ /___ _/ / /_______\=======\____/=|_______|======\______\________/=====\____/b!d|________/ \_ _/ ] sorree for interruption......wanna see ma girlfriend...?..???! [ .::::::::... ..:::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::. .:::::::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::· ·:::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::· ·::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::· :::::::::::: .:::::::::::: ·:::.. ·::::::::::; .::::::::::: ··::: ..:::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::. :···::::::::· ::::::::::::: ·::.. :·::::::::::::: .::::::::::::: ·:·:::::::::: .::::::::::::: ····:::::::::. :::::::::::::: :::::::::: .:::::::::::::: :::::.:::· : ::::::::::::: . :::::·::·: : ::::::::::::::· ::: .:::::::: ::.. ·:::::::::::::::: ·... ::::::.: :· .::::::::::::::::: ·::::::· :::::::: . : ::::::::::::::::::. ..::· :::::::::.::::· ::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::··::: ::::::::::::::· ::::::::::::::::::::·::::. .::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::· ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..:: .::::::::::::::::::·::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: · :::::::::::::::::::::::::·· .·:::::::::::::::::::::: : ::::·::::::::::::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::::::: · .:::::::::::::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::· ::::: :. ::::· :·::::::::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::::.::.:: . :·· :::: ·:::::::::::::::... ::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::· :···::::.:::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::.:·:·· · ·::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::·::·:::::::::: : ··· :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: ::: :::::::::: ···:::·:·::::::::::::::: ·::::·::·:::::::::::: . :::: ·::::::::::::: ::::: :···:::::.::::.:: ::: ·::: ::::::b!d ] i know what you r thinkin'......she'z a good fuck.....!..!! [ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ epsilon design ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ ________ \_________ ____ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ \______/ _ _ __\_____ /_\ ______ ______ _ / _ __ __ / \____ _/ / _________/_______ /_\__ / /______/____ __ / \ / b!d|_______/_______| _ _ _______/_____\/__/_\_________/_________/____\\ / _/ _ \___/ : _ _ __________/ ______ _ _ ________ _ _ __ ____|____ /\______/ _ ___\ ______ ______ _ ___/_______ __ / /_________\ /____ _/ /_______ /_\__ / /__\____ / \ / _ __/====|_______/_ _ ______/_____\/__/=====|______/____\\ / _/ \___/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ sceptic ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ _____ __ _ _______ ________ _________ ____/ _ _______/ _\ ________ ______/__ \______/ _ _____\_____ /____/___________ _ ______/___ \_______ /_\__ \___ _/ / _________/__________/\__ / /_\__ \ _ _____/=====\______\=|________/_______|b!d=|_______| _ __\/__/=====\_______\ _/ \_ \_ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ infect ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ _ __ \__________________ _________ :_____ ______ _ ___ /__\________/\______/ __/ _______/___|____/_______ __\__ / / \ / ___/_ ____ _/ /_\__ \___________/ \____\/__/_____\\ / _ _____|b!d====|________/=====\________\ ______| \_ \____/ \_ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ file id ] requezted by [ no1knowz · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ____________________ _\ _ __ __ /_ | _ / | _ _ _: \__________/ _:__ ___ \ ____|____ _______ ___|____ / \ /_________\______/_________\ / \__ _ _ __/ : "tha nekksd episode" :b!d |__ azk¹¹ production __| /__________________\ ] by bastard of real [ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ outlaws ] requezted by [ apollo · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ ] ich will kühe...!..!!! [ _ _ _ _ __ ._______ ._____/ _ _ \________ ____ /______ __ _ __ _| /_|____/_____ / _ _\______ \ \ /_\ _______ _ __ / |_____/____________/_____/____ ______/__\___/\ /________ / \________/______ _ |______| _\________/_____\b!d _/\\___/ _ ________/ \_ _/ \_ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ scoopex ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ _____ _ _ _ ____/ \________ _______ _____. _\ _______ ______/__ _ __ _ _____\____ /_\_____/ _ _ __ / | \______ /_\__ \ __ / __ / ________/____ _/ / \/ _| _ _____/==b!d\______\________/_________/_______|======|________/ /\_____\ \_ _ ____/ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ avena ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ ________\ __________ ________ _ _ __\_________ __\______ \___\___ /_\______/ _ _ ___ /_\______ \ / ______/___\ / /_____ _/ / \ / ______/___\ /_______\ _ _________/=====|________/_____\\ /_______\b!d _/ \____/ \_ __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ sunflex ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ _____ __ _ ._______/ _ _ __ ___________/ _ _ ________ _____. _\ __________| /__ /_\_________/ / _\______/ _ _ __ / | \_______ / |_____/ \ / ___/ ______/______ _/ / \/ _| _ _____/_______ _ ___\\ / _ _____| _\_________/=|________/ /\_____\ _/ \____/ \_ _ ____/b!d __ :_ :____. ._____ :_;:_; ____: ___ .__: _______: ___ ----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l, | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_ \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\----- ___ · _/ _/ _/ _/ | . ¯ . _ · \__/ /\ _ \/ __ . ] logo [ s.o.s. ] requezted by [ no1 · _ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ / \ ¯¯ _ \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ _ _____ _ _ \_________ __________\________ _\ ___________\______ \_____\___ /_\______/ _ _ \________ / ______/___\ / /_____ _/ / _ _______/_______\ _ _ ________/=====|________/ .________ ______ _/ _ __ __| /_\___ /_______ _ __ / |______/_____\ / \__________/_______ __ b!d\______/ _____ _ _ _/ .________ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _\ _________ _ __ __| / /_ _\ _________/ \________ / __ / |______/ ______/____________ / _ _______/__________/_______ _ __\_________/ _ _______/ _/ \_ ] time for anotha interruption.... [ ] you can try to reach me at da following quewl boardz.... [ : . | : -[ flYIng dRAgoN bBs ]- ._________________| |_______________________________________ | | | ______ \_ _ \_. _____/___. | \______ _ ___|_____. | | \__/ | | | | | __| \ _|__ ____| _|_____| _|____ | | |______________| |_________|b!d |_______| | | | |______________|__ |___________________________| |__ _| |_________ / _____ \_. _____/__ _ | _ \_. \| |_ \_ \_. \___ | | | | | | |/ _____| | | _|____ ________| | | | ______| |_______| |______| |________| | |_______| | | | | | | : : | : -[ pRodiGY GhQ ]- : | . : . -[ dEliGhT Ghq ]- : : -[ ilLUsIOn ghQ ]- -[ reAl /X dIvisIOn wHQ ]- -[ MaZter.......sAxON/iLs^dlt^pDY^rEaL ]- : -[ sLaVE............pYrO/pDy ]- · . : -[ ruNnInG 24h 7dAyZ a WeeK...aLL yEaR lONg ]- : -[ uSinG /X v4.Xx oNly ]- . -[ 5 nOdEz......28k8 pOwer and iSdN ]- · -[ aZk yOuR moTha for pW and XS....oR aNEE elIte dUde ]- : : : . : : | |________| |_________| |________| ] or leave me a mail at [ __ _|_________________/ | __ / | [pArADISE LoST BbS] . : |/______________/_______. _ _ __.___________| _ : : | _____|_____ | _______|_____ | : | | | / _______|_____|______/_____________| ____|____|_______ : | /_____________\ /_____\ _________/ |____|_ | | \ |___________/ \__________________|____| | | \___________| _____\ | | | \_ _ _|__\ __\________________|_ | | _ __|_______________|________________ / | | .______|____________ | ____________ |___________________/ | | _____________/____ | \_______________/___ __ /_ | _|_________/ ____________ \|___________________________ ___ | / \ _\_____________ _ _/____________________\ __________/______/ [/X v4.XX] | b!d|________________ ____/___________________ [oSIRiS gHQ] _|_________________\ _ _ / [nEoN dIST.siDE] | \_| |_/ [rEaL EhQ] _ _|________________|__ | | [mAZTER..........pIcARd/oRS^ne^rEa] [sLAVeZ..........cANNiBAl^NE anD rD10^oRS] [rUNNIg oN a3000/030-25mHz-6mEGZ rAM-730mEGz HD] [nOdE 1..........(49)-4621-ELitE·KnoWz - fAZtLINe 28k8] [NOdE 2..........(49)-4621-iNvITaTION·nEEdeD - iSDN oNE] [noDE 3..........(49)-4621-aSk-yOur-mOtHeR! - iSDN tWO] ] ...go on move...!.!!. [ . :. ::.. ::··: :. ·::· .::::::::: :::·:: ·:· : :.:::: ::· ·:::::. :: ·:::··::::. :: · : . ·:. :· .. ::::. :: ::: ·: :·:: :: ::. ·:. : :.::: ::: ··:::::.. .: ::: ::: ·:::::·:::::· :::: ::: ] izn't diz a great picture..? [ .:·::·:. · .::::· :::: ·:.: ·:::::::::: :::: ·: :::::::::: .:::: :. ::: :::: .::::: ·:. :: :::: .::::::: ·:. :: :::: ::::::::. :: :: :::: :::::::::. :: :::::::: :::::::::: :: ·:::::: ::::::::::. :: ::::::: :::::::::::: ::.::::::::::::::::::::: ] ..our juzt a realleeee :::::::::::::::::::::::: big shoot logo..?? ;) [ ·:::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::: .::· :::::::::::::::::: :· ::::::::::::::::::.::::::.. :: :: :::::::::::::· ·:::. :: :: :::::::::::::. .. :: ::.::·::: :::::::::::: ···:: ...::::::.... ::::::::: :::.::::::::::··. .:: ...::::::::::::::::::. ·:::::::: ...:::::::::· .: .::: .::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::·::::::···· :::::::::...::·.:::: .::::::::::::::::··· ::::::::. ::::·:: . .:::::::::.:::::; .::::::::::::::· .::::::::::: ::: : ::::::::::::::::: ::::::·····:·· .:::····:::::::: :: : :::::::::::·:::: :::: .. ··.:::::.:::::::: ::. ... . : ::::::::::·:: ::; :::: . ··:::::·..:::::::::: ·::::.::. .:::::::::::.:::.:::::::::: ::: :::::: ·· : :::::::::::: ::::::.:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::. .::; ::::::::::::. :: .::.::::::: ::::·:::: ::.:· ::····· :::::::::. ::; ::::::::::::: ::::::.:. ·:· .::: ::::: ·::: : :::::: .:::; :::::::.::::::: ·:::: .: ·::: ::::: ::· :. :::::::::::: ::.· : ::.:::. ·.:: .:::· :: .:::: ::. :: ::::::::::: .::.::: :.:: .::: :.:::::: ::..:.:: .::::::... :.:::.:::::::::::: .:·::::: ::..::::::. :. ·::.:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::.::': :::::.:: ·::::::·:: ·:: .. .:::::.::: ::::::.:::·:::::::::::::::::::: :::::::. · :· : : ::::::·:::::· ::·.:::·:: : ::::::::: :::·: :.:::.:: : : .::: ·::· ::: :::::· :: :. .::::::::::::::: : :::::: .: :::. ::·· ::: :: :: :: ::::::::::::: ::::·:. :. ::::::.::: ···:::·: ::: ::: ::. :. .:::::::: .::::: :: ::.:::::::: ::::: ::: :: :::. ..·:::::::::: :::::::: : :::·:::· ·::·:... :. ::: :: ·::::::::::::.::::: ::::::: :: :. . .::::·:::.. :: :::: ::· ·::·:: ::.··:::·.::::::::.::. ::: :: ::::::::::::. :::::: :: :::::::: ·:· : ::.:::::::::::::::.. ::: ::::::::::···:::: ·:: :: :: ::::::::: :: :::::::·::·::::.·::::..::::::·:::.....::::·· :: :: :: ::::::::::. :::::·:::::::: :::: ·:::::::: ···· .::::· :: ::: ::·:::::::::. :::::::::::::. ·::: ·::::::: ::::::::::::: ::: :: :::. ::::::::::::::.::::::::·::::::. ::. ·::::::::::::·::::·:::: :::. :::. ::::::::::::::·::::::·::::.::::. ::: ·::::. :: ::::. ::::.·::::::::::::·::::::·:::·:::::·::::. ::: :::::.. ..... :::: ::: ::.::::::::::::::::::·::··::: :::.::::. ::: : :::::::::::::::·:: ::::: ·:::::::::::::::.:::::·::::::: ·::.:.::b!d ::. :: :::··:::::::::::· ::::: ] let me tell you a little storee........enjoy [ __________________________________________ _\ /_ | ] fuck [ | ____:_________ ._________ _________ _ __ ____:__ __\____________/__| / ________/_____ Y______/ _ __ ___/ |_______/__\__ \__. / _ __________|\__________ __ \___________\ |____________/ : :b!d | fuck iz perhapz one of da mozt interezting | | and exciting wordz in da english language. | | fuck iz da one magical word which just by | | itz sound can describe pleasure · pain · | | hate and luv. fuck comez from da german | | word "ficken". | | in language fuck fallz into manee gramma- | | tical categoriez. fuck can be used as a | | verb both transitive [he fucked her] and | | intransitive [she wuz fucked by him]. it | | can be an active verb [he really givez a | | fuck], or a passive verb [she really does | | not give a fuck], as an adverb [she iz | | fucking interested in him] and a noun [she | | iz a fine fuck]. fuck can be uzed as an | | adjective [she iz fucking beautifull]. az | | you can see there iz a whole lot of real | | versatility with fuck. it pops up every- | | where. | | besidez itz sexual connotation, diz lovely | | word can be used to describe manee situa- | | tionz: fraud "i got fucked by that crook" | | dizmay "oh, fuck it!" trouble " i am | | fucked now." confusion "what the fuck?" | | aggression "fuck you!" despair "fucked | | again!" philosophy "who givez a fuck?" in- | | competence "he iz real fuck-off!" numero- | | logy "sixty-fucking-nine" rebellion "fuck | | it!" dizpleasure "what the fuck iz going | | on?" satizfaction "fuck me again!" also | | az: descriptive anatomy "he iz a fucking | | asshole." to tell time "itz six-fucking- | | thirty." as a prediction "well, i will be | | fucked!" a political statement "fuck wa- | | shington!" incetuouz "motha fucker" a put | | down "fuck down, busta!" all encompassing | | "fuck them all!" governmental affairz | | "fuck da i.r.s.!" a poker hand "a royal | | fuck." to start relationship "letz fuck | | now!" as an acceptance "fucking a!" enjoy- | | ment "fucking wow!" a closing "fuckingly | | yourz!" | | use fuck in your daily speech proudly. | | fuck addz prestige to anee conversation. | | put diz colorfull four letter word to work | | for you: today, tell someone you know | | "fuck you!".....or letz fuck!!!!!! | | i don't care what you think about my | | grammatikkal miztakez.....simply fuck you! | |__ __| /________________________________________\ ] i've got much more crap to be released....eat diz... [ __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ amiga ] requezted by [ god knowz ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ .:::::. ..... .. .:· .:·.:::. .:::..:····:: ..:::::.. ..::·:. .:· :: :: ·::.:· ·:: :: .:·· ·:::·· ·:. :· ·:.: :: . :: :::· · :: ::. .::. ·:: : :: .: ::. .::· .: ..:. .. ·:. .: ···· .. :. : :: ::: ::: .:::..:::·::: :·:. ·:::. :· .:::. · ::. .:· ·: ::: ::.::·· ·:· ···· ·:. .: ··:.:· ·::·::: ::: ::· · .:::. :: .:·· ·· : :· ·: ·:. ···:: .:: :: .:. .:. ... · · · .::· ·:. .:··::·:: .:··::· . .:· ·:. .:b!d ·: :· :: .::. .:. .. .:·:· ·::· ·:.:· :: .:· ·:::::·:::··:. .:· ·· ·:..:· ·:...:· ·· ··· __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ bomb ] requezted by [ no1 ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ .::. .:::·.. .. .::. .::·.::; .. ::::·:::. ·:·.::; .:::... .::. ... .::. ·:::.:::. ··· :::::::::::. ::::. ::::: .:::::::.... ·::' ··· ·::::··::::; ·::::. ·::::: .:::::····:::: ::·.:::·· ..:::. :::::. ::::: ::·::: ..::::·' .:::::::::..:::··:::::·:::::: :: :::::::::...... .::::···::::::·.:::::::: ·:::: ::: :::::····:::::::; .:::·...::::::.::·.:::::: ·::' :::. :::· .::::· .::::::::::· :::·· .:::·:::. .::::::.::: ...:::::· ::::::··· ::::.::::· ::::::. :::::::::::::::::·· `··· ··::::· ::::::: ·::::::::::::·· ...Da BOMb-SQUAd... ·:::::: ·::::::::·b!d ····' ·:::· __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ can ] requezted by [ no1 ¯¯ ·_ 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\________| .________________._ ___|_______ __|_|______. __|__ \_:______| ___:_____|b!d | | __ / | _ \ ·...........· |__________/ | /________/|________/| | \ \/ _ | | _ ______________________|______\ /________ ____ _ _ _ | : | | | | \/ : . | | | dRagOn | |__________| | tEam | |__________| __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ illusion ] requezted by [ no1 ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ . _ _:____________________________________________________________:_ __ ______|__________. ________________ _ _ | \________________| .___________. \______________//// | \ |______. | ._____|________ _____________ | \______________|._____|_|_____| /_\ / | | b!d| | /_____________/ \ /_______|___ | |__________________/ \_________________/_\ ______/__ ¦ ._________________ _ _ ________|____________ / | |________________//// \_______|________________/ | \ |___!___ ! \______________|____ \ | .______________/ _/ \ | |________ /___________________\ | |_______/ | | | /______________| | | _ _ ________________. ¦ ¡ ////________________| | __ __|____________________________________________________________|___ _ : · __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ illusion ] requezted by [ no1 ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ . : · _ ___|______ : . : __ ________/ | : | _______________ _ _ __|__|____ | \_____________//// _ ___ _ | / __|______ ___________ |___________ _ | /_\ /_______ |___________ _ \ / _____/____ [ iLlUSioN ] |______________________ /_________ |_________________________/ \ /________ \________________ / b!d\ _/ / \_____________ \______ _ \ \ \ \_______\ \_ \____ __ __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ no carrier ] requezted by [ flex ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ ._________ ._________ ._____| / __| ______/___ _______.________.____........._______________. | _ \ .···/--\···.l /_\___ ·| _ · | _ :..|..|.: __ / _ | | \ \ : / -- \ : ·/ __/ : | \__:__| \__:__| | : /____/_ \__.__| l____\ \_·./______\.·___ ·/________:_|_____l_______:.....l.:_____._/____| - --÷\____/÷--------÷l_____/÷----------------b!d^phn----------------------- - __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ rave ] requezted by [ himself ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ ____________________ \ / - --- -- ----^-phn-\··········· ·· ·/----- -- ------. .______.---------. _____\..... ...../_________. | | . ...|_\_____\ : : /______ | ! | l_____:___| __/ \ : : / \_________|__. ¦ l_________| l_____________\..· ·../_______________| : \ / ¡ - - -- --- -·--- --- -\· ··/----.---------^--b!d-' \ / \/ __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ smurf ] requezted by [ alpha1 ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ · . __ __:______________________________________________________________._ _ _ _ __|__________ _ _ __________________________ | ////____________/ \\\\________________________/ | ____¦________ -[ sMurF prOdUcTioNz ]- _______________________ ¡ / __________/_____ __________ ______\________ /__|________ __\______________ /_ / _ /___\ / |__________/ _________/ \ / /_ \_/ / / \ /_________| ____/ \________________/ \___/ /________________/ \______________| | \ |________/ _ _ __________|__. ¦ \________|b!d \\\\____________| | _ _ _______. | | \\\\______| ! _ _ __|______________________________________________________________|__ _ : · . : __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ smurf ] requezted by [ alpha1 ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ .::::::. .::::::::. +-[ sMurF ]-+ .::::::. :::·:::::: .:::::::: :::·.:::::: .:::. .:::::::::: ::: ::::::: ::::; .::: .::::·:::::: ·::. ····· .:::: ::::: :::: ::::::: ..·::::::::.. ::::; ::::: ::::: ::::::: .::::. ·::::: :::: ::::; ..:::: :::::; .:::::::. ::::::.:::::.:::: :::: .::::::::... ···· .:::::::::: :::::::::::::::::. ::::: .::::::::::::::::... .:::::::::· ::::::·:::::::::::. ::::::::· ::::::::::::::::; ::::::::· :::::· :::::::::::;..:::::::· .:::::::: ··:::· :::::::::...:::::; ::::: ::::::::::::::· .:::::::::: ·:::::::::::::::: ::::: :::::::::::::: .:::::::;:::: ······ ::::: ::::: .::::;b!d :::: :::::::::::::. ::::; ::::· ::::: ::::: ··::::· :::::: ::::: .:::: .::::; ::::: :::::: .::::; .::::;.::::: ::::: ·::::; ·:::; ·:::: ·::::· ::::; ·::· ··· __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ rave ] requezted by [ himself ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ _ ___ __________ _____________ ____________________________ _ | / |________\ __________ / /___________|/___________| : \ /_____________/ _ __ _______________________________________________________ __ _ __b!d_ __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ smurf ] requezted by [ alpha1 ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ · : .______ ___ ___ : | ._______ .________ | ___/_._\ \_/ /_._____| |_|___ _/_ .__| ______/ .__|_____ | \_____/ | | | \_ \| ___| | / | | | | | | | | | ____| |_____| ______| |_____| | |_____/ | | |_____|b!d |_____| : | | : . : : · ··[ SmURf ]·· · . __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ trsi ] requezted by [ no1 ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ .:::. .:: .. .:::··:: .... :::·.::: .::: .:: ::··:: ·· ::· ...:::..... ::: :::: ·:::· .. .:::··::······ ::: ·:· .::: .:: ··· :: ::.::::::.:::. .:: :::· :::· ::·::::·:::::· ·::. ::: :: ::: .:: ::: ::: .... .:: :: :::·.. .:::.::· .:::::::. ::: :: ··.::· .::·.::: .::··::::: ... ·· ::. :::· .::·.:::· ::· .:::::: .::::::..::::: ·:::::· :::· .::· ·:::::· .:::·b!d··:::::.. ··· .::·.:::::. ::::· ··::::.. .::· :::..::· ·::: ·:::::..:::· ···· ·· ··::::· __ _ ___:_ :____. _____ __. .__ __ ----\_/------\/-b!d---÷] \_/l_,| /\_l, \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/ \--- ___ _/ | ¯ _ . ¯¯¯ · \__/ _ / \ /\ _ __ \/ ] logo [ flying dragon ] requezted by [ no1 ¯¯ ·_ ¯ / \ . \_/ _ · . / \ ¯¯ _ . \/ :____. __:_ __. __ __: ___.__:__ __ ___ __. : ¯¯ __ · -\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_ \_/l_/| / \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/ \- | _/ ¯¯¯ ____________ |· . |: ____________ _ _ _____. | : :| |· | _ ______________ |_|_____| .| | |__ _______. _ / | | |_|___ _._____|_ |__________ |_________/_____|_________ ___| \/ | _ \ : _______/__ __ ___| \ | | | \ \_ . \_ | _ ______________| _ ____| _ _______| \_____________\ : . | | | | ________.|........ __\___ _ _ _ ______|________: _ _|_________ __|__|____. _ ____|__:__ _ _____:__ _ /| _ / | _____:_/____. :_ \ |______/ | \________/|_______/| | \_ : | : \ \_ _ __ _____________| _ _______| _____________|_ _____\ : | : \_______ _ | | | |\_:______| __:_____|b!d | | | fLYinG | ·..........· |____________| | dRagOn | |____________| ] hochvereehrte massen.....lasset euch noch das sagen..... [ : _ _ __ _________ ____|____ /_______ __\_______/ _ _ /_________\ /_\___ / /____ _/ / _ __/______\/__/====|_________/ ] die definition von fett [ : _ _ ___________ ____________ _ _ __ ____|____ /\_______/ _ __\__________/______ _ ____ /_______ _ /_________\ /____ _/ / ___/ _\___ / / \ /_\___ / / _ __/====|_________/________| _ _____\/__/______\\ /______\/__/ ._____ \_____/b!d _ _ __ __|____/_______ _______ _ _ _ ____ / \_____________/_\___ / / __ / \ / |________| _ _____\/__/____________/______\\ / __________ _ _ __ \_____/ _____\___ / _ _ ____ / \ / / __ / \ / \_ _ ____/____________/______\\ / \_____/ _ __ __ ____________________ ._____ ._____ _ /__ __ _____\__________/_______/ _ __|____/________|____/_______ \__________/ / \ ___/______ _/ /_____________/_____________/ ________ _____/ \_________|=======|_________/==|________|====|________| \______/_____ \______/ ] .....danke, ich werd' versuchen euch jetzt näher zu bringen, was es heißt fett zu sein und auch noch fett zu klingen. man kann sagen ich bin ein riesengrosses fettmolekül und fett ist für mich mein lebensgefühl. du bleibst, was du bist, du wirst nur dick, wenn du frißt, besonders, wenn du fett in kalorien abmißt. bist du fett, bist du ein blickfang - mann ist der dick, mann - und du fragst dich sicherlich "wo ist denn da der trick dran?" paß auf, ich gehe jetzt ins detail, denn fett zu sein als style, sag fett und nicht geil. wenn du fett bist, kannst du auch über dich selbst lachen, tritts immer ins fettnäpfchen, machst ständig pralle sachen. manche sagen "du bist so blöd, du schwimmst sogar auf milch!". ich nenn' es einfach fett, nenn' du es, wie du willst, denn fett zu sein, das ist dein ziel, ich bin drin um zu gewinnen, das ist mein spiel. fett abzuderben is mein reimstil und ich höre niemals auf, weil mir nichts einfiel. ich bin fett, so fett, richtig, richtig fett. und ich würde damit aufhör'n, wenn ich keinen spaß daran hätt. das ist die definition von fett.... [ ] finally...da greetz, respectz and stuph....... ...pleez do me sum bastard and real logoz...thx...and cu b!d [ _____ _______ _____ _____ ._____. _____ / __/_____/ \ ____/___ ___/____| |_/ ___/___ / \____ \ \____\ ______| ______| _/________ \ /_____________\____\t^________\ ______\ _____|__ `---' \ gREETS aND /__________\ rESPECT ______ _____ _____ _______ _____ _____ ._____. / _ \_\ __/_____\ __/___/ ____ \_\ __/_____\ __/___| |_ _ _ / \_____\ ______|________ \ \_____\ ______| \ \ _///// /______\ ________\ __ `---' \___\ /_________\ __________\____| /__________\ .:::::. ::·..·::::. ::::::..·:::. ::::::::::.:::. ] bastard rezpectz da following azk¹¹ artiztz [ :::::::: ·:·::: :::: :: . ::: ] hope that you r not missing.... [ :::: : ::: ::::.: · ..::; ] keep azk¹¹ paintin' all day long matez...!.!! [ ::.::; . ·:::: .... ::::: .:·: :::; ..::::::::. ::: : : ::::; .:::·.... ·::: ::::::; ::: .:::..:··· ::.::. .::::.: :eLViS zd! ::: .:· :::. .::::.:·:: .:: tsar1 .:::.:· .:::. ·::: .... .::·::: ::: .::; dNSs ::: · .:::·:::.::: :::::::. :· ·:: ::.:::: $LAß ::: ::· ·:. ::::b!d ::· ··::::::::: ·:..::. ::·::;cASe .:: :: ·:.:::. :: .:::::::·:: ::::::: :.:; -mNt ::::. :: ::·::. :: ::· ....: :::::::.::; cOLa .:: ::. :: ·:.·::. :: :..::::·· :: .::::::::: jD! -TRE ::::::: :: ::·:::. ..:::: ::· ·:.:.:::: ::; ·hJ· cC! :::::::::. :.·::::::::::::·:: :: ::::::: :: evr! GoTE ::::::.:::: ·: ·:::::::· .::: :: :::::::.:: hKWd h20 :::::: :::::: ·:. .::· :: :: :::::··:: mRV Mb! ::::::.:::::: ·::::::· · :: : :.::::::::: tbM aNf ::::::.::::::. ·. :: .:::::: ::::::· ck! sYz :::::::::::.:: . ::. ::.::: ·::: ::::· ppx Psy :: :::::::::::::. ·::. :::.: ::::::. rS! CRb :: :::::::::::::: :::: ::::::::·::: ÷e÷ oEp dZG ::::::::::::::·::. . :::: ::::::: :::: NL PAF dNo ·:: :::::::::::::::.: ::::.::::::::·:: Sk!n eXC xCz ::.:::::::::::::.:::.: .:::::.:::: ::.::: fRm hF! HrP ·::·:::::·:::::::: :::: : .::::::::: ::::::::: bHe xOr ::::::::::.:::::::::::::. . . ::::::::::::. ·::::::: Rpd! dto skZ ·::.·::::::: :::::::::·::::. . .::::::::::::::::::::::·::: tpr sYK gEm :::.. .:::::. ::::::::.:::::::.:..:::::::.::::: :::::::·::::; st! bHm sTZ ·:::::::··::::::::::::::.:·:::::::::::::::::·::::·::::::::· bvs c2! mO! ··· ·:::..::::::::::::..::.:::::::::..::· ···· sLa jN! 7M ·:::: ·:::::::::::::::::::::·.:::· MC s% e! p! t^ ·::::.·:::::::::::::::::·.::::· Z! ð Sn cp m! tS ·::::..·:::::::::::· .::::· 2F sc nK cD iM gZ! wB! ·:::::..:···· ..:::::· mtl vol HTW cla dA! rst ·:::::::::::::::· cDr yop 2o! ·S· pSh sLw ] fazt greetz must go to.. ··:::::·· kRm zS! fTL tGø ZMb pay cL! pSS g®m uMn aDk rAt Rip! d! saxon picard cNb ZaCK ApC ©Mt c0! cG! stIx! h20 vC! rN! alpha1 bashguard mSW rBL! dDay Prd! rAPe RaY fCKW czar ·rS· -gD! flex plasma trm V-c! nUp! sAL1 sKiN -bIS! tG° RandY cRL antibrain storm apollo [km] rX fNk! jA! WACKO [m!] ©Mt ¶£§ mSs -cR high-speed imperator warkwind st^ .ma [wBr] cL!lzd (GEN) GoDF! [pnk!] orl 911 ©ron dAZE! hp! and of coz to all otha friendz in da scene... [ lo! t^ vnz -M- nB! ex! sCf splat kA! mAd! RcL sNUFFY ^rave^ ab [fATE] ] that'z it....deadline caught me..;) [ Thu Nov 23 18:01:56 1995 __ ._ __ (__ | ) (_/__ _________________..::::. _ _________ _________ .___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ / | \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ / | \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ / | \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ / l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ / \/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/ · ···· p a l a c e * MOT!ON HQ * * TRADERS DREAN HQ * * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ * * DREAMCHART HQ * * HOODLUM DK HQ * * DATA DIVISION EHQ * * PUZZLES HQ * a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/1x33.6DS/1x28.8DS/1x16.8DS Amiga/Ascii/Consol/PSX tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^LABEL/LSD-DD UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0> _______._ _._ <<(· THE YARD ·)>> \ . ______ _______ ____._ ¡/ \ |_ / / ___ \ _____\ ¡ | 1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS _\ (__\\____/__\ /______\ _/ \ | | 4\iSDN sTATiC tELNET sLOTS /__________________/ /________\mt^lp| | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM _ ________ _ ____ ________ | | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM \ \ /// ________./ ¡\ / | | aEROHOLiCS·diSCiPLES oF aGEEMA \ \____/ _ /¡ _|_\ \__| | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN \ \ \____\ \!___/ \____/ _!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________: \____________._ · \\ \\ ________________\ ! \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·