__  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

                           Thu Nov 23 18:01:55 1995


            _\                                                    /_
           |                ] tha nekksd episode [         _        |
           |       _  ._____    _______.           ________\        |
           |       \__|____/____\__  __|______.____\_____   \       |
           |        \_____________/__\__      |  _______/____\      |
          _:_ __      |________|=======|______|_______\             |
______         /________   .___ ______  .___ ______     ______ _ _  | :   _ _ __
\     \       /_\______/_ _|_  Y_____/ _|_  Y_____/ _ __\  _________:_|____    /
 \____\\     /_____ _/      /__.         /__.         /________   /________\  /
 _     \____/=====|________/===|________/===|________/  _ _______/  :    _ __/
 \________ ¦     ________ ______  _ _____ _ _       _ __  :   _ _ __¦______
_ \______/_:_____\____  /_\__  /  /_\  ______   __     /__|____    /\_____/ _ __
\____ _/     / ________/_____\/__/_______   /_________/________\  /___ _/      /
    |_______/____|b!d====== =   =  _ ______/====== =  =      _ __/===|________/
           :                                                   _/   :
           |__              ] bakkk at ur azz 95 [                __|

                               ] iz prezented by [

_ _  _   :     ________ __ _ _     ._____     ________  ______        :   _ _ __
\    ____|___ _\______ \\  ________|____/_____\______ \_\___ /______ _|____    /
 \  /________\  _____/__\______   /__________/ _____/__\___\       /_______\  /
  \__ _     /______\   _ ________/=|______|/______\======b!d\_____/      _ __/

                     ] now conquerz da azk¹¹scene az.... [

                                           :::: ::::;
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                                          :::              .........
                                          :::     .....:::::::::::::::.
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      ·:::·          :::        :::::  :::    .::::::::::::;
                     ··         :::::  ::·   :::::::::::::·
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                 ..::::::::..         :::            .....
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    ::::::::::::::·                    :::::
    :::::::::::··                       ::::.
    ::::::::··                          ·::::
    ·::··                                ·:::.

          ] ...ma homeez know my fuckin' face...and so should you... [




                  ::::::::::··         ·::::::::::::::::::::::
                  :::::::::                :::::::::::::::::::
                  ::::::::                  ·:::::::::::::::::
                  ::::::::                     ·::::::::::::::
                  ::::::::                      ·:::::::::::::
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                  ::::::::::::               ::::::· :::::::::
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                  :::::::::::::::::::     ·:::::::::::::::::::
                  ::::::::::::::::::::     :::::::::::::::::::
                  ::::::::::::::::::::::   :::::::::::::::::::
                  :::::::::::::::::::::::. .::::::::::::::::::




                                     ] of [

              ______      \________       _________       _ __
            _ \___ /  _ ___\______/  _ ___\______  \         /    _
            \____\        /___ _/      /  ______/___\ ______/_____/
                             ] azk¹¹ division [

                   ] hass ma' fünf maak für fluppen....?..?? [

             _\                                     _            /_
            |             _  _ __._____      ______/       _       |
          __:___  _ ___         /|____/____ _\___ /________/    _ _:_ __
        __\__  /  /    \       /________________\         /    __      /
        \____\/__/_____\\     /==|________|b!d===\_______/____________/
            :  _/       \____/                                     :
            |                                                      |
            | ..salute folxx....diz iz bastard oph real again...   |
            |        ..kikkin your buttz wit sum nice azkkeez...   |
            |  diz iz ma third colly...but wit anotha handle.....  |
            |   i changed it beecoz i think da olda one [ß$Ð]      |
            |          sukked...!!.!...                            |
            |                                                      |
            |  ..and neva forget....art iz a point of view..and..  |
            |                                                      |
            | jo, ick weer in jungen jahrn an de waterkant boorn - |
            |  moin! ne steife brise von voan gifft me jümma koole |
            | oan. ich geh jeedeen avend up'n swutsch un kumm ers  |
            |   trüch, wenn all mien geld is futsch. mann in die   |
            | tünn, geh mi ut de sünn, ick bun wat ick bün, kumm   |
            |  mi nich anne plünn. doch komm fix mal rum, um di de |
            |   norden antokieken. bi uns dor is jümma wat los     |
            | achter de dieken. set di eerstmal dal, nimm 'n kööm  |
            |    un 'n aal un smeckt di dat nich, is ma dat ok     |
            | schietegal. du bist denn woll keen schnimp, wat nich |
            | heet, dat ick nu schimp, aver pass op du tüffel wi   |
            |  nehmt di op de schüffel....    ] renz/fettez brot [ |
            |                                                      |
            |  ..noooo tranzlation...i don't think that aneebodee  |
            |        will read diz crap.......                     |
            |                                                      |
            | ...ok..i ll stopppp to bore you wid sum lame textz.. |
            |    ..enjoy diz collexxion.......NOT!!!!!             |
            |                                                      |
            |                                     bastard^b!D/real |
            |__                                                  __|

  ] bei aldi iz der seelaxx diese woche echt günstich...herzoch alba rooolt [

                                   .:::::::::::::::::::  ] diz collexxion
                                .::::::::::::::···::::;    consiztz of...
                              .:::::::::::::·      :::  ...no system...no orda [
                          ..::::::::::::::·        ::
                    .:::::::::::::::::::·         ::· ] prodigy [
                   :::::::::::::::::::::         ::·
                  .::::::::::::::::::::;        ::;             ] phantasm [
                 .:::::::::::::::::::::        :::     ] sunflex [
                 :::::::::::::::···· ::       .::  ] lego [
                  ::::::::::·        ·:.     .::
                  ::::::·             ::    .:;           ] trsi recordz [
                  ·:::::   .:·::    ·:::   :::
                   ·::::   ·         :::  :::                 ] bizarre arts [
                    ::::             ::;  ::·
                   :::::: ·      ·..::;   :::.    ] desire [
                    :: :::::       ··:     ·:::.
                      ·:· ·::      ::::.     ·::::.         ] illusion [
                        :·   :   .::::::.       ·::::.                ] defect [
                        .:::::·:::::::::::.       ·:::;
                      .::::::·   :·::::::::;      .::·  ] hoodlum [
                     .:::::::    :::::::::·      ::·                ] bomb [
                    ···::::·::.:·:.::::: :    .::·
                      .::::  ·::···:::::.:  .::·    ] rebels [
                      ::::::      ·:::::::  :::               ] polka bros. [
                      ::::·        :::::::   ··::..       ] humbugs [
                     .::·           ::::::        ···
                    .::·            ·:::::                         ] rektum [
                   .::               :::::.  ] artwork [
                  :::·               ·:::::              ] devine stylers [
                .:::·                 ·::::                       ] artcore [
                ::::                  .::::.
               ::::                   ::::·:  ] epsilon design [
               ::::                   :::: ·:                      ] infect [
              :::::                  .:::: .;                ] outlaws [
              :::::                 .:::::::
             .::::::               .::::::;      ] scoopex [
             :::::::.             .:::::::  ] avena [
            :::::::::..        ..::::::::;
           :::· :  ·:::::::·.::::::::::::                ] save our souls [
          .:·   :   ·:::::::···:·   ::::::     ] whale [
         .:     ·:    :::::·   :   .:::::: ] amiga [
         ·       ·:·.  :::.       ·::  :::            ] bomb [
                   :·:  :::      :::;   ::.                      ] can [
                   ·:.   ::: ··    :     ::      ] anotha desire [
                    ::::·::::..   .:.     ·
                    ::·:  ::: ::  :::                                ] eyez [
                    ::.:·. ::. :: ··:   ] no carrier bbs [
                     :::: .::: ·:  .:                  ] prodigy [
                     :  ·::·::: ·  ::
                     ::. .·::·::  ::;       ] traders assault bbs [
                    :::::· ::: :.:::                         ] bashguard [
                    ::: . ::::· ::·:
                   .::··  :·:::. :.·:.  ] sum bastard logoz [
                .:::·.    ·::::· ·:.·::.                 ] bizarre arts no2 [
              .::· ··:· . ·:::...   ::::.  ] neon [
            .:·:::··.   : ::.::·   .· ·::         ] delight [
          .··.: .  .::  ::::·.:···   ···::.  ] giants [
       .··::.  ··::·:::: ::::·           ::          ] flying dragon bbs [
      :      · .: .:::::·::::···:     :·::::
     .::·... :·.··  .::::::·     ....     ·:.   ] illusion...[
    :·   ::·:··   .:::::::... .:·····:::... ::        ] anotha no carrier bbs [
   :     ·.      .::::::::::::·         ·::::;
   :      : :  .:::::: ::::··             ·::     ] rave [
   :.     :  : ::::::: ·::                 ·:            ] lsd [
    :      : :: ::::::::::                  :                ] sum smurf logoz [
    :.     :. :.::::::::.:..               ::
    ·:     .:. :. ::::::::::            .. ::        ] trsi [
     :::.:.:::  ::::::::::::.           ::::::.                 ] dragon team [
    :::··::·:::·:.: ·:::::::::         ::::::::::..     ] sceptic [
    :::  ·· ::  :::  :·::::::::..   ..:::::::::::::::::..
    :::.  : ·:  ··....:::::·:: :::·:::·:  ::::::::··
     ·················:::::.:: · ·. ::· ::::::··
                           ·::..  : :.···b!d

 ] i think beefore we start to laugh about my azk¹¹z, we all have to
                    get bored by a phunnee commercial.......YEZZZ...!!..!.!!! [

                                   ::::::::::::                             .
                                   ::::::::::::.                          .:·
                                  ::::::::::::::                        .::·
 ..                               :::::::::::::;                       .:::
  ·::.                             ::::::::::::                     .::::·
    ·:::.                          ::::::::::::                  .::::::
      ·:::::..                     ::::::::::::                ::::::::
        ·:::::::..                 ::::::::::::             .:::::::::·
          ::::::::::..             ::::::::::::          ..::::::::::
           ·::::::::::::.          ·::::::::::;         ::::::::::::
            ·:::::::::::::.         ::::::::::       .:::::::::::::
              ·:::::::::::::.       ::::::::::      .::::::::::::·
               ·::::::::::::::.     :::::::::;    .:::::::::::::
                 ·:::::::::::::.     ::::::::    .::::::::::::·
                   ::::::::::::::.   ::::::::   .::::::::::::·
                     :::::::::::::.  ·::::::; .:::::::::::::·
  :  .....  ......   .....   .....  ......     ......   .....   .....   .....  :
  : ::: ::: ::: ::: :::.::: :::.::: ::: :::    ::: ::: :::.::: :::.::: ::: ::: :
  : :::.... ::: ::: ::: ... ::: ... ::: ::: :: ::: ::: ::: ... ::: ... ....::: :
  : ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::    ::: ::· ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ... :
  : ::: ::: :::     ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::    :::     ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :
  : ·::.::· :::     ·::.::· ·::.::· ::: :::    :::     ·::.::· ·::.::· ·::.::· :
                            .::::::::::;  ··:::::::::::::b!d
                          .:::::::::::·      ·::::::::::::.
                        .:::::::::::;          :::::::::::::.
                      .::::::::::::·             ·::::::::::::.
                   ..:::::::::::·                    ·::::::::::.
                  :::::::::::·                           ·::::::::.
                .::::::···                                   ···::::.
              ,:::··                                               ··:.
                           ] eat...ehm..smoke diz..!.!! [

                 _\                                          /_
                |             _  _ __                    __ _ _| _
              __:___  _ ___         /__________    _  ___\  ___:____
            __\__  /  /    \       /_\________/  __    /________   /
            \____\/__/_____\\     /     ___/__________/  _ _______/
                :           \____/ _ ____|b!d                  :
                |            \_                                |
                |                                              |
                | collyname.................tha nekksd episode |
                | collyversion............................v1.1 |
                | artizt.....bastard^b!d of real^azk¹¹division |
                | guezt artizt.......trivial of divine stylers |
                | original size.....................about 140k |
                | release date.......18th^19th of novemba 1995 |
                | release time........20 secondz past midnight |
                | firzt uploadz.......flying dragon - real whq |
                |                 and paradise lost - real ehq |
                | azk¹¹z done wid................cignusEd v3.5 |
                | musical supportaz................fettez brot |
                |                          der tobi und das bo |
                |                              who carez..?.?? |
                |            eigentlich kannich schraiben watt |
                |                  ich will...liest ja sowieso |
                |                          kein schwain....... |
                | moral supportaz...............apollo of real |
                |                                          mum |
                |                                meista proppa |
                | bitchez fucked...................] not4you [ |
                | wieviel gramm sind 1 pfund...............500 |
                | ich grüße an diesa stelle alle pc usa....... |
                | besonderz alle pentium besitza.....viel spaß |
                | mit eurem multitaskin'.......windoof roooltz |
                | nu aba ernst..........my nexxd colly will be |
                | released in da near future.........i hope it |
                |                                              |
                |__                                          __|

   ] main part......fine^lame^obergaile^suberb^mothalovedthem^...??.? azk¹¹z [

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ prodigy         ] requezted by [ god knowz  · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

      _______  ___      _      _ __  :   _ _ __ ______  _ ___   _     \  _ _
  ____\___  /___ / _ ___/  __     /__|____    /_\__  /  /___/___\___  _\/______
 / ________/___\       /_________/________\  /_____\/__/_\____     /__ \/ ____/
/____|=======b!d\_____/======= =  =     _ __/==============|______/=|______|

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ whale           ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

             _  _ __               _
    ______         /____.          \_________         _ _   _________
    \     \       /   __|_______.___\______  \          /  _\_______/   _ _
     \____/\     /____\__       |   ______/___\  ______/________ _/       /
         _/\\___/=======|_______|_______\b!d _ __\__________/==|_________/
            \_                                    \_                   _/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ giants          ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

               ] die woc war echt fettttttt...thx to at [

 _______        _           _________         _  _ __._____        ______ _  _
 \  ___/________/______  ___\______  \_____         /|____/________\  ________
  \_\____      /_\__  /  /  ______/___\    \       /_____________/________   /
   b!d|_______/_____\/__/_______\   _ _____\\     /==|________|  _ _________/
                      _/                    \____/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ neon            ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                           |  _/                           ¯¯¯
                     _  _ __ ________/                         _  _ __
           _______         /_\______/ _ __          _ _ ____         /
           \      \       /_____ _/      /    __      /     \       /
            \_____\\     /==b!d|________/____________/______\\     /
                   \____/             _/                     \____/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ phantasm        ] requezted by [ membaz     · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

        ] yezz....i am a fan of da kelly phamilee.........NOT..!.!!! [
                                          _  _ ___
      _______ __.        _________ _____         /___       _________
  ____\___  / __|______._\______  \     \       /___/_______\______  \__  _
 / ________/__\__      | ______/___\____\\     /___________/______/___\ _______
/____|=======b!d|______|_____\===========\____/|________|_______\_\________   /
                              \_                             ______\//\______/
                                                             \     \/     \

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ lego            ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

       ] to play da lazt level in alienbreed3d type...oplkppffnffnffff [
                     __    ________    _______/
             :        / _ _\______/ _ _\_ ___/________       _ ___
             |  _____/_________ _/      /_\____      /   __      /

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ trsi            ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

             _  ._____      ______         ____ _ _
             \__|____/______\___ /_________\  ________  ______   _
              \________________\        /_________   /__\__  /   /
                |________|===b!d\______/_ __________/______\/___/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ bizarre arts    ] requezted by [ rave       · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

      ] haut die bullen platt wie stullen....!..!!!.$"0$%/!§$!/()§$"!..! [

_ _  _   :      ______  _    ______    __________   ______        ______
\    ____|______\__  /  /____\__  /  __\_______  \ _\___ /________\___ /_______
 \  /_________\____\/__/ ________/__/_  ______/___\____\        /____\        /
  \__ _    =  = ===b!d\______________/______\===========\______/===\__\______/ _
                _________   ______       ._____       _____ __ _ \____ _/      /
              __\______  \ _\___ /_______|____/_______\  _________   |________/
             /  ______/___\____\        /____________/________   /
            /_______\===========\______/=|________| _ __ _______/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ desire          ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

     :   _ _ __ ________      ______ __    ______  _ ______        ________
 ____|____    / \______/  _ __\  __________\__  /  /_\___ /________\______/  _ _
/_________\  /_____ _/      /________   /_____\/__/_____\        /____ _/      /
        _ __/==b!d|________/  _ _______/=================\______/====|________/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ lsd             ] requezted by [ rave       · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                          _ _    \_______ __ _    :   _ _ __
                            /  _ _\  _____________|____    /
                     ______/______________   /_________\  /
                 _ __\__________/  _ _______/b!d     _ __/

      ] short break...do you like those manga-filmz....? enjoy diz..... [

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                              ] continue..... [

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ illusion        ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

 _             _ __       _ __   :_______ __ ___ _                       _  _ __
 \______  _       /          /  _|      /_\ ______ ______  _     _ __ _        /
__\__  /  /______/___ ______/___ |_____/______   /_\__  /  /  __    /  \      /
\____\/__/_\________/_\________/____ _ _____ ___/_____\/__/________/___\\    /
            \_                                                   _/  b!d\___/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ defect          ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

     :   _ _ __ ________       \__________________     _________   :_____
 ____|____    /_\______/  _ _ __\________/\______/  __/ _______/___|____/_______
/_________\  /_____ _/      /      ___/_ ____ _/      /_\__        \___________/
        _ __/==b!d|________/ _ _____|=======|________/=====\________\ ______|
                         _/                                 \_

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ hoodlum         ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯
_______.                     _             :   _ _ __    ._______  __  /____
\    __|______.         _ __/       _ _____|____    /____|      /____\//    \
 \___\__      |    __      /   __      /________\  /     |_____/     \/      \
    b!d|______|___________/___________/       _ __/_____ _ __ _ _____/________\
                                    _/                             _/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ bomb            ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯
               _ _  _   :                  __  /_____ __    :
               \    ____|____        _ __ ___\//    \   ____|____
                \  /_________\  __      /    \/      \ /_________\
                 \__ _   _ ____________/_____/________\_ _  _
                  \_                       _/b!d

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ rebels          ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

    ______       ________  __ _  _  :   \________   .    _ ___    _____ _ _
  _ \___ /_______\______/ _\ _  ____|____\______/ _ |_       /   _\  _________
  \____\        ____ _/      / /____________ _/      / _____/____\________   /
        \______/b!d|________/\___ __ _     |________/ _\____________________/
         \_               _/                            \_

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ polka bros.     ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

            _________/           _  _ __   _ __ ______       _________
        ____\_____  /      __ _         /      Y_____/  _ ___\______  \
       / __________/  __      /  ______/_______.          /  ______/___\
      /________| _ __________/___\__________/==|_________/_______\b!d
           _ _  _   :      ______                     _______ _  _
           \    ____|_____ \___ /_______         _ ___\  ________
            \  /_________\____\        /    __      /________   /
             \__ _    =  = ====\______/ _ _________/ _ ________/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ humbugs         ] requezted by [ plasma     · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

    ] i'm still searchin' for an ask¹¹^art^onlee^group...contact me..!.!! [
                         _    _                           _
______.          ._______/_  /____ _ _    :       ._______/___        _____ _
\   __|_____.____|      /__\//    \   ____|____ __|      /___/________\  _______
 \__\__     |    |_____/   \/      \ /_________\  |_____/_\____     /_______   /
      |_____|\______ _\____/________\_ __    \_______ _  b!d|______/_ ________/
              \_                                                            _/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ rektum          ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯
              _                                 _                        _
  ______      \________   .___ ______    ._____/         .________  __  /____
_ \___ /_______\______/_ _|_  Y_____/ _ _|____/_______ __|       /____\//    \
\____\        /___ _/      /__.         /____________/   |______/     \/      \
      \______/b!d|________/===|________/=|________|\_________ _ \_____/________\
           _/                                       \_

                        ] graffitteee roooolz.... [

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          ·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·     ·::::::::::::::::::::::::::·

                          ] like it.?...me too..!! [

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ artwork         ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯
   _                                                          _
   \________ ______      ._____          _  _ __        ______/  _ ___ _____
  __\______ \\___ /______|____/_______         /   _ ___\___ /______  Y____/ _ _
 /  ______/__\__\       /__________/  \       / __     /___\       /__.        /
/_______\========\_____/=|_______| _ _/\     /________/==b!d\_____/===|_______/
                                     _/\\___/       _/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ devine stylers  ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                    ] shout out to ma grandma......r.i.p. [

                _                        _                 _  _ __
     :   _ _ __/________       __________/      _ __ ___         /________
 ____|____    /_\______/  _ _ _\___     /______   _     \       /_\______/  _ _
/_________\  /_____ _/      /     /    /_\__  /   /_____\\     /_____ _/      /
        _ __/=====|________/__________/_____\/___/=======\____/b!d==|________/
 _____ __   ._____  _    \  _ _        _ _   ________     ______      _____ __
_\  ________|____/__\    _\/______       /  _\______/  _ _\___ /______\  _______
\_______   ______________ \/ ____/ _____/_______ _/      /___\       /______   /
  _  _____/=|_______|==|______|=|__\_________/=|________/=====\_____/  _ _____/
                                           _/                  \_

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ artcore         ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

   _                                      _
   \_______ ______     ._____   _ _______/              ______     ________
  __\______\\___ /_____|____/_____ _____/___        _ __\___ /_____\______/  _ _
 /  ______/_\__\      /__________/_\__      \   __     /___\      /___ _/      /
                 \_                                 _/

      ] sorree for interruption......wanna see ma girlfriend...?..???! [

                        ::::::::::::::·     ·::::::::::::::::
                       :::::::::::::·         ·::::::::::::::.
                       :::::::::::::             ::::::::::::::
                      :::::::::::::                :::::::::::::
                      ::::::::::::                  ::::::::::::
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         .·:::::::::::::::::::::: :  ::::·:::::::::::::::::::
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      .:::::::::::::::::::::.::.:: . :··  :::: ·:::::::::::::::...
      ::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::·   :···::::.::::::::::::::::::::
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    ·::::·::·:::::::::::: .                      ::::  ·:::::::::::::
    ::::: :···:::::.::::.::                       :::     ·::: ::::::b!d

        ] i know what you r thinkin'......she'z a good fuck.....!..!! [

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ epsilon design  ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

  ________      \_________ ____ _ _              _ ___                   _  _ __
_ \______/ _ _ __\_____  /_\  ______ ______  _       /          _ __ __        /
\____ _/     / _________/_______   /_\__  /  /______/____   __     /   \      /
 b!d|_______/_______|  _ _ _______/_____\/__/_\_________/_________/____\\    /
          _/              _                                             \___/
        :   _ _ __________/     ______ _       _ ________            _  _ __
    ____|____    /\______/ _ ___\  ______ ______  _  ___/_______ __        /
   /_________\  /____ _/     /_______   /_\__  /  /__\____     /   \      /
           _ __/====|_______/_ _ ______/_____\/__/=====|______/____\\    /
                          _/                                        \___/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ sceptic         ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯
                                                      _                    _
 _____ __  _ _______   ________        _________ ____/            _ _______/
_\  ________ ______/__ \______/ _ _____\_____  /____/___________  _ ______/___
\_______   /_\__      \___ _/      / _________/__________/\__  /  /_\__       \
  _  _____/=====\______\=|________/_______|b!d=|_______| _ __\/__/=====\_______\
        _/              \_                                              \_

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ infect          ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                     _  _ __ \__________________     _________   :_____
     ______  _ ___         /__\________/\______/  __/ _______/___|____/_______
   __\__  /  /    \       /      ___/_ ____ _/      /_\__        \___________/
   \____\/__/_____\\     / _ _____|b!d====|________/=====\________\ ______|
    \_             \____/                                 \_

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ file id         ] requezted by [ no1knowz   · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ           ____________________
          _\         _ __ __  /_
         |     _           /    |
   _ _  _:     \__________/    _:__ ___
   \    ____|____ _______ ___|____    /
    \  /_________\______/_________\  /
     \__ _                      _ __/
         : "tha nekksd episode" :b!d
         |__ azk¹¹ production __|

          ] by bastard of real [

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ outlaws         ] requezted by [ apollo     · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                            ] ich will kühe...!..!!! [

                               _             _                _  _ __
               ._______ ._____/        _ _   \________ ____         /______ __
         _ __ _|      /_|____/_____      / _ _\______ \    \       /_\  _______
  _   __    /  |_____/____________/_____/____ ______/__\___/\     /________   /
  \________/______ _    |______|  _\________/_____\b!d    _/\\___/ _ ________/
   \_                                     _/                 \_

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ scoopex         ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                    _                        _
 _____ _ _   _ ____/                         \________ _______           _____.
_\  _______ ______/__        _ __      _ _____\____  /_\_____/  _ _ __  /     |
\______   /_\__      \   __     /  __     / ________/____ _/      /   \/     _|
  _ _____/==b!d\______\________/_________/_______|======|________/    /\_____\
                       \_                                      _ ____/

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ avena           ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                  _                                          _
          ________\    __________ ________            _  _ __\_________
        __\______  \___\___     /_\______/  _ _ ___         /_\______  \
       /  ______/___\     /    /_____ _/      /    \       /  ______/___\
      /_______\    _ _________/=====|________/_____\\     /_______\b!d
                            _/                      \____/         \_

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ sunflex         ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                      _                        _
 _____ __  _  ._______/    _  _ __ ___________/  _ _  ________           _____.
_\  __________|      /__         /_\_________/     / _\______/  _ _ __  /     |
\_______   /  |_____/   \       /      ___/ ______/______ _/      /   \/     _|
  _  _____/_______ _ ___\\     / _ _____|  _\_________/=|________/    /\_____\
        _/               \____/              \_                _ ____/b!d

    __      :_ :____.   ._____ :_;:_; ____:   ___ .__: _______: ___
----\_/--÷] l_,| /\_l,  | /\_/,| /| /_) \_l_  \_/,l_/|_) \_/\_l_\_/, [÷--/\-----
      ___  ·   _/       _/     _/ _/              |                    .  ¯  .
_ ·   \__/                                                                /\  _
\/   __       . ] logo [ s.o.s.          ] requezted by [ no1        · _   ¯ / \
   . \_/  _                                                           / \     ¯¯
 _        \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--b!d---÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                         _                        _
            _____ _ _    \_________      __________\________
           _\  ___________\______  \_____\___     /_\______/  _ _
           \________   /  ______/___\       /    /_____ _/      /
             _ _______/_______\    _  _ ________/=====|________/
                                  .________ ______           _/
                           _ __ __|       /_\___ /_______
                  _    __     /   |______/_____\        /
                  \__________/_______ __     b!d\______/
       _____ _ _           _/    .________      _ _   _____ _ _   _
      _\  _________       _ __ __|       /        /_ _\  _________/
      \________   /   __     /   |______/  ______/____________   /
        _ _______/__________/_______ _   __\_________/ _ _______/
               _/                           \_

                    ] time for anotha interruption.... [

       ] you can try to reach me at da following quewl boardz.... [

                    :        .
                    |        :  -[ flYIng dRAgoN bBs ]-
  ._________________|        |_______________________________________
  |                 |        |       ______  \_    _     \_.   _____/___.
  |    \______ _ ___|_____.  |       |     \__/    |       |   |        |
  |       __|    \       _|__    ____|      _|_____|      _|____        |
  |        |______________|        |_________|b!d  |_______|   |        |
  |        |______________|__      |___________________________|        |__
 _|        |_________       /    _____  \_.   _____/__ _       |     _     \_.
 \|        |_        \_     \_.  \___     |   |                |     |       |
  |        |/    _____|       |    |     _|____        ________|     |       |
  |        ______|    |_______|    |______|   |________|       |     |_______|
  |        |              |        |                           |        |
  :        :              |        :     -[ pRodiGY GhQ ]-     :        |
           .              :        . -[ dEliGhT Ghq ]-         :        :
                                           -[ ilLUsIOn ghQ ]-
                                              -[ reAl /X dIvisIOn wHQ ]-
   -[ MaZter.......sAxON/iLs^dlt^pDY^rEaL ]-                            :
                      -[ sLaVE............pYrO/pDy ]-          ·
  .        :                 -[ ruNnInG 24h 7dAyZ a WeeK...aLL yEaR lONg ]-
  :            -[ uSinG /X v4.Xx oNly ]-
           .          -[ 5 nOdEz......28k8 pOwer and iSdN ]-            ·
            -[ aZk yOuR moTha for pW and XS....oR aNEE elIte dUde ]-    :
  :        :             .         :                           :        |
  |________|             |_________|                           |________|

                         ] or leave me a mail at [

  | __             /      |   [pArADISE LoST BbS]         .          :
  |/______________/_______. _       _  __.___________| _  :          :
  |      _____|_____      |       _______|_____      |    :          |    |
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  |           |        \___________|               _____\                 |
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  |                       b!d|________________ ____/___________________
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      [nEoN dIST.siDE]       |                  \_|                |_/
         [rEaL EhQ]                            _ _|________________|__
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         [sLAVeZ..........cANNiBAl^NE anD rD10^oRS]
      [rUNNIg oN a3000/030-25mHz-6mEGZ rAM-730mEGz HD]
         [nOdE 1..........(49)-4621-ELitE·KnoWz - fAZtLINe 28k8]
              [NOdE 2..........(49)-4621-iNvITaTION·nEEdeD - iSDN oNE]
                   [noDE 3..........(49)-4621-aSk-yOur-mOtHeR! - iSDN tWO]

                          ] ...go on move...!.!!. [

 . :.   ::.. ::··: :.
   ·::· .:::::::::
         :::·:: ·:·
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 ·:.    :    :.:::  :::
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 ·:::::·:::::· ::::  :::           ] izn't diz a great picture..? [
 .:·::·:. ·  .::::·  ::::
 ·:.:  ·::::::::::   ::::
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    ·:.  ::  :::: .:::::::
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      :: :::::::  ::::::::::::
      ::.:::::::::::::::::::::             ] ..our juzt a realleeee
      ::::::::::::::::::::::::                        big shoot logo..?? ;) [
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  ::     :::::::::    ::  :::::::·::·::::.·::::..::::::·:::.....::::··  :: ::
  ::     ::::::::::.  :::::·::::::::    ::::  ·::::::::   ····      .::::· ::
  :::   ::·:::::::::.  :::::::::::::.    ·:::   ·::::::: ::::::::::::: ::: ::
  :::.  ::::::::::::::.::::::::·::::::.    ::.    ·::::::::::::·::::·::::  :::.
   :::. ::::::::::::::·::::::·::::.::::.    :::     ·::::.             ::  ::::.
   ::::.·::::::::::::·::::::·:::·:::::·::::.   :::      :::::..  ..... ::::  :::
    ::.::::::::::::::::::·::··::: :::.::::.   :::   :  :::::::::::::::·::  :::::
    ·:::::::::::::::.:::::·::::::: ·::.:.::b!d ::.  ::  :::··:::::::::::·  :::::

                 ] let me tell you a little storee........enjoy [

                   _\                                        /_
                  |                  ] fuck [                  |
              ____:_________  ._________ _________    _ __ ____:__
            __\____________/__|        / ________/_____   Y______/   _ __
                     ___/     |_______/__\__           \__.             /
          _ __________|\__________ __       \___________\ |____________/
                  :                                            :b!d
                  | fuck iz perhapz one of da mozt interezting |
                  | and exciting wordz in da english language. |
                  | fuck iz da one magical word which just by  |
                  | itz sound can describe pleasure · pain ·   |
                  | hate and luv. fuck comez from da german    |
                  | word "ficken".                             |
                  | in language fuck fallz into manee gramma-  |
                  | tical categoriez. fuck can be used as a    |
                  | verb both transitive [he fucked her] and   |
                  | intransitive [she wuz fucked by him]. it   |
                  | can be an active verb [he really givez a   |
                  | fuck], or a passive verb [she really does  |
                  | not give a fuck], as an adverb [she iz     |
                  | fucking interested in him] and a noun [she |
                  | iz a fine fuck]. fuck can be uzed as an    |
                  | adjective [she iz fucking beautifull]. az  |
                  | you can see there iz a whole lot of real   |
                  | versatility with fuck. it pops up every-   |
                  | where.                                     |
                  | besidez itz sexual connotation, diz lovely |
                  | word can be used to describe manee situa-  |
                  | tionz: fraud "i got fucked by that crook"  |
                  | dizmay "oh, fuck it!" trouble " i am       |
                  | fucked now." confusion "what the fuck?"    |
                  | aggression "fuck you!" despair "fucked     |
                  | again!" philosophy "who givez a fuck?" in- |
                  | competence "he iz real fuck-off!" numero-  |
                  | logy "sixty-fucking-nine" rebellion "fuck  |
                  | it!" dizpleasure "what the fuck iz going   |
                  | on?" satizfaction "fuck me again!" also    |
                  | az: descriptive anatomy "he iz a fucking   |
                  | asshole." to tell time "itz six-fucking-   |
                  | thirty." as a prediction "well, i will be  |
                  | fucked!" a political statement "fuck wa-   |
                  | shington!" incetuouz "motha fucker" a put  |
                  | down "fuck down, busta!" all encompassing  |
                  | "fuck them all!" governmental affairz      |
                  | "fuck da i.r.s.!" a poker hand "a royal    |
                  | fuck." to start relationship "letz fuck    |
                  | now!" as an acceptance "fucking a!" enjoy- |
                  | ment "fucking wow!" a closing "fuckingly   |
                  | yourz!"                                    |
                  | use fuck in your daily speech proudly.     |
                  | fuck addz prestige to anee conversation.   |
                  | put diz colorfull four letter word to work |
                  | for you: today, tell someone you know      |
                  | "fuck you!".....or letz fuck!!!!!!         |
                  | i don't care what you think about my       |
                  | grammatikkal miztakez.....simply fuck you! |
                  |__                                        __|

             ] i've got much more crap to be released....eat diz... [

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ amiga         ] requezted by [ god knowz  ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

              .:::::.               .....                   ..
            .:·   .:·.:::.   .:::..:····::    ..:::::..  ..::·:.
          .:·    :: ::  ·::.:·  ·::      :: .:··     ·:::··   ·:.
         :·      ·:.:     ::  .  ::      :::·          ·       ::
        ::. .::.  ·::  :  :: .:  ::.   .::·   .:     ..:. ..   ·:.
         .: ····   ..  :. :  ::  :::   :::  .:::..:::·::: :·:.  ·:::.
        :· .:::.    ·  ::.  .:·  ·:    ::: ::.::··    ·:· ····      ·:.
        .: ··:.:·      ·::·:::         ::: ::·         ·  .:::.       ::
      .:··    ··    :       :·          ·: ·:.            ···::      .::
     ::       .:.  .:.      ...          ·   ·                ·    .::·
     ·:.     .:··::·::    .:··::·                              . .:·
       ·:.  .:b!d   ·:   :·  ::       .::.    .:. ..         .:·:·
         ·::·        ·:.:·    ::    .:· ·:::::·:::··:.     .:·
                       ··      ·:..:·                ·:...:·
                                 ··                    ···

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ bomb          ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

       .:::·..                                                .. .::.
      .::·.::; ..                                            ::::·:::.
      ·:·.::; .:::...            .::.    ...       .::.       ·:::.:::.
         ··· :::::::::::.        ::::.  :::::     .:::::::.... ·::' ···
             ·::::··::::;        ·::::. ·:::::   .:::::····::::
               ::·.:::··   ..:::. :::::. :::::  ::·::: ..::::·'
              .:::::::::..:::··:::::·:::::: ::     :::::::::......
             .::::···::::::·.:::::::: ·:::: :::   :::::····:::::::;
            .:::·...::::::.::·.::::::  ·::' :::.  :::·      .::::·
         .::::::::::·  :::·· .:::·:::.    .::::::.::: ...:::::·
         ::::::···     ::::.::::· ::::::. :::::::::::::::::··
         `···           ··::::·   :::::::  ·::::::::::::··
          ...Da BOMb-SQUAd...     ·::::::    ·::::::::·b!d
                                   ····'        ·:::·

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ can           ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                             :::::::·::::·         ··:::::.
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                          ·::: ···:      ::::··:··::.    .::
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                              ·:::      ::: ::::. ·::.  ·::;
                                ·:::.   ::: ·::::. ·::  .:;
                                 ·:::   ::   ·:::;  ::  :;
                                   :::  ·::    ··  ::: ::
                                    ::.  ::.     .::::::;
                                     ::: ·:::..::::::::;
                                      ::. ···::::::·::;
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                                .::::::·      ..::::::::..
                          .::::::::              ......::.:::.
                       ..::::::::·        .::::::::::::::::::::
                   .:::::::::::.  ..::::::::··            :::::::.
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                  ::::::::::: :::::::  .:::::::·: .:::   ··:::::::::
                  :::::::::::::: :· .::::·   ::·    :::.· :  .::::::
                  :::::: :::::::::::::...   .::.    :··::  :::::::::
                  :::::::::::::.::  :·::    ::::    :: :·: :::::::·
                   ····::::.:::·   .:·::    :.::    ::   ·.:::::
                       :::::.::.   :: ::    :.::    ::.:  ::::::
                       ·::::::::   :: ::    : ::    ::::   :::::
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                        ::::::::   :  :    : ::      :::: .:::::
                         :::··::  :  ::    :·::     .:::: ::::::
                         :::  ::  :::::    : :·      ::::.::::::
                         :::..::   : ::   : ::      .:::: ::::::
                         ::::::    : ::   : :       ::::: ::::::
                         :.::::    ::::  ::::       : ::  :::::
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                        :: :: :·  ·:::: .:::         :::  ::::::
                        :·::: :    ·::: ::.:         ::   ::::::
                       :: ::::::    ::  : ::        ::: .:::::::
                       :·::: :::   ::: .: :         :::::::: :::
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                      :·::: :::·   ::  : ::         :: ::::::·:;
                     ::::: :: :    :   · :·         :  ::::::::
                    .:·:::·:·::   ::    ·:         ::  :: ::·::
                    ::::: ::.:·   ::     :         :   ::::: :;
                   :: :: :: ::   :::    ::        :·  ::::: ::
                  .: :: .:·.:·   :::    :        ::  :::::: :;
                  ::.:· :· ::    : :  . :       .:·  ::::: ::
                 ::.:: ::  :    :: :   :        ::  :::::· :;
                .:·:: ::: :·    :               :   ::::: ::
                ::::·:::  :    ::.             ::  ::::::.:;
               ::.:: ::  ::   .::·           :.:   :::::·::
               ::::· :: .:·   :::            ::·  :::::::;
              :: ::  : :::    ·:·         : :::  ::::::::
              ::::: :: :::     :          : ::   ::·::::;
              ::::: ::::::     :         :::::  ::·::::;
              : :::.:::::·    ·:·        :.:   .:::::::
              ::::: :::::·    ::        :·:    :::::::;
            ..::::: ::: :     :         .::   ::.:::::b!d
           ::::::::  ·: ·     :..:::::::::  ·.:: ::·::..
          ::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.: ::::::
          :::::::::::::::::::·:·       : . :::::::::::::::
         ::::::·:::::: :::  :·        ::  :::.:::.::::::::
        .::::::::::::·:::: ::         ··  :::::::.::::::::
        :::::: :::::: :::  :      ...:...:: :::: ::::::::;
         ·:::::::::: :::: ::..::::::····:::::::::::::.:::
            ··::::::.:::..:::·              · ··:::::::·

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ desire        ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                                        .....       ..
               :::::...               .:::::::.    ::::.         .:::..
                ·::::::::::....      .:::· ·:::    :::::.        ::::::::..
               :::::..  ·:::::::::   ::::  .:::     ·:::::.      :::  ··::::.
    .:::.       ··:::::::..  ·::·.:. :::   :::: .::. :::::::.  :::::.      ···
    ::·::.         :::··:::;   .::::.::: .:::; ::::· ::: ·:::.  ·::::::.
    ::.·::.         :::       ·:::::::::.····  :::·  :::   :::   :::·:::  .::
     ··::::....     ·::.         ·:::::::::::.   ..  :::  .:·    :::     ·::::
        ·:::·:::::.. ·::.         .:::··· ·::::.:::: :::.::·.:::.:::      ·:::.
         ·:::  ··::::.:::.    ..::··        :::::::: ::::::::·::::::      .:::;
   ...... ·:::   ·::::::::..:::·  ::::::::  :::::::: :::::·   .::::::   .::::·
   ·:::::: ·:::. .::::::::::· .. .::::::·   ::: :::: :::·    .:: ::::..:::·
     ·::::. ·:::::::::· ·::·.::: ::::::    .::: :::: ::::   .::  :::::::·b!d
      ·:::: ·::::::·       .::: ::::::    .:::  :::: ::::  .::·  ·:::::  ..  ...
       ::::.::::::.      .::::  :::::. ..:::·   ::::::::: .:::    :::: .::: :::·
       ·:::::··::::.     ·::·   ·::::::::::·    ::::: ···.::::.::  ·· :::· :::·
  ..   ..··    ·::::.             ·······       :::··    :::::::·
 :::: ::::      ·:::::.                          ..::;   ·::··
 :::: ::::       ·:::::.                        ::::·
 ·:::  ·:·        ·::::::.

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ eyez          ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                         ..:::::..               ..:::::::..
                      .:::::::::::::..        .::::::::::::::.
                     ::::··    ···:::::    ..:::::··     ··::::
                    :::·           ·:::: .::::··            ::: .
                   :::·              :::.:::·               ::; ::
               .: :::·     .::::.    ·::::    ...          .:; ::;
           .: .::.:::     :::::::.    ::·   .:::::        .:; ::;.::
           :: ::·:::·     ·::::::::.  :·  .::::::;      .::; ::;.:;
           :: :: :::        ·::::::·     :::::::;     .:::· ::· ::
           :: ::.·:::               .:.   ·::::·    .:::·
           ·:: :: :::             .::·::..     ...::::·
                   :::..      ..:::·   ·:::::::::::·
                    ·::::::::::::·         ·····b!d

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ no carrier    ] requezted by [ flex       ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                 .::.                   ::
     ..        .:::::   .....        ..
.::.:::.  .::.::::::: .::::::::     :::  ·   · ···No·CARRIEr·BBs··· ·
·::: :::: ·::::· ·:::.::·.. ·:::    ··
 ·:::·::·  :::·   :::::: ·· :::;    .:::::.        .    ::
  ::·      ::::  .:::·:::..:::;     ::::::·    ..           .::.
            :::. :::: ::::::··      ·:::·     ::::    .::.  ···   .
            ::::.·:::.::                ......  ··   ::::;
            :::::.:::::;          ..  .::::::::.      ···.:::.
             ···::. ··· ..  ..  .::::.::· .. .:::  ::   .::::;
            .:::.::. .::::: :::::·:::::::...::::·       ·:::·
          .::·::::::.::: ::.:::· .:::: ··:::::·    ....         ..   .::  ..
         .::: ::::· ···· :::::· .:::::    ::::  .::::::::.... .:::. :::;.:::;
         :::  ··   ..:::::::::  ·····.:::.::::.:::  ..:::·::::::::: ·:·.:::·
        .::·   ...::·· ·::::::  .::.:::::::::::::::::··· :::::·.:::.   ··
        :::..::::::...::::::::  :::::·:::::::::::·· .::..::::· :::::
        ::::::· ·:::::··::·::; .:::· .:::::::::::...::::::::: :::::·
        ::::·    ····  ::: ··  ::::  ::···::::::::::···.:::::
         ··            ··     .::::       :::::       .:b!d::
                              :::::       :::;        ::::::;

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ prodigy       ] requezted by [ saxon      ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

        .:: ..                                                     ::. ::.
      .::·.::· .::..::::..                           .::::.   .::. ·::.·:::
      ::· ::·.:::::·····:::  .:.::        .:::        ·::::   :::·  ·:;  ··
             ··::     ..::;  ·::::.       ·::·  ..:::. ·:::  .:::
          ..::::::::::::··...  ·::::.     ..  .::··:::· ·:::.:::;
         í:·  ::: ..... .::··:: :: ·:::. ::::.::   ···   ·::::::
             .::·::::·::::.:.:: ::   :::: ::·::·.:::::.  ... ·::
             ::: ::  ::·:: ·.:; ::..::::·.:: :: ·:::::: ::··  ::
             ·::.::.    :::::: .:::::·   :::.::. .::·:: ·:.  .::
                :::·     ···  ::::·      ·::· ·::::·.::: ::. :::
                 ...........  ·:·                  ::::: ·::.:::
          ..  .::::::·······::::::..          ·:::.·:::;  ·::::::
        ·:::: ·::::·              ··:::..       ·:::.  ·::.··:::·
         ·:::: ·:::.  pHUKKk dA rESt... ··:.....::::::. ·::·
          ·:::: ·:::;                        ····::::·b!d
           ·::·  ···

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯    _ .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                       / \   /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ traders assault ] requezted by [ starlight  ¯¯_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \ ·   ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

          _\                                                       /_
         |            _       [ traders assault ]                    |
  ._____ |  ______     \_________    .   _ _ __ _____   ______       :___ _ _
__|____/_:__\___ /______\______  \ __|____    /_____/_ _\___ /_______\  _______
\____________/_\       /______/___\_______\  /__ _/      /_\       /________  /
  |_______|     \_____/_____\b!d        _ __/  |________/   \_____/  __ _____/
         :       \_               _                   _/             :
   ______:__   ____ _ _   ___ _  _ \_________     .________  _ __  ._:___
  _\______  \__\  ________\  _______\______  \ ___|       /     /__|____/______
 / ______/___\________  /________  /______/___\   |______/_____/_\____________/
/______\ : _ __ _______/ __ ______/_____\    \___ __ _ |__\_______/|_______|
         |           _/                  \_                          :
         |__                                                       __|

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ girlee        ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                .:::::::::::::::::: ··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.
              .:::::::::::::::::::     ·    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::.
              :::::::::::::::::::              :::::::::::::::::::::::::
             :::::::::::::::::::               ·::::::::::::::::::::::::.
            ::::::::::::::::::::.                 :::::::::::::::::::::::
           ::::::::::::::::::::::                  ·:::::::::::::::::::::
          :::::::::::::::::::::::   .               ·::::::::::::::::::::
         ::::::::::::::::::::::::   ::::.          . ::::::::::::::::::::
        .::::::::::::::::::::·::    ·::::::.        .:::::::::::::::::::;
        ::::::::::::::::::::.:·      :::::::.      .::::::::::::::::::::
       ::::::::::::::::::::::        :  ::.·::   .::::::::::::::::::::::
      :::::::::::::::::::::          ·..:::: ··    ·::·:::::::::::::::::
     :::::::::::::::::::::             ····:       .::.:::·:::::::::::::
   .:··:::::::::::::::::::.                        :: ::: ·:::::::::::::.
    ..::::::::::::::::::::: ·..                    ::::::  .::::::::::::::
   :.:::::::::::::::::::::                         :::::::.:::::::::::::::.
 .::::::::::::::::::::::::..                     . ::::::::   :::::::::::·;
 :::::::::::::::::::::::·   · .                  :::::::···  ::::.::.::::·
::::::::::::::::::::::::       :..              .::::::::.   ·::::::::::;
::::::::::::::::::::::::·       ·:              ::::::::::... :·::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::·  · ::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::·                       .::::::::::: :::· :::::::;
:::::::::::::::::::::·                        :::::::::::·.··  ·:::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::                       .:::::::::·  :::  .::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::...                 .:::::::::·     ::::::::::::;
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   ·:::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ·· ···::::::.:::::::::::.:::::::::::::::;
··::::::::::::::::::::::::::·         ··::·. ::.·:::::::::::::::::::::::
   :::::::::::::::::::::::                 :·.:::::::::::::::::::::::::;
    ·:::::::::::::::::::·                      ::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::::::::::::::                     ··:·:::::::::::::::::::::b!d

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ bashguard     ] requezted by [ himself    ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                         |___|                 ._______ _ _
_______.     __          .___.                 |______////             ._______
\      |    /  \ ______  |   | _ __ _____      ._____ ______._______.  |      /
 \   __|___/    \\  __/__| __|______ ___/__.___|    /_\___  |       |__|__   /
  \  \___ /::  ::\______ | \__     / \___  |   |   /  ___/  |  /____| ___/  /
   \_____/:::  :::\______|___|    /________|______/_________|_____|________/
        /__________\      b!d|___/phn
       ______________        .__ _ _
      /______________\       |_////

             ·   .    _        .
             :   :   / \ _____ .   ·
  bAShGUaRd  | __|__/   \\ __/_: __:___.
             | \__ /:: ::\___  | \__   |
  BrINxX yA  |____/::: :::\____:   |   |
  __ ____      ._/___ .____\_. :   :___|
     ___/__.___|    / |  _   |_|__ :phn
     \___  |   |   /  |  /___| __/ |
 _ ________|______/   |___|________|


    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ bastard       ] requezted by [ ...        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

     __________.                 .
     \_________|                 ·     ·
       ________.     _______ __ _:     :       ____              .________
       \       |    /       ______     |__    /    \  ________.  |       /
        \    __|___/     \_____.  \    ._/___/      \/        |__|__    /
         \   \___              |   \   |                /_____| ___/   /
          \______           _______/_______            ____.__________/
             b!d/___________\phn          /____________\         .___
                                         ________________        |__/

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ bastard       ] requezted by [ ...        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                   __  _  ___¡_____________ ____ _  ___   _    __
                             |    .    ·
________.                    ¦    .    : _ _ _________.            .________
\       |                    |    :    |  \\\\________|            |       /
 \    __|_____.  _______.____|__  |   _|_.     _______.____________|__    /
  \   \___    |__\____  |   _:_/__|  .___|_____\____  |       \   ___/   /
   \    |/    |  ____/  |____:_   |  |      /  ____/  |  \_____\  \|    /
  _ _ ________.              ¦                              ._________ _ _
   \\\\_______|b!d           !                              |________////

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ bizarre arts  ] requezted by [ rave       ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                                      .:::.           .::
             ..      .::.          .:::··::       ...:::::
          .:::·    .:·.::         ::::: ::·       ·:::·:::
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    ·:::::··    .:::·:: ··  .:· ..:::  .::::.:::: :::  .::::.
        ·:.  ..:::· .::..:::::: :::::  .:::::·::: ::: .::··::::.
         ·:.::::·   :::··:::·· .::::. .::::: .::: ·· .::::..    .::
        .::::·      ::: .:· ..:::··::::::·:: :::·     ::::::    ·::.
      .:::· ··      · .::::::::··   ···· :::          ::        .:::
     :::·           .::::··              :::          ::  ..:::::·::
      ··..          ··· ..:               ··         .::::::··
   .:: ::::           .::::        ...   .::·        ····
   :::.::::         .::··::   :::.:::::::::::::::::...      ..
   ·::: :::        .::·  ::.  :::::·::··::::········      .::· .:::
    ··     ...   .::·    ·::. :::· :::  ::       ...      ::: .:::
          :::::::::::..   ·:: ::: .::: .::    .:::::::.   ::: ::::
             ··::::::::::::::.·:: ··   ::   .:::·.:::::    ·   ··
              :::       ··:::: ::.    .::  .::· ·::::·
              ··           ·:: :::.   :::  ·::....···
                               ::·    ·:::::.··::::
                                       :::::: .::·
                                     .::::·· .::·
                                    :::·  ..:::·

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ delight       ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                              .::.                               .:: :::.
                            .:::::                        ..     :::: ·:::
                         b!d·::::    ..                   :::     ·::: ·::·
 .::                 ..::::::.:::   ::::             ::.  :::
.::·.::            .:::·   :::::·   :::: .::.        :::..:::.   ..    ....
::·:::  ....      .:::..::::· ::   .:::: :::· ..::::::::··:::·  ::::::::::::
   ··  ::::::. .::::::····    ::..:::···..  .::··:::: ::  ::  ..::::··  ···
        ·:::::::··:::         ·::··   .::: ::·  .:::: ::. ::.:::·:::
         ::: ·:::.·::.   ..::::::::. .::: ::·  ······ ::: ::::·  :::
         :::  .::: :::  :::·· .::::· ::: :::. ·:::::: ::: :::    :::.
      .::::::::::·  ·::.    ..:::·  :::: :::::::::::: ·:: :::    ::::
      ·::::····      ·:::::::··     :::·  ··· ::::::::    ·:·    ·:·
                       ····          ··      :::::::::

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ dragon team   ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

        .        .     |·         |  __________
        |        :     |          | |·         |      ...........  _ ________.
_ _ ____|________|_ ___|________ _|_|______. __|_____:__  _ _____:__         |
        _       /|   _         /           |    _____:_/____     :_ \        |
        |______/ |   \________/|_______/|  |    \_   :      |    : \ \_      |
 __ _____________| __ ______| _____________| _ ___\  :      |    :  \________|
.________________._ ___|_______ __|_|______. __|__ \_:______| ___:_____|b!d
|                |   __       /            |    _ \  ·...........·
|__________/     |  /________/|________/|  |     \ \/ _
     |           | _ ______________________|______\  /________  ____ _  _ _
     |           :     |          | |          |   \/
     :           .     |          | |  dRagOn  |
                       |__________| |   tEam   |

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ illusion      ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

     _ _:____________________________________________________________:_ __
  ______|__________.                            ________________ _ _ |
  \________________|        .___________.       \______________////  |
   \               |______. |     ._____|________ _____________      |
    \______________|._____|_|_____|             /_\           /      |
        | b!d|      |            /_____________/   \         /_______|___
        |    |__________________/         \_________________/_\   ______/__
        ¦    ._________________ _ _             ________|____________     /
        |    |________________////              \_______|________________/
        |                                        \               |___!___
        !                                         \______________|____   \
        |                                .______________/           _/    \
        |                                |________     /___________________\
        |                                |_______/             |     |
        |                                       /______________|     |
        |                                  _ _ ________________.     ¦
        ¡                                  ////________________|     |
   __ __|____________________________________________________________|___ _
        :                                                            ·

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ illusion      ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯
     :       ·
_ ___|______ :  .        :
__ ________/ |  :        |     _______________ _ _
           __|__|____    |     \_____________////
 _ ___ _  |         /  __|______ ___________
     |___________ _   |        /_\         /_______
                |___________ _    \       /  _____/____
  [ iLlUSioN ]             |______________________    /_________
                                              \              /________
                                               \________________     /
                                                 b!d\         _/    /
                                                     \_____________ \______ _
                                                           \       \ \
                                                            \_______\ \_
                                                                     \____ __

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ no carrier    ] requezted by [ flex       ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

      ._________   ._________
._____|        / __|  ______/___ _______.________.____........._______________.
|  _  \   .···/--\···.l        /_\___  ·|  _   · | _  :..|..|.:  __   / _     |
|   \  \  :  / -- \  :       ·/   __/ : |  \__:__| \__:__|  | : /____/_ \__.__|
l____\  \_·./______\.·___   ·/________:_|_____l_______:.....l.:_____._/____|
 - --÷\____/÷--------÷l_____/÷----------------b!d^phn----------------------- -

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ rave          ] requezted by [ himself    ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                               \                  /
           -  --- --  ----^-phn-\··········· ·· ·/----- -- ------.
         .______.---------. _____\.....    ...../_________.      |
         |      .      ...|_\_____\    :  :    /______    |      !
         |      l_____:___|    __/ \   :  :   / \_________|__.   ¦
         l_________|  l_____________\..·  ·../_______________|   :
                                     \      /                    ¡
            -  - --  ---  -·--- ---  -\· ··/----.---------^--b!d-'
                                       \  /

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ smurf         ] requezted by [ alpha1     ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

       ·                                                              .
  __ __:______________________________________________________________._ _
 _ _ __|__________                     _ _ __________________________ |
 ////____________/                      \\\\________________________/ |
   ____¦________  -[ sMurF prOdUcTioNz ]-    _______________________  ¡
  /  __________/_____     __________   ______\________             /__|________
__\______________   /_   / _       /___\            /  |__________/  _________/
\               /  /_ \_/ /       /     \          /_________|         ____/
 \________________/  \___/       /________________/       \______________|
       |     \         |________/                       _ _ __________|__.
       ¦      \________|b!d                              \\\\____________|
       |    _ _ _______.                                              |
       |     \\\\______|                                              !
_  _ __|______________________________________________________________|__ _
       :                                                              ·
       .                                                              :

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ smurf         ] requezted by [ alpha1     ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

             .::::::::.          +-[ sMurF ]-+             .::::::.
             :::·::::::                                   .::::::::
            :::·.::::::           .:::.                  .::::::::::
            ::: :::::::           ::::;    .:::         .::::·::::::
            ·::. ·····           .::::     :::::        ::::  :::::::
           ..·::::::::..         ::::;     :::::       :::::  :::::::
          .::::.   ·:::::        ::::      ::::;     ..::::    :::::;
         .:::::::.  ::::::.:::::.::::      ::::   .::::::::...  ····
        .:::::::::: :::::::::::::::::.    ::::: .::::::::::::::::...
       .:::::::::·  ::::::·:::::::::::.   ::::::::· ::::::::::::::::;
       ::::::::·    :::::· :::::::::::;..:::::::·  .::::::::  ··:::·
       :::::::::...:::::;  ::::: ::::::::::::::·  .::::::::::
       ·::::::::::::::::   ::::: ::::::::::::::  .:::::::;::::
          ······   :::::  ::::: .::::;b!d  ::::  :::::::::::::.
                   ::::;  ::::· :::::      ::::: ··::::· ::::::
                  :::::  .:::: .::::;       :::::         ::::::
                 .::::; .::::;.:::::        :::::         ·::::;
                 ·:::;  ·:::: ·::::·        ::::;          ·::·

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ rave          ] requezted by [ himself    ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

     _ ___ __________   _____________         ____________________________
         _           | /             |________\            __________    /
         /___________|/___________|  :         \          /_____________/
    _ __ _______________________________________________________ __ _ __b!d_

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ smurf         ] requezted by [ alpha1     ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                                     ·     :
           .______   ___   ___       :     | ._______     .________
           |  ___/_._\  \_/  /_._____|     |_|___  _/_ .__| ______/
        .__|_____  |  \_____/  |     |     |    \_    \|    ___|
        |       /  |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
        |      ____|     |_____|     ______|     |_____|     |
        |_____/    |     |     |_____|b!d  |_____|     :     |
                   |     :                             .     :
                   :     ·     ··[ SmURf ]··           ·     .

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ trsi          ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                 .:: ..               .:::··::  ....
                :::·.:::             .:::  .:: ::··::
                ··  ::· ...:::.....  :::  :::: ·:::· ..
                     .:::··::······ :::   ·:·      .::: .::
                     ···   :: ::.::::::.:::.  .:: :::· :::·
                          ::·::::·:::::· ·::. :::
                          :: :::  .::     ::: :::      ....
                         .:: ::  :::·..  .:::.::·   .:::::::.
                         ::: ::  ··.::· .::·.:::   .::··:::::
                     ...  ·· ::.  :::· .::·.:::·  ::· .::::::
                   .::::::..::::: ·:::::·  :::· .::· ·:::::·
                 .:::·b!d··:::::..  ···       .::·.:::::.
                ::::·         ··::::..      .::· :::..::·
                ·:::               ·:::::..:::·   ····
                  ··                  ··::::·

    __       _            ___:_ :____.   _____ __. .__                    __
----\_/------\/-b!d---÷]  \_/l_,| /\_l,  \_,\ '\_l,l_/ [÷------/\--------/  \---
      ___                       _/                 |            ¯  _   .  ¯¯¯
  ·   \__/  _                                                     / \     /\  _
     __     \/  ] logo [ flying dragon ] requezted by [ no1        ¯¯ ·_   ¯ / \
.    \_/  _   ·                                                   .   / \     ¯¯
 _      . \/   :____.  __:_ __. __ __:   ___.__:__  __ ___ __. :       ¯¯   __ ·
-\/--------÷] _l_/\_l,_) l_,\_l,\ '\_l_  \_/l_/| /  \ '\_/,\_l,l_, [÷------/  \-
                                            |  _/                           ¯¯¯

                       |·    .      |:  ____________
           _  _ _____. |     :      :| |·           |
 _ ______________    |_|_____|      .| |            |__ _______.
     _          /    |       |       |_|___  _._____|_         |__________
     |_________/_____|_________   ___|     \/ |     _ \        :  _______/__ __
        ___|    \          |       |          |      \ \_      .  \_
         | _ ______________| _ ____| _ _______|       \_____________\
         :        .    |            |  |      | ________.|........ __\___ _  _
 _ ______|________: _ _|_________ __|__|____. _ ____|__:__ _ _____:__
         _       /|   _         /           |     _____:_/____.   :_ \
         |______/ |   \________/|_______/|  |     \_   :      |   : \ \_
_ __ _____________| _ _______| _____________|_ _____\  :      |   :  \_______ _
                       |            |  |            |\_:______| __:_____|b!d
                       |            |  |   fLYinG   |  ·..........·
                       |____________|  |   dRagOn   |

          ] hochvereehrte massen.....lasset euch noch das sagen..... [

          :   _ _ __           _________
      ____|____    /_______  __\_______/  _ _
     /_________\  /_\___  /  /____ _/       /
             _ __/______\/__/====|_________/    ] die definition von fett [
     :   _ _ ___________      ____________                  _  _ __
 ____|____    /\_______/  _ __\__________/______  _ ____          /_______  _
/_________\  /____ _/       /      ___/ _\___  /  /     \        /_\___  /  /
        _ __/====|_________/________| _ _____\/__/______\\      /______\/__/
                           ._____                        \_____/b!d      _  _ __
                         __|____/_______ _______  _          _ _ ____          /
                         \_____________/_\___  /  /    __      /     \        /
                           |________| _ _____\/__/____________/______\\      /
                   __________                     _  _ __             \_____/
              _____\___     /         _ _ ____          /
              \       /    /    __      /     \        /
               \_   _ ____/____________/______\\      /
                                               \_____/             _ __ __
      ____________________       ._____        ._____        _           /__ __
 _____\__________/_______/   _ __|____/________|____/_______ \__________/     /
 \         ___/______ _/       /_____________/_____________/   ________ _____/
  \_________|=======|_________/==|________|====|________|      \______/_____
     ] .....danke, ich werd' versuchen euch jetzt näher zu bringen,
                     was es heißt fett zu sein und auch noch fett zu klingen.
               man kann sagen ich bin ein riesengrosses fettmolekül und fett
         ist für mich mein lebensgefühl. du bleibst, was du bist, du wirst nur
                 dick, wenn du frißt, besonders, wenn du fett in kalorien
       abmißt. bist du fett, bist du ein blickfang - mann ist der dick, mann -
               und du fragst dich sicherlich "wo ist denn da der trick dran?"
            paß auf, ich gehe jetzt ins detail, denn fett zu sein als style,
               sag fett und nicht geil. wenn du fett bist, kannst du auch
         über dich selbst lachen, tritts immer ins fettnäpfchen, machst
                     ständig pralle sachen. manche sagen "du bist so blöd,
                           du schwimmst sogar auf milch!". ich nenn' es
                einfach fett, nenn' du es, wie du willst, denn fett zu sein,
                   das ist dein ziel, ich bin drin um zu gewinnen, das ist
                     mein spiel. fett abzuderben is mein reimstil und ich
          höre niemals auf, weil mir nichts einfiel. ich bin fett, so fett,
             richtig, richtig fett. und ich würde damit aufhör'n, wenn ich
                keinen spaß daran hätt. das ist die definition von fett.... [

] finally...da greetz, respectz and stuph.......
               ...pleez do me sum bastard and real logoz...thx...and cu   b!d [

       _____      _______  _____   _____   ._____.  _____
      /  __/_____/       \ ____/___ ___/____|    |_/ ___/___
     /   \____   \   \____\  ______|  ______|    _/________ \
    /_____________\____\t^________\ ______\ _____|__  `---'  \  gREETS aND
                                                   /__________\        rESPECT
        ______  _____     _____    _______  _____     _____   ._____.
      /  _    \_\ __/_____\ __/___/  ____ \_\ __/_____\ __/___|     |_ _ _
     /   \_____\  ______|________ \  \_____\  ______|   \     \     _/////
    /______\  ________\ __  `---'  \___\ /_________\ __________\____|
  ] bastard rezpectz da following azk¹¹ artiztz [            :::::::: ·:·:::
                                                             :::: ::    . :::
                    ] hope that you r not missing.... [      :::: :       :::
                                                             ::::.:   · ..::;
          ] keep azk¹¹ paintin' all day long matez...!.!! [  ::.::;  . ·::::
                ....                                         ::::: .:·: :::;
            ..::::::::.                                      ::: : :  ::::;
          .:::·.... ·:::                                     ::::::;   :::
        .:::..:··· ::.::.                                   .::::.: :eLViS zd!
       ::: .:·        :::.                               .::::.:·::   .:: tsar1
     .:::.:·    .:::. ·:::                  ....        .::·::: :::  .::;   dNSs
     ::: ·    .:::·:::.:::                 :::::::.     :·   ·:: ::.::::  $LAß
    :::      ::· ·:. ::::b!d              ::· ··::::::::: ·:..::. ::·::;cASe
   .::      ::     ·:.:::.                ::  .:::::::·::  ::::::: :.:;  -mNt
   ::::.   ::        ::·::.               ::  ::·   ....:  :::::::.::;     cOLa
  .:: ::. ::          ·:.·::.             ::  :..::::·· :: .:::::::::   jD! -TRE
  ::::::: ::            ::·:::.       ..::::  ::·       ·:.:.:::: ::;  ·hJ· cC!
  :::::::::.              :.·::::::::::::·::  ::         :::::::  ::  evr! GoTE
  ::::::.::::              ·: ·:::::::·  .::: ::          :::::::.::   hKWd h20
  :::::: ::::::              ·:.      .::· ::  ::          :::::··::     mRV Mb!
  ::::::.::::::                ·::::::·     ·  ::      : :.:::::::::   tbM aNf
  ::::::.::::::.                             ·. ::   .:::::: ::::::·   ck! sYz
  :::::::::::.:: .                           ::. ::.::: ·::: ::::·      ppx Psy
  :: :::::::::::::.                          ·::. :::.: ::::::.       rS! CRb
  :: ::::::::::::::                           :::: ::::::::·:::    ÷e÷ oEp dZG
  ::::::::::::::·::.  .                        :::: ::::::: ::::     NL PAF dNo
  ·:: :::::::::::::::.:                         ::::.::::::::·::    Sk!n eXC xCz
   ::.:::::::::::::.:::.:                      .:::::.:::: ::.:::    fRm hF! HrP
   ·::·:::::·:::::::: :::: :                 .::::::::: :::::::::     bHe xOr
    ::::::::::.:::::::::::::. .           . ::::::::::::. ·:::::::  Rpd! dto skZ
    ·::.·::::::: :::::::::·::::.    .  .::::::::::::::::::::::·:::   tpr sYK gEm
     :::.. .:::::. ::::::::.:::::::.:..:::::::.::::: :::::::·::::;  st! bHm sTZ
      ·:::::::··::::::::::::::.:·:::::::::::::::::·::::·::::::::·    bvs c2! mO!
         ···     ·:::..::::::::::::..::.:::::::::..::·    ····        sLa jN! 7M
                   ·:::: ·:::::::::::::::::::::·.:::·             MC s% e! p! t^
                     ·::::.·:::::::::::::::::·.::::·           Z! ð Sn cp m! tS
                       ·::::..·:::::::::::· .::::·       2F sc nK cD iM gZ! wB!
                          ·:::::..:···· ..:::::·      mtl vol HTW cla dA! rst
                            ·:::::::::::::::·          cDr yop 2o! ·S· pSh sLw
  ] fazt greetz must go to..    ··:::::··          kRm zS! fTL tGø ZMb pay
                                             cL! pSS g®m uMn aDk rAt Rip! d!
     saxon        picard             cNb ZaCK ApC ©Mt c0! cG! stIx! h20 vC! rN!
 alpha1     bashguard            mSW rBL! dDay Prd! rAPe RaY fCKW czar ·rS· -gD!
        flex      plasma           trm V-c! nUp! sAL1 sKiN -bIS! tG° RandY cRL
    antibrain    storm   apollo      [km] rX fNk! jA! WACKO [m!] ©Mt ¶£§ mSs -cR
high-speed    imperator   warkwind              st^ .ma [wBr] cL!lzd (GEN) GoDF!
                                                  [pnk!] orl 911 ©ron dAZE! hp!
  and of coz to all otha friendz in da scene... [    lo! t^ vnz -M- nB! ex! sCf
                                                           splat kA! mAd! RcL
                                                            sNUFFY ^rave^ ab

                    ] that'z it....deadline caught me..;) [

                             Thu Nov 23 18:01:56 1995

                                 __  ._   __
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      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
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        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATiC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·diSCiPLES oF aGEEMA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN    \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
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 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·